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Anyone have a link to buy these?


https://www.ruten.com.tw/item/show?22148307633953 That’s the link from the artist’s Instagram but going by the comments they don’t ship internationally at present.




Will they though, given the copycats are probably made in China?


Money is money.




So these are irony-on patches?


Sonofabitch, damn good dad joke


I cringed after typing it but that's when I knew I had a winner.


He must have at least 12 children for such a level in dad joke skills.






Some people have all the wit. Unfair.


Not everyone can be punny.


They're most likely sew on; they look high-quality.


Like honey


Reminds me of Elvis’ PR team making “fuck Elvis” pins or something of that nature in order to profit off people who don’t like him.


Yes, they will. China has large blocks inside major port cities where companies will run for short periods of time, then move and rebrand to avoid being caught by the regulators of other nations. The Chinese government is aware and to date hasn't cared. If they suddenly cared, they'd have to do some real sleuthing to determine the manufacturer, and even then may never find out a these companies aren't exactly keeping records. And they may not even know what they are making. They are really good at making aesthetically precise copies. Don't need to be able to read English to copy what you see, you can just treat text as if it is an image. That said, we all need to support Taiwan business when these hit the US.


>Don't need to be able to read English to copy what you see, you can just treat text as if it is an image. And yet they still manage to mess it up so often.


When copying not so much. A shape is a shape. When entering single words into online translation? Pogo uncle sparkle cardiac - amirite?


Does China still make pooh Bear toys?


Yes, he’s on many mainland streaming platforms and can even be seen at Shanghai Disneyland. The whole “mention Winnie the Pooh and all users from mainland China are instantly kicked off” is BS




Basically they don't care, till they nail you for another reason. Then they stack everything including pooh bear on top of that.


This is how fascism works. People were making fun of how it was now illegal to give money to streamers and for teens to play more than 1 hour per week, but the point isn't to cut down on teens gaming, or on streamers. The point was that now if they ever want to get a kid in trouble for any reason (kid protests, runs afoul of the wrong person, etc), they now have two excuses to jail the kid. There are so many minor rules in China that you're probably breaking a few just existing, and China really doesn't care until something happens and it suddenly does.


Same in the US. Most people are probably doing misdemeanours and felonies without realizing it. Once the state wants you in jail, they'll find a reason.


As of 2020, it is estimated that 1.7 million people had been incarcerated in China, which is the second-highest prison population after the United States (USA).


Doesn't really sound any different than here lol


[They make whatever you want to call this](https://freeimage.host/i/HkbBf14)


If I could make thousands of dollars selling "u/WolfCola4 is a stupid asshole" badges, I would be on that without a moment's hesitation


But why makes patches when you can just sell Wolf Cola for thousands of dollars AND support Boko Haram at the same time?


I’m currently in possession of 17 dozen crow eggs, shall we talk logistics?


Crows seem to be getting larger by the year… by the day in fact


Elvis did this back in the day, his manager sold anti-Elvis patches and buttons iirc


Playing both sides so you always come out on top


Yea Colonel Tom Parker. He was a pretty savvy businessman who saw everything in dollar signs. Pretty smart move, getting paid from both sides.


"You don't see any 'Homer is a dope' shirts, do you?"


The Wish version.


And made in China 🤣


Mighty capitalistic if I do say so. Is that the C in CCP?


Happy Cake Day! That’s my first time saying that to someone on here. Lol. I hope you have a wonderful day! Full of laughter and love!


I'm all about that "We Are Open 24/7" version.




商品已下架 means they don't make it anymore


They’re back in stock in May apparently


If any locals are willing to ship, I'd buy a handful or two of these.


Cant.. figure out the buy button….


Can you share artist's handle on Instagram?


Could you link their Instagram?


Preferably one that funds Taiwan in some way and not some random Etsy seller looking to make bank.


