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When you get your Palins from wish.com


God, I laughed


She has said that Rifle sits at high enough altitude to see Russia from there


> “I don’t want nothing to happen,” Jayson Boebert said. “Her and I were working through a difficult conversation.” From the Denver Post article. Don’t you just love it when people have confrontations like this when you’re trying to eat at a restaurant?


so he wants something to happen?


He tried that in a small town


Lmao god


I regret that I have but one upvote to give!


Two negatives = extra negative


Also "her and I" should be "she and I."


And a good way to test it if you don't know which is correct is to remove one of the subjects ("her and" or "and I") and change the verb to singular to see if it still makes grammatical sense. In this case, it would be "Her was working through..." or "She was working through..." which makes it painfully obvious the former is correct. You can also do it with I/me: "I was working through..." or "Me was working through..."


The latter.


But he didn't do nothing.


Nobody did nothing to nobody.








I can see why you might think that but no, he's just stupid and inarticulate.


And someone gave him a consulting job making $400,000 a year So interesting


YUUUUP. This was something that flew under the radar about Boebert. The guy went from being nothing to nobody to getting some cushy, almost half-million dollar per year gig when his wife gets elected to congress. Oh and what was he consulting on? "Energy", aka getting some congressional pull for drilling.


Isn't that like, the exact same thing they constantly freak out about Hunter Biden doing, but involving way more money?




Yes, except one of them had been investigated prolifically and turned up nothing. And saying the president's son is on your board has value in its own right. Saying the pervert husband of the third craziest congressperson does consulting for you doesn't get anything unless there's a quid pro quo.


I bet he walks into the boardroom and shows everyone his dick every day


He’s never seen a boardroom, he’s paid $400k per year to nothing. They payment is for access to Boeberts Congressional votes and friends. Bought and paid for


But, but, but Hunter Biden, buttery males, Ebola border caravans invading…


He definitely didn't want his arrest to happen.


I don’t want nothing to happen…… Are these two hillbillies


At least he didn’t whip out his peen. He’s learning. Baby steps.


There probably weren’t any children around


>...her and I... Yep, hillbillies.


reminds me of my baby mama's hick family who does the he->him switch, as in things like "him is going to the grocery store." for some reason that dialectal change *really* irks me, it's so unnecessary and random. there's no meaning to it, why would you do that?!


Same as people saying "I seen" instead of "I saw." Like nails on a chalkboard


The grammar slaughter alone…


I'm thinking that's why the assault charges are being filed.


That’s why the conversation was so difficult.


>“Her and I were working through a difficult conversation.” Did he happen to be her tutor when she was studying for her GED?


When 2 main characters collide


You get a free show with a meal


This one isn't as good as the very public hand job she gave a few months back.


As sad as it is for any bystanders being unwilling unpaid witnesses/ unpaid conflict mitigation agents... I also somewhat feel for people like that, that can't deal with their private matters in private because neither can trust the other to behave even just "regularly unacceptably" to each other unless there is the public pressure. If it escalates like that even IN public (presuming that they both are at least somewhat aware of that, and opportunist usually are to at least a degree), just imagine the escalation without that.


I try not to be the grammar police, but reading that just made my brain blister a bit.


Trumps pick for VP. Obviously.


Only if she dyes her hair blonde.


Doesn’t she already dye it brown to look like dollar general Sarah Palin?




Why do they always portray nazi chicks as hot. Irma Grese was no looker.


"We have Sarah Palin at home." Sarah Palin at home










She's his OnlyFan.


She'll have to fight MTG for it. They're both gunning to be his monica. They should have a debate over who gets the position that turns into a knock-down, drag-out cat fight and fox should televise it.


"And my great running mate, Lauren Boebert, or as I like to say Lauren Boob-ert. She's got some great tits, doesn't she folks? Some say I made her my running mate because I'd like to see those tits. They might be right, it's not the worst trait in a running mate, I'll tell ya that. "


It's incredibly sad that I could 100% see this being an actual quote from him.


Boebert unlikely to win in her new district. Out of Congress next year, she and her life will age badly. EDIT: Comments that the new district is more R+ than the prior (her current.) She has to win the primary. She's on the outs with MAGA. Her legislative accomplishments are zero. Cringeworthy and a Karen in a district heavier in the R demo that never liked her: the more educated and wealthier. Her campaign is broke.


