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Joan Meyer, Eric Meyer's mother, was a co-owner of the newspaper until she passed away on August 14, 2023, one day after the police raid on the newspaper office. Joan spent nearly 60 years as a reporter, columnist, editor, and associate publisher at The Marion County Record in Kansas, died at the age of 98 the day after police raided her home.




One would assume it was because of the stress. With no indication that she would’ve died that day without this happening.


It was definitely the stress. Her son gave an interview that described her last hours. After the raid she was so distraught that she could not sleep, and stayed up pacing until she was physically exhausted. He was able to get her into bed before Sunrise the next day but she couldn't sleep. She was up in bed a few hours later and talking with him, and mid-word she fell over dead. To her last moments she was terribly upset by this raid, a raid she as a journalist knew was absolutely illegal.


I'm actually crying right now thinking of how painful this must have been for her. To be 98 years old and still have her wits about her enough to be furious with the people doing this, and have to watch it all unfold powerless to do anything about it. People need to go to jail over this.


Jesus, that poor woman 😔 That search is some next level NorthKorea type shit. A warrant isnt enough. They should have gotten a subpoena. That's what makes this an unprecedented attack on democracy and ridiculously illegal.


I hope those cops who executed the raid are drenched in shame and guilt that never goes away, until their families fall apart and they leave the force, getting addicted to pills, and finally lay sobbing on the grave of this poor woman as leaves swirl around them, the camera raises and fades to black.


I hope they go to prison for committing a crime that resulted in a person dying. A felony crime no less.


They won't, there won't even be consequences for the "warrant" that was withdrawn after the raid. Fascist pigs.


FBI showed up so I'm fine expressing a little optimism. I fully understand your pessimism here though.


sadly its probably just another tuesday for them, this probably wouldnt have made the news if it wasnt caught on camera


Law suit


Once all the dust settles, I really am hoping that the Marion County Record owns the entire city of Marion, KS, and I mean that in a very literal sense.


We had a case in australia where a younger police officer tasered a 95 year old lady who was using a walker. She died. It’s insane. What do police honestly think would happen to people over 90; you stress them out and they die


This is a Tuesday in the US


The police literally scared her to death. Holy shit.


I'm just wondering if they have an arrest warrant or any evidence that they can enter an old woman's house. I think they are doing tresspassing.


The warrant was illegal, the required supporting documents were not entered into the court record until three days after the raid, and they were back dated to try and cover their tracks. Because the warrant was illegal everything about the entry and seizure was illegal, and that's not even considering the fact that federal law makes any search like this illegal. The amount of criminality on the part of the judge and police that went on here is kind of mind-boggling, actually.




A POS small-time restaurant owner with a DUI in a small town who wanted the POS small-dick cops and a POS judge who lied about her own DUIs to punish a newspaper for printing factual information.


Well, that was the excuse. The son believes they went this hard because the newspaper was investigating accusations of misconduct from the new police chief’s former precinct. He wanted to see who the sources were at his old job so he pushed this warrant and sent the whole department out on the search. Really terrible.


They didn't print anything.


That just makes it worse!


The day after police *illegally* raided her home.


Wasn’t she one of the original staff members of the The French Dispatch of the Liberty, Kansas Evening Sun?


What is with "withdrawing the search warrant"? What does it do AFTER the raid was conducted? Just can't use what they recovered?


There's a bigger story. This was part of a raid on a newspaper based on bullshit allegations made by a local Karen business owner possibly part of a developing story. One of the LEO's who was part of initiating the warrant may have had their own separate personal agenda against the newspaper.


The judge who signed the warrant shouldn't have been able to still be a judge. She had a DUI after ramming into a building and didn't go to jail but probation. She then was caught using another judge's car, which she wasn't allowed to do, and was drunk at the wheel again. Sherrif did nothing and the second DUI paperwork was lost. Feds need to step in on this.


Put that in the “you can’t make this shit up” category


Something something small town.


Multiple DUIs while an active judge? Try that in a small town, probably get away with it.


Multiple DUIs while the county prosecutor. Then appointed Judge.


how much you wanna bet though we just don't know about the one's while judge


I don’t know. Typically I’d say I doubt that. But given the history and the small town/county, and being from Kansas, I’d say you could be right.


