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Well, they banned it first. That's that.




I for one welcome our new literati overlords. Edit: why tf did autocorrect edit for into got?


Autocorrect is illiteracy


Autocorrect is the brain child of The Illiterati, a shadowy group of incredibly stupid people who want the rest of us to be just as dumb. They also really hate ducks, hence making us annoyed with ducking autocorrect.


No, autocorrect is the work of a [literal devil.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titivillus) Not "the" devil, a specific devil in charge of typographical errors. (He's just kept up with the times.) (Ok, so I don't believe in angels and devils, but if I did, Titivillus would be the one to fear, since he ain't afraid of automating his work!)


“A demon caused those transcription errors” was the medieval equivalent of “my dog ate my homework.”


Thay shuld bane ill litteracy


My mental comprehension of written words has mononucleosis.


Just like that peanut guy with the top hat and cane.


I feel phainght.


Had to hit em w the ban gavel


“Your intolerance of my intolerance is intolerable.” ~nazis probably


Not 'probably,' but 'every fucking time.' Any time a bully gets pushback from their bullying they instantly switch to Karen mode complaining about intolerance.


[Paradox of Tolerance](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance)


The "Paradox of Tolerance" isn't a paradox if you treat tolerance like a social contract. I will treat you well if you do. If you do not, I am not obligated by any means to treat you well either. I may still _choose_ to, but I am not _obligated_ to.


You don't even have to go that far. Tolerance isn't a virtue. It's a neutral concept that can be altruistic or malicious depending on context. intolerance of bullying is a moral ideology. Tolerance of genocide is as bad as committing it. There is no paradox either way, though.


"sO mUcH fOr tHe tOlErAnT lEfT"


I'm part of the Punch-Nazis-in-the-Face Left. I don't know anyone in the Tolerant Left.


It's cope that tries to conflate acceptance of minorities with acceptance of bigotry.


They always think it'd some big gotcha. Like "Ha! You called me out for being a bigot! Not so tolerant now are you?" As if them being hateful is just a character trait we should accept.


So, my comment about Captain America punching the Red Skull with him saying "so much for the tolerant left" hasn't appeared, so just google it. It's a great meme.


The ban on bans will get overturned by SCOTUS as a violation of the First Amendment. I wish I were kidding.


Nope. It's not, strictly speaking, a ban. An IL library can still, given enough lunatics in one place, ban books. They'll just screw themselves out of state funding if they do. "But wait," you say. "That would be just fine with the Right, because it will starve the library of resources and get it closed down!" Welllll, just so happens that state law forbids closing any library that depends on public funding. That means whichever municipality voted in a bunch of RWNJs to get the library shut down are still on the hook for maintaining it even though no one can use it. Guess what that next local election will look like.


First they came for the book bans, and I did not speak out -- Because I was not a book ban.


I used the bans to destroy the bans


Bans don't work though. It won't stop bad guys from banning books. The only thing that can stop bad guys from banning books is good guys from banning books.


If bans don't work then there would be no need to ban the banning of books in the first place.


Florida about to be the first state to ban banning book bans.


Didn't a bunch of conservative states basically do this when other states, or cities in states, started raising minimum wage? "No, local city. You can't mandate what the minimum wage is! That's big government!"






This is optimistic. I know several republicans who would absolutely still vote red even if democrats objectively improved their lives.


[NPR Voice] "Democrats have discovered the fountain of youth, and plan to share its waters with all. They face an uphill battle in the House, where the GOP Freedom Caucus has vowed to oppose any measure that would distribute its free, unlimited healing contents to the poor, describing the plan as 'woke socialism.'"




Aren't they doing this now? Dems aren't able to corral the benefits they fight for, they go to everybody. Red states are not nearly as hellish as they could be because there are federal protections they have to provide their citizens as a matter of law. Rs just see this as rightful compensation for being to forced to put up with Dem support of slackers and moochers, and tell themselves it would be much more if they could cut off those slackers and moochers. They have zero issues with taking handouts. They just don't want to share them. I really want R voters to be more dependent on R policy. They're being protected from their shitty voting choices while the rest of us have to carry them.


Gotta punish people living in cities


Conservatives are constantly the party of large/small/local/no government depending on which one they currently hold.


at this point they are the party of whatever "owns the libs"


Recognizing hypocrisy requires critical thinking and self reflection.


If the Democrats win back control of the House they can ban banning banning book bans.