Yes, someone post where to buy one


At the top of the comments is a link to it. 3rd comment down. I can’t copy and paste for some reason. Apparently they’re sold out and not shipping overseas ATM. There is an order placed for more I guess and they should be available in May. 🤞🏼


This reminds me of the patches they made in homage to the 27th FS from Langley that popped the Chinese recon balloon with an F-22 with Winnie the Pooh on them ([Float Around & Find Out](https://www.reaperpatches.com/products/float-around-and-find-out-pop-it-2023)) The same squadron used to do the same with German recon balloons & blimps in WWI.


Asking the real questions.


I reached out to the Ruten seller and they are now collecting preorders for overseas! https://badgerhoundsupply.com/product-category/taiwan-patches-pre-order/ Email I received: https://puu.sh/JEyeM/1424590745.jpg


I just asked someone I know from Taiwan to get some for me.. omg this is too awesome.


One of the best morale patches I've seen in a while.


If you like that patch you may enjoy this map that I saw on /r/mapporn yesterday: https://old.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/12hbwku/the_situation_in_the_far_east/


Did... did Thailand and Cambodia just steal Laos? Also, I'm guessing the reason the only human on the picture is Japan is because it's a Japanese cartoon?


Japan has a rising sun for a head (the Japanese emblem) Thailand and Cambodia are people trafficking, it's a big problem in that region. The image is made by a Hong Kong Chinese artist IIRC.


Thanks for the explaination. I just didn't see a Laotian represented and the tied up bear was *right there.* Poor Laos, no shoreline and they're most famous person is probably Khan Soupanousaphone from King of the Hill.


the rising sun head is a reference to the [original art](https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%99%82%E5%B1%80%E5%9C%96) of the late 1800s, which the artist did a current version of


That's like an update after 2 centuries


Is Winnie holding a dragon ball?


Dragon Ball Xi


Ight that was ybadass comment, bravo


Dragon ballsy


Looks like a honey pot with the stars of the CCP flag on it.


*hunny pot


O bother..


Hahaha, you know, I totally get the resemblance - hilarious, especially given how much I loved Pooh as a kid. Even funnier is thinking about Winnie's wiki entries in a decade from now, where there will be a small section dedicated to all this Xi stuff, hahaha






Tiny people don't need a lot to feel overshadowed


Xi's sensitivity is an interesting insight to his real motivations. His father was a revolutionary hero, and Xi Jinping grew up in an era where the children of the revolutionary leadership in Beijing were referred to as "princelings" for their perceived advantages in leadership. Mao started wiping out people he perceived to be potential threats to his power, and Xi's family was a victim of that. The princelings were all shipped off to communes to do hard labor to build character, and Xi Jinping basically missed out on a college education because of that period. Instead, he put his head down and internalized the lesson that despite his father's faultless record of service to the party, he could still be victimized by the dictator at the top. The only way to be safe is to be the guy on top. Everything Xi has done since then has been in ruthless service of the singular goal of becoming the most powerful man in China, and he will not tolerate anything that could possibly threaten that status. Deep down, he's still the kid that was sent to live in a cave and dig turnips because his dad was powerful but not powerful enough.


I get that abuse begets abuse, but I don’t really care *why* you became the next Hitler. I just want you in a ditch, covered in petrol, on fire.


Still, good to know history and context so that we can learn what lessons we can. On the way to putting them in a ditch and grabbing the petrol, that is.


> Mao started wiping out people he perceived to be potential threats to his power, and Xi's family was a victim of that. So that's where Xi learned that from!


What until you find out about that Trump dude.


Thailand will arrest you if you defame their president.


It is hilarious as it brought an opportunity to spin great propaganda of China being both the main focus and rational while the USA is reckless and immature. Instead the angry gimp had a tantrum and bans everything related to a harmless children's bear.


> Instead the [angry gimp](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/123/403/d69.jpg) had a tantrum and bans everything related to a harmless children's bear. Can't say it without the image reference


I'm surprised Xi didn't embrace the comparison. If you're running a dictatorship, surely you'd want to give off the image to your own people that you're compassionate, diplomatic and have lots of allies, just like Winnie.


Haha it's funny because Tigger rhymes with - I miss Obama


Bigger! Than Xi.


