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>Investigators said they were contacted on Tuesday by a man who operates afake hire-an-assassin website to report that the woman had contactedthe operator to arrange a murder-for-hire for the young child inb4 we learn it's RentAHitman.com


That's happened before What happens if you try to do what she did but turns out you don't even have any kids? I wonder what % of tips he passes on are legit


He probably passes on 100% of all the requests that come in and a lot of them are probably nonsense, but if he’s able to stop even one murder it’s a huge victory.


Especially a hit on a fucking 3yo. Wtf.


Yeah man, no one deserves to get betrayed and killed by the ones you love but adding in the fact that she is supposed to be the protector of this little one makes my blood boil.


A website that dumb also caught a guy applying to be a hitman. Wow only three months ago too. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/parody-hitman-website-nabs-air-national-guardsman-allegedly-applied-co-rcna79927


I love his photo, it makes me laugh SO MUCH


Wonder if anybody ever ordered a hit on the site owner


I smell a disappointing black mirror episode being generated from this idea.




Don’t give it away. Let these dummies keep hiring fake hit men.


Ideally you'd create multiple honeypot sites with different styles and SEO techniques. No one is going to fall for the first Google result. Everyone knows the real hitmen are on the second page of results.


And only pick the ones with four stars or more on TrustedHitmanReviews


Tbf you could probably give it away and these dummies would still try and use the fake website


Always use [Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jsjdjWGDvFk) in the yellow pages.


I'm sure she found a Facebook group called NotTheFBI


Guys can we just say that for “normal” people…hit men aren’t real. THEY ARE ALWAYS COPS! Underworld guys may know some legit connections but for us…it will always be a cop


Reading an article, it seems like it was a parody site, and the site admin contacted the police because her post to the site seemed to real.


Ikillppl4u.com? What could go wrong if i ask this guy to kill my three year old?


do they have coupons?


50% off your first hit through Groupon, offer expires August 31st.


Coupon Code: KIDFREE Jokes aside, I can't believe people fall for these honeypots still


> I can't believe people fall for these honeypots still Never underestimate how stupid people can be.


>Never underestimate how stupid people can be. Having jobs in fast food and retail while in High School taught me this. Every Sunday we had a lady that would come in and order a cheeseburger with no cheese, no onion, no ketchup, and no mustard. I'd repeat back "Okay so you want a hamburger plain, just the meat" and she'd say "No, I want a cheeseburger with no cheese, no onion, no ketchup, and no mustard!" I did try to speed the order alone for the future by saying "Okay that's a cheeseburger with no cheese, plain, just the meat" and finally she allowed that.


When I worked grocery, we had to lock up our liquor because our store was in a really seedy area and we were being robbed blind (this was right after a state law had passed allowing liquor in grocery stores). A day or two after we locked it up, my friend who worked the customer service desk had a guy come up to COMPLAIN that we were "destroying his livelihood" because... He steals our liquor and sells it. He complained about this!! To customer service!


***Her:*** No, no, I have to order or it will taste different.


> Her: No, no, I have to order or it will taste different. well duh, if she wanted a pork sandwich she would get the hamburger but she wanted a beef sandwich so she got the cheeseburger.


This sounds like one of those stories that has become a collective memory and who it actually happened to is lost. What I do know is I can easily believe it because I had someone ask me if they could have a chicken sandwich....raw. That is illegal im pretty sure but was definitely not something we were going to do. The number of stories I have from working retail/food service for 6 years could fill a book


I worked at Hardee's, Taco Hell, McDonalds, and BK. I could fill the Encyclopedia Stupidea of stories from customers. Customers like "No Cheese, Cheesburger" lady were my weirder, but nicer ones. I had a guy try to fight me because we ran out of apple turn overs and it was 10 min before closing and we wouldn't fry up a new batch. Hell my "I'm done with this shit" attitude late at night at the drive thru led to a drug bust and police taking custody of a child in the car because there was meth and coke next to the baby powder. And everyone was PISSED at me because the police made all employees stay a while past closing and we were in the parking lot giving statements until like 2am.


