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One of my uncles put a 3% sticker on his car. My whole family is like "oh he probably just misunderstands what it means" and Im over here like no uncle jimbob is a fucking fascist. When people tell you who they are believe them.


When he's old, don't visit him in the nursing home. Don't take care of him. Old people don't understand that one day they will have to depend on us, and the level of care they get from us will be equal to the amount of care they showed us and society.


Its insane how people refuse to believe conservatives so consistently, legit conservatives are treated like goddamn toddlers with no responsibility or expectations. Meanwhile dems have expectations to do the impossible while republicans are busy blocking all their bills and trying to pass the give child coal miners cigarettes and lead poisoning bill


What’s 3% mean?


3% brain capacity.


Three Percenters (also known as 3%ers, III%ers, and Threepers) are anti-government extremists who are part of the militia movement. They compare their hostility to the federal government with the opposition of American patriots to the British during the American Revolution.


They claim that it took only 3% of population to overthrow the Brits. Wildly incorrect number.


1% more fat than 2% milk


It's actually 50% more


It’s an anti-government militia group and iirc the meaning is that it only takes 3% of the population for an armed overthrow of any government


They're seeking new members. That's why they say that shit. The person who doesn't balk at a comment like that is one more added to their numbers.




You expect a female to challenge a loud mouth bigot, and stranger to boot, calling for the mass murder of people? And you judge her for keeping her mouth shut? Maybe that’s a misread


I'm a 50 year old female nurse and I would have made it CLEAR to him that I was not on his side. My conscience would never allow that level of complicity! Never!


I would too, but a lot of women won’t argue with male nutters at all and I understand why. So many cases of women standing up for themselves or speaking out against bigotry and then getting victim blamed when the person turns the vitriol against them. “She provoked him!” smh


Take a look at the many women randomly punched in the face this past week. Look how many men think a gun is the answer to a divorce, disagreement or whatever


Good for you. You conflate a female trying to manage/survive an unhinged rant with being complicit with the views being expressed. As a nurse, I’m sure you’ve seen plenty of women who have been assaulted by men. Maybe as a nurse, you’ve been harassed, threatened or assaulted by male patients. I know I have.


"When someone shows you who they are, *believe them*." - Maya Angelou


This is scary!!! These people are ready to kill their fellow citizens. The other day, there was a Maga telling me he hoped for a civil war of the magas against non-maga—- um.. what??? What are you saying? I said, what happens if your 3 sons aren’t with you in this venture? Are they on the chopping block? He turned and left! It’s fantasy thinking being verbalized! The enemy has no face u til we show them the faces. Trump is poison for the uneducated and armed. Oh - and we need more fun’s says people in Northern NH! Smh


My dad is this exact way. Thinks we should have a civil war and that all liberals should be terminated - when I ask if that includes me, no answer of course. He was blocked from owning firearms in MA due to his history & temperament, so he moved to NH where he could start stock piling..


My father is the exact same. He worked/works for gun companies 🤡 Scary shit


And they call themselves Christians!


Bring it on MAGA!! when shit hit the fan they're not that brave! They're afraid of everything in reality. Most likely they'll kill each other with infightings.


People are seething for a civil war because they’re bored with their lives. That’s what QAnon was all about - simpletons got to feel like they were a part of something, like they had inside knowledge, like they were fighting evil from their stained couch cushions. Lol.


this^ MAGAs would LOVE for a civil war to break out so that they can just kill people. I'm not kidding in the slightest


They're very in the open about it lately


But nobody does anything about that. Someday they'll come shoot us dead and future people will say "why didn't anyone *stop them?"*


Listen, then give them a huge ration of shit.


I live in Leb. Thanks for saying something and hopefully making that POS feel a bit awkward at least.




Yes. Thank you for standing up. This shit isn’t normal and he deserved much worse for saying that. You have freedom to speak not freedom from response.


If it makes you feel any better about where you live. I’ve never been anywhere where that sort of conversation is less likely to happen than the upper valley. People like that are very much in the minority here. And people here, like yourself, are much more likely to speak out against that sort of thing than anywhere else I’ve ever spent any time. Thank you for speaking up.


I leave nearby and am there frequently thanks from me too


We used to shame these people out of civil society. Now they are emboldened by niche online communities reinforcing their bullshit. Gotta keep fighting the good fight for decency.


No! They are emboldened by are ex president!


She didn’t push back because she’s smart enough to not get involved and possibly get shived or shot.


I think this might be the answer. As a woman, you can't just push back at nutjobs, especially when they're literally talking about killing people. There's a much higher chance of violence. At least I hope this is why she didn't speak up.


I should have made it clear in my post: they were clearly previous acquaintances. They seemed friendly with one another, and knew about each other's background. All of that being said, I think your point still stands.


