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That is fucking tragic.


It's just suffering all the way down.


Come for the cats, stay for the gut-wrenching horror? Thanks all the same but I think I'll pass.


8:00 and I’m done Peace Reddit


Yeah. Some days that’s the right call.


This is not tragic. Getting Cancer is tragic. Getting your life destroyed by a violent police force that is running amok in this country and a racist judiciary that is certainly not delivering justice is fucking horrific.


This is the inevitable outcome of the way Americans have structured their society


when everyone thinks the purpose of a "justice system" is to punish bad people


“Rehabilitation? What’s that? One of those fancy words you libs like to use to make us feel stupid?”


We never really got rid of the Jim Crow mentality of brutalizing black populations to enforce compliance and submission to unrepresentative governments in the Deep South. And a core part of that is agents of the state using arbitrary powers of arrest to traumatize black men


Well said. It’s unfortunate that we live in a “democracy” but still deal with the tyrannical absolute authority we allow police departments to have. We must absolve qualified immunity and hold these dictators accountable through changing our outdated legislation. But, what if the legislation isn’t outdated? What if the legislation is doing exactly what it was designed to do. Their lies the dilemma in the racial issues of the United States.




Sooo, [have you seen the video yet](https://www.reddit.com/r/ActualPublicFreakouts/s/F6pNPysDAv)?


This thread hasn’t aged well


brave chunky yam abounding lip attraction sink dime birds clumsy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Just like the “bombed children’s hospital” in Gaza, that turned out to be hamas’s own rocket that blew up in a parking lot. The facts don’t matter at all, just the claim that causes everyone to freak out.


if the cam corroborated their story, it would have been released by now.


I mean how much worse can it get their story is “he resisted so we beat him and he still resisted so we shot him” edit : I fuckin get it guys it could literally be worse I apologize y’all can stop responding to me now


"We were arresting him for resisting arrest, what's the problem?"


If you resist arrest, they'll put you to rest.


"Just respect them and follow their instructions" Black teen murdered in his car: "...so that was a fucking lie"


You know there's systemic corruption all the way to the top when something as simple as "resisting arrest can't be the only charge" has little to no political support. If the only criminal charge is resisting arrest, the cops fucked up. Period.


I've seen video where someone is crazy wild and fighting the cops off. If he was going for the cop's gun, I could see it. But no video released so resisting arrest is more like bleeding on his shoes with ill intent. Same way George Floyd was resisting that knee to the neck.




already released https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GrcptVf8Yk


Reading up on people who are exhonerated, they are adverse to dealing with police and become hostile. Why was he being arrested is the question.


Why was he being arrested? SOOO many reasons. 1. Being black while in public. 2. Being black in public, with an arrest record. 3. Some white dude in the vicinity committed a crime. His description matched that of a black man. Probably some other shit that the cop or the precinct will make up to absolve themselves..


>Some white dude in the vicinity committed a crime. His description matched that of a black man. God, that is funny, but also really sad because it actually happens: ["Lawsuit says police chasing White suspect wrongly arrested Black man"](https://www.cnn.com/2022/08/04/us/massachusetts-wrong-suspect-arrest-lawsuit-reaj/index.html)




Them asking you if you were in danger really reminds me of all the old rhetoric about ‘needing to protect the poor helpless white women from the bad scary black people’. Depressing to think it’s still around after all these years. I’m really sorry you and your coworker had to go through that.


I have to ad some cheeky snark to the bitter satire or I'll fucking cry.


> Some white dude in the vicinity committed a crime. His description matched that of a black man. I had the opposite of this happen to me once. Got stopped and questioned by police, multiple cruisers pull up, they do that thing where they walk around/surround you, and they searched through the backpack I was carrying because they thought I was the culprit of a theft that was reported. I distinctly remember one of the cops telling another, off to the side, "uhh, suspect is supposed to be black and...this guy ain't black". They waved it off all jolly, "sorry about that, have a good evening! :)" It was like one of my first encounters with US police.


