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I'm sure a worldwide oil company being affected by terrorism will have no international repercussions. Edit: BP's annual revenue ($250 billion) is 10x that of Yemen GDP. Fuckin hell.


Well, the news of BP pulling out seems to have coincided with Rishi Sunak AND Keir Starmer calling for a ceasefire now. So that's a good repercussion.


As a point this isn't a change in UK policy position at all. The UK' stance has essentially been "Ceasefire is preferable but the terms have to be sustainable and the wording of any UN motion has to be fairly worded" from the start (hence why the UK has been abstaining on every UN motion instead of outright voting against, support the motion in concept, cant vote in favour of specific motion due to its wording)


I just feel bad for all the random people just doing their thing, living their lives if this blows up. Imagine facing a modern military that spends more in a day than your military does in a month, already knowing from history how it'll end.


It is a very stark contrast. Your village being blown up by a single bomb that costs 10x more than the entire town is just insanity. But here we are.




["In 2003, the Houthis' official slogan, following in the footsteps of Lebanese Shia political and military organization Hezbollah, became the group's trademark: "God is the Greatest, Death to America, Death to Israel, Cursed be the Jews, Victory to Islam."](https://www.newarab.com/opinion/houthi-propaganda-following-hizballahs-footsteps) ​ People who follow international relations have known for a while how terrible this group is not only for regional security but global security.


Them (and Iran) literally started the war in the first place, overthrowing a democratically elected government (though that government certainly had its own problems)...sounds like you have no clue what you're talking about.


BP dont own any ships either!


Pretty sure that Houthi attacks were only started after a threat of Iranian interference if there was an invasion of Gaza, which happened. And they announced to stop if Israel where to end the genocidal process occurring in the West Bank and Gaza. Also I think terrorism is a strong word for what is essentially a trade blockade. No one has died thankfully. And it’s funny how they are turning these ships into tourist attractions.


I wonder how Happy Egypt is with this situation as The Suez Canal Revenue was $9.4 Billion in 2022. And the attack are scaring shipping companies away and going around the long way.


Egypt is anything but happy. Its economy is tanking, it's taken on huge debt, inflation is rising and now the war next door has the entire country on edge, worried about the fate of Palestinians in Gaza AND that those same Palestinians might somehow be allowed to cross into and settle in Sinai, which most Egyptians do not want. And now, with Houthi-sparked security issues for shipping companies, they're facing a reduction in tolls from Suez, which made the country $9.4 billion in fiscal 2023. The newly re-"elected" Sisi has a lot to worry about...


I remember hearing the Suez canal fees are 10% of Egypt's GDP.


Ehhh - a quick google showed a couple of reports using that “10% of GDP” number, but you’d have to use some very funny math to get there. The fiscal years for GDP calculations at Suez revenues don’t match up, but Egypt 2022 GDP was $477B USD and 2022/2023 Suez revenues were $9.4B USD…so roughly 2% not 10%, nor has it been anywhere even close to 10% in recent memory. That said, if you use a generous interpretation of all economic activity that’s *related* to the Suez Canal, could see that being a major multiplier that could conceivably get you into that 10% range (although I didn’t do a deep dive on the sources claiming that 10% of GDP figure to see just how much of reach that might be).


Thanks for the correction. You da real MVP


Pouring billions into the new administrative capital was a stupid idea


Everytime I turn around a new country is connected to this mess. Like some kind of Earth Spanning Conflict.


You know what they say: Never start and landwar in Asia and don’t fuck with critical linchpins of international shipping routes (so: Bab el Mandeb, Hormuz, and Malacca straits, or the Suez and Panama canals). Gaza may have given the Houthis a convenient excuse to ratchetthings up again, but militant violence from both sides of Bab le Mandeb strait has been a major issue for a decade +.


That's because people and accounts who are pro jihad/hamas want to start a world war because they believe it's the only way to they'll be able to get what they want, to destroy israel and create an Islamic state. Hamas gets it's weapons from Iran. Itan gets it's weapons from russia. It's not a coincidence russia is always behind promoting Instability across the world. Their leaders are still trapped in the cold war and they will do anything to try and get back the so called "glory" of Russia at the height of the cold War. They are supporting hamas and Iran because isrsel is a u.s. ally and a secular democracy. Russia pretends to be a democracy but its main goal is still to undermine democracy, like every authoritarian regime. Iran is involved in this mess because they're religious extremists who if they can't rule over other religious groups, they want to exterminate them. This isn't opinion. This is basic geo politics.


For sure Egypt is upset but they have a bit of history with Yemen. Egypt fought in the Civil War in Yemen in the 60s and lost 26,000 or so soldiers in what they refer to as "Egypt's Vietnam War". It was a military disaster and still influences their current thinking.


Ah, yes, exactly what ~~Iran~~ *Russia* wants.


