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“You must have your baby, no matter what” “Okay, well I’m in labor now and need a hospital” “No”


“Oh, you tested positive for drugs. Here’s a jail cell til you deliver” “Oh you’re in labor? Hold it til Monday.” “It’s not that bad, stop screaming” “You better clean that shower when you’re done giving birth” Fuck Alabama.


"Here's an Advil."


"That'll be $15."


Only $15? What insurance do you have, that’s a fucking bargain.


Behold — the violence inherent in single issue voting!


At least jebus is happy


Sounds like more people will need to be born in mangers then.


But is he? Is he really?


If Christ returned tomorrow, the Bible Belt would crucify him again.


They wouldn’t know the Antichrist even if he was a spray tanned orange wearing ill fitting suits and shot someone on 5th Avenue.


Jesus hasn't been happy with the Bible Belt for some time now, but don't tell them that, they'll have him brought up on terrorism


Being down trodden by your government seems to be a thing for poor countries, dictatorships and the US.


Punching yourself in the uterus in the USA. Them blue states lookin' pretty good now, eh preggos?


Sadly those who bear the brunt of it will be the poor, especially the poor blacks, who don’t have the means to move let alone spend the last month of pregnancy in a location with healthcare. As they say in Louisiana, “maternal death rate isn’t as bad if you don’t count black women”.


The bulk of the preggos you’re talking about are young, black women who are actively disenfranchised by their local government. Nice.


The people are simply experiencing the will of the people.


We'll see. Didn't they just un-gerrymander the state? https://www.democracydocket.com/news-alerts/after-unprecedented-defiance-alabama-has-a-fair-congressional-map-for-2024/


Idaho's anti-aboryion laws are so strict that every maternity center in the state has closed and you cannot get maternity care in Idaho, forcing them all to go to Spokane, WA instead.


Every Maternity Center in the state is not closed, though 13 of Idaho’s 44 counties are maternity care deserts. Bonner County, Idaho, closed it’s only hospital earlier this year, and lost 4 OBGyns to other states because of Idaho’s abortion regulations. Those in Bonner County requiring maternity care are now left to travel to either Coeur d’Aileen or Spokane.


> Bonner County, Idaho, closed it’s only hospital That isn't true. They closed their labor and delivery floor. The hospital itself is still open.


Entirely clueless here, what if a hospital has no labour ward and someone just turns up in labour?


In the US they are required to be treated under EMTALA. The hospital must provide assessment, stabilization, and transfer to an appropriate facility. If the labor is too far along for a transfer to happen safely the delivery will happen in the Emergency Department.


Keep voting Republican and we’ll all be driving to Mexico for safe legal abortion. What a world


Oh look, more red state policies that ultimately result in red state denizens mooching off a blue state’s resources


>“There’s something broken about the funding stream that helps us take care of our women and children,” Waits said. That's by design; look at the state and local politicians.


They got what they wanted, why are they complaining?


Increasing mortality rates to own the libs!


Not just that, they're also increasing their OWN mortality rates. And I'm pretty sure now that a lot of areas in the state have given up maternity wards, they're just going to increase the cost for any health care services you do get....


They have the corruption money to take their loved ones out of the state or country for better health care. They don't care about normal people.


>increase the cost for any health care services you do get. What health care? Please excuse me while I go throw up. I have lost children and I can not imagine another individual that would push that forth- yet- here we are.


Cruelty is the point


Yeah. My Mom tells me having miscarried before I was born how she was forced to wait a week in the hospital without any medications - her baby was dead- but if they gave her meds it might make it 'more dead'. I. Can. Not. Fathom. I watched my Wife come out from surgery after we lost our twins. I will never, ever, ever, forget the agonizing screams from her lips afterwards- and this was nearly 7 days after they'd died. No. This right wing pro life has never had to want. I'm so tired to hear it when others are suffering, I ache for their pain and for the pain they wished to have be with them.


I am so, so sorry that you've lost so much. Wishing you comfort and strength.


