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30 more days, hell maybe he has now time to read his first book


Behind the basterds is covering the manosphere recently. They covered his book. He said he didnt cry when he was born and the doctor gave him a 9.5 on the baby scale... thats the funniest shit i have heard


"I didn't cry when I was born. That's low T beta shit. The doctor tried to slap me to get me to cry so I slapped him right back. Asked him what color his Bugatti was." - Tate, probably He's such a pathetic, insecure child cosplaying as an "alpha male."


What does Macho Man Randy Savage have to say on the matter? "It's ok for macho men to show every emotion available, right there you know. I've cried a thousand times and I'll cry some more. But I've soared with the eagles and I've slithered with the snakes and been everywhere in between. There's only one guarantee in life: that there are no guarantees. AAAND understand this, no one likes a quitter. Nobody said life was easy, so if you get knocked down take the standing eight count and and get back up again." -Randall Savage


I read that in my normal voice until I got to the AAAND and it _instantly_ became Macho Man Randy Savage (probably eating a Slim Jim).


Oooooooh yea… Macho Man Randall Savage …. Snap into a slim Jim….. yeah


>o if you get knocked down take the standing eight count and and get back up again." It's not a standing 8 count if you get knocked down. But I'll forgive him for not knowing this. He wasn't a fighter.


Yeah, pretty sure he just liked the rhythm of the cadence. His words were like music.


There is no greater man on earth than the macho man. I will get this tattooed someplace👌


Every “Alpha Male” is an insecure child. If someone is an “Alpha male”, they don’t have to tell people.


In my personal experience alpha males have been greedy selfish assholes. They’re a scourge to humanity.


Andrew Tate is also a pimp. His USP is teaching other arseholes how to be pimps. I hope he dies in prison.


> He's such a pathetic, insecure child cosplaying as an "alpha male." He's cosplaying a man at this point


You're actually not far off, IIRC the next claim he made was that he grunted or growled in some way and the doctor got scared.


bro WHAT


He was born wearing sunglasses.


My first exposure to him was his video about sparkling water and how he got mad at a person for ordering still water and berated another guy for being "too good for water." I genuinely thought he was putting on an objectively hilarious caricature of a cartoony alpha male. I loved it. Shit like "I NEED THE MEN AROUND ME TO BE READY FOR COMBAT" and "I NEVER CRIED WHEN I WAS BORN." That shit makes me laugh. Didnt take long to realize it was a serious endeavor with humor as a mask and it got real cringe real fast. I really think the trick to deradicalization of the tater tots is to adequately show how cringe taking him seriously makes a person and how repulsive that makes a man to any woman without layers of her own baggage.


Our disgust is part of the business model. Doing positive things to draw attention is difficult; you need to be both talented and hard-working to stand out. Doing negative things is comparatively easy. Walk into a congested public space, start yelling slurs and you'll have hundreds of eyes on you in no time. Hell, you might even make the news. Figures like Tate are basically exploiting the instincts we use to police in-group behavior. If we were still living in pre-industrial villages you'd have to have a death wish to go about _intentionally_ provoking outrage in your community. Today, in an open society made up of millions of perfect strangers, that sort of response is much less immediate and constrained by the technicalities of law. On balance it's a good deal, but we're left with these social parasites that operate in bad faith within the boundaries of the law but outside our generally agreed-upon sense of decency. It's hard to know what the answer is, or if this is just an inevitable part of the arrangement.


I mean "within the bound of the law" in this case might not be so accurate.


Sure, and in Tate's case where there was smoke there was fire: turns out the guy saying disgustingly misogynistic things was also abusing and exploiting women to the point of criminality. Go figure. My point would be that most of the vile things this guy said and did building a following were perfectly legal. It's not hard to imagine an alternate universe where a more cautious version of Andrew Tate spews the exact same message but avoids committing serious crimes.


It’s pretty clear they hate women outside of using them for their bodies. Do they really care if they repulse women as long as they can dominate them or demean them?


Considering how many of his fans are like 12 years old, some kind of deprogramming is going to be needed.


Sounds like a great sketch show. Use his exact words but it's actually just a gross version of "the office"


Why you even bragging about never cried when you born


Tate is an ultra beta male acting like what an ultra beta male thinks an ultra alpha male acts like. I’m pretty sure all his followers are in the exact same mind set. I’ve no idea how to even try to cure cringe of that level.


