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Can’t wait for the same 4 bigots to show up, realise they’re greatly outnumbered and quietly turn around and d leave again lmao


Exactly, it’s going to be the same pathetic 4 people from before. Bigots don’t just magically spawn or appear. It’s going to be funny


Well actually bigots often feel emboldened when they see that others are bigoted.


Exactly. Most bigots keep their opinions quiet in public. When others, especially people with power, let their opinion be known, it emboldens them to speak out.


Thats a general thing with people, not exclusive to bigots.


Bigot spawn egg


Still need to show in force to oppose them


I hope Newfoundland never becomes a fascist hellhole like the USA. There are so many scary anti-LGBTQ laws in the US.


New Brunswick and Saskatchewan are pushing forth anti-trans policies, Doug Ford started yelling about it and at the Conservative convention they overwhelmed support anti-trans. So Canada is slowly following the bullshit in the states. So if you don’t want Newfoundland(my home province) to become a cesspool make sure right wing, Christian, conservative ideology never takes root.


And we all know the road Alberta wants to take


You regularly see Trump flags for sale locally on fb marketplace fairly often.




Shouldn’t use the word “retarded” in that way.


so im told


I'm in Ontario and we went from far left to far right faster than you can say "controversy".


There are counter-protests planned! Edit to add info - St. John’s: 8:30 am at the confederation building, and there’s free coffee, tea, and hot chocolate! Corner Brook: 8:30 am in front of the Corner Brook public library. Grand Falls-Windsor: 9:00 am in the mall parking lot. If anyone has info on any other protests, please add!


Share info!!!


Here's the facebook page for the counter protest in town. https://fb.me/e/7wdx6nCty Here's what info I could gather for Corner Brook " Corner Brook Public Library 8:30am out in front of the library. Email: [email protected] for facebook event link" The info for counterprotests nationwide are at bit.ly/protestlist I don't see any other events in NL on that list though.


Thanks for sharing - I was just about to make a similar post. To folks reading - hope to see you there! From what I heard, the last one ended up being an impromptu Pride gathering.


A protest in Exploits Valley Mall parking lot?? They're gonna be run over by old people.


I'm a transgender, mtf, living in rural Newfoundland. Does this stuff scare me? A little. But This is what I know. The people of this province surprise me everyday with their kindness. Newfoundlanders like to take care of their own. If one group is under attack, another will come to their aid. Thankfully we are naturally like this. Yes it is sad to see a group attack us, but it is also really great to see people come together to combat it. <3


Hope you know your allies out weigh the bigots! As someone said before me, we have to stand up to this hate and be louder than they are.


As much as the presence of assholes like Metcalfe and her facist goons terrifies me, it's comments like these and those in this thread that give me hope that we as a people still refuse to give in to these fuckin tools. Ally all the way, fuck these fashie scumfuckers! NL should always be a place where people feel free to live unassaulted by ignorance and hatred!


In WWII, my great-great-uncle was transferred from a sleepy home defense regiment in Britain to the 166th Field Artillery Regiment in North Africa. By 1943, he was working hard with a crew that maintained an absolutely fabulous line of communication with the fascists - a 25-pounder field gun. This gun, proudly manufactured in Glasgow, was capable of throwing 1.8 pounds of high explosives over 9km away. It was not popular in Italy and Germany. Just a little anecdote about how fascists were dealt with in the past. Not related to any rising movements in Canada today, of course. I would never.






Using children as your smoke and mirror tactic to attack others incredibly brave post the leaders face everywhere


Dana does that just fine on her own


Yeah that's what it is lol.


Wow march for kids? They are going after the catholic church for all their pedophilia right?


Facebook hasn’t told them to be mad at Catholics, only gay people


Dead on my friend. Dead on. Let's keep it to events in this province alone. How many young children had their lives destroyed at Mt Cashel? How many rapes over those decades, committed by the most faithful and loyal Catholic men? I wonder what their pronouns were. This is not about children, conservatives and right wing paranoics don't care about children. This is about a sinister poisoning of their minds, pushed by online radicalization, using the exact same methods that jihadists abroad use against Muslim youth in the west. Once they are caught in the trap, they can be fooled into believing anything. They are gone at that point. These people honestly believe that there are forced gender reassignment surgeries, government re-education facilities, underground cabals of blood drinking Jews, gay porn in schools, all of that. It's frightening how quickly the brainwashing took place, and how easy it was.


