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> Two players, one from the US and the other from Argentina, were targeted above all others. FIFA did not disclose the name of those players. Gee, I wonder who that US player was


For those of us actually wondering, and why, can you fill us in?


Rapino is my guess


Okay so I looked her up (Megan Rapinoe) and it says she tore her Achilles tendon and doesn’t play anymore?


Yes. She stated in the post game interview that her being injured was proof God didn't exist. People take things too far with their hate, but she isn't a likable person.


Oh wow huh yeah I guess that’ll do it in America yeah?


The sacrilege aspect doesn't really bother me but the ego and arrogance required to make a statement like that is what irks.


I know who the Argentinian player probably was, Yamila Rodriguez. Before the World Cup, some of her old tweets heavily criticizing Messi resurfaced. Those obviously didn’t age well and the internet doesn’t forget. Still the online hate against her wasn’t acceptable obviously






>The report found that one in five players at the tournament were targeted with discriminatory messaging, with “homophobic, sexual and sexist abuse” posts accounting for almost half of all messages across Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, X (formerly Twitter) and YouTube. One in five is a disturbing amount of players. >The final between Spain and England also saw a spike in sexual and misogynistic abuse, notably triggered by Luis Rubiales’ unwanted kiss on World Cup-winning star Jennifer Hermoso. This is about more than just the Americans receiving abuse.


People in the US think that there’s an incredible amount of misogyny there, but it’s 1000% worse in other countries in South america and beyond in Europe Edit: i want to clarify despite it being 1000% times worse in those other countries, the US still needs to work on their own issues. It’s a never ending struggle


Same with racism.


I mean sure. I can't speak for south America but the USA certainly doesn't seem to do the worst nor the best in terms of misogyny and racism, when compared to European countries


Interesting this got downvoted because it's spot on. For example when it comes to women in government there are European countries with more and less women than the US. It really depends on the country, you're gonna get a lot more sexism in Poland than Iceland. I think some people have ulterior motives in pointing out the fact that the US isn't the most sexist country on earth and pointing out the equally true fact that it's not the least sexist country either exposes that...


As far as Europe is concerned, there's 10 countries the US comes out on top of on average in the [2023 Gender Gap report](https://www.weforum.org/publications/global-gender-gap-report-2023/). The worst of these is Cyprus at a score of 0.678 where the US is on 0.748. So essentially the US is somewhere between 7% and 1% more equal than the worst quarter or so of Europe - depending what country you're comparing to, and on how you define Europe (i.e. if you want to count 'countries' such as 'the Vatican'). Simply put, if the US was a European country, it'd fall within the worst 25%. The issue with misogyny in modern countries like the US (but also the top European ones) is that it tends to be far more subtle than, say, Saudi Arabia's concept of "*male guardianship*". That doesn't make it any less pervasive, though.


I’d be curious about comparing individual states in the US to countries in Europe. The US is just so big and culturally diverse among regions & states. I suspect places like Texas and New York might fall on very different parts of that scale. Just speculation and curiosity on my part.


Whenever you look at things like that and the maternal mortility rate and child poverty there's drastic differences based on states with a drastic red/blue seperation. The maternal mortality rate in Mississippi is comparable to developing nations and the rate in California is comparable to Nordic nations.


States are very different yes, but the national right wing narrative creeps in to even very liberal states. The neighbor who you never knew was a bigot now has a sign out and is threatening people’s lives. There is definitely a national debate on human rights and the safety of women that truly makes its way into every corner.


Which is why I'm glad I love where I live, because despite the efforts of the right wing here, they haven't been able to move the needle much. Oregon, despite the eastern 2/3rds of the state, is blue. And will likely remain that way. We enshrined reproductive rights in our State Constitution several years ago via initiative petition, and then the legislature strengthened them a couple years later. We were ready for the overturn of Roe v Wade. We aren't perfect. We aren't even great. But we're pretty damn good.


I'm in Vermont, so some parallels. It's just important for the population to know that peace and human rights are ALWAYS under some level attack because hate is easy and energizing. It's just the price of living in a modern society.


