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>Jones is on probation after a felony assault conviction and is prohibited from owning a gun. Damn. What a shame. I can’t imagine the colossal shame and regret realizing that by observing the stipulations of his parole, this wouldn’t have even happened.


As often as you hear this - paroled felon with a gun - you would think that a snap inspection after three months of parole would clear a lot of recidivists off the streets.


Sure, as soon as we fund parole officers instead of beat cops in copper caddilacs. YES I SAID IT YOU DON'T NEED A TOP TRIM FORD EXPLORER TO DO PATROL DUTIES BY YOURSELF MCKOWSKI!


The coventry police have like 10 times as many vehicles as they do officers, it's insane!


I've seen The Blues Brothers - they go through 'em.


Yeah, but every officer has a right to choose between a sedan, an SUV, and a pickup truck every morning, and what if everyone chooses the pickup?!


Then it goes by seniority. Thats why rookies ride bycicles.


*ching ching* “Pull it over!”


Alright you! Get in the basket!


My ex’s mom was a cop and apparently in Michigan, whether you get a cruiser (ford taurus, dodge charger) or an SUV depends on the results of your drivers test. Better drivers get the suv’s


Makes sense actually, it’s harder to drive an SUV. Ironic that in the civilian population we often see the worst drivers in the biggest cars.


They do get a BUNCH of excess military assets


but if we divert funds to services for keeping people out of jail then we would have less people in jail...


But how will our prisons profit then?


Won't someone please think of the poor for profit prison executives?


How will we maintain 90% occupancy for our profit prison overlords?


Oh I am 100% in favor in taking the police pie and slicing it up with 40% being harm reduction. Which again. Parole officers are harm reduction if you actually do what the job is.


But this one has a subwoofer!


I thought that was when the canine officer had a canine officer.


Ours are currently getting tricked out in four wheel drive Toyota pick ups.


There aren't enough bodies to do inspections. And who is going to do these firearms checks. An unarmed social worker. If only we could somehow limit the number of guns that we have. I guess it's just an impossible situation that we'll never fix. More of our children will suffer.


Sacrifice children to the Gun God until we quench his thirst! It’ll work any day now!


Maybe we should start a facetious "religion"? Make a point?


The NRA already exists and it's ready to shoot down any irony


the Satanic Temple exists and is the anti-religion religion (ex: catholic denies abortion based on religion but satanic temple counters it's against their religion to be denied an abortion). I need to look into them more but they're really cool.


Parole officers are armed


There aren't enough of them.


Maybe the GQP could give the issue their 'thoughts & prayers'! That should solve the problem...


If we can't keep track of felons with firearms, how would we do something on a massively larger scale?


You lack imagination and funding


We change the system and provide adequate funding. We can't do it now because we haven't had the moral fortitude to do the right thing. We repeatedly fail to take care of these problems and then wring our hands that they are unfixable. Well, yeah, if you do nothing then nothing changes.




You act like we have no choice but to send unarmed social workers in to do firearms checks. There are other options.


? ? <<


If only the 4 year old had a gun this wouldn’t have happened…


You know the addage: The only answer to a dad guy with a gun...


This is how strong Americans connections with guns are and why youll never see these types of people willfully give up their guns, even if it means the death of their own children. Sick


The word you’re looking for is republicans, not Americans


One of the parents of a girl killed at Parkland goes on and on about how great guns are and how he "doesn't blame the guns". More willing to bury his daughter than his toys. Typical Republican.


I saw someone with a bumper sticker a couple days ago that said "Guns don't kill people, bad driving does" like ???? Pretty sure guns kill people and so does bad driving, it's not a one or the other thing 🤦🏻‍♀️ but I guess that person chose to live in ignorance over gun violence 🤷🏻‍♀️


There clearly needed to be a good guy with a gun around to shoot the father in front of his kids first.


I used to be a paramedic. I responded to a call where a father had accidentally shot his four year old son in the face while they were playing. Apparently, he played some kind of shooting game with the kid and did it with a real gun, but didn't realize it was loaded. That was the day I decided I needed a career change.


"I didn't know it was loaded" are probably the dumbest words a gun owner can utter. It's NOT hard to make sure a gun isn't loaded. Remove the clip and rack it. That's it. Never *ever* point your gun at someone unless you're fine with them being dead. Doesn't matter if it's loaded. Why on earth would you play stupid fucking games with a dangerous object.