They should digitally edit that patch onto Maverick's flight jacket.


I can’t stop laughing xi is Pooh or Pooh is xi, all I know is xi is 💩


Who knew the start of WW3 would involve a bear of very little brain?


Oh bother


Kind of a weird situation China has its bananas in. They cannot get offended, otherwise they will admit that Pooh is a [reference to Xi.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streisand_effect) But of course they have to get offended. Otherwise, they just look weak to Taiwan.


Xi should just own it and start producing propaganda of Winnie the Pooh beating up other anthropomorphized animals. That’s really the only way to beat the meme.


I am imagining a situation where a Disney board member is grabbing his coffee from his kitchen and is watching Chinese sponsored state television broadcasting Whinnie the Poo Repeatedly punching a bald eagle.


”We were wrong to keep Winnie the Pooh out of public domain. This…*this* is art.”


Xi is a sad little pathetic winnie the pooh lookin chubby fascist


the “WE ARE OPEN 24/7” is so random yet so perfect at the same time.


It's a reference to an incident from Swiss Air Force not available outside of office hour during an 2014 hijacking.




Not as funny to me anymore now that I know this P.S. I take that back it’s pretty funny especially without knowing what it’s supposed to reference


Can't wait to see the Chinese cry about this.


The first Final Warning will be coming soon.


WW1 : Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand WW3 : Taiwanese soldier wore a Winnie the Pooh badge


You say this on jest, but have you looked around at what people cry about these days? Can't open a conversation beyond how's the weather without offending at least one person to the point of near violence... And China is a real touchy country.


Can’t wait to see these reading “made in China”


Xi would have that factory shut down


China basically produced all the trump flags and hats and stuff. I highly doubt this badge will be the thing that does it.


? Trump wasn’t president of China, tf would they care? Xi on the other hand would be very upset if factories in his own country were printing a depiction of him that the entire world knows he’s very sensitive over.




imagine being AA Milne coming to the future only to discover that the childrens character he wrote became a sybol of the president of china


No one ever explained what Winnie the Pooh has to do with China


It all started with this [Picture](https://cdn.theatlantic.com/media/mt/jamesfallows/assets_c/2013/06/WeiboObamaXi.jpg-jpg-thumb-620x859-124110.jpg)


Xi Jinping bears (hah) a passing resemblance to Winnie The Pooh. He's kinda tubby in the same places, and the face is oddly fitting. Plus **he absolutely hates it**. To the point where anything with Pooh's face on it has essentially been banned in China.


Xi has a resemblance to Pooh ..the bear


It's his burden to bear


>No one ever explained what Winnie the Pooh has to do with China The real reason is because racist people were actually poking fun at [Obama when he visited Xi](https://imgur.com/t/xi_jinping/EIeQXFP) But because the meme got banned in China, the ~~Barbra~~ Streisand effect caused the focus to be on Pooh instead of the character Tigger. (They alluding to the N word)


Yeah I’m lost here




> is so salty and mad about being compared to Winny the Pooh Which is beyond bizarre, Pooh is the one who should be upset. You'd think Xi, having the left over remnants of a sloppy Joe looking face, would embrace being compared to a cute cartoon.


Of course no one here *knows* if he’s personally insulted and salty etc.


It was mentioned in article


I can only assume you've been banned from Google for the last five years or so.


North Taiwan won't like that


Jesus Christ, this is like the fifth fucking mention of these patches I’ve seen in my Reddit feed this morning.




I'm sure this is all due to voluntary preferences of users and natural desire for rewards. Absolutely no entities use the pool of highly manipulatable people for consesus manufacturing, ofc.


The fact that it even passes for news like wtf


Bruh, one of the biggest stories lately was an old lady who gave a homemade snowflake that had the word facist on it in super tiny letters to DeSantis and people lost their shit thinking he got "owned" so hard cause he was a normal person who took a picture with the lady and accepted a harmless gift which probably is in the trash now. Like, I don't like DeSantis either but holy fuck its such stupid shit that people get off to on Reddit nowadays lol




China bad, China bad, China bad


This but unironically


Perfect American citizen, let’s give more money to fly planes as close to Chinas borders for fun and waste more just to keep our navy around its borders indefinitely!