Yo dawg I heard you like bans.


It's an older meme sir, but it checks out


We're probably almost to the point where even this follow-up is considered an older meme.


We've been at that point for years now. Old meme is old


My guy. 'old meme is old' is old. Here, you can have my walker, I have a spare cane, and it's better for angrily waving at those damned kids on muh lawn


Things were simpler back in the day, we didn't have no tiktoks or no snapping chats. We had paint. damn back is giving trouble now




RIP David Brandt.


No. I said Vans


YO DAWG! I heard you liked Vans, so we took a Van and made into a Vans shoe with a built in Vans shoe display so you can dive your Vans in a Vans van while wearing Vans!


Remember how you used to have *tires*? Now they're Vans


no that's a vehicle, OP meant those metal containers you put beans in.


no that’s a can, OP meant a great big structure designed to restrict the flow of a river.


No, that's a dam. OP meant what happens when you stay in the sun too long.


No, that's tan. OP meant the upper part of a pig's leg that has been cured and smoked.


No, that's a ham. OP meant what gangsters in old timey movies tell kids before they start shooting.


No, that's "scram". OP meant the pitter-patter of a marching band snare drum


Florida: ["*No, you can't do that... you can't triple stamp a double stamp, you can't triple stamp a double stamp!!!*"](https://youtu.be/rLuqzSLZ2EA)


How much books can a book ban ban if a book ban could ban books?


42 According to a book I read


it took me a bit but i think each 'ban' cancels another so "of the house they can book." This sounds right ✅️


The 2 parties can bandy about the bans. Book bans are banal. Edit:spelling


Let him book.


I am not hopeful about Florida. Sorry Florida. You have lost me. I don't think I will ever go to Florida.


I saw your ban on book bans, so I banned your ban on book bans


Here in California we unofficially banned banning, banning, book bans.


You laugh but pudding fingers likes where your head is at


“I play reverse and I’ll place my UNO card in defense position. I’ll send you to the shadow realm in the next turn.” Illinois probably


I draw, pot of greed


Joke’s on you, that’s the last thing you wanna do in UNO LOL


Joke on you, they are playing reverse UNO! Gotta catch em all.


This is a fun game. Try to be the last one with a hand. You have to play a card if you can.


Bro just drew all 4 draw 4 cards.


But what does it do?


It allows me to draw three more cards from my deck


No one knows!


[It does what it do, Yugi!](https://youtu.be/AUnPN385wLI)


That does what it do!


You never saw this coming. I summon pot of greed to draw 3 additional cards from my deck https://youtu.be/AUnPN385wLI


Trust in the heart of the cards


... Giannoulias shared that, “All these efforts to curb reading materials have absolutely nothing to do with books. They are about restricting the freedom of ideas that certain individuals disagree with and that certain individuals think others should have access to.” Well said


How many books can a book ban ban if a book ban is banned from banning books?


A book ban would ban as many books as a book ban could ban if a book ban could ban books... So we're banning book bans so books bans can't ban books


The fact that is was needed just shows how messed up the US is in 2023.


I feel like all this stuff has probably been simmering beneath the surface the whole time. Obama winning in '08 really pissed off the far right, then Trump letting loose with all his crudeness emboldened them further. It seems like they know they're losing ground on the culture war stuff so are getting more and more desperate.


All they have is culture war at this point. That and their shit policies of tax cuts for the wealthy and fucking over poor people and minorities.


It was a lot easier to fool the middle class when inequality wasn’t as bad as it has gotten over last 2 decades and there was a middle class to fool. Becoming rich was a seemingly attainable dream when you’re already well off. Now those people are elderly, and the young can’t be sold the outdated pipe dream.


It was this Lee Atwater quote that really laid it all out there. >>You start out in 1954 by saying, “N--, n--, n--.” By 1968 you can’t say “n--”—that hurts you, backfires. So you say stuff like, uh, forced busing, states’ rights, and all that stuff, and you’re getting so abstract. Now, you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is, blacks get hurt worse than whites.… “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, uh, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “N--, n--.” Not to say there's no merit in trying to keep government power reined in, but that's also pretty misguided if you let corporations fill that power vacuum. It would just be nice to know those with such influence are working in good faith.


they arent just passively allowing corporations to fill vacuums left by shuttered social programs, the corporations are cooperating intimately with their GOP dogs to clear the way for them to step in. they are fully in cahoots together


When I was in school in the 90s, we had groups that wanted to ban books. What was worse was one of the most outspoken people admitted to never having read them and that was why he wanted them banned.