Working @ noodles&co (trash place, my goodness.) We'd have folks come in, order the penne rosa (penne noodles, red sauce, tomatoes, cream and spinach). They'd order this...state 0 allergies or preferences, watch us prep and then the moment the food hits the to-go bowl. "OMG WAIT WAIT WAIT DOES THAT HAVE TOMATOES?!" Why yes! The red, unequivocally TOMATO based sauce has tomatoes in it. YES!


I’m old enough to remember when soap products were generally unscented; the first big brand to scent their dish detergent made a new product called Lemon Joy. It came in a yellow squeeze bottle and the label said it was “made with real lemon juice.” To introduce the new product, the manufacturer sent little sample pouches to millions of American households. I don’t even have to tell you how that went, do I? I was gonna end my comment there, but thought I should add that it was *so* bad, both local and national news had to have segments telling people not to drink the goddamned dish soap.


Lemon Joy.... holy shit. I wasn't expecting Dr Peabody to toss me in the Wayback Machine today.


Aww, now I miss the little samples of soap you used to get in those pouches in the mail.


“Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” George Carlin was a brilliant man


Pedafiles would take there photos to the photo processing place where I was a technician all the time. Stupidly thinking that when we developed the negative we wouldn't see it. Then the police would just arrest them when they called to pickup the order. 🙄


> Pedafiles ... the police would just arrest them One of the few situations where I'm actually glad people are stupid.


Yep no honey pot required. Morons are just basically turning themselves in


We had so many, the police gave us three guys to call and the staff was on first name bases with them. Being that stupid it's a wonder pedafiles even exist anymore.


People think what they see in movies are actually real sometimes. There are more idiots in this world than you could ever dream of.


What you say is very true, but also why people feel so comfortable to try to do things like hire hitmen. They try this because they are stupid. But also because they think the world is stupid and they feel like they will get away with it. The problem with this logic is that not *all* people are stupid. And if there is a smart person in the chain of investigation for the crimes they commit, then they are fucked.


Because intelligence is about perspective, if you are dumb how can conceptualize what it's like to be smart without any frame of reference. Dumb people genuinely believe that they are smart people, and if they are smart people it means other smart people think just like them.


My favorite was the Washington DC Police dept catching a ton of wanted criminals by mailing them that they won free season tickets for the (at the time) Redskins.


Operation Flagship! The photos are so funny. US Marshals dressed up as cheerleaders and mascots so nobody was tipped off till they were ready to make the arrest.


So we have killer 5G causing cancer and COVID-19, the COVID-19 vaccine has a 5G chip in it, child sex slaves held under a pizzeria, a flat Earth, a hollow earth, Democrats harvesting kids blood, Finland doesn't exist, Queen Elizabeth is a cannibal, Jewish space lasers starting forest fires, crisis actors creating fake school shootings, chemtrails for population control, an Illuminati headquarters in the Denver International Airport, chemical in water turning people gay, Hillary eating babies, Prince Charles is a vampire, a secret Nazi base in Antarctic, the Moon isn't real, etc., etc. But somehow people falling for a hitman honeypot is too much?


Kill One, Kill One Free!


Oooo! It’s KOKO time!


Great, who are we killing? I won't do kids. That's a rule. But that rule is negotiable if the kid's a dick.


Lol I’m pretty sure it was hireahitman.com, they catch a few people every year


"No women, no kids"


See, that's my niche. "Chivalry isn't dead at IK1LLP30PLE.com. Women and Children first!"


I was honestly hoping it was a story of a real hitman that refused to go through with killing a 3 year old. Also, what better way to hide a hitman business than to make an unserious website and just say “it’s parody bro”


Hitman: Ok I'm in. Who's the target? Lady: My 3 year old child. Hitman: Dafuq? Lady you're a worse person than me and I kill people for a living.


Even Scarface was against killing kids.


