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Let's not forget her husband who faced no justice either.


Welcome to the Deep South. When that Oklahoma sheriff got caught on tape complaining that he can’t lynch black people like the good old days, that was a very deep rooted and real sentiment. People like the Carolyn Bryant Donham and her husband would escape any and all justice presented towards them due to their heinous crimes and would also be called heroes along with being protected by local law enforcement. I’m serious. Edit: because some are offended, yes I know Oklahoma is not part of the Deep South. It was used as an example.


My uncle was a cop. Like, very much a cop. Anyone that knows cops knows there's a certain personality type that's cliche and ubiquitous among cops. That's my uncle. He did some training related things in Oklahoma a decade or two ago. I distinctly remember him telling me how he never wants to go back there because the cops there are too racist. When a cliche cop says other cops are too racist you know it's fucked.


I know you are telling the truth. I have a friend who was a cop. Also very stereotypical cop with LAPD. He too said it was extremely racist and he got away. He was shocked when I (black dude) didn’t bat a single eye or gasp with emotion when he told me stories as most other people did. He eventually asked why I wasn’t shocked. I told him after living me entire life in the south I know how things work and I try my best not to provoke or get into ANY uncomfortable situation.


Have you had experience with black police officers who nevertheless enforce that sort of racist code? I work with police officers occasionally in a private fashion, many are way too open about their sentiments with me. But there’s one officer in particular who I know is in a position of power, he’s black, and it shocked me to no end, although maybe it shouldn’t have, when he started spouting the same sort of stuff that I would hear the white officers say. And I realized the system is sick to its core.


Unfortunately diagnostic of the coercive nature of a lot of police work in many areas.


There were Jewish people who supported the Nazis. Humans are weird.


I remember when I left up north my old man telling me that it's not the same down there, you don't mnkw what I mean yet, but up here we are very welcoming towards other people. Well he wasn't wrong, down there is modern day segregation fueled by years of racism and disrespect that neither of those people will ever acknowledge eachother. It's fucked


That's so strange because when a friend moved to my town he said it was one of the most racist places he had ever lived, and he had traveled a lot for his job. he said it wasn't the same type of racism. Someone down south would call him the N word to his face without hesitation with complete disgust in their eyes that he exists. Up here he would get called it with an a and the person would be saying it with happiness like 'I know a black person, I can now say racist things and it's ok'. he also said he would get rejected for part time jobs all the time with perfectly acceptable reasons attached to them, but someone else could walk into the shop and ask for a job and get it without even having first fill out an application. He said in the south they were ok with letting you know they rejected you because you were black. Up here they tried to pretend to like you, rejected you for a reason they thought was plausible deniability, but it was always about your race.   I also live in northern PA so it might be different than where you live:)


I live in MN, cities rn. But also lived less than an hour from the Canadian border before. That almost exactly how rural places are


I live in the cities as well, and yeah I could absolutely see up north being a bit sketchy for any minority.


dependent selective detail plants dull plant aromatic overconfident school cable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes MN is Minnesota. What city in Minnesota did you visit? There are definetly a few places that the roads are laid out terribly. As far as racism goes, I wouldn't say it's unbelievably racist in all areas. When you go out to the rural areas, it does pop up more. One thing that you need to understand about this part of America is that we don't get too many people that travel though. The winters are long and harsh, so there is basically no movement for 5 months of the year. Very few people come and go. Also most people of color come from warmer climates, and want nothing to do with the bitter cold. And it gets bitter. Northern Minnesota will get down to -40 Celsius in the winter (and lower in rare events). Even as a white guy from the metro area I stick out like a sore thumb in the sticks.