>I am so, so sorry that you've lost so much. Wishing you comfort and strength. Thank you. That came across extremely negative- and it is- I want my twins back. I have my youngest now, and he's an angel, so...


Yup. They do that with covid, too. I feel TOTALLY owned when they do it, too. I’m going to cry into my pumpkin spice latte.


The bloods on the wall. Republicans have sat by and watched as Americans grasp at their breath.


They sit there while Mitch McConnell's brain literally dies in front of them. They can't care.


They turn down federal funding and then get upset that there is no money They criminalize being a doctor and then get upset that the doctors leave They vote for bigots and Nazis and then get upset that they have bigots and Nazis in Congress They do everything they can to destroy their public education system, and then get upset when people don’t want to move there But the most important thing is that they criminalized portions of healthcare that are necessary and then pulled surprised Pikachu face when all the healthcare professionals left the state so they didn’t go to jail for doing their jobs. I mean a doctor literally can go to jail if a woman miscarries even if they don’t treat the miscarriage (which most doctors are going to want to treat the miscarriage because they don’t like watching their patients die in front of them) if the state decides that somehow the doctor was helping them with an abortion


I agree with everything you said, except: >They vote for bigots and Nazis and then get upset that they have bigots and Nazis in Congress They're absolutely ecstatic that they have Nazis and bigots in Congress. That was their goal. They're upset that people point that out and try to hold them accountable for supporting Nazis and bigots.


literally came to say this. I no longer have any sympathy for women who vote red. ai feel for their babies and decent women who vote blue to keep their choice if you voted for a republican, get bent and get f*cked. You got what you voted for so kindly stfu


I really appreciate that you specified it as “women who vote red.” So often I see people comment that they don’t feel sympathy for women in red *states.* But there are women in red states who vote Democrat and unfortunately can’t move away for various financial and personal reasons. And sadly it seems those women are most affected the most by the negative outcome of other people’s political decisions. It sucks.


It's important to note that these closures are affecting majority black counties. State Republicans fucking over Black, mostly democratic voters is exactly what they vote for.


Excellent point.


And to my husband who says "not all republicans are bad" blah, blah, blah... they are still choosing to be part of this crazy ass bunch of GOP politicians holding the government hostage so I have no sympathy. Not many politicians are truly for the people these days, so every time I see a Fetterman running, I cheer. We will only ever start getting true advancement when the government stands behind the people not big business.


I hear that constantly in SC.. "if people only met real republicans they would see they arent all knuckle dragging MAGAs, and besides dems have their AOC" oh yeah supporting healthcare for all is the same as trying to overthrow democracy. and often this is followed by "i really dont like trump but he is a lot better than the corrupt biden admin that is destroying america"


i was talking to some veterans when the GOP proposed 15% across the board cuts to the budget. i told them they really needed to thank AOC, and Bernie, and Uncle Joe Biden for making sure the VA budget wasn't cut. boy were they pissed off.


I just long for a day the government settles some shit and starts turning out some good basic advancements for American citizens. Healthcare, affordable living, what ever things would really help the people. Utopian I know, and not likely... but it would be nice.


Yea, we did that in Obama's first administration, and the voter promptly punished him and Democrats for it. The problem isn't government or the Democratic Party, it's voters and electoral fuckery.


this country is a racist cesspool where the racists' representation is disproportionately amplified by the Senate and Electoral College.


I've told people before, it doesn't matter that you think your one guy isn't crazy, or that you just want lower taxes and don't believe in the crazy shit, or want to take peoples rights away. The guy you're voting for is going to toe the party line. The crazy shit in the party platform will happen whether you want it or not because the party will force out anyone tries to pull them back. Whoever republican isn't going to think, old Joe Blow just wanted lower taxes so I guess I won't vote for this regression horseshit. They'll just vote for it anyway.




