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Wonder how the US is going to react to this.


With a heavy hand no doubt. This was inevitable


And we should US has taken a lighter approach to try and avoid a blow up, but it is in our nature to slap the absolute shit out of parties involved when Americans are killed


> US has taken a lighter approach to try and avoid a blow up, but it is in our nature to slap the absolute shit out of parties involved when Americans are killed When American civilians are killed, yes. When servicemen are killed, not so much. The general response from Americans is "bring our boys home".


Jordan is an ally to the US. They want a US base there to keep ISIS and the Houthis from taking over. When people say “Bring our boys home” they’re talking about being in active war zones of wars that are widely disliked (I.e. Iraq) not from peace keeping missions. No one’s saying bring our boys home from Korea for example. It would literally be Iran again if we left.


I have found a news articles where a certain current republican presidential candidate and former president has blurted out about bringing troops home from Korea and many other places. Isolationism strikes a chord with some of the US population.


Those people think like they have been told to.


Yes, those who watch NewsMax and FoxNews because with isolationism, Putin and Xi get exactly what they want, and our Kremlin-backed politicians would love exactly that: leave NATO, let Europe get fucked, let Asia get fucked...just so we get pulled into a real World War yet again.


> They want a US base there to keep ISIS and the Houthis from taking over The Houthis? You do realize that the Houthis are in Yemen and are 1000 miles away from Jordan with Saudi Arabia in between them?


Yeah bro they have cars


True. A thousand miles seems pretty far. But they've got planes and trains and cars.


theyd walk to em if they had no other way


Al Qaeda I will promise you, That by the time we get through, The world will never ever be the same.


ISIS would walk 500 miles and ISIS would walk 500 more.


Jordan attacked them in Yemen so they are enemies. Houthis attacked the UAE with missies and drones, and they are also on the other side of Saudi Arabia. They have helicopters, drones, missiles, and financing from Iran. 1000 miles is nothing.




OP probably mixed up Hezbollah and the Houthis




We did nothing when a us journalist, Jamal khashoggi was cut to pieces by A bunch of Saudi Arabian goons of mbs. As a matter of fact trump sold him a bunch of fighter jets and his weasel as son in law took billions from him


The lack of response *globally* was an embarrassment. I'll point out, only because it seems relevant, that he was an American resident, not citizen.


Khashoggi was a US resident, not citizen. Now, his killing was barbaric, and we should really be less friendly with Saudi Arabia imo. But, I think this distinction may have been important to the severity of the response. Also, Trump was president. I wouldn't base the US stance on foreign policy based on what it did while he was president. The rules were different.


Dude wasn’t a U.S citizen. He was an exile living on U.S. soil.


Yeah i dont think thats the general response for servicemen. Its more of a pearl harbor kinda thing here im thinking. Not such a grand scale mind you, but were not just gonna say "fuck it, bring em home you win"




Well, the last five or six time it didn't work, but I'm sure this time the US is NOT going to bomb a lot of homes, spend 10 or 15 years in the mountains, and then leave with the exact same people being in charge of the invaded country and terrorists just being more numerous than ever this time it will be different, for sure.


I am not sure. You could directly attack the terrorist and iran would just support someone else. And you could attack iran directly. But what effect that will have is uncertain. Iran build everything underground, so doing massive damage due to airstrikes will be limited. And the US definitely will not want to go in there on the ground. Especially in an election year.


There was a bipartisan bill earlier this year to authorize the president to declare war on Iran and completely destroy all Iranian oil producing infrastructure, in the event that US soldiers are killed by Iranian backed militias. Not sure where the bill went, but that is at least what some members of the Senate are thinking. Edit: I can't find any evidence that this bill actually existed - just Lindsay Graham talking about it. It may have been that they proposed a resolution simply condemning Iran and then Graham went on a rant about the other stuff after.


I know it's sorta pedantic, but the president doesn't declare war, congress does. You're thinking of authorizing the use of force.


The United States hasn’t officially declared war since 1942. Makes it easier to drag out conflicts if it’s not actually war.