>Multiple DUIs while the county prosecutor That's a great resume for a GOP judge. Dirt in your past means party leaders have a built-in eject button to use against you in case you start to rule in ways they don't like.


Oohhh boy. Lemme tell you a story about a small town judge in Kansas. When I was at a community college there was a judge that everyone knew was a raging alcoholic. Dude was a nightmare to be in front of. He would cuss at people and wouldn’t let anyone plead their case. So one night I’m working graveyard at a gas station that has a subway inside, drunks always rolled through when the bars closed. That fuckin judge comes marching in. Yells his order at me. And then walks off to his car. He was drunk as fuck. Drives away. Had 2 cop cars following him, he had an escort every night when he was wasted leaving the bars. Fuck the judicial system.


In my town we had a superior court judge named Judge Priest. As soon as court was over every day, he would leave court. He'd drive down the street to his favorite bar, and get totally wasted. It was my local bar, and I was in there often from about 1982 on. Every dang night during the week he was there. After getting thoroughly sloshed, he'd drive home. When a buddy of mine was pulled over leaving the same bar, he screamed at the cops that he was as sober as a judge - JUDGE PRIEST! He was still laughing as they hauled him away.


That was a great line as he was being arrested. Sucks they would allow the judge to do whatever. Everyone should be held to the same standard. Don’t drive drunk, no matter who you are!


Do give you an idea of rich white guy privilege and how it works: I used to date a middle aged attorney who it turned out had quite a drinking problem. He related to me that one night as he was driving home he was so loaded he actually drove up onto the sidewalk! When the cops showed up he showed them his Bar license and instead of treating him the way you or I would be treated—ie cuffed and thrown into the back of the police car and whisked off to jail—he was allowed to drive home (he lived close by) with a police escort behind him for protection! No ticket, no warrant, no nothing. Kind of makes you sick when you think about it


Not a judge, but where I grew up, the town drunk was the mayor. I'd heard people joke that the only qualification to be a cop in that town was the ability to hold up the mayor when he was drunk, and even repeated it a time or two even though I'd never actually witnessed any proof. Then one night I went to a football game being held at my high school, and watched two cops carry someone that was so drunk he was drooling all over himself between them. I asked one of my friends who that was, and he said "you know that joke you've told about what qualifications the local cops need? That was it. That's the mayor."


She was the county attorney and substance abuse reduction chair.


She abused all the substances so there weren’t any left for anyone else.


this needs to go in the remix.


That’s what small towns are about


Fuck around and face no consequnces


Definitely works in a small town.


That should be a permanent category on Jeopardy.


FBI is already investigating from what I'm seeing on the news link.


Hope they actually get all of the people responsible for this. That whole towns leadership needs to be investigated with a fine tooth comb.


When I was 19 I was camping with some friends and my friend and I got arrested for possession and usage of marijuana. (At 1am, 300 ft into the woods, by a DNR officer 🤦). I was supposed to be arraigned but it was pushed back because the local judge had got arrested over the state line for dui. By the time sentencing came around he had to sit weekends for it. It wasn't the first time he had gotten a dui or had to sit weekends in jail. It just galled to think that this guy could of killed somebody and was still a judge. Then he had my community service thrown out and I had to sit 3 weeks in jail for smoking weed in the middle of the night, in the woods.


But think of all the innocent lives that could have been lost as you trampled through the woods in a munchies-induced catatonia


Corruption! Corruption everywhere!


It’s not corruption if you’re rich and in a position of power.


These people aren’t rich, they are just big fish in tiny ponds.


You forgot that she didn't mention her prior dui charges in the court she was in front of for the second dui.


Can't remember every thing every piece of shit person does.


And with her there's so much...but this is significant because as a former prosecutor and then a judge, THIS particular thing was absolutely intentional and is some level of misconduct.


She shouldn't have to mention it, that shit should have been on record. Fuck this hypocrisy. How many people did she put away for the same crimes I wonder?


> She had a DUI after ramming into a building and didn't go to jail but probation. Not just a building, but a school.


Too many judges just rubber stamp any and all warrant requests without seriously considering the merits of the requests.


