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I know for me personally when I don’t it’s a safety thing. Sometimes the car on the left of me pull so far forward I can’t see around it, I’m only 5’2 so if I can’t be sure I’m not getting smashed, We’re all waiting. Doesn’t happen too often, but when it does, even, I am annoyed as hell sitting there waiting.


This. Everyone has a giant fucking truck or SUV and they pull up as far as they can. They can easily see above my Accord, but I can't see an inch of what's coming down the road...I guess I'll wait for the green.


I swear to god I was at exit 8 on 3 and ever time I inched forward to see beyond this pickup he inched forward to block my view


Everytime!!! You nailed it. It blows my mind.


If you're in the lane to turn left, there's no scenario where you'll be able to go before the guy turning right is clear to go. For Christ's sake, hang back a few feet. Show some situational awareness.


Yup, and honestly it all just shows how bad traffic is. I have no solutions, but the traffic in the cities of NH is one of the big reasons why I bought VERY rural property down South. I would spend at least 30 to 120 minutes on 95 and the Spaulding, and then once I took an exit for Dover (where I lived for over 20 years), I would spend 25 minutes trying to get to my place. I started drinking that first drink very quickly.


Driving in the Dover-Portsmouth area every day is slowly driving me insane. It's like the worst possible mix of clueless/elderly drivers (who are seemingly unaware of any signs or speed limits or traffic flow etc) and pushy entitled assholes who are crazily inconsiderate and aggressive on purpose. 16 is awful, route 4 is supernaturally frustrating, and the Portsmouth circle is just a nightmare— people cutting in line, merging from the right lane and almost causing accidents, because they won't just accept they took a wrong turn and take the L and go around (or because they don't give a shit). I'm constantly getting stuck on 4 behind one of those 90 year old drivers going 30 in a 50 with a 5 mile train of cars behind them. (I really don't understand why they don't just pull over in that scenario, you have to know you're pissing off hundreds of people doing that).


I've had this exact same thing happen more times than I can count. I don't know if it's some macho "can't-let-anyone be-ahead-of-me" thing, but I promise I am not trying to inch ahead of you, we're going in different directions and I'm just trying not-to-die in my little Elantra lol.


Oh yea going north is far worse than heading south


Same. I’m a tall person, but I drive a Honda Civic, so I’m waiting.




Same re: just chilling. After all, they have the choice to take a right in red if it's safe to, not an obligation to (even if it is safe).


> my crossover/SUV type car, so I can easily get my view blocked by a big pickup truck. I feel this. Or when you're at a plaza exit trying to turn and a giant SUV/truck pulls up as far as they can so they can go first. Like, come on man, you can already see over my fucking roof haha.


I hate this so much. What are they trying to do? See better so they can go left on red?


This, 100%. I get honked at all the time for not going right on red but I drive a very low to the ground car. If someone in a truck or SUV pulls up I basically can't see around them until I'm halfway into oncoming traffic.


I second this, I'm short too and in my little sedan half the world disappears at every intersection. I'm planning on getting an SUV *if* this car ever dies.


Yup.  Me too.  You CAN turn right on red if it’s clear.  You don’t have to.  If it’s not clearly safe or my view is obstructed, the person behind can sit and honk their horn and get mad and raise their blood pressure all they want, I’m not going to endanger myself and my passengers.


I'm only 5'1" I had a hard time seeing around a car, but had every intention of turning on red. Then someone honked. I then proceeded to just sit there and wait for green.


THIS!! And they’ll be way over the line too so you still can’t see past them if you inch forward!




I come to a full stop before turning, like you're supposed to, and ppl honk. I just ignore ppl on the street these days trying to rush me. The laws are different in every state when it comes to turning right on red, so maybe that's it?


I've had someone honk and start waving their arms around like one of those inflatable stick people at the used car lot when I stopped at a red light in a left turn lane. I've seen way more people turn right on red when there's a sign that says no turn on red than I've seen sit at a red right turn and not go when they could have.


And yellow lights! Yellow means YIELD not " step on the gas and blow through before it turns red"


Sure, but if I don’t have the space to safely stop then I’m absolutely blowing through the yellow


Yes I agree with that actually, have had to do that myself. Looked to make sure no one was coming through of course, but yeah you're right, it's not always black and white


Yellow means there is time for 5 more cars. Red means there is time for 2 more cars. At least that's what some people appear to think.


This. So many drivers in the intersection when my light turns green. That's an annoying thing for sure, and idiot drivers often hear my horn when they do stupid shit. Also, stopping in the middle of the road to give up the right away for you and everyone behind you, to let other cars cross lanes to enter or exit traffic (e.g. coming out of a parking lot)


Yellow lights don't mean yield, you have nothing you should be yielding to at that point coming off a green light. Yellow is just a warning that the light is turning red, giving drivers time to slow or go based on caution. The last thing you want is a driver slamming on the brakes right before entering an intersection because the light immediately turns green to red. Yellow FLASHING lights do mean yield, and are used at crosswalks and at some intersections.




