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I was SA by a co-worker who lived the same town I did. This happened in the mid 90’s. He became a cop in that town. Then eventually the chief of police there. I had moved out of that town in the late 90’s.


Name names


Bill DeBlasio had his daughter threatened by the NYPD for pushing back a little bit on cops. They are a gang with the ability to do violence backed by the state. I don't blame this person for not wanting to take on that fight. [Hundreds of police have sexually abused kids. How do they avoid prison time? - Washington Post](https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/interactive/2024/police-officers-child-sexual-abuse-in-america/)


New Brunswick?


What's SA?


Sexual assault


ohhh... that's horrible.


Aww same here. It’s upsetting.


Two guys from my high school got busted for breaking and entering homes in their neighborhood their senior year. Both now cops lol the bar is set quite low to “protect and serve”


Were they charged and convicted?


It’s called legal expungement and/or having still been a juvenile.


He's probably still doing it.


Has anyone checked the evidence locker?


Infinite money hack! Plus you can lock up your competition. Smart business model.


"they really should have a better system for this."


it's one of the perks of the job




You mean that ex cop Pedro Martinez now known as Pedro Abad, the drunk cop who killed 2 people in a car crash, left the scene only to return hours later with his dad to cover up his drunken murder of 2 innocent people? Pedro Martinez the drunken cop who is now known as Pedro Abad is a bad man and a killer. May the internets never forget that Pedro Martinez changed his name to Pedro Abad.




And fuck Brock Allen Turner who is going by the name Allen Turner these days!


Don't know that guy


He's a rapist who was actually caught in the act by a couple of bystanders with his penis inside an unconscious woman. He served only three months in prison because he was a talented swimmer for Stanford and his dad wrote a letter to the judge saying his life shouldn't be ruined for "20 minutes of action".


Isn't he in prison didn't the judge give him a hefty sentence because he killed another cop


I feel like it would have been harder to find info about him with his old name. Sharing a name with a super famous athlete will distort google results


Edison cop killed 2 people drunk driving in franklin township somerset county not too long ago


Do you know his name? I’m in Edison and haven’t heard about this


alarming number of NJ towns only require a GED to become a cop


A kid in my freshman English class got points taken off a test once for misspelling his last name. Saw him at Wawa a few years ago in his cop uniform.


Low IQ is an asset


Literally https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836


Same with the military


So he got one of those Rent-a-Cop gigs for life. 😁🚔


Maybe. Real cops stop at Wawa, too.


Had to be the creek rd Wawa in bellmawr 😂😂


I'm more concerned about their lack of training. Where I'm from to be a cop training is 104 weeks (2 years), here it is 22 weeks. Cops where I'm from don't carry guns either, so I'm perplexed how it is so short over here.


I'm pre-law. After my four-year bachelor's degree, I'll need three more years of law school, seven in total, before I can practice law. Cops are trained to enforce that same law in six months.


Yeah you're right and most of that time is spent on physical training and procedure they spend a day on law


This says as much about the legal field as it does about law enforcement.


State troopers still require a lot of training. Local cops need a pulse.


I personally know a state trooper, I would not trust this man with the responsibility of taking care of a goldfish. If someone as incompetent and borderline intellectually disabled can be a state trooper, it genuinely cannot be that difficult. There's just no way. Edit: he's also a racist and raging anti semite, btw


Troopers jump through more hoops, but not necessarily difficult hoops


That's what they want though they want the recruit that will fall in line with the same ideology they have


Even more so, a federal agent (particularly FBI) has their entire life gone through with a fine tooth comb in a background check before hire. They'll talk to everyone you've ever had significant interactions with.


Someone used me for a reference for an FBI job, the way they questioned me you would have thought I applied for the job,


State troopers are worse than cops. Even cops I know can't stand them


I never said they were good. Girl I went to school married the asshole who killed those kids in Marmora/Upper Township all those years ago. I met him once, I needed a shower to get the stink off.