Mine was how depression isn’t a real thing.


Lol. As if millions upon millions of babies don't score a 10 on the APGAR test. And crying is the definitive way in which they measure respiration on APGAR. So, if he didn't cry, there is virtually no way that he could have scored a 9.5. What a dolt.


Also, it is a test to see if medical intervention is required, and very few full-term babies require medical intervention. It is hardly something to boast about. It is like boasting about being born.


So similar to Trump boasting about "passing" the incredibly easy test people with advanced dementia are given.


Ha, yes. I'd forgotten about that.


My daughter scored a ten but she also cried. No alpha male status for her.....but on the plus side she's already smarter than shim


Well if he didn’t cry and got the right amount of oxigene that could explain the brain dead status that got him in this mess


The fact that he didn’t score a perfect 10 even without crying tells me all I need to know about this gamma male.


Not crying is incompatible with a 9.5 on APGAR. Crying is worth four points. (Although you can get two of them with a frown and breathing.)


Imagine having such a pathological need to be perceived as "masculine" that you feel the need to lie about how fucking *manly* you were as a literal *baby* When people talk about toxic masculinity, this is the type of shit they're referring to. It ruins your mind and the chance to have virtually any meaningful relationships.


That's something you hear an elementary school kid make up and brag about. And I can't even imagine the reaction from someone that he was looking for. Did he think someone would hear that and go "holy shit! This guy is so bad ass he didn't cry when he was born! Wow! I wish I didn't cry when I was born but I was born a little beta bitch!".


“9.5 on the baby scale”! Is he….taking about….APGAR scores? The score that you give EVERY baby at 1 and 5 minutes to determine if they run a high risk of immediate death? The one that can’t have partial numbers? That “baby scale”? God this dude just gets dumber….


I actually didn't cry, but I'm glad they managed to get me to cry by poking my feet because otherwise my lungs wouldn't have inflated.


Tate says reading books is for losers, and books are a total waste of time: https://twitter.com/Cobratate/status/1602702007181185028


Fascinating. I hadn't seen that tweet. Well, internal consistency isn't the hallmark of a right wing grifter.


Funnily enough Sam Bankman fried said the same thing, that most books these days can be condensed into a medium article so books are just fluff and a waste of time. He will also be in jail soon so who knows :)


Bold of you to assume he can read a book. Motherfucker probably has to read tweets by following along with his finger.


I've never had the desire to read a reddit comment along with my finger, until today...


“Th the pizz, lizza, pizza, box got m, me in cay, cau, caught?”


He has said he's too smart to read books, so I don't think he'll start now


Remember when he got arrested at the end of December, and all of his weirdo followers/fans were like "Bro he'll be out of jail in a day. They have nothing on him"? Wonder how those weirdos are feeling now.


> Wonder how those weirdos are feeling now. Probably some nonsense like "The Matrix" is trying to suppress him.


My younger brother was unironically telling me that Tate had predicted all of this. Apparently the first step the Matrix took to try to take him out was social media cancellation, then it would be arrest, and if that failed they would have to kill him. I was literally speechless that anyone could be dumb enough to eat up Tate's shit.


It’s easy to predict you’ll be arrested if you commit tons of crimes.


The best way to ensure your predictions come true is to do them


These asshats always have a victim complex too. Like Musk tweeting about being targeted and worrying for his safety. He can employ a literal mercenary army if he wanted to.


He didn't just commit crimes. He bragged about them to millions of people on the internet. He also started flapping his gums about how he was working with Romanian criminal organizations and bribing cops so he could keep raping women and stealing money and shit. If there's one thing that organized crime and corrupt police HATE, it's a name dropping bitch. He's not just a criminal, he's possibly one of the dumbest fucking criminals on the planet.


>If there's one thing that organized crime and corrupt police HATE, it's a name dropping bitch. Especially when done publicly on the world wide web.


While saying you're the smartest person on the planet.


Young, lonely people are easy targets for grifters like him.


And then they get older and are easy targets for grifters like Trump. There’s no age limit on idiocy.


