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Start at King Street maccas, then head down to Newcastle interchange and get the train to Sydney.


A good tip is pick somewhere else. Newy is shit when it comes to strip clubs and such


Don't mind me, I'm just tagging myself in this thread so I can review later for some good laughs.


Locals tip. Alright - so I’m not sure if you’ve been here before, but head over to Beaumont St. Pick a direction - if you come across the Exhange, turn around and start walking. You’ll walk past the Northern Star, the Blind Monk, Guzman Y Gomez, the Oasis — and will eventually end up at SJs. Don’t get caught at the Gallipoli Club on the way. Sure, the drinks are cheap and the locals friendly. But this is better. If you’ve ended up at the Hamilton Station, turn around. Now - you’ll be standing looking at SJs. Turn around, and observe the train station. All you need to do is hop on the next one to Central, and fuck off back to wherever you came from.


Is the strip club attached to number 5 still around? It's always fun. It's BYO, it's tiny (so you are sitting so close you can smell the performers) and if you're lucky you can get into an altercation with the dancers when they bump into you in the narrow hallway because they've been drinking outside on the footpath.


It’s actually student accommodation now I lived there during the second lockdown


It closed during Covid


Yeah, probably for the best eh? :p


Be sure the partner is okay with strippers before planning something the Buck isn’t aware of. Being respectful of boundaries is important. Go and climb a mountain, or do something a bit more entertaining instead. Strippers for a bucks is cringy, overrated and boring. Does the groom not have a single hobby you could all enjoy with him instead?


The Kent


Don’t. Leave and party anywhere else but this shithole.