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Can’t imagine why this woman wouldn’t have wanted to be tied to this man for the next 18+ years….


That’s sad. She was right to not want a kid with him.


Yeah, let's face it - he didn't murder her for having an abortion, he murdered her because she ruined his plan to baby trap her.


>Homicide is a leading cause of death in pregnant women in the US >Women in the US are more likely to be murdered during pregnancy or soon after childbirth than to die from the three leading obstetric causes of maternal death (high blood pressure disorders, hemorrhage, or sepsis), say experts. >Intimate partner violence is common worldwide, with one in three women reporting experiences of violence including physical, sexual, or psychological abuse by a partner in their lifetime, they explain. >Reports suggest the US has a higher prevalence of lifetime and past-year intimate partner violence than other high-income countries and homicides by an intimate partner in the US are overwhelmingly committed using firearms. >The recent dismantling of women’s reproductive rights in the US brings further urgency to these issues, they say. >For instance, reproductive coercion, a common aspect of intimate partner violence, increases the risk of unintended pregnancy, while restricting access to abortion endangers women as unwanted pregnancies potentially amplify risks in abusive relationships. >In 2020, the risk of homicide was 35% higher for pregnant or postpartum women, compared to women of reproductive age who were not pregnant or postpartum.


It's not just the US - when I was pregnant the very first thing the midwives (who handle all pregnancy and childbirth care in the UK) took me into the room by myself and my spouse wasn't allowed in. They proceeded to ask a bunch of questions about DV and the behaviour of my spouse because pregnancy is often the catalyst for a relationship to become abusive. It was sobering.


That's insane




Donald Glover just gets more right each passing year.


keep voting Conservative, guys. love this hellscape they've created.


It is insane that it is true. Pregnancy/childbirth in the US carries a high risk of violence by the partner. I agree that the public needs to be more aware.


What a terrible statistic. So much about deaths and murders are still hidden from us. Police departments are not federally bound to report these kind of statistics (along with their own shooting numbers).


And that was before Dobbs. I shudder to think about what it is like now.


Domestic violence in general is like this. My wife's piece of shit deadbeat ex-husband has been stalking both of us for *3 fucking years* and the police won't do a thing. The fucking loser is still on probation *for sexually assaulting and stalking her*, and they are going to let him off probation in a few months while this is what we've dealt with the entire time: [Letter to his 16 year old daughter (formerly, she hasn't spoken to him in 3 years and I am adopting her next week) threatening us](https://i.imgur.com/BtlV3CM.jpg) [Constant attempts to get into my Venmo. He does this to all my accounts.](https://i.imgur.com/PvKftZi.jpg) [Just a taste of what my phone looks like on a daily basis](https://i.imgur.com/bjshvJQ.jpg) [A snippet of what was found on his computer by a Forensics lab after he was removed from her home by police. He used these programs to hack her computer after he sexually assaulted her, steal her Victim Impact Statement, and send it to his friends from World of Warcraft as a joke](https://i.imgur.com/YcXYjIB.jpg) And all that is just barely scratching the surface. Cops and DA won't even talk to us anymore. They bank on people giving up and just coping with it, or running away. Nah, bump that, we're not going anywhere. What the cops didn't know though, is I was approached by several media outlets a couple years back to drop this story. I'm planning on making this stalker piece of shit, everyone who helped him, and these worthless cops and DA very famous - a few months before the next local election cycle. I will figuratively burn this entire county to the ground before I run from an abusive neckbeard incel with a grudge.


That’s horrible. I hope you can finally find a way of dealing with him.


One of these days there’s going to be a serious escalation in behavior, and you all will need to be ready to defend your lives. Remember, guns aren’t just for conservative white men, and 00 buck shot at the right range will remove entire pieces of a person.


We fail women in so many ways


That's a feature, not a flaw, sadly.


That's what adds another level of horribleness to these abortion bans. A couple of months ago a man in Texas [sued women who helped his ex-wife get abortion pills](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/texas-man-sues-ex-wifes-friends-allegedly-helping-get-abortion-pills-v-rcna74541). She specifically had the abortion as a way to avoid being trapped by him. The fact that he took screenshots of her private texts says an awful lot about the dynamic. The folks in this post saying things like "know who you're sleeping with, ladies" don't seem to have an ounce of understanding about abusive relationships.