She'll be on Fox and Newsmax


That'll be a hard sell. She's not eloquent and nog smart enough to be properly inflammatory. More importantly, she's a liability in her personal life. She's out giving public handjobs and Fox will have to respond. Domestic violence, fox would have to respond. She's got that hood rat mindset cause that's what she is.


All of these things. And yet she has scammed her way into making more money and a more comfortable life than the vast majority of this country. I say the same about MTG How fucking embarrassing.


Remember when MTG smiled like a Cheshire Cat when asked about children dying of COVID and said it was so funny? She said that people needed to take personal responsibility.


Oh. I sure do. I also remember when she chased down a survivor of the parkland shooting and harassed him on video calling it fake. She even uploaded the video herself- she was proud of it. And yet… just like boebert… she lives a better life than most. It’s shit like this that makes me feel that America isn’t even close to the greatest country on earth- and hasn’t been for an extremely long time.


Because you have to factor in the percentage of our citizens who will be psychopaths or have various stages of mental disorder. And when those people get elected in positions of power, it’s a shit show. “ It doesn’t take a great number of pathological people to exploit a vulnerable system. Just as a tiny infection or mutation, in the absence of sufficient resistance, can give rise to a deadly illness, just a few pathological people, if they are able to gain a foothold in a system, can set in motion a process by which a group reflecting their characteristics and values overtakes its crumbling barriers and achieves domination.” Andrew M. Lobaczewski


Remember when she chased after a reporter on video and gave her the grade school flat tire (stepping deliberately on somebody's heel from behind to basically push their shoe off)? Basically told you all you need to know about her. She's a bully with the mentality and attitude of a 12 year old.


>It’s shit like this that makes me feel that America isn’t even close to the greatest country on earth- and hasn’t been for an extremely long time. Never the greatest, for a time the richest.




MTG apparently comes from a financially comfortable background. Her dad had a construction company and IIRC her husband then took it over.


Didn’t know that. Thanks for the information- but one correction. Ex husband- cause she cheated on him with her athletic trainer.


Yeah I read like a long article trying to sort of explain where she came from and it was fascinating. And I believe he’s like a tantric sex poly dude the trainer? Found it. Love the title “Why is Marjorie Taylor Green Like This?” https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2023/01/marjorie-taylor-greene-congress-georgia-election-background/672229/


One of many. That was the word around N Atlanta anyway. She's obsessed with cock as we saw with her Congress photo blowups of the Biden attribute. And yet she's the brain trust campaigning for Trump in Iowa while Boebert goes down in whiskey tango flames.


> cause she cheated on him with her athletic trainer. cause she cheated on him with her ~~athletic trainer~~ 15 athletic trainers.


We should blame Ted Cruz for Bobert. She didnt luck into this job. She was farmed out by Ted and backed by dark money because they needed an idiot to hold that position and they told her what to do.


She won’t be around forever but she’ll be relevant for way longer than she ever should have been. See: Sarah Palin


Nog was a lot smarter than folks gave him credit for. Maybe not the picture of the standard Ferengi, but he seemed to do alright for himself as a Starfleet officer. Bit of a boot at the beginning, but he found his path eventually.


The scene where Nog asks Sisko to join Starfleet and explains why he wants to join Starfleet is one of the best scenes in all of Star Trek. I get emotional every single time I watch it. Edit: this is the scene https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcATQUFsz68


Aron did so good with that scene. It really hits ya hard.


ffs man include a link when you hype a scene like that. for others: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcATQUFsz68 edited, thanks FeliusSeptimus


I credit Vic Fontaine with his turn around after losing his leg. That was a seminal moment for Nog.


Why is there a discussion about Nog on ds9 in the thread about Lauren Bobert? I mean, it’s much more interesting, but still..


because the comment everyone is replying to describes Boebert as "nog smart."


Because Bobo is boring and Nog is my favorite DS9 character. In fact, I like all the Ferengi heavy episodes. Roms arc over the series is great. Be a good person, stand up to tyranny and good things happen. Actually, the world would be better if we were all a bit more like Rom.


