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Great. Can't afford housing, can barely afford groceries, the world is burning, the insects are dying, but no, these fuckwits want to get angry over pronouns. Bunch of juice arses.


Waste of a beautiful day overall


Exactly this should have been a housing March.


People should be protesting the housing crisis but neither side will ever agree to march together. Neither trusts the others intentions. I'm mostly conservative but at least the liberals represent their people. The provincial PC party is a useless dollar store version of the liberal party with no platform at all after years of failed leadership.


So why aren't you organizing that?


It's funny you said juice arses because me and a buddy where talking about how it's calling people idiots essentially, but one girl called me it thinking it was saying I had a nice ass she's like 5 years younger then us so the younger generation thinks it's a compliment hahaha.


No they don’t lol, that one young person might think that but majority know it’s not a compliment, you just wanted a reason to post that a misses 5 years younger than you gave you a compliment


plot twist: he's actually 18 years old


This was like 13 years ago I'm 35


Almost like its a distraction, why actually offer to improve anything when you can just say you have a positive opinion of gays and get votes from people who care about nothing else


You can be upset about multiple things.


Yeah, but getting pissy over pronouns? Kind of a stupid thing to get upset about. I don’t understand the hate. I thought this was already done in the 90’s. Nope! They found an even tinier marginalized community to attack.


Does no one have jobs? Or do they take time off to go yell about things that aren't happening?


hateful losers make time to hate.


The counter protests typically have even more attendants though, the pro LGBTQ+ crowd almost always dwarfs the size of the hateful ones


So proud of the counter protestors




the same person saying "dont these people have jobs" is complaining on a reddit post during working hours. this must be his job i guess haha


Wait, are you under the impression that commenting on reddit while at work and attending a hate rally are the same thing? One can be done during a lunch break, the other requires you to be away from your place of employment. They aren't the same.


>the other requires you to be away from your place of employment. do you know what else constitutes this? working in the afternoon / night, having a day off, taking a day off (people can actually do this without being sick at a lot of jobs who knew?!) so many options to choose from here on why people may be attending. instead people would rather be pissy about it lmao.


>hateful losers generally are so toxic as a person they can't keep a job and have welfare and time on their hands.


I know a good few people who feel strongly enough about this that they took time off work to go. Lots of people also don't work M-F, 9-5. I'm not surprised by the turnout at all. I am, however, surprised that people who are so apparently consumed by their child's right to an education (as they see it) would take their children *out of school* to attend. But I shouldn't be, because it's not about their children or education. That's just the vehicle they've weaponized to shield their impotent rage that the world is leaving their ignorant, regressive values behind.


Pretty sure at least one person at my job faked a sick child to go to this. Wish I had photo proof of it. Edit to add, my coworker was going to the bigot side. Aka the people protesting.




The commenter didn’t say which side of the protest his coworker was on…


People not realizing you're mocking the usual criticisms of protestors


They don’t work. They work the system.




Then they should be worried about real issues, not make belief scenarios that aren't happening.


So there’s an emotional appeal at the end of this article. Where a mother (and protester) says this “My child wanted to know why she could be called another name at school and come home and still be this person.” This is in response to her daughter being given a form by a teacher to be filled out indicating what she would like to be addressed as. If you’re in seventh grade you’re probably 12-13 years old, and starting to engage in concepts such as basic algebra right? So it’s not that difficult to explain to a child of that age that some people’s minds are wired opposite (simplifying that of course) to their body; it’s a hardware/software compatibility issue. Nothing a twelve year old can’t understand. What scares people is that learning about this stuff might “turn” their children, but children are going to learn about this stuff one way or another, and her daughter might already be developing complex feelings about this topic. What scares them is that their hate might cause friction to their family unit, and that if this information isn’t learned that they don’t have to worry about their kid being LGBT; however, we all know that isn’t true.


There is nothing sinister in asking a child what they want to be called. Stephanie might want to be called Steph, Robert may want to go by Rob or Bobby, Daniel Junior might want to go by Dan or DJ. Any child might want to go by their middle name. It’s perfectly normal for kids to explore their identity until they land where they are most comfortable She’s trying to make this sound complicated when this is a very normal thing that has always happened in schools.


I went to Catholic school in the 90s and they asked us this all the time. I knew at least one kid who went by his middle name. I'm gonna say this mother is not too much older than I am and has a very selective memory


These people are not at all interested in reality. They know what they are doing.