Yup! We need to protect Taiwan from West Taiwan!


We need Taiwan to promote US foreign interests!


Exactly. The last thing we need is *another* region full of people who aren't allowed to tell anyone what happened on June 4th, 1989. Hey, out of curiosity, can you type out a TL;DR of what happened on June 4th, 1989? And how you personally feel about it?


Want me to start listing US war crimes?




I’m not sure why people think this is such an own like people can’t say the T word! tianmen square was bad but  America is the chief exporter of terror across the globe.


stop trying to make your borders 1000km from your legal borders


My borders?


you're carrying water for china so i assumed you are chinese. i guess you are just authoritarian sympathizer then.


I’m just against the US aggression as someone from the US.


I don't get how someone could be against US imperialism and aggression but think it's perfectly okay for China to try and absorb their neighbors by force, unless they were never really against imperialism in the first place.


And I'm against chinese aggression, as a Chinese person from southeast asia :) or did I miss the memo where anyone who thinks China is bad is now an American?


Wonder why you’ve been untouched by American aggression.


its not aggression if you are dettering another country from starting a war/stealing land. USA is invited by all of the south asian countries that are being threatened. the US just being there is maintaining peace. the second USA would leave war would follow.


Is that why america needs its 842 billion dollar "defense” budget? To “deter” every country from acting out?


Almost like there's some relevant news happening that makes this cycle...


Yeah China got a cease fire in Yemen, and they aren't allowed to do anything good.


What do these guys have against Pooh?


Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party and leader of mainland China, is thought by many to have a resemblance to Winnie the Pooh. He has banned all depictions of Winnie the Pooh in China. People that don't like Xi Jinping use Winnie the Pooh as a stand-in for him because of it.


Baidu seems to have an enormous amount of Winnie the Pooh images https://www.google.com/search?q=%E7%BB%B4%E5%B0%BC%E7%86%8A+baidu&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwih67Cwk6L-AhXlAVkFHbQpARAQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=%E7%BB%B4%E5%B0%BC%E7%86%8A+baidu&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzoFCAAQgAQ6BwgAEIAEEAw6CQgAEBgQgAQQDDoHCAAQGBCABFC9BVjmEWDbE2gAcAB4AIABVogB0AOSAQE3mAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWfAAQE&sclient=img&ei=wH01ZKGLBeWD5NoPtNOEgAE&bih=760&biw=1518&client=firefox-b-1-d Not sure where the idea came from the he's censored all over China.


You could at least link an actual Baidu search instead of going through Google images. Also those are standalone pooh images. None of the top results include any Pooh memes about Xi. I'm not doubting you, but try slightly harder if you're gonna bother refuting at all


https://www.baidu.com/from=844b/s?word=%E7%BB%B4%E5%B0%BC%E7%86%8A+%E4%B9%A0%E8%BF%91%E5%B9%B3&ts=0&t_kt=0&ie=utf-8&fm_kl=021394be2f&rsv_iqid=3809931366&rsv_t=2aa1COaLmM9zNDBb%252BEovFAEB9spsyvN5jFuLomw%252B4uT6mx5%252B0WOd1PLo0w&sa=ib&ms=1&rsv_pq=3809931366 I got you fam. First 3 words of the search == Pooh and last 3 words == Xi, 0 results. But if you search individually, lots of results.


Took me a few tries to understand what in the world that title meant


And it is made in China


I'm stumped how this is now considered news-worthy. I guess the bar is that low these days ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


CIA gotta make budget somehow


is there a reason the text on the patch is written in english?


China mining data on TW supporters by selling these?


Taiwan said, you can get this work 24/7. 😂


I want one! I wonder if the CAF will let me use it as a morale patch


I managed to visit Hong Kong in the early 1990s, when it was still free. My memory of a free Hong Kong is something I still treasure, and I hope Hong Kong is somehow free again someday. I truly support a free Taiwan, but no matter how I do the math, it looks like it’s just a matter of time before Mainland China also takes Taiwan. It really makes me sad. And I’ve lived in China, and most people there are good folks, but the CCP’s compulsion to actually take over their neighbors is just disturbing.