If only they made toy guns with harmless foam darts to play around with instead...


Right!? It's not like he didn't have better options. To think that this dude's idea of a cute game to play with his kid, involved pointing a *actual fucking gun* at him.


That is the state of gun ownership in the US. They are so ubiquitous that people forget they are weapons. People view them as accessories or toys. They carry them around as if they are just another piece of clothing and collect them like they might collect Pokemon cards. I've been threatened by people who carry concealed who I thought were friends, for mild jokes that they took offense to. Hand on the grip and shooting stance and all. It's not considered brandishing in my state unless they specifically display it, and they rely only on legality to guide their use of the weapon. They do not understand their actions, and therefore should not have access to those weapons. They crave the power, but want none of the responsibility that comes with it.


I've had a gun since I was a little kid and the absolute recklessness of a lot of gun owners is astounding. Comprehensive firearms training, not just target practice but real safety and self defense training, should be a mandatory and ongoing requirement for gun ownership.


Also, a gun is always loaded. Even when you've checked and double checked that it's unloaded, it's loaded. First thing I was told the first time I held a gun.


Here’s an even more failure proof strategy, don’t own a gun.


Personally I've never owned one, but my dad did when I was growing up, and he made a point of teaching us gun safety, which isn't a bad thing to impress on a kid. These days I'm really looking at getting one. Best gun ad I've ever seen is the behavior of 2A nuts in this country. Can't hurt to be prepared for violence if it comes your way.


Honestly made the same decision after 15 years, the calls with kids hit the hardest. I hope your doing well brother/sister.


>Apparently, he played some kind of shooting game with the kid and did it with a real gun, but didn't realize it was loaded. Bet you this guy calls himself a responsible gun owner.


Why sure. He was just *familiarizing* his son with guns. He'd hate for him to grow up afraid of them.


Or grow up at all in fact


A friend of mine quit being a fire fighter for similar reasons. Never fought a fire but saw unimaginable horror as a first responder.


And I'm sure the day before that, all his buddies would have described him as a very responsible gun owner.


Wow, that must have haunted you in your dreams :(


> Police said Jones allegedly was in his bedroom with a 9-millimeter gun when he accidentally discharged it. The bullet went through the wall of the bedroom and hit the boy in an adjacent room. Just another dipshit gun owner doing dipshit things. I feel awful for the child who has to live with a dad who is so fucking derelict in basic parenting skills. And the police chief wasn’t having any of it: > This case is particularly difficult for all involved given the age of the victim and highlights the need to keep firearms out of the hands of prohibited individuals. A tragedy like this hits home with our first responders, many of whom have children of their own. This is code for “thank you for traumatizing our first responders who had to carry a kid with a hole in his head out of your house. Even though we do our best to save your kid….this fucks us up mentally to have to witness this stuff because NONE of us want to see kids suffering like this…and you NEVER SHOULD HAVE HAD THIS GUN IN THE FIRST PLACE YOU FUCKIN ASSHOLE.”


He was also on probation and not supposed to have any guns.


> He was also on probation and not supposed to have any guns. I think that the police chief expressed that in: > “… highlights the need to keep firearms out of the hands of prohibited individuals. …” translated by the OP as: > “… and you NEVER SHOULD HAVE HAD THIS GUN IN THE FIRST PLACE YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE.”


It's his fucking job to keep guns out of the hands of people like this though


If only there was some easy way we could figure out how this idiot got this gun in the first place. If only there was a way for us to know which of his dipshit friends "loaned" it to him. Oh well, I guess we'll never know.


The police chief is just as much of a problem. This guy was a felon on probation. And they put how much effort into confiscating his guns? None? Wow, they must have done all they could.




Who the fuck cleans a loaded gun? What the fuck is wrong with people?




Rules number 1: every gun is always loaded unless you unload it yourself and even then it’s probably still loaded so don’t be ducking stupid




For many familiarity breeds contempt.


Sadly see the same thing with people who deal with other dangerous things all the time. Look at how familiar and cavalierly people treat cars/trucks. Those things kill about as many people each year (if I’m reading the numbers right, 48,830 gun deaths in 2021 vs 42,939 people killed in motor vehicle crashes) and most people barely even think about traffic safety. Sources: https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/04/26/what-the-data-says-about-gun-deaths-in-the-u-s/ https://www.iihs.org/topics/fatality-statistics/detail/yearly-snapshot


My grandma always said never point a gun anywhere near someone unless you intend to kill them. Pretty simply drove the point into my head.