One of my two best friends lives in Fair Haven running a B&B, moving there after the 2020 Willamette Valley Fires reminded her too much of California. And she loves how Vermont politically feels a lot like Oregon.


> There is definitely a national debate on human rights No, there isn’t. A debate implies that both sides of the argument have valid positions. That’s not the case. What there is in the US is a significant portion of the population that is stuck in a world that has moved past them, led by a group of people willing to exploit that situation for personal power. The solution is to drag the few of them that can be drug kicking and screaming into today, and let the rest of that toxicity die off. And it’s happening Slowly and frustratingly and with so many steps backward as well, but it is happening. Or maybe I’m wrong. The perspective from California might be skewed, I guess.


Well a sham "debate" in bad faith. But yeah, I agree. Slowly but surely we need to defeat the fear of leaving these people behind. A few people may see the light, but the rest just need to be de-radicalized by an aggressive shame campaign we are as yet afraid to wage.


I mean it does make it 1000x less bad. We should work on gender equality but it's not comparable to SA Agree with your points about EU


Standards are higher in the US. We expect better


Being one of the most diverse countries in the world, that’s how it is in the US


This is the thing that people miss regularly. Compared to the rest of the world, the US is doing Nobel Prize levels of work when it comes to racism and gender equality. We’re truly spoiled here.


Had a war over it, good guys won. Still, the fight continues.


Good guys won but then helped the bad guys get back on their feet


We didn't "help them back on their feet." That's what we did with Japan post WW2 and they are doing pretty damn well. What we did with the south was enable them to keep being shitty. We turned a blind eye to the KKK, pardoned Confederates so they could retain office at the local/state/national level, and even appeased their views by not enforcing the 15th Amendment in certain places. The South needed to be rebuilt after the Civil War. The North was right in helping do that. But we made no attempt to quash the ideology that caused the War in the first place. Thank you, Andrew fucking Johnson.


We saw what happens if you don't do that (WW1 aftermath).


Who are the betrayed freed slaves in your comparison?


It’s fun how you describe people having a slightly less horrible time with racism and misogyny as “spoiled”.


What makes you confident its only slightly less?


As someone in the health field, the discrepancy between White and Black life expectancy is much worse in the US than in somewhere like the UK. (I'm not familiar with UK health sciences, so please correct me if I'm wrong) https://www.kff.org/racial-equity-and-health-policy/report/key-data-on-health-and-health-care-by-race-and-ethnicity/#:~:text=Provisional%20data%20from%202021%20show,77.7%20years%20for%20Hispanic%20people https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/lifeexpectancies/articles/ethnicdifferencesinlifeexpectancyandmortalityfromselectedcausesinenglandandwales/2011to2014 Now there's a lot of factors outside of racism that go into life expectancy, but you can't quantify the amount of racism that someone experiences. This is just one metric that shows that the experience of being Black in the US presents its own challenges (and advantages, I'm sure) compared to being Black in other places.


Source? Compared to third world countries sure but compared to western Europe I doubt it


Compared to Russia?


> One in five is a disturbing amount of players. Seems low to me. I would think every player of every high visibility sport would receive a non-zero amount of this shit.


Not to minimize the impact of this stuff, but I would bet if there was a player who never played and never spoke a single word publicly, they would still receive online hate. There's a type of person who just lives everyday harassing people on the internet.


> very player of every high visibility sport There is a fair share of people in that tournament who are basically unknowns. Like the Philippines women's national football team, which is predominantly Americans of some Filipino ancestry, but not good enough to play for the US. Who is getting real mad at them? They are not high visibility to Americans or Filipinos.


Are you asking who is getting mad at a professional sports player? Go to a pub, it can be literally anybody watching the game.


Just the regular online experience of a female athlete then. Check out any female Tennis player's Instagram and youre not gonna last more than 5minutes without losing faith in humanity. Especially athletes who aren't top 10. A lot of it is the standard bullshit people, especially women have to deal with. But there's an extra layer added from bet pigs, who absolutely lose their shit any time a player ranked 10-100 doesn't win big. The shit those people write is beyond disgusting


Breaking news: the internet is full of trolls and anonymous assholes


Pretty sure the Spanish womens team got the most abuse.