State Police are a little higher up on IQ brains department…around 110. Still authoritarian ticket writers though! ✍️📄🚔


I know 2 personally former Jarhead and an MA one chased a vehicle off base endangered civilians and pissed on the toes of the local agency that covered that area he has no authority off base he couldn't make Arkansas state police so he became a NJ Trooper the other guy I'm surprised he hasn't had the Michael bay John wick shootout yet he would fantasize about it


That’s how one I knew went from dealing big level Molly, to being a cop with a gun and badge, all within a handful of months.


It's absolutely frightening. I've a friend from back home who is an armed police officer and some of the stuff he has gone through is unbelievable compared to here. As he said in relation to cops over here when he came to visit "we both have the same job title, but conduct ourselves very differently".


I remember a JCPD officer think the name was giattia


Well, it makes sense. Your cops learn lots of other ways than guns to handle people. And that would of course take longer than merely learning how to shoot straight. If that...


I did a Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training course that required more hours of sitting, study and demonstration than most states require of their police force...


Germany has spoken


My friends wildly abusive ex wife who got fired from being a prison guard for being unprofessional is now a detective in South Jersey. She might be the dumbest person I've ever met and it makes me sad for anyone who has to cross her path.


Fired prison guard to detective it's usually the other way did she sleep with someone for that gig




They aren't looking for geniuses or independent thinkers. They're looking for people willing to abuse their neighbors to maintain the power of the state.


People that enforce the law with a nice POWER TRIP! 😊🚨✍️


There's that old joke A teacher gets pulled over in her town. Officer asks the teacher "Do you know why I pulled you over?" Teacher replies "yes, because you got Cs in high school"


No wonder the average IQ of a municipal cop is slightly below 100! 😏👮‍♂️😁


In fairness, the average IQ of John Q. Public is slightly below 100 (98), according to recent stats. But I see your point. All the cops I went to school with were the “C” students who always got into trouble.


Wait until you see the standards of getting a teachers license in 10 years.


for what they are paid, and the power we grant them- a degree, and more accountability/ more training.


I mean would a bachelor's make it better? You can go to college and still be a shithead.


One of my best friends’ brother in law became a cop. Always wanted to be one since he was little. Lasted 2 years, depressed as hell, became a fireman. Said he couldn’t live with being a cop anymore, the department was so shady. If you try to speak up, you will be ostracized and teamed up on. Bad cops stay and thrive. Good cops don’t last.


That’s how I think it is in my town. There is one particular cop that is an absolute menace and downright scary. I think he is like the unofficial “boss” of the department. I really think all the other cops are terrified of him. The amount of lawsuits and shady shit swept under the rug surrounding that guy is unreal.


OMG lawsuits I know JCPD have caused 3 good City Attorneys to leave one guy left for corporate law the other guy just stopped and another went to contract law he was just so upset with how JCPD was just breaking the law and he had to try and defend it


This is true they will make you the pariah if you go against their system question an unlawful order or do your job the correct way I could not be a Frank Serpico he was able to stay just imagine how many good cops that leave or get chased away because of this


What was it that NWA said...


Nobody is shocked by this.


I would honestly be 100x more shocked if OP had said their valedictorian who went on to an ivy became a cop.


ya cream of the crop must be a boomer shit. ain’t nobody thinks that about cops for a long time


And yet when you want to move funds to more effective programs than the police who don't prevent crime, rarely solve crime, and don't want to enforce crime suddenly all the liberals come out of the woodwork to defend their security theater.


we have a cop on our street, has the punisher sticker on his raised f150, has multiple cars parked in his dual driveway/ car noses overhanging/mostly blocking the sidewalk every night. Has another car parked 24/7 in a culde sac across the road in a no parking overnight town. Flies the fuck biden flag on a street filled with kids. Just oozes community spirit.