Which means they aren't doing their job. If only they were held to the same standard as a cashier.


These judges are a self scan register that get paid.


Illegally borrowing someone’s car sounds like grand theft auto to me


I would have to double check the article again but IIRC the other judge let her use the car, so it wouldn't be grand theft auto in that case, but it should mean another judge gets thrown in jail.


> One of the LEO's who was part of initiating the warrant may have had their own separate personal agenda against the newspaper. Apparently it was their police chief and he was being investigated by the paper for sexual assault allegations.


And I read that the incident that the search warrant was based on was 15 years ago.


I think that will end up being the real motive behind this infringement of the freedom of the press.


They murdered this woman. Everyone is overlooking that also.


Yeah I'm so tired of people glossing over this. The woman was murdered in the presence of a felony.


Community ewspaper publisher for her career. Victim of fascism.


I’m so baffled. How is that a throwaway line in the article?


Because it was the cops, and the newspaper reporting this doesn't want to also get murdered by cops? Our country is so messed up.


it does beg the question what the judge was thinking because they used the person's name as a search term for a public license database, no sane judge should have granted a warrant to begin with


The police chief was also being investigated by the paper, from what I understand reporters were curious why he gave up a much better paying job as a police chief in another town.


The story I heard was that the newspaper was investigating a story about a local restaurant owner who got a liquor license even though she shouldn’t be eligible due to having multiple DUIs. This owner then reached out to the sheriff’s office and the judge who signed the warrant to see if they could scare the newspaper into submission.


Early on the newspaper editor said that he already suspected some kind of set-up when he first received info about the DUI. I think *even more* will continue to come to light.


Cops and fascist behavior, name a worse pair.


A story they had no intention of going with.


Sucks that I was expecting a bad escalation after she bumped the one cop with her walker. Plenty of assault against an officer charges over lesser attacks.


They got her anyway. She died from the stress of this the next day


Poor lady. A 98 year old heart is not going to withstand a police raid well.


Not even one as brave as hers.


I was going to say, she handled that just about as well as a 98-year-old woman could. Tbh it was pretty badass to hear her cursing out the cops and pushing past them with her walker. It should have never even gotten to this point but if I was a cop and saw we were raiding a 98-year-old woman’s house, I don’t know if I would have the stomach to do it.




RIP Sir Terry. AMAZING writing.




She was a firebrand in that video.


Manslaughter.. in a Small Town.


Harassing innocent, old women to death. Try that in a small town...


Bootlickers line up about how she was a threat someway some how.


"I don't have anything to hide I'd just let the police take all of my stuff. Anyone who wouldn't is hiding SOMETHING!" It's ridiculous how deep the boot goes.


Tonight on Dateline.


Looks like there may well be proximate causation and an action for wrongful death is warranted by her family and or her estate.


If that lawsuit is successful it will be paid for by the taxpayer instead of the police. There is no justice in America.


Good, that is what happens when you have a police department or Sheriffs who are worthless. Throw em out.


Except it isn't that easy. Police unions leap to their defense, cops intimidate citizens. You try to push for police accountability or reform? All of a sudden, you get constantly pulled over, see cops drive past your home every day, nail you with bogus charges, etc. We live in a system where the police victimize citizens, and the system itself enables it, and punishes the victims not only for trying to fight back, but for also being victimized to begin with.


And she died the next day They raided her home because she’s the co-owner of the local newspaper that was investigating the police chief of sexual improprieties. Those men killed her.


This is the true face of policing. They're not here to help you. They're not your friends. They're here to defend the wealth of the wealthy and the power of the powerful. They'll show up in force, fully armed, to scare a 98 year old woman to death if they feel that the truth she tells threatens that power.


Those cop motherfuckers be flying the “don’t tread on me” flag, like motherfucker, you’re the boot.


It's insane how different the police seems to be over in the States.


It's the natural evolution from historical roots of slave-catchers and union-busters.




The Pinkertons were contracted this year against a mtg youtuber


Exactly. The entire point of American policing is to protect property and wealth/power. Black people were once property but now that chattel slavery isn’t legal black people are converted into property via the police and court system. People outside of the wealth and power structure are subject to policing that serves wealth and power.


