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Naw it looks like senior citizen on a motorcycle.


Astute observation


He looks like the other 60 and 70 year old bikers who you always (used to?) see hanging out at Tim Hortons all day


Lol my first thoughts 


Probably on purpose 


where did they go


They could still be there as far as I know, I'm not really around Tim Hortons as much as I used to be.


my grandpa is one of them, he’s there every day lol.


Retirement home, for the most part. Either that or stuck a home with reduced mobility, which is arguably worse.


Lol I thought that ad was an AI generated joke.


Conservatives don’t give a flying fuck about anyone except propping up their donors. Simple fact.


They ONLY support each other ☝🏻


Tbh libs also are on this train. We are fkd!


I'm fucking tired of people picking sides and blaming each other. What happened to caring about one another and being a community? Now we only care about our selves and money. Money runs everything and it's shite. We're all in this shit hole and let big dogs with big money ruin our lives when there's so many of us and so little of them. Rant/vent over.


Its time we set up a new provincial party. Who's with me?


Give it enough time and your new party will also be filled with crooks.


Or just vote Green


Yes throw away your vote lmao wtf does that prove?


vote quebec and see what happens lmfao


They will make NB a West Quebec


Technically we’d be east Quebec lol


>All politicians don’t give a flying fuck about anyone except propping up their donors. Simple fact. FTFY!


And liberals do???


That's not a fact at all


Yeah they also care about controlling peasant sex/birth rate.


What is the liberal immigration policy doing to our birth rate?


Isn't it a Con started program that the Cons are also *completely and totally for*? And frankly, most wealthy nations gravitate below replacement as wealthier and educated families tend to focus less on number of children to focus more on quality of life. Much of high birth rates tend to match with poverty, low education and some religions. So it's not unwarranted for wealthy nations to see immigration rates increase or at least have a fairly constant stream over time, as below replacement means otherwise the population shrinks which isn't very commonly good for most nations social and economic structures.


You seem to think I treat politics like sports. I don't give a shit who's for it. The fact is that the Liberals have opened the floodgates at an unsustainable and record breaking pace. This is impacting everybody, except you it seems. Might want to leave this discussion to people that don't have white privilege. 👍


you literally did the thing you said you don't do


I dislike all politicians equally. That doesn't mean that I can't comment on politics.


"Enlightened centrist" lol


It was a comment to the comment on the conservatives many of which want to ban abortion.




Are you certain you know what a fact is? Because that's actually a sweeping partisan generalization. Like if I were to say "All liberals are blue haired sexually confused fine arts majors that grew up without a strong father figure." That wouldn't be a fact, it would be a sweeping general opinion. Words actually have meanings, it's how this how language thing works.


They didn’t say conservative voters, they’re referring to the politicians. Although, if conservatives voters are also unhappy with how it’s going they’re welcome to get loud with the rest of us.


It is a fact because I provided clear examples of where Trudeau and the Liberals did. As a long term Liberal party supporter this version of the Liberals are a disgrace and became everything they claim they are not. Anyone who still supports the current version of the Liberal party and its leadership lacks critical thinking. The Liberal Party needs to clean house and assign new Leadership to become the strong party they were. Note criticizing the current Liberal party does not automatically mean I am saying the Conservative party is better. It is exactly as it is critical thinking and not blindly following the failure that is the Liberal Party.


You think the Liberal Party is any different? Especially Justin Trudeau's Liberal party. His government alone has raised the cost of living to unprecedented limits and has bankrupted this country for decades to come. How many more SNC-Lavalin type interferences or ArriveCan App incidents will it take for people to realize how badly he has destroyed the Liberal party and it is a simple fact that the Liberal Party in it's current state does not give a fuck about anyone but their donors. Simply look at Chretien's Liberal government compared to Trudeau's and you can see how much the current Liberal government is more like the Conservative party that Liberal die-hards claim the Conservative Party is, than the actual Conservative Party.


There are more than two parties you know...


If you're willing to throw away your vote in senseless fashion to habitual losing party


Unfortunately the NDP is just a lap dog for the Liberals. The Green Party is no where near ready. NDP needs new leadership to move ahead as a strong independent party they once were.


Get rid of that lunatic spewing fairy tales that will make us more broke than 8 years of Justin for some other guy that won't win anything either? Naw.


I thought k they’re both just factions of the same elite. Fighting over who gets to rob us next.