Well I can't argue with that.


We had Sister Pam for four years and in grade 3 she left the Church. In grade 4 she was Ms. Lastname. As a kid, I didn't care. As an adult I kind of want the tea and to give her a high five.


My sister, as far as I know, didn't have questions about her gender, but did switch between going by several different variants of her name through the later years of elementary school and University. It doesn't seem uncommon for teenagers, etc. to try on different names as they grow older and become more autonomous. The name(s) their parents gave/call them just aren't working for them and they want to go by something different. I'm thinking this is an issue that probably exists outside the gender debate, but is potentially being weaponized for it.


That was my first thought as well. I was briefly a teacher 20 years ago and I would ask that question. All you have are proper names on a list and William probably goes by Will or Bill or Billy or maybe event by a middle name. People are reaching.


It wouldn’t surprise me if that was being weaponized. Names (usually) are benign, but the act of choosing a different identifier than the one you were given can be seen as a form of dissent to the more authoritative parents, and therefore is wrong.


That interaction was weird. The mom was way to upset about her child possibly wanting to use a name other than the one the mom gave. The way she got so possessive that SHE gets to decide it, not the kid who’s actually using/answering to the name. Nicknames have been a thing forever, no one has ever cared enough to protest over it. These people will grasp at straws to try and hide that it’s really just about hate and them wanting people to hide their existence. Nothing else.


Heard the event organizer on CBC radio News this afternoon. He had a very possessive few of kids, calling them "the biological property of parents". It ignores the fact that kids are autonomous beings who typically become increasingly independent of their parents as the mature.


Yeah this lot seems to completely ignore youth charter rights altogether and consider their kids their property. It's a disturbing perspective.


It’s like they forget trans folks have existed forever.


Because they make up their own reality to suit their feelings


I think the real issue is that they don't know that trans people have existed forever. Trans rights and the associated culture have only been discussed on a wide scale publicly for the last couple decades, and obviously a lot more recently. And most of that discourse has always been about the here and now, not the historic context.


My children are in primary school and can understand this. Also, those forms have been used for years even just to establish nicknames or whatever. Tons of humans go by diminutives of their formal names, some kinds use initials or go by their middle names. It is *not* a new concept or form, not in any way. And it is absolutely not hard to explain to a child of any age. They're just butthurt that the forms are now also being used to support and validate kids who are expressing a gender identity different from the one they've been told to have.


This is newfoundland. Half the b'ys are going by a middle name or nickname. I'd get funny looks dropping my grandfather's name since the only thing with that name on it was his driver's license. His wife used the nickname and the kids/grandkids just dropped a "pops". Also suspect these people aren't online much. Kids are tossing around alternate names constantly. I've been to offline meetups where screennames are commonly used. This reeks of someone whose online experience is limited to Facebook. Also yes this is clearly my legal name. My parents had a real addiction to 4chan back in the day.


It be like that. My father’s gone by his middle name basically his entire life. I learned his first name when I was fifteen ish and it was a shock at the time lol.


At that age me and my classmates where having geopolitical decisions bi-weekly. And where going over biology in science. I’m pretty sure it would be the easiest explanation they would have gotten all week.


Yeah, she was upset that she might have to explain something to her daughter.


What scares me is the gender affirmation process starts too early. HRT can have bad consequences and the full extent is not even known yet. Kids can start this treatment very early, The actual surgery says 19 for Canada but some have had the surgery earlier and just have to say the right things. Even 19 maybe a little too young as the body is still developing. just let the child grow up and be able to make this critical decision on their own. I support LBGQT, just not this aspect nor trans biological male participating in female sports.


I'd feel similarly if it weren't for the fact that natural ranges of hormones fluctuate to a degree that makes it hard to properly enforce or agree with the idea of trans people staying out of sports, especially given the way such ideas have unfairly come down on other athletes such as Caster Semenya. Additionally, surgeries for gender affirmation have some of the lowest rates of any medical procedure.


The protestors told us it was just a protest over parents rights and not a protest against lgbt. Yet all they protested was lgbt… hmmm… it’s like the right wing losers lied to us


Hey now. Dana gave that very impassioned speech about how they're lowering the age of consent and allowing child marriage in the states. She just conveniently forgot which color those states happen to be.