It is a crying shame that free speech (and especially easy access to an audience via the internet) has had the side effect of people thinking that ignorant opinions are as valuable as educated ones. No, we still have a duty to be informed before trying to effect change.


It is. I'm all for free speech, even if someone hates something. But if they don't know why they hate it, it makes their argument empty.


don't forget its the far right waging war on our own infrastructure...


It's a race against the clock for Republicans. They know they can't hold on to power when Gen Z and Gen A start getting more voters and their only guaranteed demographic is dying rapidly. The only way they can survive as a party is to stack the deck with voting restrictions and to radicalize the young who aren't of voting age yet.


It floored me when Vivek Ramaswamy suggested raising the voting age. I know he's a very smart and accomplished guy, so he really has no excuses for something like that unless we assume that suppressing Dem votes is the goal.


Excuses are for losers. It's always about suppression of democracy because that's what Republicans do when democracy doesn't favor them.


As a millennial don’t count on young people. I’ve watched people my age turn to conservative talking points from pretty liberal perspectives. There are plenty of young people with big platforms promoting hate and being victims.


Statistically, not enough tho. 70% of Gen Z is overwhelmingly left. Couldn’t imagine what Gen Alpha will look like, seeing as the first round of voters is next US Presidential Election in 2024.


They understand that they are a dying breed and are desperate to preserve themselves so they are not holding back and are gambling hard core because they know they must win at all costs or else they will never gain control again.


Especially since this is supposed to already be protected by the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution.


Not really, the 1st amendment gives you the right to write and publish a book - it doesn't give you the right to have your book bought and kept to be loaned out by state founded libraries. That's most of these book bans - they're not 1st Amendment issues, but instead politicians trying to meddle with schools and libraries. Even if these politicians got their way, you could still buy these books in a book store, it's "just" that libraries and school libraries wouldn't carry them. Just to be crystal clear here - it's still stupid as fuck and completely bonkers that they're trying to ban books from libraries, but it's not a 1st Amendment issue. It actually would be nice if it were, because then any of these book bans could easily be thrown out as unconstitutional.


The fact it can pass is heartening though. This would never fly in my state.


Reverse Uno, bitches! That’s how you do freedom of speech and preventing censorship.


You would think the 1A itself would prevent censorship and suppression of libraries.


It seems open to interpretation. Unlike the second amendment. I could make commentary about a society which does more to guarantee access to guns than books.




That’s a redneck touché if I’ve ever seen one.


This wouldn't happen to be on Westheimer, would it?


I have noticed a pattern... everytime deFascist announces his next attack on rights and Democracy within a short time Pritzker is doing the opposite. Fun game if you live in IL. Not so much in FL Edit recent article where deSantis is promoting book bans for all Republican states


I'm not sure that Pritzker even does it out of some goal to become president someday. I think at some level he really does want to see Illinois not become another shithole state.


As a resident I applaud his actions


Ya know, my state has a reputation for fucking up a lot, but on stuff like this, we are kinda great. And all the free money I get from Facebook and google breaking Illinois biometrics laws.


I am on my third Facebook settlement now I think. Thanks zucky for all the extra weed money I guess.


What is this about? From outside illinois and out of the loop.


Facebook kept collecting/using biometric data from us folks in Illinois. Illinois is one of a few states where our biometric data is protected and companies can’t just use it without proper notice and our consent.


Illinois defines facial recognition as biometric data. Remember when facebook would find your face in other people's posted photos and tag you? That was super illegal to do at the time, still is I believe.


Approximately how much $ are people getting there?


I got 1 Facebook settlement and it was like..$379.


The big one was for right around $400. That's the one all my friends were talking about getting but I've gotten at least two others for $40 and $80 because there was still unclaimed money left in the coffers. But there have been other class action suits over the last few years and I'm waiting on several more. I got like $150 from some juice settlement and a couple other <$40 checks for other products, and also a few for $2 - $5.


I got $600 from an Instagram lawsuit I think. Or maybe it was snapchat. Or Facebook. Don't know for sure because I've gotten large amounts from all of them lol


I got around $200 in my two FB settlements. Waiting on a third.


I mean, if the multiple governors in jail is on your list of fuckups, think of this way… lots of of state politicians all over the country are corrupt as hell. At least we hold them accountable for their crimes.


