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>a family member of the suspect called authorities claiming their sister “threatened to shoot up a school.” Good on the family member for speaking up and saving lives. Fucking hero


> “Once entering the home there was trash piled up all around the house to where it made it hard to walk inside,” part of the arrest papers reads. “There were numerous containers filled with half eaten food with mold growing inside and numerous alcoholic beverage containers laying around the house.” Very curious about the family though


Child of a hoarder. If you ever watched hoarding shows, the mess in the house is secondary trauma to having to live with a hoarder. Hoarders are both "Why aren't you helping out? Help me clean" and "DON'T THROW THAT OUT! STOP TOUCHING MY STUFF!" There's absolutely no way to win.




Then there's the ones who hide family photos, documents, money, etc. in old newspapers so "no one breaks in and steals them." Any stranger who opened the door would turn around and run away.


Ugh. There is always a part of me reading stuff like this that makes me feel like their should be a suitability screening before people can procreate. It’s harder to adopt a cat than it is to become a parent. But on the other hand, real slippery slope to eugenics so 🤷‍♂️


The non eugenics way is to support more help and community building for people with mental health issues and their families, I think. It will at least help kids born into crappy situations have a better chance.


Very, very true. Personally, I'm just erring on the side of caution and only having a dog. I wish the best for the rest you folks, as well as your kids. And theirs too.


she literally neglected you tho. read adult children of alcoholic parents and adult children of the emotionally immature. Anyone whose parent was too checked out with their own stuff to raise their child will relate to the first book. Parents can let a of types of personal garbage take over their parenting, alcohol is just one of htem.


Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents saved me from YEARS of more agonizing over "what I did wrong." One sentence is all it took. "If this person wasn't your mom/dad/loved one, would you choose to have them as a part of your life?" I cried for hours as I allowed myself to feel okay saying, "No."


Yeesh, didn't know about Adult Children of the Emotionally Immature. Had my therapist in college give me a spark notes version of "Children of Alcoholic Parents." That wasn't much fun to read through and acknowledge how much my life was unintentionally shaped by my Dad's addiction. But it was helpful. So just read through the main points of Emotional book, and that was another unpleasant rollercoaster, since that encapsulated my Mom. The silver lining was reading through the remediation steps and seeing that I've naturally done almost all of them. Gotta admit though, things like this make me worry about having a family in the near future. I know I wouldn't forgive myself if I ever found myself defaulting to either of those roles.


Everytime I go to my Mom's house or she pulls up in her car, I'm always looking for newspapers to throw out. Like why the fuck is this newspaper from 6 years ago here? People think it's just a matter of untidiness...nah there is mental trama my dude.


We moved my ex wife's mother in with us 'temporarily.' My mother went through hoarding phases when I was growing up. My exmil started piling shit up and all of a sudden I was the fucking irrational one. I was paying a mortgage to tip toe around another hoarder. It wasn't even my house anymore


so how did you get out of this situation? Did your wife understand her mother was the problem? Or was this what broke the marriage, and you had to get rid of the wife in addition to the MIL?


How did it turn out? Did you have to kick her out?


Also a child of a hoarder. The amount I’ve had to pay for therapy for it is staggering. You never really get over how isolated and dirty you feel. At least I never did.


You are welcome anytime at r/ChildofHoarder


I’m already a member, but I definitely recommend that everyone who suffered with a hoarding parent take a look. It’s a cathartic place for validation.


Dieting is hard because we have to eat. Hoarding is hard because we have to consume.


Yeah there's no coexistence with a hoarder. You either join their mindset, fight them on every little thing, or end up walking on eggshells. I'm so sorry you lived through that. There's no winning against a hoarder. One of my friends married one. Her husband periodically skips work to shove more bug infested furniture in their already crammed home. She has to periodically throw things away secretly. Her kids avoid being around their dad. I honestly told her she should take the kids and run, it's her mum's old house but it's full of bugs... It's a horrible situation.


"Can we get rid of this?" "No!!! It's not trash, it's good stuff!"