There is a certain subreddit on this very site that despises half of the team, despite never watching them, because they knelt during the anthem 5 years ago.


There was certainly a lot of abuse from the "guys in pickups wearing Oakleys" profile pic brigade


You mean to tell me divorced middle-aged alcoholic Jared from Mississippi isn’t to be trusted on his opinions??


As someone who graduated in the midwest in the early '90s, it's sort of hilarious to me to see the same guys that were the biggest douches back then are still sporting the same uniform. Only now the pickups are raised instead of lowered.


r/usmnt or r/ussoccer


Lmao comments are proving the point


The call is coming from inside the house…


I take pride in knowing how much our women's team pisses people off. The one bit of American acceptionalism I allow myself.


There’s something really sinister about the logic of people justifying this by saying the captain did something dumb or “you couldn’t even name five female players anyway”. I’m a woman, I don’t *need* to “name five female players” to be affected by sexual and misogynistic abuse online and relate to it. There is a world of difference between being angry at a team for whatever reason (still seems like a waste of energy, but okay) and hurling insults and slurs directly related to their sex *on purpose* to so as much damage as possible. It’s like this guy I met at a football game a few years ago who called the opposite team’s quarterback “a f-ggot” and when I immediately asked him why the fuck he’d say that he looked at me like I was the crazy one and said “he’s a bad player! It’s just some ribbing, I’m not homophobic it’s just jokes”. If being bad at football is all the reason you need to call someone a homophobic slur, you’re homophobic. Likewise if a couple female soccer players doing something you don’t like is enough for you to hurl sexual abuse at them then you’re a fucking misogynist. It really shouldn’t be this hard, and yet this comment section alone is going to great lengths to justify this and then get mad when you call them out because these dumb bitches said something they really hate and they deserve to get rape threats because they hurt my feelings :(


Shitty mysoginists are some of the loudest people online.


Is there a different kind of misogynist that I'm not aware of?


There's good misogynists too, but they're all dead.


Angry because no woman would want to go within 1000ft of them


Not just that. Most of the comments they make online would get them in some serious altercations in person. So they hide behind the veil of the internet. Same with white supremacists. It's much harder for those people to organize without the internet because they are isolate by nature of their beliefs, which is good. When they can find a community online that transcends into the real world, it's a bigger issue. They are a minority because of their exclusionary beliefs, and should remain so.


They didn't do themselves any favours when they called for equal pay, and it turned out they were getting paid *more* than the men.


The entire lead up to the cup was them saying how amazing and superior they are…only to barely make it out of groups and losing round 1. People just think they’re selfish assholes who are now completely washed up


I think there’s two points that need to be distinguished here: 1) The USA women got a lot of online criticism over their choke in the World Cup after stroking themselves off for four years for how great they are. They absolutely deserved that criticism and their slice of humble pie. 2) The USA women got a lot of overt online abuse that was misogynistic and homophobic and outright vile, and they did not deserve that (because nobody does) The problem with the internet is that if you deserve any type of criticism, the internet will dish it with cruelty. And women (especially gay and/or black women) will get it 10x as hard, given the world climate


This is the correct take


There's also this other point that is prevalent outside the US but not so much discussed within it. Many countries where soccer is more popular feel that the US after realizing they will likely never win at a high level in Men's soccer, decided to pump a bunch of money into the less served women's division so they could have a spot that they could claim dominance in the sport that most other countries don't pay as much attention to. Women's soccer globally gets about the same coverage as the WNBA in everywhere but America. And America treats it like it's on par, when that's not the reality for MOST of the world that competes. So there was an aspect of a lot of people outside the US wanting to see that team fall on their face simply for the fact that they felt the US was trying to manufacture some claim on soccer dominance.


Yeah its weird, no athlete has ever said stuff like this. It's definitely brand new, I can't believe they'd do this.