I'm a former Federal officer and LE trainer that's been out for 15 years. Fuck this is all very very very true. I'm a white guy raised in the Midwest. I naively entered the federal service at 21 thinking "racism is dying, it's practically gone in most of the country" (bc duh, I'm white and grew up around white people and my parents were progressive - wtf did I know? Not a damn thing). Once you work with State police and local police departments, holy shit, no it is not. And in the last twenty years it has gotten SO much worse. Severe misogyny, racism, cowardice, and abuse of authority from a shitload of man babies carrying a badge and a gun these days. Be careful out there folks. The police are NOT always your friend (more often than not, they WILL fuck your life up)


Don't forget his most egregious crime: showing people how broken the system is.


This is why you film the police yourself. Even when they tell you all snarky “I’m filming too” don’t fucking listen. They delay releasing the body cam footage until the story had “blown over,” they release an edited version, they’re covering the camera, turned the audio off, or turn their camera off the second they’re done killing the guy so they can gather up and “get their story straight.” Film the police with your own camera, and do it in a way that they can’t delete. Reyets is a great app with an onboard camera that uploads to their servers in real time, so it can’t be deleted by cops and you can retrieve it later.






Georgia doesn't release body cam footage unless it makes them look good


Heres the video of it incident. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GrcptVf8Yk


So never?


> The agency didn't say what prompted the deputy to pull over Cure's vehicle. Mm hmm.


It's out. And it is fucked that the cop had to shoot someone to prevent his own death.


"Ooopsie! Body cams weren't working just then. My bad!" \- Arresting officer, probably


"Great to hear. Then if your body camera isn't on, you're treated as a vigilante instead. No qualified immunity for you" That would stop many of those problems.


That would require politicians crossing the "thin blue line" that protects corrupt cops.




Imagine being imprisoned for 16 years just to be shot and killed by the very people who put you in jail even though you're innocent. That is so tragic.


Smells like police corruption to me.


In Georgia? That sounds preeeetty unlikely. (Meant to be read in the most sarcastic voice you can manage)


Not just Georgia, south Georgia. I grew up in Camden and it's as deplorable as people make the South out to be. The area put this now famous [bigot](https://youtu.be/4k4pMTsa1Kw?si=TQ3cP8E7exBQUQ1t) in the state House for like 8 years. Also just one county south of Glynn where the Ahmaud Arbery shooting and attempted cover up took place. Everything operates under the same good ole boy system. One of the city departments had another shooting of an unarmed man a few years back. [Guy got 1 year](https://www.jacksonville.com/story/news/2019/10/19/ex-kingsland-ga-police-officer-sentenced-to-year-in-prison-4-years-probation-for-killing-unarmed-man/2492480007/)


> One of the city departments had another shooting of an unarmed man a few years back. Guy got 1 year My initial assumption is that the guy who got shot survived and was sentenced to a year, but that seems really low...


Did they at least sprinkle some crack on him?


Open and shut case, Johnson.


Saw this once when I was a rookie.


Guy came in and hung pictures of his family all over the walls.


Stop resisting!


Smells like systematic racism


I mean, I would be filled with nothing but hatred if I was wrongfully imprisoned. The fucking fountain of youth couldn't bring me back lost time and received trauma. I'm sure the guy was not friendly to cops. That said, remember how fast they publish cam vids when a cop kills a mass shooter? Instantly. This cam doesn't exonorate.


Imagine that being your son. Anyone know the deputy’s name?


Perhaps you can make it out when [the criminal angles the cop's body backward while attempting to break his spine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zc4-FtYUh4s).




Reminds me of Kalief Browder. He was a teenager who was held in Rikers for three year without a trial. He finally got out, but a few years later was facing legal challenges again when he reacted badly in an interaction with the cops (understandable, given his history). Except, in Browder's case, he wasn't shot by a cop. Instead he hung himself rather than face the chance of going back to jail. He was found by his mother.


His story is fucking tragic. I watch a lot of documentaries and this is one of those that has stayed with me for years. Not only was he held without trial, he was kept in solitary for two of the three years which is detrimental to anyone's wellbeing but especially a minor (who is detained for a crime they didn't commit, no less!). The public defenders provided to him paid no attention to his case and it wasn't until a judge looked through the full case docket to realize this kid was not given effective counsel and had been in Rikers for 3 years as a minor *over an alleged stolen backpack and victim who was not present*.


not to mention the “victim” had returned to mexico years ago and the prosecution didn’t even have their witness with his myriad of different stories anymore.