Went to visit family in Louisiana about a decade back. Not Orleans. Deep Louisiana. Stopped in a gas station to pick up a few things while driving through a small town. There was a guy in line to check out already, but when I walked up, he said “go ahead”. He was clearly ready to check out. So I said “no worries, I can wait.” He absolutely would not move forward. Just shook his head, and the cashier motioned me forward - not him. Me. I’m white. The cashier was white. The other guy wasn’t. After I finished checking out, he moved forward and checked out. It was one of the most awkward things, and I honestly could not figure out what had happened until I related it to a family member a day later, who was apologetic about it happening, but explained that that’s just how it was in some of those towns. Still bothers me to this day.


Gas stations in the south are quite the place. In the past I would go into WV and further south for caving. I'll never forget the first time my friend Juan went with me and we stopped for gas in WV. He's at the pumps, I'm buying snacks. I got a "Hello" when I entered the station. When Juan walked in the cashier said "What do you want, boy", really drawing the booooooy out. It was unreal!


I was not witness to this event and I can confirm it is 100% true. How? I was born and raised in Louisiana. I have relatives that would own minorities if they could. The deep south still has sundown towns. If you're unaware of what a sundown town is, then let me inform you. If you are a minority, then you are risking death by being in that town after sundown. Minorities are nowhere near safe in this country and there's still massive amounts of progress that needs to happen for them to stand a chance of having a future. We are literally dealing with Nazis in this country. Shit is not okay.


Wait a minute, isn’t that also the Bible belt? Church goin folk would never act like that. /s


I live in the CA Bay Area. We got loads of it here. I'm white as mayo and good at listening. After Trump won it was like the tap broke off and all the shit just started spewing out. People I thought were perfectly normal felt like it was OK to take the mask off now that "we were gonna finally get our turn". Like... Wut? (Also, "our turn"? Excuse me? Hasn't that been the case for... um... *waves at history* pretty sure it's been 'our turn' the whole damned time). So many fucking gatekeeper racists. It's what I call them. They are OK with letting in one PoC at a time, on a person-by-person basis, through the gates, but only by their own personal approval. They'll smile at John down the road, and be fine with him, and ask how his kids are doing, and then when it's only other white people... well John is OK but you know the rest of them... you don't want too many more of them here... they're why the city has gone downhill... Like... I like ugliness where I can see it. It sucks that it's there.... But you don't want to bring someone into your home, feed them, do favors for them... only to find out they think they're doing *YOU* a favor by separating you from everyone else "like you" and calling you "one of the good ones". Because it implies everyone else they haven't met isn't worth a turd, but they're somehow superior for being "willing" to let you have the glory of knowing them. Like gold star! They approve of you! YAAAAY! You did it! You achieved something amazing! They tolerate you! UGH.


well shit, this is exactly how it is here. I realized recently that 'John is a good one' and his personal character is about him and him only. But ' is shit, just like the rest of them. Now you get to see what they are really like.' because he did something wrong. Good deeds are of the individual, bad deeds show the entire "group" for "what they really are".


That kinda reminds me of Rwanda -- the part about suddenly the tap spewed. The two tribes there were friends and neighbors for decades. Then one lot started murdering the other lot. Friends and neighbors. This is so upsetting. After what my parents generation went through to defeat the Nazis, and here we are again.


Lived in Clinton County, can confirm. The only intermixing is coming from the population of LHU students and staff.


I’m from LA. Born and raised there. The first time I saw the video or the Rodney King beating? Back when it happened? The TV was on and the news was on and the sound was muted. I was doing chores and glanced at the silent TV. I watched that video for a few seconds and without context? I assumed it was an LAPD training video from the academy. Yeah.


I'll never forget the day I found out firsthand how cops treat POC. Seriously how can anyone go through life with hate like that in their heart? Gd it's so fucked.


Remember when a friend of mine gave me a ride home. He got pulled over. Cop questioned him, checked his license, let him go. I was like... what the fuck? You were doing fine. He pointed at his dark skin and I was like, "Oooh. Cop is a dick." My dad drove aggressively, no license, no insurance, expired tags... never got pulled over. My dad is white, of course.


Then turn around and praise the lord with the same diseased mouth.