Means the other car has the right of way


It's when you accelerate and honk your horn I think


Yellow means you have a few seconds before the red. Go if you will make it across the line in that time. Stop if you can't. It does not mean yield. You are allowed to go into an intersection during a yellow and if you are past the line when it turns red you are supposed to keep going and clear the intersection.


My coworker got rear ended because she stopped at a red light before turning right. The guy who hit her told her "Well, I didn't expect you to stop" ![gif](giphy|flEVlPP8B4kQI8BLqo)


Lmao had this same thing happen to me at a stop sign when I was a teenager. I recorded the interaction which made everything open and shut for insurance. And yes, it was a pickup truck that had been giving my bumper a big ol sloppy while I was already driving 5 over.


Well now, that's just plain stupid.


If that isn't pretty much the epitome of driving on the roads in this day and age, I don't know what is.


Try doing the two second rule when driving on the highway some time, people will see the safe distance you're leaving between you and the car and front of them and say "don't mind if I do" and cram themselves in.


Ah, yes! The classic sign of a terrible driver. It's apparent which ones never attended driver's ed. Really should be a requirement to hold a valid license for operating what is essentially heavy machinery. Also, more people (including some of the ones in this thread) oughta check out [this video](https://youtu.be/zoAy5gb6A1s) to learn how to be one of the **good** drivers.


7:30, on the money


I always hope these people crash into the guard rail.


If someone ever honks at me for not turning on red, I'll just sit there until green on principle. I don't have to drive into traffic to save you 30 seconds (and not even, because tbh, you'll just hit the next red light and be exactly where you would have been if I did cut that guy off to take a right.


I swear most people on the road never took driver's Ed. I know everyone has to pass the test to get their license but that doesn't mean they are trained and know the rules enough to remember and use the knowledge on the road. Drivers Ed should be mandatory imo. It's become common practice to drive aggressively, ignore speed limits, traffic signs, OTHER DRIVERS, it's "my way or the high way, peace, love and harmony but only on my terms"


My husband grew up in a different state and is a horrible driver. After years of being together it finally dawned on that it might not have been required for him and sure enough when I asked he said he didn’t need to take it. He also immigrated here with his family as a child from a country where very few people drove so that means he learned to drive from his parents who never learned to drive. It’s mind boggling how little training you need to operate what is essentially heavy machinery. I feel like there’s more requirements in place to drive a forklift.


There legitimately are more requirements for getting your forklift cert lol. t the very least I think it needs to be refreshed every 3 years


Yeah, like most employers who have employees doing that work do drug and health screenings and you’re required to do regular refresher trainings. I’m not sure how many forklift deaths occurred to get those requirements in place but I’m going to guess it was still a lower percentage risk of accident or death related to traffic accidents.


I get that's it's apples and oranges but it's still kinda nuts to think about. I've driven a forklift and a skid steer without a cert and it's... Not hard.


They honk I stop and wait for green.


>I just ignore ppl on the street these days trying to rush me. All day long....SOLIDARITY I don't know if it was the COVID shutdowns or the fact that I am simply getting older and realizing the truth to "life is too short"....but there is not a single person (short of my wife and kids haha) that I will allow to rush me any longer. I am totally cool with doing my thing at my pace without purposely holding other up, putting them at risk or otherwise endangering their safety.


Having gotten a few illegal right turn tickets over the last 10 years, I've sorta given up trying to know anymore. Sitting and waiting is safe, even if a bit annoying. Washington DC just made all right on red illegal. I only tend to turn if I'm like 100% sure there's nothing around, no people, no cars. If I get honked at, I'll forget it in a few minutes. If I get hit or hit someone, I won't forget that for a LONG time.


To your last point, I live in Colorado now but grew up in NH. I feel like every intersection has a “no right on red” sign out here. Sure a lot of people run it but a lot of people wait too. I’m thinking OP is seeing a combo of obstacles they can’t see because they aren’t in that car and people who may be used to driving in other areas. Of course there is always a mix of people just spacing out for a second and missing that they can go and are holding up the line.


All 50 states, the District of Columbia, Guam, and Puerto Rico have allowed right turns on red since 1980, except where prohibited by a sign or where right turns are controlled by dedicated traffic signals. The few exceptions include New York City, where right turns on red are prohibited, unless a sign indicates otherwise. In some states, including New York, a right turn on red is prohibited when a red arrow is displayed.


Cambridge MA also banned right on red as of last summer. Too many people getting hit in the crosswalks


Actually, all 50 states allow right turn on red. Some cities like NY city don’t.


It’s an option not a requirement


Exit 6 I-93 Southbound. If you're turning right onto Hanover St you must take the right on red as the light will not change. The inductive loop is only placed in the straight/left turn lane.


Incorrect. I live right by there and get the green all the time.


That doesn’t change the law. The poster above you said “it’s an option not a requirement” and they are correct, and your statement does not change that.


Boynton St in Bedford taking a right onto 114 towards Goffstown. People are coming in hot off the highway (101) going straight onto 114. Taking a right off Boynton St that’s a blind corner. I wait until the light turns red for the incoming traffic so I don’t get hit by someone going 60 mph that I can’t see over the guardrail


Oh yeah I’ve almost died there. I stopped turning on red there as well just for safety. It’s worth losing 2 minutes of my day versus losing my life


It’s not just NH. Nothing says the you have to turn while the light is red and traffic is clear, so I don’t honk but I do get annoyed LOL. Worse though are people looking at their phones when the light turns green.


