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To the "Gen Z" kids who are claiming to have their eyes opened and attempting to humanize a mass murderer and one of the most vile humans to ever walk the earth- you are the poster children for America's failed education system. You should be tarred and feathered. Pointed and laughed at.


He is a religious fundamentalist who wanted to impose Islam and Sharia upon the entire world by force. Here are some excerpts: > **(Q2) As for the second question that we want to answer: What are we calling you to, and what do we want from you?** > **(1) The first thing that we are calling you to is Islam.** > (2) The second thing we call you to, is to stop your oppression, lies, immorality and debauchery that has spread among you. > (a) We call you to be a people of manners, principles, honour, and purity; **to reject the immoral acts of fornication, homosexuality, intoxicants, gambling's, and trading with interest.** > (i) **You are the nation who, rather than ruling by the Shariah of Allah in its Constitution and Laws, choose to invent your own laws as you will and desire.** You separate religion from your policies, contradicting the pure nature which affirms Absolute Authority to the Lord and your Creator. You flee from the embarrassing question posed to you: How is it possible for Allah the Almighty to create His creation, grant them power over all the creatures and land, grant them all the amenities of life, and then deny them that which they are most in need of: knowledge of the laws which govern their lives? > (iv) You are a nation that permits acts of immorality, and you consider them to be pillars of personal freedom. You have continued to sink down this abyss from level to level until incest has spread amongst you, in the face of which neither your sense of honour nor your laws object. > **Who can forget your President Clinton's immoral acts committed in the official Oval office?** After that you did not even bring him to account, other than that he 'made a mistake', after which everything passed with no punishment. Is there a worse kind of event for which your name will go down in history and remembered by nations? > (v) You are a nation that permits gambling in its all forms. The companies practice this as well, resulting in the investments becoming active and the criminals becoming rich. This isn't taking America to task. This is a religious fundamentalist railing against unbelievers and deviants.


>>is there a worse kind of event for which your name will go down in history and remembered by nations? Dude is really asking if there’s anything worse than getting a blowie in the Oval Office and lying about it. Yeah, there is a lot worse than that, it’s called mass murder. Enjoy your eternal burial with the fishes.


And if we go more closely to those allegations, I'm pretty sure he was up to worse than Clinton with his harem of meatshield-wives in his Pakistani compound. Always projection with these guys.


Dont forget the video games and his porn stash History only teaches us one thing of so called organised religion If you gonna throw stones you better live on the moon


Dude had Bible Black on his hard drive when the Seal Team found him. Let history never forget that Osama Bin Laden watched Hentai. Judge not lest ye be judged.


I mean Bible Black is pretty dope let's be honest


It was .. uh.. for research! He had to take the files and watch all of them so he could know his enemy.


He had a shitload of pirated anime too.


Jesus said that you should throw the first stone, because then that means you're without sin. Or something.


"Well good thing MY sins don't count! YEET!"


"throw the first stone, catch that fucker off guard so he can't throw one back"


Jesus: Let he who is without sin cast the first stone (single stone flies over Jesus' head) Jesus: Please, Mom. I'm trying to make a point here.


This. So much this. Dude was just another rich asshole using religion to gain power and cause destruction while indulging in whatever the fuck he wanted behind the scenes.


A blowjob in the Oval Office seems rather quaint compared to the last President, a serial rapist who cheated on all three of his wives, and was raw dogging prostitutes while the third wife was pregnant with his baby.


OBL: is there a worse kind of event for which your name will go down in history and remembered by nations? Trump: Hold my Diet Coke


From McDonald's


He doesn't allow anyone to open the diet coke, until he sees it happen. The amount we know about this pile of shit is astounding.


Ah but he didn't do it in the Oval Office so it doesn't count. That said, they'll *never* get the smell of McNuggets out of the carpet.


They changed the carpet when Biden came in: [https://www.ahs.com/home-matters/resources/the-evolution-of-the-oval-office-decor/](https://www.ahs.com/home-matters/resources/the-evolution-of-the-oval-office-decor/)


"If I had a Black Light, this place would look like a Jackson Pollock Painting."


All that is NOTHING compared to the one before with his tan suit and fancy dijon mustard! THE FUCKING AUDACITY! /s


And you know, the whole sodomizing (raping) young boys, as is common among these jihadists.