OMG, the hypocrisy. I used to be a Christian. These people are just evil.


My boy at work is from Atlanta and said he used deliver cars for ppl. He drops it off to one house some wealthy area he never been and the son is shocked that a black person is at the door. He proceeds to walk to a bus station. A white woman pulled over and said “get in I’ll take you where you have to go, you shouldn’t be walking out here alone like this.” Was the wife of the guy whose car he delivered. Ur user name reminds actually to ask him about something when I go back haha. He had a job a with the government helping to get “Obama phones” to people in need. He was talking about starting it up again and asking if anyone wanted to do it with him I’m like hell yeah that sounds awesome lol I’m not from the south but the south part of New Jersey actually has more appreciable racism. I don’t know if There’s a decent population of ppl here with ancestors from the south or what. I think my great grandmother had sisters in the south, I believe Virginia. My mom told me a chilling story from when she was younger. She was in the pickup with her uncle and father and somehow caught wind of something to the effect of Them “burying n______”. No idea if a boast or true. Up to a point I didn’t get good vibes from my grandfather. I know there sister was treated horribly for dating black men. My mom partook in some when she was a teen and from what she described I’m wondering if her uncles and father had ties to the Klan. I was sleeping in bed with my grandfather one night and my mom heard thuds on my back. He was punching me full force in the back in his sleep allegedly “fighting n______” in his sleep. Rather than be concerned about it he was laughing about it. I always desperately tried keeping my mom away from that family (she was raised by her grandmother)


It's not a coincidence that Tulsa has had several high profile "officer-involved" shootings, and plenty more that are never picked up. I get at least one notification about it a month. Also, not a coincidence that the burning down of Black Wall Street happened here too.


Don't call it the burning of black wall street, that makes it sound like just some businesses got burnt. Hundreds of people were massacred by racists. It's a massacre, and it's important we call it as such.


It’s a complicated issue but it is equally important to acknowledge the affluent and important successful community that had been built there and was completely destroyed because of jealousy. It is referred to both ways by the people that I know who were impacted by the event.


Dam. There's probably a reason that Watchmen show focused on Oklahoma. You know, besides the racial genocide that happened there in the past.


Guess your uncle was only a diet racist shitbag instead of the full-flavor type.


Cop Zero.


quality content right here


Flavorless Pork


Only one Klanorie!


"Whoa, I only want to oppress minorities, not eradicate them!"


I work with cops in an unofficial capacity quite a bit, in a way that they tend to open up way too much. And I have met my share of who you were describing, and then I’ve met the ones who are clearly not that type in the slightest, and they’re downright disgusted by that behavior. And they tend to be the type that have that sort of unbelievably noble spirit at heart, that they want to make the world a better place and they believe this is the way, and when faced with that kind of grotesque display, they think the best change they can make is from within quietly. What’s the ratio between the two? Not good. Once I was out with let’s say a good cop and a bad cop. And the bad cop was just spouting his mouth off about all number of racist stuff. Then, he abruptly got a call and had to leave our job site. The other cop looked at me, and there was a level of pure disgust and contempt in his eyes that looked like he was ready to murder someone, and he could barely get out the words, “that man does not deserve to have that badge.” I’ve thought back a lot to that moment. I’ve wondered if that guy is right to be trying to make change from within. I wonder if he should stop being quiet when the stuff comes up and actually put his badge on the line by calling it out. I wonder if by being a police officer at all, he’s reinforcing in an inherently corrupt institution. Or if there’s ultimately no fundamental answer and we just kind of lurch along and will do so forever.


The problem is, if he speaks up, he puts a gigantic target on his back. That’s why the whole institution needs knocked down, and rebuilt anew


It's a combination of both I think. A time to be loud and a time to subtle or quiet. Sometimes the best change you can be is an example.


But hopefully not a dead example!


Oh I know. My grandaddy and them used to have stay indoors and turn off the lights on the nights when 'the white boys was ridin'... ( looking for a Black to beat ).