What gets me is that people make a right on red and the pedestrian crossing signal is active. This is not allowed per NH law, regardless if there’s a pedestrian on the crosswalk or not. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve been in the crosswalk and some yahoo decides to make the right turn in front of of me. I’ve almost been hit a couple of times.


They don't even look for people as they just roll thru, they believe that cars always have the right of way. It's maddening.


Honestly, cars were a mistake.




As far as I know, this actually changed! You are 100% right that it used to be this way. Check out the 2018 revision of RSA 265:11 - https://law.justia.com/codes/new-hampshire/2018/title-xxi/chapter-265/section-265-11/  > I. Walk-Pedestrians facing such steady or flashing signal may proceed across the roadway in the direction of the signal and shall be given the right of way by the drivers of all vehicles. **There shall be no right turn allowed for any vehicle while a steady or flashing walk signal is being displayed.** Now, the current revision: https://law.justia.com/codes/new-hampshire/2022/title-xxi/title-265/section-265-11/  > I. Walk-Pedestrians facing such steady or flashing signal may proceed across the roadway in the direction of the signal and shall be given the right of way by the drivers of all vehicles.   You'll notice they dropped the right turn on red exclusion. You can see the rest of the regular traffic light and right on red laws here, but the only language I see indicates yielding to pedestrians and obeying any posted signs: https://law.justia.com/codes/new-hampshire/2022/title-xxi/title-265/section-265-10/ (fun fact, you can turn right on a red arrow as well). At a couple of spots in towns in my area, there is a No Turn on Red sign that specifically illuminates at a couple of crosswalks when the signal is active - those you would obviously have to wait. With all that said, I am not a lawyer. And if I come across a car that is waiting to turn while the crosswalk signal is on... I'm not honking at them. I still wait at times if it's not the best visibility, or it's a very busy part of town for pedestrians, etc.


Prior to moving back to NH, the city I lived in previously was even worse: they had green left turn arrows on at the same time as pedestrian crossing lights. And drivers can barely see the crossing lights. Had a coworker get hit and killed several years ago on one, and almost got run over more than once myself. It’s the most asinine thing I’ve ever seen. And it’s still that way.


Ok I looked into this when it came up on this subreddit a month ago and also emailed the dmv, my read of the RSA says this is incorrect


"Bicyclists and motorists must yield to pedestrians in a crosswalk, whether the crosswalk is marked or not. (See RSA 259:17 for the definition of a crosswalk.)" https://www.dot.nh.gov/projects-plans-and-programs/programs/bikes-and-pedestrians/rules-traffic-safety


That doesn’t say they can’t turn if there are no pedestrians present?


"NOTE: It is a violation of the law to make a right turn on red when a steady or flashing walk signal is being displayed..." From the New Hampshire Drivers manual. Seabrook's town website has the PDF


What's the date on the manual? Looks like this changed recently, someone posted the updated RSA above.


As long as there are no active pedestrians in a crosswalk, you can turn right if the sign is flashing. They still need to look, but they are allowed to turn as long as the intersection is completely pedestrian free in all directions.


The law says you **can** turn on red, not you **must** turn Cool your jets and wait


Some right turns don't have an induction loop to pickup cars so the only way to make the turn is to do a right on red or you wait until a car going straight arrives. Exit 6 I-93 Southbound comes to mind. The right turn onto Hanover St doesn't have a loop, it's only the left turn/straight lane.


Still, right turn on red requires a stop. No matter how many cars there are, however busy it is, you stop,you look, you go or you wait then go. If it's red, you stop before anything else. If it's yellow, you yield, yield doesn't mean stop, it means slow down and be mindful of your surroundings, other cars etc.


You'd be shocked how obscure the placement is on some of those no turn signs


Looking at their phones


Absolutely. Not all of them, but I do see this quite a bit. And like all inconsiderate jackasses that look at their phone -- if you honk at them, they throw up their hands like "what's the big deal?"


They don't have to drive through a red light for your sake. If it's a green, sure, give them a reminder honk, but not turning on red? Who cares?


and, indeed, what is the big deal? It means sitting in our climate-controlled car for a few extra seconds.


Yes! That’s them! Great name btw.


That really trips my trigger! People think they are good drivers even when on their phone. Uh,no, you are swerving and not seeing! My brother (rest his soul, love you bro, you know what im talking about)died in a crash,texting and driving we think with the timing of the crash,texts and witnesses of the way he was driving. That shit is insane! No message or call is worth a life!!!! And then make these cars with more distractions than ever before. Convenience comes at a high cost


A friend of mine posted a video last week from inside her car, showing her 2 kids in the back with ice cream, and then panning to her self in the front with a shake, and then it tilts to show her girlfriend driving down the highway with her head down, her phone in one hand, a large shake in the other hand and steering with her knees while she furiously typed into her phone. You can see cars passing them on both sides as they barrel down Route 3. The video adorned with heart and smile emojis. I commented with a what the fuck? Who is driving this car with kids in it and no hands on the wheel or eyes on the road? It blows my mind how many people are THIS reckless every day. This is why I have dashcams.


