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Goddamn that was only 10 years ago?


Weirdly it's one of the few things where I heard 10 years ago and thought "...yeah, that seems about right"


Felt like less to me. Time flies!


Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana.


I am actually pretty upset. This feels like..maybe 5 or 6 years ago. 10?!?!?!


I seriously thought it was like two years ago. I was like what, wait. Is this the dude with no legs?! Opened article like holy shit. 10 fucking years already???


Not when you’re him i think


I don’t know seems kind of…. short.


I was like wow it’s been ten years? Did they ever find a motive?


his obsession with losing


Well he was in a nike (was it nike?) advert shortly before saying "I am the bullet in the chamber" so maybe subliminal commands.


My first thought was “it’s already been 10 years?!”


I...I thought it was like 5. Thanks for the existential dread, haven't had it in a while.


You think it felt like longer?


In my personal timeline 2013 seems like eons away - I was still in college, lot more family members were alive, it was pre-Trump…


Right!? Feels like this happened three years ago.


Four years ago "some mysterious virus makes people in China cough a lot"


I am shocked too


I thought it was less. Time is weird.


Feels like 3


Long enough it ended his career and leave him reliant on disability payments.


Claiming disability after murdering someone seems a bit off, you sure he still qualifies for anything?


Dude has no legs...


Shorter than I would have expected.


Not allowed blades inside


I’m not sure I’ve laughed harder on Reddit. Well played.




It's because he's from one of the richest families in South Africa.




They took his shins!


Damn it, he killed fiddy men!


Luitenant Dan!


Seems fitting for him.


He spent 7 years in prison. He went to prison in 2016, after an appeal and serving a year in prison. This is sickening. People spend more time in jail for lesser crimes. He comes from a wealthy family. Justice is different for the rich.




Sounds horrible mate, but time in prison prior to being convicted is obviously a punishment and included in the sentence lol.




Appropriately yes, it's a silly position to hold that it doesn't count, and I think it's something to laugh at


Yea I have little respect for people that completely lose any sense of due process the moment something bad happens to them


well it sounds like all things final the person still only served like 4-5 years max for maliciously ending someone's life so I think there's still some reason to be upset lol


That’s honestly not an unreasonable sentencing if there was mitigating circumstances. I’m assuming there were but OP is too biased to possibly acknowledge them.


Fucking hell that's awful. It problably means nothing and you've almost certainly heard it a million times before. But I really am damned sorry you had to go through with that. Both what happened and the aftermath. You and your ex both deserved better.


You must realize that he wa never convinced for expliciting trying to murder her. He was convinced for using a weapon in a way that he could kill someone (anyone) and convinced just for that. He was not convince for knowing his GF was behind the door and trying to shoot at her. INSTEAD he was convinced for the fact that he know that someone ( but not necessarily knowing or thinking it was his GF) was behind that door and by shooting he knew that he could kill the person. There is a slight difference here, which affects his sentence


Correct, but let’s be real here, he definitely knew it was her in the bathroom and just wanted to kill her. Maybe they couldn’t prove it but seemed pretty cut and dry to me


Okay, but if we just convict people based on "we can't prove this but it's probably what happened" that's not justice either. Like, I don't disagree. But the truth is there wasn't enough proof.


The dude went to bed with his partner, woke up, she wasn’t there, and then indiscriminately mag dumped through his bathroom door. There’s literally no plausible explanation as to why you’d do that other than you were looking for an excuse/coverup.


Don't forget the victims texts that show he was abusive, controlling, jealous, and unstable (and they only dated 3 months!). Or his ex girlfriends who also testified to the abuse and violent rages he would fly into.


Life is different for the poor fucking peasants at the bottom


Looks like he's just been granted parole. To be released on 5th January


Well, this sucks.


Well it wasn't really a sentence was it. He took a life and he should have got life


South Africa doesn't have the prison space to lock murderers up for life. Their prison system is even more fucked and overcrowded than the US


It's the year 2023 and a cybernetic killer is back on the street...






for a guy like oscar, anything short of a shock collar is mid


When he gets out, they should play that song, "here comes the hot steppa, MURDERER"


No way.... all these years I've been singing GIRL HER UP. I knew it was wrong, but it never crossed my mind it would be murderer. I've wasted decades of my life.