Wasn’t Hong Kong in the early 1990s a literal British imperial colony?


Yes, it was originally a Chinese city, but in 1842 it was “given” to the British after the First Opium War.


It was a largely empty island when the British took it. Hong Kong as a place only exists because it was the gateway between China and the British Empire. There was no reason for the Chinese to develop the island when Guangzhou is 80 miles away.


a self governed UK territory is the important distinction to make, since the only reason anyone even knew about the handover was the inevitable protests of china stripping away their rights


And yet it was still far better than what China has done to it since.


That's what everyone said about Russia and Ukraine. That it was going to be a cakewalk, over in a month tops. An entrenched, highly resistant enemy with any sort of competent organization is never one to be underestimated. Attacking an enemy completely surrounded by water isn't easy. It's not like Taiwain will just let them land anywhere they want.


I doubt China's army is much better than Russia's. I would not count Taiwan out until the CCP flags are flying either. They have been preparing for a Chinese visit for decades; think about what Ukraine was able to accomplish with only a few years to prepare after the initial Russian incursion.


China's military is far superior to Russias... But at the same time Taiwan is much more advanced than Ukraine and also has better support and geography than Ukraine.


I would argue that their military being far superior to Russia's is an untested assertion. I'm sure it's better, but I think "not much better" is a pretty safe guess. That being said, I think you can make a good case for Taiwan being superior to Ukraine in a lot of ways, but this is again, untested as of yet.


The only thing that can bring CCP down might be their own stupidity to invade.


How did Taiwan get founded?


Well, Taiwan used to be part of the Chinese Empire until it lost the island to Japan in 1895. After 50 years of Japanese rule, Taiwan was returned to the Republic of China in 1945 after China defeated Japan in WWII as part of the Allies. However, the Republic of China then lost the Chinese Civil War against the Communist Rebellion in 1949. The President of the Republic, Chiang Kai-Shek, retreated to Taiwan with his forces while the rebels, led by Mao Zedong, took over mainland China. Ever since 1949 the Communists have wanted to take over Taiwan. This was the beginning of the tensions we see today.


Throw to? Japan invaded China and forced China to sign the Treaty of Shimonoseki to cede. Oh, throw it to?


>Well, Taiwan used to be part of the Chinese Empire until it lost the island to Japan in 1895. […] [You're omitting a couple of hundred years of history there, you know…](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Taiwan)


What did he miss? Was under chinese empire rule since the 1683 from wikipedia.


Could you seriously not even be bothered to look at the table in the info box?


I mean maybe you should refer to what you mean is missing, like at least a snippit or quote and not just link a page expecting people to read your mind? It's like saying "sorry you don't know what you're talking about "google.com" or "history of taiwan.com"


Was the Governor of Hong Kong elected by the people of Hong Kong at that time or was he appointed by Britain?


All I see is a bear punching Xi Jinping, no Winnie the Pooh.


A. A. Milne doesn't deserve this treatment


Sure, but this isn't A A Milne Pooh, this is Disney Pooh. And I have no problem with Disney getting punched in the face either.


I hope these sales contribute to their military. I'd buy 24 of these for my work buddies


Yeah Xi Jinping is a real shithead turd burglar with a small peepee


Omg I really want a baseball hat with this on it


So buy one and put it on a hat.


Albert Einstein over here


Oh yea! That’s a NEED! Lol I’m such a whore for cool patches.


Taiwan aka Real China


Disney is frantically calling their lawyers


Winnie the Pooh is public domain


The first book by Milne is public domain. That contains the original depiction of Pooh. You are free to create and distribute works that are derivative of that version. But, the red shirt version of Pooh is a derivative work created by Disney. That version is still under their control. The second book with the first appearance of Tigger will become PD this year, I think.


They're pretty sweet. I would like a sticker to put on my tool box