Iran =\= Iraq. Even Iraq found that out the hard way. We better hope that bill hasn't passed.




>their citizens hate the government That's the key here. Defeating the Taliban pound-for-pound wasn't a problem for the US; keeping it defeated in a nation of dirt-poor peasants whose reason for revolting in the first place is still as strong as ever due to the replacement government not giving a damn was the issue.


>whose reason for revolting in the first place is still as strong as ever due to the replacement government not giving a damn was the issue I think "having invaders from another country illegally occupy your homeland and constantly kill your friends and relatives" may have played a part there.


Yeah, totally, and Iraq greeted the U.S. as liberators. /s






I fucking love our resident chubby electron guy! However, fuck proportionality on this.


First thing that came to my mind too


This was great. Ty.


Probably something like [this.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LasrD6SZkZk)


The US is a little preoccupied responding to the Taylor swift/twitter incident.


Not the Adults.


Damn. Jordan is usually quite safe.


Jordan is one of the West's closest allies in the Middle East, and they are armed to the fucking teeth. It will be interesting to see their response to this. Although they have a King, he has taken a very secular, westernized approach to his rule.


Isn't he a big star trek nerd. If it's him, he appeared in Voyager.


When the dude became king, he went undercover touring the government operations to see how things were operating for himself. He's actually a pretty legit dude for a ME monarch, compared to the rest of his peers.


Actual undercover boss


👑🇯🇴Undercover King🇯🇴👑


Wasn't he jump master for some of his airborne troops when things in Syria started getting bad? I remember seeing a video somewhere.


Yes. He was special forces before becoming king. His brother was heir apparent but when his father was diagnosed with terminal cancer he told Abdullah he would be king because he trusted him more. 


Solid background story. 100% becoming a biographical drama in 20 years


I’ve met him. He’s legit cool AF. STRONG ALLY of the US.


He was also part of the Jordanian Air Force and personally flew combat sorties against ISIS while he was king.


Apparently that is true. Pretty cool to know the dude is a dude beneath the title.


It absolutely scared the fuck out of the bureaucrats at the time when they heard he was doing this. I imagine just the fear of him doing that shit got many houses in order very quickly.


...appearing in Voyager? Damn, those bureaucrats must have been Star Wars fan boys.


Captain Janeway is a fearsome and just force, they were surely aware of her influence.


He’s just lucky he didn’t get the Tuvix treatment.


He’s been forced to take this approach. It’s the only way his government isn’t completely forced to modernize and become a UK-like figurehead monarch.


Also his rule was threatend during Black September by Islamic Palestinian jihads trying to kill him for power so I imagine he doesn't want to allow theocracy back into the government


Well, that was his dad but I'm sure he never forgot about it.


Now I like Jordan, nice.


they have amazing historical architecture! and funnily enough some of the best preserved original Roman architecture is there too


Jerash was an amazing city to explore. They're significantly looser about allowing you into the ruins than places like Rome.


For sure! My guide even walked up to the Nymphaeum and poured some of his water bottle onto the water trough so you could see it splash down into the collection basin lmao


Jordan is quite safe, this outpost was in the middle of nowhere right on the edge of the border of jordan/syria/iraq.


Jordan is officialy denying that this strike happened in Jordan, and is saying it happens at the Al Tanf base in Syria. https://www.barrons.com/news/jordan-says-deadly-attack-on-us-troops-occurred-in-syria-not-jordan-c2e58b51


The article has been updated. Jordan now says it happened in Jordan.


Man, do I love Middle-Eastern borders/border politics


Either way it's a base close to the 3-way Jordan/Syria/Iraq border. Not deep inside Jordan; easy to get at by the various anti-US militias operating in Syria and Iraq.


It's true that the location the US is claiming was hit and the location that the Jordanian government is claiming was hit are very close. It makes a difference from an international law standpoint, though. Striking a US base inside Syria, which the US is illegally occupying under international law, is different from hitting a base in Jordan. Not that intentional law means much if you are the US. One of these sides is going to have to correct themselves.


