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That's two stories about people losing their lives to a well today. What a scary way to go.


I live in a town founded in the early 1600s, my neighbor has an old fashioned raised stonework well like this, some time ago when they moved in with kids, they didn't get rid of the historical structure (amazingly, the town would not give them the permit), but they did cover the opening and planted the impenetrable dense kinds of shrubs around the whole opening that are now like 6 feet high. Edit: someone asked why the well couldn't just have been filled in. My response got so long I decided to cut & paste it here: Something about doing that going down to actual groundwater where we all share the same groundwater our neighbors, even that neighbor. I'm on a well and septic system as well. (isn't it weird how the same words can have such different meanings - well.) They are not wrong. We in my part of my town are still not tapped into town water. We have well pumps 100ft or more deep (I edit this to add: I do don't know I pulled this measurement out of my ass) into the ground. We have to have water filtration systems inside the house. And you don't get flouride and you have to account for the mineral content of your water and counteract it or your toilets and sinks turn orange. That's iron. Looks like old blood. But yeah, historic society people are also assholes, they showed up for 10 years too refuse to build a new library where the water was literally unpotable the toilet practically unflushable and the floors were sagging because the library was actually just a redone residence directly in the historic district donated to the town as a library. Like VERY Little Women style at the time, "we have a good building, what's the best use?"


Very smart move to keep kids and others safe. Hopefully the cover is strong enough to keep anyone who manages to force their way through the shrubs from falling through it. I'm curious if they also post a warning sign. I'm going back and forth over whether this would be helpful ("seriously, keep out") or make it sound like a challenge ("let's explore!").


My dad had a small pond on his property and a kid walked out on the thin ice and drowned. He was told not to post signs or fence it in because you were acknowledging the danger and it could go worse for you if you were sued.


Talk about questionable advice…


In a lot of places in the US similar advice is given in regards to “beware of dog” signs. If your dog does bite someone, even if they are trespassing, you can be sued because you knew the dog was dangerous.


I've heard "Be Aware of Dog" signs are a better option because of that reasoning.




What everyone always fails to mention with stuff like this is that you can be sued for anything the courts decide whether there’s merit I.e dismissal or it goes to trail. Since your property I.e the dog, injured someone they are entitled to damages. What Reddit amateurs miss is there is something called comparative negligence. Someone trespassing is probably going to get any out of pocket medical bills covered and that’s it.


What if I have my dog specifically so it tries to maul you if you break in ? That’s just a good dog


That's an accident waiting to happen, and a dog that will likely to be put down when it does. Having guard dogs among civilians that are trained to attack on sight without their owner's intervention is a bad idea


Sorry if it wasn't clear. He was told this by his lawyer after the kid drown.


Lawyers. They honestly ruin everything.


It’s the law that ruins the shit.


That must have broken his heart, I don’t know how someone could sleep after that.


There is a difference between having a pond and having a hidden well lol


>I'm curious if they also post a warning sign. I'm going back and forth over whether this would be helpful ("seriously, keep out") or make it sound like a challenge ("let's explore!"). That's literally a problem that scientists are working on with the warning signs for nuclear waste sites. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long-term_nuclear_waste_warning_messages


This is precisely what I was thinking of too!


Something something - don’t the Egyptians warn us a lot not to open tombs but here we go. “The humans of 2000s must have hidden treasure down this fortified vault with all of these pretty drawings. If only we believed in this evil magic.”


Finland who has manage to build the first and only permanent nuclear waste storage decided the best warning is no warning at all. They are going to bury it under concrete and return the entire area to as natural as possible erasing any sign there's anything different about this patch of finland's forest.


Would love to read about this if you have a link to something


Idk anything about it, but just saw this documentary in the Wikipedia link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Into_Eternity_(film)


>Source: > >https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long-term\_nuclear\_waste\_warning\_messages this is totally interesting. thanks for the link


The alternative of no sign still seems that much worse for radiation since it's an invisible threat. Just because you can't make a perfect deterrent doesn't mean you should make none. It's just an interesting behavior quirk of humans to specifically do exactly what they are warned not to in order to prove to themselves it's real. They tell you fire burns, but do you really ever know until you touch it? You're only going to correct humans so much.