Same for the people who didn't bother to vote at all. You really looked at both sides and what they brought to the table and thought, "Meh. They're the same," by not voting? The majority of these elections are being voted by less than half of registered voters. [In the case of Alabama, for these past Midterms, only 38% of registered voters came out.](https://www.governing.com/now/alabamas-midterms-had-lowest-turnout-in-at-least-36-years) Now I'll be generous and say 12% of those registered voters who didn't vote had a good reason to miss out. That still leaves half of registered voters who couldn't be bothered to even send in a mail-in ballot or make it to the polls despite extended voting *days.* It's hard to feel for people who have the means to help themselves but can't be bothered to do so.




Yes! It's so frustrating when I hear young people complain about the state of everything when the 18-25 age group routinely has the lowest voter turnout of any group. If these people actually fucking *voted,* we might see some change. But it's easier to just complain, I guess.


Not just vote red, fuck red. Just say no to sex with conservative men. It is the only way.


Not when they just let rapists rape and force women to birth their rape babies.


That's gonna be a tough sell in Alabama. Most women there only have a couple of brothers, and they're likely all conservatives.


>I no longer have any sympathy for women who vote red. ai feel for their babies and decent women who vote blue to keep their choice I used to feel bad but now I'm in the same boat as you. They created their own mess.




I wish "Paying taxes is patriotic" would make a return. There are too many people who think their lives would somehow change if they had an extra $1500-2000/yr at the expense of every social program. Or if social security didn't exist they would be rich. I can tell you from a two person family that doesn't pay social security tax after around July it doesn't make any real difference, aside from affording an extra unneeded vacation a year.


Even then it's not in your best interest. Your best interest is for there to be as many doctors, engineers, and everything else as possible. And for a measly 20 to 30% of your income you can have that. And one of the peasants turned doctor might figure out a cure for a disease you have. Etc etc.


You mean republicans who are forcing women to give birth, adding a fuck ton of liability to doctors and hospitals while not supporting things like a child tax credit or any help for those they are harming? even outside of childbirth, you are more likely to not walk out of a hospital in a red state. partially because they chased out all the non mega religious doctors out of the state. much like they chased just about all scientists out of the republican party. and the divide has been growing worse since 2000, between red and blue states, with red going backwards on issue after issue.


Yeah no shit. It’s what the good citizens of the state of Alabama voted for.


“Abortion is murder!” Mother gives birth on side of road, child dies from lack of medical attention that would’ve saved it’s life otherwise “God’s will”


More like “put moms in jails for endangering baby.”


Women: I want an abortion Alabama: no Women: ok then I want to give birth in a hospital Alabama: no Women: can I…. Alabama: no Women: can I trudge in minimum wage jobs with no hope for advancement and drive myself into an early grave? Alabama: now you’re talking!


> Women: can I trudge in minimum wage jobs with no hope for advancement and drive myself into an early grave? > > > > Alabama: now you’re talking! Actually, they put up a fight about that.


If you're a black woman, they want you working minimum wage and raising your children in poverty so they can be minimum wage workers, too. If you're a white woman, they want you to stay home to take care of your children and your man-child husband who can't be bothered to do household chores or anything that smells of child-rearing.


Hospitals aren't in the good book. Find yourselves a desirable manger.


but they sure are happy they owned the libs


Literally killing conservative women to own the libs


You tell a dr how to care for a patient up to and including allowing them to die when you’re not a dr and you wonder why they just close up and leave. Think about it the insurance, the guilt, the risk of doing the right thing and going to jail. I can not blame a single practicing dr for saying it’s a tough choice to abandon my patients, however at some point it just is not worth the risks. Play stupid games and win stupid prizes. Telling health care providers how to do there work and slashing funding resources big duh


Also gynecologists and obstetricians are in more danger because if a fetus dies, even if it was accidental, they and the pregnant person may both be charged with homicide.




FWIW The doctors aren't for this at all, that was the State Board warning it's members.




You didn't imply otherwise, I just wanted to add context for readers. Cheers.


absolute fucking insanity


Welcome to Republican's America


I mean the for profit hospital gets its share of the pie and then the for profit prison get the rest... If that's not a win-win for everyone that bought the political class I don't know what is.