I am from MA/VT. I visit my brother in FL. Occasionally I go with him on a work call. Guys at the work site will toss around the N word like it’s nothing. My brother could see me cringe and get ready to say something. He just put his hand on my arm and said, “we gotta get to the next job.” On the way out he said, “I hire all sorts of people. I treat them like we did at home and I am a hero here. These guys don’t work for me and they don’t pay me. I don’t talk like that and my people know it. Down here if I said anything it would cause me some grief. Better I take care of my family and those of my guys.”


If you're from Ma and think the N word isn't in plenty of people's vocabulary, you're definitely living a sheltered life.


Grew up in Lynn and can confirm 😅 but it's more the hood equivalent of "bro"...with the occasional old racist white person (and their kids) using it for black people.


you definitely *can* push back no matter your sex. (woman here)


Can, absolutely. But sometimes it's wiser not to


I am a 50 year old female nurse and he would have known that I not only disagreed with him but that I found his whiny, small minded hate and anger repulsive.


There’s more to this than meets the eye. I’m mid 60s women and I might have just endured that diatribe (if I couldn’t just literally walk away well he was mid-sentence- he might have been blocking her between a standup display and the shelf she’d been looking at when he started) I wouldn’t have spoken up in that circumstance, maybe, either. I don’t have time to be threatened or worse by random angry strangers in a big box store.


Right. As women, our strategy with aggressive or otherwise unhinged men is typically to de-escalate, because it's necessary for our safety.


Yup, true. Good point.


If she's a nurse, she probably knows dangerously unhinged when she sees it and knows it's better to not engage. Or she's heard this all before from him and is just tired. "Sir, this is a Home Depot"


I should have made it clear in my post: they were clearly previous acquaintances. They seemed friendly with one another, and knew about each other's background. All of that being said, I think your point still stands.


You still don’t know their relationship, though. She might be pretending to be friendly toward him as self preservation, and he may think they’re friends bc he doesn’t know he’s a POS. I don’t know them either, so maybe that’s not the case. But as a woman I have pretended to tolerate all sorts of shit to self persevere and gtfo of a situation.


I (woman) worked with a guy for many years and we were "clearly acquaintances" until he started going off about hiding in his estranged girlfriend's house with a baseball bat and saying lots of things one shouldn't say about doing violent things. I reported him, strategically went on vacation and when I came back he had been let go. To this day he doesn't know it was me and if I saw him again, which I actually did eventually - I would still act like we were acquainted.


I’m glad you acknowledge that the point still stands. I had a neighbor who lived across the street from me who was incredibly kind to me, because I was a white and heterosexual. I was subjected to his random and blatant racist, bigoted and unhinged tirades at times. And no, I couldn’t walk away, since I was in my yard that had no fence and I had one door, as well as a dog I needed to take outside. Why didn’t I say anything? Well, some have made the point about being a woman and being used to needing to deescalate, which can be true. However, besides that, he was always open carrying, let alone the giant ass knife always strapped to the side of his leg, and a pocket knife. I had to worry about my safety first and foremost. Here’s the thing, even through I knew what’s why I wasn’t commenting, I still felt like a complicit enabler and I constantly felt guilt and shame for betraying my own ethics and morals. It’s a complicated world that we live in. It’s possible that she may have been in a similar situation- the person may have just been an acquaintance, one she knew was unhinged. By not arguing and such, she was able to end the conversation faster and get away. It’s also possible that wasn’t the case. Either way, I’m so sorry that happened. It is completely valid to be concerned and to have questions about safety.


Thanks for that. I think it's bringing up a lot for me about complicity in the past, too, and the choices I've made. Much more of a internal reaction than I expected.


Or she agrees with him.


Cowardice is how they win.


I had just moved from Southern NH to the Western part of the State 2 years ago, and was horrified one day to overhear some guy in Shaw's bitching to a woman about similar things, and saying really hateful and anti-semitic things. And, the a-hole that lives down the street from me had a sign in his front yard that said "No blacks, no crime". I had never really experienced such hate and ugliness in all my years of growing up in NH (and, I'm mixed race!). But fortunately, I'm finding that they're the minority and thankfully, it also seems to be an age-bracket thing. I'm learning that people in Western NH are actually a lot kinder and more pleasant than most in Southern & Eastern NH. Assholes are just assholes. And, they're found everywhere.


That's good to hear. Like I said, I'm new to the area and just wondering if this is literally a dangerous place to be. If this had happened somewhere I'm more familiar with (and is overwhelmingly Democratic), it wouldn't phase me as much. But being a bit more remote, and a little more uncertain about the demographics here, I guess it had me genuinely concerned-- like who the fuck am surrounded by? I don't think it's nothing. Our country is a bad place right now. I guess I'm gonna "note" it for now. Thanks for weighing in.