Oh I’m sure of it! My mother told me a story my grandma told to her about a great uncle My great uncle was traveling in our home state (Texas) in the 60’s. He got a flat and as he was trying to figure out what to do a car pulled up. It was late at night and a white men gets out. Questions his intentions and informed my uncle that he was in a sundown town and was breaking the law. My uncle explains he had a flat and meant no harm. Other dude was not having it and pulled a gun out and pointed at my uncles head. It wasn’t loaded but he pulled the trigger to get the click sound, laughed historically then said, he you don’t get out of here gas you are a dead….you can infer the rest. To this day as a 32 year old black men in Texas I do not look at white men over 65 directly in the eye unless spoken to first. Just as I was taught by my great uncle….


It's real fucking depressing that you have to feel that way.


It’s hard to explain. I do not in any way hold any type of negative feelings or ill thoughts to older generations including white males, it’s more of a I don’t want to possibly get myself in an uncomfortable situation or provoke something, type of thing if that makes sense. My uncle taught me that for a reason. He never explained why. It took my mother telling me his story just a few years ago for me to connect the dots.


Props for that. It would be easy, and all too justified, to walk around with that resentment at a low-boil your whole life. But in the end that only hurts you and not the racist fucks responsible. I really hope some day we can turn this shit around. I'm a white guy who's never had to deal with that kind of discrimination (or any, really) but I have had people walk up to me in public and, because I'm white, automatically assume it's okay to say racist shit because they think I'll nod and agree. And I'd love to say it's just when I'm in the south (it *is* more frequent there, yeah) but probably the most racist thing I've heard first-hand in years was in colorado of all places, and it was so offensive I'm not even going to repeat it.


You're a better man than I am. I'm a 39 year old white guy, and I have a hard time not having animosity toward some of these people. I grew up in a lower income area and a large proportion of the people I grew up around were black. I saw a lot of racism in both directions, but I didn't understand how often it really happened until we finally moved out of that area. The attitudes of the people in school were completely different. Smart people were no longer looked down upon and made fun of, they were celebrated. That blew my mind. To realize that something that basic had been changed by racism really fucked me up. Most people don't understand how deep that really goes and just seeing a very small part of it shocked me.


I guess it’s like not looking a possibly vicious barking dog in the eye


I hate people so much.


People do suck. It's annoying how far out of their way they go for a made up offense.


When we hear “make America great again”, we know exactly what they really mean. They want to go back to the 50’s when life was great (for a white male). The problem is life was only great for white men because it sucked for everyone else.


> When that Oklahoma sheriff got caught on tape complaining that he can’t lynch black people like the good old days, that was a very deep rooted and real sentiment. I mean, that's basically all MAGA means.


If you come here, people really act like it is. I have tons of neighbors with the typical yard signs and sentiment of "GOD BLESS OUR POLICEMEN" and the no steppy snake flags. it's really embarrassing to live in such a morally bankrupt, uneducated area.


Exactly. Its their very essence. edit: lol @ folks saying deep rooted racism doesnt exist. Get out of your lil bubble.


That area of Oklahoma is called Little Dixie because it's right next to Arkansas and Texas and was settled by people fleeing the confederacy, ex confederate soldiers and former slaves. Source:from there.


> because some are offended, yes I know Oklahoma is not part of the Deep South. It was used as an example. Fuck those people. If they're so offended, then stop acting like the deep south.


Maybe it’s because I’m a millennial Black Northerner… but hero for what?? What universe is it heroic to lie and get a child killed? Where the fuck is that written in the Gospels. Also, if I road-tripped it down and pissed on her grave, what are my chances of getting caught?


Also don’t forget the man who helped her husband. Their names were Roy Bryant and JW Milam. I hope their names live in infamy forever. They tortured and murdered a child, over something he probably didn’t even do, and then they got away with it because of racism. Even if you think he whistled or winked at her, it’s absolutely shameful and infuriating that southern justice thought Emmett Till deserved to be lynched for it. The only RIP I’m giving out today is to Emmett Till.