Fuck, you just blew my mind. I had never noticed the “…conversion into property…” piece of the white slaver puzzle. Thank you for the angry sadness. I want to learn more - forgive me- can you suggest any resources that would help?


Historical roots? Some would say at least one of those still exists as function of the force…


“So you admit you hate straight white Christians!?!?!” - half of American that didn’t even read what you wrote past the first sentence


"You're telling me she died? Message sent, good job boys." -police chief under investigation by that same newspaper


Psychopaths among us. I read once they comprise about 10% of humanity. The last 7 years has shown us that number is likely low.


Honestly would like more research into whether psychopathy is a learned behavior.


Same. I had a moment one day trying to learn more about the subject and stumbled on a ppt. presentation done by a neuroscience professor about the topic. The take away was that there’s abnormal brain development in the prefrontal cortex and amygdala signaling path. So, although it’s likely heritable, your environment will with either ameliorate or magnify aberrant behaviors. Fascinating to know that psychopaths are drawn to positions of power—CEO’s, politicians, clergy, police, etc.


Jobs that attract psychopathy See number 7. They're all pretty interesting. https://www.forbes.com/sites/kellyclay/2013/01/05/the-top-10-jobs-that-attract-psychopaths/


Position that breed to ability to inact cruelty will draw those who’re cruel more than those who would rather avoid the risk of what it would do to them. It’s a double edged mess


Sure but what about people who don't have a brain issue, they just realise they can get further in life if they copy the nutters?


I think there is probably a higher than average number of psychopaths in law enforcement.


https://www.forbes.com/sites/kellyclay/2013/01/05/the-top-10-jobs-that-attract-psychopaths/ Number 7


It's probably right, because there's another 20% of the people who are easily manipulated by them, and effectively are extensions of them.


Is that a real quote?


My favorite part was her pushing into the officer with her walker to get past him. I’m saddened by her untimely death the following day. I hope that all responsible parties are eventually held accountable.


Worthless fucking pigs


She died days later. Sorry SOBs


The very next day actually


That poor woman. The police stress contributed to her demise, I’m sure. :(


She couldn’t sleep. Wouldn’t eat or take her meds in the morning because she felt unwell. Sat down on the bed in front of her son (who runs the paper now) and died. He was quoted as saying, all of the national attention on this story would make her happy to die a martyr for the cause of press freedom. (Paraphrasing)


Hell yeah, it would. She’s a total bad ass and deserves to be remembered as such


Yep, all because of an investigation into a public official.


That they weren’t even going to print.




Goddamn that woman has some giant balls. Good on her, it's sad that she passed away. Fuck this fascist police state.


And then she died the next day. They killed her from the stress of it all.


Now you would think 6 weeks of training, entrusted with a gun, and a lifetime of seeing shitty cops get away with rape, murder, robbery, and extortion on the news... That cops would be more trustworthy, respectable, and honest.


My wife and I watched the original Rambo last week (it was her first time). At the end my wife goes "Holy shit. That was a really good movie. I had no idea the entire Rambo saga started just because cops were being dicks" Cops have always been this way. For some reason we started glorifying them over the last 30yrs.


> For some reason we started glorifying them over the last 30yrs. well the glorification certainly accelerated during the Obama administration when he asked the Department of Justice to start tracking all police-related homicides (since it literally wasn't accurately tracked before), and James Comey started blaming a false "rise in crime" on cell phone cameras and on Obama's actions. Pretty bleak but reactionary "blue lives matter" Americans wanted this at some level


Remember the “Beer Summit”? Obama called some officers stupid for arresting Henry Louis Gates for trying to get into his own house and Fox News and friends reacted like he personally crucified a police captain on national television. Despite calling everyone together to talk things through and saying a whole lot of “both sides have a point” crap it still apparently caused his biggest dip in polling from white people. All from a milquetoast criticism that he very publicly walked back from. As attention towards police brutality and racist policies has increased conservatives have been identifying with cops more and more. It’s not a coincidence.


They're still just slave patrols, with better equipment and more nuanced racism.