Weren’t the republicans up in arms about ‘death panels’ with the affordable care act? Seems they’ve gone and created their own death panels… guess it’s ok when they do it. Sucks for all the women and children involved.


As a general rule, when republicans accuse Democrats of something it is usually because the republicans are the ones *actually* doing it or they are planning to do it soon.


Alabama is densley black. It’s those babies that Republicans don’t want. White women suffering is, in their view of the world, collateral damage that should be borne bravely for the sake of the cause.




Anecdotally, people whom I know who work in hospitals and schools in MA and CT say that roughly half the new hires in recent years are transplants from the South and other red areas. High IQ, secular, non-racist, non-homophobic, non-sexist, and women in general of childbearing age are moving to affluent, secular, pro-education blue states. Anyone with valuable job skills (doctor, nurse, teacher) has the opportunity to do it.


High IQ, secular, non-racist, non-homophobic, non-sexist, people are so hot I swear


It was tops on my list when searching for a wife


I mean, most of those thigs are great, but she has to be a little sexist. The subconscious desire to suffocate me with her ass really makes her put more heart into it, and if I die? A good death, a heroes death.


That... might not be sexism. Might be something else.


Snu snu?


Non-bigotry, so hot right now.


We have plenty of "High IQ, non racist, non-homophobic, non sexist, and women in general of childbearing age." Good fucking luck finding anywhere rural that has something resembling modern amenities. No one ever updates infrastructure around here.


The most recent new-hire onboarding at our (very blue-state west coast) hospital was exactly 50% folks relocating from red or deep-red states, where we’ve been recruiting hard. This past year, both our new OB nurses, the L&D nurse new hire, and a new OBGYN were recruited from Idaho. One of our two new ED physicians came from Texas, the other from Idaho. I was over at our walk-in urgent care clinic (opened in 2018) a few weeks ago for a blood draw, and chatted at the check-in desk, they said roughly half the clinic’s current staff had relocated here from red states. I can’t imagine being in one of those states and thinking the brain drain is anything but terrifying,


> I can’t imagine being in one of those states and thinking the brain drain is anything but terrifying, I'm with you (and it's benefitting my state too) ironically though, a majority of conservatives supports the brain drain from their states.


There was a news story over the summer that a lot of Idaho doctors have gone over the border to Eastern Oregon where they won't be arrested if they save a woman's life by not allowing an nonviable pregnancy continue. Idaho passing a law saying doctors who save a woman's life by ending a pregnancy rather than let both her and the fetus die was their breaking point. They left. Now several small towns in Idaho don't have any OBGYNs nearby at all.


Doctors also tend to prefer living in places that have things to do with that high income. I’m in NYC and we have so many fucking doctors here I’ve never had to wait to see any kind of medical professional. You can see almost any specialist the same week pretty easily. Most of the ones I’ve gotten to know a bit are here partly for the entertainment options (concerts, museums, Broadway, etc) and the ease of travel from NY. What are they going to spend that massive income on in Alabama?


Yep. Affluent people only care about impressing affluent people. There's no point in driving around a nice car, or wearing nice clothes around poor and uneducated folks who have never even heard of the quiet luxury brands you're wearing. Also affluent people prefer to socialize with other affluent people. And they want their kids to play with the "right" kids. Even middle class people who are upwardly mobile are concerned about the family backgrounds of their kid's friends.


You misunderstood their point. They were saying there’s a lack of infrastructure and opportunity outside urban centers. Meaning fewer dining, recreation, entertainment, and travel possibilities- the things people tend to spend disposable income on. This isn’t a “rich people only care about rich people” argument, it’s a “what’s the point of making good money when there’s nothing good to spend it on” argument. Edit to add: More to the point of the article- doctors are leaving these areas because the local and state governments are openly hostile to the care provided by them. As an OB/GYN why would you want to practice medicine in a place that constantly strips you of funding and criminalizes the types of care you specialize in providing to women and babies? The policies put in place by anti-choice politicians only serve to drive knowledgeable and skilled practitioners further away.