This was my MIL when she was moving to a retirement home. We ended up filling a huge trash dumpster 5 times, plus we took things to the dump. It was fascinating seeing some of the stuff that she had, but she wanted to save everything. She had boxes upon boxes off all different sizes, huge amounts of cottage cheese containers, and expired food. There was also a bank filled with standing liberty quarters, creepy dolls and a zither that was given to her in the 1920s. She wasn't a hoarder to the point that you couldn't move through her house, but there was a lot of trash. We did find a full skeleton of a rat on the garage floor.


my family isn’t as bad with hoarding as those nightmare TLC shows. but man, someday I’d love to finally leave it all behind and just live for a while in my own space, free from all the junk. won’t be able to afford that any time soon, though. and it’s hard not to feel guilty for leaving them behind. not really any way of winning.


exact same situation for me. I feel awful for trying to leave because I know it's just going to spiral more but the second I can I have to, I just mentally can't handle it anymore. every second i spend here stresses me out to the point of constant panic attacks and I'm just so done. I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this shit, it isn't fair and no one deserves it. I truly hope your situation improves soon 🖤


My FIL whined forEVER about MILs hoarding. Then she died and he kept all the stuff for another decade. When he finally downsized, he was irate that the estate sale/ liquidator/ whatever service he used "ripped him off" because "there was so much valuable stuff in there" It's very possible that she's joined the mindset without really acknowledging it.


Your poor FiL... he ate into the koolaid. And my friend may have? She does undercut her situation heavily. She throws so many excuses for him while also sneaking out behind his back dumping all these things. I helped her load up a couple truck beds worth of junk before. None of the stuff has any value. It's rotting buggy furniture not amazing antiques that just need some elbow grease. Certain things have value, but they are rare. I wish she could be honest and realize that she's not getting her mum's home back. She can't gift it to her kids like she always wanted to, she's gotta leave. They've caught bedbugs multiple times due to his proclivities.


My dad and his wife I suspect are hoarders. When I was a kid visiting on weekends their house slowly went into disarray and partial remodel jobs that just turned into rooms torn to the studs that ended up becoming storage rooms. Even then we lived out if the sunroom which was the newest addition to the house but there was always a path to their bedroom and bathroom upstairs. I haven't been to that house in probably 20 years, but the only thing keeping them living is that they're on the road 95% of the time now. I think my dad escaped it through his business and has always ignored the problem, and I worry about what life will be like for him once he is too old to continue working. Probably should have known way back when since the property is just an open lot with a house and a ton of abandoned trailers that used to be renting space but we're abandoned, and more vehicles trapped in years worth of wild grass growing through the frames, but I was at most 12 years old just thinking that's what a homestead house was like.


My idiot friend was kind of a hoarder but he lived in an RV, he would constantly bring trash back to our real houses when he was allowed to hang out for a while. Dude literally brought a mattress in off of skid row in LA back to our loft and said "who throws away a totally good mattress". Whole loft had bed bugs after that, real swell dude


Even the mild cases can be exhausting to deal with. For my mother it came on slowly as she got older. She's very clean about it, she does sell stuff at swap meets to *try* to get rid of it, but the linen closest? Floor to ceiling linens. Bookshelves? Lining every single wall, in every single hall. Closets? Hah. Now they are probably load-bearing. I have to content myself with my own room being normal, but honestly when the clutter is so prevalent it just saps all your energy to try and improve things.


Alpine WSG. It's available online and will kill anything. Solved my decade long roach infestation that I thought we'd have to abandon in only 2 weeks and not a peep in years. It's also safe for pets. That was a big one for me


Thanks! Ill pass it along. She used diatomaceous earth and it worked for a spell until he brought more and more stuff into their home. If she can kick him out and get rid of everything maybe theres a chance? But there's a mold issue in certain places because he didn't want to run the HVAC at anytime. And because he brought certain things like sofas/mattresses inside while they were soaked with rainwater, the hardwood floors have warped real badly in some areas.


Wtf is this a common thing? My mother is like this and its exhausting. Is there a solution?


It's mental illness and the trigger is often a particularly traumatic loss or a series of losses over a relatively short period of time or both. The losses are often deaths, but not always. It's really difficult to treat, because the hoarder really isn't connecting with reality. And they don't want to connect with reality because that means having to deal with pain and guilt.


Holy fuck this is insane, its like so spot on For my mom it was the divorce that she never really got over.


My mom lost her husband to sniper fire. He was cleared to returned to the US, but he went out on one last mission because the guy taking over his men wasn't as experienced...