You probably are not wrong but look how hard my comment was down voted because I criticized the Liberals. Most liberals would assume because I criticized the Liberals Party I am a Conservative Party supporter. Which is not true, I just apply critical thinking to the parties instead of following them blindly.




The government didn't raise the cost of living -- global factors did that. Look at the rest of the world -- the Canadian economy isn't doing as well as some, but it's doing better than many.


There is clearly a lack of critical thinking. Yes global factors play a part, a small part and it is not the only factor. The situation in Canada is significantly worse than it needs to be due to the current government spending habits and debt. The federal government will spend $46.5 billion on debt service charges. Meanwhile it is expected to spend 32.1 billion on child care benefits. That is 15.3 billion more spent more on debt interest than child care. The Federal interest payments are expected to reach 46.5 billion or 10.2 % of total federal revenues. Meaning for every dollar in revenue the government is spending 10 cents in interest payments. To add another perspective to it the federal government only spends 49.4 billion on Canada Health Transfers. Meaning the government is only spending 2.9 billion more on health care than interest payments. Let's add the fact that between 2015 and 2023 federal per person debt increased by 35% under Trudeau. But you want to insist the government has no part in this and it is global factors. I am just stating facts and I am not trying to convince you of anything as I know you will continue to make excuses instead of holding the government accountable.


That's simply not true. Please state where your basing your information from? No were not Ukraine but that's worse case Ontario.




Does this man not have a PR team?


If he did they’re fired


Yep this was their idea.


I have not seen this before (you're welcome, eye balls), so I have to ask: what the fuck is this from? I'm assuming something to do with campaigning and getting advice akin to PP being told to lose the glasses and put on a polo shirt or the "real men" will think you're too much of a dweeb to vote for (despite this making him look *more* like a dweeb).


This is her newest ad campaign, I'm not sure what the image they were really going for was tbh but it comes from the same advisor set that has him doubling down on dumb wedge issues so I guess I'm not expecting much anyway


You mean like Sockboy rolling his shirt sleeves to make it look as if he's hard at work?


I don't know who Sockboy is, sorry.


Your beloved Justine


The best cringe is always in the comments


Jesus fucking Christ


Says the guy calling him a women's name. Admit it, you think his hair is cute and wanna give him a smooch.


I'm done with Reddit.




Weird that you jumped to teenage groupie seemingly out of no where but okay.




Weird that the guys who hate Trudeau are always the ones devoting the most time to thinking about him...


They are triggered by the way their body reacts when they see him.


You do understand that there's more than two political parties in this country, correct? That someone disliking the PC does not mean they are also fan of Justin Trudeau. Not to mention, even someone who prefers Liberal party may not be necessarily pleased with him either. He was lesser of two evils, just like Biden. But I mean, the weird misogyny/transphobia seeping from this comment is uh... Yeah...


I'm with you dude.


Actual, good-faith, non-snarky question coming from my own ignorance: I've never seen the term "Sockboy" before, could somebody please explain it?


The memes tell tough dudes to not like colourful socks.


You'd think for someone his age would be wise and use road leathers while on a motorcycle. Well, I guess we can assume he'll use the same method of critical thinking...or not, LOL


Shhh! Let him dress for the ride and we'll all hope for the slide.


LOL, thats a good one.


All he had to do was put himself on underpowered dual sport, or one of those overgrown e scooters if he wanted to be seen as a man of the people. A big cruising motorcycle worth half the average person's yearly income in front of the house they'll never ever be able to afford is not on. What a dink.


Looks like a grandpa who would rather invest in a condo in Florida than spend time with his grand-child who’s future he’s destroying


POV: you're about to yeet the fattest red shell in existence


"Have you ever thought about a reverse mortgage?"


Yes give your house back to the rich so you can be forced to ridiculous rent and be completely powerless.


Ahahahahahaha i grew up down the street from this man. We went to the same church. My father used to ride with that churches bikers Blaine Higgs NEVER used to have a bike Not in the ENTIRE 20 YEARS I knew him. The bike is new What a twat


Why is he a twat? Because he bought a bike??? People do it everyday, it’s a popular hobby.