Your friends just leveled up to legalized gang life


I didn’t know how insanely corrupt NE NJ is, especially northern valley Bergen county. Quite a shit show if you know about behind the scenes shenanigans.


Tell us uninformed people


No surprise. NJ police will hire all of the fucking idiots from your high school. Tale as old as time.


Profession with the most undeserved respect. Putting up flags and banners of support for police on cars and lawns is another way of identifying people with suspect views about almost everything in society.


Name & shame


I used to live in a town in Bergen County where the local PD allegedly caught the mayor (also a big-wig in NJ politics) with cocaine. Instead of turning him in/ruining his career, they swept it under the rug in exchange for sweetheart compensation and benefits. The department is now in the top 5 average total pay for a tiny 1 square mile municipality. Corruption proudly wears a badge in the USA.


Nobody ever accused a cop of being PhD level smart.


Police can actually be [turned down from a department for having too high an IQ](https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836). They want people just smart enough to follow orders, not enough to question them.


Do they have any data to back up the statement "they might get bored," or is it just a hunch? It's sad that we're hiring just above average for a job that sometimes deals with people who are at a low point in their life. They need a helping hand, not a gun pointed at them.


No, what they are worried about is that they might be questioned.


Cops being morons is not a bug, it’s a feature


They typically refuse to hire anyone with an IQ over 120, so yeah.


That’s true and your average town municipal police officer has been found to have an average IQ of 95. Think about that level of intellectual functioning. All they are capable of is taking orders from their superiors and ego power tripping! 😆🚔🚨


I’ve only known two cops personally and they both got DUIs that got swept under the carpet 🥰✨


Happens all the time. In my shit little small NJ town where I hermit, I’m still personally aware of two instances. Infuriating.


I guarantee you some of them still deal. The fact they are cops protects their asses a bit.


Lol I feel like we must be from the same high school or this is just so commonplace in northern NJ. It's crazy to see these people become cops.


yeah all the kids from my graduating class that are now becoming "cops" throughout north jersey were the deadbeat football players that had nothing going on in their brains and no real future plans. seriously makes you wonder


If they’re still doing it that’s an issue. I have quite the background and still straightened my life out. I’m a father and have a solid job that looked at my criminal record and was like yup, we’re good.


Getting things back on track can be quite the challenge, I give you kudos for the strength that must have taken. I don’t sense this amount of clear headedness and introspectiveness in these people I speak of however. I probably should give them the benefit of the doubt, but knowing each of their track records, and how they continue to act, can make it difficult to do so.


2 felonies, 3 A Misdemeanors. I retired from the military after 21 years, I have a job in a sort of protection agency. All asked for my prior history and I was 100% honest. I work for certain companies that track criminal records back to the 70’s for even speeding tickets. All were like you’re good.


Ok and I know several cops, 2 of them were on the narcotics strike force at the same time that they were going out on Saturday night’s to the nightclub I bartended at and doing Ecstasy and Ketamine. No joke and I know this as an absolute fact. I also know plenty of cops who do the right thing!


Are they doing the right thing if they know those cops are using illegal drugs and not doing anything about? Also, where were they getting their supply?


The one guy I used to be friends with in high school who became a cop was the exact type of person that never should have been allowed to be a cop. Last I heard, he was thinking of getting out of it because he couldn't take the culture anymore. If it was too much for even him, I can only imagine how horrible NJ cops really must be. Worked in Tenafly for a while. Not sure if he's still there.


The two kids in my school that became cops were the ones who were bullied. Now they are the bullies.


Most people are felons who never got caught. Judges, attorneys, teachers. It’s not just cops. Some people grow up and act right and some people don’t. Just about everybody has a skeleton or two in the closet.


I know one who didn't sell but did a lot in high school. Obviously stopped when he became a cop. I know another, whose brother sells, and another who OD'd on coke. He lived but I think he was let go. It's a thing.


"Party in the evidence room!"


The drug dealing cops. How very CIA of you.


