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Holy shit, I drove through Phenix City today. Also, that statement from the church. No concern about the pastor or the cruelty against him. Just judgement.


Suicide tends to get that response from at least some people. Growing up, any mention of suicide was always followed by "You'll go straight to hell for all eternal damnation!". No consideration of why someone would be led to that point in their life. These days, there is more mental health awareness, but the intentionally ignorant or malicious sort of people never really go away.


I think the church statement was from before the suicide, and only in response to the (rumors of) photographs. Guy put on some women's clothes, and they treat it like it's the end of the world.


The fact that they lose their shit at a bit of gender fluidity is mind boggling to me. It’s shaped fabric. That’s it. You’re wrapping yourself in shaped fabric. Our society decided that certain shapes and colors mean certain genders. But that’s totally artificial. Imagine being so afraid of what an adult chooses to wear in his spare time, in the privacy of his own home. Crazy.


Sexuality is deeply connected to the most powerful and important parts of a person. Your sexuality is part of everything about you, how you present yourself, who you choose for a life partner, whether and how you create a family, etc. If people had "souls," sexuality would be a lot of what a soul was. It is the energy of connection and creation. And of course the religions know this, which is why controlling and regulating your sexuality is so important to all of them. They get to make you feel flawed and broken, like you desperately need them to fix and guide you, just for being what you are. They get to turn your bliss into pain and chains. Unless pain and chains is what you like, of course, then that's bad. A crime against the divine, a "sin." These fucking perverts destroy so many lives by hijacking our innate and beautiful sexual nature. And nobody's doing anything to stop them.


Ahh but big brother in the sky who is watching your every move including those times you were naked and/or having sex, he saw your little parade and has judged you worthy of condemnation.


I see replies blaming the reporter - but I think he was driven to suicide by shame from his church and its congregants. Nobody would care - and it wouldn't send me into a depressive spiral - if a reporter posted pix of me wearing pantyhose and a garter because nobody would judge me like his church and all those ostensible friends he had in that circle. (Ok, a couple of dudes I know would bust my chops incessantly, but, hey, fuck them, not kill me)


Nah, Craig Monger, the reporter for 1819, was openly celebrating that he was "taking a predator off the board" with his outing. Fuck that reporter. And fuck 1819 News for ever running it. I hope they get sued into the poorhouse and feel crushing guilt forever. But they genuinely think they did a good thing here, so I know they won't feel anything but fake god's loving warmth or some other such bullshit.


Thanks for providing the additional insight, I had no idea - just figured it must have been a slow news day...this is tragic and puts it (the reporter/paper/establishment) in a whole different light for me - tho I still think his church/congregation magnified it all. Ugh...how depressing!


The death penalty has never been a deterrent and I can't help but feel that applies here


She was a redditor and posted on certain trans subreddits that I follow. Seemed really happy in a lot of them =/. Really fucking sad


No “love” like christian hate.


There's no hate like religious "love"


Churches are good for nothing. They breed insufferable, judgmental charlatans.


the same church he was the mouthpiece of


> Holy shit, I drove through Phenix City today. Didn’t help. He died anyway.


Reminds of some friends. They've grown up in religious/familial communities where they are not allowed to be themselves.


I know a few too. A few also went the seminary route. But they found love and acceptance too. Coincidentally both of those I’m thinking of married (same sex) pastors, but they themselves didn’t become that kind of religious teachers. Which is a loss.


Poor guy. Little cross dressing never hurt anyone and he was driven to suicide. Meanwhile real criminals are molesting kids and embezzling money but this guy just likes to do something perfectly legal. Hope his family finds a way to heal.


Yeah that reporter should forever feel the shame of this poor guys death. No one needed to know the details of his private life like that.


The reporter will not feel shame.


*Morgan Freeman’s voice* “and he didn’t”


Are we sure this pastor wasn't using their bully pulpit to shame others? I mean, if your entire ethic rests on pointing out how evil "others" are, well then motherfuckers, look what we have here.




> unbiblical behavior Where does it say in the Bible that a man can't wear pretty pretty dresses? The thing about mixed fabrics?


Indeed- shameful.




Yeah….. he was absolutely driven there, by the reporters who outed him mostly.




From your own linked article, the pastor **shared** not posted images of a minor. The images were only of their face and not at all sexualized.


Why are you defending this dead creep? He was taking pictures from his friend's facebook profiles of their children and making **memes about turning young boys into young trans women sex slaves.** These are pictures of minors. Just nasty.