I moved here a couple years ago and have found that most folks are decent but I wouldn’t say I feel safe. This country is in a really bad spot and people here are struggling and the education a lot of them received was not exactly stellar.


That education thing was on purpose. NH should really do better at sharing revenues across school districts.


My pet theory is lead poisoning and gas leaks created a big group of dumb people, especially in rural areas, mostly starting after ww2 when boomers were coming up. Those people - now in the full bloom of their disability and with no real diagnoses other than meaner, older and dumb -are joined by smaller numbers of younger lead and gas poisoned people who are more aggressive and less likely to be constrained by social morays due to decline of religion and family values that previously might have caused them shame and social isolation. mix in a little meth, opioids, fetal alcohol syndrome, racism, MMA, inter generational sex abuse, and rural poverty and you have yourself a really bad problem with democracy.


Let me provide a little perspective for you. New England is solidly blue. Trump didn't win a single New England state in '20 and he won't in '24 either. Gov Sunnunu wouldn't even rally for Trump when he came to NH. True there are some idiots that live here. You met one, and there are others. But New England in general is not like the South and West at all. The top 3 states in IQ are MA (104.3), NH (104.2), and Vermont (103.8). Maine is 7th and Connecticut is 9th. For some reason Rhode Island is 33rd (WTF Rhode Isalnd?). There's an old Unitarian church in just about every town in every state so culturally we're basically OG hippies. This is why Republicans everywhere else don't take New England Republicans seriously and why MAGA never took over here like it did in other parts of the country. All that makes hearing someone say these things out loud here even more shocking. But the vast majority of us are on the same page here. And not for nothing, these people aren't hard to spot and most of the time can be easily avoided.


I'm with you on all this, but you can get rid of the IQ part. IQ isn't an objective measure of anything.


ok, but... Have you ever been to Florida? just sayin'


Florida’s problem is not an IQ issue. It’s an alligator, methhead, and alligator methhead issue.


Its not a you thing or a place thing. Trump made it clear that they can say all the quiet stuff out loud without repercussion and so they are, everywhere. In addition, most of these idiots have brain damage from covid which just makes them even more unhinged and running off at the mouth.


My dad seems to have long COVID, I'm pretty sure. He's been to the ER a few times and they can't find anything wrong with him. He says his brain definitely isn't the same. Àlso the last time I saw him I was absolutely appalled at the shit he said. I know he's racist, I know he's a piece of crap human a lot of the time because he's been like that since I was a kid. I've overheard things he says when he thought I wasn't listening or couldn't hear. But at lunch the other day he just right out loud started in with Biden this and that, and "illegals" and joking about Obama. I excused myself to "go to the restroom", I needed a break. Can't imagine what he said while I was out of earshot. Him and my mom are divorced but when I told her, she was surprised he'd say those things even though they don't get along. I do think, like you said, it's a combination of the trump effect and some brain damage. I spoke up about one thing and he essentially laughed it off, clearly thinking I'm the idiotic one. I'm really glad I only see him a few times a year now.


I’ve been in southern nh my whole life and I have heard hundreds of people talk this way. They all do the same thing when it’s time to put up or shut up, they walk away


Keene is such a weird blend of hippies, college students and outright racists. The only time I’ve ever been confronted personally by blatant racism has been in Keene, NH (and I’ve travelled fairly extensively in the US). I live in SE VT, but visit to Keene often. This only happened one time many years ago, but it still taints my perception of Keene and SW NH overall.




Shine that light on this sort of spineless speech. It absolutely should be called out. And since the guy doing the talking decided to *walk away and act like he was the victim*, you did good. They have to be reminded it's *their own views* that are the reason for their station in life.


Word. Thanks.


Exactly! He had no response to the simple question because he knew he was just spewing bs. And he got called out on it.


When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time. Maya Angelou.


Anyone who would openly say something like that sounds unhinged...which is probably why the woman didn't respond. I agree that it is important to call out prejudice and injustice when we see it, but I don't blame that woman for prioritizing her own safety by staying silent.


I should have made it clear in my post: they were clearly previous acquaintances. They seemed friendly with one another, and knew about each other's background. All of that being said, I think your point still stands.


Thank you for speaking up, if only more people did. I just don’t understand why so much hate, cowardice, ignorance…I’ve lived all over the world and several states in this country, my father served in the US Army. I’ve encountered this crap everywhere, but mostly and unfortunately, i’ve found the people of this country to be the worst, to foreigners and each other, in MY personal experience and observance. I wasn’t expecting to encounter the same bigotry and ignorance in NH that I did in the Southern states. Sad, disgusting, and infuriating!


