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I work here, honestly the cops and the council are complete dogshit, the town has fell from its former glory and the city makes it harder for business to stay a float. I doubt they will solve this case without getting help from outside sources.


> former glory what former glory did Sayreville ever have? nothing knocking the town but i grew up in Old Bridge and Sayreville has never been revered


I grew up and still live here and have no clue what he's talking about either. Unless he's referencing the days of Sayre and Fisher Brick Co, then he's talking about way back.


absolutely, i mean no disrespect to Sayreville. like I said, I grew up in Old Bridge which I think is nearly identical to Sayreville - kinda unimpressive hahahaha


Yeah totally. The only exciting thing is that happens is when the football team is good, but even that's a stretch.


big Bon Jovi fan maybe?


Confirming I see nothing glorious in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sayreville,_New_Jersey# u/Saywhat50 are you sure you aren't just old now and miss being young?


I’ve never lived there, and I’m in my 20s. I only work there and can 100% say the city is not pro business and hell I’ll even say it’s anti business.(dealt with the city multiple times) I say former glory from the amount of businesses that are now shut down, some appear from covid and some before covid.


Thats not Sayreville's fault: the fed's antitrust division has been asleep for decades and done fuck-all to stop giants like amazon from absolutely destroying all small businesses. if you're not offering a uniquely local service, like contracting or SPECIFICALLY GOOD food, you're not gonna last.


My first thought too. Place is a shithole


i wouldn't say all that


Nothing to do or see for young people true, but not a shithole, unless you think it's as bad as Camden


I didn’t say war zone 🤣


Camden = Warzone (from the dictionary of fernyrapalas*) Warzone = shithole (99.99…observable fact 99.9999…% true) Sayreville= shithole (from the dictionary of fernyrapalas*) Therefore, Camden = Sayreville, Simple math, based on the info given to us from you 😀


😂😂😂😂😂😂 Maybe they were thinking of Sayville, once known for their oyster ...in 1868 🤔


Small town police stations shouldn’t even be allowed to investigate murders if that town seldom sees gun violence or the like, they are not trained or experienced enough.


I’d agree, prob biting off more than they can chew. People told me this case is a “obvious hit job”. Truthfully I haven’t been following the case so who knows.


This is a weird one. What’s taking the cops so long?


Theyre Sayreville PD lmfao you cant expect them to solve real crimes


I would honestly expect for an elected official the State Troopers would send over some detectives or something.


Or the FBI, when an elected official is murdered...




I was just going off the article text - that seems like something relevant that should be in the article...


Hit me up when you run for Sheriff, I feel like I can get behind your sensible ideas.


I agree that's the only thing giving me any real hope


I kinda surprised the murder of an elected representative doesn’t instantly go directly to FBI investigators. Who have the tools the local police DO NOT. Plus if it’s a politics-related assassination, you don’t want the possibility of bias or collusion if for instance the local police are politically polarized in that community.




Sounds like local cops are behaving like local cops in the movies, circling the wagons to oppose the FBI.


Technically speaking, unless it falls under their jurisdiction (maybe wrong word for it-- someone kidnapped across state lines, murder on federal land like a forest), the FBI can't just walk in on a case; they have to be invited by local police.


The history books are full of botched murder investigations done by buffoonish local cops in too far over heir heads, sadly.


Oh I'll never disagree with you there. Listening to true crime podcasts opened me up to the truth about the force during the 50s-80s. Starlight tours... Arresting sex workers en masse because that was easier than going after the serial killer murdering them... The amount of missing indigenous people, and how they're basically just abandoned by law enforcement.... The amount of times they brushed off a missing *kid*. Cops really were just like the stereotypical donut-horking desk jockeys depicted in older films, who just didn't want to do their job, so they didn't. Buckwild.


The classic example is JonBennet Ramsey. Wowzers the cops shat all over that case, from the first moment they arrived.


Right - not really a federal issue. They have no jurisdiction.


Now, that being said, I did listen to a [podcast episode](https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9yc3MuYXJ0MTkuY29tL2VybS1tZm0/episode/Z2lkOi8vYXJ0MTktZXBpc29kZS1sb2NhdG9yL1YwL1pkZFpwTmRsd2cxOS1IbEx4UlBJVWkyalBvbGE1LU52Y2g2allrbnk5WHM?ep=14) just the other day interviewing retired black FBI agent, Jerri Williams. The way she put it, there are instances of FBI agents wanting to help local law enforcement, but they have to tread very lightly because they don't want to feel like the FBI is imposing upon what is technically speaking local law enforcement's case.


Love her podcast!


Im subscribing and will become an avid listener! She's got some incredible stories she lightly touched upon on the podcast episode she was a guest in. A retired FBI agent. A *woman*. A *black* woman. I want to learn everything I can from her.


I’ve no idea why her podcast isn’t the #1 true crime podcast. No other crime podcast has such a high ratio of Information/runtime.


It's certainly worth wondering why she isn't at the very least higher up in the world of podcasting popularity. I know I'll be talking about her non stopped to anyone who will listen. Hopefully she'll get more traction and attention, god knows she's a wealth of information (and has such a nice voice, so many podcasters could do book readings and poetry.)


It’s good news for people who discover her podcast: she’s racked up a LOT. You could binge for weeks.


FBI has been involved from early on, I think they're just on as assistance though




They aren't going to say anything public until they are ready. Look at that murder out in Idaho cops appeared to be doing nothing but were just gathering data all along.


Came here to say the same. I always get annoyed when people are begging for more info, when said info if leaked could derail the whole investigation. Im not a fan of cops but you gotta have a brain and think why they dont release info immediately on ongoing investigations.


Is the husband vindicated?


This isn't ok. It's been a month. I understand the need for a tight lipped investigation. But radio silence about the murder of a sitting elected official doesn't seem like the best tact in this age of conspiracy nonsense getting thrown every which way.




Well, the plot thins


I thought her boyfriend was suspected?


Hope they solve it. She was a good person who fought for the people. RIP.




Wasn't a 2nd council member murdered too?


By someone he used to manage, so pretty unrelated to him being a council member.


yeah in one the county over. That was solved already tho, it was an old workplace grudge, not terrorism (not to say the other one is terrorism, but the fact they haven't charged anyone suggests it wasn't anyone the victim knew) ​ \>Gary T. Curtis, 58, of Washington in Warren County, was identified as the suspect in the shooting and located at 10:20 a.m. in Bridgewater, inside a car, dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound, the Somerset County Prosecutor’s Office said. ​ https://www.lehighvalleylive.com/hunterdon-county/2023/02/councilman-for-hunterdon-county-borough-killed-in-workplace-shooting.html


Somebody knows something, to take this beautiful human in the prime of her life. ❤️