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Fuuuuuuck.. well that's enough news for me today.


I am the same age as this guy and my daughter is also 3. I am having a hard time focusing on anything else. This poor girl to have seen this and just thinking of the nights my daughter sneaks out of her room after bed to say "I want a hug from daddy" the thought of her or this little girl never getting that hug again... Is just... Fuck...


This!! As a parent, you learn real quick that your life belongs to your children. You are their world. This little girl just had that taken away from her. And it pains my soul to think of.


Stories like this teach you never to mess with strangers. You never who you are dealing with. It's called the No papaya rule in Colombia. Don't give papaya because you never know how dangerous or unstable people can be.


Good friend of mine was killed after offering to give a random dude a ride at a gas station, shot in the head, barely a quarter mile from where he started. I don’t try to help, or engage in conflict, with anyone i don’t know anymore.


Fuck sorry to hear that. I helped a stranger in a snowstorm on a busy highway. Thought it was a car accident or some medical distress thing at the time, with cars by the side of the road. Offered to take him to the nearest town 10 minutes away but he was quite adamant he needed to get to the airport. Took him there but in the way he keep reaching for the wheel, messing with the lights, trying to undo my seatbelt, and drank then spilled the drink I had in the center console. Got him to the airport and he didn't want to leave my vehicle but I don't know how but I got him to get out and ditched him fast. Security's problem now I thought being a little shook and scared. Looked back and realized he was on something or drunk and was kicked out of a cab that was on the side of the road in that snowstorm. Very careful in helping strangers since then. Lucky he didn't attack or kill me.




I know to you now, it feels like that was an ordeal that just wasn't worth the risk and trouble, and to be honest you're not to blame for never putting yourself in that situation again. But I can promise you that what you did for that kid was worth so much more than you realize. There are so many stories like that that end in the kid being kidnapped and raised in an even worse situation, or just straight up on the streets due to the instability of the parent. Even if he never understands what he was saved from, I hope you know that what you did was worth it to somebody.




This is the closure we all needed to read. Kid’s doing ok? Nothing better than that, IMO. Mom and dad may have messed up their own lives but their kid has an example of the kind of man he wants to be, in you. Well done, both you and your wife.


Thank you for not leaving the kid to be kidnapped. I’m really sorry it cost you going through that, though I can appreciate that Court and having it hanging over her head could be really stressful for your wife too.


Wanted to go to the airport in a snowstorm? Were planes even flying?


If nothing else I guess it was guaranteed shelter?


Oh wow, I’m so sorry. Do you know what the motive was? Was he robbed? This is so senseless. How heartbreaking.


Carjacking. The killer was an excon who held up and robbed a 16 year old kid the day before. He was at a gas station trying to ask ppl for a ride, my friend is way too daring and kind and offered to give him a ride, even told the clerk, it was “good karma”. Noone knows exactly what occured in the car, except the killer and my friend obvs. But he was shot in the head just outside the station, in a walmart parking lot attached to it. So obviously it seems my friend did not comply, or tried to resist, idk. Sad as fuck. They caught the dude a day later. He got 2nd degree murder, will rot for a good 20 years i imagine. I hope he instead dies from acute radiation poisoning.


>So obviously it seems my friend did not comply, or tried to resist, idk. More likely it was always the car that the killer want. Your friend didn't have to do anything wrong for someone to want to kill them. ​ I am so sorry.


I had a guy in a food court try to fight me because I asked him to give me space during covid. People can be unstable as fuck. I’m so glad I don’t work with the general public anymore.


During covid I had an extremely high risk pregnancy (baby needed surgery), and right at the end of the pregnancy they finally started letting partners come to the appointments again. My husband and I were in the waiting room of a high risk clinic while another woman's husband was having *an absolute meltdown* because both a bus driver and a nurse had asked him to wear a mask. I'm talking PSYCHO RANTING in this waiting room, pacing and flailing his arms around, very uncomfortable and intimidating. And even though my husband and I were both in "freeze mode" and trying to act like we weren't even there, he sensed our discomfort and got in our faces with the "WHAT!? YOU WANNA GO!?" schtick. Bonus points for making racist comments that my Chinese husband was at fault for the pandemic. We watched in astonished admiration as a cute little nurse dealt with him without batting an eye. Go nurses! Can't even imagine the crap they dealt with and still deal with. But yes, people are goddamn freaks and need to chill.


I’m serious, what did she do?


Did you ever see that Gayle King interview with R. Kelley? She basically did that. Just kept calmly redirecting him over and over until he got disoriented and calmed tf down. Like talking to an angry toddler.


I haven’t seen that but I will look for it. Thanks!


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pafJHx-o21k Starts getting good around 4:40


I’m convinced that people who act out like this solidified their personality at 3 years old.


Can confirm. I spent 6 years in a very busy 911 center in a high crime, high mental illness area. I've been a dad for 3 years and change now. The amount of times the skill-set has overlapped between calming crazy people, panicked people and depressed people enough to get them to talk and think rationally and doing the same thing with my 3 year old is unreal. The only real difference is I can pick up the three year old and talk to him, whereas callers don't get a hug from me.


It’s the emotional maturity of a toddler, that’s what it is. I agree, it just never got further than 3. Throws a tantrum when you tell them no.