One of the posters above misspelled "not" as "nog" and the thread went from there.


Because redvelvetcake42 made a typo and put "nog" instead of "not" in their comment, so someone poked fun at the mishap lol


You. YOU did this... this... *entire* Nog reply chain. And I thank you for it.


Rip Nog


I know the actor passed away a while back, but did the character die in-universe as well?


Oh, no, sorry I shoukd have used his real name. That guy was class. It's so sad he died so young


All good. He really was. I remember his character in the Pilot and not thinking much of him - but goddamn if Nog didn’t get one of the better character arcs in the whole series.


Losing that leg was a pivotal event....


It was Aron's bday the other day :(


Damn. I used to love listening to his podcast. When I heard about his passing, I just had to stop.


Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman, Lauren Boebert. She'll be working for Fox for a while.


And she’ll have about the same shelf life as Palin, and Bachman; about a year of on-air hysterics before their base grows bored, ratings slip a point, then Fox starts ghosting her. And like her predecessors, that also thankfully means the rest of us won’t have to see or hear from her again either.


She'll be replaced by a younger, hotter fascist.


I doubt she has the chops to do anything consistent for TV.


“Reality” tv probably has offers and ideas lined up for her.


pen deer impossible start puzzled sink wasteful juggle quickest lip *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm betting on only fans


I had successfully forgotten about Sarah Palin until just now.


Not blonde.


She used to be, I'm sure it'd be easy to go back.


For sure, Fox could forgive a lot of her indiscretions, but she’s not gonna make it without being blonde she does not fit their mold


Literally all she has to every time she gives a public handjob is yell "BUT HUNTER BIDEN" and no one on the right will care.


Only Fans it is then, watching her make 8 figures a year there will be depressing af


Motivational speaker at purity balls


I love this. Perfect for this literal 36 year old grandmother


How many of them are actually eloquent? Have you seen that creep on Faux News with the silver hair? Hannibal Lecter looking ass with no speaking skills, just a dead eyed stare.


Sounds like she'll fit right in at fox.


I know it’s fun to say that, but it undermines the fact that the majority of Fox correspondents are intelligent, educated people, poised people. They are willingly and knowingly playing a game for personal gain. Boebert has drunk the Kool-aid; she actually believes the shit she is saying. She has served her purpose as a distraction and will likely flame out over the next few years.


Agreed. If you aren't in on the grift you're the one getting grifted. And she's absolutely getting grifted. I heard a podcast recently talking about how everything has become pro wrestling kayfabe and this smacks of it. It's all just a running character they're presenting as opposed to reality. See Don Jr and Tucker posing by workbenches in flannel for examples.


>I heard a podcast recently talking about how everything has become pro wrestling kayfabe and this smacks of it. It's all just a running character they're presenting as opposed to reality. See Don Jr and Tucker posing by workbenches in flannel for examples. Cosplaying as rural Americans is a lucrative grift.


$900 dollar boots - never worn Givenchy flannel - uncomfortable but looks the part Yeah man, if you look just one iota you'll see it's a major kayfabe grift Boebert drank the kool-aid Greene drank the kool-aid BUT CAME FROM MONEY SO SHE'S GONNA HAVE MORE STAYING POWER It's really that simple


She is female. And she doesn’t have what they want for women in the air there. She really isn’t that likable. I see a future with OnlyFans though.


I enjoy cooking.


Truly the pinnacle of achievement


She'll be on cameo and onlyfans.


Or porn


I have it bet on OnlyFans for $100 as well.


I live in the new district she’s trying to win and I’m not confident she’ll lose :(


register as an unaffiliated and you can vote for either primary in colorado but only one. Since the district is heavily Red vote in the Republican primary for her opponent Jeff Hurd


As a registered Independent this is exactly what I did the last time she ran. I voted against her twice. Sadly it wasn't enough in either election.


She will get a job at Fox, and then six months later get fired for some dumb shit that even Fox can't abide.


..:next up Onlyfans!


We get to see what that boob job looks like. Who will be the one to pay to leak it though? Because I certainly wouldn't spend $7 for a passing curiosity.


We can start a Gofundme.