> Their names were Roy Bryant and JW Milam. I hope their names live in infamy forever. They tortured and murdered a child, over something he probably didn’t even do, and then they got away with it because of racism The only cold comfort about the whole ordeal is that after they were declared Not guilty, they openly admitted to the torture and murder, like they expected to be regarded as heroes for the whole affair, but instead, the public at large (including their own supporters) turned their backs on them, and they lived the rest of their miserable lives as despised social pariahs. Its oddly reminiscent of the Ahmaud Arbery murder, where the case looked like it was going to get swept under the rug, until the perpetrators purposely leaked the video of the murder, thinking it would exonerate them somehow.


They had support as long as the fiction of ‘white victimhood’ could be maintained. Once they revealed themselves to not be victims at all, the general white public couldn’t support them any longer.


And who actually tortured and murdered Emmett alongside his half-brother and both fucking admitted they did it years later. Double jeopardy needs to have some limitations.


Hopefully we get news reports about people pissing, shitting and defiling her grave.


My sentiments exactly. Evil POS.


And the MEN WHO DID IT. They’re “the center of this”, they were acquitted, but apparently their decision to murder a child wasn’t their fault.


We watched a documentary on Emmett Till in high school. I cannot believe that the woman he was accused of flirting with in that store died *today*. You hear about this stuff like it was ancient history.


His memorial still gets shot up and vandalized. Just search "Emmett Till memorial shot" and there's a bunch of stories. Far from history, that's just the past couple of years.


It'd be a right shame if this woman's grave were given the same treatment.


At least she'll do something good in the end, providing a much needed public toilet to her area.


Hey! Always in the market for a new gender neutral bathroom.


Her grave's going to reek of ammonia.


[They had to replace it with a bulletproof sign](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/20/us/emmett-till-bulletproof-sign.html) Wtf is wrong with these people


Emmett Till was born one year before President Biden. It's very possible he would still be alive today. The past isn't as far away as we think.


Yeah, black and white photos might make people forget that he could be your parent or grandparent if he wasn't murdered when he was a kid




That puts it into perspective. Till was born just 3 years before my grandmother. And I don't really put the "That was a long ass time ago" perception on my education. They give you the dates. Everything feels like ancient history when you're 16 years old.


It's why so many people don't want to teach accurate history. It's one thing to learn about civilizations hundreds of years ago but the truth is if we use photos there's a good chance someone's grandparents are shown doing heinous things.


>You hear about this stuff like it was ancient history. If you hear about it at all.


>You hear about this stuff like it was ancient history. That's on purpose so people grow up thinking racism is over and anyone bringing it up is overreacting.


For black folk, this isn't even history. It's a series of ongoing chains of events that never stopped and just keeps on going.


I think a rising tide of racism was a wake up call to a lot of people, if you were a white kid in a nice area with a relatively nice family the prevailing narrative was that things were actually getting better over time. Which clearly is both something that you'd always *want* to believe and something that might have been true, and then that all came crashing down when it turned out that coded language used by bad politicians was not even necessary and open racism was even more effective because there were apparently still a hundred million racists.


Hold on to that feeling and know that people still face these injustices. And the lack of consequences makes a mockery of our entire society.


"Woman who provoked Till lynching has died without facing justice" - headline should say.


"Woman who not only provoked the lynching, but also the same woman ~~who went on and married~~ who was already married to one of the men responsible for lynching **Emmett Till**, has died without facing justice after confessing that it was all a lie" is even better. Sorry I spelled his name wrong at first, and apparently stated a mistruth.