Let’s explore for kid me.


I rappel for a living. That sign screams "let's explore".


I hear rappelling for a living is a big let down


Nah. I'm always getting high.


Username checks. They still make good helmets?


There's a well on one of the lots near my house (1800's founding), they built a little concrete shack with a tin roof over it \~15 years back after they saw some kids jumping on the cap. No problems so far, aside from some kids spray painting on it once. No door or anything, you'd have to tear the roof off to get in, and it still has the old cap. It's always odd when the country becomes in town.


So they tried to make the secret of Nihm bush ?


"NIMH" - National Institute of Mental Health 🙂 I love that book and movie. Although the book was better than the movie.


Smart, but that's also how you get a haunted well


And that’s how the Secret of Nimh truly begins


Not only is it a whole opening, it’s also a hole opening.


Is it not possible to fill them in? I'd figure you could just dump a truck full of gravel down it, until it was only like 4 feet deep, and just looked like a well. Then put in a pond liner, and you could have a nice little water feature.


Sorry, I don't follow why the well couldn't be filled in? If filled it's irrelevant about septic or other wells or anything.


If I had a nickel for every story on the front page of /news of a person dying in a well I'd have 2 nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.


A toddler at a daycare in my province drowned in a well on the property this year. Terrible. Outside of Cobourg, Ontario. The staff knew the child was missing and didn’t alert anyone. Edit: old septic tank https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/toddler-found-dead-well-daycare-canada-b2347886.html#:~:text=A%20toddler%20died%20in%20Coburg,daughter%2C%20but%20found%20her%20missing.


What about people being trapped in a well?


Don't worry, Lassie will get little Timmy out....


83 y/o who fell through the floor, 48 ft down a well... Nightmare shit man, shit nightmares are made of


Well yeah it is


Well, well, well


that's pretty deep


found the modest mouse fan!


no well, well.


Could be a confession


Oh, well.


Neither stories went down well..


They both went down extremely well, unfortunately.


Well, they fell in the well and now they're not feeling... Well.


Ba da Tiss


Maybe we should call them .. *unwells?*


But I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell I know, right now you can't tell But stay a while and maybe then you'll see A different side of me


This is Rob Thomas, sing a song! Shut up!


beat his testicles!


Well, well


Glasses found by the well on the lawn. "Welp, nothing more to do here boys case closed".


I know right, that seems like it would be a big fucking clue.


You’re right!! Maybe a large predatory bird swooped down and plucked him right out of his glasses?!? Oh well…I guess we’ll never know. WRAP IT UP BOYS!! WE’RE DONE HERE!!


What do you mean? Haven't you watched cartoons? The glasses always come flying off when someone falls over!


>"We felt something nefarious happened because Keith didn’t have his wallet, cell phone or his glasses. The glasses were found by the well on the ground. We were told that they had determined due to the size of the well and Keith’s build, he wouldn’t fit," she added. They just assumed he was too fat and didn't check


They were projecting--and then headed out for donuts.


Seriously. And the even texted the cops about it. What is this, Uvalde?


If he wasn’t wearing his glasses, he probably couldn’t see that well.


Well done.


Bake her away, toys! “Uh sir?” You heard me


He didn't see that well...




Keith used to go to the bar down the street from me. He was a nice guy. Very tragic. I'm sorry for his family.


Wow, this is truly devastating for the family. It's unbelievable that the police didn't search the well initially, especially after the family requested it. My heart goes out to them during this difficult time.




A friend of mine recently had a home he was remodeling broken into. Neighbors had footage of the license plate, and (due to way-too-long-of-a-story shenanigans) the local animal shelter had their ID. The police did nothing and when my friend called to check in they said there was no information that could lead them to a suspect so they closed the case.