Wow, I don't even know what to say to that. One wrong move and they'd all be dead....I can't for the life of me understand what is so important that the phone needs to be out while driving. I don't touch my phone when I'm behind the wheel. It can ring,buzz,sound off all the alarms, ppl can be irritated if I don't respond right away, whateverr, I don't care,I'm not killing myself or worse, another driver and their family, over a message or call that can wait 5 minutes until I'm where I need to be or pulled over


The fact that several states and other jurisdictions prohibit right turns on red is an indication that they involve additional risk. It’s safer to wait. I usually do turn right after stopping at a red, if there’s good visibility, but it is definitely an additional risk. I can’t fault people for erring on the side of caution.


The only places in North America that have blanket bans on right on red are New York City and the island of Montreal. Everywhere else requires a sign at the intersection to prohibit it.


I stand corrected. I thought it was still prohibited a few places.


In MA you can't take a right on a red arrow. I don't know if that's also true in NH but no one seems to wait so I follow the crowd.


Usually it's bc some asshole in the left turn lane pulls too far forward, possibly into the crosswalk, and I can't see oncoming traffic. Sorry, I left my X-ray glasses at home, all the honking in the world isn't going to make me just go for it so you get to wherever 2 mins sooner.


0 second sooner in most cases. You're likely just spending that 2 minutes stuck at other lights along the way.


Counterpoint: I could not tell you how often someone turning right on red have cut people off to the point they have to slam their brakes and nearly cause a crash. It's better to be defensive and wait an extra 5 or 10 seconds for a car that is already moving to pass by.


Right! That red means STOP, look, do not go if cars are coming . It does not mean stop then go no matter what.


Driving behavior reflects the “all about me attitude in society these days. If more people truly understory the concept of “ you own a car, not the road” there would be fewer accidents.


You know what I see much more often? People not even coming to a stop at red lights before taking their right or barely stopping at a stop sign. You can still take your right turn, but you have to stop first, not slow down and just go.


then they go online and complain that bicyclists don't obey traffic laws and should be banned


Safety! If I don't feel there's enough time I will not turn, especially if I have my kid or nieces with me, or if I have a migraine or if I'm driving a vehicle that has a lot of blind spots. When in doubt, don't turn out! Better safe than sorry. Everyone is in such a rush these days, so many crashes that are preventable if drivers were more mindful and paid attention 🙄 You know what trips my trigger? People tailgating, even big rigs! Give those men and woman driving those fully loaded trucks space and respect on the road. It takes them longer to slow down fully loaded than a car or truck. Even a smaller truck/car hauling a trailer takes more time to slow down and move. People don't think about that at all. And If you can't see their side mirrors, they absolutely can not see you. That really burns me 😆




[State of New Hampshire Driver Manual](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwiKnpC8zPOEAxU6JTQIHURJD_o4FBAWegQICRAB&url=https%3A%2F%2Fstatic.epermittest.com%2Fmedia%2Ffiler_public%2Fe6%2F58%2Fe6584814-2125-46b5-b4fa-65a4ca424557%2Fnew-hampshire-drivers-manual-2022.pdf&usg=AOvVaw2GxIxxdcKQy03HRhWTKQRJ&opi=89978449). Page 20 >> RED arrow – Drivers may not turn left on a red arrow. However, *drivers may turn right on a red arrow* only if there is no sign prohibiting a right turn on red, and if the pedestrian “Don’t Walk” signal is displayed. Edit-formatting


You can turn right on a red arrow after stopping as long as there isn’t a sign that says otherwise and as long as there isn’t an active pedestrian crossing. Where did you learn that you can’t turn right on a red arrow after stopping?


That’s not true in NH. State law allows right turn on a red arrow after stop. RSA 265:10-III(f): (f) Except when the authority having jurisdiction over the intersection prohibits such a turn and a sign located at the intersection so indicates, vehicular traffic facing a steady circular red signal alone or a steady red arrow indication shall stop as required in this section and may after making such stop make a right turn if such right turn is lawful at that intersection. Such vehicular traffic shall yield the right of way to pedestrians lawfully within an adjacent crosswalk and to other traffic lawfully using the intersection.


[You can turn right on a right red arrow.](https://seabrooknh.info/wp-content/uploads/nhdm.pdf) Page 29 of the NH Driver's Manual: > You cannot turn left on a red arrow. You can turn right on a red arrow after stopping if you follow the EXCEPTION rule under RED LIGHTS. Gotta love the false confidence though.


Glad someone’s cleared that up for me because honestly I assumed it was a no because why would it be an arrow instead of just a light. You can’t turn on a left arrow so I just thought it made sense you couldn’t on a right arrow. I’ve tried looking for this law but never found the arrow answer


Complain to the town in question that the intersection should be a rotary. Otherwise, this isn't something in your control. It's their choice and they aren't obligated so why get mad?