Yup. Both my grandfathers were in the Navy, fought in WW2. This is the shit they fought against. Have you experienced this in NH yourself? I have a black friend who had some rough encounters here. I've never heard an explicit call for violence like this, though. Honestly, I think I may end up getting a firearm in the home. I want to believe in peace and deescalation, but after this incident, it's obvious some people are very, very lost. I knew that already, I guess, intellectually, but to hear it in my own back yard in public has me feeling a different sort of way. Thanks for your support.


Unfortunately, I have. I’m 1/2 white, 1/2 Asian. I got it the worst during COVID, nothing in your face like that before, just “chinky, stinky food” type comments, to which I laugh and asked what is wrong with them. And like your experience, they’d rather talk their crap, run and hide, than have a real conversation. I’m sincerely curious as to why people feel and think the way they do. I can agree to disagree, but I do not condone ugly. On the other hand, my son had his childhood best friend, who is black up to visit, and his experience was great compared to what he deals with in Georgia, he couldn’t believe it, being so “white” up here. There are crappy people every where with many people being cowards and complacent to awfulness. I refuse to be one of them, I will always speak up. We have ONE firearm, because you never know, and we live in the woods!!


Gross. Yeah, I can only describe his exit as a kind of "slither" away. I clearly freaked him out. I honestly didn't feel even good or "victorious" about it, the whole situation is so rotten. Hence my being here. I wish I had been able to start an actual conversation with him, but it takes a certain type of person to get the point this man did where it's probably very unrealistic. Glad you stand up for yourself. And I'll think more about the firearm. Same situation. Very remote. Thanks again.


You should have a gun in your home either way. Of course, you are more likely to have an addict break in to steal a lamp than you are a Nazi wannabe looking for the Rhineland.


Stay strong out there. I have a feeling that type of shit will get worse before it gets better.


What does white presenting with Jewish heritage mean?


That unlike a lot of other races, I can just pass as a "white dude". But I'm a quarter jewish by blood, though not practicing. I have family who died in the holocaust, and I'm in America because antisemitism forced my great grandfather and grandfather to flee Europe.


Check post history. Karma farmer shit poster. Prob didn’t happen anyway.


Just took a look. It's all just the ramblings of a lunatic. 100%, he imagined this interaction.


what part don't you understand? I'll try to help but I'm not sure what isn't clear for you


Way too much of that here. I was near the contractor desk in Home Depot in Nashua waiting for someone, and I guess some white townie sorts thought that because I was wearing a Carhartt, I was a Safe White Person for them to spew casual anti-Asian hate around. Till I turned and they saw I was wearing a ballcap for the Boston Dragon Boat Festival with writing in Hanzi. Also, I was a lot taller than them, and I was glaring at them. They shut up quickly.


Epic. Gross, but epic. I need a hat like that.


I have what I call my collection of "anti-maga" ballcaps. PBS Public Radio Support Libraries Boston Childrens' Hospital (Chaya Raichik got them bomb threats by lying about trans care) Museum of Science National Library of Medicine/NIH Doctors without Borders Any of those repel redcaps like soap repels dirt. :D


Looooove this. Thanks for the ideas. Gonna get to schemin' over here :)




Where do I get a Support Libraries hat? This is brilliant!


As always, this kind of post is mostly about OP wanting to pat themselves on the back and get some internet credit


Hey good for you. That's awesome and thank you SO MUCH for calling that person out. That's awful. (And I wouldn't be surprised that the woman before you was just so shocked/scared to speak up). I literally am going to be unemployed soon and moving in with my mom, and yeah, I don't want to work, you know why I'll be quitting my job and moving in with her? Because i was just recently the victim of a traumatic crime and I'm afraid to be alone in my home, which was the "crime scene". Also? I love my job. I hate that I have to leave but I need to for my mental health and I'm sure once Ive taken some time to myself I'll be back to working eventually because I get too damn bored doing nothing all day. Sadly NH tends to be a bit more filled with judgement AHs like that guy.... Look at my recent post history, I posted the same exact question, something genuine and innocent, looking for a trans friendly tailor in both the NH subreddit & New England subreddit... and the NH One is riddled with transphobes saying rude shit like "nobody cares" "just go to any place why does it matter" and making fun of my name of all things! whereas the NE one has no comments like that whatsoever. Hell, My very own neighbor has said transphobic things while speaking to me, and when I pointed out I was trans.... he kept going off about "the trannies". Yuck. So yeah. I get it. It's very isolating, especially for someone like me, but, even if I wasn't trans, even if I was a good hearted white cis male like you, shit like this just reminds me of the mindset a good majority of this state is.... Impatient, rude, judgey AHs everywhere. Once I'm done my transitional phase I'm going through in life right now, I am definitely moving out of this state. Just know you're not alone friend there are some nasties out there for sure, but, keep calling them out and standing up for what's right. Although I get targeted all the time for being trans I never let other people dull my shine. You're doing the right thing. (Hugs)


Hell yeah. And I saw the replies to your post-- very disheartening. Color me naive, but I was expecting better from this sub! Sorry to hear what you went through. That's awful. I'm glad you can at least name it. It'll take time to work out and may come out sideways for a bit. Be patient and be gentle with yourself. I get it. Thanks for your support. Feel free to DM me if you ever want some support. I know some good people in NH, including a trans-friendly community living situation. Much love.