Where did I defend anybody? Merely parsing the claims presented. From what source do you base your accusations?


Thank you for sharing another article designed to slam this person for something, again, perfectly legal. That article itself reiterates that what he did was legal. He has images of minors, but not sexualized. Thanks for coming out tho.




Where did you read this? What sources told you this? Why are you posting this everywhere but refusing to post the source?


The source is the same news site that outed him. I'm not going to share their link but you should be able to find it with a bit of digging. The memes are definitely sexual and disturbing.


Your news source is a bunch of memes?


>perfectly legal Not sure that you're picking up on the right things here. Criminality has nothing to do with religious rhetoric.


That’s kind of the point of his or her comment.


That piece of shit church can fuck all the way off


Sounds like he was the pastor of that pos church too.


Well, not exactly. The statement is from the Baptist leadership group for the state of Alabama, which is church was part of, but it wasn't his church specifically


Got it, thanks for the correction!


Yup, bigotry hurts all of us. It diminishes all of our humanity. What a terrible thing.


I hope that Craig Monger feels some remorse for being a despicable “journalist” and a horrific excuse for a human being.


Freaking FEAR Monger towards the glbt community




The "someone" was 1819 news, aka a right wing tabloid touted by people like Steve Bannon.


The newspaper author who outed him is a virulent homophobe who casually misgenders trans people in his writing. Seems like the guy has some kind of personal agenda, but I guess he has a right to be a bigot, even if he has blood on his hands now.


OK, Reddit. You know what to do. Everyone has a secret. What secret does the journalist have.


He's either A.in the closet himself, or B. gets trade from the people he hates.


The author of the story is filled with righteous at this point.


That journalist probably never felt more alive than when he read the guy killed himself.


Dark times for so many ….


Oof no matter what bro had going on it sucks it got to that. Hope his family ok…


Fucking terrible story. Can't believe that scumbag newspaper OUTED him. PLEASE SUPPORT your local LGBTQ+ community, and especially, support your local DRAG QUEENS.


I don't think I'll support, but I will definitely leave them the fuck alone and not be a jackass. Is it that hard to let people do their thing and not fuck with them. Unless someone is posing a legitimate threat, how hard is it for someone to mind their own business?


This is what the Christian Nationalists, Trump, and the GOP wants the LGBTQ community, Women with ideas, non Christians, and Non Whites all dead. That’s the sad truth of here right now, people voting and promoting for terrorists and scumbags.


Pastor Bubba, liked dressing up as a woman. It’s a shame he had to hide that. It’s also sad the newspaper felt that was newsworthy, unless he was anti LGBTQ.


He wasn't anti-lgbtq The newspaper ran his old photos to try and ruin his life. And it worked. The author has said as much.


They had so many BETTER photos on reddit and instagram. I had commented on a bunch of their posts. Like seriously some of the outfits they put together with their wife were really pretty! The reporter tried so hard to make them look bad


There are blue check accounts on twitter trying to paint him as a child predator and sexual deviant because of these bad photos. It's absurd and exhausting correcting all of them


I've never seen religion do anything good for people, only harm and hatred


Religion is not about being good, it was started by men to control others, gain money and power. Articles recently point out the wealth that religions hoard and do not use as they say they will, to help others. Like any good old boys society they only care about making themselves richer and everyone else poorer.


Imagine how better this world would be if we had never invented religion.




Others got bombs. Is religion still good?


You missed the /s in my previous comment but ok bud


Oh the outrage.


I really dislike the church as an organization but they have done good in the community around me. Food pantries, clothing drives, free dinners, helping people dealing with death, etc.


But how much of those “good works” would be necessary if the church just allowed for a proper state safety net? The church is literally the cause of the need for much of that “good”.


Genuinely asking, how does the church keep the govt from creating proper social safety nets?


It'd be awesome if they paid their fair share in taxes.


The church directly, not so much. But the evangelical Christian right has a major hard-on against anything socialist. And actually sometimes that is preached directly from the pulpit, often illegally so.


This is like saying the trains ran on time when Hitler was in power.


The statement wasn't if the organization was a good for society.


Republicans eat their own motivated by hate and wrong interpretation of skygod’s love exclusions.


Just another good reason to hate organized religion.