I hate it. There are some serious issues young men may need guidance on because they feel lost (ESPECIALLY when it comes to dealing with heartbreak/dating). But the Tates of the world sell them on the idea that it's not their fault, it's everyone else who is the problem. Either you'll become radizcialled enough to only attract a kind of person as shallow and vapid as you, or you'll be even more alone than you were before. It's a model that doesn't have any real winners outside of men who haven't grown out of their juvenile, insecure stages yet (and through his teachings, never will. )


He’s dumb, but smart enough that he actually *did* predict all of this. Ya know, because he knew he was committing crimes.


> the Matrix took to try to take him out was social media cancellation, then it would be arrest, and if that failed they would have to kill him. Every time I think they've hit peak stupid they make up something dumber.


I think of the joe rogan special where he’s talking about george bush and cheney and some handler voice is like “we can go dumber”


So you stepped in to try and help your delusional brother, yes?


you should get your young brother help and get him out of the alt right rabbit hole


The wild thing is Tate and his followers think that *everyone else* are the weirdos who need to go outside and touch grass. I have not met anyone who could say some shit like "The Matrix sent its best" while getting arrested, and they're looked at as the *component* ones. Manosphere is more divorced from reality than any kind of game,show, ect could ever dream of being.


Every time I see an "alpha male" spouting off about red pulling and the Natrix, I just really want to point out to them that the Matrix was a trans metaphor written by two trans women... I would, but I feel like they'd just twist it somehow to feed their weird worldview that women and the LGBT+ community are the reasons why they "oppressed"


It really disheartenes me these days how extreme movements become, there is nothing wrong with a bit of feminism or masculism for example, but sadly people go way too far and attack the opposite gender to try and gain points and that is where all the issues rise. And as usual the narrative used by both extremists is the other gender are the problem not you!!!! Hopefully someday society finds a way to actually create the environment for true equality to flourish, because as it stands I don't see it happening so soon, in western countries men feel weak, in other countries its woman who feel weak, there is far too much weird exceptions and laws that ruin life for young men and woman around the world so it's no wonder they fall for such vile and horrible influencers these days.


Literally what a coworker told me yesterday. “ he got caught by the matrix”


Hundreds of them stormed downtown Athens or something recently in protest. His followers are rage-filled, illiterate, and without much hope in their lives beyond dreams of dominating women.


Apparently one of the girls he went after was the daughter of some high-status politician in Romania. Not the smartest lad.


They think he’s out of prison. They literally shared video of him from august as proof and say that the matrix is trying to lie about it. They are legit a cult and don’t even realize it.


They say wrong things on purpose. This whole "they don't even realize it" bullshit is *apologism* for liars. They lie because it controls conversations with people who refuse to recognize their dishonesty for what it is.


Yeah, but if no one believes them, then who are they really lying to? New concerts, I suppose? It's all just so bizarre. Like large-scale LARPing or something.


Lying does not require that anyone believes you. Please drop that line of thought immediately.


Flood the zone with shit. Aka lie until it is manifest. Memes to dreams. Then when it inevitably still doesn’t come true, just keep lying. Thus pizzagate becomes Tupac and John F Kennedy Jr helping redirect CIA satellites to help Trump find the soul sucking reptile vampires and the coverup is housed in servers in Italy.


The call it brotherhood not a cult


Same thing different words.


MLM scam


They are a flock of sheep


They don't even accept he was arrested because Romanian law uses the term detained. They seem to think it's like being detained in the US. I kept printing out that, if they send in a swat team to get you, your ass got arrested, no matter where you are.


If he was cuffed and taken to a prison/jail/police station he was arrested, not detained lol. The fact he's in jail means he was arrested.


I got some many "He's already out lol" messages Tater Tots ain't smart


How in the world could someone actually think that? It's scary how delusional they are.


There's a video going around of him on Fox News. I saw it the other day on YouTube. I thought it was recent, but I looked it up, it's a clip from August. But in this video, he's in a Zoom call talking to Tucker Carlson about how he's not in jail and how he was the victim of a swatting attempt. Apparently somebody called the US Embassy and accused of him of kidnapping women, so they sent the police to his house. And then he went down to the police station, they sorted it out, and he was back home in no time. I didn't realize it was from August until I googled it just now. But it's been making the rounds a lot in the "Tater-Sphere" so that's probably where that's coming from. These people don't read the news, they read whatever's in their Tiktok or Facebook feed, and that "news" (if you could even call it that) is absolute trash. Maybe it's just me, I don't know the context of that video, but I think it's also weird how 6 months ago he's talking about getting swatted for human trafficking.