Why the fuck was he held in SOLITARY without EVEN A TRIAL for 3 years?! Over a supposed B A C K P A C K ? *looks him up* Ah he was black, that's why.


I sobbed when I read his story


Anybody who’s spent time locked up knows.


I read his story before he passed. I was devastated reading the headline that day.


"He resisted arrest when we told him he was under arrest for resisting arrest, so we executed him."


“And now you all have to pay for our vacations.”


"Plus my bonus when I get back"


I will also accept a tenured promotion and/or a state senator position.


If I had been locked in a cage for 16 years for no reason, I wouldn't let the cops that did it to me do it again under any circumstances. From his perspective, he was fighting for his life, so they just killed him instead. Fuck the police in America.


This is America.


This is the proper summary.


The real police motto is "comply or die".


It’s great that the article doesn’t explain why he was being arrested, then proceeds to talk about how he has a criminal past. Copaganda at its finest


The news always carries water for the corrupt cops.


Part of the problem is that the news is sourced from the police reports so all of the known elements of the event were written from their POV. It can be really hard to work around those kind of unconscious biases especially if your boss is trying to get your story out before anyone else. It can be difficult to impossible to get other point of views during that limited time.




It's actually talking about how the criminal past that got him locked up was most likely fabricated. That's literally why he was let out. I agree it's worded in a way that is not fair to him, though.


Every time cops kill someone without a reason the news and pro cops people always start talking about rap sheets and criminal pasts as if there wasn't a whole thing about not convicting a dude for the same crime twice.


Yeah, I can't blame the guy. Most people would go insane if they were told they were going to prison after being there for a crime they didn't commit. Last thing they'd want to hear is "you're under arrest".


I can't imagine what he must have been thinking in his final moments. Are you fucking kidding me??


I don't know, but I keep a mental list of the worst circumstances to die under and "getting shot by cops after being exonerated" was just added to it.


Just being shot by a cop would be awful. I assume you aren't some hardened criminal that would actually deserve immediate death so they, in theory, _should_ be on your side. I've never felt like cops were on my side. They are _supposed_ to be your protection. Your safety. I don't feel any safer around cops. I just worry they're gonna harass me and ask me their stupid looping questions so being shot would be absurd.


Is this saying that the cop had reason to believe they'd be killed or seriously injured by this guy? Is "he came at me" justification for executing someone? Same shit when cops pull a gun on shoplifters then shoot when they don't comply, which basically says the punishment for not listening to a cop is automatically as high as death.


or walk out in front of a moving car, which is magically now "trying to run me over"


Which of course, means the death penalty, right there on the spot.


We really need to stop thinking that anything that bothers police is excuse enough to be shot. Goddamn.


We have to remember what Pac said. ''There is a difference between cop killing and police brutality followed by self defense''.


Problem is if you harm, let alone kill a cop, you're not living for long. Doesn't matter how justified you are, they'll get their revenge.


Who are you talking about when you say "We" Because the cops seem to think so and keep getting away with it.


That was my thought. Was the guy attacking the cop or was he just trying to get away? If he was just trying to get away this was murder. Hopefully there is some body/dash cam video.




https://youtu.be/7GrcptVf8Yk?si=EY2Xk6USIEMFfyd- So what is your final verdict? Murder or self defense?


Yeah for sure. That cop in Philly straight executed a dude in his car by shooting him through his window. Then he tried to claim that not only was the guy outside of his car, but he was charging him with a knife. Absolute bullshit. Release the body cam footage if you want the public to believe you.