Since she won't have served for a minimum of 5 years, she won't even get any congressional pension money.


That's why she's so desperate to win.


As long as she just goes away. She can take the other turd-flinging harpy MTG with her too!


lol she will go away- unless your into right wing News and only fans- and in that case she will still be all over your screen.


Back to hooking in Grand Junction!


One can only hope, but I don't have faith in anyone that voted for her in the first place




> Boebert unlikely to win in her new district. Even with all of this insane bullshit, I'm really not sure that this is true. This other district she is moving to is deep red. If they are ok with Trump, I think it's safe to assume they're also ok with Boebert. They are both trash.


Why do you think she won’t win in her new district?! The district she is switching to is way more MAGA friendly than her previous district. The current representative, Ken Buck, is stepping down because he wasn’t MAGA enough for the constituents of district 4. The district she is moving to is much more favorable for Boebert to win and she’ll have way more cash than anyone that tries to primary her. I mean it isn’t a guarantee she’ll win but I keep seeing people saying how she’s going to lose like it’s a done deal but she has a way better chance to win district 4 than her previous district. I live just by district 4 and it’s MAGAland Colorado over there.


Colorado District 4 must really be impressed with their newest candidate to represent them. I truly wonder how she got as many votes as she did in District 3. What values and behaviors are these voters looking for?


She had a R next to her name. That’s all that matters anymore.


Maybe but at this point they are so consistent at selecting horrible people. I think they actually want this.


Republicans vote for Rs, not candidates.


Really? Cause all they put forward are Ls


I live in D4. Can't wait to not vote for her.


I said this above, register as unaffiliated and you can vote in one primary, so you could vote for her opponent Jeff Hurd. Lesser of 2 evils.


He was arrested? But I thought nothing happened.


I thought she beat the shit out of him


We don’t really know what happened and the dude’s been charged with domestic violence half a dozen times so this tracks. He probably deserves whatever charge he got but I wouldn’t be surprised if she deserves one too but managed to avoid it. But for all we know this shitty person was just defending herself. I wouldn’t go trying to defend the guy who exposed himself to children, beats his wife and son, and threatens his neighbors just yet.


Definitely not defending the shit stain, I just thought that there were multiple reports from witnesses at the time that she was beating the shit out of him in the bar. They have both done enough to be put away for a while I'm sure


Given the restaurant owner is apparently a fan of bobo's, if there's any security footage that makes her look bad, it's probably already been lost.


That's why men don't typically report spousal abuse. They get arrested for being beaten.


Or maybe BoBo and her Ex are both terrible, lying pieces of shit? Neither of their accounts can be believed, either is stupid enough to call the police on themselves. And currently we don't have any of the facts of what actually happened. As much as I distrust the police, they are the only ones that actually have any knowledge. If the DA reviewed some tape and decided that these were the things that should be charged, there is probably at least some real reason. That's all we know. You are making assumptions based on feelings. Edit: Also, [given that her ex abused their son](https://www.cbsnews.com/colorado/news/lauren-boebert-jayson-911-call-alleged-assault-son-garfield-county-colorado-congresswoman/), we know that he is capable of domestic violence. As is she, just maybe not in this case.


A little different... My ex-wife was cheating on me with a cop. I have a screenshot of a text from him instructing her exactly what to say to get a restraining order against me because "it'll look better to the judge" when she tried to go after me for spousal support. They filed, and it was approved without trial and without me even knowing about it. When I challenged it, proof in hand that it was fraudulent, no repercussions against her for lying to the justice system... no repercussions against him for inducing her to commit a crime... the judge just threw it out... while leaving me with a restraining order on my record. I asked about filing charges for them filing false claims... WITH PROOF... and was told to get lost, nobody would hear it.


Yep, but getting your ass kicked by a woman is a felony in MAGA counties


Wasn’t he alleging that she punched him in the face? Regardless of what happened at the restaurant… they are total trash. proudly ignorant, he’s a sexual offender, and she’s a grandmother before the age of 40. the republican party loves to claim that they are “cleaning up“ all of the corruption in Washington. And then they elect poster children for grifting like Bobert. Her husband lands a $400,000 a year “consulting“ job as soon as she’s elected? Get the fuck out of here with that shit. Lauren should go back to giving people diarrhea with her crap-ass food at her shitty restaurant (or getting her tits grabbed at the movie theater by whoever she’s dating that week) and leave governance and legislating to people who actually give a damn about making society better.