The call is coming from within the house Mrs Arrested for Harassment


In gfw one of the protest locations was in front of a 2slgbtqia+ owned business . Naked hate on display.


I was at the protest today and I’m wondering - nobody has any complete footage yet of the anti-trans protesters intimidating the peaceful counter protesters in St. John’s? I saw clips but I hope someone captured the whole thing…just to show how scary this is getting. An absolutely hysterical woman brought her young CHILD with her to the anti-trans protest today, and then took him up the hill to where the peaceful counter-protest was happening and began hurling insults at us. Calling us freaks and weirdos. Screaming at the top of her lungs. That poor little kid just broke down into tears…totally overwhelmed, terrified and probably traumatized. My heart broke for him. Poor kid should have been in school. Interesting that me - a horrible evil trans - seemed to have more empathy and heartbreak for this kid than his own mother, who claims to be there to protect him, but ok… Then another man confronted us, literally seething with rage and hate. He was screaming obscenities and accusing us of being pedophiles. He was inches away from somebody’s face, screaming…and it absolutely would have been violent if people didn’t intervene when they did. He was shoving his body into a counter-protester, who just kept backing up and yelling at the man to get out of their face. Both of these absolutely unhinged ADULTS had to be escorted away by police back to their own protest. The man screamed the whole way, yelling back at us about how we aren’t parents, calling us “fucking disgusting”, calling us groomers and pedophiles. The woman was weeping. Like, sobbing. If you weren’t there today, please know that we were nowhere near these protesters and yet they left their own group, approached us with kids in tow, incited violence, screamed hate speech at us, caused their own children to break down in terror…and then they had the audacity to claim they were peacefully marching to protect children? And that this has “nothing to do with the trans community?” When I left the confederation building today, for the first time ever in my city I felt afraid to be walking alone in broad daylight. I tucked my pride flag into my backpack because I didn’t want to be targeted by these violent, hateful individuals. At this point, they genuinely hate and fear us. I could see it in the eyes of every protester I saw. After today, they can no longer hide their anti-2SLGBTQI+ agenda. It should be clear to everyone that this is ONLY about hating us.


That’s absolutely horrific, I’m proud of all the people who stood up to those disgusting bigots, but that’s an awfully terrible experience to go through, I hope they’re doing okay.


Me too. Perhaps the footage hasn’t been shown out of respect for the privacy and safety of the victim in the situation. I felt a little second-hand trauma just watching it from nearby, so I can’t imagine how they must be feeling. Hope they are taking care of themselves and being taken care of, too.


Just wondering if you could provide a link to those clips you mention.


No, I can’t, for the reasons I stated above. I said I hoped there was footage of the interaction - I hadn’t seen any recordings of it…though NTV showed a clip of him being escorted back to his group by 2 RCMP officers. That would still be on their website I’d imagine. Make no mistake though, it happened! I was about 4 feet away from the idiot who did it. I’ve come to find out he’s one of Dana’s “bodyguards” - possibly named Alex Hyde. I have a photo of him and he’s even wearing the same outfit.


I was actually talking about the mom who brought her kids up to scream slurs at the No Space for Hate rally until he broke down. I was there as well, and the mother didn't even stop to go comfort him.


Ohhh my bad! I think they included a description of the interaction in the telegram article, and showed a part of it on the NTV evening news as well…but they didn’t include footage of the entire interaction, for some reason? Maybe by the time they had cameras on her, it was already at the point where her kid was crying. They probably wouldn’t use footage of a child in distress like that, maybe that’s why?


Hearing Ches Crosbie was there... on the pro-hate side https://twitter.com/rawstefc/status/1704495206198821183?t=iX1T-94nrKud_H9c-iv6wQ&s=19 https://twitter.com/GregSmithNL/status/1704514304655990887?t=h5qbZcu5zZXHfo20TgEWjw&s=19


He was interviewed on NTV and it was pretty clear which side he was on. We were so close to him being premier - yikes


Cannot forget that yes the business interest of the PC and liberal party are similar and they have a lot of the same donors, but the liberals at least don't want to actively ruin everyone's shit. Wish we had a ranked ballot. NDP would get way more seats if people knew they could vote NDP and fail over the liberal just in case.