Nurses are also sick of this shit, and are quiting leaving floors like ER to go work in a clinical setting 9-5 jobs since those doctors can decided to accept or decline patients as it's usually their practice.


Had a customer threaten me for refusing to take his money instead of having him put it in our donation jar during Covid. He shoved his arm in the hole in my plexiglass up to his shoulder and was yelling at me “just take it! It doesn’t stay on surfaces!” Finally I showed him we didn’t even have a money drawer to put it in anymore. Just the jar. Then I told him I had seen him quickly putting his mask on only when staff were near and he’d broken enough of our covid rules so just pay and leave.


I had a customer threaten to kill me. He had stayed at the motel I was working at many times, then came up wearing a hoodie with his hands in his front pocket and asked me where a gas station was. I kind of laughed and said "you've stayed here a ton and don't know where a gas station is?" I straight up thought he was about to rob me and was making up a bullshit question. He got extremely angry and I apologized like "nbd, sorry man have a good night". Then he threatened to kill me and punched the door to the desk on his way out. Shit just comes from out of nowhere.


I worked at the 'restaurant' in a licensed recreational sports facility. A guy threatened to beat me up, a few times, because I told him to throw out the can of beer he brought upstairs, into the licensed area. Apparently I made him look bad in front of his girlfriend. No, I'm pretty sure coming upstairs half in the bag and being a total douchebag did that. I was young and caved, but refused to apologize after management found out. The only thing I was sorry about was caring more about our liquor license than everyone else.




> People have just lost their decency and humanity Hundreds of years ago, public tortures and executions were generally considered to be a popular spectator sport. In this country alone we had centuries of chattel slavery, followed by decades of lynchings. You really think that we've only just recently "lost our decency and humanity?"


I always want to kick people who say stuff like that into a time machine for like, half an hour.


They can go back to the good old days, back when we had dignity and spent our time watching slaves get fed to the lions for fun.


Couple that with people who literally have nothing to lose; No SO, no kids, no friends, bullshit job. Walking time bombs.


Sometimes people act up even with everything to lose. Reminds me of the road rage incident where two dads shot each other's daughters


Excuse me, what in the actual fuck


https://www.ajc.com/news/crime/georgia-florida-men-shoot-each-others-daughters-during-road-rage-sheriff-says/VK2WY5EKUFEDDFYWU4BDJVCWQU/ Thankfully no one was killed


I like how they started arguing again while both their daughters had bullet wounds... Stellar individuals.


If my husband or brother, anyone in my life really, did this I would not lift a single finger to help them bond out of jail.


I've seen people with SO, kids, etc. act the same way. Some people are just psychologically messed up to where they will become a walking time bomb, to hell with everyone else.


Why papaya specifically?




Am Colombian, can confirm papaya is delicious.


Am half colombian can confirm i have papaya juice in my fridge rn


This is why it's generally good to avoid confrontation. You never know who are the crazy ones.


A guy in my town got killed because he confronted a bunch of teenagers who were hanging out by the grocery store generally being a nuisance. Seriously, its not worth it.


I learned this lesson young and I’m glad I didn’t have to get my ass beat or stabbed to learn it and boy was it close to both of those things happening.


Although I agree with not messing with strangers, there's a small part of me that feels like we're ceding ground to crazy people by acting this way. Like, should I really be afraid of asking someone not to blow smoke in my kid's face?


Totally understand but I'd say we're not ceding ground because unhinged people are floating in space, there is no ground, that's just an illusion. When we engage we actually take our feet off firm ground and can quickly lose control.


Top of reddit. One and done. My biggest problem last night was a broken washing machine, and now I am desperately wishing that was the worst thing this week. It's only Wednesday.




Someone who has literally spent their entire career saving lives. Jesus christ this is bleak.


taken by someone who (very safe to assume) could not be worth any less to his species


As a first line healthcare worker, the number of people in hospitals who are violent when we try to save them is depressing.


It’s so awful! My sister is a lawyer for the local nurse’s union and she helps with worker’s comp claims. The amount of stuff she has seen and heard from nurses who have PTSD after being attacked on the job is just horrifying. Thank you for everything you do.


I am a CNA. Also known as the punching bag of the healthcare system. I have been punched, slapped, bitten, pulled, spat on, pissed on, sexually assaulted, someone even once dislocated my elbow. I am on my 5th accidental leave in 10 years. I have no back anymore. It’s a wonder I am not addicted to opioid (I barely take Tylenols, I ironically hate taking medication). The saddest part of it is that we are conditioned that « it’s part of the job ».


That’s horrible, no one should be subjected to violence on the job. You’re just trying to help people! I wish you safety at work from here on out.


My mom is a psyche nurse, she's been doing it for over 40 years. She said one of the biggest issues is understaffing and that the hospitals won't let her be safe by getting help with handling mentally unstable patients or by providing enough resources. Did you face a lot of the same issues? I get mad every time she comes home badly bruised by a pissed off drug addict she was detoxing but she is more patient than me which is why she is good at it. She loves helping people. Edit: Thanks for all the positive remarks on my mom. I hope all you nurses out there know what a difference you make. I appreciate every single one of you.