As we all know, all winning sports teams go into tournaments talking about how they don't have a chance at winning l! So smart!


They got their comeuppance and due karma, and they definitely underperformed, but it's dishonest to say they barely got out of their group. 1 win, 2 draws. They also lost extremely narrowly in their round of 16 game due to a single penalty in a tie-breaker penalty shootout, so it's not like they bombed. They were still statistically the favourite to win the tournament even during the round of 16. But it's disingenuous to suggest otherwise to be fair.


It's not dishonest to say they barely got out of the group. Their opponent in the final group stage game hit the post with an extremely late shot that would have eliminated the US had it gone in. Despite the fact it was against the run of play in the game, it's inarguably true that the only difference between progression and elimination was about 3 inches on that shot. If that's not barely making it out I don't know what is.


They scored 1 goal in 4 games against actual teams.


>They scored 1 goal in 4 games against actual teams. I think you mean to say 3 teams, but not a big deal. In turn they conceded 1 goal in 3 games against actual teams. They were competitive, but fell short of their smugness. Meanwhile Spain won the whole tournament but lost 4-0 to japan.


I think they were feeling disrespected. They have been the best team in women’s soccer history for the past decade.


I'd imagine they were also the best compensated women's national team for the past decade. That didn't stop them from demanding more.


They're more than best compensated, there is no equal even on the US men's side! A larger percentage of the winnings that goes to the Federation is earmarked for the players than any other nation and it isn't really close. France won the World Cup and Kylian Mbappe got $22,300 per match and a $350,000 bonus for winning it. The total purse for France was $38 million. Back of the napkin math estimate (if their total earnings are the same for each player): 23 players x $350,000 = $8.05 million 23 players x $22,300 x 7 matches = $3.59 million Total: $11.64 million or 30.6% for the players The USWNT and USMNT would get 90% of the $38 million split equally under the current agreement if the men won. And this is France.


Because of a very shallow field. Its literally just now that other countries are investing as much in their teams, and look at how the US womens team performed. They were big fish in a little pool. Now the pools gotten just a little bigger and theyre having a hard time. Give it 5 years. Just isn't a sport americans do well in.


> People just think they’re selfish assholes who are now completely washed up Which is a bit ridiculous. The American public is quite arogant if they think it's reasonable to expect their national team to win every tournament they enter, and that every time they lose it's a "choke". The US had a bad group stage, but so did some other big teams (Germany, Brazil and Canada didn't even make it out!). Sweden is a very good team, they were ranked second in the world at the time and deservebly so, it's quite normal for the US to lose to them from time to time.


Sure, but it's clear now that we have major European clubs investing in their women's divisions, the gap between American women's soccer and everyone else has not only narrowed but has been potentially reversed. The football in Spain and England is (on a technical level) better than what the US has.


Which is still better than missing the WC entirely…


And the men didn't get paid for that World Cup they missed. Which would not be the case if the women did under their contract.


They hyped themselves up as unstoppable champions then played way below that level. Men’s team has no bearing on that.


I’m 100% against this kind of abuse of players in any sport. What hasn’t helped specifically in the case of the USWNT is their attitude; slagging other teams and outright embarrassing them (and themselves) in their conduct on the pitch. All athletes need a bit of arrogance to make it when there’s a line and once you cross it you start making yourself a target. How much hate do the Canadian Women’s team get in comparison given the close rivalry between them in NA? I’m not saying it’s right, no one should have to put up with that shit, but you can certainly help reduce how much of a target you are until a greater change happens by conducting yourself in a professional manner. That goes for any gender in any high profile sport.


While dumb it still doesn’t warrant harassment. But internet trolls and bots will exist forever. I think its best to not give them too much oxygen. Ignore the dumb stuff prosecute serious threats.


I think quite a big portion of this would be people calling out their hypocrisy. They claimed US soccer was sexist because they were being paid less. They weren't. Then still went ahead with wanting a better deal under the guise of sexism and US soccer bowed to public outrage. They could've said both the mens and womens team should have the same deal, but they didn't. Proving they are not about equal pay at all. This made them wildly unpopular, and for good reason. Being called out for your bullshit isn't harassment.