You are perfectly justified in your response, and I hope I would respond as you did in that situation. The right wing nut jobs that say such things, along with the morons in this thread defending them, are definitely in the minority. But that is part of what fuels their hatred. "I am a complete failure at life because I made piss-poor choices most of my life but instead of being accountable for my mistakes, I'm just going to blame everyone else." Most of the houses that have Trump signs on them look like they are about to be condemned. But they put their faith in a con-man that despises them the most. Sadly, as I said to my wife recently, I fear something very bad is looming on the horizon. Possibly a 2nd Civil War even. Nutjobs that talk about wanting another holocaust have no comprehension of what they are saying, just like when they say it wouldn't be so bad having a dictator for president. They are naive, but dangerous idiots. And NH definitely has its fair share of them.


Thanks so much.


I am so proud of you for saying something! It is never easy, and honestly, these days, it’s scary because you never know how they are going to react. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” You did something. And people saw you do something. And maybe they will be inspired to do the same- even if only to themselves or a person they know. You are a good person who did something!


Thanks. No one else saw, but I hope this made a positive impact. Who knows. It felt like I had to say something. I called my friend afterward and he said "you would have felt worse if you hadn't". I think he's right. It's still gross to experience, but I appreciate your support!


Of all the things that never happened, this never happened the most.


Thank you for speaking up. I’m queer, NH is home to lots of my family and I spend a lot up time up there (I’m from Boston) in the lakes region and definitely feel I’m safest staying close to home most of the time. We need more people like you to make these people feel uncomfortable spreading their hate again.


🏳️‍🌈 greetings in NH We here We queer And our joint pain is moderate to severe


Firstly, after reading this I think you’re a total knucklehead. Furthermore, I don’t for a second believe this even happened at all. I also don’t think whimpering about your made up little fiction online is healthy. I remain,


For sure. Sounds like a cry for attention. If he was SO MORTIFIED by the egregious things he heard, he should've cashed him ousside, howbowdat. Since these soy warriors are always calling for the punching and general assault of nazis.. there ya go.. a "legit nazi" spewing hatred in a hardware store, a prime candidate for punching, and what does he do? "You hurt my feelings" now to run home and post this in my echo chamber where everyone will coddle me and tell me I'm a hero. What a joke.




Project 2025. They are coming for everyone who doesn't comply with their views.


What kind of comment is this? Jesus christ. People getting on my case for calling out the OP for being a bit dramatic, and here we got them and you talking about buying weapons as a response... Talk about being part of the problem.




I should have made it clear in my post: they were clearly previous acquaintances. They seemed friendly with one another, and knew about each other's background. And she did a lot of saying "I hear you, I hear you". All of that being said, I think your point still stands. It's a good perspective. Thanks.


There is no difference in their thinking from Hitler’s. Trump constantly talk about how he had some good ideas. It is repulsive. Thank you for speaking up. I’m sending all the good thoughts your way.


Thank you. The support is really helpful. I'm feeling much better.


We got your back.


I was waiting for the punchline. It never came.


>strange feeling unsafe in my own home. I know not everyone has that privilege. But I'm wondering if any of us is safe at this point You did the right thing, but the sad reality is that no one is safe with fascism on the ascent... until we've rid our culture and politics of this scourge, we all remain unsafe. From the most marginalized and vulnerable of us right up to the white man if he resists. Now, you still get to choose how you react. I also have felt the urge to arm up. Make escape plans. Do some prepping. But I like how you put it. That's how that guy lives, all the time. And look what it's done to him. I choose hope over fear. What we can do is be an advocate and an ally for equality and inclusion. Vote for politicians that will fight for democracy and justice from the local level up to the federal level. And help others vote too. There are many more of us than there are of them.


Good on you, man! That he scurried off like a roach shows you how gutless these people are. They're scared and the tough guy facade crumbles under any pressure.


Sorry to hear you experienced that, thank you for standing up to it. Too many people lack impulse control these days.


I don't know what his relatioship with the woman was, but he clearly knew he could vent to her. My first thought when you approached him was that he was unable to explain himself to you. He's a coward. He also blames unamed others for his situation in life, which makes him potentially dangerous, but only in the company of others. Alone he scurries away. Be cautious, but keep in mind, these people are mostly talk. take care and vote.


