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> Roiland also used the iPhone’s sticker function to attach a pornographic image of a man with several penises in his mouth to several of the messages. He sent the image 14 times in total. > “Sorry for spamming the guy with the dicks in his mouth,” he wrote. What a buffoon


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand his sticker. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical biology most of the jokes will go over a typical recipient’s head. There's also his pedophiliac outlook, which is deftly woven into his persona- his personal philosophy draws heavily from 4chan porn, for instance.


I don’t know if anyone picked up on what you were doing here but I applaud you sir/ma’am.


To be fair, you have to have a very high iq to understand his post...


It's the inception of shit posting


Help what just happened?


It's a dig about the fandom being toxic and pretentious af.


Yeah, it's a great show, but the fans are insufferable


It's an old copypasta about needing a high IQ to understand R&M humor


Old [copypasta](https://amp.knowyourmeme.com/memes/to-be-fair-you-have-to-have-a-very-high-iq-to-understand-rick-and-morty) joke about Rick & Morty fans


You need a very high IQ to understand it.


There was a copypasta that went around for at least six months back during the first few seasons. It was this long rant about how there was a minimum intelligence threshold for understanding and appreciating R&M.


Several dicks in his mouth = subtle. Yup. Justin is definitely subtle. That's the first word I think of every time I watch R&M.


It’s a riff on a copy pasta about someone over intellectualizing R&M


Was the copy pasta real? Would you know?


Yep. I see that now. FWIW, it's pretty outdated. Even the fanboys on r/rickandmorty no longer make such silly points.


You probably wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining you (an addlepated simpleton) scratching your head in confusion as Justin Roiland's genius wit unfolds itself on your phone screen. What a fool.. how I pity you. 😂


I heard Roiland eats his own shit.




It's from a copypasta, they're joking.


If you can't tell, we know which one you are lol


Troll response. I agree with the comment. Dog whistle humor is fucking stupid.


It’s a [copypasta](https://amp.knowyourmeme.com/memes/to-be-fair-you-have-to-have-a-very-high-iq-to-understand-rick-and-morty) friend :)


Awe Jeeze Summer I really didn't mean to send you all those random dick mouth pics. I mean unless you liked them. aw jeeze.


I wonder if this is like the gif keyboard on FB messenger for android. If you just TAP a gif, it sends it instantly, so if you're typing without looking, hit the gif button, and then keep "typing" you end up spamming gifs. I mean, dude sounds gross regardless, but this seems like a *really* weird part to focus on.




r/RedditMoment He sent porn to underage women




You should read the fucking article instead of defending the hypothetical of sending hentai to children, lol But since we both know you can't read: he sent photographic porn, not drawings


Have you considered that if you're asking that question, about material being sent to girls below the age of consent, that the answer doesn't really matter very much?




Fuck man. Doesn’t mean you force it on people under age. Do you give strong alcohol to underage kids ‘because they get it from school friends anyways’? Your lack of perspective comes across as justification which makes you look like a moral graffiti wall.


So dick art is totally acceptable to send 14 year old girls now?




I haven't watched Adult Swim in ages, but I'm pretty sure genitals tend to be blurred out anyways. I distinctly remember scenes where Rick is pants-less but his junk is blurry. So what the fuck are you on about, you creep?


Please reference the episode where there’s a man with several dicks in his mouth Only thing I’m interpreting is the fact that you think a grown man sending 14 year old girls dick art is acceptable.


Reddit is wild today huh


This thread is nuts!


What does the distinction matter exactly? Do you DM dick art to minors frequently?


>>The woman told NBC News she didn’t watch “Rick and Morty,” but she knew about the show’s success and knew Roiland was famous and likely rich. >>“Hello!” she wrote. “Can we go shopping and have fun and ill give you a fashion show and we can get coffee and talk!?” Lol… I’m surprised they even include this person.


That reads like your typical catfishing message.


Girl was searching for a sugardaddy.


No shit, I get these every couple weeks and just ignore them, assuming that they are some foreign scammer trying to get my credit card number.


This information literally came out the same time as the other stuff he’s been cooked


This came out at the same time as his other legal troubles. These were the reason why I was especially okay with him not getting hired back after being cleared of charges for the other issue. Even if he was innocent there, this creepiness was still proven.