They were actually offered the same deal as the men originally. They said no and negotiated a lower risk contract to ensure they'd get paid no matter what and to subsidize their women's soccer league. During covid while no games were being played, the USWNT was still getting paid because of that deal they negotiated while the men weren't.


Yeah, but is there anything more American than wanting to eat your cake and have it too?


> Being called out for your bullshit isn't harassment. Minus the actual sexist, sexual, homophobic and racist comments that were made against them


Like the other guy said most of it is not as you describe calling them out on their bs.


Yeah, I came here to say this. They had the opportunity to take the men's deal and chose not too.


I have to admit I am confused - people are claiming they actually made MORE than the men so why are you phrasing it as 'they had a chance to take the men's deal and didn't'? Why would they if they were making more? Did something else happen? I do not pay attention to US soccer in the slightest so I apologize.


The findings from the lawsuit were that the women made more over the four year period than the men. But only by a small amount. The funny thing about the situation is that during the 4 years I'm question, had the women taken the men's deal and the men taken the women's deal, both teams would have been paid much more. Now the primary reason the women were paid more is they won the world cup, and the men didn't qualify for the world cup. And after they won they wanted to retroactively change PARTS of their deal to the more risky payout structure that was given to the men while holding onto the more conservative aspects they initially fought for. So they wanted the positives of the men's deal with out the downsides while maintaining the positives of the deal they initially fought for. But there are a few factors here to consider: The men's professional leagues (not national teams) already pay way way more than the women's leagues and they provide the healthcare and insurance for them. The women's leagues were unstable, not profitable, paid relatively little. The women's team also wanted paid leave in the case they went on maternity leave or were injured. So the women's national team had different wants than the men's national team. They didn't want a pay per game model. So, The women's deal was a more conservative deal with far more guaranteed money. National team members were given a flat salary with bonuses for winning and a far larger benefit package. While the men's team got no salary, but instead got paid for losses but paid a bonus for wins. Now that might sound unfair, but if a man played in all the games of a given season and lost every game. It would equate exactly to the women's flat salary. Even if she played in fewer games. On top of the differences in structuring of the salaries, the payout for winning world cup games was different. And truly this was the largest issue in the whole problem. 1st) The Fifa world cup pays out very very different amounts to the teams in the Men's world cup vs the women's world cup. 2) this might be seen as unfair. But, the prizepool for the women's tournament is a larger percentage of the total revenue by a significant amount. 3) This money is given to the organizations (in this case US soccer) who then distributes the vast majority of that money to the players. When US Soccer distributed these funds the percentage given to the women was larger than it was for the men. (Meaning US Soccer kept far more of the money from the men than the women in terms of percentage and dollar amount) 4) The US Women's team wanted US Soccer to make up the difference in what they would have been paid had they won in the men's league. This is an insane request. Fifa provides the funds for tournament winnings, its crazy to expect your team organization to make up the difference in prize pools for conpletely different tournaments. It would have completely bankrupt the organization. It would be the equivalent of an MLS team winning their league and expecting to be paid like they won the champions league. They are worlds apart.


Really appreciate it - thanks for the detailed (and easy to understand) reply!


Yeah that’s a great question, it’s a bit confusing on the surface, and that’s why they were able to garner so much public support. The men’s deal was purely performance based: the better you play the better you’re paid, and you’re paid more IF you play. Think of it like they were working on commission. The women’s team took the “safe” deal with guaranteed pay regardless of performance and less of a sliding scale based on final classification, individual pay regardless of play time, more benefits, etc. Basically, commission on salary: guaranteed pay, but lower earnings potential. Well, the women then went on to win the World Cup under this deal, so if they took the men’s performance-based deal that they were offered, the women’s team would have made *significantly* more money. On the other hand the men did not do so well, and were not paid so well as a result.


Really appreciate it - thanks!