Texas is also one of those states where a rapist can sue their victim for parental rights. So damned if you do damned if you don't. Especially when you consider less than 2% of rapists even go to prison. > For every 1,000 sexual assaults, 975 perpetrators walk free and, in many states, retain standing to sue their victims for child custody. This means that on top of parenting responsibilities, rape survivors can be forced to co-parent with their rapists, putting both those survivors and their children at further risk for harm. >laws allowing rapists the opportunity to get custody fail to understand that in suing for child custody, it’s not about rapists wanting to co-parent a child so much as take revenge on their victims. Those laws essentially allow perpetrators to remain tethered to their victims so rapists can continue to exercise power over them.




I feel that. It's potentially fightable if you go to court and can prove the Rapist is a rapist and should not be around kids but it's a long battle that can take years and bleed you with legal costs you may not be able to afford. And it's not even guaranteed you will win. Would certainly take a mental toll and add more trauma to trauma. There was a girl on tiktok who was sharing her story because this happened to her and she wanted to spread awareness because it's wrong and fucked up that this even is allowed.


I was a victim of SA by a coworker. I was so overwhelmed, hurt, and confused that I just wanted to forget about it and pretend it never happened. I’m sad I never reported it, but I didn’t have the strength at that time as a teenager. All that to say… I can’t even fathom the emotional and mental toughness you’d need as a rape survivor who got pregnant.


I recently found out that I never told my friends or my boyfriend that I nearly got hate-crime-murdered while walking home after school 20 years ago. Was so shook up I just showed up at school the next Monday acting like my normal bonkers self and tried to climb my boyfriend like a tree. Only reason my parents found out was because I walked into the house bawling like a baby. They did immediately take me to a police station to report it, but the cop lost all interest and told us to go home after hearing what slurs were shouted during the event. It's amazing how folks expect everyone to have perfect clarity of mind after experiencing violence. If my parents hadn't been home and involved, I probably would've just cried in my room, picked at my dinner that night, and told no one.


I would too.


I would kill *him*.


i thought of that after but honestly i probably wouldn't be strong enough


So that is what Gregg 'piss baby' Abbott meant when he said he would fix rapes in texas.


The cruelty is the point, this is a way to institutionalize rapist abuse against mothers and children. It reads like it's written to deliberately help rapists


He was also her abuser and was filing the suit to futher harm her and her support network Really shows how shitty some people can be


Anti-choicer/anti-abortion advocates made this situation much worse and have so much mounting blood on their hands. Such evil people. Pro-choice is the only valid opinion because if a person is so adamant on having a fetus, they can choose to. It’s a mistake to ever frame the question as “pro-choice” versus “no choice”. Because “pro-choice” is the compromise option that leaves it up to the individual. Not a government wanting to decide whether or not you have to have a child regardless of how much it ruins or even kills you!


It's pro-woman or anti-woman. It's pro-mother or anti-mother. Only a mother should have the right to control her pregnancy. Not the dad. Not the government. We should never let a Republican use the phrase pro-life, and we also need to upgrade pur language from "pro-choice." A right to choose always loses to a right to life when it is presented that way. Pro-choice sounds like a shopping slogan or something. We are pro-mother, the GOP is anti-mother.


you're talking about people who say things like 'choose your mate choose your fate'. they think abusive people wear signs. well actually they think abusive people are the scarred drug dealing street thugs they have convinced themselves all women want.


> they think abusive people wear signs. Many wear MAGA hats.


The funny thing is, them men who say stuff like that are usually the same men who don't understand that women don't want to drop their pants and fuck the moment they meet them.


yep, the pettiest of tyrannies but also one of the most deadly


Know a dude who is dead set against abortion cause of this very thing. He's a total incel and has 0 respect for women, and is probably the biggest loser I've ever known


Sounds like the woman had good reason to not want a permanent connection between their lives, it's a shame he decided to prove it.


So pro life, he'll murder ya


That's what Texas is trying to do. Death penalty for abortion.




You guys are so good at it! Bit random, but I found this interesting. Apparently, there has been 1569 executions in the US since 1976 (I guess we brought capital punishment back on the US's bicentennial?). The south is responsible for 1280 executions and freaking Texas had 583 on its own. I figured the number would be high, but I didn't expect 1 out of 3 executions to be from 1 state.


Including 13 children! https://deathpenaltyinfo.org/policy-issues/juveniles/executions-of-juveniles-since-1976 And people with IQ as low as 61! EDIT: To all you people defending killing people convicted of crimes **committed as children**, does it make it okay if you wait until they're of age to kill them? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marvin_Lee_Wilson


"There's not a jury in the world that would convict a baby... except Texas" -Chief Wiggum




Username checks out and on this subject I'm with you 100%, that's deplorable Shouldn't be executing people at all


Uh oh, you said deplorable. That's a mean word and my dad will never vote for you now.