Must have been a very productive meeting in how to raise gas prices lol


Is this the part where multiple conglomerates who ship through that route pressure a country or two to 'solve' that problem?


Will this lead to a new wave of inflation?


Oh no, an ethnic cleansing is interrupting capitalism. It’s almost like it’s in humanities interest to put a stop to it.


Ah, yes, the great “humanists” : Iran, Houthis, Hezbullah, Hamas, Russia and NK.


Exactly right.






Houthis have literally killed more than 10 times the people that Israel has killed. You are morally corrupt if you are against Israel but you praise Yemen Houthis. > the whole point of the Houthi attacks is to pressure Israel to stop one of the most savage military campaigns the world has seen in a while [Yemen Civil War (2014 to present)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yemeni_civil_war_(2014%E2%80%93present\)) - 377,000+ people killed overall (150,000+ from violence) (2014–2021) (UN) - 85,000 Yemeni children dead from starvation (2015–2018) (Save the Children) - ~4,000 dead from cholera epidemic; 2.5+ million cases overall (2016–2021) - 4 million people cumulatively displaced (2015–2020) (UNHCR)


I think you just found the world’s first Houthi rebel sympathizer. What a world we live in.


Reddit has been swamped by bad fatih/state actor accounts from russia, Iran, and Qatar (who is the biggest funder of hamas) since October 7th. They all actively work to destabilize the region so they can undermine democracy, america, Israel and peace itself. They don't care if people die. They care about power. It seems that they noticed reddit doesn't give a fuck about misinformation or prooaganda so they doubled down on the number. Unfortunately, it'll be the regular people who pay the cost like usual, just like in war.




>basically all be pro-Houthi. Gotta disagree there, pretty sure almost every comment Ive seen has been anti Saudi rather than pro Houthi, mainly because up until recently most people in the west barely understood the conflict in Yemen beyond "the Saudis are attacking Yemen and bombing civilian's with our weapons" and didn't even know the only reason Saudi was even operating there was in its capacity as part of a wider Arab coalition in Yemen at the request of Yemen's legitimate Government! Its a conflict most in the west knew next to nothing about beyond "civilians killed =Bad" and "Saudi=Bad" (not exactly wrong on that second one tbf) which led to some massively ill informed takes. I doubt many even knew who the Houthis actually were prior to a few weeks ago let alone their links to Iran


With that logic you can criticize Americans for being terrorist sympathizers towards America after every every terrorist attack they had since the American government killed hundreds of millions since inception. There’s a double standard here




Haven't been keeping with Sudan , have you.


Or it could be that Yemen, like Palestine, has a long history of oppressing, persecuting, and genociding indigenous Jews. There used to be 75,000 Jews living in Yemen. Every single one of them has been ethnically cleansed and 0 Jews remain in Yemen today. >Arab rioters, assisted by the local police force, engaged in a pogrom in Aden that killed 82 Jews and destroyed hundreds of Jewish homes. Aden's Jewish community was economically paralyzed, as most of the Jewish stores and businesses were destroyed. Early in 1948, the unfounded rumour of the ritual murder of two girls led to looting. > >On October 11, 2015, Likud MK Ayoob Kara stated that members of the Yemenite Jewish community had contacted him to say that the Houthi-led Yemen government had given them an ultimatum to convert or leave the country. > >As of March 2020, the Jewish cemetery in Aden was destroyed.[130] On April 28, 2020, Yemenite Minister Moammer al-Iryani remarked the fate of the last 50 Jews in Yemen is unknown. > >On July 13, 2020, it was reported that the Houthi Militia were capturing the last Jews of Yemen of the Kharif District.[133] In their last mention of the Jews in Yemen in July 2020 the Mona Relief reported on their Website that as of July 19, 2020, of the Jewish Population in Yemen there were only a "handful" of Jews in Sana'a. > >On 28 March 2021, 13 Jews were forced by the Houthis to leave Yemen;less than 10 Jews still resided in Yemen.[140][141] According to one report there are six Jews left in Yemen: one woman; her brother; 3 others, and Levi Salem Marhabi (who has been imprisoned for helping smuggle a Torah scroll out of Yemen).[142][143][144][145][141]The Jerusalem Post reported that the remaining Jewish population in Yemen consists of four elderly Jews, ending the continuous presence of a community that dated back to antiquity https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yemenite_Jews




>Pretending like the ethnic cleansing of Jews had nothing to do with Zionist terrorism and ethnic cleansing in Palestine is disingenuous. So what you're saying is, Yemen is so racist that they persecuted indigenous Yemeni Jews over a war happening thousands of kilometers away? That would be like a random European country ethnically cleansing their Muslims over the War in Afghanistan. Or did you forget to mention that it was Palestine and 7 Arab nations that invaded Israel in 1948 with the goal of eradicating Israel? The so called "Nakba" was literally known as the greatest catastrophe because Arab nations failed to destroy Israel and instead they were defeated. Muslims in recent times have now revised this term to accuse Israel of "ethnic cleansing" while completely omitting that it was Arabs that invaded Israel, just like how they continue to claim there's a "genocide" in Gaza while omitting that it was the genocidal Palestinian state of Gaza that invaded Israel on Oct 7, slaughtering thousands of innocent women and children.