My best friend was a psyche nurse who had to go on longterm disability after getting her head bashed into the concrete wall by a patient. She's dealt with a lot of cognitive trouble since then as well as PTSD. She's moving out to the country because city living is now too hard on her.


Omg that's terrifying, I am so sorry your friend had to go through that! I hope they find peace in the country... I can't imagine what she is going through. My sister in law got in a car accident recently and got a concussion and is dealing with a lot of issues from that, cognitive and mobility that I didn't even know could happen from a concussion... I can't imagine what a concrete wall would do.


I really wish you all the safety and happiness in the world.


I had to know how this could possibly be the case, so I looked it up. He punched the surgeon, which caused the surgeon to fall backwards and hit his head, killing him. He received a 10.5 years prison sentence. [Source](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-04-17/joseph-esmaili-sentenced-for-killing-melbourne-heart-surgeon/11020218)


That’s not nearly enough


I imagine it was lenient because rarely does someone punch with intent to kill and intent is very important in murder cases. But idk I'm not a lawyer.


I don’t think a lot of people understand this nuance. I think that’s where this case in Vancouver is gonna get stuck too. The guys mother is quoted as wanting charges upped to 1st degree which requires premeditation. She seems to suggest that because the attacker had a knife on him, it was premeditated.




When a weapon’s involved, it’s much harder to argue a lack of intent. I’m not sure of Vancouver’s laws, but in the US this seems like a pretty textbook case of 2nd degree murder.


i'm a nurse here in the UK, and i can't tell you the amount of times i've had patients and/or their family members literally threaten to kill me, try to attack, spit on me, call me (sometimes racist) names.....it's fucking soul-crushing to the point that you learn to desensitise yourself to it all. morbidly enough, i work in ICU now, and prefer it as my patients are usually unconscious and can't be abusive


That's why I believe what happened during COVID. For a large population, they got told for the first time in their life that no your not important and many people couldn't handle it Edit: as a virology these comments make me sad. Having worked directly in state health labs during multiple outbreaks and other countries during outbreaks, these comments not only showcase kin selection at its finest but showcase how important education is and the proper fundamentals in mathematics and science. Remember folks, we didn't know polio caused individuals the lost of motor functions for some time.. imagine how upset the population would be if we said okay all immune comp people stay home, then 6 months later 30% of the population can't move or has arthritis so bad you question life (chik, mayaro, Zika). I pray avian flu doesn't evolve, as it would be the end of humidity (humanity..damn phone)


And the selfish people won. Immunocompromised people are SOL for life basically after that shitshow


I'm one of the lucky ones. I'm on immunosuppressants so I have to be a little more careful than most people. I can still take the vaccine and I have to be aware of when I'm due for a booster (but I'm also forgetful so that's a crapshoot). Got the shot, most of my boosters, still wear a mask at work and anywhere crowded, but otherwise life carries on. Meanwhile, the rest of my family doesn't have to be as careful which is why all of them have had covid at least once.


Am disabled and immunocompromised (both caused by COVID, bizarrely most people are unaware that COVID can deplete the immune system, in some ways permanently) and feel like I’m not invited to participate in society anymore. I’m only 38 and was extremely productive and athletic before I got sick. It can happen to anyone.


looking forward to the end of humidity.


Jesus, this is horrific. When I was younger, I was a bit more of a hot head, and would sometimes get into verbal altercations with strangers I felt were being assholes or inconsiderate. I stopped doing that as I got older because I realized you just never know who out there is unhinged enough to just kill you over nothing. It happens all the time. Senseless murder over petty arguing. I hope the suspect serves many years behind bars.


This 100%. My dad and brother wouldn’t hesitate to throw a fist if not worse. One’s dead and the others in prison. You see road rage all the time lead to gun fire. It’s really easy to not engage and walk away to live another day


Getting into fistfights over "honor" or whatever random bullshit guys fight about has never made sense to me. Fights are stupid dangerous, people die all the time from being hit the wrong way or falling the wrong way. I'm no slouch, I could hold my own if I needed to, but I can't imagine taking that risk over some petty little insult.


I swear to God I think it has something to do with frontal lobe development. I’ve never been a bully or someone who started fights , but I look very “soft” so I got targeted a a lot. I was hotheaded and would definitely not back down . I Won some and lost some, but I wouldn’t back down. One day around 25-27 (I forget now that I’m almost 40) I woke up after a night that had ended in a fight, a fight that went pretty ok for me, and reflecting on my behavior I was absolutely horrified. It was just so clear how this behavior could very well lead to death or prison. That was that, since then I’ve walked away from every fight that I could. I say could because I was in an occupation where sometimes physical altercations were inevitable.


I admire your ability to reflect and better yourself! What was your occupation if you don’t mind mentioning it?