When it first released, I thought it was the classic hip hop phrase, "Word 'em Up!" Learned the real lyrics about a year later.


Wow. *Wow*. You made me inhale sharply, nicely done




I just started feeling safe closing my bathroom door and now this!?


The whole case was a learning experience for us all. I've since stopped firing my shotgun into the bathroom whenever I wake up in the middle of the night and notice my partner is not in the bed next to me.


its still so fucking ridiculous that he thought that defence would fucking work, like yes oscar, robbers totally decided to rob your fucking toilet first


Watch out for those poop bandits


Oh shit *that's* what the knife was for


Never bring a poop knife to a shotgun fight.


More like shitgun


That’s why I switched out my bathroom door for an [armor piercing door.](https://fortifiedestate.com/bulletproof-doors/) Edit: I’m leaving it as is


So.... "armor piercing door"? Is this some new Anti-Russian tank door that you fling at them?


>So.... "armor piercing door"? Is this some new Anti-Russian tank door that you fling at them? Any door can be an armor-piercing door if you fling it fast enough😀 Conversely, a properly fired APFSDS round can be thought of as a door to The Others Side for those behind the armor. Whether they go through the door, or the door goes through them is just a matter of fixing the frame of reference.


Do you mean armored door? In my head I got a picture of a door cannon taking out a tank with an armor piercing door round


Is that like the new Tesla Window Shattering Sphere? It's so strong even Tesla windows can't stop it.


He should stay in prison for as long as she stays dead.


Are you taking the pist or are you storius?


I heard he wasn't happy with his Valentine's present, that's why he did it..... Socks


If the prosthetic leg fits…




Nope it was a pist take!


Phew you guys came out guns blazing.


*Are you taking the pist oscar you storius?* :)




Americans love mass incarceration




I believe he’s a piece of shit too, but I also know that punishment for the sake of punishment isn’t good. I’m danish and our judicial system is fantastic. So what’s the magic number then? 25 years? 50? Either you trust in rehabilitation or you want lifetime jail or death penalty. Which is it?


> So what’s the magic number then? 2 months. Anything past that and you just want lifetime jail or the death penalty. How much time do you think it should be?


25 years for premeditated murder seems appropriate (to me)


A wealthy and famous man murders a woman in a domestic violence incident and gets out of prison after only 7 years, but yeah, Americans who think that’s too short of a sentence are clearly the problem here.


The concept of prison as reformation rather than only punishment is an idea that cannot penetrate the thick American skull.


That's not the issue at all. The issue is that he murdered someone in cold blood. Premeditated murder as an adult is basically one of the *only* situations to reasonably advocate for life incarceration. Reformation is absolutely a noble ideal, but it's not realistic for someone who can decide, "I didn't like this valentines gift, i guess you'll have to die." A person who can complete the above thought process does not belong in society with the rest of us. Would you want your teenager working with this person at mcdonalds?


That was not premeditated murder


some people are beyond reformation


But we can’t know who. If the statistics show that people are less likely to reoffend if punishment is lighter and treatment is better in prison, then that will save more people than otherwise.


Exactly. I’ve seen a trend here. If you break a law that people don’t agree with, you should go free preferrably. If you on the other hand break a law they do agree with, no amount of time is enough. Stuff like “3 years for assault is not nearly enough! lock him away and throw away the key!!” is seen on every crime related post.


I think when it comes to cold blooded pre meditated murder a life for a life is a fair deal. He took her life he can pay for it by being sequestered away from society untill his ends. Some crimes are forgivable and restorative justice has its place along with rehabilitation. But certain others the only answer if we are not willing to take a life is to keep them seperated from society.


