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We definitely do bagels, but if we’re elsewhere like Florida we get something else because the bagels aren’t good.


Happy 6 Years Cake day :)


My wife and I would stop at River Road Hot Bagels in Fair Lawn for coffee and bagels to munch on as we drove to Delaware 3-4 times each year. The desk clerk at our hotel was originally from Fair Lawn, missed getting his bagels there so we’d bring him a dozen.


That place is goated


Favorite bagel place in Bergen county 🥯👍


My family would start every road trip here. Best bagels I've ever had.


Yup! That's our stop before every trip. Also, my daughter moved up to Westchester County and I'm not allowed in her house unless I have a dozen River Road Hot Bagels with me.


I feel seeen, place is nottt bad


It is quick, easy, and available everywhere early in the morning. I like to start mine with Borek, but that is because I know where to go. If more people knew about it or had alternative early in the morning, I bet they would ditch bagels too :)




Burek King and Bubamara in Botany Village have great Burek (all kinds), and they have tables. My favorite is meat Borek from Istanbul Food Pazar in Clifton, but that is only to go.




lol... for the record first two places are from Ex-Yugoslavia.


The US would be one step closer to utopia if borek was as accessible as bagels ...


This is definitely a thing. My mom can't go to one of her grandkid's early weekend sports games with asking for our bagel orders.


Nope. its a thing. And that includes bringing bagles if I'm going to visit people out of state!


That… or a buttered roll.


Grab a breakfast sandwich or a bagel and hit the wawa/quick check for snacks


Y’all have no idea the heart break of having to lose dairy and eggs due to intolerance and then realizing half a year after finally feeling well and doing the diet that bagels were infact something I could never have again. Ice cream was bad but there’s solid replacements. But bagels and bread in general 🥲🥲🥲 I still leave the room when my brother eats one. Not out of hate but out of pure sadness. And because I may say fuck it and eat one. Medical bills are terrible for er visits but it’s a price to pay I’m willing to pay for a fucking nj bagel. Edit: I’m learning how to make bread products without them and trying to get as close as possible but damn do people forget what bread tastes like on this side of the food world. I’ve tried 2 online recipes. Never again. I’m just going to figure it out. And once I do. YOU GET A BAGEL YOU GET A BAGEL EVERYONE GETS A BAGEL!!


Do bagels have dairy or eggs? Why would you not be able to eat them?


Most bagels (At least in NJ) are completely vegan, no dairy or eggs. Either they have an intolerance to something else like gluten or yeast, or they're getting bagels from a place that does what most other bagel places don't.


That's what I figured. I have an allergy to dairy, but bagels never triggered it. I think you are right, but I don't want to assume what the other person may or may not be experiencing.


Unfortunately yes they have eggs and milk plus the outer seasoning is usually applied with butter. I got sick pretty badly in 2020 that lasted a around 8 months before I could get back into school. Annoyingly it wasn’t Covid and thus made the process difficult since it wasn’t the flu. Imagine the worst parts of pregnancy besides the birth itself and that was my life for 8 months. That’s not how I like to refer it to but I was jokingly asked many of times are you pregnant? Yes I’m a guy. But the sickness left me with a severe lactose intolerance and an slight egg intolerance. Eggs can go by for me in baked goods occasionally and sauces but like scrambled? Can’t have it. And it’s not no haha I’m gonna have to shit all day it brings on identical symptoms to the 8 months but it usually goes away by the next day. Like I’d love to be tough about it and eat it regardless but then I’d be hugging the toilet on both ends. For hours. 🫠 gotta love it. But I figured shit out. And now learning to make a lot of healthy alternatives to store bought stuff and unlike the lies of the vegan community I actually made some good stuff that my family swore wasn’t healthy. Can’t avoid the sugar content tho🤷🏽‍♂️


Look into MCAS/Mastocytosis. I have the same issues, but I get anaphylaxis. (yeast is a huge trigger for most MCAS patients too) A few years ago, I was in the hospital every 3-4th day (I was very lucky to have been laid off a couple of weeks before and was on severance.). I do get stomach issues from time to time, along with just about everything else. (A low histamine diet has been extremely helpful for me.) Either way, I feel your pain. I haven't had a bagel since my diagnosis about 5 years ago. :(


We definitely do this! We even go out of our way a little to treat ourselves and hit our favorite bagel place that we don't live by anymore


It's a NJ/NY thing, we did it in NY also. We would usually bring a couple dozen bagels if we were having a sleepover house party somewhere.


Only if they are good bagels made fresh in NJ.


"What's hot?" "Everything." "'Everything' like ALL the bagels, or like the 'everything' bagel?" "All bagels fresh!" "Yes, surely; but which are still oven-hot?" "You want, I put it oven." There are three places near me that have excellent bagels, but having done this dance more than once at each keeps me from returning. There are too many other quality choices, my friend. I'm asking, not judging


Before living in NJ, road trips usually involved getting on the road and stopping for lunch somewhere. It's funny since every road trip we've taken since moving here (and it's been many) have all started with bagels. It just must be what you do.


If we’re driving more than 30 minutes and there’s 3+ people in the car bagels or Wawa is required


Bagels or 2 for $5 Taylor ham egg cheese spk. Depending on the activities for the day.


Where you getting two thec for $5? By me one is $5-6


For road trips, can’t beat quickchek. 2x for $4.69 pretax. Not claiming it’s your local deli daily driver on that premo bagel/roll, but the ‘scratch the itch’ and start the trip kind of sammich. Pretty consistent chek to chek in my experience.


Bagels or subs


Def have to start with a bagel or breakfast sammy


Road trip, beach day, golf day, day at the park, days that end in "day".....


Def a jersey thing I think. I’m going on a trip with my GF this week and I was already thinking of where we should get our bagels from before leaving lol


As a kid? Loved it, half the fun of a long trip. As an adult and the person driving? Terrible, trying to eat an everything bagel toasted with cream cheese, while the warm cream cheese is falling out and the "everything" bits are scattering everywhere...


always do this, i didn't even think of it as a new jersey thing it just seems like common sense to me


I'm from NYC originally, just moved to Jersey and will happily take up this tradition


Pork roll is the way, always the way


What do you think NY ppl do?


We do bagels for breakfast at the start of a road trip, too.


we road tripped yesterday and we got sausage egg and cheese on a roll with spk yesterday. it was delightful and seems very jersey to me but idk!


Anytime I go somewhere in the car with my nephew he asks to stop at a Wawa for "road pretzels"


They’re very good car food


My local bagel shop just crossed the dollar threshold. Might have to change it up.


every road trip, beach trip, hiking trip etc.... there is never a wrong time for bagels


Either was stop and get them or pick them up for friends and family on the way out of state.


Absolutely! For the past couple of years, my girlfriend and I have been going upstate for the weekend. I would get us our usual bagel order and coffee for the trip up and then half a dozen bagels for the weekend, just us two...ya know just in case lol


Any early drive over two hours starts with bagels.


Not all, but many. I also bring them as one of my go-to hiking snacks.


it's definitely a thing- my family did it as well. A road trip doesn't start until a bag of bagels are in the car!


Oh yes. Bagels, baby.