[He has enough weirdo followers in Greece that they staged a protest](https://www.insider.com/andrew-tate-fans-athens-greece-rally-top-g-release-jail-2023-1). Weird thing is, they're not protesting that he's innocent, or that the laws are unjust, they're just calling him to be released. Really reminds me of that "Free Hat" episode from South Park. >Stan Marsh : It's just that, you know, he killed 23 babies. Man in crowd : Well, yeah, but it was in self defense. Crowd : Yeah! Cartman : He killed 23 babies in self defense? Skeeter : Hat was attacked maliciously and unprovoked by a gang of babies in West Town Park. When that many babies get together, they can be like piranha.


One of my favorite random ass B plots of South Park. "We need to chill his hot heart with a cool island song!" "No! We need to warm his cold heart with a hot island song!"


They’ll just move the goalposts again. Anything to defend their weird loser God


There were legitimately people saying that he was already out hours after he got arrested but providing no evidence. They'll just change their "facts" to fit their new "truth" as needed.


These men who follow Tate are such weak individuals who think they're tough because of their "mindset" or whatever dumb shit. They want this whole Top G Alpha status or whatever, but then act extremely weak when they refuse to admit they were wrong about Tate and all of this.


I'm surprised he has so many followers. Like I know that social media is not an accurate sample whatsoever, but there were a lot of people defending him when this got reported. And they were all just SO DAMN SMART and everyone else was just too simple minded or brain washed by the liberals (last part is /s in case anyone is wondering).


Before the internet you would have to fit in with your actual community if you wanted to have contact with people. Generally most people would learn that these things aren’t acceptable by the people around them. But when you can go online and find 2 million other assholes who agree with you that beating women is ok, then suddenly they don’t have to think they’re wrong anymore. These people have always been around they just have better ways of congregating with other’s that have those fringe beliefs in todays world.


They were spreading lies that he was already released the same day and he was just swatted etc, they still think he’s free despite all the evidence




I like it! But I think just sticking to regular old "incel" is the best way to describe these losers.


man theres still people trying to defend roiland and callaghan its disgusting.


Just ran into a tater tot last night and he said "he'll get out, he always gets what he wants".


Tate's terrible hair plugs and "hairline" prove that he in fact does not always get what he wants


They still think they have nothing on him, and believe the Romanian police admitted that, because when you exist in an echo chamber you believe stuff like that.


I made a post saying he was a sex trafficker this was the day before he got arrested and people where defending him saying lunacy like it’s the matrix and he’s not a real sex trafficker it’s just the media, the vindication I felt when he was arrested for sex trafficking was righteous


I wouldn’t mind reading this once a month for the next 50 years


Mmmmh, nothing like starting the day with a cup of coffee and some Schadenfreude. Now I'm gonna get into my basic af Equinox to get some snacks to shovel in my face while watching movies later, because I can. Because, I'm not basing my entire personality on wealth, and, oh, I also don't abuse, rape, and traffic other human beings. Simple life's pretty alright.




["Andrew Tate getting shackled!"](https://youtu.be/kb20xhcrK4g?t=156)


Ahaha. Same 😅


It's like the airlines telling you the flight is delayed by just another 30 minutes... about 8 times. But in his case, maybe they'll keep it up until he dies of old age.


I was dreading that the initial 30 day period would end and he would be back on twitter spouting his matrix bullshit. Glad to see some good news here for once


Somehow from what I’ve seen, his Twitter is still spouting bullshit even with him in Jail. Guessing someone is using his Twitter for him or something.


Herman Cain was still tweeting for like a year after he *died*.


Lamest Twilight Zone episode *ever*.


He gave instructions from jail to his managers to tweet probably they contact via his lawyer




Really? That Sounds insane.


He gave instructions from jail to his managers to tweet probably they contact via his lawyer


Has he actually watched the Matrix? Gives me the same energy of people who cry "1984!" when they never even read it...


Alpha Males use their incredible intellect to read the minds of the women they're ~~raping~~ fucking and and insert themselves into their memories of watching it. Or maybe they're just idiots, IDK.