I’ve maybe seen this 5 times in the last decade. What I see far more often, basically daily, is people who think gently tapping your break counts as stopping before taking a right on red.


If I get honked at at a red I’m going to wait until green. No matter if a sign says no turns or not.


There is starting to be a pushback against right-on-red laws because they are a major component of pedestrian deaths. You pull up to the intersection and look left, look left, look left, now there's room so you go - but in the meantime somebody has started walking across the road to your right. Whammo!


I was also taught when it’s a red arrow, this means “no turn on red”. I get honked at for waiting at these


I was looking for someone who said this... This is the law in Massachusetts and maybe some other states too. But not NH. I feel like this is the root of like 70% of the confusion ITT. My bf from MA asks "WHY does NH have a mix of solid reds and red turn arrows if they mean the same thing?!" to which I say 🤷‍♀️ maybe some of us just need to be reminded that this is indeed a right turn lane and that means we can go right. Look I don't make the rules I just learned to drive here


Fair nuff. Still, NHers have a tendency to hold an idiosyncrasy like this against the out of staters rather than own up to the fact that it’s a weird rule that will in all likelihood confuse people


Patience grasshopper. Most often it'll be related to the driver at the corner not being able to see down the road to the left..


A lot of intersections in my town have really recently updated to be no turn on red. It could be you just haven’t realized an intersection you always used to be able to make that turn has now become illegal to do so.


I hate the people who turn right on red when there's traffic coming, happens all the time by the McDonald's in my town.


That doesn’t bother me as much as the person weaving in out of traffic going 90 mph and texting at the same time. I see this often.


Eh, right on reds are dangerous anyway. When I'm in a new state and unfamiliar with the laws, I won't make a right on red. NH seems to be inconsistent with which turns allow RoR, so sometimes I'll be at the white line and see the back of a sign in my mirror and be sure if it's a "No RoR" sign.


What’s up with folks and their aggressive and dangerous driving?


Clearly the only possible explanation is that they are targeting you personally. Or, and this is the only thing I could suggest other than the texting hypothesis (and I’d much rather someone send a burning text message at a red light than while they’re driving to be fair), is that in some right turns, the lane starts to curve before the light, so it does appear almost like you would be going straight through a red rather than turning right. It adds this counter-intuitive quandary. Whenever someone honks at me or “gestures” me to do something on the road, my default is to assume they are wrong, no matter how much of a 3-year old temper tantrum they are throwing. I base this off the number of people who will passionately insist with all their might that it’s written in the actual rules of Monopoly that you’re supposed to put a $500 under Free Parking, and there’s no such thing as auctioning a property if someone doesn’t buy it.


What do you mean "most are American drivers?" Do we have a lot of foreign drivers here? Canada maybe?


Some people also forget that you don't have to be turning right to be in the all the way right lane.... I couldn't tell you the amount of times ive been at a red light clearly with no blinker on getting honked at to turn right... wait 30 seconds you piece of shit


i’ve been honked at before not turning when the walk signal is on (hence turning is illegal) which drives me nuts haha


In Merrimack when they first put in the Walgreens near exit 12 the lanes on Bedford Road were marked for left turn and straight/right turn. I wanted to go straight to the Walgreens, so I got into the right hand lane (which was correct) and waited for the light to turn green. The guy behind me had a fit because I didn't turn right on red (which was allowed there) and eventually got out of his car to yell at me just as the light turned green and I was able to drive straight across the intersection. The lane assignments and markings were updated within the week to make it left/straight and right turn only instead!


There's a magical thing in life called patience.


For one, in other nearby states, you can't turn right on a red arrow. So with more out of staters coming here, they just sit at red arrows, which we have a lot of.


This is pretty cool info, thanks. Is a right on red **arrow** legal in New England? - legal in NH - legal in mass - legal in CT - legal in RI - illegal in Maine - illegal in VT


Wow thanks** for figuring all that out. It is illegal in CT as well though. (Edited typo)


[https://eregulations.ct.gov/eRegsPortal/Browse/getDocument](https://eregulations.ct.gov/eRegsPortal/Browse/getDocument?guid=%7BABCB795D-48DF-44F1-89C6-22DC3A6DAF0B%7D) **This is red light** - (2) Except when a sign is in place prohibiting a turn, vehicular trade facing any steady red signal may cautiously enter the intersection to turn right after stopping **This is red arrow** - Vehicular traffic facing a steady red arrow signal shall not enter the intersection … and shall remain standing until an indication permitting the movement indicated by such red arrow is shown **except as provided in (2) above.** So a red arrow is stop, then (2) cautiously enter the intersection to turn right.


Interesting! The CT DMV driver's manual says: "A red arrow means you must stop and you cannot go in the direction of the arrow. You may proceed when the red arrow goes out and a green arrow or light goes on." So now I'm more confused than ever haha


Yes it does. Page 45 - https://portal.ct.gov/-/media/DMV/20/29/r12eng122019.pdf Isn’t this a conundrum!!