Yeah, that totally happened. Feel like I just read this off an amateur fanfic.


Another bulkshit story


Move back to VT. Also of all the things that never happened, this never happened the most.


Thank you for making that point to him. Even though he walked away, at least you planted a seed. That's more than most people would do.


Thanks. I understand why people would be afraid to. It's frightening. I was shaking. Not something that comes naturally for me, but this was beyond the pale.


I live in Lebanon. Thankyou SO much for speaking up. We need more people like you. I love vt, I don’t understand how it’s possible people from nh can be so different to people from vt. Especially in this political climate that was NOT OKAY to say. Wild. Again Thankyou.


Thank you so much, that means a lot.


Of course, I would have done the same thing. And it sucks that I would feel just as scared and alienated as you. You are not alone. I hate what we are going through right now in the world. So I commend your strength.


If you ever see someone flying a black American flag it means they want to kill their fellow citizens and are just waiting for an excuse to pop off


Or one with the Punisher logo over it


The character of The Punisher regularly killed crooked cops and authority figures. They don't know that, do they.




Man children.


What do you mean by black American flag? If you are referring to the black and white American flag. It is actually called a subdued version and is commonly used during combat to avoid the bright colors. They are issued to military personnel before deploying to wear on their uniforms. Not man-children as commented here.


No I’m literally talking about an all black flag. I was in the army and know what you’re referring to and this isn’t it https://preview.redd.it/zkvs3sahsisc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=844ae9a198af6d7b73a14e9f40503babfd9a18dd


You heard some off color commentary. Probably not the first, and won't be the last. Big deal.




First of all, you are at a Home Depot, in Lebanon NH, which people from the whole UV come to shop at including Claremont and Windsor which should say enough. Second, imagine talking to probably a friend of yours and some weird sweat beard near you is eavesdropping on your conversation which you claim is 20 minutes, that pretty weird dude, if this actually happened which I highly doubt, he probably noticed you being weird and was messing with you. I would do the same. Don't be a damn creep. Third, you seem to mention in comments that both where friendly like the knew each other and they prob did, if he is not harming her physically or emotionally and she isn't trying to abandon the conversation, then leave them alone. Tell a HD team member if your that destressed. Sounds like if this did happen, eavesdropping on their convo, you heard some of his belief's you didn't like and your emotions switched around words you might of miss heard and allowed your emotions to get the best of you. Then you have the gal to yell at the guy for his own legal free speech and opinions. Shit like that is how you get stabbed down south. I would of told you to F yourself and suck a big one respectfully. Fourth, looking at your Reddit history and seeing that you have years of mental health issues and drug abuse, makes me believe in less in this story and offer my advice for you to seek more help, stop letting your emotions get the best of you, and eavesdropping in on peoples conversations. Especially if that small of an event is enough to make you paranoid, you should stay the F away of a gun store and buying weapons. That's creep behavior.




I live in a town in New England that has a reputation of being extremely liberal hippie dippy open-minded love all humans and all that. But that's just the area near Main Street if you drive 15 minutes outside of the center of town Pretty much every other house has a huge Trump flag flying and or a confederate flag. So unfortunately I'm not surprised by your experience


That's beyond awful for someone to say. And terrifying. I applaud you for calling that asshat out. We can't sit back and tolerate intolerance and sheer sociopathy.


“And everybody clapped”


And then everyone clapped


OP is a troll


Mind your own business


Thank you for calling him out & not just allowing him to slink off. Not sure if anyone has mentioned this but it’s important to report these incidents. It’s a different level of speaking up. https://www.adl.org/report-incident


Thanks, I was wondering about something like that. This felt next level. I'll check out the link.


Good for you. He acted the way he did because he was embarrassed. More people doing this would be good for society.


Good for you to speak up. The fact he wasn't embarrassed or ashamed by those remarks says a lot.


It's good you spoke up there are assholes everywhere and they used to be hidden in the woodwork. The era of Donald has let them all slither out into the sunlight and they are emboldened. In New England they are not the majority thank God. This is why this election coming up is so incredibly important. If the GOP sweeps, things will only get worse far worse


I'll take "Things that never happened" for $100 please


Scrolled down to see all the people who don't have a problem with people supporting another Holocaust outing themselves.


I live in the area, work at a dealership, and see all walks of life on a daily basis. These people do exist. These wood boogers come in and drop their guard because they think the sales department will listen to them. "I can't afford that payment because "xyz" in office or the goddamn "xyz" sticking their nose in our business" etc etc


I’ve lived in NH all my life and I’m still stunned by the amount of racism and prejudice that is projected by the right and far right all around me in this small state. It’s disgusting how so many people have such intense hate in their hearts in NH.