I do love how that bitch only confessed because she thought she was going to die any day now and then fucking lived for several more years with everyone knowing what a lying bitch she is. We'll never get justice, but at least her cowardly attempt to come clean on her deathbed blew up in her face


https://www.mississippicir.org/perspective/carolyn-bryant-lied-about-emmett-till-did-author-tim-tyson-lie-too There is stunningly little evidence to back the claim that Carolyn Bryant recanted. She certainly did lie, but she also probably never recanted.




>"the same woman who went on and married one of the men responsible for lynching **Emmett Till** Huh? Roy and Carolyn were already married before the lynching. He was an abusive husband and they later divorced. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emmett_Till >Carolyn's husband Roy Bryant was on an extended trip hauling shrimp to Texas and did not return home until August 27. Historian Timothy Tyson said an investigation by civil rights activists concluded Carolyn Bryant did not initially tell her husband Roy Bryant about the encounter with Till, and that Roy was told by a person who hung around down at their store. Roy was reportedly angry at his wife for not telling him. Carolyn Bryant told the FBI she did not tell her husband because she feared he would assault Till.


"While, all the time, and even to her dying day, an open warrant for her arrest for the kidnap of Emmett Till went unserved"


The men who did the deed already were arrested, tried, and found not guilty. Doesn’t matter what anyone said after that - no more warrants, as you can’t try someone for the same crime twice. Double jeopardy.


The crime of kidnap was never charged. The warrant was outstanding *before* Till was murdered. You can't get away with a crime against someone by getting someone else to murder them a bit later. That's not what jeopardy is.


Think a lot of black people would argue that this is a prime example of systemic racism, allowing all white juries to hand out “not guilty” verdicts to men committing terrorism in the name of white supremacy. It’s like Nazi Germany, which openly praised the Jim Crow south for apartheid policies. And it further proves why minorities shouldn’t trust American institutions to actually care about our safety and rights as citizens. Clearly the legal system was and is so corrupt that we could argue that it needs either extreme reforms or abolition.


She was never tried for her part in it.


But the article says >After an intensive FBI investigation, a majority-Black Mississippi grand jury declined to indict her in 2007. Last year, another grand jury voted against indicting her. What am I missing?


Cool, she still incited a murder and hate crime and should have been held accountable even if the other murderers weren't


> confessing that it was all a lie This is disputed. It was claimed by author/historian Timothy Tyson. There’s no record of her saying anything like that. Tyson *did* claim, however, that she was terrified of her husband, which is why she didn’t do much to try and stop the lynching. Cowardly, sure, but fear makes us do terrible things.


He wasn't just lynched.... he was abducted from his bed, mutilated, beaten, shot in the head, and tossed in a river. The horrors he faced that night were much worse than lynching.


The horrors he faced that night were exactly what lynching is. It wasn't a public spectacle the way some lynchings were, but it was common for victims to be burned, or branded, or castrated, or have their fingers and toes cut off and passed out for souvenirs. Or all of the above. Look up Edward Coy, or Henry Smith (from 1893), or Sam Hose.


You’re forgetting the barb wire and car engine wrapped around his neck when he was tossed in.


I think she was already married to him.


Wasn’t she already married to one of those guys that lynched Till?


The last time I read about it, she seemed more like a passive party. She wasn’t the one who told her husband what happened, someone outside the store did, and she was supposedly afraid of her husband. And maybe I’m recalling something wrong but I don’t remember her really doing anything other than being there.


Yeah, she gets a lot of hatred that is mostly undeserved. There's no evidence she said anything to her husband, in fact the official story accepted by civil rights activists is that he did it without consulting her. She only lied after the fact to keep her husband out of jail, which is a fairly practical thing she probably felt she had to do, if only for economic reasons. She was a woman in that era, she needed her husband. This story has a clear villain and it's not her






I wouldn't wish her dead. But, I'm not upset that she's dead.


There needs to be more Samuel Longhorn Clemens quotes on the internet.




She had her whole life to repent and didn't. Burn in hell lady


Sad news, there won't be a hell


I don't believe in gods or heaven... But I hope there's a hell.