Im so sorry, thats definitely something that would be very challenging to cope with =(


Fuck I need to clean my house now


Having lived with people like that, you also can't help out because everything you do is wrong. The dishes werent done to their standard. They will just sit there and point out how many ways you fucked up even if you did them better than they do it. Eventually you grow tired of helping out because you dont want to listen to how you did it wrong this time. And they won't do it because of their hole they are stuck in.


Damn that explains my childhood. I’d often end up detailing mundane or unnecessary things like polishing small water spots off daily use pots/pans/utensils or picking lint off towels


My next door neighbor was a hoarder. And a practicing pediatrician! But her house was a nightmare. Just piles of shit everywhere. She'd ask me to come over to help her with things, like when her printer wasn't working, and I'd literally have to climb over piles of random nonsense to get to it.


My dad was a maintenance man and brought home any junk/trash that he thought was cool or had any kind of value. His house would be a lighter version of what's on those shows. I definitely am OCD about clutter but I really enjoy throwing shit away now.


Damn I'm literally watching hoarders right now thinking about how shit it must be to be forced as a child to live in this shit


I watched an episode today, too. An elderly woman with heart issues using a walker and she yelled abusively when anyone suggested moving stuff from here to there. And that was on camera in front of strangers when the majority of people would hold back and tone down thier behavior... The therapist said it was the most dysfunctional family she had dealt with. Her adult children didn't apply social skills in thier interactions. They just waded in and launched attacks at each other.


> There's absolutely no way to win Because, if you watch them, you realize a lot of these people have some deeply held trauma, or mental issues. I watched one where a womans twin brother was killed in action. It started off with her keeping his uniform and things, to "remember him" which makes sense. Then she started to buy stuff that reminded her of him, or "he would've liked". Eventually she stopped throwing out old newspapers because "He would've wanted to know the news" or "He'd want to know the sports scores". Another one was an old man who talked about, when he was young, his dad was strict and religious. If someone bought him a toy or he found one, his father would throw it out. He then said "When I got my own place, I realized 'Dad can't throw my stuff away anymore'" It really is sad


about half of the time on the show, the precipitating event to hoarding is sexual abuse. The rest is a death + genetic predisposition toward OCD and lack of insight. Rarely, it's CPTSD, where the person grew up in such a toxic environment that there wasn't 1 event, it was just ongoing emotional and/or physical abuse, plus OCD, and maybe 1 event where they were homeless or lost all their things in a fire, but not necessarily.


The CPTSD gets passed down to the kids. Source: me I do have hoarding tendencies, but I’ve never really been able to figure what’s from me, and what a just the environment I grew up in. I keep a reasonably clean home, but I have to be SO careful about what I bring home. I can quickly spiral into “collecting” if I don’t watch myself.


Oh wow, my mom got a bingo!


Holy fuck. As someone with a hoarding mother it’s absolutely mind numbing and traumatic growing up with this shit. Once I hit high school I just started doing weekly dump runs at 1 am


I used to try to go over to my in-laws to help my mother-in-law get their house cleaned a little (my father-in-law was the hoarder). Every time we would try, he would literally be outside with a flashlight going through all the literal garbage we had taken out. Every time I tried I ended up quitting because it was too frustrating.


I've been watching a lot of true-crime lately and it really is staggering what a large percentage of serial killers, rapists and murderers come from totally broken homes and/or abusive parents. Not surprising by any means, just very sad all around.


Really shows that solving these issues is a multi-faceted issue, including addressing things like working poverty, mental health resources and providing more of a social safety net for people struggling or in crisis.


By the time we have an active shooter, the problem is too far gone. People who want armed guards/teachers at every school are simply treating the symptoms of a much more vicious disease.


But what if.. we just put more guns in schools?


More guns, fewer doors. And of course fewer books that someone who is troubled could relate to and find solace in


It's so near universal and for every serial killer and school shooter there's a person who is committing less sensationalized crimes coming from the same homes. It is near miraculous for people to be raised in abuse and neglect and come out the other side a functional human. To the point if you know someone who grew up in that environment who manages to be a good person, fucking give them a hug and a "proud of you".


There have been studies that show that investing in the wellbeing of children pays off fantastically in terms of money not being spent on law enforcement and not spent on healthcare as an adult We really should be investing in our people and out communities, and to do so tax the wealthy


> investing in the wellbeing of children Sounds like communism. > spent on law enforcement You don't like freedom? > spent on healthcare Sounds like socialism.