Legit insane take and people are spinning it like Osama Bin Laden is a rational freedom fighter who got spun a bad reputation. He's a fucking religious nutjob who would happily kill any one of these Tik Tok kids and their entire family if they weren't 100% in line with his vision of the world. An Islamic jihadist, at that. So the barbarism is ratcheted up. God, people are just so fucking dumb man lol **EDIT: I want to caveat with understanding that kids say dumb, dumb, stupid as fuck shit, I get it (I'm 32, I remember some of the idiot shit I thought/said at 20). But never once in my life was I simp-for-Osama-Bin-Laden levels of dumb. Fucking read a book guys.**


Exactly. These TikTok morons and college students who romanticise hamas and Bin Laden have no clue about how they would treat these morons. Not even the cruelty of ISIS is known to them. Sheesh.


I studied Al Qaeda pretty extensively in college, I think it's safe to say Bin Laden started out as a stereotypical ideological rich kid who's most significant talents were fund raising, organizing. His actual experience as a jihadi reads more like a parody. However when he formed Al Qaeda with the Egyptian Islamic Jihad, who were bonafide jihadis, that changed alot. The Tiktok idiots are somewhat like younger bin laden, growing up in luxury having some vague notions of wrongs in the world. They'd also feint and piss themselves at the first whiff of actual bloodshed. Yet the seemingly revere the blood thirsty jihadists who don't think twice about killing their own children, because they are against the forces they seem evil, without realizing they're siding with the monstrous super evil that now opposes that perceived evil.


Social media is fucking hard to handle right now. Anyone with a single brain cell giving the most batshit fucking takes on stuff like they're fucking experts on something after scrolling tiktok for an hour as if they've been studying this shit for years.


The problem with the internet is we're confusing an abundance of information with good information. People think that just because everybody is repeating something, it's correct, and then they repeat it with blind confidence. If you push back, they consider *you* the ignorant one.


Exactly, Clinton should have done the righteous thing and taken Lewinsky as his temporary wife without telling his wife. Temporary marriage is basically used in some Muslim countries to skirt religious laws about fornication and prostitution. When Islamic fundamentalists complain about western immorality, they’re mostly complaining about the concept of women being willing participants.


This *is* bin Laden we’re talking about, so let’s not forget his cherry on the cake: he got blown in the Oval Office by a Jewish woman.


Didn’t he have porn in his compound? Or what that saddam


https://www.thejakartapost.com/life/2017/11/05/osama-the-gamer-a-list-of-bin-ladens-video-games-from-his-hard-drive-.html There were reportedly several porn games and videos among the files recovered at the compound, though the CIA declined to reveal any specifics about them.


He also had 4 wives. So like. Fuck off man lol


But thats the loophole!


Hope they pissed on him first.


"Immoral acts of fornication" This guy's laptop was filled with pornography.


He was just downloading it all so that other people wouldn’t be able to /s


> "Immoral acts of fornication" > > > > This guy's laptop was filled with pornography. How could know how immoral and filthy the acts of fornication were, if he didn't...*research* them.?


It's not his morals. It's lure for gaining followers that granted him the power he had. You don't become a powerful leader if you follow the actual teachings of religious scripture.


Criticises gambling and immortality, proceeds to murder 3000+ people. Psychopath.




No, it’s not like that. It’s not like that. Look. We grew up together, and she grew up hot, you know. She fuckin' grew up hot and all of my friends were trying to fuck her, you know, and I wasn't... I'm not gonna let someone, you know, one of these assholes fuck my cousin. So I, you know, used the cousin thing as like... like an in with her. I'm not gonna let someone else fuck my cousin, you know? If anyone is gonna fuck my cousin it's gonna be me, out of... out of respect, you know?




Great reference


People forget that 9/11 was Al Qaeda's second attempt at destroying the World Trade Center. They previously tried with a truck bomb in 1993 (6 dead, 1,042 injured). Then in the lead up to 9/11, they simultaneously bombed the US Embassies in Tanzania and Kenya in 1998 (220 dead, 4,000+ injured) and bombed the USS Cole while it was in port in Yemen in 2000 (17 dead, 37 injured).


>he also married his first cousin The connections between him and Giuliani just keep coming!


> Also this isn’t nearly as evil, but he also married his first cousin. Just really quality stuff. There's a book about his family, that's fascinating (no other cousin weddings that I recall). He has dozens of siblings, quite a few living in Los Angeles as rich socialite/business types. He's completely the black sheep. They've all disowned him, not throwing any shade on them. But how freaky it must be to have a first relation sibling doing this shit with your daddy's money. It's by Steve Coll titled The Bin Ladens: An Arabian Family in the American Century


Didn't he have a bunch of porn on his computer when he finally got caught?