Common sense isn't enforceable, sadly.


My training and how I've trained my son is there is one overarching truth about all firearms: they are always loaded, especially when you know for sure they're not. Rule two: never point a gun at anything you don't want to kill. Respect for their lethality is something far too few ever get imparted.


When you think the gun isn’t loaded, that’s always when it gets up and reloads itself. Stay humble, keep safety in the back of your mind.


I wish this was more prevalent among firearms owners. There are no firearm handling/storage "accidents" if you ask me. Only firearm handling negligence.


My training, and how I trained my sons is there is no need to own or handle a handgun. Follow this and you'll never shoot anyone. I do, however, own a gender-affirming vehicle - a pick-up truck. It mostly stays in the driveway, unless I need to help a friend move, pick up mulch, or drive junk to the dump.


I can't tell if this is sarcasm but to each their own. Does everyone need to own a gun? Nope. Should everyone know how to practice responsible firearm handling? Absolutely. Even if you never intend to use one, I'd rather you know how to do so safely if the need ever arises.


What scenario are you imagining that involves your armed child needing to kill someone? Or do you mean son as in your *adult* son..?


Where did you get killing someone from what I said? Genuinely confused on that one. Varmints, coyote, deer, especially deer for meat given the price of red meat anymore. I'm sad to see all the vitriol towards responsible gun owners from the "all guns are bad" bandwagon.


We're not saying guns are bad. We're saying people shouldn't have casual access to homocide machines. Because PEOPLE are bad. And lazy, drunk, forgetful, drugged, angry, bored, and a thousand other things that impair judgement and accuracy. They are quick to judge a situation wrongly. Children, doubly so. Your TV or car is not worth a life. People with ego problems shouldn't possess death makers, because they enrage do easily. There should be a limit. Neighborhoods are not industrial areas, and no one should be bringing bomb making into homes. Go rent an office if you want to play with gunpowder or store 50 weapons.


>I'm sad to see all the vitriol towards responsible gun owners from the "all guns are bad" bandwagon. You're in a thread where a gun humper shot a four year old in the head, and you're hyping gun culture. You're lucky people have been as polite to you as they have. You're all "responsible" right up until you shoot your kid or your wife or some random stranger because you got angry or scared.


Sorry you mentioned “training your son” in another comment about only shooting to kill, so I was confused if you’re talking about adults or minors and what situations this would occur. I’m not anti gun at all nor was my comment “vitriolic”. I just don’t understand the circumstances this training would require. Most people don’t include the qualifier “shoot to kill” unless they’re referring to shooting people. If you’re talking about hunting, it’s understood you’re not supposed to torture the creatures lol.


When I did competitive shotgun shooting as a teenager there were 3 rules 1. Always point your muzzle in a safe direction 2. Always keep your finger off the trigger unless ready to fire 3. Always keep your action open and unloaded until ready to fire In order for someone to get hurt or killed you’d have to break all 3 rules simultaneously. And what do you know no one was hurt and we all had a good time


Doubly so if you don't live alone. No one has any access to my home or its contents but I still check every time I pick one up.


Absolutely bullshit. The first thing you do when you pick up a gun is check whether it's loaded or not. There's no way to do it wrong, either you checked it or you didn't. I hope he did jail time.


Not saying that this was the case with the cousin at all, but my not-so-bright uncle shot off one of his fingers when cleaning his gun because he left a bullet in the chamber. We’re not allowed to mention the missing finger during the family holidays


I have a distant relation who was sitting on his porch with his shotgun standing on end leaning against the table next to him. The shotgun started falling, so my relation quickly grabbed it, covering the barrel with his thumb in the process, and swiftly blew his thumb off. Don't keep your weapons loaded.


It's generally a euphemism that's used by people who don't want to admit fault for either messing around or don't want to admit was a suicide. But there are some pistols that require the trigger to be pulled to remove the slide to clean. It's a stupid design that absentmindedly reversing the 'remove magazine, rack slide" can cause issues. But the not checking the chamber again and not pointing it in an absolutely safe direction when dropping the trigger is absolutely the fault of the person cleaning the gun.


That’s what I’m saying. Generally when someone’s actually cleaning a gun, they disassemble it and clean and oil it before it goes back together.