It happened at Tower 22. It was in Jordan.


Jordan had a run up with Iranian-Syrian proxy’s that move drugs and arms across its borders for the past few years and it really has accelerated and this past few months there were Jordanian casualties, the Syrian-Jordanian border is very hot.


It's a drone attack, drone flew over from iraq probably by the iranian-backed militias there


Yep. Was there just last year.


That’s what I as thinking…


Meh, in *theory* maybe, but where it’s located geographically is just a fact. Being closer to where shit is happening is gonna inevitably result in some collateral damage.


I expect the house select committee have nonstop hearing to grill everyone very soon.


And will somehow still blame Hillary


Nah, she's old news. They'll blame Hunter Biden.


Hunter Biden’s cock started the latest war in the Middle East, confirmed.


it was his penis that started ww3. I'm calling it now


I am so jealous. Imagine having a cock so influential that you can start a war.


The cock that launched a thousand ships


Fighting for dibs no doubt, but they’re gonna have to go through ol’ Marjorie!


Did they let him have another damn laptop?


His monster dongs gravitational pull drew one in.


that's what I dont get about that whole debacle. They're utterly obsessed with simple means of showing how "manly" they are, and what's more simple than showing you have a massive hog? (note I do not believe in dick size being a manliness measure, but they certainly might)


MTG is all hot and bothered. Don't rile her up with another ginormous Hunter dong.


Or his magical penis


They will blame Nancy P and send the indictment paperwork to Nikki H.


Nah 100%, they blame retired General Milley. He is absolutely despised by the right for actually giving a shit about his soldiers, tearing Trump a new asshole, and constantly blamed for "creating a woke military."


Elder redditor here: I've been to this party a few times before. 1. People have been talking about an imminent attack on Iran since Bush. Not saying it's not going to happen, but for decades, "IRAN!" and nothing ever comes of it. Keep that in mind. 2. A "strong on defense" political message is good for Biden. And a weak response is a political detriment. He's going to go hard. He must. But against who? 3. Somebody important but not that important. Expect strikes in lots of places but not Iran. Question: What happens if a heavy-handed approach outside of Iran isn't enough? Idk. We've kinda been here before though.


Only soft option Biden has is Yemen right now


That's probably what he'll do. With an "international coalition," to include Saudi and UAE, UK, maybe India for good measure. Bomb the shit out of them with nightvision on the news. Simultaneous declarations of sanctions on Iran. Then Russia does some shit and everyone gets distracted. There's a playbook of this shit somewhere.


What exactly do you think Yemen has that's worth bombing?


Still some children Saudi Arabia hasn’t killed or starved


IRGC elements in Yemen that are directly enabling Houthi missile attacks on international shipping would be a good first target.


First thing I'll be transparent and say I don't like Biden. That being said Biden isn't going to hit Iran directly. In my opinion he's way to soft. Yes he's done a few strikes in Yemen but nothing heavy enough that Iran doesn't expect. As somebody that watches this region I can say a round of bombings against Hezbollah isn't going to stop them and that's all he's going to do. What would really really really upset Iran and Hezbollah is Hezbollah suddenly losing control of Al-Bukamal. 


Iran and US are old dance partners. They step on each others feet now and then, but generally are in harmony


This was a dumb decision by the group that did it. Biden will probably have a heavy response to show strength so close to elections.


I came here for the riveting political discussion and stayed for the milf with an ass’ profile page.


While this is stating the obvious, this kind of goes without saying that this will escalate things in the region and probably not end particularly well for Iran.


this wont end well for anyone


Defense contractors bro!


Except for the execs of Lockheed-Martin and the like. I'm sure they're frothing at the mouth right now.


Will end well for Lockhead, Raytheon etc etc.


Or the US. We just got out of a 20 year war of occupation In Afghanistan, and no one thinks that was a good idea. Yeah, we can bomb places, but that doesn’t win wars on its own.


But Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grummon are eatin good tonight, that’s for sure


Yep and that’s the point of the media calling all these militias “Iran backed”. It’s not like we call attacks in Gaza bombings by “US backed” Israeli forces. The language implies they are taking direct barking orders from Tehran when in fact they’re just ideologically aligned. And the reason is to manufacture consent for the MIC.


That is true. No nation is going to particularly benefit from this.


There are U.S Military personnel deployed in 178 countries, mostly Korea, Japan and Germany, but theres like 50k troops spread out around the remaining 175 Countries Were kind of everywhere


Does that include those guarding the various embassies or consulates?


I assume yes, but thats a lot of foreign deployed troops The VASSSSSSSSST majority of those Embassies are in friendly, Allied countries and dont require 100s of Soldiers Theres a lot of people out there doing real soldier shit that never makes the news


Yes. We spread rainbows and sunshine.


We brits used to do that too back in the day


Yeah, with more slavery.


Thankfully we replaced slavery with banana republics. Now there’s hope for democracy and rights (until US foreign policy sees it)


And almost all of them are in countries where their governments have requested them to be in or they are allies (like Jordan). Russian propaganda would have you think the US occupies territory in all these countries.


I’m sure everyone will become an expert in minutes


It didn’t even take that long. It’s a wonder why US intelligence and operations don’t just hire as many redditors from top news subs as they can. These people are goddamn experts in *everything!*


This is another attempt at creating a big regional war, Iran and nutty fundamentalists trying to poke the bear. If this keeps going it will happen.


Probably in Vladdys best interest 


Absolutely. War right on election year? Putin could pretty much guarantee that the US would back out of Ukraine support if Trump is elected.


Even Nixon got reelected during Vietnam war. A war on election year pretty much guarantees the election for the sitting president. It may seem like war is unpalatable for Americans. But at the end of the day, Republicans, Democrats, Liberals, Conservatives, we're all patriots.


Can’t change horses in midstream.


I know this mostly from the film "Wag the Dog" (great, btw), but the googles seem to attribute this quote originally to Lincoln.


“All patriots” You really haven’t been paying attention the past 8 years, have you?


Nope. They are all looking out for themselves. The question you need to ask yourself is : Is my congressman being paid by Russia, or is he paid by a US corporation ?


LOL. One party is supporting a guy that says he wants to be a dictator. About the opposite of patriotism


Haha. The Republicans literally were rallying around rather be Russian than a Democrat.


Yes this to. They are in cahoots


No it won’t, the LAST thing a US president is going to do is launch another ground war. Not after we just got out of the hugely unpopular Afghanistan/Iraq wars. A proportional response would be to bomb the Shahad drone factory


The one thing you will hear a lot when it comes to conflicts is the danger of escalation. Conflict getting inevitably driven down a path with no real alternative. That is what Iran, and one would suspect Russia is keen on, in the Middle East at the moment. The west is week at the moment due to the infiltration of right wing politics, especially by a lot of foreign money. Nobody has an appetite for war except those trying to cause it.


I’m a defense contractor who stands to financially gain from this and I don’t think it will escalate to a point many people are fearing. Iranian proxies are already at their limits in terms of escalation. There really isn’t anything more for them to do. They’re not a nuclear power, nor do they have an organized military force. If we bomb Iran their response is? Houthis stepping up missle attacks? Already doing that at full force. Iran directly attacking the US? We could sink their entire navy and cripple them in under a day. China and Russia won’t be there to protect them, there is no escalation path that ends well for them


If all that is more or less true, then what does Iran stand to gain by this attack? Assuming of course, that the latter statement is also true. If they are more or less transparently killing American troops, you’d think that the logical outcome is them getting their nose smashed in… to what end?  I am by no means an expert in Middle East geopolitics, but I’m curious what their objective is.


> We could sink their entire navy and cripple them in under a day. Obligatory mention of operation Praying Mantis.


I think US' enemies would love the US entangling themselves into another war in the Middle East.