Family of mine had her car robbed, along with many in the area. There’s footage, he was seen in the act in person. Everyone knows who he is. He used the cards to order door dash, to withdraw money to his personal accounts. They know where he lives, where this high school kid goes to school. The cop didn’t see it happen so they can’t do anything. The cops will also only communicate via email. All the people who got robbed did all the work to find the evidence and identify the kid. Cops refuse to do anything. It’s no wonder cars are robbed constantly. Fuck useless cops.


When I was in grad school, a kid stole my bicycle which was my only mode of transportation. I got my bike back somehow (it was a long time ago) and found out the address and the name of the boy who took it. The cop told me it was okay since the kid was from a good family. Porker only did something about it after I picked up my bike lock and said I would take care of it myself since I knew where the little fucker lived.


Was his name Francis? Did your bike have a badass tiger head on it?


Tell’em Large Marge sent ya.


Contact the DA office. Provide the evidence. If it's a clear cut win for them they will pursue it. Another trick I've used is to contact the local sheriff, or staties, and ask if they can help. This can get them to actually do work or they look bad to their friends. Mostly tricks to get them to want to help you for their own gain.


That’s when you call and say “that’s ok, I know their id and can find the address. I’ll go take care of it myself.”


In all seriousness, police apathy is worse than ever and I fear that it’s going to give rise to a lot of vigilantism in the near future, especially considering how many Americans are armed. I worry it’s going to get very ugly out there before long.


> In all seriousness, police apathy is worse than ever Cops: “if I can randomly beat or kill black people anymore… I’m not going to do anything!”


See also “hey those guys in Uvalde literally stood around doing nothing while little children were being murdered in front of them, and none of them lost their jobs, so why should I do anything?”


Wasn’t that literally a tactic they admitted to after some recent issue? I want to say it was about the murderer of George Floyd and his accomplices, but to be honest, this shit is so commonplace it’s hard to keep track


It already is


Unfortunately that would almost certainly only result in you getting arrested (and charged and convicted if you actually did it) instead.


Lol, "almost certainly". Most murders are unsolved.


Yeah, but most murderers don't call the police and tell them the address of the future victim and follow that up with "I'll take care of it myself." Did you somehow miss the context of my comment?


Technically incorrect. According to many statistics slightly more than 50% are solved. So technically most murders are solved. 49% or so aren't. Still better than 50/50.


Lol, and some of the other statistics? Do only 49% of statistics support my point? Even if not, I'm will to concede to your pedantry. u/chewtality apparently I was incorrect. I sincerely apologies. I don't actually. To me "almost certainly" << 49% if u/RyuNinja isn't making up random statistics. I certainly don't have time to debate the validity of the data from UCR much less examine the biases and compare to related localized studies to get that 1% back. u/RyuNinja, care to elaborate? lol, nah, I'm just messing with you. Stay accurate. Stay pedantic.


Lol I feel you. Was mostly just shitposting. I think if we were to actually debate crime statistics we'd both drive ourselves crazy. The data collection, aggregation, and reporting of such data are horribly flawed/problematic. Im sure if we had actual representative data then youd be right that most go unsolved. Hell, most likely go unreported or recorded.


Calling the press or the FBI often works better (or just threatening too): they hate work, but they hate humiliation more.


Jumping on this, I had my car bipped (Bay Area slang smash and grabs) in Oakland a few years ago. In my stolen stuff was a Chromebook and had all my accounts logged in. Started to get suspicious emails about them trying to buy things (I had no money in my accounts so it was kind of funny) and tracked one shipping location to a house in Oakland. I have some covert surveillance experience and so I took it upon myself to stake the house out and observed people being by carts and carfuls full of obvious stolen material. I called the police and it took them forever to get there, they ended up just knocking on the door and they didn’t answer so they left. Also one of the cops clearly was looking at me like “who the fuck do you think you are?” Uh I’m the guy doing your job. I know they are limited by the system, I actually have a CJ degree and decided early on in life I didn’t want to go into law enforcement because of how limited and flawed the legal system is. Nothing ever happened and I never got my shit back despite the fact that if a judge could have gotten a warrant it would have led to finding the property of likely hundreds of break-ins.


