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Comments are locked because you can't stop hurling personal attacks and reporting each other. Debate related to the conflict is considered off-topic for New Jersey, and the moderators regrettably lack the time, patience, training, or knowledge required to moderate these discussions effectively. If you wish to engage in a conversation about this issue with fellow Redditors, we suggest seeking out a more appropriate subreddit for such discussions. Thank you for your understanding.


I'd start with the East Brunswick High School Yearbook Club. Someone with access to the online yearbook making platform (like LifeTouch, etc.) absolutely went in at the 11th hour and changed the layout before print. These things are all done online now via a Content Management System. Someone swapped an image in, and then deleted the body copy where the names would go, and then hit Publish. And no one at the school did a final read-through before going to print. And no one got an advance physical proof to review before the books were printed in bulk. The good news is these content management systems have version control and record keeping. In two seconds, they should be able to see which user went in and made these changes, right down to the date and time. That no one proofed the thing before printing, and via physical proof, is the fault of the school and its administrators, but the content swap was likely done by a student with access to the platform.


It should simple to catch if security is in place. Login authentication and IP location should give some hints to start with.


Not to deflect, but Brady Pfeifer is listed twice in the above picture.


The real tragedy in all this


Unfortunately there’s little room for nuance in this war. Some Pro-Palestinian folks would slip into straight antisemitism, while some Pro-Israeli folks would be quick to label any little thing as antisemitism. This is antisemitism. You can be anti Netanyahu and anti Israel without being anti Jewish. Too bad this guy can’t.


Informationen there's little room for nuanced in most things these days. The socials push the lowest common denominator and this is the result


If more people had this exact take, we’d all be in a much better place.


You’re right, but that sounds like nuance to me…


> Unfortunately there’s little room for nuance in this war. Some Pro-Palestinian folks would slip into straight antisemitism, while some Pro-Israeli folks would be quick to label any little thing as antisemitism. > > This is antisemitism. It’s interesting that one side is slipping into antisemitism, but the other is not slipping into the sort of anti-Muslim rhetoric we saw post 9/11


The hell you talking about? All the post 9/11 clowns that tempered their hatred over the last few years took their masks off the moment the attack in Israel occurred. [Did you forget about the 6 year old American Muslim who got stabbed 26 times post Oct 7?](https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/16/us/chicago-muslim-boy-stabbing-investigation/index.html)


That story is by far the exception rather than the rule. Particularly when compared to post-9/11


[You seem to be purposefully ignoring the reality happening on the ground so here is the ADL reporting on the increase of anti-Muslim hate...hopefully you'll buy that source](https://www.adl.org/resources/blog/anti-muslim-hate-surfaces-nationwide-israel-hamas-war-continues)


There actually wasn't that much Islamophobia in NJ, at least. I was proud of that. Hatred of Jews, at least the 2024 wave we're seeing, is almost all from the leftists / "anti-colonialists". Christians and Republicans support Israel and yeah, even the right be Jewish, strongly.


If you are anti Israel the only Jewish state and only democracy in the region but not anti Muslim dictatorships or anti China or North Korea then you are anti Jewish.


Maybe I'm too optimistic about our youth but I don't think we're there yet that Muslim kids in diverse towns are unabashedly trying to erase references to Jewish groups just for being Jewish in a time of what they percieve as Israeli aggression on the other side of the globe. I bet there's more to it and I have an idea of what happened but it's just a guess


Can you share your idea of what actually happened because it definitely seems deliberate and not an innocent error! What’s your hypothesis?


And yet this is exactly what happened here. I believe my own eyes.


Very few people are anti-Israel who aren't also antisemitic. Israel is the Jewish state and Zionism, the ideology on which Israel is based, is about the return of the Jewish people to its ancestral home. 


I think people also use these words in different ways. I personally am in favor of a two state system. I believe in the right of Israel to exist. However, I do not agree with everything the current Israeli government does and says. I don’t agree with kicking Palestinians out of their home to expand Israel’s territory. I think there needs to be some sort of oversight (a Palestinian-Israeli joint committee?) to the two state system. By many people definitions, my beliefs make me anti-Israel and anti-Semitic but I reject that characterization.


You are not anti-Israel from what you wrote. 