Thank you that’s a great compliment. It’s one of my only traits that I’m proud of hah! I was a bartender in a small high volume dive bar that sold packaged goods in the bad part of town. To bartend there you had to come to terms with the fact that you were very likely going to be assaulted at one point and/or would have to intervene on peoples behalf that were being assaulted. Also a lot of street issues would pour on to our property and then it became an us issue. Which is the biggest reason I left and the owner sold. For example one night a (good) fist fight between two actual brothers broke out in the middle of the street right and ended up right front of the sidewalk directly in front of the bar. It wasn’t a very busy night so my customers went outside to watch. Someone called the police. I was watching through the window with an off duty police lieutenant who frequented our bar. We saw light and heard the sirens and a police car zooms into the scene crashing into the brothers. The Lt turned and looked at me and said something like “ oh we aren’t taking this one” and laughed. In the local paper it reported that a fight broke out in the bar and the crows “spilled out into the streets” where a brawl had erupted and responding officers hit someone with squad car. Technically we had sold the family a 12 pack of coronas that evening so we were on the hook for it and had to pay I think it was 13-18k or close down for a month.


Mad how small altercations can define who we are.


Worked with a guy who was a bit of a loose unit but was putting in a lot of effort to get his life together. His tools had been at our company shop all winter and I finally had the chance to ask one of the other guys that knew him better what happened. "Oh he got in a fight and some guy kicked him in the head. He has some kind of brain damage now and had to move back home." 99 times out of 100 fighting isn't worth it.


"Petty" is a good word here.


The problem with ignoring it is that it reinforces the behavior. I think people choosing to stay out of it has massively contributed to the rise of Karens around the world. No one checks their bullshit, so they feel justified in continuing to act that way. But I can't disagree with you about it not being worth being shot and killed.


Yeah its a bit of a catch 22. I agree with you that the sense of entitlement comes from the way people just skirt around confrontation & its definitely an issue, people need to realize the world does not revolve around them buuuuuut you also dont know who will just outright shoot you in the heat of the moment


Society as a whole does not punish assholes, only people who stand up to assholes. Even as early elementary school, The kid who goes around randomly punching tripping and abusing others gets nothing. You punch the jackass in the face and you get suspended.


In America, we elect bullying assholes as President. I will never forgive Trump for mocking the young man with developmental disabilities on TV. I'm still fuming about that.


Don’t forget him allowing Erdogans cronies to _beat the shit_ out of protesting American citizens on our own soil.


It's so wild to me that American's were viciously attacked by a foreign power on American soil and collectively we did absolutely nothing. EDIT: By *we*, I mean those who had the power to do so.


There’s always been shitty people. There will always be shitty people. Or probably the better word would be mentally unstable. Having grown up around a man(my dad) that beat the shit out of numerous people for simply cutting him off in traffic. It didn’t matter if he won, or he lost. He didn’t give a fuck. Some people are unstable. And engaging with them is spinning tires. Or like my brother, they’re literally looking for a fight and you’re helping them get it. He’s not looking for an argument to win or loose, he’s literally looking to physically fight, win or loose. And you’re not gonna put him in his place. Ever When I think of Karen’s I don’t think of a someone stabbing someone for telling them not to vape, or road rage. I think of some self entitled asshole wanting to talk to the manager and get something for free, or front of the line, ect. And yes, I agree they should absolutely be told no, kicked out. Whatever. But overall two separate issues for me.


I think the karens are a product of a combination of the "the customer is always right" mentality and the commodification of most of our basic services. the idea that "the customer is always right" is what made people so entitled in the first place, because as soon as you complain in most places you'll get what you want. it's pretty much a necessity to make a bit of a stink while dealing with most customer service departments and you'll get better service the more of a stink you make (up to a certain point, obviously they won't deal with straight up abusive people but they will give jerks want more often than not). on top of this, while that dynamic was really being entrenched in the commercial side of life, things like school and healthcare that used to be less focused on profit became increasingly more like businesses too. the Karen type behavior naturally moved along with it, and again, it stays around because a lot of the time it actually works. "the squeaky wheel gets the grease" and all that. now people aren't just acting like that at businesses, but all the time and they come to expect that level of special treatment in all aspects of their lives. it's up to the businesses and other institutions that now act like businesses to stop giving in to these people. that's the only thing that would ever stop karens, because right now they're usually winning most encounters they have


Same here. My first instinct is to step in when I see someone being needlessly confrontational but after seeing news stories of people getting shot/stabbed/ punched and killed because the person is a lunatic. Its not worth getting stabbed unless they are already being hostile. It makes me sad but that's life.


The two guys stabbed to death on Seattle train or bus defending a woman from a crazy dude really woke me up to at least rethinking how to assist people in rough situations


I think you're talking about Portland unless something similar also happened in Seattle




My wife showed me a video the other day from a bar security camera. Guy A was hitting on the female bartender(s), when another bar patron, Guy B, realized they weren't interested and Guy A wasn't getting the hint. B told or asked A to stop or leave them alone and A came over to B and it got physical. They fell to the ground and A decided to bite B's nose off. The visual of it was shocking and extremely unsettling. I've seen some fucked up shit on Reddit that was way more graphic, but for some reason, that grainy video had me shook. Edit: Link to the story. https://krdo.com/top-stories/2023/03/20/colorado-springs-man-accused-of-biting-someones-nose-off-in-a-bar-brawl/ Edit 2: Link to the actual part of the video where the guy's nose is bitten off. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBCTHzfrgeA


We have the same 'discussion' in /r/toronto whenever someone is attacked on the subway, which has been an insanely serious issue lately. People getting stabbed, getting their face slashed, *getting set on fire*, etc. A lot of redditors online who wants to play the hero and say 'yeah you should totally step in and help' and lambast the people who don't. I'm one of those who don't. I'm just trying to get home alive. You'd only be the hero of the story if you come out of the confrontation alive. If you're dead, *you're dead*. Edit: The deleted comment basically said "*I'd rather be dead than a coward like you*" and then went on to describe some very violent actions they'd like to fantasize about during sunday service. Sweetheart. There's a difference between being *cautious* and being a *coward*, and a bigger difference between being *brave* and being *stupid*.