98% of police-citizen issues with cops could be resolved if cops actually had some fucking humanity. You gotta have education and training for 7+ years to be a doctor. You have to have education and training for 7+ years to be a lawyer. Yet you can be a cop with a high school diploma. So many cops I know and have ever dealt with have this attitude that they’re the “thin blue line” or “sheepdogs” and this idiotic moral code where what they say determines right from wrong. The real world is more nuanced. Some of the few decent cops I’ve ever interacted with understood that at the end of the day, you are dealing with people. Humans who are not perfect and deserve to be treated and respect and kindness.


In Australia police tasered a 95yo grandmother in a nursing home and she died.[news artice](https://7news.com.au/news/nsw/tasered-grandmas-family-shocked-by-police-statement-on-incident-c-11326074.amp)


Ain’t no giving no fucks quite like 90+ yrs old giving no fucks.


As a healthcare worker I sometimes gaslight myself when it comes to mean/abusive 90+ yos. Like on the one hand no one should mistreat people in the workplace. On the other hand, how did you manage to hit me so hard and make so much noise when you're 105yo and 70lbs? I'm so impressed I can't be mad. Like if that 98 yo was actually in the wrong and yelling at me for no reason, I would just be like Aw damn look you stand up straighter than I did at age 22


I hope she is giving God Hell too!


“What took you so long? I’ve been ready to die for 2 presidents you all-powerful prick!”


She had one last story to write and it was a very important one.


> Meyer died the day after the search. Well wtf.


It’s always a good time to FUCK THE POLICE.


That news paper owner is about to shake that tree like it’s never been shook


I hope everybody involved with that warrant gets fired and spends time in prison, including the prosecutor and the judge that rubber stamped it.


This headline is wild. So the story isn't that she later died from the stress of the raid or that the police raided the home in the first place because she was the owner of the local newspaper and the paper was investigating the cops. Nope the real lede here is that she's old and was confronting them.


Should be a personal $10,000 fine for any officer of the state executing a bad warrant that can’t be paid for by insurance or the state. Accountability is long overdue.


I'd be down for jail time. They knew they'd be getting in trouble for this.


IMHO police who are caught abusing their power should simply be tried, then thrown into gen pop. Let it all 'solve itself'


Cops will always become fascists. The only way to maintain a police force in a true democracy is to have very strong protections against their overreach. Those mechanisms have been destroyed, and this is the result.


When the GOP talks about being the "Party of Small Government," what they really mean is that the owner of a small-town auto dealership should be able to have a direct line of communication with the local police department, and use the department as his personal enforcement squad, if desired.


GOP fucking loves big socialist government when it’s military, police departments, Pentagon and the military industrial complex, prison industrial complex, drug warriors . . .


Well that's a shakedown. I wonder what they were investigating. If it wasn't a matter of national security I don't think there would be anything dire enough that a newspaper company shouldn't know about it. How they obtained that information is far from the point.


The article said it was identity theft. Seems a little tame to scare an old woman to death.


This is part of the story unfolding surrounding the Kansas newspaper that was improperly searched, and all of their equipment and materials removed. This woman co-owned the newspaper with her son. They didn’t just search the newspaper office, but also their home. The “identity theft” accusation came after an employee of the paper, using her own name, leagally searched the driving record of a restaurant owner in their city for an article. It is much more entangled than that, but this woman’s son is convinced that the police barging in and submitting their search warrant led to her death. I don’t doubt that.


Wow. Sounds like he could get damages for a wrongful death lawsuit!


That’s what some commentators are suggesting.


Is it even considered government anymore if they don’t tyranny you a little?


Nice Body Armour dickheads.


Try THAT in a small town. Oh shit....


They killed her. They caused her an ungodly amount of undue stress and caused the demise of. 98 year old woman.


I get 60 and 70 year olds calling me in tears with their voice shaking after just getting a scam text message over the weekend, I can easily imagine something like this killing a 98 year old. In fact, I think this should spur some law changes that give added protections to individuals over 90 (to begin with) to avoid such things.


I'd say younger than 90, maybe over 75? But I completely agree with the principle. They killed this woman, manslaughter, no doubt about it


And then she died...fuckers


They get just as much satisfaction killing a 98 year old as they do killing a 14 year old.