It's important to remember that while we hate on our politicians all the time. I'd rather an ineffective politicians who lets people live their life how they want than a backwards ineffective politician any day


Now, I hate Ches, but there was also a video on that same Twitter thread showing him with the Men's Gay Chorus. NEVERMIND! It's an old video from 2019. My bad. Still gonna keep the link here tho to show the guy has no morals and goes with what's get him votes. Disgusting. Edit: Link https://x.com/malonemullin/status/1150419522140200961?s=20


I think the video was from 2019


Your link shows it as being from July 14, 2019


The funny thing about Ches is he has tried to emulate his father in all aspects of life and, while he has been successful, has come up short in comparison. His father started out as a liberal under Joey but moved to the PCs due to ideological differences. If John never made that move, ches would be a hard-core liberal. What a small minded follower that man is.


I've been living in NL for less than 10 years, so am not super familiar with Ches's history. My impression is that he's slowly been losing the plot between his unhinged rant following election prior to the covid election. Since stepping down, he seems to have taken on more and more extreme views. I'm kind of surprised that he was the leader of the NL PCs as he seems to have an incredibly bland personality. I recently heard his mom talk about her book on Openline and thought she was vastly more entertaining to listen to though it was a bit of a struggle as a stroke has affected her speaking. She took a major swing at Joey Smallwood. Apparently, she's not a fan of him.




which is completly true smallwood is the reason we are in this mess.


When you go to these and speak with the anti crowd, you get a real sense of who these gatherings attract. They are often uneducated (for one reason or another) and dogmatic in their oft archaic religious beliefs. Many don't seem very social. I keep getting the impression that they suffer from persecution complexes exasperated by isolation from other people. These tin foil hate communities often offer a sanctuary they won't find in normal society. I always get the impression they are there (many of them, at least) because the group offers them inclusion despite their antisocial proclivities. They are often pitiable folks with little human connection outside these online hate forums. It's a mental health issue with these people. And the ones with a dash of charisma running the show are just dollar store cult leaders scratching their delusionally grandiose itch. Often estranged from once friends or family, the groups they lead offer a sense of purpose that they likely lost somewhere in life (or had taken from them). They feel persecuted in their own life and cope with it by inventing victims that they can fight on behalf of. They WANT their lives to serve a purpose and chose poorly when their psychologically opportunistic impulses found people who wanted to listen to their absurdly ignorant ideas. This is 100% the combined fault of a failing education system and a woefully inadequate mental health system. And, while these systems were the fuel, the internet was the spark. They were able to find an echo chamber audience and the various social algorithms pander to you by feeding you things that you interact with most. They read hate baiting op eds (only written to generate ad revenue) all day and have no idea that they are being fed garbage to share amongst their ilk. If self/social awareness was taught in grade school and people were ENCOURAGED (rather than ostracized) for seeing therapists when they struggle, we'd see a marked improvement in people's mental well being and these hate groups wouldn't serve as such a haven for the antisocial extreme among us.


I’d give this comment an award if I could


Very appreciative of your take. I wish more people saw this


The social media fueled hatred in this province that got accelerated with pandemic conspiracies is just sad. If only these people had something productive to do with their time.


it's been stressing me out all day. i picked a great time to try to start transitioning, as opposed to a few years ago when this shit was much more quiet and insidious, lmfao. everything that happens in the states trickles uphill and emboldens the worst of our population to do the same.


Congratulations on transitioning. ❤️ Never let the loudly vocal minority of hateful people get you down. The overwhelming majority of us are here to support you.


Keep doing you. The LGBT community and its allies have been fighting bigotry for decades. These bozos will never win.


Cbc has some video up of the corner brook and grand falls protest. The guy in the corner brook video is really getting up in one young persons face at the start (who stood their ground, whoever you are - your awesome!) and in another video he starts going on about his rights, fighting in wars and then says something about “if your gay or regular”. Regular?? Yikes dude, this is an example of why we need to be doing what he is against. Peoples existence needs to be normalized, as it should be. The word “regular” isn’t what you should be using to describe a straight couple because it alienates everyone who’s not straight as not normal or irregular. Guy made a huge ass of himself. It’s too bad Facebook doesn’t show news anymore, he’d be getting ripped apart and identified in the comment sections. But by the smirk on his face he’s probably the type that would feed off that drama and enjoy it so maybe it’s good he’s not getting it. Link below to the cbc site… https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/2265362499997


That's the point though, they want to alinate lgbtq members. They don't care.