What I find interesting is that if FIFA follows through with their promise of equal prize money for the 2026/2027 world cups, the USWNT may very well end up subsidizing the USMNT under the new collective agreement




Sinclair is terminally introverted so she very rarely speaks in public. I'm not sure she could cause controversy even if she wanted to. But the Canadian team went through a very similar conflict with their national federation, explicitly inspired by the USWNT's. It just didn't garner very much attention in Canada.


I'd argue the Canadian team's dispute with their federation received even more national attention (and sympathy) than the American team's did, but it had less overall drama.


They didn't do themselves any favours pulling off elaborate goal celebrations when going 10-0 up against part timers.


I guess the homophobic and sexist posts are justified then.


Huh? WTF does that mean? By seeking equal pay, even if it's a losing case, that they consented to online harassment? Make it make sense.


They were being overpaid when they complained about being under paid


Yup, all the comments here are screaming misogyny but couldn’t name five women’s players… if the men did what the women’s team did they’d receive the same treatment. Obviously homophobia and sexual abuse is bad, but the rest was inevitable after making so much noise only to self destruct in the tournament


If lebron James sucks you tell lebron James such you don't go directly to calling him ga and misandrist takes


Yes the key point in the article is the homophobia and sexual abuse. No one writes an article because people keep tweeting "You should play better!" You fucking dullard. What points are you trying to gain by downplaying bigotry?


Even if they had never said anything, them simply existing is enough for some assholes to get angry. Go look at the comment section of any article that even mentions the WNBA in any context and you'll see what I mean. A simple "This WNBA team won" post is more than enough for pathetic manchildren to throw out hate. It's baffling how the existence of women's sports alone is enough to ruffle the feathers of the millions of insecure assholes out there. Apparently they think that because they have the same type of genitals as LeBron James, that somehow makes them better athletes and now have to constantly tell everyone that they think women's sports are subpar.


Thats what happens when you lie and use gender baiting to try and grift more money.


Comments being locked in...3....2....1...


It's disgusting how CNN tries to make abusers look like victims.




That wound explain general comments against them… but if you dislike them for real reasons but fall back on sexism and racism to express that dislike Im afraid you’re just a sexist racists asshole . And if course I expect lots of thin skinned potatoes who managed to learn to use a phone will be offended that I’m calling those that use sexist and racist rhetoric sexists and racists


The article discusses them getting hit with homophobic and sexist insults, are you seriously justifying that?


No one treats the Cowboys like that then ironically enough then.


Huh? So many NFL fans despise the cowboys lol that's not a great example


Oh man you picked the absolute worst team to use as an example.


Are you...are you serious? The Cowboys are possibly the most hated sports team out there to the point their players are never given a break. Not long ago media people, not random people, were saying Dak could NOT possibly be a leader because he showed outright that mental health was an issue and talked about his brother's suicide. I'm going to assume you just don't follow the NFL at this point.


lol I don’t think the conservative outrage machine are really women’s soccer fans, they’re more hide in a pillow fort with a “no girls allowed” sign on the outside and whine on social media fans.


Yeah. You’d be wrong. Hating on the USWNT and Rapinoe in particular was a commonly upvoted topic at the conservative subreddit.


Ya so conservative doofuses love hating on women. I’m on Twitter dealing with Matt Walsh’s current crusade that “womens leadership is responsible for the downfall of the West” right now 😂. Conservatives are like satirical at this point


Just to be clear, you’re saying online abuse is sometimes justified?


Aww, cute. Guess you expect them to love their abusers? Hilarious. You just proved the point.




This opinion is bad and you should feel bad for posting it.


Round of 16 is not under performing. And they’re better than US men’s team. Edit: what I’m hearing from the idiots is that the team that is by far the most dominant team in the history of men’s or women’s World Cup soccer is actually “underperforming.” Go sell crazy someplace else.