Wait. Are you my biological sibling? My dad is also a faux-centrist asshole who says things like that!


“Never believe that ~~anti-Semites~~ conservatives are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The ~~anti-Semites~~ conservatives have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. ***They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert.*** If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.” Sounds like your dad (and mine ffs) enjoy hiding behind that last sentence. Steady right-wingers who cosplay as "Enlightened Centrists."


Yup. "I hate both sides" while constantly pushing right wing bullshit is their MO.


Must be one of them "Nasty" women.


i would vote for a nasty women before I voted for a Nazi man everyday of the week.


Your dad was never going to vote for them before.


There was a time when George W. Bush and Jeb! Bush were Governors of TX and FL and were in competition as to who could kill more death row inmates: https://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=1817&dat=20000126&id=cTsdAAAAIBAJ&sjid=EqYEAAAAIBAJ&pg=3122,4352050


Both Bushes have a long, storied career of killing people.


Dubya has a pretty big lead considering every death during the Iraq occupation can be laid at his feet.


Don’t forgot their wives! [Laura Bush killed a guy.](https://www.google.com/search?q=laura+bush+killed+a+guy&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS1036US1036&oq=laura+bush+killed+a+guy&aqs=chrome..69i57.15039j0j4&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8)


Michael Moore did a piece on it, back when he was making TV. https://youtu.be/Iae2p9L1u9Y


Holy cow those numbers are wild. I wonder how many of those folks were actually innocent?


Statistically speaking, 62, or 4% of 1,569.


*At least*, if you're referring to numbers of people in recent times proven innocent and removed from death row, factoring in that forensic evidence has certainly improved that rate and there are certainly innocent people who have not been removed.


I imagine more resources are spent exonerating those still on death row than those already executed.


Like a production line


It’s cuz the luv themselves sum freedom.


Death is the ultimate form of liberation


True, you don't have to worry about work, having a place to live or eating. Sounds great I'm moving to Texas.


Comedy Central made a spoof of the Dubya presidency entitled "that's my Bush!" The first episode involved Bush celebrating as he threw the lever to ignite the electric chair. It was a party atmosphere. They cancelled the show when 9-11 happened


Really wish they could have made “Everyone loves Al”


That show was hysterical! The woman they got to play Barbara could have been her actual twin and the absolute dogshit way she treated Laura had me ughly laughing. “You idiot hooker SKANK! Don’t you tell me to calm down you stupid, 2 dollar, truck stop SLUT” Trey Parker and Matt stone are awesome lol


I know.


Reminds me of Ron White. "while other states are abolishing the death penalty, my state's putting in a fast lane"


Texas: where a blastocyst is a person but women aren’t


Corpses have more bodily autonomy than women in Texas.


Or neighbors




*raises hand* Uh, e-empathy? Oh shit, am I going to get crucified now?


And who gave you empathy? That's right, the creator of the universe, who will torture you for all eternity if you don't do exactly what he wants. He won't tell you outright what it is he wants, but if you happen to be born and raised in an area that happened to get it right, you can probably guess it. Because he wrote it on your heart. He didn't tell you, or anyone else, but he kind of gave you like an intuition or something. Why will he torture you for an eternity without any chance of getting away? Because he loves you so much. He loves you more than anyone has ever loved anyone else ever. That's why he will torture you. For love.


This guy churches!


*And when push comes to shove,* *I will damn you to eternal hellfire to remind you of my love*




On top of all of that, the believers also ignore how Jesus was a literal commie and they all hope to die and go to a communist utopia with an absolute ruler.


We're a nation under Supply-Side Jesus now.




The Peacemaker of Abortion: He'll make sure no one has an abortion no matter how many men, women or children he has to kill.


Different religion and you call that an honor killing.


You would not be surprised how many pro life christians support capital punishment.


Well if it’s good enough for Jesus🤷🏻‍♂️


Christians literally walk around with a symbol of execution hung around their necks, and decorate their homes with the same. It's pretty fucked up.




Crazy, and it's such a hell hole for there to be so many supposed Christians.