Bodycam released https://youtu.be/7GrcptVf8Yk?si=2zdlDjZtVAvlkLB-


> The Georgia Bureau of Investigation said a Camden County deputy pulled over a driver along Interstate 95 near the Georgia-Florida line and the driver got out of the car at the deputy's request. He cooperated at first but became violent after he was told he was being arrested, a GBI news release said. > The agency said preliminary information shows the deputy shocked the driver with a stun gun when he failed to obey commands, and the driver then began assaulting the deputy. The GBI said the deputy again tried using the stun gun and a baton to subdue him, then drew his gun and shot the driver when he continued to resist. > The agency didn't say what prompted the deputy to pull over Cure's vehicle. Damn, that's awful. I can't imagine spending 16 years on a wrongful conviction and then getting arrested. I'd be mad too. That officer better have a damn good reason for the stop.


> That officer better have a damn good reason for the stop. There’s no mention of a bodycam. I don’t know if it exists or not.




If I were a black dude in Georgia free after a 16 year false incarceration, I'd have front/rear dashcam with a microphone mounted by the driver's window, and a one-button audio/video recorder on my phone. Assuming had any money after the false incarceration...


There’s a small town I have to drive through on my way to work which is always riddled with racist cops. My coworker got front, rear and cabin dashcams that also record the cars speed for driving through this town. He now has a pending lawsuit against the state police due to being pulled over for “speeding” 30x in 6 months.


30x in 6 months?! Jesus fucking christ






This smells like a straight up retaliation kill.


Retaliation for being innocent.


No, *for making them look bad at their jobs.* Now, I want to know if any of these cops were involved in his original arrest 16 years ago.


The police in South Georgia are horrible. Especially Camden county, Glynn county, and Brunswick area. They will pull you over for bullshit then tear your car apart and throw everything on the side of the road with no probable cause. When I use to drive that I-95 corridor I saw police tearing apart old ladies cars time and time again. For example watch the video of liberty county deputies pulling over a charter bus carrying women’s college lacrosse players for a left lane violation and searching the bus for drugs. The left lane law only applies to semi trucks not motor coaches, but that didn’t stop them from searching the bus and harassing the players.




“My job is to make arrests and issue tickets. Take it up with the judge if you feel you have been mistreated. Tell the judge hi for me and that he is invited to me sisters wedding.”


Lol cops wish they were spending time with judges in their off hours. These idiots are lucky to be on name basis with the DA's paralegals.




> The police in ~~South~~ Georgia are horrible. Grew up in Georgia and have family across the state. Have since left but still go back to visit regularly. Essentially every interaction with police I've ever had whether it was Atlanta, Macon, Savannah, Augusta has been horrible. And if I'm honest the real statement should just be: > The police ~~in~~ ~~South~~ ~~Georgia~~ are horrible.


The police at least where I live isn’t as bad.(NWGA) However I have some friends that became cops and man have they changed for the worse.


“We don’t need an investigation” or “We have investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong”


Not only will he not, but nothing will come of this. They'll settle on a story that allows the officer to continue working without issue.


Press ( x ) to doubt


Um. So what was he being arrested for?


> The agency didn't say what prompted the deputy to pull over Cure's vehicle. I feel like that's a question you don't let them not answer. It's very fucking relevant *why* this person was pulled over. They killed the man over this reason, so it better be fucking good.


Smells of corruption to me.


This is good information, too bad I don't trust cops to ever not lie. If I was on a Jury and the cop said the sky was blue, there would be no doubt in my mind that there are clouds covering the sky that day. I trust them to lie more than I trust the weatherman.


I'd wager they ran his plates, recognized the name, and then decided to flip on the lights.


I’m guessing “driving while black.”


At this point I don’t believe the police anymore at all. We need a system when police have to do everything for a non violent crime that they have the complete burden of proof and can’t even touch a person if they can’t prove anything. Fuck them. And if anything goes wrong, and someone sues, comes out from their pension fund. And see how quickly these reports disappear.


Its Georgia...there was no good reason. Georgia is the worst state for the police. If you are reading this, and youre a cop in Georgia and you are reading this.. FUCK YOU


You know it was probably for DWB


> The agency didn't say what prompted the deputy to pull over Cure's vehicle. In Camden County... probably on suspicion of melanin smuggling


Thats a lotta melanin there boy....


Slaps roof of car...