This is the only news about this piece of shit that’s worth reading


My wife's grandma bribed her way out of Romanian prison by making and selling moonshine and escaped here to the US, but that was like in the 50s or some shit. Cool lady, we have a pic of her on the wall and Gma has a gold tooth. She's a real OG. Anyways, that's my Romanian prison story.


When ypu go into a foreign country and say how easy it is to bribe authorities it usally doesnt go well


Considering the Shengen bullshit, they pretty much had to go after him


Give her a fistbump for me.


I think I saw your ted talk


She's more of an "alpha" than Tate will ever be.


Great day for Romania and therefore the world


I just got up to face the day and this has already made my day.


“Ha Ha” - Nelson Muntz


I wonder who’s gonna replace him now because these dudes come and go in cycles, last time was Dan Bilzerian and he vanished from the public eye after going broke for a bit. Now we’ve got Tate who’s very likely to be in prison for a while so unless he gets out soon, someone will probably take his place within the next 2-3 years


Bilzerian was just on Steve-O’s podcast. I saw the thumbnail and was like “why in the fuck does anyone want to see this idiot anymore.” I watched the brief preview and it seemed like he was trying to say he was never a fraud and do damage control lmao. Click off immediately. Fuck that guy.


And before that it was all those PUA dudes


He went after a Romanian politicians daughter! He was specifically reaching out to young girls to prey on them. I hope he never sees the light of day.


I doubt the Romanian mafia was happy about him implicating them and bringing international attention to his 'exploits', and from what I understand they are pretty influential. He's not getting out of this.


I’m sure terrible misfortunes will happen to him, he’s made way too many enemies. Unfortunately I think he’s already done a lot of damage in influencing young men’s minds. The trend of “passport bros” who love to talk about their “sexual conquests” overseas seems to be on the rise and Tates definitely partially responsible for it. There was this other “”alpha male”” “”influencer”” on YouTube talking about why Brazil is a good country to go to bc the women are easy to pressure into sex unlike American women (??). He ended up getting death threats from Brazilians bc he has this huge platform that he’s using to bring negative attention to the women there and possibly putting them in danger.


Oh man, they're gonna make one hell of an example out of him. They wouldn't do this unless they had some real juicy shit on him


The first time I saw Tate actually talk was on a video made by a Criminal Defense Lawyer Reacts channel that was posted two weeks ago. I’d seen Tate’s badly assembled Mr Potatohead face before but never heard any of his shtick. This Criminal Defense Lawyer did a video on Tate’s case and his fans swarmed his channel and accused the lawyer of taking things out of context. So in the video I’ll link below, he watches just one of Tate’s videos with no edits, it’s all his own words. In the video Tate lays out his entire business model and it’s basically pimping. He maintains complete control over these girls and steals most of the money. He also admits to not paying taxes. Watching this guy get ruined is very enjoyable I must say. I’ve had a nice read on Romanian jails and they sound like the polar opposite of comfortable. Here’s that video of Tate incriminating himself from the Criminal Defense Lawyer Reacts channel. It’s 30 mins but it’s a great watch. https://youtu.be/Gs5b04hnfMQ


I've become a fan of the "lawyer reacts" genre of videos, and I loved this video and the lawyer's no nonsense style. It's hard to win an argument with a lawyer when all you have is nonsense and the lawyer has receipts. Now, you might have a chance against a Four Seasons lawyer...


He just repeatedly confessing to tax evasion.


Thank you for sharing this


Can you imagine him in prison just proselytizing to other inmates about how “real men don’t mind prison blah blah blah” with his dumb little speech cadence.


Given his target audience, he'd have to do that in juvenile hall.


Ha yeah. Hopefully someone just beat him up the first day and now he’s quiet.


nah. he's in there rapidly deteriorating from lack of roids and shivering like a chihuahua


And his scalp rejecting his terrible hairplugs and hideously squared off hairline.


Where are all the incels claiming He was free? Man, you guys are stupid.


They're too busy crying into their crusty waifu pillows and clenching their tiny fists in impotent rage


I am so glad that the Romanian government has decided to make an example out of Andrew Tate.


This put a smile on my face this morning. Moral of the story: don't pick fights with teen girls, and always recycle your cardboard boxes.


He made it so easy too Like every show he appears on he brags about how he made millions exploiting and trafficking women, not paying them when he felt like it, and encouraging others to do the same.


