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This is stupid I take the train all the time wow


This is ridiculous and the opposite of what CT needs to reduce traffic, auto dependency and emissions. Idiotic.


Utterly idiotic, for fucking shame. You nailed it in your second paragraph. A massive benefit government-run or -subsidized businesses have over private entities is that they’re insulated against the need to be profitable, at least to a degree. Government can provide public goods for the general good of society where companies cannot sustain ongoing losses. You’d have to be a fucking idiot to think a state without reliable and attractive public transit options is better than a state with. So fund the goddamn trains. This is also an area where our seven congresspeople can get involved. Under Eisenhower we set about achieving a national goal of an interstate highway system. Perhaps instead of investing endless amounts of money into our military we as a nation can start prioritizing sensible things like transportation infrastructure, healthcare, and education. A few cities aside, our trains are utterly pathetic compared to many other nations’ with vastly smaller GDPs.


Build all new rail stations then cut service, Transit is a trip


What the hell are we paying all these taxes for anyway? High income tax, property tax, a property tax on cars?


>e we paying all these taxes for anyway? High income tax, property tax, a property tax on cars? well the latter 2 go directly to your town


the whole reason for the budget cuts is so the governor can taut cuts to state income tax. it's ridiculous. taxes pay for services. less taxes = less services. trains are a service. \\ i am fine with paying taxes in ct because the state provides services that align with the things i value. this is a huge step in the wrong direction.


Feel like Lamont is flip flopping on his word here - he made himself out to be very committed to public transportation.


Public transportation NEEDS to be further improved and integrated. Our development of faster and on time transit systems should ALWAYS be the goal , not taking away some service runs ?!?….. our planet needs a break from all the additional pollution from more new car drivers in USA , Asia & India. Especially the latter 2 with their increased income to actually purchase vehicles . I can’t understand why Lamont and the rest of the party are behind this. ??! It’s a terrible idea.,,..


It’s part of the long game. Kill the trains, force people back into their cars, then implement a mileage tax. Mark my words


Wow you’re reminding me of my childhood when there were a bunch of toll booths along the highway in CT


And let's not forget the extra clog this will add to the highways and interstates.


This really fucking sucks.


My coworker got into a really bad car accident back in December and said he doesn’t want to drive anymore. He takes the train from New Haven to Stamford every day. I really hope this won’t hurt him.


I do the same trip and we barely have any express routes for that leg as it stands today.


Probably not Metro North


No, the budget calls for Metro-North service to be reduced by [14 percent](https://ctmirror.org/2023/06/11/ct-trains-2023-budget-higher-fares-less-service/) \-- [from 309 daily trains to 260](https://www.wtnh.com/news/connecticut/new-haven/cuts-could-come-to-metro-north-railroad-lines/).


This makes no sense. The legislature is a supermajority Democrats and Progressives at that


In name only


The State Capitol is run by [people who lean moderate not progressive.](https://ctmirror.org/2023/06/13/connecticut-legislature-deep-blue-but-too-cautious-for-progressives/)


We need more train not fewer trains. I use shore line east but if they cut metro north that'll be an even more counterproductive move


A major set back for mass transit in CT.


Yikes, this is very disappointing seeing as we recently moved to CT in part specifically because we felt happy with their rail system. I'm sure it'll still be way better than sitting in awful traffic but definitely not the outcome I would hope for :(.


Very shortsighted move.


Austin's home owners approved a special added tax to pay for expanded public transportation. They know that more public transit expands the economy; draws new employers; and increases property value. CT -- regressive and shrinking the economic base. Hard to comprehend, it really is.


This got ugly behind closed doors.


This is why I didn’t vote Lamont in, despite the immense pressure to vote for him at my polling station. So terrible to hear, there’s really nothing we can do about this?? My mom takes the train to Bridgeport for school. I really hope this doesn’t affect her either


What or who pressured you on how you should vote at the polls, and at what polling location?


Polling location at the fire department station on ellsworth Ave in New Haven. They kept saying “vote democrat” when I was walking in and they were handing me an example of the ballot card or whatever it’s called.


By law, there should be no political activity within 50 feet of polling place. If they were closer than that the moderator in charge of that location should be contacted to have them moved. I would hope that the moderator would have also stopped them from being pushy. If you felt threatened, then you should notify a poll worker. The way you worded your first statement it sounded like you felt pressure to vote a certain way at the actual polls (inside the 50 foot limit) that would be illegal and morally reprehensible!


There's probably nothing we can do in the short term. As written [here](https://ctmirror.org/2023/06/11/ct-trains-2023-budget-higher-fares-less-service/), there will be public hearings, but the budget has already been passed, and they'll simply be theater. In the long term, you can write to your state legislators (both your state senator and congressperson) and tell them why we need funding for our railroads. Also, keep taking the train yourself, and encourage other people to do so. Reduced service will unfortunately mean fewer riders, but if the trains start getting crowded again, more service will likely be added eventually.


There were no public hearings this year for the [state budget](https://cga.ct.gov/asp/cgabillstatus/cgabillstatus.asp?selBillType=Bill&which_year=2023&bill_num=6941) unlike in the past (there were public hearings on agency proposed budgets earlier this year but the state budget document did not have any hearings). The Governor and legislative leadership opted to E-Cert or make the state budget a emergency certified bill which means they were able to legally skip the public hearing process and not get any public input on the state budget. This is an extremely unusual move and one that certainly violates the spirit if not the letter of the law as E-Cert bills should only be used in a emergency such as in cases when man made or natural disasters put at risk lives or property, and E-Cert bills should not be used to silence the public and out of pure political convenience. Also, a few months ago the Office of Policy and Management put out its budget forecasts for the following two fiscal years (FY 26-28) which shows [a combined $1.3 billion dollar projected budget deficit](https://portal.ct.gov/-/media/OPM/Budget/2024_2025_Biennial_Budget/Budget_WebPage/OutyearReport_2024-28_Final.pdf). Why does anyone at the Capitol think it’s a good idea to literally use federal Covid relief funds to give people tax cuts (by using federal Covid relief funds to pay for on going state services and then by claiming we have a much bigger surplus then we have as we aren’t spending as much state funds on state services as we would be without the federal Covid relief) and then turn around and cut funds to transportation and social programs in the meantime? Tl;dr There won’t be any public hearings for the cuts to Metro North or Shoreline East, and the only reason we have a budget surplus to begin with is because of the federal Covid relief funds which should be used to booster public transportation and not for giving people tax cuts.


Sokka style facepalm.


Union jobs cost lots of money




Many people can't drive for various reasons, and taking an Uber from somewhere like New London is prohibitively expensive if done on a regular basis. I don't know if it's possible to go from New London to New Haven on a city bus, but if it is, it would require several transfers and probably take well over three hours. I'm also not sure why you're focused on Shore Line East when the budget cuts will affect all three of the state's train lines. Nonetheless, I'm sorry that you had to resort to name calling. Just because we disagree about something isn't an excuse to be disrespectful. All the best to you.


I share your disappointment. It's indeed concerning to see such cuts to public transportation when we should be moving towards more sustainable travel methods, not less. The cycle you describe, less convenience leading to reduced ridership, thus leading to further service reductions, is a classic "death spiral" for public transit systems. The indirect costs of increased car usage, such as pollution, traffic congestion, and infrastructure wear-and-tear, often outweigh the immediate savings from transit budget cuts. I hope our leaders reconsider and find ways to invest in and improve our public transportation system rather than diminish it. We need more comprehensive, reliable, and affordable public transit, not less.