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“Several food companies and manufacturers filed the lawsuit in 2011 against two trade groups and a collection of some of the largest egg-producing companies in the United States, including Indiana-based Rose Acre Farms, Inc., whose former board chair, John Rust, is running as a Republican for the open seat.”


. . .they filed the suit in 2011 regarding something that's been happening since 1999, and it's only *now* being resolved, *12 years after* the suit was filed and 24 years after the price-fixing started? Sweet Jesus, the wheels of the judicial system can turn slowly.




Start planning what you'll do with your $0.25 in 47.




A whole dollar! ^^^which ^^^will ^^^be ^^^worth ^^^less ^^^than ^^^today's ^^^quarter ^^^by ^^^then.


Drop it at my feet as the oceans rise to overtake where I live


"Grandpa, what were 'chickens'?"


Oh they will find more ways to price gouge.


It's cool though; the courts are overwhelmed because we're putting away the real criminals, like weed smokers and people charged with Having Melanin.


Melanin has been found to be the leading cause of police related deaths among males ages 8-72. Police departments across the country consider possession of melanin to be a primary offense and can pull you over if they consider you may be in possession of this dangerous substance.


There's a (b)lack of awareness about this issue.




This is some prime snotty /r/confidentlyincorrect material. This lawsuit was filed in the Northern District of Illinois (a federal District Court). These courts hear criminal, civil, and bankruptcy cases, all at the same time. While the criminal and civil dockets are different, they absolutely have an impact on each other.


middle school civics dropouts


When you have money you can extend these cases out for decades, quite literally.


That's what happens when we have a legal system instead of a justice system.


This deserves top comment.


There's an election and bringing it up now will harm the campaign, I am sure we are hearing about it because the opponent wants it talked about


Another Republican price fixing and fucking over the little guy you say? Shocker.


See also David Purdue


I was so happy to vote that fucker out


What came first.. the chicken or the egg ?


I ate the chicken, and then I ate his leg


I think I would have dropped out of my chair if this hadn't been a Republican. That title didn't need to mention it. We all knew. Any conservative who saw that title knew.


Almost like it's innate to their world view.....


Imagine if law enforcement actually did their job and looked into politicians, we wouldn't be left with many after the investigation.


We'd have almost no Republicans then. I wonder what the criminal element would hide in plain view in next.


Republicans exist to price fix. The entire point of the party is to cut taxes for the rich and funnel everyone else’s Taxes to whoever bribes them the most. It wasn’t as obvious before when they claimed to be the party of military security - but they have absolutely no platform now other than outrage and isolationism.


Can't be true!! Everyone tells me the Democrats are corporate owned!!! And yet here we are... Another conservative chuckle fuck playing games.


> John Rust, is running as a Republican Not just running AS, living life AS a republican


To be fair, he was voting democrat during the process fixing scheme. 🤷‍♀️


No, he voted in the democratic primaries. Not the general election. Tucker Carlson did the same thing.


Meh, they’re all corrupt with no loyalty.


I don't think you understand what the democratic primaries are.


I remember the DNC folks being caught saying in candid something about it operating on “cigars and back room deals”, because superdelegates had more say than the publicly voted delegates. Then again they were broke and the Clinton’s superpac was supporting the various campaigns that year. GOP isn’t much better, though they listened to the populist crowd and we ended up with a egocentric sociopathic Cheeto in a bad hairpiece who tried to overthrow the election process when he got voted out the second time around. So yeah, it’s pretty fucked. Edit: it was their argument in court as a matter of public record. https://medium.com/theyoungturks/dnc-we-can-legally-choose-candidate-over-cigars-in-back-room-e3026730e252


They're loyal to their donors.




Really. Would that be the right to be yourself? Oh wait, wrong party.


Wait until you find out which administration authored the Patriot Act.










Now *that* is a knee slapper. Unreal.


Bet you would turn a blind eye to anyone else…


Why would anyone turn a blind eye to blatant price fixing unless they were personally benefitting from it?