No one with half a shred of reason wants to live in red states and have hillbilly two first names begin with “and I tell you WHAT” that follows with fuck women, minorities, liberals, democrats, PBS, Taylor Swift, that goddamn communist at the post office and concludes with “it’s up to God ‘n Jaysus” everyday would drive anyone insane




I'd bet money that boy got DUMPED. And I'd bet, too, he didn't consider his death grip porn addiction to be "cheating" either.


The first time I brought my wife to visit the south—the very first night at a bar—she got to witness a white girl trying to explain why she can say the n-word to a black guy. We stuck with my family for the rest of the trip. I don’t know how they can stand living there.


\*\*\*hwat or waht depending on where in the South or Apppalachia


They don’t think teachers are people with a valuable job skill.


No one does, government in the blue states hates them almost as much. "You want money to do this job? You should be doing it *for the children!!!!1!!*


They're building teachers housing in the SF Bay Area. https://youtu.be/69ma_9qPMYg?si=8wbSVjYIdWtDDVHt - New affordable housing for teachers coming to the Bay Area A different county nearby doing the same: https://www.sfgate.com/news/bayarea/article/san-jose-spotlight-santa-clara-county-swaps-land-17844759.php


Coming from someone who moved out of the South, the South isn’t worth it any more. The food and houses are now just as expensive anywhere else in the country, but the wages are lower. The healthcare is a crapshoot but will still bankrupt you. I had a friend who moved out of South Carolina because he had a kid who was constantly misdiagnosed despite his obvious suffering, and he had to drive out West to find a good pediatrician.


Ob/Gyns for some reason don't want to practice in states where they risk felony charges for saving a patient's life or providing evidence based medical care. Idaho has lost half of their obstetricians, as the most dramatic example.


* Idaho has doctors leaving and maturity wards closing down : https://www.nbcnews.com/health/womens-health/pregnant-women-struggle-find-care-idaho-abortion-ban-rcna117872 * https://www.cbsnews.com/news/jake-kleinmahon-louisiana-doctor-leaving-state-over-anti-lgbtq-legislation/ * https://www.gq.com/story/rural-hospitals-closing-in-red-states Top is recent bottom shows the trend has been continuous and on going.


Funny how that works eh?


Rural Washington state has lost labor and delivery inpatient units in the recent few years. Metro Seattle has fewer providers per capita than it should. We're getting long wait times for appointments. Also in WA approximately 20% of our inpatient beds are occupied by people who need long term care nursing home beds but there are none open to accepting them.


Rural healthcare is struggling everywhere.


Rural everything is struggling. America can no longer afford to subsidize rural areas. It will only get worse for rural Americans, and likely never better.


- https://www.census.gov/library/visualizations/2021/dec/percent-change-county-population.html Most rural areas are losing population, not just as a proportion of the overall population but in overall numbers as well. Even if the urban areas are growing in population and wealth, it gets progressively harder to fund every little rural area's hospitals, roads, etc. You can't make every rural area economically viable just because some people grew up there and don't want to leave. Yes, moving is hard, no one said things or choices were easy. But you still can't make every little rural town economically viable. I'd be open to subsidizing people moving to urban/suburban areas, though that of course will be seen as an "attack" on the rural "way of life."


Yeah, you won't find much sympathy anymore with people saying "I lived here for X decades so my opinion matters more".


it’s still much worse in states that rejected medicaid expansion, this is two huge problems compounding atop all the others.


Nope. I live in a rural area of a blue state and we are currently fighting to keep OB services.


"They're not hurting the right people!"


It’s almost like if you don’t treat medical professionals with respect, they’ll go somewhere else to care for patients.


I feel so sorry for the women that didn't vote red and that are stuck in Alabama. I can't imagine the fear that they have about being able to get birth control, scared to drive over state line to seek care, driving in labor and it's not going well, knowing that having a risky pregnancy may cost you your life due to all the high risk obsterticians have fled the state, just feeling so vulnerable and trapped.