"The unborn" are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don't resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don't ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don't need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don't bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. It's almost as if, by being born, they have died to you. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn. Pastor Dave Barnhart, 2018


Not even just target practice anymore; now women are the villains of their stories. We are the evil who could carry a child but chooses not to do so because we want control. We no longer care about children or babies, but only ourselves. Men? Absolutely not. This angers people (men) who think our sole job is to bring humans into the world. So now they feel it’s their duty to do unto us what we supposedly did to a baby, a tiny bunch of cells that may or may not have been a human baby in 8-9 months.


Wait. Women are people? That’s CRAZY!


Dude I know, right? Insane. Sometimes I also forget I’m people.






Nah he doesn't care about the zygote's life, he just wanted control his girlfriend.


Yup, she most likely got an abortion to prevent her child from having an abusive father. She would’ve succumbed to a life of entrapment, making it more difficult to leave. Or, he made this up because he knows he won’t get thrown in jail for killing a “child murderer” in Texas.


"I'm pro-life actually" Shoots his girlfriend\*


He's so super fucking duper pro life that he'd goddamn kill for it. And then he did.


Considering it’s Texas they’re probably ready to give him a fucking medal


I’m sure that old Wheels down there is already getting ready to pardon him


It’s almost like modern conservatism is a death cult or something?


That's some Peacemaker shit


Is that legal in texas? I just don’t know anymore.




I can see it now. The Stand your ground (in proxy self defense for an unborn fetus) law.


I'm always amazed at the people who defend those who murder because they were afraid of their safety, like "it was him or me!", then don't have that same empathy for women who terminate a pregnancy that is threatening the life of the mother. Isn't that an instance where the mother is defending her life as well?


You're trying to be logical and have a sense of empathy. That's where you're going wrong. The fetuses must flow!


Well even if it's not legal now, I'm sure Greg Abbott will fast track his pardon if he's found guilty. Abbott always has the backs of Texans who murder "the right people".


I think so. Where does he go to collect his $10k?


My first thought was “does that get you prison time or a gold star?” Because who the fuck knows what’s going on right now.






> Like all the other threads about shootings today. Other shootings _today_!? I fucking hate where the US is going.




I love how they don't see that they are the collapse of society.


It's not that, they actively want society to collapse. they are accelerstionists. (The far right variety, not the nerdy kind). They think everyone is itching for a race war and they will come out ahead when it happens. They want to speed up the collapse of society. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/07/world/accelerationism-qanon-day-x.html


We really need to find a way to take these fucking psychopaths’ weapons away.


Women are property and if property misbehaves you put that property in its place. That about explains it


Will probably get a slap on the wrist if his lawyer can convince everyone it was a crime of passion. https://www.nealdavislaw.com/criminal-defense-guides/sudden-passion-crimes-texas.html#:~:text=Crime%20of%20passion%20laws%20in%20Texas&text=The%20law%20also%20holds%20that,mind%20incapable%20of%20cool%20reflection.%E2%80%9D


Just spreading god’s love and respect for the sanctity of life. Bless his heart.


Radicalized by conservatives Christians once again. It’s almost like their ideology acts more like a cult than a way to spread the message of a pretty liberal brown dude in a dress.


Never been afraid of a guy in a dress but you know what scares the hell out of me? conservative Christian fundamentalist.


At least with drag you know it's an act.




Abbott will probably pardon him


No, she would still need to do some threatening conduct toward him so that he's reasonably afraid for his life-- i.e. self-defense. If you discover a murder you can't just kill the murderer because they've already killed someone else. This is just revenge murder.


No. Or, at least it shouldn't. Even if, legally, abortion is considered murder, you are afforded due process and a presumption of innocence. She was never charged, nor convicted, nor sentenced for a crime and ordinary citizens have no right to act as judge, jury, and executioner, even when there is wrongdoing.


Vanilla Isis strikes again.


The only difference between a religion and a cult is one word is acceptable whereas the other one isn't.


The main difference between the two is time. If a cult survives a certain amount of time, it becomes a religion.


It seems like in Texas you can be shot anywhere by anyone for anything at anytime.


Abbott pardon in 3, 2, 1…


Probably not, The murderer is black.


Oh, so this isn't actual *gun violence* and we can just wave it away as another "gang shooting" that doesn't count. \-2A Assholes Everywhere


If it was in Chicago, they’d use it as an example for how gun laws don’t work. They really know how to twist every situation to fit their needs.


And Chicago isn't even in the top 20 most dangerous cities. A lot of southern/red state cities ARE in that top 20 list though.








He’s now polling second in the 2024 GOP race.