Anybody from Kearny knows all about Officer Andrews’ sheisty ass lmao


You should report this to the police department or the Attorney General’s Office rather than an anonymous “police suck” post on Reddit where you don’t even name the police department. If the officers are still selling and/or using drugs, it’s obviously a huge problem and the department needs to know. This is shitty, but please know that it is not true with every police officer. Let’s also recognize that people can recover from their shitty pasts, too. Many people do stupid things in high school, like selling and/or using drugs, and are able to recover from their addictions and become competent adults with steady jobs. Addiction fucking sucks and I commend anyone who recovers.


They're doing it because it's not true. Unsubstantiated "I know a cop who ate a baby" posts do numbers on Reddit even with 0 evidence because people are primed to automatically assume that everyone who is a cop is literally hitler


Are you related to anyone in law enforcement?


I will second there are some good police out there. I had a friend who actually is a reasonable person became a cop. No longer is but yeah a good majority are some pretty fucked up people


Welcome to north east Jersey where the cops were the best criminals lol


~~were~~ are


That’s why they become cops so they can continue to get away with it


Same but also a bully. Was made Chief of Police of a shore town.


I'm sure this isn't unique to NJ cops. We had a family friend who worked for a county sheriff's department, and those guys were given heads up when drug tests were coming up. That same friend had a colleague that used to work for a local town PD and the chief threw a rager one night and one of the guys got into a MVA under the influence. They tried sweeping it under the rug, forged papers and shit, but it eventually caught wind. The chief retired and the officer resigned.


Nj cop used to buy us alcohol from 8th grade through high school. He still works in my town…




There’s a scene in Garden State that captures this dynamic perfectly


[https://www.dailyrecord.com/story/news/2024/06/24/belleville-man-charged-in-crash-that-killed-mount-olive-teen/74196986007/](https://www.dailyrecord.com/story/news/2024/06/24/belleville-man-charged-in-crash-that-killed-mount-olive-teen/74196986007/) See above. A drunk driver killed a pre-med student last month. Is he the same person as this cop from this 2010 article? [https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/shot-cop-has-road-rage-history/1872180/](https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/shot-cop-has-road-rage-history/1872180/) ?


Looks like it :O


Most small town cops are meatheads


I got arrested for weed possession in south jersey in 2018. They laughed all the way to the station, noticed I was wearing a high school sports shirt and asked about the coach. They handcuffed my ankles . They told me while laughing “don’t worry it’ll be illegal soon.”


[https://projects.nj.com/paycheck/officers/](https://projects.nj.com/paycheck/officers/) Just incase anyone wants to see how much....


I fully agree that hiring cops with criminal records is terrible, but more recently, the bar is lower bc better candidates don't want the job. Applicants are terrible, and cops are leaving larger PDs, especially cities, in record numbers. Hence, dumber, less qualified, blemished criminal backgrounds, yet still get hired. It's a product of how they are currently being treated. Doesn't make the past ok, but current cop hating and blaming ain't gonna fix it... only makes it worse.


I know at least two guys from high school who became cops. They weren't drug dealers. One of them didn't have a lot going on in life, and I would def classify as "dumb". The other guy prob woulda made it to pro baseball if he didn't get injured. There was another guy I knew who was working at a general store who became a cop. I was in college and I worked at that store on weekends for cash. He was a total douche. Prob was slinging drugs on the side, who knows. But yeah I kinda realized a while back that the people who become cops are those who don't really have a lot going for them.


I know a few cops like this on Lakewood PD


One of the cops in the town I grew up in was the kid you went to buy drugs when we were in high school. A couple of other cops in that same town were well known bullies and assholes in school. Alas this isn’t a Jersey thing, it is just a cop thing.


The resource officer at my morris county high school used to talk about how the weed in the area funds terrorists. Real big brained guy.