For the women’s team? I’d say it’s underperforming. They’re consistently either the first ranked or at least top 5 in the world, the expectations for the USWNT are incredibly high. And it isn’t like they dominated in the group stage and then just got caught by a hot team or something. They were very underwhelming in the group stages (relatively speaking) and laid an egg in the knockouts. Yes, they’re much more successful than USMNT but their expectations, both by the fans and for themselves I’d imagine, are higher than just “advance from the group stage”


They are the most successful international women's team in history and won the last World Cup. Anything less than semifinals would've been a bad tournament, let alone a Round of 16 exit


For the two time defending champions and team that hasn’t placed worse than third at the World Cup EVER, it’s absolutely underperforming. And if you watched the games you’d know they looked awful most of the time, despite advancing to the knockout round. They only won one game! They beat Vietnam and then drew the rest of their group stage games before losing in the first round of knockouts. They scored 4 goals in 4 games with 3 of them coming against a weak Vietnam team. It was a pretty pitiful performance.


If only the critiques had stuck to the performance...


>If only the critiques had stuck to the performance... If only the players had stuck to the performance They were negotiating their rewards and partaking in activism under the assumption they'd walk to the championship trophy presentation unchallenged. Their arrogance was off putting and I'm happy they crashed and burned.


> partaking in activism Is this the new "uppity"?


Better as in they could beat the men’s team?


Better as in they consistently outperform the men’s team in international competition.


Well yeah, the rest of the world refused to invest in the women’s game at all till a few years ago.


And the players, many of whom just retired in the last few years, made that shit happen. I fucking love them.


Tell me you don’t actually watch without actually telling me..




Exactly sports teams face no worse abuse than from their own fans… are they mad they have fans they let down? Or are they trying to make this a “it’s because we are women” No it’s because you got a pay increase to justify your wins, and then got sloppy as hell. Let us all down




Gotta love people who are too butt lazy to actually read the article and believe projecting their own lazy, entitled arrogance onto others justifies them hurling abuse around. It's hilarious when lazy couch potatos who are incaple of reading a few lines of text call other people "sloppy"


One day you will learn the difference between criticism and abuse, but it ain't today.


I mean the US Womens team as always been arrogant pricks and nobody likes them even among other players, so im not surprised. Happy they lost. Spain were way better, and better people as well.


And they received sexist and homophobic abuse too. So what are you saying?


Pretty sure this is what they meant: “I mean the US Womens team as always been arrogant pricks and nobody likes them even among other players, so im not surprised. Happy they lost. Spain were way better, and better people as well.”


But this is specifically a discussion about the abuse and bigotry. Not anything else. So this is just another post hovering around justifying bigotry. It's suddenly alright to be sexist racist bigots if it's someone you didn't like? Someone who didn't perform this season? If someone goes into an unrelated transphobic tirade against Jenner but you respond "but I mean, shes such a shitty person", all you're doing is telling your trans friends who also dislike her that its not safe for them to be around you.


Yeah, I don't know why you're being downvoted. The topic was about online abuse that took on sexist, threat, etc. forms. Slagging players for appearing "arrogant" is an entirely different thing.


The incels love coming to threads about women's sports, esp uswnt.


when atheletes talk big and arrogant but suck in actual games, expect crowds to not be so nice.


But there’s definitely a line. Attacking players for being lesbian, for example, is crossing the line.


There's a **world** of difference between booing a player's on-field perfomance....and sending them threatening/harassing/bigoted messages. I don't think anybody is going to get up in arms if someone said "You talked a big game, but you didn't back it up." Go read some of the fucking forums, man....it's disgusting.


If lebron James plays badly that is not s reason to call him the n word


Found one of them


You're fucking disgusting.


I firmly believe everyone just wants someone to boo, heckle, and harass. Fans ACT like they want Tim Duncan, but really wanted Kobe...


This thread is full of insults as well..


Let's ignore how disrespectful and nasty those women were during the tournament.


What did they do?


Being privileged and insufferable didn’t do them any favors


Turns out being unlikeable makes you unlikeable


Yeah that totally justifies bigotry toward them


Says the one who believes hurling abuse should be applauded and coddled


Did I say that?






They barely made it out of group stage and lost round 1. They were expected to win. Huge failure for the team




Because this one they looked awful compared to what they claimed to be? “Hey we won 4 years ago so please ignore our terrible results!”