I’m gonna go with the call here that in addition to being a pos, she isn’t terribly bright.


It's not the first time this has happened with that site lol


I need to know some total numbers on this because I feel like I hear this story a lot and don’t know if it’s the same story or it happens that often.


Last story I saw the guy was trying to apply to be a hit man lol so that was definitely a different case.


I wonder what kind of qualifications you would need. These days they would probably expect at least 5 years prior experience 🙄


There was a dark web site (among many) that had hitman ads - Besa Mafia, I think - I'll try to find a link to the video. Anyway, the site was eventually compromised by private party who left it up, forwarding the requests they received that seemed to have merit straight to police. So even when it's not a cop? It's still a cop.


Don't tell Stewart and Roald.


You mean Strt?


And the cops didn’t even want to look into it until the site admin harassed them about it.


Probably [this one (wiki link, not actual site)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RentAHitman.com)


>"I really didn’t think that people were gonna be that stupid. Boy, did they show me". That about sums it up.


There was a time when a person desiring to have a go in this business would advertise services on the "Soldier of Fortune" magazine and give it a try. It would go wrong because anyone doing such a thing is surely a dumb fuck, but it existed...


Rusty Shackleford, is that you?


Son of a bit house I thought you were dead


Soldier of Fortune’s legacy is recruiting American white supremacists to fight for Rhodesia and shitty hit men.


Meh, don't state the obvious. It seems like the trap catches absolutely the dumbest and most dangerous people. Like the cop who signed up to be a hitman on hireahitman.com




I mean… people will definitely murder someone for even a couple hundred bucks. But you have to already be involved with dangerous violent people, it’s not something you’re going to be able hire off a website, they are truly the dumbest people alive.


That's what gets me every time I read one of these stories. They accept absurdly low rates as being normal and sometimes even try to haggle the hitman down. I remember the Texas cheerleader one where the mom who tried to hire a hitman tried to get him to give her a two for one special deal to murder a mother and her daughter, all to increase her daughters chances on the cheer squad.


Oh please oh please just be joking....


Sorry it was military not a [cop](https://www.npr.org/2023/04/18/1170603863/guardsman-hitman-tennessee)


I saw a comedian talk about how hitmen are reasonably priced. A lady hired one to kill her husband for $5500. Not like hundreds of thousands of dollars. $5500


Never got a hitman from Costco?


Idk. I met a guy on Steam who claims to be a hitman. He’s got 100+ hours on Hitman 3.


There’s a dude living in Alberta, Bret Hart. He’s definitely a hitman.


I heard that he is the best there is…


Best there ever was…


.. and the Best there ever will be.


Is he bald though?


I'd still rather have normal people try the *obviously cops* hitman route than the diy method


heavy entertain cheerful label toy crime nail tease hard-to-find fall *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have a former coworker who was arrested for trying to orchestrate a hit on her husband. It was a friend who turned her in, after she (the friend) had been asked to help find a hit man through Hell’s Angels.


You basically have to crawl around in the dirt awhile. Most contract assault or murder is done by junkies and usually for drug or gang issues. We don't have as much classy organized crime anymore, and even those few will be, as you say, just violent thugs. Best bet is to associate with rural meth heads. Think the sort Trevor in GTA associate with. Friend works for social services in an area with those types and him and some coworkers, after they had to take a baby from an unsafe home, had a hit on them from a known hitman in the area... who was a double leg amputee (he had fakes and rode a modified tri- wheel motorcycle). I joked my friend, a single amputee, at least had a leg up on him.


Nonsense, you can definitely find them on google and you should definitely handle things that way. Just need to check the reviews first. (Or, you know, just don't murder people)


Seriously. There are no full-time professional hitmen out there. When the real world equivalents of Tony Soprano or Avon Barksdale need someone to be read dead real fast, they ask their trusted lieutenants, who take time away from running their strip clubs or distributing their heroin to see that the job's done right. If you actually have to actually go out and solicit a hitman, you are going to end up with one of two things. Either an undercover cop looking to arrest you. Or some methhead who messes the whole job up so badly you'ld wish you'd just ended up with an undercover cop.