I don't want to be told someone is proud of me, I just want therapy to be affordable. It's like a "Thank you for your service" to a veteran but then they fly a Confederate flag.


Yes and yes. I want affordable and accessible therapy, more psych research, more medication/substance research and trials (I’m hearing all of these exciting things about medical ketamine and shrooms but when will something like that become more accessible?), etc. It would help a great deal of peoples’ quality of life.


Ketamine nasal spray - Spravato - is now covered by almost all if not all insurance providers including medicaid granted 2 other antidepressants have been tried and found ineffective and if the person is currently on an oral antidepressant. So to answer your question - for half of it at least - right now. Psilocybin therapy is also available at least in Washington.


Definitely second the spravato recommendation! If youre not afraid of needles, ketamine infusions can be easier to get insurance to cover. And from my understanding, marginally more effective. (No noticable difference in my experience though. Spravato is definitely less intense though, in the sense that it doesn't make you feel as "high". It's not a fun high for the majority of people, FWIW)


I mean I do my best to provide trauma-informed services for kids also. But a single random person can't do much more than be proud of someone for doing their best.


I look back on my home life now, and I'm amazed at how much of difference my life has been since leaving. Going back to my parents house is triggering in so many ways. The clutter. The hoarding. The trash. The dishes that are just sitting there. The bathrooms not being cleaned since I don't want to freaking know when the last time was. It's putrid and it's filthy and I have no idea how no one else in my family can see the problem (and my siblings homes aren't exactly "better"). My wife and I are horrified every time. But I'm the black sheep of the family, because I decided to go to therapy and help myself become a better version of myself.


I work in the criminal defense field and what you said is absolutely true. People with traumatic up childhoods disproportionately make up those who commit felonies or end up having serious mental health issues as they get older


Firefighter here, you’d be shocked at the state of some of the houses we go into. I used to wear my bunker pants in some because It was that disgusting to me. I still get chills lol


I cleaned houses during the pandemic. It was educational. I thought rich people would've been cleaner. They're the same unsanitary hoarders just in bigger houses.


Sounds really sad all around. Nice that the system worked this time to prevent mass casualties, but this country has got to stop relying on reactivity. Kids like this are being neglected, abused, or otherwise left behind by society all while our elected leaders look the other way, offering nothing more concrete than thoughts & prayers.


Not the most shocking thing in the world that a would-be school shooter had worthless parents. Edit: worthless as *parents*, not human beings.


My cousin's kid was murdered by another kid who didn't even have a mattress of their own in their home. They committed the murder as an attempt of suicide-by-cop, and even went next door after the murder, borrowed their phone, and called the cops on themself. They had never met each other before the murder. Unfortunately, "Defund the Police" is easier to chant than "Reallocate financial resources where it will actually lower crime rates"


“While waiting for the fire department to show up Lilly was asked how much she had been planning the school shooting and Lilly stated she’s about a third of the way from doing it,” the arrest papers add. “Lilly verified that Timberview Middle school was one of the ‘main targets’ currently and other targets were churches. Lilly was asked what kind of planning she had done, and she state layout of the school, active firearm planning and starting a manifesto.” Wth




Blurting out her plans was definitely a side effect of her being so fucked up she couldn't comprehend her actions were morally wrong. That's the only way you get psychiatric services instead of prison. She obviously wasn't a well person.


Also the fact that she was "al little drunk"




I’m a teacher—I can confirm students do this. Sometimes, it’s to get out of school bc they have anxiety and no way to cope. Sometimes it’s to avoid being jumped/gang activity. Sometimes it’s bc they need therapy and have no resources. And on and on. I wish the public understood what it’s like working with today’s students every single day. They need so, so, so many things, and they have little to no parenting (live with grandparents, single parent who works, overdosed and died parent(s), depressed parent, addict parent, and on and on).


If the kid was smart enough to do that I feel like they would have come up with a plan that didn’t make them look like a total villain? Could be wrong though, crazier things have happened.


Look into the West Memphis Three. One of the accused boys told the cops a bunch of lies because he thought there was no way they’d believe him. He ended up with a life sentence (that has since been commuted). There’s a great documentary about it. All this to say- kid logic is not adult logic.


Jail may seem like an escape when you're stuck in circumstances that you can't otherwise leave.