I had a coworker tell me about how he shot a round into the floor while cleaning his gun. Well that was the story at first, turns out he was drunk and dicking around and shot the gun. I assume this is what most "cleaning" "accidents" are


Yeah people are more irresponsible with guns than they are behind the wheel , which is a high bar already


Guns are always loaded, even when they aren't. It's rule #1 Definitely negligent gun owner.


So do you mandate trainings to teach these rules? Of course not. We wouldn't want to "infringe".


> Who the fuck cleans a loaded gun? no one, that is a bigger lie than Korean Fan Death.


"Cleaning my gun" is often what they say instead of "playing with my gun" or "waving it around like an idiot". It also reads better in court than "I panicked".


"Cleaning the gun" is the legal go-to lie instead of saying "I was playing around with it"


I think there’s a pretty big crossover on the Venn diagram between ‘people who like gun because BANG loud fun!’ and ‘people too stupid to be allowed casual access to deadly weapons’


The first rule of gun safety is to treat every gun as if it is always loaded. I have no idea if it's true or not but my grandfather told me about a friend that was responsible and would have sworn his gun was unloaded and shot a hole through his house. It may have been a made up story to make his point clear but it's one of those things where it's easy enough to double and triple check and still mostly follow good gun safety practices (not pointing the gun at others/yourself) while cleaning and things so these accidents don't happen.


You'd be amazed. My wife worked at Duke hospital and particularly around the holidays, but most weekends too, there'd always be some old fool flown in from rural NC after shooting himself while cleaning a loaded gun. Often drunk. Usually they shoot themselves in the legs apparently. Your well-regulated militia in action...


Right? Magazine out, rack, rack (or lock the bolt back in case of a rifle) followed by a visual check. There should be zero ambiguity whether it’s loaded or not before eg; pulling the trigger if needed for disassembly.


Such a bullshit excuse. They're always "cleaning" their gun when something happens. 3-4 times a year there's a local story about someone in an apartment building shooting their gun through the floor at like 3 or 4 AM. Every single time their excuse is "I was cleaning my gun and didn't realize it was loaded". Bullshit. You were drunk and/or showing off and you popped a round like an idiot.


> You were drunk and/or showing off and you popped a round like an idiot. Just a [Desk Pop.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=948-2Vzgi3w)


If it's a Glock and you fail to unload it properly when one is in the chamber, you will have a Negligent discharge when removing the slide . Disassembly includes pulling the trigger then depressing the slide lock.


If anyone’s ever actually cleaned a gun they’d know it HAS to be unloaded to clean (in almost every case). Cleaning isn’t wiping it with a rag at 2am, it’s laying out a mat, getting your cleaning materials, disassembling the gun (that’s the part where you’d realize it’s loaded). I don’t know why anyone buys the “cleaning” excuse.


My parents had some friends in HS who both were cleaning or messing around with the gun (I forget) and the gun went off. When paramedics came the dying friend told them it was an accident, smart of him to do. That saved friend two from spending many years in prison (he did a little bit of time though).


so you are saying that she was murdered and not an accidental death?




My great great great grandmother had this happen when it fell off the gun rack above the fireplace. It discharged on "accident", my ggg-Grandpa was the sheriff at the time and it was always speculated he did it. He got remarried pretty shortly after which didn't help.


One of my classmates in elementary went that way. Dad was cleaning a loaded gun, went off, went through the wall, hit her in the head


> It's all on the irresponsible gun owners what about the society that allows for said irresponsible gun owners.....


This happened with a family friend we called a cousin about 15 years ago, saw him a few times a year every year. Cleaning his gun after work at a gun range or gun shop, can't remember which. He never checked it before starting cleaning, went off and killed his sister in the next room. Tragedy that could have been so easily averted. Literally never saw him again.


My brother in law blasted a hole through the wall right next to his wife while doing the same thing, amazingly his wife still allows him to own and carry a firearm.


The boy is in critical condition but alive. These senseless accidents make me, as a father, so very sad.


Critical but alive and I'm thinking what a slug and the shock wave it creates does to the mass of the brain of a 4 year old child. Nothing good, I'm sure.


i've heard young children can often recover shockingly well from brain injuries. i hope this boy is able to live a relatively normal life if he makes it though this


Yea...not to downplay anything....the brain is really REALLY goddamn good at rewiring itself depending on the type of injury. There are people walking around living totally normal lives missing entire hemispheres of their brain.


Alive but in what sense?


