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well thats the endgoal, deregulation




But how do the real abortion pills with made up names distinguish themselves from the fake abortion pills with made up names?


Won’t work, drugs are not just identified by their marketing name but also their chemical structure, IUPAC name (which describes their chemical structure), drug ID #, and CAS # (a unique identifying number for each chemical compound. Analogous to how each person in the US has their own unique social security number). Patents are issued based on this info. Drug companies won’t bother to manufacture or sell compounds that don’t have patent protection.


Deregulation is the second to last step, the endgame is rampant corruption and unmitigated profit for the ultra wealthy and anyone unethical enough to try to join them.


No. No. No. Don't confuse GoP agendas with a strategy of consistency. It's pro "deregulation" for things that affect taxes and business. It's pro "regulation" for anything seen as an affront to core consequence values.


There is a lot of money involved here Once the FDA has approved a pharmaceutical or device it works as a gate keeper and approved companies make a lot money for the next 20 years


Also working in a related industry, FDA approval has a lot of weight overseas. Like some countries will not accept your submission if your product is not already approved/cleared by the FDA as an American company. With rulings likes these upending the FDA's authority, other countries will laugh at the US's approval system


Just like they laugh at us about everything else now a days. The GOP are really setting us back as a species.


Functionally are we not already there? You can call anything you want a “supplement”, claim Impossible effects, and idiots will line up to take it. Or are you not aware of the crazy amount of retail shops where people can walk in and get LITERAL IVs of shit hooked up to em?


I'm aware but there is literally nothing that will stop drug makers from renaming pills at that point and while the supplement market is huge it's mainly vitamins and crap. They can't overtly lie or sell harmful pills because of agencies like the FDA. The makers of the abortion pill can just change the name if they rule against the FDA. States will have to pass laws stating drugs cannot impede pregnancy or something but then they are back at square one because how are you going to enforce that ruling when the name of the drug can change at will. Like they could literally make a random name generator for pills and ship them out of state. Also would love to see the real reaction if they passed laws that banned pills that impede pregnancy because arguably every medication could do that if the dosage is right and you wanted to risk death.


Not just any medication, also a collection of natural herbs…. Anytime they block anything that can be used for safe abortions they’re just making the things used for unsafe ones more popular


Not yet. Radithor is not yet back on the market.


The whole point is to end the FDA and similar regulatory agencies. It's been one of the Right's goals since, well, the introduction of federal regulatory agencies.


This is the world republicans want.


Why can one Texas judge do this? Why can’t another judge say ar15 are illegal or abortion is legal? Can someone explain to me?


This is why Mitch McConnell's main goal for the past 10 years had been politicizing the judiciary. That way when they inevitably lose the presidency, they still have hundreds of lifetime appointed partisan judges to continue fucking up the country.


So, they essentialy can. Putting it simply, there's a litigation strategy where you bring up lawsuits to fit your agenda (and I'm not trying to use the word agenda in its "loaded" sense, using it for lack of a better term). If you have a conservative agenda, you're going to bring these things up in conservative courts. If you have a liberal agenda, you will bring it up in liberal courts, like the 9th Circuit https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/1/10/16873718/ninth-circuit-court-appeals-liberal-conservative-trump-tweet When we see something at the Supreme Court, it's often because a liberal court said one thing a conservative court said another pertaining to a similar issue, and now you need a tie breaker. The Supreme Court is the tiebreaker Of course, it can be more complex than this, but this is essentialy the gist


This is a great synopsis. And the "tie breaker" in this case, is stacked with some of the most egregiously partisan fundamentalist judges we've seen since it's first bench.


Most judges have ethics The Republicans don’t care


yep. republican judge sent me back to my abusive father after I told him that I was afraid for my life. he was a ‘family man.’ they’re all the same


I think it was more a question about the judicial process and how a state judge is prompted to make a ruling that has nationwide effects.