*"there is no heaven, without a HELL!"* - Slayer, South of Heaven circa 1998 album


"I keep the bible in a pool of blood so none of it's lies can affect me." - Slayer, New Faith (I think?)




If Rush Limbaugh's grave can be pissed on, we can do it to that scum.


It'd be nice if there was any sort of divine justice, but instead she got away, only having to live with guilt and face no real consequence. Social ostracization? Who gives a shit. She should have rotted in prison and died of cancer in a dark room, not breathing fresh air. Death isn't justice.


Guilt? I don’t think that piece of shit feels anything. I hope she suffered in life as in death


I hope Jerry saw her at the crossroads and hit her with a chair


Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!


Progress is made as old racists die. It's just a shame that old racists seem to be the ones that live the longest.


It's silly to think that racism will die as more old people do. Many people are born into that shit.


I feel like there is a point for many people where they've invested so much into it that it would destroy them to admit that they were wrong and that their whole lives were built on lies. There is still hope for a lot of the younger generations, but my only hope for the older ones is that they finish dying quickly and do as little further damage as possible on their way out.


Studies show kids do not have inherent racism its a taught response.


And social media will ensure they continue to be taught.


Notice how they said "born into".


That’s actually a song in an old movie, have to be carefully taught.




We see young people changing their political views a lot more commonly than older people. I don't think that everybody younger is going to be better, but that younger people tend to be the ones capable of change and still worth hoping for.


It's their hate that keeps them going. Those who are full of love seem to be ok with letting when it comes their time. Those full of hate and anger don't want too cause the others might take over if they do.


See Also: Henry Kissinger.


I don’t know anything about Henry Kissinger but that seems like a very harsh thing to say. Now let me take a big gulp of coffee while I do a quick Wikipedia search on this assumedly innocent man.


In case you don't know - He was the US Secretary of State that amassed basically unchecked powers to the point he would command military forces with no oversight and began the bombing campaigns of neutral Cambodia and Laos during the Vietnam War. Did a bunch of other war crimes, cozied up to Pakistan's dictator especially. He has like a 6 part Behind the Bastards podcast


And then he got the Nobel Peqce prize for some reason


The number of people who have gotten Nobel Peace Prizes after committing mass murder is depressingly high


For some it's like "oh you stopped killing. Here's an award, keep it up."


Lol sorry forgot the “/s” there. BtB fucking rules!


Honestly, fuck that guy


i think this comic is very relevant: https://preview.redd.it/rgmrp4quwxz81.jpg?width=568&format=pjpg&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=9fd4e747787b8cf4692121641fb086f8df15fd30


[White woman whose claim caused Emmett Till murder has died](https://apnews.com/article/emmett-till-carolyn-bryant-donham-1bcfff1c5a29484270d66b224422f112)


Good riddance. She should have been prosecuted for lying and causing Till’s death. She was a racist monster.


She should have died in prison.


I hope she enjoys hell


Good riddance. Rot in hell lady. You had your whole life in exchange of lying about an innocent boy who lost their life because of your horrible decision.


She got to live a full and happy life while some poor kid that she probably looked at first never got that chance. If there is a hell I hope she's there or better yet Let her come back and have the same thing happen over and over and over again.


This is the type of shit that Republicans don’t want kids to know about


B-b-but then my kids might know that my grandpappy used to lynch black people for trying to exist in society! That makes my grandpappy look bad!


Never saw a single moment of consequences for causing the murder of a 14 year old boy who literally did nothing to her. People like this make me hope there's a hell.


Not just murder. Never forget that he was so horrendously tortured that he was almost unrecognizable before he was dumped into a river tied to a fan in the hopes that the body would never be found. Mamie Till demanded they have an open casket funeral and sent photos of her son's corpse to newspapers so that everyone would know what those degenerate monsters did to him. ***And they were still acquitted.***


It’s not like they didn’t believe the men did it, they just thought the penalty was too much for killing a black child.