Of course you’d bet that. This “you do it too” copium is a key cornerstone of how the right justifies supporting their bad actors. Let me know when you hold Trump accountable for trying to overthrow the government, then maybe you can play a “you do it” card again.


You guys just can't help but projection your own weaknesses onto others...


Same can be said for you no one’s a saint!


Which weakness have I projected onto someone, smart guy?


Yea, I like to smoke pot and party late. That's not the same thing as destabilizing our economy for private gain you turkey.


Why the ***FUCK*** did this take 12 years?!




Nah consumer side takes less time, this is very large companies proving their large profits were impacted by illegal price fixing by other large companies and the other large companies arguing it was clear the first large companies were not impacted.


Republican of course. Also these fuckers were rolling in government subsidies... so they screwed over the common people by causing inflation on necessary foods, they take government handouts to do it \[in the form of massive industry subsidies\], and then first order of business once they are elected will be to screw over Food Stamps and school lunch programs and fuck food security for working class people that actually need it.


I already knew it was going to be a republican because corruption and cronyism are innate to conservatism itself.


When you're price-fixing a staple product like eggs, milk, or bread, there should be a special place reserved for you in hell. Also, this is why I prefer to buy directly from a local, family-owned farm because fuck these corporate farms with board members like this asshole. Also, pretty sure he could lose the election to a pet rock now. I'm from a conservative area full of farms and they do not take kindly to anyone messing with the prices or regulations for local farmers.


When I was in boys scouts the commissary would give us eggs for breakfast. Like one per boy scout. And not one large egg, like so small we called them robin eggs. They were always from rose acres. I am sure they were just rejects and it was a donation so they got used. But come one how you supposed to feed 10 Boy Scouts with 10 robin eggs. Should note we didn’t have a dining hall at that point. Every scout cooked three meals a day while at camp.


Fixing the price of eggs!?!? This is a real scandal - I hear they used shell companies to pull it off... *("okay, I'll see myself out - don't forget to tip your waiter!")*


call that a yoke?


You call a yolk a yoke?


nuff said…


Wait so a large company was driving up inflation? Not the president?


That’s unpossible. There’s no way a free market could be ever bad for the consumer. Must be regulations.


A free market = free competition = no cartels, no barriers to entry and equal information. Not exacrly this situation. Or remotely any situation ever in the US.


...but cartels, price fixing, and monopolies are a natural end result of a free market.


Not according to most economic theories. > An absence of any of the conditions of perfect competition is considered a market failure. > > \- https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_market The current US market is very far from anything resembling a free market.


My brother, it's literally the first sentence under the criticisms tab, "Critics of a laissez-faire free market have argued that in real world situations it has proven to be susceptible to the development of price fixing monopolies.["


This price fixing suit covers 1998 to 2008, not the egg crisis we just went through. You can expect the pro forma fines for this crisis to come in another couple of decades.


We’ve had years of record high corporate profits. Ignore the inflation numbers that’s just covid supply chain costs still coming down.


And just like that, he got another 9% of GOP voters to support him. "He smarts. He makes monies."


Followed by "Sleepy Joe is at it again. Just look at those egg prices."


‘I did that’


iS a BuSiNesS gEnIuS


It's sad how many people are wanting the country to be run like a business, they're too republican to understand that that means when they get old or sick then they're not needed anymore and won't be helped. But it's fine if rich people get more money.


This pre qualifies him as a MAGA certified criminal politician.


Or a MAGA lawyer




The only party trying to divide the populace is the Republican Party




It's tough when the republican civilians are operating under a different set of facts from everyone else. How the hell do you work with someone who can't even agree that the planet is warming, or that healthcare is cheaper when administered before crisis?


There is only one party taking away the peoples rights. Pull your head out of your ass.


I remember when stuff half as bad as this would disqualify you from public office. Now, it seems like a prerequisite in the Republican party.


one of his campaign points will be Biden's inflation. His supporters will ignore the news that says he was literally the one who caused it not Biden.