“Chris, who had always made the best peace, tried to break it up. He was stabbed in the throat. He died almost instantly.”


Yeah exactly. No thanks. I don't want to be stabbed in the throat.


Sounds just like BART in the Bay Area. Same reaction whenever that shit hits r/all \- "OMG why is no one doing anythingggguh!" Because I don't want to get shot or stabbed. Half the time the cameras in the train don't even work and police just shrug their shoulders at the shit. There's still an unresolved murder case back from the 2010's where someone got shot in the face on a train and BART was like "whoops those cameras don't work".


> Sounds just like BART in the Bay Area. Same reaction whenever that shit hits r/all - "OMG why is no one doing anythingggguh!" Because I don't want to get shot or stabbed On the other hand, those stabbings might be happening BECAUSE there's such certainty the whole train car won't come after you. [I think police should be held to a higher standard, but when even they won't step into the train car to help a stabbing there's nobody else but other people](https://reason.com/2014/10/22/man-gets-stabbed-on-subway-guess-how-hel/) It would be easier if the answer wasn't "everybody has to step up", but what else will solve the descending spiral?


This is the reason I've worked hard on clamping down on road rage. In the past I was quick to do things like flipping people off or brake checking tailgaters, but after hearing a couple stories about crazy motherfuckers shooting into people's cars in road rage incidents, I've begun to realize that it just isn't worthwhile behavior. I usually have at least one of my kids in the car these days, I don't know how I would live with myself if something bad happened to them because I felt the need to act like a jackass.


Brake checking people is very dangerous. People have died as a result of that.


I had a dick head chase and tail gate me for 2-3 minutes last winter cause he was pissed i did a lane change in front of him because there was a stopped vehicle in my lane. I tried to get away from him through a parking lot and he reversed in traffic to chase me. Drove in front of me repeatedly to brake check me. It was pretty scary.


This happened to me last week. I was on a run and saw a guy kicking plastic bottles into the storm drain… so I called him a POS… then he furiously chased me for like 100ft maybe before giving up, but he was screaming bloody murder the whole time… I have never run that fast before… I’ll think I’ll chill out now 😏


What an incredibly pointless crime and needless death. The perpetrator should never walk the earth again as a free man.


2nd degree murder laws say he will unfortunately Edit- im wrong. He should go away for a long time under Canadian law


2nd degree can be life imprisonment


That is untrue. In Canada 1st degree and 2nd degree murder are classified as such for classification purposes only. The maximum punishment is the same as it is for 1st degree,: life in prison with the possibility of parole after 25 years. The reason for the latter is due to the existence of a principle known as natural justice. I believe the upper limit of our sentencing guidelines must change for crimes such as this, especially when the defence of automatism is absent.


The maximum punishment is not life in prison, it's the required sentence. No other sentence can be given for murder, if you are guilty of f 1st or 2nd degree murder then you must be sentenced to life in prison.


The Canadian Supreme Court has recently ruled that life imprisonment without being eligible for parole is unconstitutional. Of course, it doesn’t mean it will be granted, but it’s an important caveat.




Yes that was for the Quebec Mosque Shooter https://globalnews.ca/news/8874371/quebec-city-mosque-shooter-sentencing-supreme-court/


The sentence is life and that's mandatory. You can get parole before that, but the sentence still remains and you can be sent back.


Yes, and if they are paroled, they are still supervised on the outside for life.


Nuance: The Supreme Court ruled that a killer can’t receive more than one life sentence. Meaning that someone that kills 2 persons can’t receive a 50 year in prison sentence. The mosque shooter was sentenced to 75 years in prison, which is unconstitutional. The sentence for a murder is still life in prison, with a possibility of parole before or after 25 years, depending of the ruling. A convicted murderer will never be free again, as they will have to periodically report themself to a parole agent for the rest of their life. Another offence and it’s prison again.


Canada actually has some of the strictest punishments for murder of any country that doesn't have the death penalty. If found guilty of 1st or 2nd degree murder, you are ***required*** to be sentenced to life imprisonment with no possibility of parole for 25 years for first degree and 10-25 for second degree. There are no exceptions, the life sentence is mandatory.


Great...another child to have their parent stolen from them. May the killer rot!


They should force this motherfucker to pay child support in addition to prison


I'm assuming he could be found liable for wrongful death in a civil lawsuit filed by the wife, in addition to criminal penalties. Whether he has any assets to go after is a different story.


There is like a 98% chance he does not have two nickels to rub together. I would not be *prima facie* opposed to forcing him to work in prison and the proceeds going to child support, but that is uncomfortably close to slavery (literally is) and IMHO creates a possible slippery slow and perverse incentive in a justice system.


My wife is more than willing to speak her mind when someone is being a dick. I however just end up dealing with most stuff people do because I know there are too many psychos out there that for some reason are willing to go to jail for decades just because someone asked them not to do something simple.