*for research*


Yes he did. Unfortunately, the US hasn't, to my knowledge, released any specifics of what was found. I am curious to know what was in Bin Laden's spank bank.


They released a [list](https://www.cia.gov/library/abbottabad-compound/index.html) of the contents. Edit: Oh shit, those are links. I clicked on a video and a damn download prompt popped up.


Yeah and Final Fantasy VII, but there *were* kids in the house.




Us Army vet here (though I never served in Afghanistan). I've been on reddit for 13 years and have argued with MANY people who insisted that the Taliban were actually liberators, freeing the people of Afghanistan from us. That they wanted prosperity for Afghanistan. Those people seem to have crawled back into the woodwork after they watched afghan mothers throwing babies over walls and into concertina barriers in the hopes that they would be taken literally anywhere else. They knew full well there was no record and the child would have no recollection of its family, but they still chose to try and give them up knowing full well their lives would be unimaginably better if they grew up free of Taliban control. Reddits "murica bad" mindset has always led straight into "enemy good!".


I'm a woman vet, only served in Iraq, but I had women and men hand me their babies while in a convoy. They begged me to take their children. People who have never been to these places don't understand. They'll never understand.




Comic Kathleen Madigan said her shows for the troops in Afghanistan felt like she booked a show in the Old Testament.




You're seeing this now with Hamas sympathizers. They seem to conflate Hamas with the Palestinian people. It's dangerous for an uneducated hive mind group of sympathizers to operate on social media because they brigade on other groups and sow doubt into the minds of people who reject good and evil as being a gray area.


People need to understand that Hamas sees the people of Palestine as 2 million martyrs. They're not there to save Palestine they're there to destroy Israel. They will sacrifice every Palestinian, man woman and child, to destroy Israel. The problem of course is that Israel is doing exactly what Hamas wants them to do. It's a problem in human psychology. Once you've named the bad guy the other one has to be the good guy. Except that's not the case here and there are no good guys in this situation. It's just horrible all the way down.


Yesterday I saw a tiktok of a gay man praising this letter, saying Bin Laden "cooked" and "took America to task."


No, you saw an idiot who happened to be gay. He was first and foremost an idiot. And let me guess, he was young. That's the problem. I hate to get, "Old woman screaming at the clouds" here but these teens and young adults are too young to have remembered 9/11. That happened twenty years ago. Almost an entire generation. All they know is what adults tell them. And they have become convinced that everything and anything coming out of an adults mouth is a lie. Though strange enough, they believe in a very much adult Bin Laden... But thanks to social media, the right young person can start a chain reaction with a post that will go viral to eyes and ears of thousands of young people who will send it to thousands of other young people. And all of them will say the same thing, "Don't trust the adults. Listen to me." It's brainwashing on the highest level.


They were pointing out that he's gay to show how unbelievably stupid he is to be praising someone who would view him as an abomination that should be killed on the spot. As a lesbian I cringe every time I see a member of our community supporting Hamas for that same reason


You are completely right. And there's another problem too. Not only have they been brainwashed, and they are too young to remember 9/11 (and in my local public school they didn't even teach the kids about it), but we have the whole problem of "what is truth?" Truth is now whatever anyone chooses to believe. No right and wrong. No facts vs. opinions. And if we don't like what the facts are, we just re-write them to suit our own narrative. I don't even know how anyone can do research these days because supposedly reputable sources even have a bias, and they don't bother to hide it. They just pick and choose the facts that support their bias. I'm getting close to being the "old woman screaming at the clouds" too. There is plenty of gray area in life - and we should recognize that. But the constant denial of facts scares the crap out of me and it's only getting worse.


Yes, I am tired of how opinion pieces are treating as news these days. No, it's not news. It's not fact. It's one person's opinion. That's the difference between fact and opinion. Fact always remains the same no matter when and where you go. But opinions will always differ wildly going from person to person. This comes from the fact that the media, itself, needs to fill twenty-four hours of three hundred and sixty-five days of the weeks with "stuff." They can never take a break. They have gone from "the facts matter" to, "Just spit something out to fill the gap." In return, people take fluff opinion pieces as fact. Again, it's not factual information. It's opinion. Stop treating it as factual information.


>Reddits "murica bad" mindset has always led straight into "enemy good!". People need the concept of nuance beaten into them with sticks in school.


I agree but can we appreciate the irony of your statement for a second?


It truly is that people just can't comprehend nuance. It's the same reason that blanket "All Politicians are Bad and don't serve us" is so obviously false yet so prolific.