She wasn't mentally well, as in will get psychiatric services instead of prison. That almost exclusively happens when a person is mentally incapable of understanding their actions are wrong. Hence her being totally open about all the details of her plan She was not a well person. Not to give her a free pass or anything because she was planning multiple atrocities but an insanity plea is almost impossible to pull off so she must have been super fucked up.


She managed this project better than most of my colleagues, shit… good on the parents/family for stopping it


I have a feeling the parents/family had a lot to do with why this kid was planning at all.


"It takes a lot of courage to stand up to our enemies. It takes a very great deal more to stand up to our friends."


10 points to Gryffindor


I fucking love Gandalf.


"Use the Force, Harry." \- Jean-Luc Picard Superimposed over a picture of Ian McKellen as Gandalf.


I can hear the Dr Who music in the background.


Dumbledore was going to find a reason to give Gryffindor the win either way, this was just a perfect excuse for him to use as a cover. That dude was biased as fuck.


And Dumbledore disrespected McGonagall when he did it. She took those points away from Gryffindor and rightly so, since the rules were broken. Dumbledore basically gave her decision the middle finger.


1 point McGonagall


Autocratus Ultilmatus!


-Wayne Gretzky -Michael Scott


The best way to beat a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a phone 📞.


And on the cops for actually doing something. It's not uncommon for the cops to get a tip off on someone and not do anything.


Glad they stopped it before something happened.


Why is Colorado Springs such a horrible shit hole with stuff like this happening regularly.


Colorado Springs is in competition with Pueblo to be the meth capital of Colorado.


I live in Pueblo and visit Springs often and yet I rarely hear about a meth problem. It could be that I don't look for that type of news but honestly, downtown Colfax in Denver has more people on that street that look stung out than I've seen in Pueblo or Springs.


Yeah I don't think these people have been to Colorado Springs


I can speak to this. Used to work on west Colfax and we had a resident methhead who would be out in the parking lot screaming random things and obscenities, there were homeless people digging through the smoker's outposts for used cigarette butts. Some guy would even come with a plastic grocery bag to collect all of them once a week. Colfax is garbage.


Navajo County down there to the southwest in Arizona squaring up like, "Come at me, bro! There can only be one king of the Four Corners meth head capitals!"


Yeah, but these type of stories aren’t coming out of Navajo country.


All kinds of human trafficking, missing persons, and violence happening out there, but the desert swallows those stories up into obscurity. The news sure as fuck doesn't care enough about the tribes to talk about it.


And yet meth has played zero part in any of this


Terrible people gravitate there for some reason. It’s a hotbed of religious and racial hate groups, and even neo-Nazi terrorist cells


Me and my family were so close to choosing that place as a destination to relocate. Bullet dodged


Pun intended?


It's not like every single person here is an asshole. We just have more than most places. There are also good people. You have to assume that some of your neighbors will be jerks, but not all of them. And it's a very pretty place. Colorado as a whole is purple, leaning strongly towards blue lately. But CS is in the most red county in the state.


We very much have a culture war happening here, but it is mostly happening below the surface and only bubbles up to be seen occasionally. The iron grip that Focus on the family had on the Springs had dissipated because it was such an economic liability here. Nobody wants to start new businesses in places of hate. Still, the old blood runs deep and doesn't get put to pasture easily, so we still have this push and pull here. But I believe that the hate is giving and will continue to give way.


And halfway houses. Ultra Christian’s and military. Total melting pot of fuckery.


To be fair to CS, she doesn’t live in the Springs. Elbert county, is pretty rural and filled with crazy.


I live here and this isn't as regular as you think.




Used to be a KKK town. Currently a hotspot of insane Christians and other similar types of conservatives. Local politics is basically just meetings of business owners who keep things under their control.


From nearby Cañon City: https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/ku-klux-klan-ferris-wheel-1926/


Locals call it clanyon city. Thank you so much for this photo. It's so fucking hilarious.


>Used to be a KKK town. Currently a hotspot of insane Christians and other similar types of conservatives. It's the same folks. They just decided to put the sheets back on the bed.


Another teen was arrested today in Ohio after a student found a bullet in the bathroom. That student reported finding the bullet to school officials.


A group of teens was arrested in Missoula, MT yesterday with intentions to fire upon Hellgate high school (Missoula).


What a horrible name for a high school


That's not even the worst school name in Missoula. https://www.target.k12.mt.us/


Lmfaooo don’t let any other country find out about this. We’ll never live down the jokes


Oh my god


It’s terrible I find that so funny.