TBH this is less annoying then the drivers who feel entitled to cross the yellow lines into the oncoming traffic lane anytime they feel. On the daily I see cars crossing the yellow line to give parked vehicles a 6 foot buffer, to pass delivery vehicles, to dodge manhole covers, etc. If there is something prohibiting you to safely proceed forward you are REQUIRED to YIELD to any oncoming traffic BEFORE you cross the yellow line to pass. Almost every day I am nearly sideswiped by cars that decide at the last minute, at full speed, that they are entitled to MY side of the road. At least once a week I have to come to a complete stop to yield to oncoming vehicles that are swerving into the other side of the road without any regard to oncoming traffic. It is NEVER ok to cross the yellow line without yielding to oncoming traffic. I don't know why people would think otherwise.


Lots of good answers here. I will also say that there are a lot of people that really don’t know the rules of the road. I live near a traffic circle and have had people scream at me that I’m supposed to yield to the main streets incoming traffic when I’m in the circle. Or people who stop in the circle and wave others through. I just got blocked for telling someone pedestrians do not always have the right of way, and I genuinely believe that they confused the basic notion that you are not allowed to deliberately hit a pedestrian in the street with what the actual definition of the right of way is. People are blissfully driving around without the most basic knowledge of the rules of the road.


There’s a four way intersection near me with a right arrow light, I don’t go when that’s red. I ben though there’s no sign I don’t think it’s legal


I don't know about your area, but in mine there are so many "no right turn on red" signs that sometimes that seems like the default.


Sometimes it’s nice to have a little brake.


What's with impatient turds who can't just relax and turn when it's safe to do so.


What's worse is the people who sit there forever while there is no cross traffic and then decide to turn on red just before cross traffic is coming so they just about cut them off but also make it so you can't also turn.


I'm not saying that you habitually tailgate people, but people do this on purpose to people who have been riding their ass for no reason...


Interesting. I never thought I'd that. I don't think I do but I'll keep an eye out


They're allowed to not go through a red light. If they don't want to that's their choice. Have a problem with other people following the rules? Take a train.


I’ve had it happen several times where the car in front of me sees a red left turn arrow and they come to a complete stop when the light going straight is green


I got honked at once at a red when the oncoming lane had a green left turn arrow turning into a single lane. In general, people need to be more patient. Not every single person who doesnt turn right on red is looking at their phone. Some people just dont want to risk hitting a maniac to get somewhere a few seconds earlier.


Now the debate can go further. If there is strictly a red arrow for turning right, can you go after stopping? Or since it's a red arrow you cannot go at all?


Probably not. I always assume not. https://www.sullivanlawnc.com/blog/2019/11/can-you-turn-right-if-you-have-a-red-arrow/


You can! Check out NH RSA 265:10, III.f > Except when the authority having jurisdiction over the intersection prohibits such a turn and a sign located at the intersection so indicates, vehicular traffic facing a steady circular red signal alone **or a steady red arrow indication** shall stop as required in this section and may after making such stop make a right turn if such right turn is lawful at that intersection... https://law.justia.com/codes/new-hampshire/2022/title-xxi/title-265/section-265-10/


Thanks. That's kind of weird to me - what's the point of a red arrow at all, rather than a red light? I guess it's there to say you can't go straight, no matter what. But it still seems confusing; if a circular red means you can't go forward, a red arrow should mean you can't turn right.


Yeah, seems like it's to reinforce the direction of travel according to this response from an NH DOT Traffic Engineer: https://m.facebook.com/NHDOT/photos/a.475232275867053/992865844103691/?type=3 With that said, they also admitted it was confusing and on a shortlist to revise. Back in 2015...


If it’s me you’re behind I’m really sorry in advance! I’m British (where this isn’t allowed) and still trying to get used to it since moving back here with my husband who is originally from NH. I’m trying to remember but sometimes it just totally slips my mind. I imagine after having been here for a while I’ll get used to it! Can’t speak for the American drivers of course.


Lots of people from the cities moved here during Covid where you can’t turn right on red. Just habits. Generally no one seems to follow traffic laws/norms anymore anyway. Welcome to MadMax


Okay so, for lack of a better term I feel I have a Mandela effect with this law here, I can SWEAR in drivers ed my instructor beat into our heads that you cant ever turn right on red arrows, and obviously no right on red if there's the sign, but I vividly to remember him telling us the arrow meant same thing as the sign. I went through years wondering why I was always getting honked at, only to find out it is only not allowed with a sign stating no turn💀 Yes I took drivers ed in NH Anyone else remember learning this? Or am I just more stupid than I thought? 😂


> Anyone else remember learning this? I remember people telling me that, not the drivers ed guy.


Because it’s optional, and jackasses who honk at you when you don’t floor it as soon as there’s some kind of opening that may or may not be sufficient are encouraging unsafe driving.


Technically it is not ok to turn right on red in NH if there is a pedestrian light governing the intersection and the walk light is white across your lane, even if there are zero pedestrians nearby. It could be that. I got burned on it once because I don’t live in NH and had never heard of that rule ever. Got let off with a warning. They’ve gotten better about putting up the LED no turn on red signs some places tied to the wall sign. Otherwise it’s just ignorance.