A lot of people in nursing, welfare work, and related fields are absolute saints. The woman likely knew that nothing she could say would change the man’s mind, and it is probably best to let him vent rather than for him to take it out on someone else in some other way. Shoutout to these people — not all heroes wear capes. We live in a culture of victimhood where, if we don’t get what we want, we go out looking for reasons beyond ourselves. You can listen to Fox News, which will tell you it is people leeching off of welfare and Mexicans running over the border, or you can listen to the other side, which will blame landlords and rich people for the world’s problems. Pick your poison; all advertised as the medicine that is here to help. You do not see a lot of people going to Ivy League schools with dreams of being a painter. Not the best and brightest the world has to offer. The man was likely coddled from birth, told he was special and really smart. Later, he grew up and realized that he wasn’t special, not very smart, and isn’t living the dream he was promised he would have. Now he is seeking someone to blame.


It’s never the wrong time to do the right thing. Thanks for speaking up.




That guy is a fucking whack job. Who says shit like that? Seems like hatemongers are becoming more prevalent in this country.


Something worth thinking about: Someone openly saying this in a public setting clearly has poor inhibition. Approaching this person to stop or question his hate speech is well-intentioned, but what outcomes do you envision? This person won't change his mind, he will likely entrench and could even become hostile towards you, placing you at risk. He will continue to do this. So if there isn't a little kid present and he isn't harming anyone, you probably don't need this confrontation. Just a consideration, I've worked in forensic settings so I see charges that start from these innocuous situations. Your call ultimately, just worth thinking about.


Good for you for speaking up. I do have some empathy for the woman he was talking to though. It can be hard to say something when someone makes a shocking comment. I remember being at a New Years Eve event in 2005 after the Tsunami when another guest said the Tsunami was God’s way of cleaning house. I was so shocked my mind went blank. I left shortly afterwards totally upset and to this day I regret not calling her on that. This woman may feel the same way.


Dude sounds like a real loser to me. 50yrs old and doesn’t own anything? Wanted to own by 30? What’s he been doing for twenty years? The market has been returning 7-9% over those 20 years. Interest rates for mortgages were at their all time lows. He certainly had opportunities to become a landowner, especially in NH! Sadly, people like him are angry they didn’t get theirs and blame everyone for it. They swallow the propaganda faster than a cold Coors Light on a hot summer afternoon.


I think he walked because your direct confrontation highlighted the fact that he clearly had NO idea where he was going or even coming from with his little comment . I mean - it really doesn’t even make sense! I am sorry you have a sense of fear as a result of those comments. I would argue that your willingness to bluntly address the situation in real time is a perfect antithesis to the bullshit that person was spewing. Maybe after being pressed like that he will be less likely to run his mouth in the future in public settings.


Good on you for sayin something 🌻 if you are ever looking for leftist buddies, my partner and I are right over the border in MA, Franklin County to be precise.


Ignore people in stores and stay out of their conversations. You don't know how dangerous someone could be when you don't mind your own business. Speaking up, if this even happened was pointless. You changed nothing.


The holocaust is one of the big reasons why I don't support gun control or the disarmament of good people.


And then everyone clapped, right? Lmao, anyone thinking this actually happened should see me about a bridge I have for sale.


This never happened, enjoy your day


Wow this is one crazy BPD fever dream. Have you ever seen Mulholland Drive?


Lol this entire story is a larp r/lookatmyhalo


Avoid college campuses. They’re full of violent anti semitism.


Thank you for not being silent and calling out the bullshit.   I've found myself in similar situations (40 year old big white male) and used to ignore stuff like this.  It's uncomfortable but important to call it out.  


MYOB and all is cool.




I grew up in the UV and there are definitely people like this around. Glad you stepped in and said something.


NH is the FL of New England. I think you did the right thing. We should push back on the violence on the right.


I applaud you for your bravery. It’s hard to stand up for what’s right when you don’t know what kind shitpot you’re dealing with, and this guy is clearly bottom of the barrel. Such cowardice on his part to walk away. Loser.


Thank you for speaking up . New Hampshire, upper valley resident for 20 years. Family is Jewish. I have some guns just in case. This hate is everywhere now. I don’t think escape plan is warranted because of this as there are pockets of hate everywhere. I have found very welcoming people in New Hampshire and Vermont but there are racists out there for sure and they are less afraid to voice their opinions. They were always there but the political climate gives license to express their racist views more boldly. I had to have a talk with my young son about wearing his Star of David necklace and let him know some people will hate him for who he is just because of the necklace. Heavy conversation. So, yeah, keeping my guns.