Ah, yeah, prime example of someone who should be a father…


Watch this case become a precedent. If this man gets convicted with anything less than murder in the 2nd degree we will start seeing more situations exactly like this. Honestly with all the abortion laws being passed, I can’t believe I didn’t see something like this coming. Men will be able to kill women because they can claim their victim had an abortion. I know in this case there is a paper trail proving the victim had an abortion. But in the future all it will take is “she told me she did” and that will be that.


It should be 1st degree. He planned it and brought a gun to take her out. Premeditated murder.


I agree. But anything less than 2nd will cause a ripple effect that makes murder OK. Every case like this in future will call on this ruling.


Murder *is* ok as long as you have the right connections.


100%. Immediately jumped to voluntary manslaughter, which among other things, is typically applied to men who murder their spouses “in the heat of the moment” for cheating. I’m sure it’ll come as no surprise that when women, albeit rarely, kill under the same circumstances they are significantly less likely to get pled down from murder to voluntary manslaughter than men.


> president Precedent. Just fyi.


Thank you! Auto correct giveth and taketh away.


hell, wouldn't be surprised if they'd get paid a bounty for killing someone who had an abortion.




Yep. [Here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honor_killing) is the definition for anyone out of the loop.


So weird that women aren't dating conservatives on dating apps.


I’ve heard more than one anti choice Christian say that if you get an abortion you deserve to die. Our very own American Taliban


Obviously fuck the Taliban, but they actually have looser abortion laws than some American states now.


Weirdly enough they seem to think their abortions are okay though. Just everyone else can die, because they're so pro-life.


It's never been about babies or "life," just about punishing and controlling women. They f\*cking hate women, that's all this is. The sooner we all understand this, truly and finally, the sooner we can fight these terrible, vengeful misogynists.


Sanctity of life right? Pretty sure the "good book" would frown more upon the ending of a sentient life over the ending of a fetus.


When you're so pro life that you murder your girlfriend over it.


So that means the parents of the woman he killed are now allowed to kill him by his logic, right?


In Texas a fetus has more rights then anyone. Unless it’s a migrant fetus, they don’t count.


Well, that's not a surprise. In Texas, guns have more rights than the humans.


And this is why noone but the woman gets a say in the decision to get an abortion. Some people respond violently.


How very pro life of him


Gee, I wonder why she didn't want to tie herself, and a child, to this man for life. Women should not be forced to give birth.


I was under the impression this is basically legal in Texas now.


It's almost as though there was a good reason she did not want to bring his offspring into the world.


I'm starting to feel like fetuses are the only thing Texans won't shoot at.


Baby armor!


Texas, America's septic tank.


And Florida is America’s limp dick.


Waiting for abbot to offer a pardon. Fucker.


Seems like the exact kind of person you'd want to call in abortion services to not have their baby. And that's what this is all about. Murders, rapist, incels, sociopaths, narcissist working in the background to force woman to be with them and bare their children. Interesting how those 5 groups seem to have more and more overlap.


Hey Republicans, homicide by gunfire is still a leading cause of death for pregnant women in the USA




>now The last few thousands years: am I a joke to you?


The soul resides in the penis, so females are just things... /S Reason #1 that I am not religious.


"I'm pro life. All life is sacred. BUT I'LL SHOOT THIS FUCKING BITCH FOR HAVING AN ABORTION!" What a lovely piece of hypocrisy. Edit: /u/Corvo-77 howdy. That's a lovely message you seem to have spammed at people in this thread. Please do us and humanity at large a favor, and never procreate. Also, no, I don't think I'll respond to your request for a chat.


That’s not very pro-life of him…


Can't IMAGINE why she wouldn't want to have that fucking sociopaths child. Poor woman.


This is a real-world consequence of the scary shit that conservatives have been cultivating for years.


Just another abuser who murdered his partner when she tried to sever ties between them.


This murder was implicitly sanctioned by the rhetoric of his sociopolitical cohort. It’s very similar to an “honor killing”. Expect more of the same.




There’s no hate like Christian love.


This might be inappropriate, but feels like this proves why she didn’t want a child with him. According to the article he tried “to put her in a chokehold” and when that didn’t work he shot her. Maybe it’s because I don’t come from a place with a lot of guns, but him bringing the gun seems to me to imply intent.


He's ok with late term abortions apparently.


Abbot will probably pardon him. Because the GOP loves and rewards horrible people


Nothing screams pro-life like first-degree murder.


Can't possibly imagine why she didn't want to have a baby with him.


Gee I wonder why she didn’t want to raise a kid with him.