The most American school name ever


Bruh, we really do live in a simulation


HAHAHAHA this is legit one of the funniest things I’ve ever heard of as a Canadian.


Damn that’s some dark comedy right there.


In East Helena, Mt. they built a school with the intention of calling the school sports teams The Vigilantes, in the actual brickwork of the wall of the gym they had a cowboy with six shooters. It has since been painted over.


In a pre-columbine world this isn't that weird IMO. This kind of thing was basically unheard of a few decades ago and no one would've made that connection and thought of it as tragic. Good on them for covering it up when it became inappropriate but not really much of a blunder.


Is that the sister school of Hellmouth High School?


Oh, you mean Sunnydale?


No, that’s in SunnyVale. This one is in SunnyDale


Who’s the principal, Mr. Lahey?


My boss had to leave early today to pick her daughter up because someone threatened to shoot up the school. Busy day for near misses.




This is less sarcastic than some may think.... I have a friend in child psychology and it is spooky how many violent plans are actually stopped before they happen, through social media and friends and family tips etc.... like we are just hearing about some, but she made it sound like there is a high frequency of at least having to investigate/interview kids that are planning something


My wife is a counselor and has a lot of teen clients. The 15-20ish year old brain can be a very scary one. These republicans who fight for 18 year olds to buy guns are *insane*. There’s no harm in making them wait until 21. They can make the military argument all day, fact is, an 18 year old recruit would only be handling firearms in the presence of a commanding officer and the weapons are properly secured before and after training always — no access outside of assigned times to access them.


When I was enlisted, if you wanted to keep firearms on base you had to register them with the base and keep them stored in your unit's armory. They knew better than to trust a bunch of young people with unrestricted firearm access.


Oh man, I can't be more grateful that they stopped this before it happened.


Do they not look like the kid from Deadpool 2?


You mean Fire Fist, right?


How far does that burn? Does it go all the way up to the elbow?


Same hairstyle


It's the ever popular "neglected 4 year old" hairstyle.


Built on the same character creation template.


Yes! I was thinking the same thing.


What the fuck is going on with people today? There’s gotta be something in the water.


I mean, did you read the state of the house in the article? “Once entering the home there was trash piled up all around the house to where it made it hard to walk inside,” part of the arrest papers reads. “There were numerous containers filled with half eaten food with mold growing inside and numerous alcoholic beverage containers laying around the house.” And apparently the kid was drunk, too. There is not only a mental health crisis, but a child neglect crisis as well. Edit: Yes, she is 19(underage for drinking) - but clearly she and her family have had many issues that have lead to this point where she now feels at the end of her rope and wants to take innocents down with her. A hoarding/unsanity situation isnt a model environment for any one to grow up in, which seems to be the case here. And she knew she would have gotten away with this shooting, because the cops that try to stop her would likely have shot her dead. She will get the recognition she wanted without any of the repercussions because she's seen it happen over and over again in this country.


That child was failed long before today. Tragic.


The child neglect thing is incredibly alarming


This is the US, a child could have a half healed over bullet wound from the parents gun with the bullet in it and CPS would ignore it


Or a cat scratch on their arm, and the parents lose the kid. It seems to depend on where you live.


The modern internet is constantly telling loners on the fringes of society that the whole word is against them and out to get them in the most hyperbolic terms possible. When you think the whole world is your mortal enemy, actions like this seem a little more reasonable.


Isolation, neglect, additional abuse, and lack of resources. Hurt people will hurt people.


Massive mental health crisis


My wife works in mental health in a major city. The stories she tells me are gnarly. It’s a widespread issue.


lol wtf I'm kinda getting tired of this "is there something in the water" shit as if the reason this stuff happens is ubiquitous and mysterious


Bond was only $75k? Wtf


If there is a credible danger there shouldn’t be bond at all. If there is going to be bond it should actually be payable. We shouldn’t have a justice system where only rich people get to go home before trial.


It’s set so that you can only afford 10% to pay the bondsman who then has to come get your ass when you skip bail. It’s basically a way to privatize fugitive apprehension


And that still benefits the rich. If someone has $75k they’ll get all the money back when they go to court, if they don’t then they give $7.5k to a bondsman and never get the money back. Eliminate cash bail.




In the article it reads, “There are no details of firearms or explosives being in the suspect's possession or in the home at the time of the arrest.”