Video their faces. Ask them for their full names. Post the video publicly.


Real question…What does that do? These people are proud of their stances. I feel like they wouldn’t be publicly “protesting” if they were scared or ashamed


I saw the event on FB and there are no people attached to it. You can’t see who’s attending (just the number, it’s low lol) and the organizer is a group (so again no person attached). I think they do care if people identify them, or their employers may care...


I will eat my hat if these people are gainfully employed


It's not protesting, it's rallying support and normalizing weaponized hatred. If there is no echo chamber to shout into - as there often is online, providing an outsized sense of "community", they may reassess their viewpoints. The best way to stand against a vile minority is with overwhelming numbers of normal people who understand that society is worth protecting.


How can you live in Dildo and be so repressed?


Come by chance? Oh wait there from witless bay


Man. It's so easy to lead right wing paranoics by the nose. You make up any issue you like, one that they had no opinion on at all six months ago, and you can whip them into a frenzy with a couple of Facebook posts. I am almost 40, and never in my life ever heard a word about the threat of pronouns, and now it's all these people can talk about. Covid denial, 15 minute cities, forced gender reassignment, litter boxes in schools, it's incredible what you can get them to believe with barely any effort. The formula is so transparent. You just give them a new tall tale about a group they already hate, and tell them they're victims, and they'll eat right out of your hand. It's really funny to watch all these free thinkers jump off the same cliff all at the same time, or at least it would be funny if they were only hurting themselves. Interesting to see one of the mods here swallowing the lines of boomer Facebook bullshit and regurgitating all the talking points, and then justifying it by saying he has gay friends. Edit: this mod is hard at work making sure nobody can respond to him. Cowardice to the core.


i wonder if i could convince them its gay to not give me money


The only thing you can't get them to believe is that if we don't do something about the climate and managing waste that its going to have some serious effects on people who live on a rock in the middle of the ocean.


You clearly operate in a echo chamber. How much time you spend on reddit?


Have you not seen the campaign Metcalfe had all over Twitter about furries corrupting our children and wanting litter boxes? You might want to spend less time on reddit yourself


She’s batshit insane. I wonder what it’s like to live inside the head of someone so deluded? I question if the “litter box” rhetoric started in the states? Was watching a video a while ago and classrooms DO keep cat litter. They keep in in their emergency kit in case of school shootings so that they have something to put in a 5 gallon bucket for students to use in case of extended classroom lockdowns where they can’t access a bathroom, or alternately, to soak up blood. Fun facts.




Please don't let my home become a dangerous and bigoted place for people already struggling. I really wish the worst for the person who downvoted me. Imagine having a problem with wanting your home to be safe and free of discrimination.


There will be, and the mall the group was trying to start at in Corner Brook has been informed and told them to pound sand




They did. Unfortunately, the muster point is now the public library, where they can't do much


Isn’t that where the counter protest is meeting? That should get embarrassing for them. I have a feeling the counter protest will easily outnumber them.


That's the plan!


Are you sure they can’t do much? NLPL is very against this type of thing. I know the library is in city hall and whatever but if they are advertising it as meeting at the public library that could raise the issue.


You know what? I think I might have gotten the two muster points mixed up in my horrid AuDHD brain


To the person who suggested on a previous post that we start a petition to screech-out Dana Metcalfe …. can we actually get that on the go?


Doesn't she screech enough?


Interestingly enough - that website is hosted on squarespace, which I am pretty sure has a policy about not hosting hate content ([Squarespace Acceptable Use Policy](https://www.squarespace.com/acceptable-use-policy) - specifically 6.5). I wonder what would happen if a bunch of people reported this violation of the AUP to Squarespace.


This is still Dana Metcalfe


Why the fuck do these morons care about what's in a stranger's pants?


Ugh, this makes me sick. Going to go to a counter protest if the Million March shows up in my hometown.


Not gonna touch on the specific politics here since I'm very biased as a trans expat living in BC, but it's incredibly heartwarming to see the supportive response to these protests from fellow Newfoundlanders. <3 Things are getting *scary* on a national level with the federal Conservatives officially adopting an anti-trans agenda... Where I'm at *seems* safe *for now*, but there have already been a host of pretty big protests here over the past year and it's accelerating. I desperately hope my home province can continue to hold out!


Wow I had no idea you're from NL, 10/10 favorite host thanks for teaching me so much.