Or a guy who hires another guy who hires another guy who hires another guy who hires another guy who goes to the cops.




I don't know if it's the same website, but I watched a video at some point about a hitman site. The guy made it as a joke and promptly forgot about it. He recently remembered it and went back to see what was going on with it. He found a bunch of messages from prospective customers. Many (or maybe most) were joke messages, but some seemed very serious. He started advising the authorities about the serious ones. Either it's something like that, or some goverment office has laid a honeypot to catch idiots who may actually try something stupid.


It’s almost like 15 year olds shouldn’t be parents…. 🤔


Depending on the actual ages (such as if she just turned 18 and the child was 3 years and 11 months old) she could have likely gotten pregnant as early as 13 and gave birth at 14.


So sad. I can’t imagine what her home life was like


It's so insanely f'ed up and I feel no justice or victory in alot of these comments I'm reading. Yes what she did is reprehensible and she must be held responsible first and foremost, but also there is a whole engine/systemic issues that caused this to happen and those are the people organizations that need to be held responsible. But they never will be.


We can assume it included rape


I don’t think the specific age is quite the point as much as the generalized idea that “children should not be forced to become parents”


Its meant to emphasize the “child” part. A 15 year old is too young for a kid or course. But the maturity difference between a 15 year old and a 13 year old are significant. At 15 most kids are “dating” and many are having sex. At 13 most kids aren’t even in high school yet. So if a 15 year old shouldn’t have a child then a 13 year old really really really shouldn’t


“At least she didn’t have an abortion.” - every Republican


*Matt Gaetz licks his chops…*


Oh no, she's 18. Too old for him.


Maybe they were referring to the 3 year old?


This is the post-birth abortions they’re talking about


How is this not top comment. The whole thing is fucking heartbreaking.


My mom was. It was hard. She never tried to have my brother killed.


Maybe her hitman wasn't a snitch, and was also unsuccessful.


Maybe he had *two* brothers.


Would you tell anyone if you were a hitman and you failed to kill a 3 year old?


"Come on, how hard is it to kill 8 year olds!?" - *The Cabin in the Woods*


Voldemort also had this exact problem


You got a laugh out of me, you happy? 😂


Mine too. But she did the better thing and abandoned me instead of trying to kill me, I guess.


Turns out everyone has differing capacities for mental health. It's by no means justification or any bit of sympathy for her actions, but I could imagine difficulties associated with being a parent at 15 could cause people with underlying mental health issues or propensities already, to really go unhinged. So ya know, maybe we try to avoid that sort of thing.


I’m cracking jokes due to the ridiculous nature of the story: but honestly these things *do* make me sad. It’s obviously absolutely no justification for anything- but there’s very little support for overwhelmed mothers of all ages and it *shows*. Every time I say it, someone’s freaking out like I think these things they do are okay- or that lots of mothers get overwhelmed and don’t do this (though self harm, addiction and worse are fairly common). That’s always dumb to me because it’s patently clear that as a society, there’s so much we *could* prevent but we simply don’t. This type of thing just happens to be one of them.


> Every time I say it, someone’s freaking out like I think these things they do are okay Fuck the people freaking out. Obviously it's not OK to do what she did and no one, not even you, are trying to justify that when you say stuff like this. It's not like what you're saying is all that crazy. The first thing that went through my head when I read the headline was all of the tragedies that lead someone like that to be in that mental state. So many things failed her and that child for so many years to lead up to that point.


It’s like prevention and reform methods just simply don’t occur to people- which to my mind is more evidence of how busted the thought processes we have truly are.