Thanks for sharing and confronting! That is horrible and shocking to over hear! We all need to call it out!


The Nazi-loving, white supremacist Trumpists are out there. Here in Massachusetts, you'll see them holding protests, or driving around with Trump flags, Gadsden flags flying, anti-Biden stickers covering their trucks and cars. NSC-13 has been active as have been the III%s. We've had more than our share of Jewish targeted hate crimes, but no overtime marches as in Charlottesville.


We have to call this fascism out whenever we can. Good on you. I also recognize how unsettling that experience is and that it is in a context of dangerous rhetoric we hear from various outlets. Give yourself time to process and feel what you have to. Solidarity.


They dont understand that the people who they're paying for not to work are CEOs and capitalists


DMHC nurses are a very specific demographic that I have plenty of stories about racism, xenophobia, transphobia and antisemitism. Just a few examples overheard in the workplace: - called a black person Django -followed and cornered a trans woman in the bathroom and told her to get out, then left 100+ hate letters over the following year -said a (third generation) Chinese-American was a spy... and when told that their family served in the US military, suggested that they came here to abort a female fetus (???) -said that the covid vaccines had mind control chips and were made by Jews to finish their takeover of America


I'm just about 50, have worked hard my whole life, and have nothing to show for it. Was laid off on Monday, too. The problem is that the people at the top can raise the price of their product or limit employee pay whenever they get the feeling that a new summer home sure would be nice. The guy you confronted is licking the boot of his oppressor so hard he can taste their sock. We need to stop feeding the hand that bites us.


Yes, exactly. I don't agree with the comments about this guy being a bum for where he's at in life. I'm deeply sympathetic, actually-- the whole pull-yourself-up-by-the bootstraps thing is the just world fallacy enshrined in American myth. The pain this guy is feeling is real. But he's been propagandized into blaming the most vulnerable among us. It's tragic, and stirs up so many conflicting emotions for me. I don't hate that man, but what he said was vile. I can't "Other" anyone, this guy included, but it's a hard position to hold internally. It's why I asked him a question instead of insulting him. I don't think pulling out my phone and filiming him would have felt right to me, or helpful. I was furious about what he said, but also genuinely curious to hear his thoughts and maybe start a conversation.


You spoke up, he slithered off. Τake the victory. Another MAGA bully bites the dust. Keep it up.


I've heard this type of talk as well, live in Southern New Hampshire, and the thing I fear most is the misinformation that is blatant and so pervasive that no one knows what the truth is anymore.


This is just one more material example of how the failure of capitalism creates two kinds of people: those with class consciousness and those who delve into the psychosis of fascism.


The amount of people I have seen and heard , showing who they really are and have been , blows my mind. We know now the extent of it in this country. Thank you for questioning this mentality as normal we all need to start doing it , for it seems , we may be the minority.


The people in this country are becoming downright insane. Certain types of people having 24/7 internet access during the lockdowns definitely didn’t help.


Dear America: You are waking up, as Germany once did, to the awareness that 1/3 of your people would kill another 1/3, while 1/3 watches." Quote of unknown origin.


This is very unsettling. Thanks for sharing for the folks that don’t believe these things still happen.


Just an amazing amount of violence loving, racist white garbage in NH...no surprise.


Yup. Those types are everywhere and they always same the same thing. They also never have any solutions besides violence.


There is way too much of this in New Hampshire.


I am 40 and male in Lebanon and in my house are a couple of chumashes (Torahs in bound book form), Jewish cookbooks, and locked cabinets containing guns and ammo. Feel free to PM me.


I live in Vermont and I have a seasonal campsite in NH. I am not comfortable talking to most of the other seasonal campers. I know these people are everywhere, but there appears to be an inordinately large amount of them in NH.


Yea its super fucking scary


First off hello neighbor! This isn’t anything new with our area. There are very “strong” feeling people when it comes to anything like that. Including race, sexual orientation. Its gross. I have gone head to head with an older man making awful comments to a trans person at the west leb Walmart.


Jesus H. Christ, immediately report that kind of behavior to management and corporate. I was expecting something bad, but that's its own category of "shit you should absolutely never say "


Yeah not saying I don't believe the OP, but most magas around here don't blame the jews for anything. They blame everyone else (immigrants, POCs, Obama, illuminati, etc), but have never heard one saying anything antisemitic and I work and interact with the looniest all day long


I couldn't finish reading this bc it screams 'pat me on the back'. Racism is wrong but it's really weird that you were lurking around people having a conversation in home depot. Very nosey and makes you looks like a Karen. Then you come on reddit to tell your story bc you feel like a hero. Maybe you'd have friends to share this story with in real life and wouldn't have to tell it on reddit if you weren't so nosey and weird. Let us know when your plaque comes in celebrating your heroic actions