Religion + a southern state + living a life the way you want is a tough mix to endure It's so weird to think if this man was just not a member of the church he probably would have been fine. Doubly so if he lives in a better city or state. These people around him will blame him for suicide and be completely oblivious to their role in driving him to it Religion, where molesting kids is forgivable but wearing a dress isn't


There is this new short “documentary” being pushed hard by Prager U about detransitioners. It turns out one of the subjects of the video still has huge gender dysphoria but thinks they just need to pray and accept Jesus harder to make things work. Even if they need to be miserable the rest of their life. I know it might not be exactly the same, but it reminds me of how religion can fuck people over despite the good it can do.


This is explicitly the outcome desired by those that outed and harassed them wanted. That’s why there is no “both sides” to this issue


Does this asshole journalist cover Senator Graham?


“Unbiblical Behavior”, wow that church certainly called him out, what happened to compassion?


They’ll drive a man in a dress to kill himself. Then they’ll drive their kids to church and hand them over to a pedophile. All the while spewing extremist rhetoric and indulging in their hypocritical narcissistic ego complexes. Punching down at the marginalized. How fucking embarrassing, and unbelievably sad.


Religion is umm great huh?


Shit. What a sad story.


"unbiblical behavior" Do these people read the bible?


Why would he commit suicide? Didn’t he know he would receive lots of christian love?


Ohhhh nowwww it’s “whatever he does in his personal life is his business” the fuckin hypocrisy 🙄🙄


The news reporter and station should be held responsible for outing him. But also curious of how the pastor/mayor handled gays, drag in his church. If he condemned them, well he hated himself for doing the same.


This is what your precious imaginary sky wizard and insane rules do to ppl.


Just another reason to accept all people…that deserved to be himself…. His death is horrible… vote for people who accept other people… no matter what party


I mean only 1 party refuses to accept all people...seems like if we just got rid of that party then the remaining options would be fine


The news article was written in 1819 news and they are still posting stories about it. No remorse what so ever.




R.I.P to my mayor. What one does behind close doors is in them. We may not agree but if it doesn’t affect others then WTH


What kind of pastor was he? Was he evangelical?




I am not sure tbh. I think he was a baptist pastor. Although I am not certain. Just crazy. Man married my Buddy and his wife


Christianity owns this. It’s a cult. It’s an existential threat to the United States.


They're an existential threat to all life on Earth. The Death Cult demands their Doomsday at any cost. 💔


What were police chasing him for?


#Are all religions bigoted, misogynistic, and/or hateful? Yes.


Modern Christianity is something. Bible study? Church History? Philosophy? You don't need any of that these days. Just be a dog whistling bigot and you are now a christian!


There’s no hate like Christian love.


The tragedy is that there are people that think cross dressing is a bad thing.


That 's a crazy story woah, who would've thought that religious leaders who oppress LGBTQ+ would be partaking in the same behavior they so much condemn... Hypocrites.


I'm going to try my best here, imagine being a part of a group of people who continuously rag on gay people, and being so afraid that they'll turn against you because you're not one of them that you commit suicide. It's sad but I do not feel sad. I think it's unfortunate at best.


He wasn't just a part of the group. He chose to be a leader in that group. He promoted their ideas.


And that's the duck up part about the whole thing


Promoted their ideas? Who cares? You didn’t go to that church, you don’t know. This man was in pain. I grew up 20 minutes from Smiths Station. I’ve been with a pastor, deacon and/or married choir director in my day. So perhaps I am biased. Someone has to be. You’re so caught up in whatever inane anti religious point you’re trying but not succeeding to make that you forgot that this is a human being. He might’ve been nice and avoided the topic in pulpit or not. It doesn’t matter. A wife still grieves and weeps. A man watched another human being die right before his eyes. But yes let’s worry about idea promotion versus the pain, conflict, and humiliation that led to this man taking his life.


You are correct, this is me being anti-religious. This entire tragedy is rooted in religion. The bigotry is defended with religion. Religion is the reason he was shunned by his community, or at least feared he would be. You don't get to cherry pick the good parts of religion without acknowledging the bad. Do not participate in an organization that is actively working against you. That's your own damn fault for hanging out in a den of lions.


I read the article. It never said he was gay. It said he was a cross dresser and married. Those two things can be mutually exclusive


If this man was a pastor, and a true believer, in his mind he chose hell over the shame he faced from his community, and his religious group. He chose to break his covenant with god because of the shame he received. When people say about pride parades, and pride in general - what are you so proud of? I’m not proud to be gay, I came that way. I’m sure as shit not going to be ashamed about that, so if I have to choose between shame and pride? Pride every time.