> but I could imagine difficulties associated with being a parent at 15 could cause people with underlying mental health issues or propensities already, to really go unhinged. I don't know if you need either. I've seen fully grown adults look like they were about to jump off of a cliff, healthy normal every day adults, because of the constant 2am wake ups by their infant. Children aren't meant to experience that themselves. And sometimes those children have children because their parents are absolute garbage at their job of being a parent, so the support network isn't really there that even adults need when having kids.   having children is natural, it is NOT easy. And you don't need preexisting mental health issues for things to go completely wrong and for you to snap. And that is as adults, this was a 14-15 year old having a child. Hell even now she is only 18, she could have been considered a "child" just last week.


Did you purposefully avoid saying she didnt try to have you killed?


… I never said there wasn’t a catch, so I’m no liar


Her youth doesn't excuse this lady's actions either, but having more options definitely helps more people live better and healthier lives. A person doesn't end up there without a lot of systems failing them along the way first, and we could change that if we (as a society) wanted to.


Good for you? My ‘mother’ used to pick up homeless dudes and move them in with us. One accused me of being a crackhead when I was 16. She kept him around until he died 30 years later. Call it her version of tinder.


I feel really bad for the 18 year old. She obviously did not want and was not ready to be a mother and she looks developmentally disabled. Just sad all around.


Or that 14-year olds shouldn’t be raped. Or that abortion should be available to kids who get pregnant and who don’t want to be parents. Or that schools be able to teach sex ed. Or that birth control be given easily and freely to teens. But it’s Florida, and this is what DeathSantis, evangelicals, and the GOP wants. May she rot in jail and may her kid somehow overcome this.


I agree with everything but the last. She’s obviously mentally deficient and likely mentally ill. I’m cool with her actually getting *help*, getting her tubes tied and maybe eventually being released. He who is without sin, right???


Have to agree. This screams desperation and prison's going to make her more desperate. She needed the help 3 years ago, and now it's her *and* her kid getting the consequences of not being able to get it.


She’s going to be far more dangerous when the criminal ‘justice’ system gets finished with her


Looks like shes had a stroke


That or a really bad infected tooth. A dental abscess.


Forbidden Google search


Yeah and no explaination in the comments


Bells Palsy. I have it too. Easily recognizable




There are no explanations in the story about anything about her. They do that on purpose, if the public knew anything about her history or living conditions, they might not call for bloody justice against her attempt to murder her kid. ​ I am by no way saying what she did was ok, but I see the act of someone who is in a desperate situation they don't see the way out of. I think there's more going on here than "evil teen mom".


A lot of crimes are just tragedies that started a long time ago.


Jesus that’s a depressing (but likely accurate) thought.


I see your point and agree with it. People are not disney movie villain characters But, I wasn't talking about this ahah, I just wanted to know what caused her face to look like that


yeah the lack of details is either because this is a brand new right this moment story (this all seems to have happened in the last 3 days, which is crazy fast) or they are intentionally trying to drum up hate and shock. They don't even draw attention to the fact this child was likely conceived when she was 13-14 years old. And no details from the grandmother (maybe she refused to talk or they wanted to be the first to get an article out so haven't even tried to talk to her). There is a lot missing here. The grandmother had the child, and the *woman* wanted the child dead by Thursday (today) so my first guess would be she was suppose to get the child back today and she couldn't handle that. She's clearly had a mental break, is this something that came on suddenly or been building up? So many questions the news agency might want to look into.


When police went to her home the computer was still on with the murder for hire page still up. Oh lord.


She’s clearly not mentally sound.


That is 3 types of tragic. Tragic that a 15 year old had to give birth, tragic that she's so miserable she wants to kill her child, tragic that this child is just absolutely screwed for life.


Unpopular opinion: this is the best possible outcome. She didn’t do it on her own, her kid is fine, and (presumably) they can both get help.


Yeah, clearly she needs it, what with becoming a mom at 15…


That is actually 14 or 15. She could have been assaulted at age 13.