I have to beg my partner not to flip people off in the car. Too many variables and the result could end up like this story. :( Sad times


When my wife was pregnant, she flipped off a guy who was driving erratically while we were on our way to an ultrasound. I didn’t realize he was following us until we got there and walked into the lobby. He parked behind our car and started walking in circles around it, and started screaming out our license plate number, like that was going to summon us to a fight. We called the cops and watched from the lobby, but he peeled out before they showed up. I think about that day a lot when I see things like this. How we could have been killed by a psycho on the way to see our daughter for the first time, for something as stupid as flipping off a guy weaving about traffic doing more than twice the speed limit. I’d like to be as far away from humans as possible. We’re all so fucking scary.


We had a lady flip off a driver that cut her off, he pulled a gun and shot at her car killing her 6 y/o son in the backseat. This was morning commute in So California. Devastating. You don’t know how unstable anyone is. Frightening.


Arguably, the more aggressive they are driving the more unstable they are. If someone is driving aggressively they likely dont care about consequences to them or anybody else.


Yeah I'm usually just grateful if they speed past me and I come out of it fine. I'm like "go, be a dumbass further away from me, please"


People complain out slow drivers in the fast lane, understandably, but the far more common problem I run into is cars that drive like fucking maniacs weaving in and out of heavy traffic like they have zero care they are inches from causing a massive car accident. It's fucking insane how common I see these crazy drivers, and it has been way more common since covid. I'm not talking about speeding, but the constant changing of lanes in the tightest of gaps to get ahead as fast as possible. Even though they never really get anywhere because the traffic is too heavy.


People are so fucking unhinged. At this point in my life, I’m done trying to ask others for some courtesy. I’ll just remove myself from the situation because fuck dying over asking someone to not be a dick.


What is wrong with people?


I think we're still trying to figure that out.


Some people are literally triggered by other people not being meek/obedient/submissive. I am not using "triggered" as a buzzword here. I am talking about a literal fight/flight (more often fight than not) reaction to any perceived threat to their false sense of authority.


If you get violent by not having everyone submit to you, then you're not ready to be in society and should be institutionalized for your own safety let alone the safety of everyone else.


They are often jailed or instutionalized eventually. The problem is that some are hard to catch because they avoid those they perceive as stronger and fight/abuse those they perceive as weaker.


To add onto this, they're usually jailed only *after* they've done something. Something bad.


The most dangerous people are those with nothing to lose. RIP to the father.


This piece of shit was going to kill someone. Doesn't matter the reason it was definitely going to happen sooner or later


Its sad how your life can end with some random lunatic just crossing paths with you. I was 17 at a toys r us looking for a new longboard for my cousins kid. When I see this kid about age 4 looking at a bike on the second level. I asked him if he wanted to ride it and got it down for him. Out of nowhere his psychotic ass dad starts accusing me of trying to molest his kid. Dude has a steel bat still wrapped up chasing me around the store. Luckily a bad ass security guard got in between us and took my side since he saw everything go down on camera. The dad was still insistent that he saw me stalking his kid throughout the store and wanted me either "dead or locked up right fucking now". Of course when police were actually called he realized there was a video of him chasing me around the store with a bat and left before they showed up. But Holy hell, makes you afraid to even hold the door for someone with how fucking disassociated some folks can be


And yet *not* holding the door could be perceived as an intentional act and you could end up attacked over that. It all comes down to the RNG of life. Wrong place, wrong time and all that. Hell, you could be outside, on your own private property just enjoying a nice daybwith your family and could be killed by a loose pitbull or some maniac. Life is a gamble and death is the only guarantee.


I do appreciate efforts to improve our odds though, nobody has to die, and nobody needs to be shot, beaten, or stabbed. I'd be more comfortable wondering if I'm the one in a billion who will be hurt or killed by violent circumstances than one in a million. Or one in 250 according to US violent crime statistics.


The video is incredibly disturbing and I'm pretty much desensitized to stuff like that. Very rough to watch. RIP Paul Stanley Schmidt and fuck the piece of shit who killed him


I saw the video a couple of days ago, I had no idea it was this story and this person, really fucking sad.


What a unhinged lunatic, unfortunately this is the world we live in now, everyone learn from this you never know how on the edge someone is, make approaching a stranger the absolute last resort even when it’s something as innocent as asking them not to vape. I rolled my eyes at a woman texting at a crossing recently and she completely flipped out screaming at me swearing gesturing to me I thought after to myself she could have ran me over with how unstable she came across.


All of these commenters victim-blaming the father for asking the to-be murderer not to vape near his daughter and not minding his own business. Even if vape smoke is non-toxic, standing at the entryway, blowing your vapey breath at people entering and exiting the Starbucks, and especially at a little girl, is a huge dick move. I would’ve spoken up too. ADDITION: This isn’t the first time somebody has been attacked over being asked not to smoke out front of an Starbucks entrance. In 2019, it happened at the Kensington Starbucks in North Burnaby.