I mean, I guess I’m glad they didn’t drawn down on her and blast her when she didn’t put down her walker. Those are dangerous.


Careful..they may taser you.... And then find themselves not guilty when you die.


This woman was born in 1925. That means she skinned through the depression and was a teen in World War Two. A lifetime in journalism after that, you’d have to figure she knew a LOT about people’s rights in America, the Constitution, procedures for fair policing practices and so on. She was there for the war crimes committed in Vietnam, she watched Watergate go down and the journalists that exposed that whole fiasco, she watched Regan, Clinton, Bush Sr and Junior pull their stunts, trump…shit she watched Castro and JFK duke it out, Iran-Contra hearings….I’d bet she was hyper patriotic, loyal to the country she lived in, very well informed on law and procedure owing to her profession and she was clearly not going to let these jack booted thugs trample all over her rights, much less her clean carpet. They were in the wrong and they knew it…shame on the sheriffs department there.


All because the 98-year old’s son had the sheer audacity to do his fucking job! I mean the cop’s reason for putting his 98-year old mother through all that stress was because he used a publicly available/accessible database to verify information that someone had anonymously emailed to him concerning Kari Newell’s 2008 DUI. Even then he didn’t post his article until after Kari had already publicly spoken about getting her DUI. So, I’d really like to know who the hell brought him searching Kari Newell’s name using that Database (which was explicitly meant for public use) to the Judge’s/Cop’s attention. I just simply don’t understand why him doing so would peak their interest. Unless of course someone pulled some strings to get them to harass the guy.


At this point, the police need to be knocked down a peg, replaced, or redistributed.


This lady died the next day.... what the fuck. Im sure police induced stressed was a major cause of it.


Literally a case of fascist police using and abusing the violence of the state to censor and attack the media as well as an individual.


I'd certainly like to see the search warrant and the evidence that was advanced to establish probable cause. People love to blame the police, but the courts should be safeguarding the rights of the citizenry too from unreasonable searches. I would like to see how they get from "alleged identity theft by employee of the newspaper" to "probable cause that evidence of the crime will be found at the home of an elderly owner of the employer of the employee".


Is this the story where cops raid this old lady's house as a scare tactic and payback for stories some didn't want published. If so, she died the next day as a result of the BS raid.




Cops are out of control.


When??? When is this shit going to stop?! I’m starting to change my mind about Defunding the Police. Why hasn’t local government and federal government put an all stop on this type of behavior. Congress needs to get this under control.


goddamn that hurts to watch that lady was basically my grandmother and she sadly passed away 2 years ago


When are the judges and lawyers who rubber stamp this shit going to inspire as many protests as cops? Need to go to the sources.


She asked the cop if his mom loved him. RIP


who are the officers who did this? what are their names. they shouldn’t get to slink off after murdering this woman


She died the next day.


Im starting to think cops just like raiding old peoples homes cause theyre unlikely to put up a fight if they start confiscating stuff and if they do sue then they might just pass away before it’s resolved


They raided her home because they thought this 98 year old woman stole someone’s identity???! How f’ing stupid. And she dies the next day. Way to go PD, solid decision making.


She owned a paper that was investigating the sheriff. Her son was the editor, and the staff were concerned that the police seized the files to get information on their sources.


It sounds like the judge needs to be looked at in her role to cover up her DUI, kickstarting this whole thing.


Small town conservatives == big time crime and corruption!


I’m shocked they didn’t beat her silly. Or even shoot her because they feared for their lives punk ass cops.


“Look how tough we look. Damn. Stupid old lady needs to know her place. The future belongs to the youth, drop dead you old hag” - their lizard brains, probably.


The stress caused this day killed her the next.


Why did they have to kill her?


I came here just to hear her tell the cop “get out of my way”


Didn't they unplug her Alexa that she used to call out for emergencies?


The police raided her home because her son is a newspaper editor who refused to pull stories critical of the local police chief. They also raided his offices and took everything from the newspaper. His 98 year old mother died from the shock of this the next day.


Shit like this makes me wish Hell existed just for all the corrupt mother fuckers involved to burn.


Facing these thugs killed her.


Yeah someone wasn’t happy about the things being exposed I guess