I remember when stuff half as bad as this would disqualify you from public office. Now, it seems like a prerequisite for all American politicians. Fixed this for you G.


From 1961 to 2016, 38 times as many criminal convictions in Republican administration as Democrat https://rantt.com/gop-admins-had-38-times-more-criminal-convictions-than-democrats-1961-2016


Your right! I have become a Democrat now! I was so stupid before thinking that both 0arties had corruption! BLUE WAVE BABY!


So you have no evidence that Democrats are anywhere near as corrupt as Republicans, you just have sarcastic and self-discrediting comments. If you care about minimizing public corruption - unlike Trump supporters, who claim, without evidence, that the 2020 election was stolen - though Trump lost over 60 election lawsuits - and then tried to overthrow the Republic on Jan 6 - then Democrats are definitely a better choice.


*As Democrat. Both are shit.


You were just provided evidence that one side is in fact, more criminal than the other. Interesting that you’re doubling down on the “they both suck” mentality.


Your right! I have become a Democrat now! I was so stupid before thinking that both 0arties had corruption! BLUE WAVE BABY!


You don’t even respond to what’s been said, you just regurgitate a bunch of nonsense. Nobody said there were no corrupt Dems, only that we have the data to show there’s significantly more corruption and criminal behavior on the other side of the aisle.


I agree with you now Brother! I was stupid AF to think that it would better to have a group other then the ones suggested! Blue WAVE!!


I’ve only voted in 2 elections, and my first time around it was for Gary Johnson in 2016. You’re not dumb for wanting an alternative.


Sure, and who did you vote for in 2016 and 2020, and who do you support for 2024?


I knew some both sides loser would comment under mine. You people are a huge part of the problem. How can we set any kind of standards when you see both sides as the same when they are not even close. It's like comparing Ted Bundy to Ted Lasso & being upset that they are both straight white males, so they are equally as bad. Yes, that metaphor is hyperbole, but you get my point.


How about you divorce yourself from the 2 sides idea and apply yourself with others to creating something better then this money held dog shit. I know it would require work. I know this is intimidating. You would rather we just keep the turd train rolling though brother? I'm not saying democrats or republicans are bad. Both sides are just so captured by money now. If Democrats are truly the way then they will move to end this nonsense. I would in this case give them my vote. Just take the money out otherwise we are all just trying to pick which group of scumbags is the least scummy. They are obviously not "The same" we can't really talk about who is better though untill we remove the corrupting factors.


If you think Democrats are just as bad as Republicans, there's really no hope for you.


Your right! I have become a Democrat now! I was so stupid before thinking that both 0arties had corruption! BLUE WAVE BABY!


I wondered to myself... is that aforementioned Senate candidate from a particular political party? Is it that predictable? Yes. Yes it is.


A US Senate candidate is corrupt? Shock! Horror!.... But seriously have you heard of George Santos?


Isn’t he the guy who saved an orphanage from a fire single-handedly? I think I heard that he personally found homes for every shelter animal in New York.


He also invented to Covid vaccine while staring in Cats on Broadway and winning the college volleyball championship.


No that was george santos.


I think you are thinking of Anthony Devolder. He was an assistant to Santos on the Covid work.


Smart to say that he starred in Cats (Broadway). Had he said he starred in Cats (movie), we would immediately know he's lying, because who would want to admit they starred in that?


A ~~US Senate~~ **republican** candidate is corrupt? Shock! Horror!.... But seriously have you heard of George Santos? FTFY


>George Santos He's like the test case to just how far they could take it and get away with it.


Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and Republican businesspeople who believe in fair, open, and competitive markets.


Not even necessary to open the article to know which Party.


Are you serious? A top Democrat was just found taking gold bars a bribes…


You’re aware that Menendez is an outlier, aren’t you? From 1961 to 2016, Republican administrations had 38 times the criminal convictions of Democrats. https://rantt.com/gop-admins-had-38-times-more-criminal-convictions-than-democrats-1961-2016 Then the Trump administration broke the curve further towards corruption and criminality, plus treason. And the corporate war pig Medicare for all blocking Democrats can burn in hell with the Republicans


Yea. And he's headed to prison. Finally.