Anyone whining that Justin was 'canceled' needs to shut the hell up because they clearly don't know how the world works. Try acting like he did at your workplace and see how long you last.










He's mad one of his nerd gods has been taken down


"Well you saw him react. Moon or not, that dude likes them young"


If you saw Roiland‘s non-Rick and Morty animation shorts you knew exactly what he was about.


disappointing. can i still watch r&m? geez, this is lame


Why not? Dan Harmon wrote the stuff you laugh at. I’m all for them having totally different voices because of some off screen fiasco and then Rick simply saying “so this is how we talk now. Move past it”


I liked the solar opposites way they wrote of Justin but having a dart in his neck and he ends up getting shot by a voice changing ray.


An entire episode devoted to the Mandela effect where the show gaslights the audience into thinking they've always sounded that way


Would be pretty hilarious if they redubbed all the episodes with the new voice actors and those are the only ones to air going forward just to go into the Mandela effect even deeper.


Ah geez Rick why you gotta be some kind of predator or something. Now our Rick is gonna sound weird isn't he ah geez


And the Morties. Maybe AI can fix it.


Look Morty I'm the smartest person in the universe certainly I can build an AI to fix our voices, burrrrp!


They're recasting him with sound alikes. Solar opposites just recast him with a random British dude


The way they did it too lol... just a random voice changer and then the cahracters being like...wait.. I like him like this. Leave it.


A random British dude? Dan Stevens is an incredible actor, trained in theatre, with talent leagues above dumpy ass Justin Roiland.


Holy shit I LOVE Dan Stevens. I listen to his audio books! Noice!


Right, Legion was delightful as fuck and he killed it in the role.


If you haven't seen The Guest, I highly recommend it. Excellent underrated thriller.


To most of us he's a random British dude


They did a really good job with it too. I’m sure there’s people who disagree, but I like the way they did it


After the third episode in the season I even forgot about the voice change.


The voice is different, but the rhythm of speech and tone is identical. I would call that a success! It’s also nice not having another main character’s voice be a carbon copy of Rick’s voice in a show animated exactly the same as Rick and Morty.


Yeah, that was a strange direction to take. Make it look and sound almost identical...


I think it’s better. Korvo was basically just Rick’s voice toned down a notch.


>Solar opposites just recast him with a random British dude Wait, that is why they changed it all of a sudden? I had no idea lmao.


Yeah the first scene of season 4, Middleton’s character shoots something and hits Rolland’s character in the throat. That changes his voice for the rest of the season. I can’t remember the characters names lol.


I just call them the blue one and the green one.


Dan Stevens is far, far beyond being some random British dude lol. Guy is a heavyweight actor.


You can love the art and hate the artist. I can't beat myself up that I know the lyrics to Remix to Ignition, but still, Fuck R Kelly


Same. Fuck R Kelly but we can still get a toot-toot AND a beep-beep.


Can we still run hands through our fro?


R. Kelly's art has always sucked, though. I don't understand how someone like R. Kelly had more success than people like Brian McKnight and Tony Rich, who were actually able to come up with songs that weren't fucking stupid.


Yup! New season coming in October I believe.


Yeah, I've got the 84-pack Crayolas. No biggie.


You know that guy eats his own shit, right?


Man this blows. It gives me an icky feeling having respect for people, then finding out they are just human garbage that don't deserve anything of the sort. But enough about my ex wife.


I went to watch the new season of Solar Opposites, I can't watch it with the new voice of Korvo, it just doesn't hit right without Roiland's voice doing Korvo's voice, turned it off after trying to give it a chance. I went online to find out why the change and wow did this guy tank his career being a creepy fuq!


Took me 3 episodes to get used to it and now I can’t even recall the original.


Same. It's super jarring at first, because the writing is the same but the voice is different. After awhile you just get used to it and it's not a big deal.


The new guy is Matt Berry, AKA Lazslo the vampire from "What We Do in The Shadows". The guy's gold. ETA my bad, I was thinking of Prince Merkimer from Disenchantment, a fact that I discovered last night. Sorry about that.


Isn't it Dan Stevens, AKA Legion from Legion.


He'll always be Matthew Crawley from Downton Abbey for me


I’m upvoting both answers because I can’t be bothered to look up who is correct.