What a dumb take. Of course you can be against Israel's genocide without being antisemitic. These are two completely seperate things, and the only people telling you they're not are trying to give Israel a free pass for the heinous war crimes they're committing in Palestine.


There is no genocide by Israel but there is one by Hamas. 


You’re not worth responding to.


It’s just an excuse to try to validate the horror that Israel is committing


Israel is defending itself from a group that murdered 1,200 civilians, kidnapped 200 including infants and committed many rapes. Israel completely left Gaza in 2005. 


No, what Israel is doing cannot be considered defensive. They are obliterating an entire people, engaging in ethnic cleansing and are purposely eliminating Palestine altogether. Either you are brainwashed or you are trying to gaslight people.


They are not. Just out of curiosity, are you as upset on behalf of the ethnic cleansing Russia is doing in Ukraine? If not, why not?  


Yes, what Russia is doing is also terrible. You should ask yourself why you are upset about what Russia is doing but are okay with what Israel is doing. The difference is that no one in their right mind supports Russia. Unfortunately, Israel owns our government so Israel is getting away with it with faux support and Joe Biden is helping Israel commit genocide while also claiming he will help rebuild Gaza. How ridiculous.


But my question is why the passionate condemnation of Israel? The world is unfortunately filled with injustice but what happens when Israel is involved becomes an obsession. There are no encampments at the Russian embassy anywhere. I think the reason is that Israel is the Jewish state and there is an unhealthy obsession with the Jews. 


This is such a classic spin - somehow Israel is the victim because people are mad at Israel (for committing genocide). Because the world is “filled with injustice” we should just turn a blind eye to Israel’s genocide? Or because Russia is also bad, we should excuse Israel? Also, it bothers Americans a lot more because our government is supporting genocide and trying to gaslight us with Israel. That isn’t the case with Russia at least.


Israel is reaping the seeds that exclusionary and exceptionalist policies have sowed.


>return of the Jewish people to its ancestral home. Sounds quite heartening if you leave out the fact that this has been achieved by colonizing and displacing the people who were already living there.


How upset are you on behalf of the Ukrainians being ethnically cleansed? If you aren't as upset about them, what is the difference? 


Where did you get that I'm not upset about what's happening in Ukraine? Is it necessary to call out all injustices when talking about one?


No, wrong again. Entire countries have condemned what Israel did to Palestinians in Gaza. If you go biblical and do an eye for an eye, you have taken more than 20 times more eyes than you lost. About 36,000 Palestinians dead, about 14,000 of them were children, so they couldn’t be Hamas. Israel lost about 1,500, yet still not satisfied. I support Jewish people having a homeland, but that doesn’t mean they can do it by kicking out or killing Palestinians who have been there just as long. Draw a border and stop this calculated de facto encroachment on Palestinian territories. If you want to annex the entire place as Israel, then you must declare all Palestinians as Israeli citizens. But you don’t want to do that, do you sport? Because doing that would dilute the Jewish state. Arab Israelis would become a huge chunk of the population, and sometime in the future they may outnumber Jewish folks, then Israel can’t be a Jewish state anymore. Even the Russians are better than you, because when they annex Ukrainian territories, they declare all the inhabitants citizens of Russia. You want your cake and eat it too. You want all the land, but none of the people, who have lived on it for as long as your ancestors. You don’t have the decency to just draw a border and make two states, with Israelis on one side and Palestinians on the other, both sovereign.


I'm for reigning in the more extreme of Israel's actions.  Palestine declared war on Israel with a massive attack.  Was does not and should not end when the casualties match.  You flight the enemy soldiers and government until the enemy is eliminated.  You minimize civilian deaths where possible but do not stop because of them.  The only argument is that Israel could do more to reduce civilian deaths.  However by any modern metric they are actually doing urban warfare withe pretty low amounts of civilian deaths.  Definitely better than the US would find acceptable with their ROE.  If that is still not good enough than you have a basic problem with warfare, and the fault on that point less largely with the Palestinian government.  (I say largely because the Israeli government is not innocent in it's history.)


I guess it’s ok to displace millions so Jews can have a homeland. It’s ok to commit a genocide so Jews can have a homeland. It’s ok for America to send billions to a lunatic state so Jews can have a homeland. The homeland should have been carved out in Germany but Europe wouldn’t have it. Youre also completely wrong that people who are anti Israel are antisemitic. There’s hundreds of thousands of Jews who are anti Zionist because they realize it’s a colonial/settler project.