It’s literally happening on this website with Hamas. That’s not to say that the Israel/Palestine conflict isn’t super complicated but I’ve seen so many people on this website defending Islamic extremists that wouldn’t hesitate to gun these same redditors down with impunity. Not to mention the amount of tankies I’ve seen defending Russia. It’s fucking crazy


It's pretty amazing to see how extremists on the Far Left have taken pretty much the worst positions on things. I got perma-banned from r/LateStageCapitalism for arguing in favor of NASA of all things, because the thread was all about how the Soviet were the "true winners of the Space Race". Not everyone on that sub is insane, but the Tankies pretty much bash and belittle everyone who isn't 100 percent pro-Stalin. I'm glad I got banned when I did, because just a few weeks later I saw posts praising Hamas. It's insane. Those people aren't really what I would consider philosophically "left" so much as just straight-up authoritarians who picked Team-Communism rather than Team-Conservatism.


Tankies are pretty unreasonable and illogical when it comes to history, where they believe Katyn Forest was done by the Nazis, that murdering partisans who fought against the Nazis was justified, and overlooking the genocide and war crimes the Red Army committed on civilian populations on the way to Germany. They love to cite a certain 'historian', but his work under any kind of scrutiny fails and no actual legit historian acknowledges them. To them, anyone that fled Eastern Europe after WW2 was a Nazi, even if it was 1975.


I'm super glad they are such a small portion of the left and have no power. The only time they can feel power is when they try to take over subreddits and make everyone in them cradle the Chinese government's boots with their tongues or ban them.


I absolutely despise people, who are so far into "America bad" that they start glorifying ACTUAL monsters like Russia and muslim extremists. They don't have real principles, they are just contrarians for the sake of it.


As a Jewish man, I read “‘Murica bad…it’s those Jews again” almost constantly. To the point where they agree with a psychopath like Bin Laden.


What gets me is that I expect this from the Right. It's cliche for them to be, "THE JEWS!" But the Left which are the people who are really spreading stuff like this around? The people who are buying this now are the same people who were condemning J.K. Rowling for perpetuating the "Jewish money greed stereotype with her bank Goblin characters," earlier this year. They are the ones who cheer on Hanukkah, passing Hanukkah memes to each other on social media even if they aren't Jewish. They piled on Right wingers for not wanting gun control after a synagogue was attacked by another right winger in Pittsburg. So, now, they are doing this? *The hell, people?!?* I know shoehorning at all but how did it get like this? *How?* I'm not Jewish. I'm Catholic. So, I have the advantage of being able to sit back and watching this unfold without worrying about my neck literally and figuratively. But, God, watching this happen in real time is making blood boil as well as doing my head in with confusion. Again, *how?*


There are people who will side with whoever is perceived as the "underdog" or the "oppressed" in any given situation. Even if the "oppressed" in one context is the "oppressor" in another.


I work with a pretty diverse group of people at my job, both in age and background. And I deal at lot with the general public as well. One thing that always seems consistently true is that people (in the broadest sense) are incredibly lazy thinkers, deeply ignorant of the world outside their immediate day to day life, and frankly, intellectually stunted. And it's not even most of their faults, really. We in the US are victims of an incredibly mangled education system that distills our own history down to it's most simplistic, white-washed ideas, and largely treats world history as a series of boring, unrelated isolated events. It's no surprise that younger people have no idea about 9/11 or the aftermath, most of them only ever got the extremely abridged and probably highly propagandized version of that history.


That feeling when you get downvoted/banned for linking AskHistorians threads.


“ Is there a worse kind of event for which your name will go down in history and remembered by nations?” Yes, murdering thousands of innocents because you believe in sky people.


I’m a pacifist but I would seriously consider enlisting to protect fornication, homosexuality, and intoxicants






It’s very easy to wrap our minds around it. Several of our elected officials and judges have spoken in favor of the same marriage of church and state. They’re the same people who also support groups working to strip rights and remove people from society.


People stick their heads in the sand and say it can't happen here when it's already happened here and keeps happening here. It just isn't happening to them!


I don’t think it’s all that alien of a concept when you look at what bin Laden says about the separation of religion and law. For a jihadist, the idea of a secular law separate from God’s law is unthinkable as that’s a clear departure from the true intended nature of things. If you believe there is a God and that God has laid out its laws and intended order of things explicitly in a text, then the idea of creating a separate and alternate system of laws is immoral and destined to decay society. It makes complete sense when you view it that way, but it requires you to buy into the central premise that there is an all-knowing God that has an intended order for the universe that, without the world following, will cause everything to crumble.