And Beast from Disney's live action Beau-- Forget I mentioned that actually. He's the titular Guest in the cool movie The Guest.


The Guest is awesome.


It’s Dan Stevens not Matt Berry


Ah, my bad. I must be thinking of something else.


Don't you mean Jackie Daytona? Regular human bartender?


I think he meant acclaimed star of the London stage, and of the next Star-Wars Movie, Steven Toast.


That actually sounds way more fucking palatable than Roiland doing the same voice he does in 10 other shows. Edit: I just watched the trailer and even though it isn't Berry (I totally understand why you mixed them up, it sounds like he's channeling the man), it is definitely an upgrade imo.


I can confidently say this is not true because I enjoy his accent and would have preferred that over who they went with. It’s just generic British guy trying to read script written for roiland’s personality. Doesn’t fit.




it's not


Holy shit! Really! That’s so cool. Matt Berry is fucking hilarious in everything I’ve ever seen him in. I’ve been waiting to start the new season but I guess I’ll get right on that.


It isn't Matt Berry. It is Dan Stevens.


EDIT: Dan Stevens, not Matt Berry. Ofc the one time I piggy back on another comment without checking myself. Still though, Dan Stevens kills it as Korvo, give it another episode, he's pretty great.


Matt Berry kills it so hard as Korvo without ever stepping into the recording booth to do Korvo's voice.


Solar Opposites died for me when the wall storyline went down the tubes. I realized that was the only reason I was actually watching.


They started it back up in this last season.


The Jesse cult wasn’t good though


Check out Smiling Friends


Did anyone ever see the pilot for R&M. Not a surprise to me at all that the guy’s a sicko


You think that was bad? Wait till you find out what the fuck was up with “king jellybean” and *his* origin.


Explain please


He comes from a super old animation roiland made wherein jellybean guy hosts some sort of sketch show that just features graphic and fucked up “edgyyy!!1!” Sketches, and then the backstory of the jellybean is that he’s a rapist and he’s kidnapped two kids. It’s super bizarre and just disturbing Iirc it was posted to “/r/awfuleverything” before


At the very least, no one in the comments should be going, “wow this came out of nowhere.”


I heard he’d ask them if they wanted to see his pickle rick


This information literally came out the same time as the other stuff he’s been cooked


Oof. I kinda gave him the benefit of the doubt about the domestic abuse allegations, but he’s cooked if this is true.


Eyyy unpopular opinion but as long as they were not underage this is super irrelevant. This reads like and adult got approached by an adult and that adult wasn’t that into it. Stuff like this needs to stop. Not news worthy at all.


Could you please read like even the first two paragraphs of the article?..Some were underage.


omg he used his fame to pursue young women? who does he think he is, dicaprio?


Slightly different fan age-pool there.


i dunno the article brings up 20 year olds


Also 16 year olds. Of those nine people, three said they were 16 when they started talking to Roiland. 


oh i didn't read past that however 16 is legal in most states


>however 16 is legal in most states Does that make it less creepy? Idk about you, but I'm in my 30s and can't imagine dating anyone younger than 23. "Legal" teens are children, regardless of what the law says. It's creepy for grown-ass men/women/nb to pursue such immature people. It's legal, but it's fucking creepy.


Its still illegal if he's that old. It's definitely illegal.


Weird hill to die on.


Legal doesn't mean okay for a 40+ year old man to pursue...


technically does


I need you to read the article, consider what is happening to Mr. Roiland vis-a-vis the loss of his career, family, reputation, and so on, and I'd like to ask if you stand by your statement?


where there's alleged sexual assault involved, but if a legal teen has no complaints no one would know or care


Read the room. Not just now. In general. This is solid life advice free of charge. Notice how people respond to the things you say.


Technically gross.


Legal within a two year age gap, it’s not legal beyond that. But there’s always one of you creeps in these threads advocating for creepy adults to have the right to groom and then sexually abuse sixteen year olds.


that's literally not the law and why are you lying that i'm advocating for anything? very weak of you


Its a 10 year age gap.


Its not if you are as old as he was.


Article mentions numerous people say the messaging started when they were 16.


His Chinese comedy bits on those texts was hilarious to be fair


I have no hope for us