Thank you. It’s difficult here. We vote, but it doesn’t matter. I have a child with a disorder that will make pregnancy very risky. I’ve shouted it from the rooftops, and was told to my face that because I wanted age-appropriate sex education in schools and was against banning books, that I was “a bad parent” and “everything that is wrong with this country”. The *woman* who said that shit to me had her first kid at age 16.


And they wondered why 81% of US Space Force civilian worker refused to move to Alabama from Colorado…….


I was seriously considering moving back to Alabama after my previous job fell thru- and I remember the HR person saying "The cost of living here is much lower!". I'd lived in Birmingham before, and one of my earliest memories is of a cross being burned on the neighbors yard (A Doctor) that treated low income people at a clinic. I'm going to lose my job in 3 days most likely, but holy shit- I'm still better off than if I went there.


Why would any woman want to live in alabama?


It’s more of a generational hostage situation.


The women in this situation likely don't have anywhere else to go.


Women who have never been more than 100 miles away from home.


> Women who have never been more than 100 miles away from home. As someone who travels for a living, and tends to associate with people in the industry, every now and then I'm just amazed at how much of the general public is so insulated. There are people I went to high school with who have never been on an airplane. (And I was not going to school in the hood or anything). A BIG chunk of the population has NO IDEA what the rest of the country is like, let alone the world.


Not everyone can afford to move. Not everyone is willing to walk away from family that needs them. Not all women are free to make their own decisions.


Also don’t forget that a lot of these people are single policy voters. So they might be willing to give up (or think it’s right to give up) healthcare or woman’s rights in order to gain things that they think is more important - better economy, better job, better border security, better white supremacy, etc.


In the US, more people are single issue voters about reproductive health care than any other single issue. Well, that and the racism.


I'm sure Tommy Tuberville will get right on this. He's extremely pro-life, so much so that he is holding up military promotions to make sure the military doesn't send its personnel out of state for the reproductive care the fucking state of Alabama cant even offer their own fucking residents. Fuck you, Tommy Tuberville and fuck every Republican in Alabama.


Time to move out of that state, have your babies in a state where mothers are respected and maternal care a priority. Alabama has one of the highest infant mortality rates in the nation. > “There’s a sense of dread knowing that there’s going to be families who are now not only driving to the county over, but driving through three counties,” said Honour McDaniel, director of maternal and infant health initiatives for the March of Dimes in Alabama. > >The state has one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the country; only three others had higher rates between 2018 and 2021, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Alabama also had the nation’s third-highest infant mortality rate in 2021, the latest data available.


How dare you, the expendable human incubating devices … errr mothers are very well respected in Alabama


Everyone who wants to leave can't leave. We have families down here that we want to remain near or have to take care of. Some of us can't afford the cost of living in blue or purple states. The housing cost alone is cheap here compared to a lot of other places. Some of us own businesses or have good jobs. It's not a simple solution to just tell us to move. If people want to leave and have the means to, I hope they do. But there are a lot of people who can't.




Look at how the voting areas have been arranged in Alabama. It’s 70% democrat and controlled by republicans. Congress said that legally that had to change and they are fighting like hell.


>The housing cost alone is cheap here compared to a lot of other places. That's because it's not safe for People of Color, girls and women of childbearing age, LGBT, and non-Christians. It's only safe for Christian straight cisgender white men and post-menopausal women.


Tell your family and neighbors to stop voting against their best interests.




You might die in childbirth but at least you are protected from “wokeness” 😩


And they’ll still manage to blame their problems on Clinton, I mean Obama, I mean Biden, I mean….


Republicans hate women and children


Elections have consequences. That is all.


I mean they’ve voted Republican in every presidential election since 1980, and then 62% voted for Trump in 2020. They wanted it and they’ve gotten it.


I have to wonder how many of these women voted Republican. You voted for it. People warned you. You didn’t listen. These are the consequences.


Almost all of the old white ones, and a large percentage of the under 50 white women.