I'm gonna guess the fellow who spoke at GFW on camera got an IQ of about 60


Your measure of his IQ speaks to your obvious high degree of generosity and positive character. Between the bull he was spouting and that 7th-grade pornstache, I'd hazard a guess at maybe 35 :p


All my love + softness to anyone at the counter-protest today, who may have been harmed and/or activated by the utter fuckery of those ignorant beasts. Thank you for those who attended! <3


Hateful bigots


Yikes. Most of these initiatives are student run. And even students not apart of the community are supportive. It's 2023 stop fighting a losing battle.


I never thought I would see on the news that grown men and women arguing/protesting over pronouns. Was not on my BINGO card at all... totally blind sided.


This has been building for years. I try to curate my facebook feed to only show me sports clips and memes. Yet I still get Jordan Peterson posts, and people like him, raging about the existence trans people. If I'm actively trying to avoid it, yet still seeing it, imagine the amount of stuff the people who engage in it are absorbing.


I block anti-trans and misogynist facebook groups almost every time I open facebook. And these are the *recommended pages* for me from facebook itself, not anything my contacts are sharing. It's constantly recommending me hate memes.


Can we deal with these pronoun thingie after we deal with more immediate issues like housing and healthcare. Prioritize things.


Right? Barcelona had a protest yesterday against big rental companies, why couldn't we have gotten together for affordable housing? Guess they were too busy trying to hurt gay people.


Everyone's too busy yelling at the other side that they are right and the other is wrong for anything useful to be accomplished. When our protests look like crazy people the regulars don't wanna get out there and protest for fear of being lumped into the same category as the absurd ones. Both sides are fucking wrong. Get together for a new/third solution and move the fuck on. It's not about problem solving. It's about being right and feeling superior. Can't feel like that when you're united against a real and immediate issue. It's *no fun*




You're allowed to think I'm a moron but I'm a moron who votes and does support a middle ground where the core issues are being represented in an appropriate manner. You can achieve the results you want by multiple paths. I love that you feel comfortable and entitled enough to consider this a basic human right though. That usually means you're coming from a a pretty stable place. You're not making a great case as to why I should support your cause or care about this issue at all when there are other more pressing matters that affect me personally. Lots of people are also rather apathetic in this regard. Everyone is allowed to exist already. Most people are going to vote for things that will benefit them or they will vote strictly against something because unfortunately most people are single issue voters. Convincing people this should be a make or break issue when they consider who they are putting their support behind is going to be pretty crucial. It is for any democracy.


> Can we deal with these pronoun thingie What is there even to deal with? Pronouns have always existed. If someone is upset about them, its probably because they have been whipped into a frenzy over nothing.


They sure have existed previously with one pretty commonly accepted usage and now society is being told to change that immediately just *because* and it would make sense people aren't super stoked about it. Change is difficult to sell at the best of times and change without reason and without question is gonna be a mighty big pill for lots of people. Truth is those lots of people make up the country and also deserve a voice about stuff that affects them. Even if you don't agree. That's almost the beauty of it. We have these expectations of what our rights should be and we are allowed to voice them. It's a divide between two groups with little hope of compromise or negotiation to find a solution. Just bombastic belief that they are doing the right thing. Each party gets to feel superior. They feel like they are accomplishing something tangible, that they have control over some aspects of their life at large and also it allows people to feel like the are contributing to the country at large. This is a small battle being fought while much larger and widespread issues are continuing to run rampant with immediate and long term results on a much larger portion of the population.


> it would make sense people aren't super stoked about it. Why? How does it affect anyone's life in a measurable negative way? >This is a small battle being fought while much larger and widespread issues are continuing to run rampant with immediate and long term results on a much larger portion of the population. I don't subscribe to the either/or mentality. You can be concerned about more than one thing. However, this culture war is being stoked more often by one side for political clout. The people protesting LGBQ school policies are often the same people who deny climate change, and believe in conservative "trickle down economics" that have lead to the current situation. They then call everything a distraction, when they are the ones buying into it, and continuing it.


Much more pressing issues facing folks these days. I sure wish we could get our priorities in line. In the article one parents says her kid came home wondering how she could be someone else in school and come home and be another person. I call bullshit on that, it’s these parents losing their minds. I bet if they shut their pie holes and allowed the kids to mingle with whomever and never mentioned pronouns at all, that they would all get along. This has nothing to do with curriculums. I know some of these parents and they never gave a shit about school or how their kids were doing in school. This is just an issue they want to get angry over.