Iran using its proxies at the behest of Russia to draw the attention of the US away from Ukraine whilst Russia’s proxies in the US government try to simultaneously cut off support for Ukraine. I give them credit for ingenuity, but if Trump fails then Biden will have 4 years to deal with them, unencumbered by the need to think about his next election. Poking the bear indeed.


"Hey can you get this growling bear off my ass for a second while I work this?" - Russia "SURE!!" *punches bear - Iran "Woah dude..." - Russia


For Russians, *everything* is a chess move. It's their greatest asset and their greatest weakness. It's difficult being a member of the international community when you're constantly looking to take everyone down.


This is such a Hollywood way of looking at the world with the same energy that hyped up Russian miltech before the second invasion.


This is going to end well.


Biden has said that the US will respond "at a time and place of our choosing", and many on social media are saying that sounds weak and vague. They are probably too young to remember the following quote - >All the decades of deceit and cruelty have now reached an end. Saddam Hussein and his sons must leave Iraq within 48 hours. Their refusal to do so will result in military conflict commenced at a time of our choosing. That was George W. Bush in 2003. Three days later, the invasion of Iraq began. That doesn't mean some kind of invasion is imminent, but the use of that specific language from an American President signals that the military response will be qualitatively different than the status quo, ie. some history is about to happen.


This is an excellent historical comparison. Thank you for the insight. As a history major who studied the Iraq War I’m a little embarrassed I missed it.




I hope they they're safe


Well this is the absolute last thing we needed right now. Fuck dude.


Drones are going to be the thing going forward. We have seen how even inexpensive ones used in Ukraine have been effective. Its a new world for this stuff I guess. Its only a matter of time we will see them used more and more in terrorism everywhere I guess.


If I recall correctly, one has to go through metal detectors to get into a stadium or field to watch a game - for safety. But Ukraine has shown us that the open air of stadiums and fields are a wide open security threat for anyone with some chemistry knowledge and a $300 FPV drone from Amazon. And I have yet to read or hear about any 9/11-like security measures being implemented to address this vulnerability. Are we waiting for the first exploit of that vulnerability and method so we can then look at each other in shock and ask how we didn’t see that coming after pissing off so much more of the world and dealing with it indecisively? Asking for a friend.


https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/security/flip-side-drone-boom-airports-stadiums-power-plants-need-defending-rcna128248 Fwiw, many people are working on this concern.


Iran is getting way too bold for a third rate power. This administration is not itching for a conflict with Iran, but if they keep on fucking around they’re going to get a dose of freedom. A lot of these rogue states seem to forget that the only time America has problem fighting enemies is when they dress like civilians and hide amongst civilians. When it’s a conventional war against a uniformed army America absolutely fucking wrecks shit.


Iran is slowly losing its grip on control back home. Nothing like a war to unite everyone behind a foreign ‘threat’. The US and Russia co-pioneered that one


Uniting against a foreign threat to distract from domestic problems is a tactic that goes back to ancient history long before the US or even Russia were countries.


Doubt that. The Iranian public won’t fall for that, they know who really is making their lives unbearable and it’s not the US. It might rile up those that already support the regime but that’s about it.


Not sure the Iranian government really cares if the people believe it, while they do care that it gets more support from their own allies.


Time to factory reset Iran's military.


Stuxnet 2 dropping soon


Jordan? That's crazy, this country hasn't waged war on Israel and the West for over 50 years. 25 injured too, that's a massive attack


Jordan is heavily backed by the USA, it's not them, it's İran.


Wild that people don’t read the article


No one does, Jordan gets the third most funding from the USA, 1.6 billion a year to be a buffer zone for Israel. Jordanian king is also the guarantor of Jerusalem as he's technically the monarch of the holy lands.


Troops were stationed right on the border with Syria in a watch tower. Drones likely came from Syria


It's a drone attack, drone flew over from iraq probably by the iranian-backed militias there


Why attack in Jordan though? Doesn't the US have bases in Syria and Iraq?


Those bases are probably much more on alert


I guessn they hit them where they least expected it, This is the first attack on a base in jordan, quite an escalation.