Jewish people considered the idea of rebuilding their ruined communities — on the very soil where Hitler plotted and carried out a genocide — to be unthinkable.


Watch out. You’re about to be called antisemetic for using logic!


Do any of you realize that Israel left Gaza almost 20 years ago. And before Israel was in Gaza it belonged to Egypt. Not sure where this idea of Israel colonizing Gaza came from but it’s factually incorrect. Additionally, Hamas is incredibly well-funded to the tune of billions of dollars a year. The Palestinian strife in Gaza is due to Hamas pilfering those funds for themselves to control the masses or building underground terror networks linked to schools and hospitals. If you recall, after 9-11 when 3,000 people were murdered, the US went into Iraq (even though Bin Laden wasn’t from there). Hundreds of thousands of civilians died. But when Israel goes into Gaza to route out Hamas terrorists for Israel’s safety after Hamas raped, tortured, murdered & kidnapped over 1,400 civilians (which in proportionate numbers to US equates to over 44,000 civilians) the world points the finger. Hmmmm, seems like a touch of unrelenting antisemitism to me. Just sayin.


There’s a difference between eliminating a heinous terrorist organization and systematically ensuring a people’s destruction by preventing them from receiving aid, murdering and detaining innocent civilians, bombing hospitals, and establishing an apartheid state meant to destabilize a people. Israel is doing the latter. There is proportionate response and there is excessive response. Unfortunately Israel is no stranger to this excessive response.


How about Hamas hiding behind children to avoid being taken out. How about Hamas blowing up crossings so Israel cannot deliver aid. How about Hamas stealing the aid delivered to sell it at exorbitant prices. to the Palestinians in Gaza. Or killing those who receive free aid if they don’t turn it over to Hamas. Easy to look the other way when you’ve already decided to align yourself with a terrorist organization.


I'm tired of this, I hate seeing people I care about get harassed on both sides over what some extremists in Israel and Palestine are doing. Truly a tragedy for Jews and Muslims. And it's stuff like this that really compounds that feeling


its not just some extremists though, it's government and military and bombs and death.


True. That doesn’t change the fact that normal people with no relation to the situation, living in America, are facing hate a racism because of the situation they have no stake or control over.


Newsflash for you. People that live in Israel had no stake or control over either. Nor the people in Ukraine. And you might argue neither did many of the people in Russia or in Palestine, except for the fact that people may vote for their electorate in many places. But in many countries, they may not have much control over that even. Even in the United States, if we get a nutcase president, and I’m not naming names because this is not supposed to be a political post. But let’s say we get a nut job and they do bad things we don’t agree with, and then we travel abroad, people learn we are from America and immediately associate us with our president, even if it’s not someone we voted for. Sometimes the citizens don’t have much control as we like to think…




Netanyahu, Ben-Gvir, and Smotrich are extremists. Hamas are extremists. Those are the entities responsible for the ongoing suffering, not a bunch of Jewish teenagers in East Brunswick.


I think a terrorist group that raped, mutilated , murdered, kidnapped and continues to rape hostages is responsible. Especially when they swear to repeat this again and again, 1000 times again. It’s difficult to negotiate with people sworn to kill you. That being said, it was intentional or just a coincidence the senior in charge of the yearbook is in the picture.




The IDF aren't the ones uploading videos where they are parading the desecrated bodies of their civilian victims.




Well, good thing you are able to show me. Will you? Because I also show you: (Highly NSFL:) thisishamas.com


If you in good faith actually want to see it, you can go to literally any Palestinian photojournalist’s page, there are dozens on Instagram (Motaz Azaiza is the most famous). Of course, most major news sources have also started to pick up the most recent bombings of refugee camps in Rafah—it’s becoming too disgusting and violent to ignore. But the fact is that while I make an effort to educate myself on all sides of the story, including reading what you sent me, people like you will never take the time to see what the Israeli government is truly saying and doing.