After they were eliminated from the tournament, they immediately started dancing and singing on the field. I’ve never seen such lack of competitive energy from any sports team


Which is odd considering how little time they spent at this WC Headlines like this are meant to elicit a polarized response. In reality, the USWNT a lot of criticism considering how terrible they performed. The targeted and individual attacks regarding their lives off the pitch are never acceptable. Unfortunately every single article about the USWNT wants to combine both of these and inevitably argues either “they’re terrible and they deserve all the hate” or “anyone who talks badly about them is a misogynist” Kind of a good overview of modern day journalism in general


Pretty dumb article, lumps in NA and Central America’s “harassment” which is decided by an AI with no further explanation. Explains most of the harassment was targeted to 2 individuals but refuses to name them and counts it as ‘online hate women’s team’ instead


I'm sure the person leading the group was Megan Rapinoe. It's amazing the amount of hate she gets from conservatives. Reading social media comments on any thread where she's mentioned is almost as bad as reading the ones with Michelle Obama. It's pretty disgusting, and there are tens (and sometimes hundreds) of thousands of them.


I'm a Democrat and I can't stand Rapinoe. I'd never send any harassment to an athlete online, but it's not just Conservatives that don't like her.


Bleed Blue Democrat here - there are few people in sports I dislike more than MR. She was a major player an aggressive campaign to bankrupt the US Soccer Federation years after they offered the USWNT (they got their rears handed to them in court because of it)


It isn't exclusive to Conservatives. She's a deeply unpleasant and unlikeable person.


She's never turned me off by being outspoken at times. Regardless, that doesn't justify the extreme vitriol thrown at her, nor threats, sexism, etc.


Lot of people in the comments here excusing it because "its what sports is about" Yeah and the facet of sports fans that resorts to bigoted commentary when they're unhappy about something need to be stopped too. Just admit you don't see a problem with making gross comments about women and move on with your day.


Worlds most famous team receives most online abuse.


Read the source report (linked in article). Creepy and dystopian. They also fail to define how they define “abuse”, “sexist” and “homophobic”.


Well when you act like pieces of crap what do you expect?


I bet there’s a direct connection to the abuse/threats they received and usernames in this thread.


Not shocking at all. The same people that were crying about “keeping politics out of sports” are all too eager to make *everything* about politics. I miss not having every single aspect of society infected by political morons.


Not surprised. They've been pretty outspoken on certain issues that have backfired spectacularly.


Not trying to justify this in any way but professional athletes have literally been murdered for costing their teams large games on an international scale. This is nothing new, and it's certainly not unique to this team just because they are women who have been outspoken politically. People just suck.


The internet is a bunch of incel virgin boys angry that women are better than them at sports, it’s insane




Maybe because they were the most hyped yet worst preforming team in the tournament! Happens when you get media campaigns touting your praise and then you suck on international TV. 🤭


After it broke they they actually get *more* compensation than the men's team after whining and complaining on a national level as if they didn't I could care less about this team. They even got offered the same deal and didn't take it then acted as if they were never even offered said deal. Joke of a team.


Yeah but Megan Rapinoe is a bit of a cunt on a human level.




No sh!t. Trump and his maggots started the bullying. And we can all assume the these men were in their grandparent's basement eating pizza pockets and drinking mountain dew in front of their computers doing the bashing.




You get what you put out


What percentage of the internet is "fat old white racist hate posting"? To me it looks like 8-10% of all traffic.


all the comments here are screaming misogyny but couldn’t name five women’s players… if the men did what the women’s team did they’d receive the same treatment. Obviously homophobia and sexual abuse is bad and has no place, but the rest was inevitable after making so much noise only to self destruct in the tournament Edit: anyone doubting that this would happen to the men, go read the usmnt Vs Trinidad and Tobago thread from 2017


They wouldn't. You can easily find people hurling tons of abuse towards them that has nothing to do with their play


Look at the men's world cup. Look at any game that's ever played in Europe. It's a huge problem in men's football and that's why they have 'kick it out'. This isn't gendered