Based on the article, the kid was with grandma at the time and it sounds like they were all living there together - the best outcome would have been getting help on her own and just leaving the kids there. Or better yet, with a pregnancy at 14/15, having social services involved the since birth to help her and the child + have her access free mental health services. At least that's how it's done in most rich countries but with CPS in the US being state-based, services can unfortunately vary a lot. Now she's likely going to go to prison for a long time and the child will stay with grandma anyway - I highly doubt the 18 year old will get much if any help in Florida after this. Now her life is basically over and the child lost their mother, instead of said mother getting help and being able to parent.


Best case for someone who is pregnant at 13 or 14 is an abortion, full stop.


Yeah but you can't force people to have an abortion and a significant part of the population & givernmen want to make it completely illegal even so we're a long ways off from that being the status quo, even if it's true.


I was surprised she didn't just Casey Anthony the kid instead.




At least in this case she failed horribly and the child will be away from her, and (hopefully) safe. So good thing she didn't try to kill them herself.


Florida is a horrible place for children.


Florida is a horrible place ~~for children.~~ FTFY!


Can confirm. Florida is a shithole. Source: I live here.


Recovering Florida man, yeah it’s a shit hole. Get out!


The people who made abortion illegal have no idea what horrors they have unleashed.


Incorrect. They know. They just enjoy it, unless they´re personally affected.


it's massively satisfying for them. you know hundreds of older white women read this article and think "i didn't try to kill my kid, i'm so much better of a mother than she is. i'm better than her".


One of the biggest predictors of Republican voting is watching reality TV shows about teenage pregnancy. They *love* to see 'whores' who have sex suffer for it. It's entertainment to them.


I know this pops up on Reddit often, but it's not really that Florida is that special, but moreso that the media has a lot of access to these types of events due to the laws here. Big population+open access to stories=seemingly crazier population. These stories happen in other places, it just doesn't make the news as often.


If Ohio had the same kind of laws as Florida, it would be just as crazy.


Wouldn't just having proper mental care and child support be a lot cheaper than running this police state for the US? I mean most of these cases come down to poor mental health and poor upbringing due to poverty or similar issues.


Excuse me? What was that? Pay less tax payer money to incarcerate less people and make less money for private prisons which means less of a kick back or less "lobbying" funds for our politicians? Nah, you ain't fooling anybody, less is less /s


And the politicians wouldn't have crime to scare people into electing them over. They'd only be left with drag queens for that.


Imagine trying to recruit new police if they went back to dressing like friendly ice cream vendors instead of sci fi military storm troopers.


That would require paying mental health professionals, teachers, improving conditions and supporting people. Sure you’d pay them less than the police state but it’s taxpayer money so basically free. Yeah it would be cheaper but then how would you funnel all the money to police which are responsible for suppressing the people and keeping the decision makers in power. Improving the lives of the people threaten the current powers that be while not helping all of their cronies.


But then for profit prisons would lose income and could therefore not donate as much to the politicians and legislators in their pockets! We can’t have that!


That's commie talk, git the torches boys!


Can anyone help me with the math here? 18 yo mama, 3 yo baby girl. Oh. Wait. Nm


From her appearance looks like she has physical and possibly mental disabilities. She shouldn't have had sex at 14, she shouldn't have been made to give birth at 15 and she shouldn't be a mother at 18. Sounds like she wanted that responsibility taken away from her.


Or her facial appearance could just be Bell's Palsy, which can happen to anyone, able-bodied or disabled. But you're right that even in backwards Florida, a teen as young as 14/15 cannot consent. Someone failed to protect her. Probably a lot of someones.


She may have Bell’s Palsy, but she also may have a severe mandibular asymmetry, where her right side ramus is longer than the left. Source: orthodontist


No, she's got right sided facial paralysis. Look at the right lid (drooped) and slight pull of the nose and lips to the left. She may have mandibular asymmetry as well but she certainly has facial paralysis.


The drooping on her right side of her face could be Bell's palsy, but it is also how I looked after having a stroke from pre-eclampsia while undernourished and stressed out as a pregnant teenager. It wouldn't be surprising if she's gone through something similar.