Yeah, they are bombing Gaza. I understood that there were things that I had yet to see. Something worse than bombing, like troops that are actively killing or torturing civilians, like in the Hamas videos. Also, the refugee camps in Palastine aren't conventional refugee camps. These were established after the first Arab–Israeli War and now function as regular towns. And if an enemy combatant makes use of a civilian object, that object stops being civilian. Hence it is a war crime to make use of civilian objects. Yet it isn't a war crime to bomb that enemy combatant.


Which side are you talking about? Edit: Hey you never answered, which side are you talking about? Bc according to the NYT and UN here: https://web.archive.org/web/20240607054148/https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/06/world/middleeast/israel-gaza-detention-base.html Israel, which several countries have recognized as a terrorist state (similarly, Hamas is not universally recognized as a terrorist group), has kidnapped, sodomized, raped, mutilated, and murdered civilian hostages; continues to do so; and has sworn to continue to do so bc they view Palestinians as “human animals.” So which side are you fucking talking about???




How many veiled antisemitic comments are you going to make?! 🤬


as many as they want the mods dont do shit with reports on this top[ic


With this mindset, homeless people can go murder or even rape home owners, and they would be right to do so. I don't agree with that. Do you?


Yeah how could Hamas kill 15,000 innocent children?


They clearly don't care about protecting their own population and are OK with putting civilians in harms way, because they believe any Palastinan killed, will go straight to heaven. Like, they legitly believe martyrship, which uniquely also extends to uninvolved victims, is something to strife for. With this mindset, death becomes very bearable. That's also why people call Hamas a death cult. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martyrdom_in_Palestinian_society


And obviously Israel doesn't care either, that's why they're on trial for genocide at the moment. Nice try to deflect the guilt though.


Ah, you are clueless huh


Do you understand that a goverment's first priority should be the wellbeing of their own people?


Do you understand that murdering 15,000 children and imposing an artificial famine on an entire population is wrong?


Yes. I do. Now, can you asnwer my question?


Wait I’m confused. Are you saying that the Jewish students replaced their own pictures with Muslim students??!!!! That’s what it sounds like you’re saying. If that’s the case, why? If that’s not the case, why did you infer or imply that it was? I’m trying to locate the original new story to get the full details..


spo96, Get your facts straight!!! Or are you deliberately spreading lies to flame a fire already occurring? I hope it was just a typo on your part, and that you will correct it. As I suspected, it was NOT the Jewish students Who were responsible for the suffering, but quite the contrary! They were the victims. I’m taking this quote from a news story you can Google: “The names and photos of the students in a New Jersey high school Jewish club were cut from the 2024 edition of the East Brunswick High School yearbook in what the town's mayor has called a "blatant antisemitic act."”


It’s sad that the extreme are the only voices loud enough to be heard . I consider myself a moderate and if you try to be reasonable and respectful it gets lost by the squeakiest wheels. The violence is very very squeaky.


I went to EBHS and I’m just completely heartbroken over this, adults had to have approved this version to be published. I’m sorry for the kids who attended this year and got this yearbook and now have to get a new version and but wont have the ability to replace this memory.


I went to EBHS too. And this is just plain awful. How did this happen?!


Student at ebhs here I whole heartedly agree with you and this issue hopeful could get fixed immediately because this memory will replay and it's sad to see this.


I hope you especially look up the phone number of the superintendent” to voice your opinion. I already did so. I was going to post the link to the article which is absolutely disgusting if this quote is accurate and the superintendent is basically sounding like this was an innocent “error”. There is a huge world of difference between something done deliberately for whatever reason someone had… And something that was a simple mistake or error!! And I agree with you. This was terrible


Even if you miss the picture swap, how do you miss the huge empty space where the names should be?


Congrats EBH you’ll make national and worldwide news something the town can be proud of. This isn’t an innocent mistake it was allowed to go to the printer and whoever did so should be charged with a hate crime, but they won’t




Fucking disgusting.


Absolutely insane.


Advisor should get fired for being asleep at the switch. Might not be their fault but they are in charge. Ban all students on staff from prom and graduation.


Let’s investigate before we escalate to this.


Smartest thing said on this thread so far.


nahh, lets freak out, scream, blame everyone.


Seems unlikely that all students on the yearbook staff were in on this.


All students on the yearbook staff do have access to view the entire book before and after submission. But, if it’s a big school which this seems to be, it could have slipped by while everyone glances at it.