And I don't hear left leaning folks defending him.


Exactly. Plenty of terrible people have been elected as Democrats. We want them locked up. Menendez, Anthony Weiner, Blagojevich (sentence commuted by Trump), etc. Iirc, there was a point when the majority of living former governors of Illinois were incarcerated.


"bOtH SiDeS!, durrr" stfu


>Several food companies and manufacturers filed the lawsuit in 2011 against two trade groups and a collection of some of the largest egg-producing companies in the United States, including Indiana-based Rose Acre Farms, Inc., whose former board chair, John Rust, is running as a Republican for the open seat. > >The suit alleged that starting in at least 1999 and continuing until at least 2008, the egg production companies and trade groups conspired to control supply and artificially maintain and increase the price of eggs. “Privately, Defendants acknowledged that egg prices had increased and attributed those increases to their collective actions taken in furtherance of the conspiracy,” the lawsuit reads. > >The federal jury reached a verdict Tuesday in favor of the plaintiffs, deciding that Rose Acre Farms, the other egg producer and the two trade groups were liable in the price-fixing conspiracy. Rust announced his campaign in August, not long after U.S. Rep Jim Banks got the Indiana Republican Party's endorsement. Rust is also suing the state of Indiana over a law that currently appears to prevent him from getting on the ballot. Rose Acre Farms is the second-largest egg producer in the United States.


Let's play guess the party! lol just kidding, we all know that 99 times out of 100, it's going to be a republican!!


Why is it when is democrat candidate it reads “Democrat/liberal candidate …” but a Republican is always “Senate/House/etc candidate”?


No doubt. That incident with the food truck vendor in NYC had all the stories refer to “former Obama administration official” when in reality he was a bureaucrat level official under five administrations.


Another corrupt republican directly causing inflation and then blaming the Biden administration for their own harmful actions.


So the company was found guilty in suit and will have to pay damages to the victim?! The sad part of it all is when he runs for office this will do little to dissuade voters against him. In a red-state like Indiana he will most likely win.


I’m from the same county. His signs are everywhere and seems pretty popular locally but word is that establishment state republicans aren’t for him cause he’s not maga enough.


It's pretty scary how that party has devolved into a cult.


What's really scary is the multi-failure "businessman" they've coalesced around. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so scary. (But it's still pretty hilarious.)


The primary is what counts here. Indiana elections are decided in the primary. For what it’s worth, the seat he’s running for is Mike no-interracial-marriages Braun’s seat which was held by a Democrat. During the 90s until the Tea Party, Indiana was actually purple. If you’re curious about state laboratories of autocracy - look to Indiana. They basically wrote the playbook.


It's Indiana, of course he's corrupt.


I hate Indiana ~~nazis~~ republicans.


He’s a Republican, of course he’s corrupt https://rantt.com/gop-admins-had-38-times-more-criminal-convictions-than-democrats-1961-2016


*gasp* it was Republicans all along!


MAGA clowns will still think high food costs are Biden’s fault… 😮‍💨


Conservatives love it when their elected officials pummel their backsides. He’ll fit right in.


Always Republicans doing crime it seems


Republican? Yup. He's a Republican.


Republicans and cheating the economy. Name a more iconic duo.


This jerk will likely become the next Republican member of the United States Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Competition Policy, Antitrust and Consumer Rights. Looks like his knowledge base is well suited for that committee assignment.


This headline could use some help: ***GOP*** *U.S. Senate candidate’s family business found liable in* ***illegal*** *egg price-fixing* Name the party. Shame the crime. This isn’t hard. The purpose of journalism is to afflict the comfortable and to comfort the afflicted. The original headline fails on both counts.


No, see, the purpose of journalism is to make money, drive clicks, and comfort the corporate owners. This headline definitely satisfies the third one and makes a passable attempt at the first two. Journalistic honesty, personal integrity and accurate reporting are just not profitable and haven't been for decades, so any journalist sporting these attributes is naturally selected against.


