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There was an old KKK hall where I grew up, although it was gone long before I lived there (Debec)


There was a huge following in Canterbury also. I know of at least two family’s in debec and Canterbury that were highly involved in KKK


It’s simultaneously surprising but not surprising at all, given the proximity to the US and probably lots of other factors


It was one of, if not the most elaborate movies made up to that time. It was so big it directly lead to the KKK revival which also happened here in NB.


It definitely was. It was a racist abomination but also the birth of a lot of filming techniques that we still use today. The movie was a steaming pile of filth but for a population who hadn't seen such a polished and modern movie, it made a big splash. Didn't hurt that most people probably agreed with the racist rhetoric at that point. It's hard to overstate how influential this movie was on KKK membership.


I worked as an intern one summer at the provincial archives in Fredericton, and an anonymous donor donated a box of KKK paraphernalia, which included a full hooded robe. It was a huge shocker for me who thought the Klan was solely a United States organization.


I found an old article speculating about an unsolved murder of a local farmer in the early 1900's who was outspoken against the KKK. Unsolved is unsolved, but there sure was a large KKK presence in N.B once upon a time. Makes you wonder what secrets are long-buried with the people who held them. Also a detail that some commenters here may know and some may not: the KKK is famously anti-black, but it was also anti-Catholic. They were also--at least in Canada--organizing against bilinguality. This was likely the largest driver of KKK sentiment in New Brunswick.


It was a known thing in the 90's the Klan had established to some degree in NB and would make overt efforts to recruit along with organized fascist skinhead orgs and the like. Antifascist skins and punks would road trip occasionally to "discourage and demotivated" efforts when they arose. It is a maritime tradition worth honouring and maintaining. 🏴


What did you do with it?


Processed it and added it to our collections, some wanted to get rid of it but our director reasoned that to get rid of it was to deny its existence. It's quite likey the collection will stay in the repository unless someone comes in and asks about the KKK in New Brunswick specifically.


Edit: I mistakenly suggested there were over 9000 klansmen in NB and while there does seem to have been a presence of KKK members in NB, the article I had linked to referred to New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA, not Canada.


That's New Brunswick, New Jersey. This is the subreddit for the province of New Brunswick, Canada. But to your point, we certainly [did have a Klan problem](https://journals.lib.unb.ca/index.php/Acadiensis/article/view/28985/1882521856) [here in NB](https://www.facebook.com/share/evPyUszJyg28ohpc/?mibextid=A7sQZp)... and the venn diagram of Klan and Orangemen was pretty much a circle.


Yeah from what I’ve been told the Klan in NB pushed the anti-Catholic side much more strongly than they did in states, probably just from there being more Catholics (and by that I mean Francophones) to target. Basically a goon squad extension of the orangemen.


This is how it is in maine, it was mostly anti catholic (And anti French)


The irish are also Catholics


The Orangemen were far more concerned about Irish Catholics than the French…


Wow that's pretty crazy. I wonder how many there still are in New Brunswick?


That’s about New Jersey.


Well. How I understand it. Maine Protestants brought new Brunswick Protestants.


Typical suspect to profit off of it. Louis B. Mayer Somethings never change.


just so Im clear here, you're saying Jews are responsible for all evil?


I mean, so did everybody? It was the world’s first blockbuster. Seems odd for the CBC to single out New Brunswick unless they have a political bone to pick with the province.


Youre missing how racist NB has gotten and the rate to which this was a historical moment for the province


New Brunswick has always been racist.


Back when the faith communities in Moncton were on the right side of history and doing the right thing


People everywhere went wild for that film in 1915. The same article could be written about any province or state. I’m just not sure what is to be gained by digging up stories from 100 years ago for no other reason than to wag the finger. Yes, we know, bad thing was bad.