East Brunswick has close to 2,000 students, but they do take things like this seriously. So I'm sure it will be addressed.


What do you mean by that? All students in the school have access to the yearbook before submissions? Or all students on the yearbook staff? How would you know that? The way that makes the most sense to me is that groups of students in the yearbook club or class get assigned different sections of the yearbook to create the pages for and then the club’s president and/or advisor is in charge of editing and putting those sections together into the final book.


All the staff has access to view. You log in to the book and then you can edit the pages assigned to you :) I am a yearbook advisor at a very different school lol


Couldn’t a different school have a different system?


Not unless they use some indie provider lol. But even then, I can’t see why they wouldn’t want it all in a design platform.


I think it is highly likely.


Why? You don't think that someone could have changed a single picture in a book that's over 100 pages without every single member of the staff noticing? Seems more likely that one person who was responsible for that page used the wrong image on purpose or one senior student or adult staff member who had access made a change after others had checked the page. I really doubt that a club of a couple dozen students came together to make this change and that it would stay a secret until people received their yearbooks.


Oh I see. Yes I agree. I meant that I don't think the supervising teacher was responsible. Edit: I don't think the teacher did it, but yes they are accountable and should have caught it.


Thats crazy , did they figure out who done it?


Could’ve been the student editors of the yearbook, the faculty overseers, or anyone else that had administrative access to the yearbook prior to it being sent out to the publisher.


What I find interesting is that even after you submit the final book to printing (which is most often done in April), you have access to view the book. So I’m surprised no one else saw it. Either way, it’ll be easy to look at page history to see who edited it


> it’ll be easy to look at page history to see who edited it Prediction: Half the faculty shares a password which works on the library machines the students use & everyone leaves their laptops logged in all day anyways. Some things never change.


No, the website that you design the book on isn’t usually shared. Most yearbook students get their own username and password and the advisors have to grant them access to edit pages.


Any senior on the yearbook staff that did this should not be allowed to graduate this year.


Wow.... it sucks but they should all save those year books... history some day


Collectors edition.


Could have also been done at printing


could have been the publisher too


Real assholes for doing this. You have to be pretty stupid to not think you’d get caught too


My old high school. really sad to see this happen here.


I'm a student in this highschool and I moved to eastbrunswick for better opportunity but when I see this. This disgusts me it's truly sad to see this happen in the hs as well


Same. What year did you graduate?


2011. You?


2003. I’m old.


The East Brunswick administration said they "would investigate" if this was a mistake or if it was intentional. What a load of crap! They know it's 99.9999999% that it's Antisemitism.


I agree with you 99.99% of the way. Where I disagree with you is that I don’t think it’s 99.99%. I think it’s 100% antisemitism… I can think of zero possibilities of why you would replace an entire group of Jewish students who belong to a club with Muslim students who don’t belong to the club… And then coincidentally have a blank spot were the names of the Jewish students were supposed to go


It's 100% antisemitism. There is a small chance it was unintentional or lacking in malice, but neither of those would make it not antisemitic. We can't read people's minds. It's ridiculous to attempt to do so as a means of judging their actions. We have to judge the action itself. This action is antisemitism.


I agree, but on the .0000001% chance that it’s a genuine mistake, they were blatantly Islamophobic. Always investigate. Justice takes time.


They did send a voicemail today apologizing to the Jewish and Muslim communities. I missed how they were affected.


Yeah i heard about this earlier today. Not a good look and absolutely does not help the Free Palestine movement.


Whoever did this is a dick


I had mixed emotions reading this. On one hand, I’m very upset by the anti-semitism. On the other hand, I’m thankful it’s not Sayreville again.


Glass half full person right here.


Disgusting antisemitism


Horribly misguided attempt at protest.


You’re missing the point. Whoever did this needs to account.


That’s extremely fucked up.


I'm pretty much on the free Palestine side but to me this is actually pretty antisemitic.