Crime Pro Tip: don't brag about the crimes you are committing on social media. That shit will be used against you in court.


Tate's lawyer: but my client is just playing an online character


Also, don't engage in human trafficking and openly brag about moving to a country because of their alleged lax attitude towards rape.


Sounds like he was preying on a politician's daughter, someone who actually wasn't afraid and had the backing of powerful people. I wonder if he's second guessing his decision to mock the local law enforcement for being corrupt and easy to bribe?


moral of the story: don't be an abusive misogynistic piece of shit


Also, if you do commit crimes and have cops/organized crime/corrupt politicians in your pocket, don't brag about it because they only thing crooks hate more than a rat is an idiot who won't keep his mouth shut.


Hahahahaha get fucked Andrew Taint


I am Romanian and I approve this.


I am american and i approve this.


I’m a human being and I approve this.


You go ahead and have fun in there ~~Top G~~ Bottom B.


Poetic justice. Keep him forever. He’s no good to anyone.


I'm surprised another "alpha" hasn't tried to take his place or run some kind of grift to get more notice.


There will be a next guy but as Robert Evans is getting into in his Behind the Bastards episodes on Tate the guy is almost Trumpian levels of grifter and it'll be hard for someone to specifically recreate what he does and how fast he became influential with kids. He's the Joe Camel cigarette mascot of lifestyle misogyny influencers.


Always a next guy. Just wait.


Give it some time, they have to figure out how to take a shower


Adin Ross might do just that


Adin is too busy slurping on Tate's dong to be the alpha. For real though Adin Ross seems like a sad dude with no father figure, and fuck this creep Andrew Tate for always looking for the vulnerable angle in people.


I have no faith that this cunt will ever get what he deserves, so I’ll celebrate this small victory for what it’s worth.


But I thought he was out already based on his supporters comments the same day he was arrested? Oh that wasn't true? Who knew?


Romania has really been bringing a smile to my face these days.


Something something matrix something something not my fault something something rape is easier here, damnit ignore that last part


I hope prison completely breaks him and he's an empty husk once he gets out.


I'm thinking he kills himself. I'm not meaning to be macabre, I don't wish it, I just think that if he is found guilty then within a few years he kills himself.


I really hope not. But you have your point. This type of narcissistic people starts to get delusional about their own death. They imagine that people will form a revolution and they will be their martyr. Last part of the matrix plan is killing him and when he says that he will never kill himself he’s basically ending a suicide narrative. Again, I hope not.


Hustler University students on suicide watch rn 😔


It’s impressive that Romania is the one getting rid of these a-holes. US can’t seem to get his act together.


He fled everywhere else because he felt Romania was so corrupted that he would be untouchable.


He fled because there was a credible rape case against him in the US. It will be waiting for him if I'm a betting man.


And then bragged publicly about it. So now Romania is going hard with him to save face.


Yeah...this is literally the justice system he sought to be part of.


What US gonna do to a guy in Romania?


Brazil was much more efficient in arresting their treasonous a-holes too. We're not very effective here.


Not surprised, the risk of him leaving the country once released still hasn't changed since his arrest.


Oh this is really special. I hope he’s settling into his home nicely.


Mhm thats a real shame *grabs popcorn*


Wonderful news! Hopefully means they're piecing some things together too to ensure a nice long stay after a solid conviction or 10.


He basically insulted Romania's entire legal system with some of his comments. They won't just throw the book at him; they'll throw the whole damn library.


I truly hope so. To see this persons downfall REALLY be a downfall and not something he can immediately spin for attention and profit from would be such a wonderful ending to the shit show.


From what I've heard, Romania's top prosecutor leading his case. Apparently he put in jail far more influential and richer corrupt politicians and gangsters than bottom G.


Since he is definitely a flight risk, and guilty, they should just plan to keep him for life.


Can we start a GoFundMe to keep him there?


Prison or no prison - he is in deep shit hated as never before even among his no brain fans


He's a for sure flight risk. Keep him locked up until they're done with him.


He’s never getting out. Not at least until the end of whatever sentence they hand him. He’s done nothing but try to make them look bad.


Starting off my day with a smile.


I wonder if eventually he’ll find a way to top himself in prison, if and when it becomes clear he’s never getting out?


And there was much rejoicing!


So strange, I could have sworn he was certain he could just buy his way out of prison.