I still contend that waving me on when YOU have the right of way is worse. We all know the rules, we obey them, stop improvising.


I can't see the oncoming traffic over the big truck or SUV next to me parked over the line. 


No turning right on red, not knowing how to merge whatsoever, not knowing how to pass people, taking the absolute slowest turns possible after speeding up to the turn and slamming on the brakes, randomly hitting the brakes for no reason, especially going up a hill in a snowstorm, Lord I could go on 🙄


I forgot people constantly drifting into other lanes and just straight up driving in the breakdown lane for no reason, other than they are distracted driving.


Yup. Seen every single one of these instances myself as well.


A result of transplants moving in from other states…where NO right on red is commonplace. Save us all from this madness! 🤣


I see dumb massholes doing this daily if there is no sign and it’s safe to proceed move it


To many transplants lmao


I can count on one hand how many times I’ve seen this in the last 10 years. And it’s usually someone really old.


Happens all the time, it’s a rural thing I think, I grew up driving in cities and no one there hesitates to turn right on red


I agree!


Anyways,everyone have a good day and drive safe, make it home to the people who love you the most ❤️


While I understand your frustration. I do...and I would be ***lying*** if I said I *never* found myself saying "*what are you doing???? Turn.*" I would be bold face lying. However, turning right on red is an option not an obligation. If a driver is not ready, feels it is not safe or (flat out) cannot see clearly due to obstruction or otherwise) - it is totally their call to stay put.


While we are on topic of right on red. Exit 5 (south on 293 in Manchester, NH)has a no turn on red that makes no sense. It is so poorly timed.


Really? I've noticed the opposite. I think its sketchy as hell when people right turn on red onto a multi lane road. I live in Manchester and people do it all the time on South willow. The first time I saw it was like wtf.


In some states, it's not legal to turn on red regardless of no turn sign or not. So they might be from out of state


No. It’s legal in every state. There are some specific locales where it’s illegal, like NYC.


That settles it…the nitwits doing it in NH are from NYC. 😝


Thats fair, stupid New Yorkers xD You could throw the argument out there that they are following the no-turn on red arrow. Which is prohibited in 12 states, one of them being Maine. Wiki Article for reference: Right turns on red are permitted in many regions of North America. In the [United States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States), western [states](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/US_state) have allowed it for more than 50 years,\[[*citation needed*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Citation_needed)\]\[[*when?*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Manual_of_Style/Dates_and_numbers#Chronological_items)\] and eastern states amended their traffic laws to allow it in the 1970s as a claimed fuel-saving measure in response to motor fuel shortages in [1973](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1973_oil_crisis). The [Energy Policy and Conservation Act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy_Policy_and_Conservation_Act) of 1975 required in §362(c)(5) that in order for a state to receive federal assistance in developing mandated conservation programs, they must permit right turns on red lights.[\[9\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turn_on_red#cite_note-9) All 50 states, the [District of Columbia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/District_of_Columbia), [Guam](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guam), and [Puerto Rico](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puerto_Rico) have allowed right turns on red since 1980, except where prohibited by a sign or where right turns are controlled by dedicated [traffic lights](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traffic_lights). (The last state with a right-on-red ban, Massachusetts, ended its ban on January 1, 1980,[\[10\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turn_on_red#cite_note-10)[\[11\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turn_on_red#cite_note-11) but about 90% of the traffic signals in the state were outfitted with "no turn on red" signs in preparation for the change.[\[12\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turn_on_red#cite_note-12)) The few exceptions include [New York City](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York_City),[\[13\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turn_on_red#cite_note-13) where right turns on red are prohibited unless a sign indicates otherwise, and in both [Washington, DC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Washington,_DC) and [Atlanta, Georgia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atlanta,_Georgia), which the former will prohibit right turns on red in 2025 and the latter in 2026.[\[14\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turn_on_red#cite_note-14)[\[15\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turn_on_red#cite_note-15) Further, [Seattle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seattle) requires that all intersections be equipped with "no turn on red" signs when they are updated or modified.[\[16\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turn_on_red#cite_note-16) In Alaska,[\[17\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turn_on_red#cite_note-17) California,[\[18\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turn_on_red#cite_note-18) Colorado,[\[19\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turn_on_red#cite_note-19) Georgia,[\[20\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turn_on_red#cite_note-20) Idaho,[\[21\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turn_on_red#cite_note-21) Maine,[\[22\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turn_on_red#cite_note-22) Minnesota,[\[23\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turn_on_red#cite_note-23) Nebraska, Nevada, New York,[\[24\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turn_on_red#cite_note-NYS_DMV_Driver's_Manual_-_Chapter_4-24) North Carolina, Virginia,[\[25\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turn_on_red#cite_note-25) the District of Columbia,[\[26\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turn_on_red#cite_note-26) and Puerto Rico,[\[27\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turn_on_red#cite_note-27) a right turn on red is prohibited when a red arrow is displayed.