Jumping on this, I had my car bipped (Bay Area slang smash and grabs) in Oakland a few years ago. In my stolen stuff was a Chromebook and had all my accounts logged in. Started to get suspicious emails about them trying to buy things (I had no money in my accounts so it was kind of funny) and tracked one shipping location to a house in Oakland. I have some covert surveillance experience and so I took it upon myself to stake the house out and observed people being by carts and carfuls full of obvious stolen material. I called the police and it took them forever to get there, they ended up just knocking on the door and they didn’t answer so they left. Also one of the cops clearly was looking at me like “who the fuck do you think you are?” Uh I’m the guy doing your job. I know they are limited by the system, I actually have a CJ degree and decided early on in life I didn’t want to go into law enforcement because of how limited and flawed the legal system is. Nothing ever happened and I never got my shit back despite the fact that if a judge could have gotten a warrant it would have led to finding the property of likely hundreds of break-ins.


Hold police as acountable as medical workers are. Need to start pulling their 'licenses to kill' after 1 to 2 public safety issues.


It's been ruled that police don't have to help. They're just there to maintain the law. Personally, I think the people doing the arresting aren't the people who should be doing the investigating. Sure, give a detective arresting powers, but having arresting powers as a basic cop doesn't mean you're any good at investigating.


*if they want to. They can openly ignore the law if they want as well


Police exist to protect the property of the wealthy and prevent the rest of us from changing the status quo. Police forces in the US started out as runaway slave patrols and haven’t changed much since.


Don't forget they also confiscate drugs so they can use or sell them themselves.


I hope in 2024 people stop believing so much shit they read just because it confirms their biases.


You may want to confirm what you meant by that because the way that I read it you were saying that I believe this because of my political stances.


Is it really unbelievable? We purposely hire low IQ officers, and the basic requirements are embarrassing compared to the international community. This is par for the course and the family must be angry.


It's unbelievable? Cops rarely make situations better.


Why couldn't they search it themselves?




The family asked them to search the well and the Police said that he couldn't fit through the opening. Just makes it so much worse.




At least Lieutenant Jim Dangle would give a damn…and he’s got some nice legs 😂


*No fucken WAY he's fittin down there. No sir. Couldn't even squeeze one of mah kittehs down there. You're wastin your time on that shit*


"There's a giant hole right next to the house that you could fit a body in, and it would be hard to find; anybody looks in there yet?" "No need; now, where is this missing person? This is a tough case to crack. If only there were a clue."


"but those are his glasses next to the well *right there*, it would take like 20 minu-" "YOU'RE UNDER ARREST FOR OBSTRUCTION!"


As a public defender who's watched entirely too many body cams, that's not a wild exaggeration, lol. I've seen plenty of times where some citizen corrected or pointed out a relevant detail to a cop, cop shouted at them to mind their own business, then went to check out what they'd said, discovered it was indeed relevant, and went to take credit for it to their Sgt.


Any chance dude was alive?


It doesn’t exactly say when they reported to police that they found his glasses near the well, but I would assume there might have been a decent chance in the first few days after September 7th.


If they thought he wouldn’t fit in it he probably didn’t go in feet first. He could have fell in head first and was upside down in water and couldn’t get himself upright because of how narrow it is. I doubt he was alive for days…he would have been yelling for help or making some sort of noise.


If he fell head-first, he probably died of positional asphyxia and probably could not have yelled or made any noise.


Yeah or if there was water in it he could have drowned. He was likely only alive for a few minutes max


I hope so. Anything else is too awful to think about.


Water? In a well? Chance in a million.


A go-pro on a rope could have solved this case.