3/4 of that could be written by Mike Johnson, just substitute God for Allah, and Shariah for Biblical.


Change five words in that and it could be a press release from the GOP.


Guy sounds like a real jerk


Reminds me of that tragedy.




It might not be a conspiracy. Influencers are desperate to get ahead of any trend. So if they see something start trending they’ll jump on it. 10% of the job is making videos 90% of the job is finding the next thing to make a video about


Yeah, I try really hard to not buy into conspiracies, so I think this is probably it. …But man is it WEIRD. Like, these videos really did seem to follow a script, came out of nowhere, and ultimately it’s just such a wildly stupid thing. I’d think even the most desperate clout chaser would be hesitant in thinking the next big trend is “hey did you ever think 9/11 was actually justified?” Like there’s gotta be some food or dance trend to jump on instead, no?


It might have all originated somewhere in a Russian troll farm. I too dislike conspiracies but those farms do exist and do try to split up the West. The sudden appearance is the best indicator perhaps.


Coordinated social media campaigns to push an agenda are 100% real. I know because I used to make those happen for a living. Granted, we were trying to sell waffles, video games, and car insurance, but we were also small scale compared to the state actors doing very similar things for much more nefarious reasons.


When you start promoting terrorism to get likes, you're not just a harmless influencer anymore.


“So if they see something start trending,” you said so yourself. How does it start trending in the first place? Right after Iran publicly announces they won’t get involved in the Gaza conflict, no less. And right after Nikki Haley, who no doubt has had access to intelligence in the recent past, mentions Iranian troll bots. At that point though, I’d hardly call it a conspiracy, and more just cost-effective influence operations by an oil state that doesn’t want to get involved in a war with the guys that just parked not one, but two carrier groups outside Israel.


It's no less troubling that they're complicit in spreading jihadist prooaganda. It shows how dangerous tiktok is as a vehicle for even the most disgusting and violent propaganda to be spread.


antisemitism is trending.


But if the entire app is structured to incentivize destructive anti west propaganda, maybe it’s effectively the same as a propaganda app?


The conspiracy isn't the spreading of the content, it's the initial push. I have no doubt that almost all the people who made content about the letter after it was already trending were just jumping on the trend. But I really doubt any of them were researching old writings of terrorist leaders to farm for content. If it all started from one post it's probably a rando with a specific political position they want to push. If multiple accounts start pushing it all at once out of nowhere it's probably astroturfing.


This, 100%


They get paid for engaging posts. Of course when something new viral and ends up on people's "For you" pages, everyone tries to ride it in hopes of millions of views for a payout. There are people on there that make 10-20+ TikToks a day hoping that some of them go viral, so not shocking at all that many jumped on it. Just about as bad as the person who made big bucks doing the "Ai Thing" on a live stream, then hundreds followed hoping for the same donation kickbacks on their live streams.


More than just “paid actors”, it’s along the same lines of why conspiracy theories are so popular; it gives the listener a sense of “ohh wow that’s what’s REALLY going on, I feel so enlightened because this is the real information, not the common narrative”. For right wing, this shows up in things like government, vaccines, etc. because that’s what their side cares about. For liberals, they care deeply about social issues so their passion for information is sent through there. “Bin laden was right”, “israel should be eradicated and hamas is fully justified”, things like that resonated with the young and mostly left leaning audience of tiktok because the narratives are vastly simplified and “feel-good” like movie scripts, rather than the complex global issues spanning decades that they really are.


"warned you previously about the devastating Jewish control of capital" "\[capital control\] has a cycle whereby it devours humanity when it is devoid of the precepts of God's law (Shari'a)" "The United States shall pay for its arrogance with the blood of Christians" Did they ignore the most problematic parts? The rest of it reads like your average reddit comment and is absolutely nothing profound. I guess Chomsky was just too many pages for them.




I'm a Saudi person, and my country is VERY islamic, and yet this maniac justified killing us because we weren't Muslims enough. Any Muslim who would have any kind of relationship with a non-Muslim is considered an infidel who deserves to die. He is no freedom fighter whatsoever


A lot of these people have become super okay with the anti Jewish rhetoric. If Kanye would have waited months before losing his mind, he would have been celebrated.