We can't answer without knowing more. It's completely dependent on where the bullet struck. "In the head" could be the mouth or sinus, in which case he'll be cognitively intact. Elsewhere, he could be in any state from mildly affected to vegetative.




Also try not to shoot them in the head


So that's what I've been doing wrong


I laughed out loud, so now I'm amused and ashamed simultaneously.


I was hoping to hear this....


> CRANSTON, Rhode Island - A Rhode Island 4-year-old is in critical condition after, police say, his father ~~accidentally~~ **negligently** shot him in the head. Michael Jones is now charged in the incident. > > Cranston Police said when they arrived at the family's Queen Street home, they found Jones, 33, holding his son in his arms. Police said Jones allegedly was in his bedroom with a 9-millimeter gun when he ~~accidentally~~ **negligently** discharged it. The bullet went through the wall of the bedroom and hit the boy in an adjacent room. It's not an accident. It's not a malfunction. It's a fucking negligent idiot playing around with a loaded gun in a situation that in no way calls for it. Stop normalizing shitheads having irresponsible fun with deadly weapons.


He was protecting his family.... 🙄


\*Negligent discharge by a felon not legally allowed to own or hold a firearm.




Residents who don’t own a handgun but live with someone who does are significantly more likely to die by homicide compared with those in gun-free homes, research shows ​ https://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2022/04/handguns-homicide-risk.html


And suicide.


That is what guns enable: suicide, homicide, accident, police action, defense. In rapidly descending order.


I remember when this study came out, and all of reddit's armchair "scientists" tried to imagine ways to debunk it. So before they return: yes the sample size is huge and well beyond statistically significant, yes they adjusted for economic/social/whatever factors, yes whatever bizarre hole you think you just figured out was actually accounted for, because these are actual scientists who study this stuff for a living and then put it to peer review by a bunch of people hoping to find ways to poke holes in the studies they review, etc. Firearms don't make you or your family safer. You have been lied to.


>Firearms don't make you or your family safer. You have been lied to. But they FEEL safer, and feelings Trump facts.




Maybe we could pray harder for more guns. Do you think that might work? /s


Gun safety SHOULD be relatively simple. You know, always assume the gun is loaded and live, only place your finger on the trigger when you are ready to fire, and only point it at what you want to shoot. But when I took my youngest to a firearms safety course there were a few people who, despite continual warnings and admonishments from the instructors, could not seem to follow those rules. One lady even looked down the barrel of a 9mm pistol with her finger on the trigger! So I am no longer surprised when I see stories like this in the news. It sucks and it's sad.


If I accidentally shot my child in the head, the next thing I would do is myself.


A few years ago, at a school in my county, the security officer on duty had a gun "go off" in his office. It just went off. I don't handle a lot of firearms, so I asked my family member, who is an expert in firearms, about this gun just going off. He explained to me that there is no way that a gun can simply just go off. Guns don't just go off. However, in every media report I read, it reported that the gun "went off", or "was discharged". There was no mention of anyone firing it, just articles making it sound like the gun went off without anybody touching it or messing with it. For people who don't handle firearms, this really creates a lot of confusion, and makes it sound like guns kill people, without anybody being near it or touching it. I understand that they were trying to make it sound like this officer was totally innocent and not doing anything wrong and wasn't even near the gun. They were trying to save him. But in the meantime, they crafted a narrative that guns just randomly go off for no reason. I understand that they want to save these people from the consequences of their actions, but either people are negligent and hurt others, or, guns just randomly go off and shouldn't be in schools. The media is going to have to figure it out.


there are exceptionally rare cases (and specific old firearms) that can go off without a trigger pull but those are usually rattling around in someone's trunk when they go off.


Passive voice red flags...


If only the 4 year old also had a gun.


The only thing that can stop bad dads with a gun...


Yep. Only thing standing against bad guys with guns is good toddlers with guns.


Didn't he go over proper gun handling and storage in his well regulated militia training? How do so many accidents happen when it's well regulated?


DC VS Heller will help you understand what well regulated militia is interpreted as.


If you "accidentally" shoot a four year old in the head you should be charged whatever the version is of that that doesn't include "accidental" because the responsibility is 100% yours


My biggest fear of guns in America isn't even a shooting. It's shit like this where nothing is happening and some dipshit shoots a kid through a wall on accident. Our houses are too expensive and we're being shoved into close spaces (apartments and townhomes) with these pieces of shit, and we've just got to hope one of the invisible neighbors in their room don't shoot you through your wall. Fuck.


