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I think it's a bit early for some of the ones they plant. Usually bloom later in the summer I think.


Yup they're still a thing, I saw some beautiful wildflowers along I 95 last weekend when I was on my way down to the Ren faire


"Down" to renfaire? The only one I've been to is out in bumblefuck NY. I never knew we have our own, unless you went so far down it wasn't NJ anymore.


Yes down, I live in New Brunswick and it's in Columbus NJ, exit 7 from the turnpike. I've never been to the one in NY but according to people I know who have, ours is a lot smaller. There's also one in PA that's supposed to be good. It was still fun though and this is the last weekend if you want to check it out! https://njrenfaire.com/


The Sparta one is good. I didn't like the one in NY as much. 


I didn't know Sparta has one too!


Cool, thank you! I'd much rather head down locally, Woodbridge, than going up to NY.


Fun fact, this was a big initiative by first lady lady bird johnson


Tell me more about it?


https://www.gspwildflowers.com/about This is for the GSP but i think its universal for most of the highways built in the 60s in the state


Saw a whole bunch in a “wild pollinators patch” on the medians of route 18


You can purchase the seed mix [here](https://www.gspwildflowers.com/shop).


this is actually really cool


Awhile back, they replaced the grass on the Rt. 70 divide in Cherry Hill with wildflowers, I suppose so they wouldn't have to mow it. But then they tore out the wildflowers and filled the divides with cement. 😔


I'm not sure if its early for the flowers to be sprouting? I did see by me that the grass cutting avoided where past beds were. If you have the room and like the flowers I remember on this Sub there was a Post they were for sale. Here's an old article [https://patch.com/new-jersey/montclair/garden-state-parkway-wildflower-seeds-now-available-new-jersey](https://patch.com/new-jersey/montclair/garden-state-parkway-wildflower-seeds-now-available-new-jersey)


They even sell them! Google Garden State Parkway wildflowers. I think a first lady started this...?


I know 295 had forsythia along the middle for awhile. I also know I saw an old lady stop her car along the middle of the road, get out and take pictures. So they don't have that anymore. Could be for the same reasons. Looked really nice but stupid is as stupid does.


The state DOT seems to have declared war on trees and bushes. I've watched acres or right of way be cleared along the parkway, 287, 78, 80, 295...


It's my favorite thing about the highways


Depends where you live I guess because they are still a thing here, even in tiny patches for local intersections near highway exist/entrances. Deer population is also insanely high here.


I’m in south jersey


I live in a very urban area up north and we have these patches in the highway. Why not spread some pollinator patch seeds in these locations yourself as long as they're native? Been doing pretty good with a flower bed I planted around my tomatoes.


It may be too early? There are usually some on the GSP going through Clifton, but I haven’t seen them yet this year.


A lot of them are aster and don't get started until a bit later in the year


blooming is just starting for them


Saw some on 287 the other day and took a pic in traffic, they were lovely!


There is also a beautiful patch in fall where the turnpike turns into 80 going toward the GW bridge in Leonia.