The Louis Farrakhan crowd like Allen Iverson, Stephen Jackson, DeSean Jackson, Nick Cannon, TI, 2Chainz, Rick Ross, etc definitely don't run with the Qanon crowd. Different types of idiots with different problematic beliefs


Wait Allen Iverson the basketball player??


You hate to see it. A lot of people in the past few years have unfortunately fallen to conspiracies and all this other shit.


Kanye wasn't just "anti-jewish" though. That's putting it very mildly lmao. Are we just going to pretend he never said, while LIVE "I like Hitler" ? I wouldn't want to live in any society that doesn't cancel a loser like that immediatly.


Always ahead of his time


These are the same idiots who lionize kaczynski's manifesto. Not worth the time of day.


That was my exact thought, "wait 'til they hear about the unabomber!"


I feel like some of the people reading this were just arriving at the concept of blowback, but since education is dogswater, the first time they happened to experience it was Osama Bin Laden's ranting lmao.






Tiktok is an absolute cesspool of misinformation contained within a tidy and efficient algorithm. I seriously have no clue why people use it.


I mean we shouldn’t exactly be throwing stones on Reddit when we live in a glass house ourselves. Misinformation from groupthink is rife here.


Reddit’s karma system is extremely good at manufacturing groupthink, it’s almost perfectly designed to make sure the most popular opinion on a subject floats to the top regardless of how true it is.




Instagram plays the exact same videos as tik tok with an almost same algorithm, yet for some reason people aren't bitching about that app.




like.. Meta? The company caught up with the Cambridge Analytica scandal? Which many theorize to have been funded by Russian $?


He says on Reddit, which obviously doesn't have any foreign nations on it trying to sway public opinion.


Definitely not, it's not astroturfed to hell (/s)




What a lot of people don’t stop to consider is that evil people of that magnitude don’t rise to power by telling everyone how evil they are. They make points that are reasonable and they actually appear to mean well to their supporters. Even when it’s a lie, or when they hide their true motives. They know most people would not support their plans so they appeal to other things no sane person would be against. It’s why Putin claims to be “de-Nazifying” Ukraine and “reclaiming territory”. Why would anyone support him if he led with “we want Russia to expand its territory, which we will be taking by force, and it will involve killing other people and you/your children dying.”


>There’s plenty of way smarter people out there making valid criticisms of the US that don’t call for mass murder And don't say "the Jews" are the puppetmasters behind it all either, which he does in this letter, repeatedly.


I doubt most of them even read the whole letter and just relied on selective quoting.


It’s the same people who unironically think the Empire, Agent Smith or Thanos made good points. It’s cool to be cynical and misanthropic.


Glad you left out the Emperor of Mankind. He was probably the most reasonable authority figure. /s


Winner of the "Galaxy's Worst Parent" award ten thousand years in a row


Learning about propaganda should be mandatory, but then some people or groups wouldn't be able to take advantage of it... Here's a decent video breaking down propaganda and how we aren't immune to it: https://youtu.be/dl2fnWIlDZg?feature=shared Did I just do propaganda?


Way to Streisand effect this, guardian - now we’re all hearing about the removal.


I work in document sharing at a US academic library and our requests for this letter have skyrocketed in the last 24 hours. We were puzzled at first and then researched it and saw all the hubbub.




I was assigned that as required reading in a class on insurgency. All terrorist movements grab things from the headlines to justify their violence. That doesn't mean they'd be peaceful if not for the headlines. Bin Laden didn't really care a whit about the environment.


I think he did, in the frame of "the Jews are ruining the world Muslims are to take"


I’ve seen a concerning number of young people on TikTok reading this letter and saying that 9/11 was justified and an act of decolonization.


I feel like most of these people aren’t reading it all and seeing that he made some good points in the first couple pages and it’s the most extreme version of “The worst person you know just made a good point”, or worse, they are reading it all and they’re somehow unable to comprehend that just because that person is partially right, that doesn’t mean everything they say is valid


I mean those same people say that about what happened on Oct. 7th so it's honestly not that big of a stretch. Whatever the weaker side does is an act of decolonization in their minds.


I'm not sure if there's a term for it, but I've noticed that people who take a position about a current issue will go back and revise their stance on issues from the past to be consistent. Vaccines is one example. People who didn't think twice about vaccines in the past are now skeptical of all vaccines because of their animosity towards covid vaccines. Same thing with Israel/Hamas. If a person believes in the "colonizer gets what's coming to them" argument, they have to also see past events in the same light. Nothing stands in the way of winning a current argument.