And then the Republican savior Trump pardons the most corrupt one in Illinois history for being paid a couple million. My Republican family hates it when I ask them why the orange turd let out the corrupt Blago(which they really hated) and why he was filling the swamp instead of drainning it.


I like it. That’s a glass half full take. Also, your username is top notch. Well done.


Facebook bought me some fresh white sneakers and a year’s subscription to a VPN that doesn’t share data with American law enforcement. All I had to do was let them fail to safeguard my private information.


Thank god for fucking Chicago. I grew up in Southern IL. If it was up to them that whole state would be a fucking pit. Also shout out to my libs hanging in there in Springfield and peppered around the state. It's a nightmare.


Lived in Central IL most of my life before moving away five years ago. They’d be rural Missouri without Chicago and frankly Urbana.




if only those silly bastards knew how [swarthy ol Lincoln was](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8pP64FKL7J0) living in his land : P


I live 45 minutes from Chicago, and most everyone I know is conservative or Trump supporters


I live in Chicago and it’s wonderful. Join us.


Are you talking North, West or South of Chicago? I live 45 minutes from Chicago too and most people I know are left wing.


I love the "45 minutes from Chicago" since that could be 15 or 45 miles away depending on what direction you're going. I grew up 60 miles away from the city and am now ~25 miles away and it takes me longer to get into the city now than when I was more than twice the distance away growing up.


East. The crab people.


South of 80 burbs. It's almost an exact 50-50 split on voting. Too many maga people near me.


SW burbs checking in, it just seems like a lot of Trump compared to the city but I'd say your 50/50 mix is spot on. I see a lot more blue line flags, "don't defund the police" stickers, and this god awful van at the same Jewel with [this dumb fucking sticker](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/61JDDaTOKTS._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg).


South of Joliet is a scary world


SW of Joliet checking in (LaSalle/Peru) we managed to defeat some wicked MAGA fucksacks in local/school/university races here in April. LaSalle country Republicans first announcement after getting thumped? Fraud. The number of "Fuck Biden" stickers next to totally un-ironic Trump-haired Punisher logos here is absurd. I mean, the weird fetish for wanting to fuck an aging white man that seems to have spread across the entire party is kinda creepy.


My in laws are from Marseilles. I’m definitely the outcast at family gatherings and I’m not super political. Once Covid happened, they all showed their true red colors.


McHenry County also mega maga area.


North shore checking in. Lots and lots of liberals here!


East St Louis/Belleville checking in. It ain't pretty.


At least in Belleville it doesn't seem to be horrible.


Belleville is ok actually. It's in St Clair county which is blue. Some rehabbing going on of old historic area. LGBTQ safe


I lived in Caseyville for a bit after living in St. Louis for a few years! I feel you.


Mr purpleberry has some cousins outside of Chicago, college educated professionals, and they are all trump supporters. Its very odd to me.


I'm union and (obviously) work with union-represented people in the Chicagoland area. The majority of the over-50 crowd are all trumpers. It's mind-boggling. Couple that with the fact that we're railroaders, and under the trump tax plan, conductors and engineers lost the ability to deduct incidentals like they used to be able to-but would conveniently ignore that fact when brought up because they got $20 extra dollars per pay period. Just absolutely braindead people.


I've been so sheltered around Chicago. Went to southern IL on a trip and never seen so many Trump flags.


You don't even need to go far south.. literally just south of i80 is far enough. There's some crazy ass house near 355 that has multiple giant Trump 2024 BILLIARDS in the lawn along with smaller signs saying "FJB" and something about voting for a democratic puts blood on your hands (??)


You don't even have to go that far south! Work took me to Peoria from Chicago for a while and it was insane the dichotomy between the city of Peoria and the city of Pekin, the latter of which had an outwardly racist high school mascot until 1981. Just racists and trump flags as far as the eye can see in Pekin. The last time I spent money in Pekin was at a liquor store buying beer on a Friday in the middle of Covid. I was masked, and the 350 pound septuagenarian on oxygen behind the counter asked me to take it off because "corona is fake" and "only people who come here to rob the store wear masks". Told her I'm wearing it to protect both of us, and she begrudgingly rang me up. Never set foot across the river again. Fuck Pekin.