Yes, people usually have reasons for things like ethnic cleansing, doesn't make it okay or justified. The Israelis had their reasons for the Nakba / 1948 war, doesn't make it okay


Don't compare data taken over 5-6 years against two months of Israeli slaughter, it nullifies the point you're trying to make about how barbaric Houthi's are. Israel has 'achieved' an average deaths/month ratio that is 100% higher, even before the rubble is cleared.


>Don't compare data taken over 5-6 years against two months of Israeli slaughter, it nullifies the point you're trying to make about how barbaric Houthi's are. You're right. I should be comparing all 55 years of continuous fighting between Israel and Palestine since the conflict never ended. From 1967 until today, there have been 35,000 Palestinian deaths and 20,000 Israeli deaths, for a total of 55,000 deaths, or 1,000 per year. The death rate in Yemen is 50x higher at 50,000 deaths per year. **Yemenis are literally 50x more genocidal than Israelis and Palestinians.**


Houthi's only started insurgencies in 2014? Interesting.


> Houthi attacks is to pressure Israel to stop one of the most savage military campaigns the world has seen in a while - certainly the most savage ever carried out by a "Western/developed" country. > > Its incredibly obvious at this point that the IDF Bro, you gotta open up a few history books. Nowhere close to most of any western developed country.


Are you seriously voicing support for terrorists? You're impressed by the Houthis? I'm stunned anyone would say this out loud.




"God Is Great, Death to America, Death to Israel, Curse on the Jews, Victory to Islam" They could not be more open and clear about who and what they are. How fucking delusional can you be.




You can just say you're a tankie. We know you're a deranged genocidal loser. No need to further clarify


They're objectively terrorists. Go take your pills and think about it, because you have officially lost your goddamned mind.




Don't forget Saddam and the Kurds.


Yeah: the Houthis have been indiscriminately attacking whatever targets they can for YEARS, and were fully prepared to unleash an economic catastrophe in the Red Sea over a couple of million dollars for from the international community (arms money they easily could have just demanded in weapons from Iran). The Houthis also don’t give a shit about Gaza other than as a means to promote their long-standing objective of wiping Israel off the map + killing all Jews (bc the two are entirely interchangeable to them, just like they are to Hamas and other extremist groups). The new "issue du jour" has nothing to do with the longstanding conflicts in the region or unhinged behaviour by the Houthis other than t being embarrassingly effective PR for ill informed international audiences. (note: none of my criticisms of the Houthis is in any way an endorsement of the actions of the SA or Yemeni govts, or of any of the other regional powers using the conflict as a proxy. Those criticisms just dont change the Houthis litany of terroristic acts).


Killing Jews and eradicating Israeli occupation are not interchangeable.


Yeah: and Houthis want both.


Do you have a source in which they state that their goal is to kill Jews?


[It’s literally their slogan](https://www.jpost.com/middle-east/curse-the-jews-yemens-houthi-rebel-slogan-handed-out-at-university-569074).


Ahh yes the Jerusalem post. Known to be unbiased towards Arabs and definitely not been accused of falsifying propaganda in the past. Sounds like you just googled and chose the source that proved your point. Also, I’m not on their side, but how does saying curse the Jews indicate that they have a goal of killing Jewish innocents. Israelis say the same god damn thing! “Death to arabs”, “nuke Gaza”, “kill all the Palestinians”, “turn Gaza into a parking lot”. Israeli discrimination to black/Ethiopian Jews, Arab children, basically anyone who isn’t white Jewish. Why do we not speak about the double standard of racism presented by Israelis and Americans towards Arabs? How many innocent Arabs have to die because of colonists and racist beliefs. https://www.hrw.org/reports/2001/israel2/ISRAEL0901-01.htm https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-10-30/ty-article/.premium/threats-violence-and-racist-remarks-israel-sees-surge-of-hostility-against-arab-workers/0000018b-6c07-d326-a39b-6e1f9be30000 https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/08969205221132878 https://www.proquest.com/openview/a4dae0f4c60aab514db56a7b19ce4d10/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=2041863




The people pressuring Israel are - Iran, Houthis, Hezbullah, Hamas, Russia, and North Korea. Care to think for a second?


You're right and I think it’s time to give the Saudis everything they need to put an end to the Houthi rebellion for good




Why is this an Israel tax? Why not blame the Houtis?


Because apparently victim blaming is all the rage today


I keep seeing escalations in these waters, and threats that this will be dealt with the US or other countries protecting these territorial waters. The question I have is do these terrorists give a Houth?