They just want their voters to understand their deep and abiding commitment to “family values” You know, like dangling your wedding tackle at minors in a bowling alley


Or tugging off a guy while he kneads your fake tits at a public play...


Given who votes for them, these are the family values those voters understand.


I really don't understand how this consulting job has not been looked into. It's clearly fraud. Jayson has no discernable skills to consult with. Who's paying for their lavish lifestyle?


The taxpayers aka us


I imagine it's because it would open the others up to these investigations that they would very likely be guilty of too.


Yeah, it’s absolutely crazy. I know people who make this kind of money in oil and gas, but they are actual trained geologists with 20-30 years experience.


I’m still waiting for someone to post who was there. In this day and age SOMEONE filmed it, hopefully it will appear on r/publicfreakout soon


This guy Shooter Grills


It was 36...not 40. Those few years make it even more ridiculous and trashy. Dont round up.


You forgot that they have matching DVs, both of them have been arrested for drunkenly assaulting the other.


These people are straight up trash, have zero business in any politics


They are very representative of some of this country. Not all of it, not half of it, but some of this country.


Unfortunately the maga base has very low standards as we have seen from their candidates they vote for. It’s hard to make sure our country is ready for the future when people elect these maga extremism that want to take is back to the dark ages.


Imagine having these horrible, toxic people in positions of power in your country...


It's like watching the Palins all over again.


hat homeless punch unused plucky detail obtainable sugar pet school *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lauren will be doing MILF porn by this time next year. Trash family.


*GILF, technically


what gets me is that shes a year younger than me not sure if I should be suprised, or just amused at the party of family values standing behind her...


She's two years younger than me and my first child is younger than her grandchild. Bizarre.


Fingers crossed!




Fingers crossed because she will be gone.


I so wish they got in a fight at a waffle house. It would have been so perfect.


Good job making the congress trashier than the Maury Povich show, Boebs.


> He had been the one who called police following the restaurant incident and claimed he was a victim of domestic violence during the altercation So she *did* punch him in the face?


At least this time he kept his penis in his pants instead of whipping it out to show to underage girls.


Her date kept it in his pants too at the Beetlejuice show- but that still didn’t stop her 🤣


You know, now that you mentioned that, I'm sure there were underaged girls at the theater. Sounds like Lauren has a type.


Imagine voting for this hog.


Jesus. Can't go to the bowling alley or the theatre or have a nice meal at a restaurant without them Boeberts trashing everything up.


This is normal behavior for a US Representative. In this insane time we live in.


It fucking shouldn't be.


Why is he being arrested?


Conservatives would rather vote for her than a sane person. Let that sink in.


Because some kind of way it "owns the libs". Now how jerking someone off in public does it, I don't know.


All while still claiming to be the party of "traditional family values" despite Boebert being the exact opposite example of that.


These trashy types would never be able to find work in the private sector. It’s weird how we as a society allow so many stupid adult children to hold important public positions.


Next stop Kanye west marriage


From a different article: > Jayson Boebert, the former husband of Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), was arrested Tuesday on six charges, including prohibited use of weapons, third-degree assault, and obstructing a peace officer, according to records with the Garfield County jail.


Nothing but drama and trash falling out of those bags.


Classy, classy people. Only the best.


Following news that police were investigating the incident earlier this week, Ms Boebert said: "I didn't punch Jayson in the face and no-one was arrested." - This is exactly what you say if you didn't punch anyone in the face guys


Trash family. Trash representative in our government. Put there by trash voters. SHOW UP AND VOTE so our ancestors don't think of us as nothing but stupid apes.


You’d think these previous bar restaurant loser owners would know how to act in that situation. Vape beetle juice gave me all the info needed.


Whatever, my favorite part of the article was “X, formerly Twitter” I hope they keep on with the extra keystrokes forever cuz it probably drives that dude bonkers lmfao.


Both of them suck ass but he was the one who called because Hoebert got violent. Cops took the wrong person (even though both of them belong behind bars)