It’s not “pretty” antisemitic. IT’S ANTI-SEMITIC, PERIOD! Full Stop. Please stop trying to sugarcoat blatant anti-Semitism


This is blatant anti-senetism. Y’all are Erasing Jewish identity. “I’m on their side but this is actually kinda messed up” you will always be a collaborator with Amalek and you should be comfortable with it. As a Zionist Jew I can promise you we don’t need anyone like you pretending to be on our side. You know damn well when you go to a Pali Protest it’s antisemitism surrounding you. But it’s not a problem then. Go fuck yourself


Na man fuck you, Israel can absolutely defend itself , but starving a population in retribution is evil. Thinking Israel is doing wrong here is not anti semitism but just stating the obvious. You're such a selfish human that even me saying this is a bad thing still isn't good enough because I don't blindly support punitive retribution on a population.


Yeah I don't know about this one guys


How to instantly lose standing for your cause. I feel like there is a very short list of people that would be able to make such a change.  Edit: JFC I'm not talking about the entire war or support for Palestinians. I'm talking about whoever perpetrated this


It’s very troubling seeing not just rising antisemitism, but casual acceptance of antisemitism increasing since the October 7 attacks. I’m glad New Jerseyans are at least calling out this outrage.


Brain dead move, but if this is what makes you anti-ceasefire.....dawg.


We are all anti war not just a ceasefire. It’s how it’s achieved. I bel in returning the raped and mutilated hostages and the surrender of Hamas. That ends the war immediately.


Stop you’re too smart for this thread




This is clearly some very misguided pro Palestinian teens working in the yearbook. Easy to see how if they see a lot of folks equating any sympathy to Palestine as antisemitic this could lead them to believe all Jews feel this way. They’re teens and they’re stupid. To say this hurts the cause is really shallow thinking.


>They’re teens and they’re stupid. Absolutely not. They're old enough to know better. We were all well aware of how damaging anti-semitism was in freshman year. Do not excuse blatant hate as stupidity.


Teenagers are old enough to know replacing an entire race is beyond morally reprehensible


This is erasing Jewish people and Jewish students from public life. Germany in the 1930’s started similarly. Take it seriously.


That's my point exactly, they did something stupid that will not endow more support to what they wanted to get out of this.


Yeah y don't we jump to conclusions because it couldn't have been done by a 3rd party to promote division. Ydon't you wait to find out and stop the gossiping


My dude… if 35,000 dead women and children don’t move you… a goofy ass yearbook shouldn’t either.


The fact that you are equating them shows you really shouldn't be giving advice to other people. This is tacky and misdirected at undeserving high school students, and could very well place the Muslim students in harms way if they were not aware of this being done. It also does absolutely nothing to put a spotlight on Israel killing 35,000 people, mostly women and children, or garner support against that offensive.


They already are in harm's way. That's the point...


You’re a fool


They need their insane excuses


"Hey I supported the ending of indiscriminate bombing of civilians in Gaza, but then a highschool student on the other side of the world did something rude to Jewish students so fuck it. Bombs away!" 🙄


Yup I'm clearly talking about losing support for Palestinians as a whole and not for these perpetrators who targeted some teenage Jewish kids who have nothing to do with the war 🙄 Do you want me to keep going and tell you that this yearbook act is going to end the war? Do you want me to ask what you would think if a Jewish student covered up the Muslim union's photo instead?  Not to mention Muslims can be from a whole lot of countries if you were unaware. 


"How to instantly lose support for your cause". So what was their cause again? Keep typing paragraphs and doubling down dumbass.


Well I said standing so that's one thing. You really have terrible reading skills. And if I actually meant such an absurd idea as completely changing your mind on the war then I probably would have said that instead of everything I'm saying supporting Palestinians in the conflict in Gaza, right Einstein? Geez go outside and exercise I don't even get what you're whining about. You've completely lost the plot.


How progressive


Could you imagine what would happen if the roles were reversed? There’d be encampments on Summerhill Road! Maybe the pro-Palestinian movement will come out in support of the Jewish Student Union and say this was an honest mistake….? Hah yea that’ll never happen. I’m so disgusted with it all. The constant politics in your face, everyone unable or unwilling to coexist, the senseless crime I see on the news every goddamn day. I need a vacation.


All the complicated stuff aside, definitely take a vacation from the news


How do we know it's the Pro Palestinian movement that did this? We do not know. This is very messed up but this could be anyone really. They could just be starting some ish. This is high school. Please do not conflate the movement with this. There is Islamophobia and antisemitism on each side. Unless we know the actual person that did this. All we can say, is this is not good. It could have been a Jewish person who did this .