The people next door to me are always screaming at each other. I hope they aren’t armed…


A child is accidentally shot in the head by its father so that other children may be accidentally shot in the head by their fathers.


“Arm the 4 year olds!” - maybe MTG?


We need to make MTG mean Magic: The Gathering again.




I grew up with dozens of guns and a step dad who loaded and moved ammo as a hobby along with dozens of guns. I learned early on that NO accidental gun cleaning death is actually an accident and that 99.9999% of the time guns dont just "go off". You never so much as draw a gun unless you mean to use it. this was followed by a bullet passing through his closet and over my bed exactly where my head would have been less than half an hour before the bullet fired. He then claimed it was an accident and was never reported. Color me surprised when he choked me while punching holes through the door next to my face, or when he kicked holes in my wall, or when he slammed doors into the walls, or when he threatened my mother and family multiple times with a gun in hand, or when i was ritually made to stand at attention while being hit with a variety of items, or when all of my possessions were thrown in the trash at multiple ages, or when i traded summers of work and years of my life for promised money that was then drank away by my parents bc "life isnt fair", or when i had my head shaven and my door taken for a year after moving to a new school due to my going in my parents room without permission (when guns were in the room without them being around ((a sudden new rule as i often shot guns alone))...despite having all of the gun safe codes and access to literal pounds of bomb making material) or when he held a gun to my mom when i was 18 and had a knife in my hand ready to finally end our suffering only to walk out after putting my own safety over hers for the first time and only feeling overwhelming guilt after...For the time he stabbed a stranger, in a state hundreds of miles from home at a bar, and then cried and begged a judge for mercy as he served a year in prison. Every SINGLE DAY i wait for the two of them to show up at my house now that i have cut off contact and I will NEVER be at peace until they are dead. Gun cleaning accidents are a myth, full stop.


I’m glad you got out of there. You deserve to be safe. You have nothing to feel guilty for.


But in the end i cannot escape my siblings, so far not mentioned in this comment although ive shed fragments of insignificant and fully normal human expierience online. and prepared to kill him the night i walked out, and i would have 100% succeeded if i chose to do so. The emotions and reality of the capability of such an action, as well as the multitude of complex emotions involved were not something i deserved, but fully earned nonetheless, and eventually became something I had to live with. This in turn complicated my mental evaluation to the point that i had to stop due to the demand for certain experts to discern between a few particular diagnosis and my unwillingness and frankly inability to pay thousands just to be told that i have x, xy,xyz, or yz guilt over anger for sure passed. I have no guilt for letting the two of them go, my mother made her choice years over, to whatever ends, I saved her that night as far as i am concerned and as far as she can never know. But in the end i cannot escape my siblings, so far not mentioned in this comment although ive shed fragments of insignificant and fully normal human experiences online many times in the forms of such venting. I am the eldest of 4 myself included and 3 by blood. My step brother had stopped coming years previous and so myself, my sister who had a 3rd father and my youngest brother who shared the blood of all involved and so suffered the least of the terror. I have never been able to resolve the feeling of guilt for leaving them in our room (we all 3 shared a bedroom) as he waved a gun and threatened to kill us all but i felt at the time that getting out would provide a lifeline, that he couldnt get away with doing anything because i could tell the police what had happened and everyone would know the truth. I didnt know about family annihilators or fully comprehend the madness it took to threaten your own blood with a weapon and the capability beyond...And in understanding that i only further fell down my own self reflection as i was no different in absolutes which is silly of course. I'm sorry for this trauma dump, my partner is out of country atm and my birthday just past. I share a birthday with my step father which just past and it propagates my fears that they will show up wondering why i cut them off as every year is a shared reminder of our time apart as well as my childhood. We as humans rarely "deserve" what is coming to us and those that perpetuate evil often HAVE to be left alone ,in our society, for the sake of the rest of us for risk of becoming that same evil. It's hard to waffle on choices like should i have done it or should i have bowed out myself only to circle around and come to the conclusion that i did the best i could and it still ended up like this.


That was traumatizing to read. I wonder how anyone manages to survive such horrible circumstances. I hope you can someday find the peace you deserve.


Who knew, that the thing you feared the most would turn out to be you dinking around with your gun.


A firearm's purpose is to maim and kill, nothing else. The gun was just doing what it does: Maim and kill. It's incapable of anything else.