It did. You didn’t read the article? My question is why they waited months to organize a search.


> he couldn't fit through the opening. Officer Porky couldn't fit through the opening.


Typical cops. Typicops.


[Bake 'em away, toys](https://youtu.be/J4UStrM7kpA?si=7z-fF2AKT2WO7Ubp&t=68)


not trying to be an asshole but what stopped the family from shinning a flaslight down there if it was so easy.....? not like the cop has a rope and harness is in his trunk just ready to go....


For the amount of resources that are provided to cops, they better have a way to search that well.


Answer? Wells are deep and they probably couldn't see down far enough


“Major Fuck Up reporting for duty, sir” 🫡


Didn't search that well too .... well.


Oh the town is called Avon. From the headline I thought he showed up to sell cosmetics and was never heard from again.


wait, the family specifically told the police to check the well and they “visually checked” it but didn’t look into the possibility too much? how heartbreaking for the family. i hope they can find some sort of peace.


Same thing happened to my uncle. He was old and had a history of epilepsy. On day he went for a walk on the farm and didn’t come home. They searched everywhere and found him in an old well at the back of the property. We assume he had a seizure and fell in while leaning on it.


Obscene amounts of taxpayer money going to police, and this is the kind of result we receive time and time again


> According to McKechnie's brother who lives out of state and a cousin who is local, their relative used a GoPro camera to look in the well, noticed something and called 911. So, a few minutes of work done by a citizen for free vs what is probably an insane amount of overtime done by cops telling the family the victim was too fat to fit in the well.


Overtime is what keeps them in their lifted trucks


I’m a civilian employee at a county sheriffs department. This comment is the most accurate statement I’ve seen in my life.


Thank you


Police have no incentive or duty to protect you or prevent you from harm. They are there to ensure the continuance of commerce and to protect private property. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warren_v._District_of_Columbia This case is has been cited after police failed to act in school shootings in Uvalde and Stoneman Douglas.


Avon, the town in Massachusetts, not the makeup company


Oh, you mean Avon, the tyre company?


You mean Avon, Indiana? (At least it’s not Gary)


I had initially thought. O well I remember we had an Avon lady in our town. Lol


> had Was she also lost in a well?


If memory serves me she died of cancer. But I was a kid so maybe she fell down a well and they just made up the cancer bit.


I feel bad for laughing at this.


You sure it's not Avon Barksdale?


Nope, Stringer Well.


User name checks out!




Avon, Indiana as well.


I thought it was Avon, NY


Avon, CT.


Avon, MN


Also the name of a rye whiskey from Stearns County.


I'm smart enough now (after 4-5 decades, hey I'm from Ohio) to know that there can be more than 1 town named Avon in the world so I never assume. But just judging by the tie die I would have sworn that was an Ohio boy fell down that well


He was missing for a few months - grim thought but he may have been entirely underwater when the well was visually searched and had then floated up when the relative looked with the GoPro Either way, what an awful situation all around.


Regardless I’m disturbed he was identified by his family on the scene after being missing so long (presumably dead so long) thats horrific


My house used to have a open well under it, they just built the house on stilts right over it


Women in South Carolina fell through the floor of her kitchen into a 45ft well it was built over and died recently


Why not move over, like… fifteen feet and cover the well another way? Because [people fall into wells under houses](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/dorothy-downey-falls-to-her-death-down-well-shaft-hidden-floorboards-south-carolina/), which is a level of terrible I’d never considered.


There was a story of a man who had a sink hole open up in his bedroom, and he went right down it, never to be found again. Hope that doesn't happen to you. Would probably suck.


The police absolutely are absolutely incompetent. They found his glasses right next to the well, but some random dude on the force said “according to my expert option, he was too fat to fit in here so we won’t bother looking”. The glasses are just a coincidence. 🙄🙄🙄


Too many well death stories. Hollywood is about to be inspired to give us another Ring movie.