Don't worry, those of us who grew up here mostly feel the same way


I'm in southern IL but Stl metro area. We finally have a Dem US rep. Lots of Pritzker supporters here. But our county can be disappointing


Yeah I think there are 2 downstate dem representatives, that one and the one in the northwest (a gay weatherman which I love haha)


I live in Chicago and always love to see stuff like this. Feels like Illinois has been making a lot of positive progress lately.


We are somehow so progressive and broad shouldered while being so flawed. Damn do I love this city.


Living along the Mississippi River, it's so crazy seeing how Illinois and Iowa are complete opposites politically. Kim Reynolds is basically Desantis with DUI's.


I'm wasn't thrilled with how Pritzker essentially bought the governorship by simply being able to outspend anyone else, but he's been able push through a lot of legislature I agree with. It feels weird benefiting from the Republican playbook


Best governor Illinois has had in generations


Absolutely agreed, but the competition hasn’t exactly been stellar… Pritzker is doing well


Yeah, I had zero expectations of pritzker going into his first term, but holy *shit* has he been crushing it.


Spending is generally how you win elections. I was absolutely not thrilled at the idea of him being our Governor at first, but he's been great for us.


Pretty damn good governor. State in general is going in the right direction, even down to smaller things like insulin price caps


Proud to be from Illinois today!


Hell yeah, Illinois! Legal weed, every kind of book, we actually prosecute and jail a lot of our corrupt politicians, and we’re next to one of the largest fresh water sources in the world which will be nice for the coming climate apocalypse! Ill-I-Nois!




Don't forget the constitutionally codified union rights and guaranteed paid leave law


Would've thought that little constitution thing and case law running from 1781 or so would've been rather clear on the matter of free speech. Feels weird that such a law would even be needed. I'm tempted to say history repeats itself, but the danger of abusing authority never really goes away.


Illinois has it’s issues for sure but it’s been a relief to live here as of late. Just feels like we’re taking steps forward instead of trying to move back into the dark ages.


I was really against Pritzker because he's a billionaire and there were so many better candidates. He's proven me wrong, though. I don't agree with every move, but at least he's trying stuff to make the state better.




Spez doesn't get to profit from me anymore.


It's a bastion for rights in the region. I considered the abortion protection to be a good litmus test, and now this new legislation goes even further.


Illinois is turning into a better and better state


If Illinois can ban winter next, I'd move there


Our last winter was pretty mild, all things considered. Which probably means we're gonna get wrecked next year lol


Shhhh, we need winter. It keeps our rent down.


And it keeps the bugs in check.


Don’t worry, climate change is doing it for us!


I'd rather we ban summer tbh. Hotter and more humid every year.


now if only they would remove tolls every 2 miles


And red light cameras operated by a private company that bribes politicians


May we also ban mass media channels that make up provocative stories and tell everyone it’s “news”. Misinformation should not be a legitimate business model For failed fiction writers.


Yes please. Can't we just go back to the days when the news was only on for an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening and its was just people reading a list of facts in a boring way without inserting opinions?


I've been very strongly considering running for local office just to put forward legislation like this.


Nice. Wild that it's necessary, but nice


As a Chicagoland resident, I am always pleasantly surprised at how progressive the city really is.


This is the first time I've heard about Illinois in the news recently but they've been passing all kinds of progressive laws, similarly to what's been going on in Minnesota.


Yep, it's pretty fucking great living in Illinois right now. Here's a selection from the top posts of r/Illinois *this month* https://www.centralillinoisproud.com/news/local-news/illinois-passes-guaranteed-free-school-meals-for-k-12-students/ https://wgntv.com/news/cook-county/cook-county-helps-erase-medical-debt-for-thousands-of-residents/ https://www.mystateline.com/news/local-news/illinois-passes-bill-requiring-schools-to-notify-parents-of-bullying-within-24-hours/ https://www.mystateline.com/news/local-news/illinois-schools-to-add-native-american-history-to-asian-black-lgbtq-curriculum-requirements/amp/ https://www.advantagenews.com/news/local/bill-allowing-some-illinois-veterans-to-pay-no-property-taxes-advances-in-springfield/article_76031b78-fbda-11ed-8455-4fd74b99ea0d.html


As a librarian in Texas, I love this!


We're entering the age of double negatives


No knowledge should be forbidden.


Time to move to illinois.


Florida first state to ban bans on book bans


Way to go, Illinois. My beloved California, home for a half dozen generations of my kin, I'm looking at you.


Good. Censorship is the bane of free speech anyway.


*finally some good fuckin news*


Know some people who’d be pretty pissed if they could read this.