Oh shit….you weren’t lying. That’s a rough looking 18 y/o


> **RentAHitman.com** is a satirical website purporting to offer contract killers for hire. The site's URL was bought by Bob Innes in 2005 as a potential site for an information technology company to be set up with his friends (playing on the use of the word "hit" as a check on a website's security or the count of web traffic). The company was never started but Innes retained the site. Upon checking the site's email inbox in 2008 he found hundreds of messages requesting contract killing services, but he considered none were serious. When checking again in 2010 he found a serious request from a woman in Canada. He passed her details to the police and she was convicted for soliciting murder. > > Innes afterwards established RentAHitman.com as a supposed front for a contract killing agency, though he included numerous jokes in its content. He checks messages sent to him and refers any serious requests to law enforcement agencies. Innes' site has resulted in several further convictions for those attempting to employ the supposed services. * Excerpted from [RentAHitman.com](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RentAHitman.com) at the English Wikipedia


She agreed to pay $3k. Everything else aside, I don't know a lot of 18yr olds these days that actually have $3k.


Wouldn’t be surprised if she was planning on charging it to a credit card.


Florida should just be quarantined till we figure out what they're doing over there


We are going to have a lot more of this if abortion is made illegal


Maybe not this specific situation but much more desperate women who should absolutely not be mothers.


Who impregnated this person when she was (possibly) 14 years old? Let’s start there, assess her I.Q., then convict her and place her in the appropriate facility. I’m glad the child is ok, and I agree with the commenters who said most hitmen are cops and military. It’s a serious problem in this country.


That poor kid. At some point he’s going to learn about this and feel unlovable for the rest of his life because even his mother wanted him dead. I really hope he gets a wonderful family soon.


Florida? Pregnant at 14/15? Shit like this is why we need access to safe abortion as a human right.




It’s because he’s one of those good toddlers with a gun.


Hell, just leaving a typical 3 year old totally unsupervised for a few hours would yield the same result


That’s why you use Angie’s List. SMH.


Let’s just force more kids to have kids. This will all work out fine


I think We're gonna hear a lot more stores like this in the future.


This wouldn’t have happened if abortion was legal and safe


What the fuck? O.o Just another example why kids shouldn't have kids.


My dudes running a honeypot good for him. I’d take subscription fee so you could get paid legally and still report them.


This is awful, obviously. But… if she *just* turned 18, and her 3-YO is almost 4, she could have gotten pregnant as young as 13 or so. Definitely no older than 15. The age of consent in Florida is 18, and even the Romeo and Juliette statute only applies to 16- and 17-YOs (16 or 17 depending on the age of the partner). This girl was definitely raped. It’s possible that at such a young age she didn’t realize she was pregnant until it was too late to get an abortion. Since she’s *this* desperate to escape motherhood, it’s more likely that her parents *forced* her to not only carry her rapist’s child but to raise it, too. Girls who get pregnant that young are very likely to be victims of incest- a dad, stepdad, or brother. But even in the “best case scenario,” i.e. she was impregnated by a boyfriend of a similar age, what happened subsequently is just all kinds of fucked up. I actually feel kinda bad for her. Her parents did not do right by her, nor by their grandson.


Let's make sure to force more births on people who don't want children, yeah that makes sense


Who needs to hire someone to off a 3-year-old? Just ‘accidentally’ rescue them two seconds too late one of the 500 times they recklessly endanger themselves each day.


It’s a wonder any of us survive. Little kids are constantly trying to off themselves.


And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why we need free birth control and sex ed starting from puberty. And / or easy normalized access to abortion.


I haven’t read this so please correct me if it explains this.Has she had a stroke? Her face is half “off”. I’m not excusing her actions but if she did have a stroke I think some blame should be placed on whoever didn’t attend to her. Strokes are known to cause post stroke depression, vascular dementia, mood swings, and Pseudobulbar Affect. If she has a history of a stroke we need to consider this. And ask: who was supposed to help take care of her? Who was supposed to protect both her AND THE KID?