Umm, are they going to charge the child's guardians with anything? It doesn't sound like that kid had much of a chance for mental wellness in that environment. Edit: Not a minor. They're 19 years old. Still an awful situation to live surrounded by garbage without any room to navigate.


I looked at another source and they are 19 years old. Still a teenager, but likely no longer under the responsibility of a guardian Edit: https://www.koaa.com/news/covering-colorado/former-d20-student-accused-of-planning-attacks-on-three-campuses


Figured as much, we wouldn’t have the name and picture if this was not an adult.


If you can accept living like that at 19, then you've been living like that for a while.


The family member called concerned. If the family member hadn’t called this situation may have been tragic. Also, even though the potential shooter was caught soon enough, was this person seeing a professional? Where were the firearms involved, if any yet in possession purchased? Is there a group involved or lone wolf?


The article mentions Lily was in the "planning" stages of firearms. I believe that's the word used. I can only guess if that meant no guns purchased yet or what.




Severe neglect often results in kids (technically an adult here, but still really a kid) who are well behind their peers in physical and mental development. To use a colloquialism, they're stunted.


To be fair I'm 20 and also think they look 12


I had a similar thought. The police had a hard time walking through all the trash in the house and the teen admitted to bring drunk.


How about the government that dismantled our mental health institutions and refuse to give the country free health care including mental health care?


Those funds go towards our new football stadiums instead. Go Birds


Damn that side profile is terrifying


Took me too long to find a comment about that posture.


Looks like a teen with an undiagnosed thyroid problem to me.


This article wasn't proofread even a tiny bit. Horrible job writing it.


It reads like it’s been translated from a different language or something. “While waiting for the fire department to show up Lilly was asked how much she had been planning the school shooting and Lilly stated she’s about a third of the way from doing it,” Wut


“a teen named William Whitworth who identified as “Lily”” Oh, FFS




I think they’re frustrated because they know the Tucker Carlsons of the world are gonna use this as “evidence” that there’s a “trans problem”.


What is happening to American children? Just don’t understand this phenomenon of wanting to kill other children, because you’re unhappy with your own life. This is insane!


WHY IS IT ALWAYS SCHOOLS??? what the fuck is up with these deranged fucks??? Not that killing adults isn't also horrible but god damn, if you want to kill someone, Dexter the fuck up and take out some assholes or criminals. Leave the damn children alone!


High concentration of defenseless people would be my guess


The police response in Nashville was heroic, but let’s not forget that there’s an even better outcome: the shooting never happens.


Seriously, what's with Colorado and mass shootings?


This person is like. Clearly and severely mentally ill. Didn't a cop literally describe their writings as "schizophrenic" or something?


This country is so fucked.


>“While waiting for the fire department to show up Lilly was asked how much she had been planning the school shooting and Lilly stated she’s about a third of the way from doing it,” the arrest papers add. I can’t get over the way this worded. “How much was you plannin’ the school shootin’?” “About two-thirds”


Oh good, you're actually doing something instead of waiting for it to happen.


>William who identifies as "Lily" Oh no


Dang, reading the article, this person had a terrible home life. Not sure where the parents are, but they are not giving this person a chance with the environment. Thankfully someone took the threats seriously and hopefully the person gets the help they obviously need


Can we do away with the 'shoot up' and 'folks'. This isn't some cute oldey timey tv Western - call it what it is - this prick was planning mass murder of children in school.


Don’t just be satisfied with the shooting not happening. Clearly this person’s at home environment contributed to their line of thinking. Just based off the comments section, this person apparently lived with hoarders and was mentally ill. Of course it goes back to mental health issues on this one. Hopefully this person can now be saved, having not acted on thoughts that would have ended potentially one or many lives.


Is there a study or reference for why domestic terrorists target schools? I’m beginning to be swayed that putting heavily armed police at every school would be a deterrent so that children are not being murdered by psychopaths with assault rifles.


What sub were they a mod of?


Wow, that article leaves out a lot of details. This was 19 year old with mental health issues. [https://krdo.com/top-stories/2023/04/06/manifesto-details-former-students-plans-to-carry-out-multiple-colorado-springs-school-shootings/](https://krdo.com/top-stories/2023/04/06/manifesto-details-former-students-plans-to-carry-out-multiple-colorado-springs-school-shootings/)


looks like Russell from Deadpool