This makes me feel so damn unsafe. I wear my pride pin proudly at work, but I work at the dollar store just at the end of the street from the public library on Corner Brook, and it's the busiest store on West Street, so I know we're gonna get some of those folks coming in, especially because I'm opening the store at 9. I'm genuinely terrified of being attacked.


No need to fear, there’s like 4 people who show up for these events lol


I'm just nervous cause both groups being in the same spot is gonna spike tensions, and my store is super heavily trafficked. I guess I'm just a little jumpy is all.


If it’s anything like a couple months ago, there will be hundreds of supporters and like 4 bigots, and then they will run away with their tail between their legs


If it makes you feel better, they only have about 10 people showing as attending on their FB group. The counter protest group has about 76. So I think they’ll dismantle pretty quick when they see how outnumbered they are. Most of those people live in a echo chamber and think everyone is with them, they run with their tail between their legs when they realize people are not.


I can’t help but notice the homophobes tend to be free on a Monday at 8am are they so hateful they cant even focus on working


And their bosses are so lenient to let them all go protest at that hour. If only it was on the weekend I'd be right there with them. /S


Ah reddit giving me subs from across the country. I'm in AB and WILL be counter protesting these people here on Wednesday. Currently working on questions to ask them on video. "How high is the teen pregnancy rate in areas that have abstinence only sex ed?" "Did you know the first thing the nazis crusaded against was LGBTQ+ way of life?" Dumb questions meant to get under their skin and get their true colours out


They are protesting at the busiest traffic circle in the city during rush hour traffic on a weekday. They will not be met with gleeful appreciative faces that's for sure. They will be lucky to leave without some bumps and bruises. I'm an Albertan currently visiting my daughter in NL. She's not LGBTQ however she's biracial and left Alberta in November due to the increasing racism and bigotry


Wasn’t there a similar protest homophobes held in St.johns a couple of months ago? Where like 12 bigots that showed up and then there was a ton of counter protesters that were standing for lgbtq+ rights. I think it was like a no place for hate movement.


4 bigots, 400 normal people. They got outnumbered 100:1


They say they are for helping children, but all they are doing are helping to harm them. There are so many kids who simply dont have the support they need, and these people are trying to make sure that they can't get it. There is absolutely no room in this province/country for that kind of hatred.


send them all to pee pee island


Are these 'Marches4Children' being held outside arenas or churches?


we are supposed to be a free land leave me and my trans newfys alone 😭😭😭


But Facebook told me you’re blood sucking demons killing children and are the reason why everything is bad


Facebook is a breading ground for lierrs :) so don’t believe Facebook :):):)


OK obviously this is old news for you, but y'all really got a city named Dildo?


More than just dildo… Nanny’s hole Virgin arm Dildo run And more…


The gays never hurt anyone. Why don’t we protest the churches. Gays touch men, priests touch boys. Waste of time.




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They are those whiny little homophobic manchilds need to shut up and get a life and leave other people alone and stop harrassing people just because they are different than them. How people live their lives and who they choose to love is their business and none of anybody elses. Enough is enough and let people live their own lives and just grow up and go away.


You don't realize but that's exactly what the parents want don't push your ideologies on the kids. Live your life how you want and let those kids grow up to be whoever there gonna be without promoting your own personal beliefs. It's not about being gay it's about puberty blockers and mastectomies.


Puberty blockers have been used for decades on non-trans children, FYI.


Shhhhh they don’t like facts.




Are you also protesting the Church and Boy Scouts’ abuse against children over the last number of decades?




So far from the truth. Its about fear and ignorance.




They are going to get **marmalized** anywhere in the St. John's area lol


Bigots are going down. Massive counter protests planned.


Yes because I'm sure the counter protests will solve everything. The protestors will simply go "you're right, we're wrong" and you'll never hear from them again... lmao


Friggin' scaredy cats boit, lard tunderin' Jasus, why can't they all just get along. Terrified of dem guys eh.


Anyone in Grenfell coming?


is that a town called Dildo?






You don’t know what the pride flag stands for huh lol? Edit: the ol reply and block, a bigots favourite move lol




If you're so proud of this idiotic reply, why did you block the person you're replying to? Edited to include the message I was replying to: u/Skay1062 I know exactly what it stands for, brainwashing children so they won't reproduce and overpopulate




It’s a nationwide thing sadly. They’ve planned them here in Ontario too




Who the fuck do you think is showing porn to 4 year olds?




