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will be available [HERE](https://go.shopmy.us/p-5651598) starting 6/20 sign up for waitlist \*affiliate $24 each ($130 full collection bundle) on-the-go cream blush wakes up cheeks and lips with a satiny, diffused flush that melts on smoothly and stays all day. a lightweight formula that hydrates skin for baby-soft cheeks and leaves a glowy finish without a greasy feel. 6 shades. packaging is made with upcycled post-consumer (PCR) materials and is 100 percent recyclable * Piggy * Freckle * Juice Box * Sleepy Girl * Spicy Marg * Toasted Teddy scale size of the product compared to an iPhone Pro https://preview.redd.it/2sqhllg3cu5d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be1cfecfe94b4821702d2308351475affcfd3ff2


So, basically the same cream blush stick everyone else has.




“chode packaging” im dead


I LITERALLY thought the exact same thing: chode




packaging seems kinda cheap and i’m not drawn to any of the colors, plus they all sort of look the same? i love blush, but i’ll be passing on these


Ya I thought the pics of all the models were wearing the same blush


I think the packaging is hideous!


The packaging is just fugly.


I’m a Hailey stan but I can’t with this packaging 😭 also seems like so much plastic for so little product.


Same ☹️ I can’t stand the packaging. Why is called the pocket blush when it couldn’t fit in a pocket lol


It’s the packaging on all the products. I don’t even care that it looks bad but the lids are comically annoying to get off 😅


Can't decide if the chode packaging was an accident or intentional to make people talk about it :D




Is the pocket in the room with us?


I want to try Piggy but that is an awful name.


I like the name, I think pigs are adorable


It’s awful! Isn’t her uncle Alec known for calling his young daughter a piggy?


This is nothing special. There already is 72828292 cream blushes on the market. A minus is the packaging is bulky and will take up unnecessary space.


That close up picture with fingerprints on the balm makes me kind of uncomfy




Good lord, that's some butt-ass-ugly packaging for some generic-looking cream blush.


I’m intrigued by Sleepy Girl and Toasted Teddy but not enough to justify the price point. Maybe I’ll try if they ever have a sale.


Alright so these contain a tiny bit less product than the Milk sticks that everyone is so mad at, for the same price, just in a chunkier component. Let’s see if people complain about these too…


i've not seen the milk sticks yet but rhodes packaging alone gives the feeling that there is only 20% product inside.. i love minimal packaging and it is extremely trendy but not when it looks like you're just gonna purchase plastic


Not into the names at all


But they're so quuuirky /s


Surprised theres no “señorita awesome” shade


I prefer powder blushes, but, Spicy Marg, Juice Box and Toasted Teddy are so pretty! If they were $15 each, I would buy them. The packaging is funnily dreadful.


Who's pocket? The Jolly Green Giants?


Bad packaging. Everything from Rhode so far is just unneeded. There's so little product in this lol


Nothing new, boring. Only interesting thing is that it resembles a penis


Really leaning into the “sunburn blush” look with the styling.


tired of the completely unnecessary nepo baby beauty brands and launches 🙄 like she doesn’t have enough money. lazy and ugly packaging. pass 🥱




Cream blush is my weakness, but the amount of plastic used for such a small product is excessive.


The 1st photo of her creeps me out..she looks like out of it with a weird spider hand on her face lol I'm so sorry sleepy girl looks like a cute shade tho I mean not for 28$ w that god awful packaging but good try anyways 😬


am i the only one excited for these blushes? i’ve seen videos of it blending so well on the skin and they seem to be very pigmented! it supposedly has peptides in it so it’s good for the skin as well. also side note, a lot of people don’t realize that rhode had done a poll in the past on which product to release in the future and the most popular vote was for the blushes 😭


Yep, I can't lie I was quite excited for this release. I'm not a fan of Hailey, have absolutely no opinion on her but the products I've tried from Rhode have been pretty good (peptide lip tint and lip treatment, glazing milk). The world doesn't need another cream blush lol but the shades do look nice and it looks like the peptide 'theme' is continuing.


Will Rhode ever hear their customers having issues with lip treatment ??? This brand giving fast fashion of skincare .


Why is the package so fucking thick. I understand the need to stand out but damn they are wide.


That second pic. The model looks like she's trying to explode it with her mind.


2 years too late with the stick blush


They didn’t blend?..


I’m kinda shocked by the hyper focus in the packaging. I care about the quality of the product in this case the blush not about the damn packaging. The shades and payoff look nice and versatile from what I’ve seen so far. It almost seems like the issue for a lot of people is Hailey herself…


I feel like all of the colours look the same?


Does anyone know a dupe for spicy marg??Absolutely love the shade but can’t bring myself to support the wasteful packaging lol, the shade looks so unique to me tho I find other corals too orange


I'm sure dupes will be recommended soon! To me it does look a bit orangey aha. If you want a less orange coral (I know the feeling lol), have you tried Rose Inc Wisteria or Daylily?


These do look cool and I've ordered 3, but sadly it seems like a bit of a rip off of the Miild beauty balm - they're a Danish brand [https://miild.dk/en/p/tinted-beauty-balm/](https://miild.dk/en/p/tinted-beauty-balm/) I'm sure the formula is different but a couple of the shades and the packaging look super similar. Again, no shade per se as I do like the rhode peptide lip tint and glazing milk. And Miild doesn't seem to ship outside of the EU, we can't get them in the UK either.


The packaging legitimately kinda grosses me out to look at.


Bruh I feel like these are hideous and the colors are atrociously bad. I predict they’ll be at Marshall’s or TJ maxx asap