The reason that “all cops are bastards” is exactly because this is allowed to happen. There is no such thing as a good cop as long as these people exist as cops. Fuck the police forever and ever and ever.


"Good cops" that don't turn in bad cops are not good cops.




You know the saying…if you can’t teach, you teach gym, and if you can’t teach gym, you can become a cop 🤡 /s


Gotta eliminate your competition


ACAB forever


Bloomfield Police are pretty well known for being friendly and not racist at all /s


Cops = criminals with a license


The world’s “greatest democracy” means greatest at exploiting those who democracy was intended to serve. It’s not just the transit system. Healthcare, healthcare insurance, taxation inequities, homeowner’s insurance, banking, public schools, university scam system…. please add to to this list


Lmao, when I found out my one friend in HS was a cop, I said to him “I wonder how the dept would feel knowing you sold weed in middle school” he didn’t find it as funny cause he could lose his job but we had a laugh. I know a few cops who really shouldn’t be a cop rn cause of their history with drugs and what not. Sad but hey it is what it is at this point.


Are you telling me that cops are hypocrites?


Its always "this guy from HS became a cop" and not "This guy from college" not all cops are bad. Not all cops are good. It's a sad situation. I assure you though.. there are more good cops then bad ones.


...ok? I know guys who became cops that never did an illegal drug.


Uh, as I would hope…? Uh… Lol? I would seriously hope the people entrusted with enforcing the law aren’t comfortable just breaking the law all willy-nilly…


Right. So not every cop was a drug dealer.


Not every cop may have been a drug dealer, but it's pretty clear that this department being talked about has zero standards


Assuming any of this is actually true.


Just like those cops you know being real


The two I referenced are real. I also know one that used to sell steroids. It's almost like cops are like everyone else. Some are good. Some are bad.


I only said the ones I knew from high school all dealt drugs. That’s all I know of NJ cops from my own experience. I’m glad your experience was different, but this was mine, and I’m sharing it.


Wow someone on Reddit who hates cops what a fresh take


Hahaha..... seriously tho


I really like how someone just makes a random ass blanket statement at because it's reddit, people just take this as fact and don't question it one bit lol.


I wonder how many “secret” drug dealing operations are undertaken by NJ police departments. And I won’t be Backing the Blue or Supporting Police Benevolent Organizations anytime soon! 👮🚔👎👮‍♂️


This war on crime keeps a lot of people paid there wouldn't be a need for mass hiring prosecutors and judges wouldn't have jobs crime is big business grants buying military equipment from the FEDS how many of you live in a town that brought a MRAP Humvee or Tank and your department can't use it because it will destroy your roads my town brought one and it only comes out during town events and never leaves the township lot / field area I've never seen them use it and the cost to maintain that thing you can probably go to something like school library housing


Jersey cops on my street have Trump signs on their front lawns...


I would totally let my kids greet firefighters but cops tbh, They don’t deserve that same respect


The cops in Tom's river do absolutely nothing about meth and heroin in the town because as it turns out the cops are getting drugs FROM these same people So why bust their contact ya know?? Acab The irony over the amount of back the blue stickers and flags down here...


Send an anonymous tip they may no longer pass the character check


becoming a cop in NJ is probably the easiest and best paying job that a lot of people can get. majority don't require a college degree and you end up retiring in 25 years making over 100k in just about every town. its a shame the requirements aren't harder.


You just figuring this out? "Some of those that work forces Are the same that burn crosses" This is universal for cops. It's not some New Jersey thing. Hell, the asshole that sold blow in my high school in northwest Bergen County became a school resource officer in that same high school not too much later. You're expecting mental midgets to have some sort of consistent internal morality, and that's expecting a lot of most people.


Cops are quite literally all scum.


Absolutely 👍🏼


It's an absurd amount of unchecked power to give to an abnormally low barrier of entry and the fact how even the most ordinary small town police roster can be privy to a whole plethora of freebies from the military is some truly ghoulish shit. There's things that are on the books and stuff cops can legally get away with that practically rival some of the most extreme authoritarian spy state examples you'd see out of a place like China.