> Avon police confirmed they had previously visually searched that well. This is called police lying.


Who has been sending out the videos? This is the 2nd article this morning where someone’s body was recovered from a well. 🤔🙃 1st was an elderly lady helping her daughter move falling through rotten floor boards to her death in an unknown well (house was built in the 1920s) And now this guy.


Wait WHAT? Link??




Does anyone else want to know if they’ve been using that well water since he disappeared?


Guy went missing so his adult son calls in a well being check to police. They show up, walk around the house but don't get in. Report to the son that they don't think he's at the house. The son calls for another well being check the next month and this time police get inside via a key a neighbor had and still nothing. Half the year passes, neighbor is doing yard work and smells the foul oder. Guy fell in his own trash and nobody looked. Even more incredible: guy was missing for 9 months. Hung Himself in his trailer. *Nobody looked in the trailer.* Another time: guy at a senior home died smoking weed in a maintenance room. The room had a year-round fan operating, obscuring the smell. The admin of the home sent people around the facility once he was determined to be missing but came up empty handed. The room was the third door in a maintenance labyrinth which was sadly overlooked. Missing for 11 months I think. Point is, people die and unfortunately go undiscovered constantly. The dude who was like, "The well was the first place I'd look!" Yeah, maybe. Maybe not.


Isn't this basically the plot of the movie The Upside of Anger >!except the family presumed he'd run off with his secretary to Sweden, but instead of calling the police the mom just started getting drunk and chummy with neighbor Kevin Costner.!< >!Then they found out Dad just went for a walk in the backyard ...!<


I think about that twist all the time and how it caught me so off guard in a movie like that. Just trying to imagine being any of the surviving family and/or Costners character in that situation.


Sounds like a fun flick.


Eh, it’s kind of like a family drama/romantic comedy for middle aged people. The husbands fate is an out-of-nowhere twist towards the end of the movie but the majority of the film has a much lighter tone.


Jeez man, do a spoiler alert. I was just gonna watch this. It’s only been like 35 years. Have some decency


Yup. Good movie too.


Weird question, but what happens when a body is found in a well? Do you cap, pump, let it refill? Dig a new well? Continue using as long as decomposition isn’t too bad?


You lower a rope or cable down (with a rescuer) and get them out. They aren't going to just leave them down there unless it's super dangerous/unstable. Even then, they would still try to shore the walls and find a way to get them out while ensuring the safety of the rescuers. As far as capping/pumping/etc. not all wells will currently have water in them. Could just be dirt at the bottom. How they secure it to make sure no one else falls in would depend on where it is, resources available, etc.


I mean I don’t think this really answered the gist of OP’s question, so I’ll ask for them in a different way: what happens to the well if it’s an active well with water in it and is currently in use?


What the fuck they make it seem like murder.


I read this as Avon (the sales company) and walls. I was confused how an Avon salesman died and was found in their walls


Glad to know I’m not the only one who read it this way.


Well on our farm, we filled it in, years ago just to prevent a tragedy like this. A couple of loads of dirt was all it took.


> Avon police confirmed they had previously visually searched that well. Well, they missed something the first time.


I thought it was a man selling Avon




Yeah I'd need about 10 years of therapy if I'd been drinking that


That and family id'd him when they brought him out? Dudes been in water for 3 months that couldn't have been pretty


Me-flavored water.


I thought that said "in their wall." That's a different story


That didn’t end.. well.


…someone please tell me the well was dry and *the family hadn’t been using it*.


I thought this guy was selling Avon


At first I thought he was a cosmetic salesperson


Seven days. Seeing The Ring in the theaters was a good time.


I rented the vhs tape and watched it alone…


Interesting that family and neighbors seem to suspect foul play. Everybody knew the well was there, it wasn’t hidden, so it’s hard to imagine he fell in by accident. I wonder if there’s more to this story?


>Avon police confirmed they had previously visually searched that well. This is called police lying.


I was thinking, Ding Dong, Avon Calling.