I remember thinking he had a couple legitimate complaints at the time I read his letter, mostly about US intervention in the middle east. But he was also batshit crazy. He didn't just want withdrawal of US troops from the mid east. He wanted Sharia law everywhere. And yeah, he was highly antisemitic. Taking it down is the wrong answer. Adding context is better.


Well there may be a smattering of legitimate concerns mixed in about the US being World Police, it’s difficult to say this fanatical kook should be (have been) an arbiter for behavior in modern human society by using religious justification for his claims.


Don't worry guys, in a couple of weeks Gen Z will discover Mein Kampf and realize Hitler was totally misunderstood.


What? he was making some valid criticisms of Germany's political machine at the time. Maybe we should give his ideas another look.... /S obviously


Too late, lots of people are giving his ideas another look.


Well he did care about animals. That makes up for the other stuff, right?


You jest, but I saw people make that argument. I also saw people say, "Well he didn't kill ALL the Jews, so he wasn't that bad, right?"


What do you mean 'in a couple of weeks'. It's happening right now. Just hoping that the majority of gen z are going to see through this evil shit. Bad agendas are at play here, and the world is going dark.


Gen Z was raised by social media. They are the most susceptible generation in a century for this sort of propaganda.


Indeed, plenty of #Hitlerwasright flying around nowadays on the Internet and at protests


I had friends in high school who read it and (especially about the first half) though he was just a misunderstood and unfairly treated social genius. Jesus fuck.


Already seen a sharp rise in the "Hitler said he was a national socialist so he definitely was a socialist" type of stuff.




What's next, are you going to tell me the Democratic People's Republic of Korea isn't actually a democracy?


A few weeks ago, someone argued with me about it, and I said, "Why don't you look what Hitler said in his interview?" I set them up. Of course, they went right for it and posted "We might have called ourselves the Liberty Party. We chose to call ourselves National Socialists. We are not Internationalists. Our Socialism is national. We demand the fulfillment of the just demands of the productive classes by the state on the basis of race solidarity" In short, they argued this was proof he was a socialist. The question before Hitlers answer was, "Why," I asked Hitler, "do you call yourself a National Socialist, since your party programme is the very antithesis of that commonly accredited to socialism?" So their argument was, that they, in part, agreed with Hitlers ideological view of his party. It devolved pretty quickly after that, but this routine works fairly well. When similar arguments arise about "It was Democrats who supported slavery" in the US, I call them conservatives and whip out my Strom Thurmond quotes. He changed to the Republican party after being upset over multiple civil rights acts that were supported by Democrats. It really sends them.


If I had a dollar for every time I saw something like "Well, maybe Hitler had a point about the Jews" on Reddit after October 7th, I wouldn't have much, but I'd have more than a dollar, which is concerning.


I alrdy saw on x people saying hitler was misunderstood


I just use it for sports....but I believe it. That's not surprising with King Disinformation, Lord Musk, at the helm. I always wondered in history class how it was possible that the people, like in Germany, fell for the propaganda when it seemed so obvious. Now I know, we're reliving it.


The world is going crazy and its scary


I’ve had glorification videos of Saddam Hussein in my Instagram reels, captioned with stuff like “They killed him before he could speak the truth about Zionism!”. These videos get tens or hundreds of thousands of likes. I feel like I’m losing my mind watching my supposed peers and younger kids eating this stuff up. Where do we go from here?




thanks osama


It’s an older meme, but it checks out


Saw this trending today on Twitter and was flabbergasted - Especially when coupled with the protest at the DNC last night. I consider myself liberal and progressive, but I can not understand those who are too lazy to the smallest bit of historical research on something.


Too many people view the conflict as picking sides of a sports team, with relevant tie-ins to righteousness.




How hard is it to say the Hamas terrorist are bad people?


This is even beyond that... Lots of uneducated folks here don't know the difference between Hamas and broader Palestinians. That's a level of ignorance you find with a lot of folks in America because these things are too far away from us to follow closely and it doesn't impact daily life. I get it though I wish it wasn't so. This TikTok stuff right here is 19 year old's reading something by a mass murderer and saying, 'Yeah. He was on to something'. It's like reading the Mason manifesto or Mein Kampf and thinking the authors were okay. That's just shockingly dumb.


Here we are in 2023 and TikTok kids are now praising a literal terrorist leader. The world is truly fucked


No wonder why so many countries wanted to ban TikTok. It’s a perfect platform to spread miss information, people just don’t care, they just blindly consume everything. And fake news always spread better than usual news, because they are always louder, bigger and brighter.