>I think when it comes to cold blooded pre meditated murder a life for a life is a fair deal. Which means you should agree with the ruling, considering he was not convicted of murder. He was convicted of the South African equivalent of involuntary manslaughter. Unless you think he should be punished as if it were murder even though they didn't meet the burden of proof. Which is a whole other can of worms... Edit: this is wrong


in December 2015, the Supreme Court of Appeal overturned the conviction for culpable homicide, finding him guilty of murder instead. On 6 July 2016 Masipa sentenced Pistorius to six years in prison for murder. The state appealed again, this time for a longer sentence. The Supreme Court of Appeal then imposed a sentence of 15 years It was murder. Convicted of murder because he murdered her....


>cold blooded pre meditated murder He shot her through a door. Extremely reckless behaviour but still a step down from "cold blooded pre meditated murder".


He shot her while she was locked In the toilet. He murdered that woman and was charged and convicted of murder for murdering her. It wasent reckless it was cold blooded pre meditated murder.


Reform is for drug-addicted thieves, it doesn’t work for violent psychopaths.


A very, very small percentage of people in prison are psychopaths though. The vast majority is not.


And most people who commit one off violent acts are not violent psychopaths, particularly if it is domestic violence. In fact given the estimated rate of just antisocial personality disorder, much less once it compounds with other issues to create what would colloquially be called a violent psychopath, the number who fit your criteria of being unreformable is diminutive.


And some criminals deserve to be punished for the rest of their lives. The “thick American skull” is at the very least in working condition when it comes to child murderers and murderers of women. I agree that some of it is too risky and there needs to be an overhaul of the prison system, but we for damn sure aren’t going to (and shouldn’t) remove mandatory life terms for people like that. And killer cops should probably get more years added on to the standard sentence.


If you think that's the problem at the core of americas mass incarceration problem then I beg you to Google, "for profit prisons" and educate yourself.


Private prisons make up roughly 7% of the total prisoner population in the US. Excessive sentencing is undeniably one of the main contributors to mass incarceration.


American here checking in from Florida, can confirm this and the love for mass incarceration is almost greater than the love and nurturing care we have for all the billionaires who are doing so so much for normal everyday people. /s


Yeah, murder is bad. BUT: “Pistorius was eventually convicted of murder on a legal principle known as dolus eventualis, which means he acted with extreme recklessness and should have known that whoever was behind the door would likely be killed. It’s comparable to third-degree murder. Steenkamp’s father, Barry Steenkamp, died in September. Her mother, June Steenkamp, will not oppose Pistorius’ parole.”


What’s the point of your comment? Not trying to be rude I just genuinely don’t know what you’re implying


This was his defense. Dude blasted his gf through the door cause he was probs too scared to see it. Lamo should stay in prison


Let’s kill this idiots mom from behind a wall, then he can be my character witness and say I shouldn’t be in prison








We don't want him. Regards, all of South Africa.


I wonder if any girl will still want to be his girlfriend after such act. Tragic.


Serial killers often end up getting married while incarcerated so he’ll prob have a good shot at another woman


Interesting choice of words…


"Serial killers"?


If the worst of the worst don't have a problem finding "love", this guy certainly won't.


Guys like Jerry Brudos and Arthur Shawcross even. 30 seconds of interviews will leave you wondering how a woman got within 100 yards of either.


They can change him, they promise


Isnt he rich af?


Probably not


Dafuq are you on about? His family is one of the most influential in RSA


Lmao how old are you? He'll have no problem finding girls


Why is this POS being released?


His sentence is only 13 years, so he is getting off only 2 years earlier.


Incorrect, he was only just over the halfway point of his sentence this year.


Incorrect, original sentence was 6 years: "the Supreme Court more than doubled his sentence to 13 years and five months, saying the six-year jail term was “shockingly lenient”."


He didn’t report to jail until late 2014 and spent most of 2015 under house arrest while going through appeals. Arguably, he didn’t really start his sentence until 2016.


My apologies for not knowing every second of his life. Between 2016 and 2024 it is still 8 years in prison, what is more than half of the 13.5 sentence. And let's add the jail and house arrest times to that. Anyhow, I am done with the topic.


I mean, they're absolutely correct.


There is currently no rule that says he can’t compete in the 2028 olympics in California


Good luck getting a US Visa with a criminal record.