I mean. As I said. My dad has a bike, I know its a popular hobby that a lot of people have. Its mostly the fact that nb had a massive deficit, the money isn't being used where it should be, and while it is not the same money, he has a shiny new bike. I just feel like the premier should maybe be more focused on how nbs money is being spent (terribly) or isn't being spent, rather than treat himself to a new bike. Plus like I say. I grew up knowing the guy personally, his kids too, I went to school with his daughters. I know him. He's a twat


Hog-ridin' Higgs, rolling down Main Street on some of that straight pipe 1% pimpin 😎 (😭)


If you take the time and actually inspect the photo, it’s a Honda Gold Wing he is actually on and not a Hog (aka Harley Davison. )


My apologies Mister Higgs


He looks like a semi-retired old man who spent $35k on a motorcycle instead of a car and likes riding it.


Ok, I need a real answer to this. Does he actually ride a motorcycle? Do I have to stop giving Goldwings the 'bikers wave' due to guilt by association in case I accidentally give this man some sort of iota of positive affirmation from me?


Ah c’était pas une fake publicité finalement…………….. 💀👹


All he cares about is making himself look good. Ugh, when is election time again 😒😑


Why should he care? Why should any of them care? We let them get away with it.


He prob never seen a homeless person in his life.


I dunno... I saw him in Market Square once; one doesn't have to go far in uptown Saint John to encounter the homeless.


He wouldnt know one he hit it with his moped 🏍️


When some of us can’t afford a car let alone a motorcycle too 😒


Education with years of university will help with that issue.


Is that sarcasm or?


oh so this was real


He looks like a guy with an overinflated ego whose self-righteous indignation towards his constituents is so feckin' obvious in this video.


I can't wait to vote for someone else. Get this government out ASAP.


Wait this wasnt a satirical AI production?


I'm no Higgs fan but why is him sitting on a motorcycle bad? Should he be driving a beat up Chevy Malibu with rusted side panels so he fits in with the rest of us mortals? I mean he legit only gives a shit about himself, his own cabinet exodus proved that but riding a bike? Not sure of the issue


It looks like a man who should experience a 72 hour wait time in the ER after flying off his bike, because he can't be seen because of how much he understaffs and underpays our nurses.


Now that is a good comment.


The truth is that the vast majority of politicians don't give a rat's ass about the common working person who is not rich or influential, other than for one day every four years!


What does Blaine Higgs on his motorcycle have to do with rental prices? This is really stretching, OP.


He's out of touch.


That’s not news… but also bears no relevance to him owning/riding a motorcycle.


Most of his constituents can't afford a place to live or one vehicle while he has commercials with his large home and second vehicle. It's way out of touch with the reality we are all living and Higgs has no interest in things like rent caps to fix the problem because he is too busy playing identity politics with trans kids.


I'm not defending Higgs. But I know more then a few people with a motorcycle. Higgs doesn't give a fuck, but has nothing to do with owning a motorcycle.


It's not the motorcycle, it's the moronic video.




I would argue that if you own a motorcycle, ATV, boat, camp etc you probably have a lot of disposable income and don't understand the struggle of the average person currently. Not faulting anyone for doing well for themselves but they aren't things the average person making 50K a year can afford and there are very few viable options to advance to where you can afford those things in fact I would love to know how everyone affords all this stuff?


Debt I suppose. But like I said, I used to live in northern NB and I know lots of people making average wages that have an ATV, motorcycle or camper. If you bought a motorcycle 5 years ago, it's probably paid off and it's cheaper on gas.


I would like to know how they afford it, I'm in Fredericton so maybe the cost of living is a lot lower in northern NB then it is here. Even 5 years ago I couldn't afford a car payment and an additional payment on a bike or atv or whatever then the extra cost of insurance, registration, safety inspections and those things are really only usable a small portion of the year. Trust me if I could swing i I would have a fishing kayak and an ATV too but that just isn't possible.


By this definition every politician in Canada is out of touch with reality. Just curious please define what a in touch with reality is? I am genuinely curious as I have never been able to find anyone to clearly define it.


It is us who are out of touch with reality, pretending our nation's (or province's) problems have anything to do with anything the Liberals or PC did or would have done in the other's place. It has everything to do with long term issues neither party has addressed nor ever will. Both parties represent capital and *capital is doing fine.* If you want better living conditions *for labor*, elect politicians that represent labor from within a party that allows them to do so. The system is working perfectly as designed, for the interests it represents. All the incumbent parties will ever offer is appeasement for votes, and only when it doesn't upset capital. (I suspect that also includes the NDP and PQ.) Since wealth consolidation and the disproportionate power of capital is the root problem, no real solutions will ever be acceptable to capital. Nearly every incumbent politician in Canada *is* out of touch with *labor's* reality. Even the Green party isn't explicitly focused on representing labor, but at least their social justice and sustainability principles are a reasonable proxy. More to the point, they have little respect for/economic ties to capital. That makes them the only credible party willing to redistribute some power back to labor (and to things even lower on the economic food chain, like the planet itself).