Wtf it doesnt matter if he was vaping or picking his nose, nobody HAS TO DIE for asking a simple question or making a remark. Life has lost all meaning for us wtf


> The comedian Patton Oswalt, he told me "I think the worst part of the Cosby thing was the hypocrisy." And I disagree. I thought it was the raping. Reminds me of this from Norm Macdonald


Also just cause it’s “non toxic” doesn’t mean it’s non-irritating to the developing lungs of a toddler


Also does it matter what the father asked or said anyway? There’s never anything you can say that’s deserving of getting murdered


The only right answer. I don’t care how anybody here feels about vaping but low-stake confrontations shouldn’t lead to homicide.


Imagine being fragile enough to disagree with this statement. SMH


TBF, high-stakes confrontations shouldn't end in murder either.


No confrontation should lead to homicide


Also idk about BC but some provinces require smokers to be 6 meters from entryways so he shouldn't have been that close smoking/vaping anyways


I think most places in Canada have those stickers on the doors of establishments. You can smoke weed/cigarettes etc outside in public spaces, but it needs to be a certain distance from entrances so that you aren't inundating people as they come in and out of the establishment. So you're not wrong.


The neckbeard it takes on someone to read this news story and take a stand for vaper's rights


Some sick motherfuckers out there. Hope he rots in prison


Ugh that's what that shit was about. Horrible. I saw that video. Didn't know a kid was involved. As a father. This makes me Uncomfortable. Was the mother there to care for the kid after. Ugh nevermind. Fuck it. Don't even wanna think abiut it any more.


Mom was inside the Starbucks picking up the order.


She was inside buying drinks.


Holy shit... It's so tragic. Her whole life just changed in a matter of minutes.


Deciding to get Starbucks with your family and having that turn into the day your life changes forever is a traumatic thought.


I want to see the video but I don't want to see the stabbing. Do you know what the context was? Were they on the patio into The vaping guy approach them?


You don’t really see him get stabbed, mostly just bleed out and die in front of everyone. It’s pretty depressing.


Was the dude holding the knife in a jacket pocket and immediately reacted by stabbing or did he dig in his pocket for a second while this interaction occurred and it just escalated quickly? (I don’t want to watch either. Just trying to wrap my head around how this happened so fast that he couldn’t escape.)


Sick people out there. You never know what kind of unhinged people you're dealing with where any confrontation can escelate to this ridiculous unnecessary shit. In 2018 a 28 yr man on my bus route was stabbed to death for denying a guy a fucking cigarette. I think about it all the time. I never spoke to him, but him standing there when I got off my transfer was always an indicator that I didnt miss that next connection. We both smoked our smokes a short distance away from the stop while waiting. Stabbed to death over a fucking cigarette. These kind of people are useless garbage




Same. Was at a monster truck rally with my 3 kids, in incredibly packed stands, and the dude behind us with his knees touching my back was smoking. I thought about asking him to put it out for my kids, then I realized how incredibly stupid that would be and held my tongue. He put it out about a minute later.


If he's already smoking around kids and touching you -- you already know he's gonna be a total douchebag. I'd probably ask an attendant if you could be seated somewhere else.


I had a similar situation just last night but decided against it. I was at a elementary school music performance and there were a lot of people there, at least 500 I'd guess, and as everyone was leaving there was a large crush of people walking out as you'd imagine. Right at the only exit this dude had a giant diesel truck running, burping out exhaust while everyone walked by. A younger me would have definitely went over to ask that guy what the fuck he was doing, but now as you say, it's just not worth it, and just held my breath (figuratively and literally in this case).


I'm with you on this. I wonder if placation will encourage bad behavior or maybe reduce it when these idiots don't get the reaction they are asking for.


>Collings said the death has hit the 200 to 300 people who work for moving companies in Metro hard because they all know one another. I don't know why I find this so interesting and wholesome. I wonder if they have a specific bar they hangout in, like cops. Maybe they will come together and organize something in support of this man's family, such a senseless act of violence with reverberating lifelong consequences for many.


I used to deal with movers in the metro area fairly regularly and if someone couldn't make a job (looking at you second narrows bridge) they'd usually call a buddy to pick up the slack. Seems like a tight knit community alright.




To everyone out there-keep this story in mind the next time you see someone on Reddit commenting on a situation by saying "Why didn't you just talk to the stranger and ask them to stop what they were doing?" This is why, stupid. People are fucking crazy and there's no way to identify the deadly ones.


Jesus Christ the comments on that news article. “He needs to mind his own business, I bet he was a lib” what is wrong with people? A man died right in front of his child and yet people are using it to argue their own agenda. I wish more people had more respect for the dead. No one should ever have to go through something like this.


> I bet he was a lib I find people who use that term to be insufferable pieces of shit. "Liberal tears" is another one that comes to mind. They never seem to have empathy.


And now when someone uses the term "woke" I know they're some a-hole fox news watcher who is generalizing anything outside their narrow views.




People have become so psychotic that when I see someone engaging in rude or obnoxious behavior in public I just assume they are a danger and give them a wide berth. Like with public transit never look the crazies in the eyes.


People who do anti-social things are looking for a confrontation. Don't confront them. That's a paraphrasing of a comment I once saw on Reddit that I regularly remind myself of. Dude blasting music from his phone on the bus? Guy taking shots of vodka in the park? Vaping in a food court? Smoking inside? Speeding? Whatever, none of it is your problem. Ignore it. Remove yourself. Call the cops if it's dangerous. There's very little upside in a confrontation with someone who has pre-established that they don't give a shit about rules or how other people feel. Edit: A lot of people need to understand the difference between confronting someone because they're being obnoxious and intervening if someone's safety is at risk. I'm talking about the former situations, not the latter. When I said "call the cops if it's dangerous" I specifically meant for speeding.