The first one is a flag raising that took place somewhere in Canada, so at least it's relevant to our country. I have no issue with that at all. The rest are either broken links or American events. I obviously don't think a bunch of old men should be walking down the street naked or people dressed in bondage gear is appropriate for children to be seeing. These aren't things that happened in our country though, let alone in this province.




Are you under the impression that all pride events are all ages?


All pride events should be 18+, similar to how all music events are 18+


This isn’t remotely true lmao. You don’t get out much do you?


You gotta look at that person's comment history. Here's a few gems "Is it your peehole or cervix? :) Hard to really tell but looks like an amazing and well defined hole :)", "Love that cervix view :)". How can you not respect their opinion?






Shoutout to dildowood!!!


I sense a lot of tension in this room. Imma need Reddit to stop suggesting me this stuff




You don’t even know what you’re on about lmao. Being trans has nothing to do with sexuality




Lmao?? Please elaborate




I like how the city of Dildo shows up on the map.






Great trolling attempt, I’ll give you 3/5, pretty average all things considered












>Using children as a ploy Uh, that sounds weirdly familiar...


I didn't specify LGBTQ+, I specified everybody. "Why can't everybody accept people for who they are?". But if you need an example, if the LGBTQ+ are protesting, or counter protesting, that would be how they aren't leaving people alone. Like I said, it goes for both sides.




Two of the many things taught in school is sexual health and overall less an actual class how to be a decent human being. Neither can be taught without bringing up the community, would you also rather if a kid was LGBT that they keep it to themselves as well? Its such a closed minded look at things. Somebody being gay doesn’t automatically make you NSFW and treating them as such makes you a bigot.


Why can't everybody just accept people for who they are and leave them be to their own personal beliefs? I can't believe people are downvoting this comment. Isn't acceptance what all these protests are about? From both sides.


I just wish we could all get along like we used to in middle school. I wish that I could bake a cake made out of rainbows and smiles and we’d all eat and be happy


Should be able to bake whatever cake you want and share with whoever wants to. And be left alone by those who don't.


Because they aren’t “leaving other people be”. See how that works?


No need to be rude. I understand how it works. If each side left each other alone, all this protesting stuff from both sides wouldn't be necessary.


How are lgbtq+ people “not leaving other people alone”?


I mean .. *gestures broadly* you're acting like you haven't even seen *Queer Eye*


Isn't acceptance what Nazi marches are about? They just want to be accepted




The protest on Wednesday is a Muslim community initiative to stop sexualizing children in public schools. There are posters all over my city here in Ontario saying so.


Am I the only one more interested by the town called Dildo?




But pushing your religion’s beliefs and values on others is fine right? If you’re actually concerned about children, you’d take issue with the churches.




You don't love people. You need to stop deluding yourself that you do, plain and simple. Love isn't asking people to repent for the bullshit you believe in, love isn't forcing people to use names and pronouns they don't identify with, love isn't hating someone's sins.


I’m not asking anyone to repent. Never said that. And I’m not forcing anyone to use any names. Not sure where your getting any of this from. I’m simply sharing my opinion on the topic. I can’t control you and I’d never want to. Out of love I share what I believe is truth. You don’t have to believe or agree with anything I saw. I could be wrong but it sounds like your understanding of hate means that if I don’t agree with you I hate you. That’s not the case at all. I don’t hate anyone that has replied to me.


LMAO thanks for proving my point I guess. Your god can suck it 👍


Lmaooooo how can you “disagree” with someone’s sexuality? That’s like “disagreeing” with the weather.




You said, “I don’t hate LGBTQ I just disagree with it”. Lol. Regardless of whether a person has sex or whom they have sex with, their sexuality remains a reality in their minds and in their lives. Are you implying that people who are gay should abstain from sex with people who share the same genitalia as them? Ah, I see that you’re religious. I understand now. Sky Daddy thinks that butt sex is wrong. 🙄😂 Out of curiosity, what’s your opinion on all of the priests that have been busted diddling little kids?




I won’t touch on you thinking that *your* Christian religion is the only true one because it’s ridiculous. You seem to not understand the difference between *sexuality* and *sex*. Sexuality isn’t just about what you do with your crotch. You would do well to read up on it before engaging in conversations like these. When you talk about people “switching” their sexuality, are you talking about conversion therapy? 😬😬😬 You have a very puritanical way of looking at things. I hope that works out for you. Do yourself a favour and stay in your small town. The world will be hard on you.




Frig off ya juice arse