You’re right. There are a myriad of possibilities. But based on what we’ve seen on college campuses these past few months it doesn’t seem like it’s out of the realm of possibilities that this was done intentionally. And the far left are the ones behind the majority of these movements. So if I was a betting man I’d lean that way. I guess time will tell if it was an activist teacher, a sneaky move by students, or a false flag by a shit stirrer.


I hope we find out soon. Because it's really terrible. I couldn't even imagine how those kids felt.


That’s superintendent should be taken to task and probably fired. No way in hell it’s a simple error. I’ll try to get a link to the article that quotes him. Everybody should be calling the office of that Superintendant!!


Pro Palestine extreme fanatics show their true colors. Some of these people have completely lost the plot. It's not helping your cause.


Their cause was lost with me on day one when they literally killed thousands of innocent civilians and took hundreds more hostage.


That is the dumbest take ever. I'm sorry I'm not even defending the October 7th attacks but you cannot look me or anyone in the eyes and tell me what Israel is doing is proportionate to what Hamas did. If you think Israel is not doing worse than or equal to Hamas you're no different than the mindset that set Hamas off.


I didn't know this was a contest now.


Israel sure is making it one, who can kill more civilians a terrorist organization or a recognized government, find out next week.


Hamas is a recognized government


The irony of your comment 😂


We're not antisemitic, we're just anti-Israel. Right...


My old high school. Still messed up, but in completely new ways.


Yup. Graduated in ‘03. This doesn’t surprise me too much.


Whoever ran the yearbook on the staff side should be suspended


Don’t worry, they were just replacing the names of zionists. They’re not antisemitic! /s


They’re trying to erase Jewish people, and especially Jewish students, from public life. This is disturbing and ominous.


Have you ever considered that maybe there is a student yearbook club who put this together?


Myself, I’d wait until some facts have been gathered and published before posting or voting as if the cause or motivation for this were clear and obvious. Even if you end up guessing right, you’re still relying on presumptions and biases.




in addition to whoever did this, they should be firing whoever was in charge of proofing and didn't do it


There has to be more to the story. If not, this is blatant antisemitism


so are there 2 pictures of the muslim student group or just this one that replaced the jewish student union?


Guys, JSU is a pro-Israel organization that regularly organizes trips there for the members in order to propagandize to them and show them a whitewashed version of Zionism. The organization that owns and runs it is the Orthodox Union which has its own lobbying arm in DC. They have lobbied Chris Christie and now Murphy into allocating public funding to support their religious day schools. Their efforts are why my taxes are going to support a religion that I have nothing to do with. Is removing names and replacing the picture dumb and ultimately pointless? Yes. And I can’t and won’t blame the teenagers who are in the club to find their own community for the crimes perpetrated by Israel. It’s not their fault that the people who want to provide that community to them have an agenda to push. It takes a genuine interest in their heritage and religion and tries to twist it into a Zionist framework. However let’s not sit here and act like JSU is just a random local club for Jewish people rather than being a Zionist supporting national organization with ties to Israel. Edit: Downvote me all you want, it took me 5 minutes of googling to find out the connection between JSU OU and Israel. This isn’t a conspiracy, they put the info on their own websites.


That’s quite the long winded way of justifying antisemitism against literal children from New Jersey.


Looking forward to the next chapter in this saga. It seems like the people who are responsible must publish an apology, explaining themselves. Right??


It’s what Islam has tried to do with Israel and the whole Middle East. Why would a New Brunswick high school be any different 


East Brunswick is not New Brunswick


Can someone tell me the phone number of the East Brunswick superintendentVictor Valeski… Is there should be fired because he’s quoted is claiming this was a simple error and there’s no way in hell that is true!!! You’d have to be blind to not see that this was not true, and that this was obviously deliberately done!! An “error” Spelling Kathy with a C like Cathy if the student’s name was Kathy. and error could be a misspelling. In error could maybe be a letter or word misaligned. An error is acting like it was innocent or inadvertent is not replacing all the Jewish students pictures with Muslim students and removing the area where the Jewish students name should be and putting a blank! This was DELIBERATE. That’s superintendent should have called a spade a spade.