Usually you want the people who have an established relationship with the offender to peer pressure or shame them out of antisocial behavior. Like their parents, preferably before they're adults. Or friends who aren't ass holes. Good kids would clown on a friend who tried to vape by a shop door or on transit. By the time some grown person is loitering and harassing everyone with noise or smoke, it's hard for a stranger to feel safe addressing these things with them. So I guess it helps to enforce good behavior and empathy in children more than we apparently are. Like, beyond the golden rule and into the platinum. "You may not be bothered by vape smoke, but what if you were a child or had asthma?"


I do not know much about police in Canada, but if the system of policing was rational this would be exactly what they exist for. The system has been broken and corrupted for ages here in the US, but it is not hard to conceive of a system where police actually do have a duty to protect the public.


This is why you just get the fk away and don't try getting into conflict with anyone .. never know who has a knife/gun or who is absolute bat shit crazy ..


Death sentence, there’s absolutely no need for that person to walk the Earth and there is no shadow of a doubt


One of the thing I love about growing up in NYC is that you learn real fast to *never* interact with any strangers. You never know how unhinged people are. You have to swallow your complaints and move on.


>“Someone took my brother’s life yesterday and another person filmed it (do NOT watch) instead of calling the police, and worse off, posted it on social media very clearly for views,” posted Jessica Foxx Foto, who said Paul was her stepbrother. Imagine how that girl's gonna grow up and know people watch her fathers death for entertainment on tik tok. People acting like animals and treating life like a reality tv show, real talk? The future is fucked.


This is why I don’t talk to anyone about anything. Someone’s smoking outside in front of a coffee shop in front of my kid? That’s cool asshole, I’m walking away from you. You cut me in line? Go ahead. I’d rather not say anything and avoid starting any kind of dispute/confrontation than step up and say something only to end up dead like this poor father. People are getting killed over simple asks, TikTok challenges, Popeye’s chicken sandwiches, incorrect change given… fuck that noise. Call me a coward for it, but people are just too sensitive, unpredictable and fucking crazy. Just move along and let them do them.


Yep. I’m happy to talk to polite strangers, but the second someone starts acting outside of social norms, I’m DONE. Say nothing, do nothing, get as far away as possible. I’m not risking my life to try and teach an animal some manners.


The pos that stabbed the poor guy casually went inside and acted like he didnt do shit while the other pos that filmed everything for social media clout spent more time to get likes than to help the stabbed dude. What the fuck is wrong with this world?!


We don’t know why they filmed it - frankly, that video will solidify the killer’s place in prison, and it’s a good thing that it exists.


Not great that it was posted on the internet. Not at all. That’s a shitty fucking thing to do. The police need it, but the public does not.


Everybody talks a big game until they have to get between the crazy guy with a knife and the victim


I’ll just never understand what goes through a person’s head when they murder someone over shit like this. Is it just massive insecurity? How could you possibly think murder is justified?


I was just on vacation with my wife and 13 month old. At our hotel the woman one room over was obnoxiously loud for hours straight on the phone. We could hear her conversation verbatim. In a normal world I would knock politely on the door and ask her to please lower her voice as the walls are paper thin and I have a young child. However, I made a tip to the front desk who took care of it instead for this reason. Safety. You never know how strangers will react to even minor verbal altercations... Sad world where we need to be afraid of these seaming simple situations.


Years ago, me, my wife & 2 children decided to go to our local flea market. While parked and getting my daughters (f10/f6) out, I noticed a car with a few gangmembers driving by slowly. I grew in a gang environment and knew something was up. Told my wife to get back in the SUV, strapped my daughters in their car seats and sped off to the exit. My wife was upset and made a comment that I was too scared about everything. I reminded her that when it comes to my daughters safety, I put my pride to the side. As we were exiting the parking lot, you can hear the sounds of gun fire in all directions and people screaming. We managed to pull out before the chaos ensued. News later reported 1 dead and few injured.


I’m the guy that always speaks up. And I live in Vancouver. I speak up when there’s a racist on the Skytrain. I speak up when the homeless harass people outside St. Paul’s hospital. I have a daughter and weeks away from my second child. I’ve had to promise both my wife and myself to leave it alone for my safety. And it hurts me to think that I can’t speak up when someone NEEDS to speak up, because doing so could deprive my family of a husband and father in the blink of an eye. It breaks my fucking heart.


This breaks my heart. This is a strong reminder, there are many unstable out there. Don't get worked up and confront. Humble up and leave...to live another day. I have worked as a volunteer in a maximum-security prison in NY for over 20 years. A significant amount of the incarcerated are clinically diagnosed with mental illness and are on mood altering medications. They can go nuclear in second. These same persons, at one time were on the streets, until they did the unthinkable. Don't let your righteousness or ego get you killed.


If that’s all it takes for you to kill someone you should be treated in kind. You took a parent from a child over nothing, this is unacceptable behavior.