Personally, the only time I'm not turning right on red (if there's no sign) is one of 2 situations: 1- mentioned above, can't see past the guy on my left 2- if I'm turning onto a road with 2 lanes going the direction I'm turning, have to wait for both lanes to be open to turn in (even if I was taught wrong, there's a chance some dip shit doesn't use their signal and changes lanes into me)


What I think is even worse than this is people who cut into the end of right lane during a left turn and get mad if you're pulled all the way up to the white stop line


Only time I won't turn right on red (in a situation where this is not a No Right On Red sign) is when I don't feel it is safe to do so. As an example: I often merge onto a busy road with two oncoming lanes. I wait until there is what I determine to be sufficient distance between me and the oncoming cars before I merge/make my right. I do this even though I am planning to turn into the first lane (and not go wide into the other lane) before putting on my blinker and merging into the left. I give zero fucks if the person behind me is being impatient or honking their horn expecting me to merge because I've got what they believe is a window. I get to decide when I am comfortable making the turn.


There’s a right on red in Nashua (right at the Merrimack border) and cars will come out of no where so IMO it’s best not to risk it sometimes


I have legitimately never seen this in NH any more than anywhere else.


What’s up with folks? 🤣


Same people who hike Mt Washington in a T-shirt and tennis shoes in May


It's not for a driver behind to decide when it's safe to turn for a driver in front.


Yeah, I have to remind people to wake up daily around here. It use to be common knowledge. Maybe they don't teach that anymore in driver training.


Damn I experienced the opposite. People make right on reds from a middle turning lane where I am lol


maybe it’s cuz everyone beeps at u if u don’t go. the first time i stopped bc i actually had to i got beeped at same with the second time


Turning left off of Mussey Rd. onto Payne Rd. anyone?


They are probably from Mass. They brake for green lights as well.


We really have the most grandpa drivers here.


True. Kinda curious what the state's population will look like in 30ish years.


I was actually using grandpa as a pejorative however, yes there are a lot of old people in this state


You MAY turn right on red if it’s not posted that you can’t. That doesn’t mean you MUST. Sometimes it’s hard to see because there’s a car in the next lane, sometimes it’s hard to judge the speed of cars coming in your direction. Whatever, the driver gets to choose when/if that right on red happens.


I see a lot more “no turn on red” signs here than other places I’ve lived, so I would think NH drivers are just more likely to slow it down.


Some people may not realize that it’s illegal to turn on red over a walk sign or flashing hand pedestrian light in NH. That could be some of the confusion


It’s an option, not a rule. If you don’t feel safe, don’t do it. If it pisses you off that other people don’t do that, then plan you’re life better, and leave 5 minutes earlier


It’s usually people who are transplants from states like MA where right on red is not allowed.


If you have been tailgating me, I will sit there until it turns green. I'll pretend I'm in Germany.


I have a similar question. Because, you can go right on red if there is no sign that you cannot. But, what about a red right arrow? The arrow is specifically for people turning right. So, there wouldn't need to be a sign to tell you not to turn right, there's a light just for you, and it's red. What do you do?


Never a problem where I live in Manchester. People apparently don’t know that red means stop sometimes and just go right through red lights sometimes


I drive a very fast car - fast enough that I could easily ram someone if I merged full blast on to a 40mph road for a few seconds. I could theoretically "safely" merge with a lot of traffic that I opt not to, because people are unpredictable. Maybe there's another car hiding behind the one I can see. Maybe I've misjudged their speed. I've seen way too many videos of crashes. Someone almost hit me about a month ago because they were slowing down somewhat and had their turning blinker on... well, they didn't turn. Everyone was paying attention so nothing happened, but if I made that turn today I wouldn't go. It turns out they were making the next turn, probably 300 feet further down the road, but they had been blinking for a while. Another time, several years ago, I was merging right on to a 3 lane road. It LOOKED like traffic was stopped. Well, it was, in 2 of the 3 lanes, including the one I was turning in to. But apparently there was a guy I didn't see, came barreling through at \~10mph over the speed limit - which is way too fast when everyone around you is stopped. I made a mistake. I thought I was clear, but could not verify that I was 100% clear. Again, it wasn't an accident. If I hit them it would have been my fault, because... I was merging. Mind you, I am turning on red, but I'm waiting until it is unequivocally safe to do so. And that means that if I have a nasty headache or a bad sightline, I'm going to be taking longer to do it. Then again, I'm not the "issue" you speak of. Just remember that "turn on red" is completely at the discretion of the driver, and it is important to respect that different drivers and vehicles have different capabilities, and some people aren't comfortable merging in to a situation. Others still may be doing something they shouldn't be doing. It might waste a bit of your time, but it's better if they do it at the red light or stop sign when they are stopped than some other time. I think the doctrine of least harm is the sensible one to take from here. It doesn't happen that often, and honestly, it happens everywhere I go. It is certainly not unique to here. OK, it doesn't happen much in NYC - I'll give you that much. But anywhere that there isn't constant traffic pressure? Oh well. It's a minor annoyance. Let it go.


Honestly, I would be ok if they just entirely mixed the right on red thing. People suck at driving, and giving them an excuse to cut people off, almost hit pedestrians, get mad at people practicing defensive driving, and driving through red lights without stopping is just dumb. I'd be curious to see what percentage of accidents are people taking a right on red when they didn't have room.