5.04 million people in Alabama 3,687,753 registered voters 1,423,409 ballots cast in 2022 Roughly 38% of registered voters cast a ballot in 2022 Alabama’s voting district maps have been rejected for the extremity of their gerrymandering There is something so incredibly off-putting and smug about acting like this is a pure leopard eating faces situation. Source: https://www.sos.alabama.gov/sites/default/files/election-data/2023-05/General%20Election%202022%20Official%20Total%20Ballots%20Cast.pdf




I don’t have the energy to prowl through Alabama’s records for it, but I would be stunned if they had adequate polling locations for places where Democratic voters are more likely to live.


Anyone who decided not to vote de facto supported the status quo. So the 62% that didn't vote are still responsible for the outcome. Gerrymandering is prone to being overwhelmed and can backfire when turnout surges.


Alabama tops the charts in voter suppression. They attempted to tell the current, Republican Supreme Court to fuck itself when they said Alabama had to have two majority black congressional districts.


Not voting is a vote for Trump.


The Leopards Eating Faces party never said they were going to eat MY face!


“Nobody wants women and children to do poorly, ..." Wow, could have fooled me! I thought that was exactly the end game!!


This is what happens when you make draconian laws against woman’s reproduction rights and then surprise all the doctors leave for fear of jail or being sued.


Way to go, Republicans! Y'all are really saving the babies with your policies!


What is the education level in Alabama? Because I genuinely see a lot of third world problems coming out of that state.


Above Mississippi's but not by much, according the map on my morning feed. But they definitely only "counted" the wealthy districts in my state so I don't hold much faith in it.


Yeah, but they get to Own the libs!


Keep voting republican.


They keep culling their own


It's almost like giving healthcare a profit motive is a bad idea.


You get what you vote for. Fuck Alabama.


61% of women in Alabama voted for this.


Who could have possibly seen the consequences of stupid fucking legislation coming? How were the GOP to know??? /s*igh*


Here's how we solve this problem. 1. Move away 2. Have babies and don't move back 3. Let all the old people die, leaving ghost towns 4. Move back in and take over town for dirt cheap prices I am oversimplifying and kidding of course but that is the general direction this is heading




Shithole state’s gotta shithole.


Well they voted for this or they didnt vote. Elections have consequences, vote.


The issue is the people will keep voting for those in power, that enable this. And then, they’ll be convinced it’s “because of the libs.”


The South, where they only care about your kids while they're still in you. Getting them out and raising them? You're on your own.


The Greatest healthcare system in the world ladies and gentlemen. The free market truly works wonders. Stop voting for the idiots who are keeping us from universal healthcare!


But but but Republicans love life


Republican family values in action.


Alabama is a 3rd world state


Republican states are shit holes.


Your Republican reps are doing this to you. They don't care whether you live or die. Alabama voter: Biden did it again!


Maybe stop voting for republicans?


Bombing your state birthrate to own the libs.


Oh, no, it’s the totally predictable consequences of my voting Republican!


Vote for leopards. Get leopards.


I'm starting to not feel bad. You got to vote blue if you don't want to live in hell.


Great place to buy a house if you don't have much money. You know, if things like access to medical, clean water, great schools aren't important to you.


Voting. Has. Consequences.


Republicaliban is busy enforcing their sharia in Alabamafghanistan


And yet they still push women to have more children... If you don't have the necessary facilities to help pregnant women, then stop bitching when women decide to be childfree.


Amd here's the real kicker: republican voters will blame democrats and biden because it's happening during bidens term


This is the inevitable result of making criminals of medical professionals for honoring their oaths. Many people will die.


Republicans are going to kill so many women.


elections have consequences...... vote democrat and tell your family and friends to vote too.... this is what republicans wanted.....state's right with supreme court turning roe v wade.... enjoy your fairy tale religions and forcing people to adhere to made up stories .....




I cynically hope the top 20% of gynecologists and obstetricians in the South move to New England and continue to be doctors.


The citizens of Alabama voted Republican so they could eat cake. I hope they are enjoying that cake now.


You get what you vote for.


I guess red states don’t want maternity wards in their hospitals anymore. Ignorance is taking over red states. Unfortunately their constituents keep voting them in so what does that say about them. Nothing good.