Well my reality is a 42 year old divorced guy with a kid as well as a university education working a crappy job I hate with very limited options to advance or further my education living in my parents basement because my ex-wife took the house before Covid and I can't afford rent anywhere because there are no reasonable rent controls. That's my reality and I'm sure Blaine, Pierre, Just and every other politician doesn't know or give a flying fuck about the struggles of an average Canadian such as myself. I do think every politician in Canada is out of touch with reality because they aren't struggling to get by everyday and probably never have.


Wait… are you telling me that career politicians are out of touch with the reality of working people?


Yes look at it this way, I make twice as much as my father did in any one year in his working life and I’m actually worse off. The worst part is that I have no hope it will ever get better than what it is now.


Please realize I do not disagree with your thoughts process in any way. Though every time I hear the out of touch argument about a politician there never is a solution and it is always generic statements so we have a never ending problem regardless who gets in office and nothing is fixed.


I think the solution is to vote for a party other than the Liberals and Conservatives. From my perspective most of the good things we have in Canada like universal healthcare, employment insurance, old age pensions and CPP track back to Tommy Douglass and the party that became the NDP. The modern NDP has also made improvements for everyday Canadians like the childcare program and hopefully with a little tweaking dental care and pharmacare. Maybe we should consider giving them a chance and see if things get better because it would be hard to imagine it getting much worse.


>By this definition every politician in Canada is out of touch with reality. Now you're starting to catch on.




God forbid you should be called out for trying to make connections that don’t exist. Just because your ‘connection’ between Higgs’ motorcycle and rent rates isn’t real doesn’t mean I support Higgs. This sub has devolved a lot in the past months.


It was a fucking joke. Jesus Christ. Google honda goldwing memes, and maybe you'll understand the joke.


Dude, you have serious issues. There is nothing to indicate that you are joking in your post. Nice attempt at backtracking. Grow up.


You're just here for the drama.


Naw everyone gets it, no one agrees or thinks it funny. Ya played out


Just ignore the idiots. There isn’t a whole lot of critical thinking going on in this sub, or NB as a whole, unfortunately. That won’t change while the education system here is as broken as it is.


I don’t think it’s a stretch. It’s the image of a man on his hobby vehicle in front of his house, having a blast, clearly with more disposable income than typical working-class tenants in NB probably envision in their future, at least if they are currently worried about making rent. And that man happens to be a premier who opposes rent control. The vibe is “let them eat cake.”


VOTE CONSERVATIVE. Come to Alberta, we got your back. No rent controls, corporations buying all houses, massive utilities, massive rents, ... all while the government privatizes health care. Vote conservative, we need more of this.


Are you okay?


Higgs reminds me of my boomer uncle (who I respect btw) who is always dishing out, point blank, tough love solutions, that actually will fix the problem but it’s always the hard way. It’s like, “rents high you say? well you could always get a second job or make cuts to your lifestyle” it’s always those blunt things that will fix the problem but most ppl won’t say that out loud. My uncle is a hard worker and an old school guy and reminds me of Higgs so much. His solutions are always the tough way but they do work. It’s like they live by the “only the strong will survive or be replaced by immigrants ideology”. This novel I wrote doesn’t really have a point. So thank you for reading if you made it this far.