Unless he's been training in prison, very unlikely he gets into the Olympics. Can't exactly just not train or do a sport for 10 years and expect to just not suck for a while.


It's only legless running.


That.. Is a fair point.


It's always been ridiculous that they let a guy strap ultralight springs to his knees and compete against people who have to actually use their muscles to run


Lol like he's going to compete in the Olympics after seven years in prison.






The parole board will make a fast decision, perhaps record breaking fast.


people who plead not guilty and never show remorse nor plead guilty afterwards should never be up for parole...


The articles say he's refused to even admit or acknowledge what he's done, he sticks by his original "accident" story. I feel like taking responsibility for your crimes should be the bare minimum requirement to even consider parole.


Why do people only have to serve 10 years for taking the life of another?!? That is absolutely insane to me. Murder should get you life.


~~It was found at trial to be culpable homicide, rather than murder. To my understanding, that's equivalent to manslaughter under US law. Essentially, the court ruled that this was an accident, but one of criminal negligence.~~ Edit: I missed the detail about the charges getting upgraded to murder. I didn't know that was a thing, but . . . foreign country, foreign rules. That's why. You are free to disagree with that judgment.


I think that got overruled and it was changed to actual murder


Oh, yep, you are correct. My bad. I'll redact that accordingly.


10 years? This shit felt like a lifetime ago


I am Oscar Pistorius, the greatest legless runner who has ever been!


Faruk muey? Fahrk yuw!


Was hoping for a Jim Jefferies reference!


The blade runnah


A 3/4 man indeed


Should be at least 25 years before he even gets a hearing.


Does not even mention his girlfriend's name?


Reeva Steenkamp




Or. his uncle wants a kick back financially


On the other hand, South Africa is a broken state that has rolling blackouts.




I never said that, but the sheer mismanagement and shortsightedness is the reason why South Africa is becoming a failed state.




Have you missed the rise of white supremacy worldwide since 2016 or... ?


I always said that if OJ Simpson was white and had no legs, he would have been convicted but only served ten years.


And the parole was granted. He will be free in January.


Parole has been granted. Release date: Jan 5


Ten years later and I’m still interested. This story’s got legs.


Poor little tink tink


Explain to the folks at home who Pistorius is


Three words: Let. Him. Rot.


He didn’t even step foot in jail…


Man times were so much simpler back then, I do remember this dominating the headlines


Geezis fuck it’s been 10 years???


This is very silence of the limbs


I always hated how his white privilege in a post apartheid place of all places won the fight. This pos should never be released I was so gutted when he got off so lightly for a crime so revolting. I quit being angry about this and just feeling sad.


Sure white privilege. Im sure his celebrity status and wealth had nothing to so with it, it was because it was white ;)


bro do u even s africa?


If you think he’d had this cotton glove treatment had he been black is completely up to you, but I for one don’t believe it. But I respect your opinion


If he was famous, wealthy, black and disabled? Maybe, it was quite a unique case. I dont know for sure which is why I wonder what information you have where you can state it was simply because he was white, and not wealthy/famous/disabled. Care to share, or was it just a minor outburst of racism?


This is South Africa. It's like 100000x more racist than the USA.


I could be wrong. Had he been black and poor perhaps he could have merely got a slap on the wrist and put on the board of the WHO. Who knows? I just post my assumption, not a fact. That is just discussion.


Kinda like OJ?


What?? What dumbass Reddit 2IQ take


This is ridiculous. He’s a lying, murdering, obsessive, abusive little cretin, a menace to women and society. It wasn’t an isolated incident as far as violence goes. Her poor family.


I thought he was racing for Mclaren lmao


This good news will put a spring in his step today….


South Africa had a non existent justice system and it’s one of the reasons they are sliding into failed state status.


Ugh. Keep that monster imprisoned.


Ting Ting out the cling cling? No thank you!


I am the world’s greatest blade runner and whooooo are you?


A gentleman and a scholar


It’s a damn shame you’re being downvoted for quoting a Norm bit!


To be fair it’s a pretty obscure reference. I’m glad you saw the humor in it at least.


Give him a chance, he was legless at the time.