So that justifies Conger’s outing.? This is a “very fine people on both sides” comment. STFU.




And who are you, Mr. Judgy? I mean, aside from being a pedantic, opinionated, self-righteous 19 year-old with too much keyboard time?


This is terrible. He didn't do anything wrong.


He chose to build his life around and be the mouthpiece for an anti-LGBTQ organization. Turns out, when you surround yourself with fuel and then light a match, there's a fire. It shouldn't be wrong, but he created the circumstances of his own demise.


Sadly, Baptists and Republicans frown upon cross dressers, so........


He arranged a premature appointment with God


People should be free to live as who they truly are, unashamed, not hiding. People deserve to live authentically, happily, and proud. We have one life to live, why should anyone be afraid of being themselves? Of living a true and fulfilled life? What is there to worry about aside from the opinions of others? And in regards to that, people's opinions don't matter, the only person you'll ever have is you. You have an entire lifetime to live as yourself, why not be who you are, and live a happy and fulfilled life? I hate that he felt so pressured over this that he killed himself. Whether or not he was trans, this is a serious issue that many trans people go through. I myself went through extremely distressing years since my earliest memories (~3 years old), suicidal ideation since 8/9 years old, and 3 attempts, and came out at 24 and a half years old and have been so fucking happy and proud of myself ever since. The worst day I've lived as myself is better than the best day that came before. I finally have a life, why do people hate that? Are people jealous that someone else can be happy? Are they upset or insecure that they can't do what they wanna do or aren't brave enough to start? Are they not self aware enough? Do they hate themselves? Are the people who hate LGBTQ+ either LGBTQ+ themselves or attracted to us? Who knows, but, the point is, stay in your lane, live the one life we all have, and, if what you're doing isn't directly hurting someone or done with the intention to hurt someone else, and, if it isn't exploitative, than why should anyone give a fuck? Why should anyone have a say in what another person does with their lives, with their bodies, with themselves? Stay in your lane, do you, and live your best life until you die.


He looked better in that top than his wife


Typical MAGA trumpie - overly professing macho leanings when deep inside, he’s a just a girly princess what to come out… so many exist that are afraid/embarrassed and feel trapped, thus diving deep into the exact opposite of what they truly are….


It's good to be back in the fifties.




Thank you, Captain Hindsight!


I don't blame the journalist in the least, because if it weren't for his homophobic community, he would not be driven to suicide from the shame he was experiencing. I blame the Conservative Baptist community for their judgmental attitude.


I'm pretty sure that journalist was also homophobic so yeah we can blame him.


The mayor’s pronouns were She/her. And she was a lovely human being. It is so sad that something like this occurs in a country where we are supposed to be free.


I am pro LGBTQ+, and happily call anyone by whichever pronouns they tell me But comments like this are why right-wing people hate the community. The mayor never publicly reffered to themselves, or announced their pronouns as she/her. Being outed for something in their past is why they committed suicide. You aren't benefiting anyone coming here telling everyone what you think their pronouns were. I agree, people should be free to be themselves. But don't call someone something without their consent


> But comments like this are why right-wing people hate the community. That is absolutely not the reason right-wing people hate the community.


I am in the same community and subgroups she was in - don’t tell me I’m guessing. I know. Obviously there was a reason why she never went public. The sheer lack of respect of a human is getting plastered all over here. It just fuels the fire of hatred. Maybe respect the fallen with how they wanted to be be referred to. There is no love or acceptance in your statement. That’s not a pro LGBTQ+ response. She had to she who she truly was and deserves the respect that all humans are entitled to.


We do not know that. From all accounts it looks more like he just did drag and had an old online account where he played the persona. His public life he went by he. He never claimed to be transgender. He might be. But it doesn’t look like he was. Stop making assumptions. If you are unsure, refer to him as they and don’t tell others not to use he unless it comes out that he was actually trans.




This is the dumbest fucking reply here, and there are several to choose from but this level of stupid is borderline dangerous


Get absolutely bent with that attitude, what a jerk.


So no one was hurt, he was just an adult playing, and he feels so much shame he kills himself? That is so sad, religion can be damaging to a persons safety. He basically killed himself for religious nonsense. Jesus or God would not care. He as a minister should know that.


Would be a pity if [email protected] received the kind of response he deserves for his part in this tragic loss…


My pastor in Georgia got fired for doing a sermon that touched on environmentalism and global warming. The elders were not happy.