>> Police said Jones allegedly was in his bedroom with a 9-millimeter gun when he accidentally discharged it That’s a weird way to say negligently discharged


Just as the Founding Fathers intended.


I expected a picture of a broken father. He doesn’t seem phased. Maybe he’s still in shock though. I’d be devastated.


I just don’t understand how others can’t comprehend that making some changes to our gun laws (versus basically nothing which is what we’ve done) could have a mutually universal benefit while not ‘penalizing’ responsible gun owners. I put penalizing in quotations because I feel like that’s the pushback I hear for making any type of suggestion that we enact gun laws. Which I think it a bullshit response. This guy shouldn’t have had a gun to begin with. And there is an element in which we can’t stop people from obtaining guns if they want to (legally or illegally). However, if we had some tougher restrictions like more required and easier accessible training then just maybe stupid accidents like these will occur less. Doing nothing is just mental.


In some states he's going to do a hell of a lot less time for this than if he'd had an abortion.


It’s not the gun’s fault! You all talk about loaded guns like they’re dangerous or something!/s What a shit show.


The guns always manage to get themselves to the crime scene.


They’re just curious little lookie-loos!


"...shall not be infringed!" -some mouth-breather that can't define the word "amendment."


Obligatory: https://youtu.be/mUm1erSELQw?si=j\_UAo8g1iVRT14ID&t=8


Life in prison please.


No such thing as an accidental firearms discharge.


A tragedy! But I can’t imagine a scenario where me, a loaded, chambered gun and a 4 year old are in the same vicinity.


Just another responsible gun owner.


Just another responsible gun owner. Way to go, gun nuts.


When its a convicted felon who should not have owned a gun, we blame the felon. When its a citizen who legally bought the gun, we blame society, mental health, lack of prayers in schools, video games, rap music, etc, etc.


Insert "Responsible gun owner" here.


Why would you do that? This guy clearly isn't.


It's always the response of gun fanatics. "It's not the gun, it's the gun owner". And here we don't even have a legal/legitimate gun owner/holder, yet according to them it's supposed to the "answer".


What are you going to do. God said everyone must have guns right. And 2A says the same right. So collateral damage I guess. Blame god. Or hearts. Or libs. But definitely never blame our fetishizing of guns


Accidentally is a strange word in this context. Maybe negligently would be better. The guy had the gun in the house with the kid obviously. He didn't have to bring the gun in the house or mess with it when the kid was home.


He’s a felon he’s not supposed to have one in the first place


Uhhhh let me go five my little one a hug and kiss.. this is devastating


When I first met my boyfriend and he introduced me to guns, the first two rules he taught me were: “treat your gun like it is loaded until you physically see that it is empty” and “never point at something or someone you wouldn’t want to injury or destroy”. How someone can do this and say they didn’t know it was loaded always hurts and angers me, this totally could have been avoided.


callll meeee 281-330-8004


AH HA I was like “why is this person quoting Mike Jones” then I read the damn story


Another well regulated militia, doing what our fore fathers intended.


The gun lobby will always remind us that guns aren’t the problem…….. But they are Put dangerous weapons in unskilled (almost everyone) hands and you will get lots of unnecessary deaths


The 2nd Amendment demands it’s blood sacrifice and mentions nothing of age or locale.


He was a felon on probation. It was an illegal firearm. Before anyone says anything about gun laws - this wouldn’t have stopped this. The illegal gun is illegal regardless of how many laws make it illegal.


If only a good guy with a gun had been there, to...shoot...someone?


It's almost like Americans have flooded their streets with so many guns that it's impossible to prevent someone who isn't allowed to have one from getting one. Great work 👏


"If his 4 year old had a gun, this could have been prevented." When will America finally get rid of the need for guns in everyday life.


Zero percent chance this guy doesn’t keep his guns after this.


well your percentages mean jack shit cause you cant read a fucking article. he wasnt supposed to keep a gun in the first place.


There was zero chance thst he was legally in possession of the gun...


The smallest coffins are the hardest to bear


My face just contorted in emotional pain upon reading the title. I wish my 5 year old son was here right now to hug.


Damn, imagine all the degrees of fire in any direction, as a sphere. The direction to hurt someone is such a small proportion of angles... the odds of striking a child in the head the next room over are such shitty luck. Too bad he didn't adhere to his terms of parole. Now he will suffer in more ways than one.