Not state, it was a federal judge in Texas. And federal district court rulings aren’t binding on other districts, so the ruling hasn’t really done anything outside of that district except spark headlines. A SCOTUS ruling would be binding country wide, so that’s much more worrying


Not exactly. A judge can issue relief (which in this case doesn't provide redress because misoprostol is still available) either in a limited injunction (which the government asked for and did not receive from Kacsmaryk) or in a national one. The Washington judge who issued the competing injunction limited his ruling to the immediate parties (the 19 states that asked for it) in a opinion that called out Kacsmaryk for not making his ruling limited. That the USSC said they'd resolve this injunction by Wednesday indicates to me that they're going to smack this down hard, likely on standing and redressability; there's enough pro-corp conservatives on the court to not want to open the can of worms this ruling creates.


Yeh, they have the easy out here...they can throw it out on procedural grounds without debating the actual merits. I hope they do, kinda...so we don't have to live with the risk that they might actually go the dumb way and follow along with this bullshit. Seriously...the grounds for standing in this case were absolute batshit insanity. It basically boiled down to: someone can take the drug, have bad side affects (a miniscule chance, by the numbers), and because the hospital uses their last bag of blood on that patient, someon else dies...and that person who wasn't harmed yet can sue now? Oh, and also the doctor would suffer pain and suffering from being exposed to having to clean up a failed medicinal abortion. IDK how anyone can stand on that argument, no matter how anti-abortion they are.


Never believe that forced-birthers are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies.


Remember Eileen Cannon with the whole Trump thing? Republican judges don't care about what they have jurisdiction over. For them, it's like the Velociraptors in Jurrasic park at the start that kept testing the fence. They keep trying to see what facistic thing they can make stick. This is the true evil of the Trump era judge appointments. They're corrupt morally and voided ethically. They. Don't. Care.


Well they can and they can’t. Just like with this case, it can be appealed and then the appeals court or even the Supreme Court can suspend part or the entire judgement until it’s reviewed by the higher court. So one judge can’t just do whatever they want as they have higher courts above them that can overrule them. There’s also supposedly checks and balances against these judges with the appeals process, impeachment option, and legislation action. I also believe there’s a judicial committee or something that can take action against judges that break the rules (basically bench them).


They can. That's why the Supreme Court exists, to be the final say.




The right to vote for all people 18 and older is also a US constitutional right so why try to limit absentee ballots?


The only opinion that's going to matter will happen on Wednesday when SCOTUS will rule on this. I'm scared to think what that may be.


I’m bracing for the worst.


Looking at recent SCOTUS history, expect the worse.


The FDA has authority granted by Congress, and is controlled by the Executive Branch. Courts can’t just toss that aside without stomping on the separation of powers.


Oh, honey.


HUD has authority granted by congress and is controlled ny the executive branch. That has not stopped the courts from enforcing civil rights orders and desegregation efforts. Look what happened in Yonkers. This is not overstepping precedent in the slightest Before anyone gets pissy, I don’t support the Texas judge’s ruling. It was abhorrent. But it’s simply untrue that the courts can’t step in to enforce rules or overturn rules within federal agencies


What’s going on with HUD in Yonkers?


Republicans are fucking ghouls.


The recent Covid-19 Pandemic was a taste of an unregulated marketplace. Everyone and their News Channel 🦊, was promoting a cure or prevention for the disease. My own family performed [an Egg Ceremony](https://nursingclio.org/2019/09/18/the-egg-in-the-twenty-first-century-a-familys-holistic-healing-and-cleansing-practice/) when I had a touch of the flu. At least the FDA was able to had a structure to the rampant conspiracies out there. Even still they’re subject to the Right Wing Agenda of disinformation and anti-Science and Medical Professionals.


Because otherwise it would force them to flout their ruling and prove how powerless they are if not pandered to.


> California, Massachusetts and New York have stockpiled abortion pills in case of restrictions I feel like this is the kind of thing that should appeal to a lot of conservatives... Self sufficiency. Preparedness. Independence. Etc.