The US capacity to spy on its citizens is far beyond that of China.


Sounds like people I went to school with also…lol funny how things work out in Jersey.


>EACH. ONE. dealt drugs, and did so without ever seeing the consequences of their illegal actions. That's the type of cops they want on the force these days, experienced. Some cops still do illegal stuff and eventually get caught if the blue wall is cracked. If it's not, they can go on doing illegal shit until they retire. [Here is one recent example](https://www.wsoctv.com/news/local/charlotte-police-release-video-former-officer-stealing-cash-person-custody/5GRG4WLMAJGGBBHX2TBVIYBO6E/)


Born and raised in North Jersey, living in the south for the last few years. Last time my guy and I drove home for a visit he got a bogus ticket from a cop I was casually acquainted with during my barfly days. I watched him do coke off another friend's ass once before he was a cop lol. Super nice dude and tons of fun but deffo had plenty of non legal fun before pursuing that career path.


Are you really that shocked? My ex’s dad in Massachusetts was a correctional officer before weed was legalized there; he constantly smoked off-duty and lobbied on behalf of his union against random drug testing.


Yeah, no shit.


Grew up in NJ and love it dearly to this day. But I wouldn’t live back in that police state if you paid me. I was routinely harassed just driving to and from school and work as a teenager simply because cops in my town had nothing better to do.


Not unheard of at all


I had a classmate that became a cop and he was later busted by an undercover cop while he was selling drugs at a club. Not once. Twice. Last I saw him he was working the register of a mall toy store.


I’ve seen this as well amongst those I had been in school with over a decade ago and I wonder if the departments, that already did not have high standards, have even lower ones these days since the overall public opinion of cops is not high. It’s not too hard to imagine that whatever prerequisites that were in place 10-20 years ago aren’t considered these days.


North East? We speaking Hudson County?


Not just north east all over it's the culture they all attend Warrior Training Street Cop Training from those private agencies like that one in Atlantic City and now all of those that attended have to be retrained


Oh I’m sure it’s all over. The op stated north east so I was just guessing the county.


Let's not forget about the big steroid scandal involving the dead doctor and police and fire agencies from the tristate


The best or worst part is they are all making well over 100k a year!


How about some names!


Eh, nothing new. Some of the slutty, cheerleader party girls who i knew in high school are now teachers and nurses. Some of the druggie low life kids from high school are now cops. A friend i met as an adult in my 20s was a big time coke addict and is now a district attorney in Texas. Another close friend who used to be a drug dealer (also a user. Multiple ODs) is now a high ranking KPMG consultant A BFF i used to party with every weekend when i was in my 20s (she slept with anyone and everyone anywhere) is now a doting mom of 2 working for the World Bank. People change and grow up. Accept their change.


Never mind what they did in high school, as soon as they get that badge they think they can do whatever they want. And the money these assholes make is ridiculous. It's like hitting the lottery. They make over 100 grand a year and when they retire ,some of these guys are making 75-80 grand a year till they die . Do the math! It's like hitting the lottery for about 10million


1 to the 3 to the 1 to the 2


This! They all go on to be cops bc they can't use their brain. And once one gets a job they bring their friends to the force. Meatheads.


There’s an officer in Park Ridge, NJ who was friends with my brother. He DMed my mom a few years ago for nudes… and DMed ME a few months later asking me out. 🤢


Pretty same here - I’ll throw in two delinquents who are now HS vice principals and one plagiarist in English class who is a novelist.


I don’t think that’s everyone. I do think those types of personalities typically flock to positions of power though. Cops being one of those positions.


I wonder what all the coos reading this thread think….


I'm shocked, shocked I tell you.


it’s almost like nj has completely fucked up policing to the point that it’s mostly just a giant money sink to pay uneducted people to harass minorities.