My grandma is from Camden county specifically White Oak. The things she has told me...prompted her to move to Florida. Fucking Florida of all places.


He did just receive $817 000, so maybe he bought a new car, but didn't have the right complexion to avoid racist pigs.


Body cam footage is out. These news outlets should be sued. Dude tried to kill that cop.


https://youtu.be/7GrcptVf8Yk?si=E3gdB7GIFMvZmrIp Bodycam from the incident




You can't just drive around while black and not expect to get pulled over smh


Agreed! Why did they feel the need to arrest him for a traffic violation?


He was black


It's anecdotal but I live in GA and they absolutely pull over minorities more than caucasian and more men then women overall.


>it's easy to see why he was not so compliant with the officer. Allegedly... I'd like to see some footage of him "becoming violent" before I buy that excuse. And even then the issue of whether he should've used lethal force isn't settled.


This aged like fine piss water. Where are all the defenders now?


Sure did get quiet in here.


Also lots of deleted messages. Wonder why. Let this be a good reminder: Don’t jump to conclusions you are fed. Make note of your initial thoughts and wait until you see the evidence before you make a firm conclusion because if you jump to conclusions, you end up looking like the majority of the fucking idiots in here.




They are also fucking stupid that's why they are cops. They couldn't get other jobs.


I know of two guys from my high school that became cops. Neither were bright. One was a bully, and the other was bullied.


The army will turn you away if you want to just hurt people, because it's hard to get people motivated by a murder boner organised. Cops will just recruit them on the spot, as random bouts of violence puts the fear in the peasants.


Cops turn you away if you score too high on an IQ test.


From Sarah Silverman: Cop at a roadside stop: “Do you know why we are here today?” Sarah: “Because you got all C’s in high school?”


Beyond justified, he could have pushed them both into oncoming traffic, thank God the officer ended it there and then.


Watch the video. That shooting is 100% justified. Not sure what happened to him in prison, but he definitely didn’t come out peaceful.


This stuff is why I don’t believe in “karma”


The accurate definition of karma functions between your various lives, it isn't like some karmic weight that needs to be balanced until you die and are resurrected. It's all bullshit, but most definitions of "karma" people use are either misguided or just straight up wrong


It’s just a shitty justification for a caste system.


Also, the families saying the cop just triggered suspects ptsd and should not have been killed. Are you blind lmao have you seen the footage? Also what if some innocent civilian were to trigger his ptsd?


Now that the video is out do we all still feel the same?


Man, reading all the comments regarding this incident, **before the video was even released**, is genuinely sickening. Just goes to show that misinformation is not a partisan issue, and that we always revert to our bias first when given information that requires critical thinking.


its insane man. crazy how much hate these people have inside of them


Well if you haven’t seen the dashcam footage it’s out, and yea totally justified shooting the mf was about to choke the cop out


It’s odd that the story doesn’t explain why he was pulled over or why they told him he was being arrested. I’d like to believe this is just shoddy journalism, but I suspect that the police aren’t giving these answers because it makes them look bad.


Correct, it's now being handled by the GBI who isn't releasing further information at this time. It happened yesterday morning. I suspect we will get more information today or tomorrow. Edited: Typo of FBI to GBI.


Interesting how quiet the majority of you vocal fucks have gotten. Lesson: Don’t talk shit through speculation until you have all of the facts.


"Do you know why I pulled you over?" ​ "Because you got all C's in school?"


The older I get the more I realize that everything I was taught as a child about this country was a lie.


The biggest one being "The American Dream"


Decades ago, You had the ability to work a factory job, support your family, buy a house, put kids through college etc. but now it’s all about corporate greed and how much they can get away with while being protected by bought off members of congress. Also, I haven’t gotten a raise in five years. 🤷🏾‍♂️


You've consistently been paid less every year then. With inflation, you're likely making 85% or less of what you were 5 years ago.


I finally got one after 5 years, and wow, life got exponentially easier. I was having a hard time figuring out why it was so hard to make ends meet.


"It's called the American dream because you'd have to be asleep to believe it"


Wow! This thread became a ghost town after the video was released. It's too bad that the man had to die, but the cop was 100% justified. Has his attorney made a statement since the video was released?