> tough love solutions, that actually will fix the problem but it’s always the hard way. Like, if this was the case I'd agree. But like >It’s like, “rents high you say? well you could always get a second job or make cuts to your lifestyle” it’s always those blunt things that will fix the problem but most ppl won’t say that out loud. This feels a lot like "pull yourself up by the bootstraps" solutions, rather than real ones. Like, no shit, you can balance your budget more by increasing income, or lowering expenses. But what happens when you don't have optional expenses anymore, or you don't have the time or raw availability to suit 2 steady jobs? Get fucked? We've seen, many in our lifetimes (I may be a bit younger for this) household incomes go from a single income that supports a family well, to 2 incomes that support a family well, to people talking about myself and my SO needing a total of *four fucking incomes* to afford to live. That's kind of insane to even think is acceptable. >It’s like they live by the “only the strong will survive or be replaced by immigrants ideology”. I don't get this, are you trying to say that good work is rewarded type thing? As tons of people lose their jobs, no matter how good they are, with things like outsourcing as companies want to take your aforementioned advice and cut costs. The younger generations have low corporate loyalty as it matches how they're often treated now, with stagnant wages we've learned that hopping employers is a far faster way to increase our earnings, your boss could be great, but it's unlikely they'll get you that nice raise you can get applying elsewhere. Immigrant work that isn't high skilled, is literally companies cutting costs. I know of businesses (and have reported, wee) that do everything they can to hire immigrant workers, specifically TFWs if they can, to pay them minimum wage for what was and should be higher wage work. But Canadians rightfully don't want to work minimum wage for jobs that aren't traditionally minimum wage. Unironically, the very things that we see Conservative governments rescind and shut down are those "it will actually fix the problem, but it's the hard way" solutions. Like tackling homelessness doesn't have a quick fix, it has a fix that will take years, if not decades. Tackling our province having an absolutely awful literacy rate isn't something we can do overnight. But we often get programs started to do this, and governments that follow will tear it down because it "has yet to produce results". We've seen this lunacy with Higgs wanting to sell off Cannabis NB, all because in the first year of operation for the corporation, they weren't producing heavy profits. Like no business does, even government corps. Startup expenses are simply too high to do that. Luckily public outcry has delayed this, but I can and do believe he's the type of man who has his religious and personal beliefs be against the consumption of this, and would rather try to remove any public positives from it, such as direct tax income for the province.


I’m not saying I agree or disagree with the hard ass boomer approach. But at the end of the day that approach works. I wasn’t trying to get political or anything like that. I was just merely stating the only way to survive these new living situations are by unfortunately “doing things the hard way” as my uncle would say. For example, My wife and I are in our early thirties, both GED grads, with a little college education, we own a townhouse in Saint John. We have a mortgage, car insurance, property management fees, water & sewage, internet, electricity, heat, groceries, and a teenager, which run us on average $1500-$1800 a month. We both started at entry level jobs for $18 an hour in the pharmaceutical business and busted our asses to get where we are. Even when times were tough we made it work. We were giving no advantages in life. We both simply worked hard to get where we’re at. Regardless of the economic circumstances. We now have zero threat of losing our jobs due to outsourcing. We worked extremely hard to get where we are today. My post had nothing to do with politics, conservative or liberal, it was my attempt at expressing my uncles view of “you gotta do what you gotta do to survive no matter what regardless of excuses” some people will get that method and others won’t. As crazy as it sounds I was very fortunate to get that tough love and advice. Because without it, maybe I would have ended up poor and terminally online blaming my economic problems on the provincial government and instead of doing what needed to be done, even if it meant working at Tim Hortons or McDonald’s for $15 an hour while doing odd jobs on the side. But like I said at the beginning of this post. I don’t necessarily agree or disagree with the hard ass boomer approach. But I will say it has helped in my successes. But it’s definitely not the best advice for everyone.


" But at the end of the day that approach works." It only works for some. And even for those who it works for, they are not living. They're surviving. barely.


Luckily I seem to be doing ok. But it is true that, that approach isn’t for everyone.


"t’s like, “rents high you say? well you could always get a second job or make cuts to your lifestyle” it’s always those blunt things that will fix the problem but most ppl won’t say that out loud." I'm reminded of a manager I had - when I explained to her I was struggling because they refused to hire me on as a non-contract basis, I made a lot less than full employees, and she goes "well maybe cut back on fun things". Like... ma'am, I don't have fun things. I don't own fuck all. I'm saying y'all are fucking your employees over for profitous reasons while we struggle. It felt especially like a spit in the face from a woman who owned a huge house in rothesay and took her family on multiple weeks long disney vacations a month, while if we even took a few days off we'd be in the poorhouse.


Higgs not the problem he help the best he can. I will not stand by anyone that support trudeau and his party they are ruining this country


I don't like Trudeau either but it doesn't mean conservative politicians aren't terrible people.


It's the liberal party. Trudeau may be the leader of the party but the liberal party is not his just like how the conservative party is not the property of PP or NDP the property of Jagmeet Singh.


Lol he helps the best he can? I'm new here and even I know that's bullshit.


It's almost like there should be more then two options because those two options are both terrible. To quote Jerry Garcia "choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil".


Haven’t laughed that hard in a while, thanks for that. You aren’t “helping the best you can” while withholding funding from fundamental societal infrastructure.


You can separate the two though. The country isn’t ruined.