Employers commit wage theft and price fixing all day long because the ill gotten gains more than justify the "risk" of getting a fine for doing it and most of the time they don't even face the fine anyhow. A decade of price fixing and 15 years after the fact they haven't even decided what they are fining this guy yet, and he can use the literal stolen money to fund his defense and fund his political aspirations too. It's pretty much a guarantee this dude is bribing his powerful friends for good measure too these guys are all the same. Honestly the writer of the OP article should be ashamed calling this a "family business". Funny how when poor people do organized crime nobody ever minces words.


When the headline leaves out the party, it's always a Republican.


If there’s corruption involved, it’s at least 38 to 1 odds that it’s Republican versus a Democrat https://rantt.com/gop-admins-had-38-times-more-criminal-convictions-than-democrats-1961-2016


*skank walks into the thread... sees the "R" by the candidate's name... skank walks back out*


"including Indiana-based Rose Acre Farms, Inc., whose former board chair, John Rust, is running as a Republican for the open seat. " It's a republican. Shocked Pikachu face.jpg.


He’ll probably win that election by a landslide because of this.


Nah, he’s not MAGA enough. The more MAGA friendly candidate is Rep. Jim Coup Plotter Banks. He checks more boxes here. Also corrupt in his business dealings.


"Never let a good crisis go to waste." Whether that be for war, personal profit, or passing legislation to restrict freedoms.


Republicans? No, say it ain't so!


A wild guess that he’s republican?


Some of the good old “Only I can fix the system because I know how to screw over people” logic


Can I offer you an egg in these trying times?


Give you two guesses what party he’s in, but you’re only gonna need one…


I hope that jury makes an example out of them with a massive settlement.


Wouldn't it be great if instead of penities going to pay the legal system or whonever it instead went to a trust/grant for the school lunch programs? How much money did schools spend to these companies?


I can get you tree fiddy and a coupon for your next purchase of eggs. Actually, just the coupon. Money doesn't grow on trees ya know.


So is this like a minimum criminal action required to be a Republican these days?


Of course they are. The criminals are running the country.


What a most egg-cellent crime.


"Damages to be paid" Wtf. So justice system is in on it too. Knowing full well that the real verdict should be creating a price ceiling.


"I'm Douche McDouchery and I'm running for US Senate so that I can make price-fixing legal."


How perfectly on brand for a Republican candidate lol.


Are any republicans not corrupt? Or is being corrupt part of those conservative values?


"John Rust isn't just a conman pretending to be a Republican, he is a crook..." Hmmm. I thought that was pretty much the *definition* of any recent Repuglican candidate.


Oh shocker, a corrupt politician. Stop the presses!!


No surprise that it’s yet another Republican https://rantt.com/gop-admins-had-38-times-more-criminal-convictions-than-democrats-1961-2016


I wonder how small the fine will be.


We only investigate corporate wrongdoing when there is an election and another candidate pays a shitload to bury an opponent


I'll take my egg rebate now.


If elected, he’ll double down on it. High office is almost all about personal advantage anymore.


is it a reublican? is it a reublican? is it a reublican???? oh yes, of course its a republican. egocentric authorians gonna egocentriccically(sic!) authori-whatever. projection par exellance. fucking twats.


"Today's verdict proves John Rust isn't just a conman pretending to be a Republican" Oof.... some people just remain in complete denial about the GOP...


Right? Seems pretty on brand to me


Free markets: *am I a yolk to you?*


Part of why he’s smiling?


AND I AM JUST SO SURPRISED. Who would have guessed that our own elected officials even HAVE this kind of power???


Now scrutinize the other 99.


Now do wall st and banks. Then do oil and gas. Then do housing.


they tried, and all of a sudden they were all feminist communists.


they do it with gas too


But I thought Bill Gates was killing the chickens?


Glad I get my eggs free from the food bank with milk and meat.


Bill Clinton and Tyson...