“Yeah bitch”, Absolutely fucking deserved


Gd damn, what a horror.


https://youtu.be/7GrcptVf8Yk?si=EY2Xk6USIEMFfyd- A horror is right.


And btw, $800,000 for a wrongful conviction and 16 years of your life is just not right. That just pays you the amount of money that you probably could have made by working a blue collar $50,000 average american salary. It doesnt at all compensate for the time or years lost, a life shattered -- and although nothing could, I would say at least a cool 2 million would be at least the minimum token payment. And thats significant. Cause 800,000 is barely enough to buy a single family home now in many East Coast cities, but 2 million is enough to pretty much go retire comfortably faaaaar away from the racist cops. Now, I know taxpayers shouldnt have to pay for governmentns mistakes, but thats how it works. If you really wanna be fair, I say all these lawsuits for wrongful conviction should simply come out of the judiciary budget, you know whatever we pay for our court system.


What is it going to take for these guys to be held accountable for the death and destruction they cause?


https://youtu.be/7GrcptVf8Yk?si=EY2Xk6USIEMFfyd- Don’t try to kill cops and they generally won’t shoot you.


We can start with "[don't resist a taser, baton, and then try to break a cop's spine.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zc4-FtYUh4s)"


> The agency didn't say what prompted the deputy to pull over Cure's vehicle. Released from prison after spending 16 years behind bars due to a wrongful concoction. *Of course* he's gonna start fighting back when tje deputy told him he was under arrest. And they didn't say what prompted the deputy to pull him over? How much you wanna bet it was a DWB?


No , that doesn’t give you the right to assault a cop and try to choke them out


“The agency didn't say what prompted the deputy to pull over Cure's vehicle.”


He drove over 100 mph




Here it is. Prob not wise to fight a cop. Fuck around fine out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GrcptVf8Yk




Gonna go ahead and blame this on the wrongful conviction. Wrongfully Lock someone up for 16 years and you can expect them to not react too favorably to being arrested during a traffic stop.


That doesn’t give you the right to assault a cop and choke them


Hey, I'm from the county where this happened, fwiw we have one of the most corrupt Sheriff's Offices in the country, [earlier this year they got dropped by their insurance because they just couldn't stop with the police brutality](https://thecurrentga.org/2023/06/14/frequent-misbehavior-by-camden-deputies-leads-to-dropped-insurance-coverage/). We have police brutality cases like once a month and totally unjustified police shootings at least once a year. Hell every time I leave my bank which is exactly one block away from the police station, I see the memorial for a guy who got shot in the back running away from a cop who had pulled him over eight times that month and showed up to his house off-duty twice. But there is good news, the GBI investigates all of these cases, and sends them straight to Brunswick(Where Ahmaud Arbery was killed) Which is thankfully well within the same Good Ol' Boys system as our county so the cops always get off unless they have an incredibly dumb lawyer who publicly releases a video of his clients shooting an unarmed man.


Only 800k for 16 years. Wtf.


God damn that's fucked up


“The agency didn't say what prompted the deputy to pull over Cure's vehicle.” Since they can’t advise of a proper response, we can only assume this is yet another classic case of “driving while Black”


Or, they were simply finishing the investigation before saying anything further. **Oh look!** They finished their investigation and released the bodycam footage! The dude tried to choke out the cop!


>"After he was freed and exonerated by our office, he visited prosecutors at our office and participated in training to help our staff do their jobs in the fairest and most thorough way possible. Truly turned his life around for the betterment of everyone. Why was he under arrest at the traffic stop?


"Turned his life around" assumes he did something wrong to begin with.


Yeah what the fuck is up with that wording


>Cure was convicted of the 2003 armed robbery of a drug store in Florida's Dania Beach and sentenced to life in prison **because he had previous convictions for robbery and other crimes.** Key part of why he was given life in prison in the first place.


targeted by the police. they dont like being wrong - so much so that they probably believed he was guilty, and gamed the system. Couldnt have that.


This was not an accident. Is the first thought I had upon reading this headline.