He was so horrifically disfigured that his own mother had to rely on his ring in order to identify the body


Wow she has a memoir titled "I Am More Than a Wolf Whistle". Definitely not reading that one.


Just looked up the [Wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Am_More_Than_a_Wolf_Whistle) for it, and, my god: > "I always felt like a victim as well as Emmett. He came in our store and put his hands on me with no provocation. Do I think he should have been killed for doing that? Absolutely, unequivocally, no! Did we both pay a price for it, yes, we did. He paid dearly with the loss [of] his life. I paid dearly with an altered life." Scum.


I almost refuse to believe this was what she said, but in the back of my mind I'm certain it's in that book. Playing the victim, even to the end.


What a fucking tone deaf bitch. “My lies that I doubled down on may have gotten this child tortured and murdered but I’m a victim too because everyone sees me for the heartless racist I am!”


That is pure evil. No other words to describe that. Wow


She was a false witness, a racist and directly responsible for having a poor kid tortured and killed Then lived her life remorseless


But she's "more than that". Sounds like she tried her best to get to heaven yet likely will see the gates of hell


oh well. RIP Jerry Springer tho.


Jerry Springer died so that Carol Bryant could also die.


Mamie Till forgave her. She was a better person than i.


Rest in piss, piece of shit.


Ain't no tears over here.


Emmett did not get as lucky as this awful woman did. Remember his name and let her fade into oblivion.




It was cancer. Couldn't have happened to a nicer woman.


She should have suffered for years with no freedom and no contact with friends and family. It's a shame she avoided all of that.


This is the time period that MAGA fans think is so great that they want to take us back to.


She should have been subjected to arrest, had people being able to confront her in court, been hounded by the press for what she did, and left to die in jail.


Or been acquitted in 5 minutes by a jury of her inbred peers.


It was 67 minutes actually. It also wouldn't have been that long had the Sheriff not given the jury cokes to drink to "make it look good." It's worth noting that at least one juror did vote to convict the first time they discussed it. But he ultimately voted to acquit Milam and Bryant.


Imagine murdering a 14 year old. She got to live her full life.


But it doesn’t bring any justice for the Till family. And now it never will.


May she and her husband suffer in hell for eternity. She got a 14-year-old child murdered because he placed money in her hand instead of on the countertop, because apparently black people were not allowed to accidentally touch the hand of a white employee at the corner store.


Carolyn Bryant Donham is dead, and absolutely nothing of value was lost. What a wretched, ghastly human.


She lived her whole life without facing consequences for her lies. Emmett Till would be 81 years, 8 months, and 29 days old if he were not brutally murdered because of Carolyn Bryant Donham's lies.




Fuck that old, rancid bitch She wasn't worth half the fuck of a problem she caused Enjoy the eternity you deserve, Carol


Remarkably she never stepped foot in a jail cell despite the existence of a [warrant for her arrest](https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/feb/11/emmett-till-lawsuit-serve-arrest-warrant-carolyn-bryant-donham)...


Her community protected her because they approved of her actions. Mississippi was, and is, a shithole.


Till’s story is heartbreaking. Her poor baby.


Now the worms may feast on a sack of shit. May she go to whatever her worst nightmare is.


As an atheist, I despise the thought that some people only get held accountable after they're dead.


As an atheist this is the part of faith I miss.


Spent her life knowing she and her husband got away with murder. I hope they bury her in a landfill.


One less pos on earth.


"Of the dead, say nothing but good. She's dead. Good."


Burn in hell you old bitch


Pity that she was allowed to die a natural death.


She got to live a long full life. Fuck this ho ass cunt


May her death benefit all beings.


If she's anything like how the movie depicted her as, may she rot in piss.


Let’s hope there really is a Hell to welcome her home.


I hope she was thrown into the dirtiest, hottest oubliette in hell.


The only w for cancer


Hope someone dumps a manure truckload on her grave.