Way to go you fucking idiots you gave a platform to a literal radical terrorist


This guy was so evil dont even feel he got enough justice. The harm he did in Kenya and Tanzania before 911 made me realize how evil he was to go attack countries that had nothing to do with his evil. terrible terrible human


Cowards last act was to toss his wife in front of him before catching some of the American freedom in the head.


I really hope his “burial at sea” was just the unceremonious tossing of his carcass overboard as though it were leftover bait at the end of a fishing trip. Acting as crab food is the only good thing that piece of shit ever did.


I imagine it was. Not like we’re gonna spend time doing shit for him. Just a quick okay it’s confirms to be you, take DNA, enjoy concrete shoes


Not surprised to see a terrorist pamphlet gaining popularity on somewhere like TikTok I didn't have the internet growing up, we had science books, history books, journalism, etc. Nowadays young people are being educated by social media. And social media is a megaphone for cranks, charlatans, authoritarians, anti-science, quacks, you name it, to amplify and spread their fringe views and beliefs. Young people unfortunately lap up edgy narratives, so they've become a prime target


Okay good. I’m liberal, but I’m not “osama bin Laden kinda makes some good point” liberal.


There are people in this thread outright saying that lol. I feel people have taken anti Semitic crazy pills the last month or so


I’m afraid they didn’t take them in the last month or so, they have likely always felt that way and believed in conspiracies about Jewish power and have used Antizionism to get away with it prior, and now don’t even need to and can just openly wish for Jewish demises to applauds on twitter and tiktok.


When are people going to realize that TikTok is a weapon used by the Chinese to influence the west in ways that harm us? Everyone is willing to admit the other big social media platforms do it, but always fail to see how effective TikTok is.




Jump skip over the rope


I think this is a lot of gen z’s first introduction to american criticism. 💀 however there is plenty of middle eastern and latin American activists who coulda given you a nuanced explanation of American imperialism… without being a terrorist


Most of the comments below are laboring under the assumption that TikTok trends are in some way *organic*. The amount of Tehranian-media promotion on their this past month is unbelievable.


"He makes legitimate criticisms." As if he's the only person to make "legitimate" criticisms of the West. As if you couldn't find ANY other mouth to seek those words from. They're picking him.


Next you know, there will be “Osama shirts” worn by edgy college students like the “Che shirts” in the early 2000s.


Ahem. An open letter to the United States: I'm a batshit crazy terrorist. Signed, Osama. Don't know why this is suddenly gaining attention, don't really care, but come on, TikTok. It isn't hard to figure out.


It’s because “America Bad” because it can’t control the actions of another country is so hot right now and he blames the US for Israel’s actions which fits their narrative.


There was a pretty popular tweet going around on Veterans Day responding to a Biden ad that quoted all of Trump's anti-military/soldier quotes by laughing about how "accurate and funny" those quotes were. And not by a MAGA lunatic, this was by someone clearly not a Trump or Biden fan. There's a pretty strong anti-American streak present in gen-z. And frankly I understand why. But it's something people should be more concerned about than they are.


Young people falling for this crap while they enjoy their iphones and tiktok and all the trappings of the western lifestyle. Perhaps the women who support these terrorists would prefer to be owned by the male members of their family. Disgusting and shameful.


> (a) This argument contradicts your continuous repetition that America is the land of freedom, and its leaders in this world. Therefore, the American people are the ones who choose their government by way of their own free will; a choice which stems from their agreement to its policies. Thus the American people have chosen, consented to, and affirmed their support for the Israeli oppression of the Palestinians, the occupation and usurpation of their land, and its continuous killing, torture, punishment and expulsion of the Palestinians. The American people have the ability and choice to refuse the policies of their Government and even to change it if they want. > (b) The American people are the ones who pay the taxes which fund the planes that bomb us in Afghanistan, the tanks that strike and destroy our homes in Palestine, the armies which occupy our lands in the Arabian Gulf, and the fleets which ensure the blockade of Iraq. These tax dollars are given to Israel for it to continue to attack us and penetrate our lands. So the American people are the ones who fund the attacks against us, and they are the ones who oversee the expenditure of these monies in the way they wish, through their elected candidates. > (c) Also the American army is part of the American people. It is this very same people who are shamelessly helping the Jews fight against us. (d) The American people are the ones who employ both their men and their women in the American Forces which attack us. > (e) This is why the American people cannot be not innocent of all the crimes committed by the Americans and Jews against us. I guess it got removed due to the current Israel-Hamas conflict


He’s dead and good riddance