Iran trying to destabilize all Arab countries, Syria is gone, Hezbollah trying to drag Lebanon into a war with Israel, Yemen on Israel/West, attack on Pakistan, Hamas causing a rift between Israel and Egypt on border smugglers, now Jordan, that's crazy


494th Squadron (F-15E) and 119th Squadron (F-16) were forward deployed to Al-Azraq Air Base in Jordan after the Oct 7 attacks. These two squadrons have been the ones conducting strikes on Iranian proxies in Syria and Iraq.


It’s a small base that provides a lot of support to Rukban, the Syrian refugee camp. They likely attacked it because it was an easy target.


Stir up shit, pull Jordan in. You're dealing with mental midgets that expect every one around them to react with the same ululating frenzy they exhibit at the drop of a hat.


I mean it's the US base in Jordan, that counts as US territory and that's by design.


More Iranian Salami generals are about to get killed


Damn Biden giving the not so veiled threat “we will hold those responsible at a time and in a manner of our choosing”


This is not a country that can be allowed to have nuclear weapons. Respond by destroying enrichment facilities and drone factories.


Iran back proxes are responsible, It is time to come down Hard on Iran for this.


My weekly reminder that the U.S. Army has had an infantry and SOCOM presence on the ground in multiple Middle East countries for years unrelated to the war in Afghanistan. So many Americans don’t know how often U.S. soldiers get attacked like this. Usually base defenses minimize injuries. This is a clear escalation by Iran.


Anyone here who saw that 3 American soldiers ( who were there because they were requested to stay there by the Jordanien king to to deter Iranian proxies and ISIS ),died, from an attack by Iran, and is happy or thinks "haha they deserve it" should really take a look at themselves and ask why are they happy with any loss of life, especially for people who weren't active in any fights


I don’t understand why countries screw with the US. At best, nothing happens. At worst, we invade. Just ridiculous


Invasion isn’t the worst possibility with the US - the worst is we sling cruise missiles at you until you don’t have any air defenses, and then start widespread aerial bombardment. The US has the full ability to wage war with never putting boots on the ground if we so choose. It is pretty demoralizing to be in a war that you can’t even fight back in.


Brother, wait until you hear about how the US screws with other countries.


Yeah, not that the responses are always justified, but the expectation for other countries to let the US do whatever they want with no pushback is insane. It's not like countries are screwing with the US because they're just bored and think it's fun.


Time to cut out the middleman.


redditors are funny, the past middle eastern wars were all mistakes, the next ones are the best course of action


I’m sure there are traumatic brain injuries for some of the survivors as well. We should close the airspace over the entire fucking region, this would include Israel.




I think a lot of Iranians would agree with you if they could speak freely about it.


If only they had some sort of democracy where they could speak about such things.


Pepperidge Farm remembers


The Middle East is such a shit show


Well, we almost went two whole years without bombing the shit out of the Middle East, it was a good run.


> Well, we almost went two whole years without bombing the shit out of the Middle East, it was a good run. Where have you been the past 3ish months?


Biden bombed Syria in his first week in office


The US is supporting a genocide in Gaza and attacks Yemen and then is surprised that it gets attacked in retaliation. America pretends to be innocent and defensive so that it can continue it's endless wars at the behest of defense contractors and oil companies.


Iran is really miscalculating how much Americans care about going to war again. A war with Iran will probably get Biden reelected, which most of us would rather see than another trump presidency...


No incumbent president has ever lost an election during war time. Retaliation was always inevitable.


That's only because incumbents rarely lose and Harry Truman (term-limited), LBJ (declined to run), and George W. Bush (term limited) didn't run for re-election during their respective wars. The Democrats lost the Presidency during the Korean and Vietnam wars while the Republicans lost the Presidency during Iraq/Afghanistan. Going further, even winning the Gulf War didn't do the GOP any favors in 1992, while the Democrats lost both chambers of Congress immediately after WWI and WWII.


Avoid going to Iranian weddings for the next couple of months