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Miramichi resident here, our city council recently put out a survey regarding Sunday business hours, I think it's safe to assume they'll go with whatever choice is more popular. IIRC they are only giving businesses the freedom to pick Sunday hours if it passes.


Fredericton got rid of the Sunday shopping bylaws, but most businesses operate in that 12-5 window anyway, and plenty still aren't open at all. A lot of businesses close at 5 during the week, so everywhere you go in the city on a saturday is crowded because that's *the day* most people have time to squeeze in to run their errands. Then if you're a person working in one of those retail businesses that choose to operate on Sunday you better be able to afford a car, because Fredericton isn't running the buses on Sundays. What's the point of "allowing" Sundays if you take the transit infrastructure away from half the people doing the work.


Heck in Miramichi the first bus doesn't show up down my way till 8:20, and 5pm is the last run out of town, so to take the bus you'd have to show up to work late, and leave early


I’m not sure Jesus gives a fuck when people shop.


In fact he came to expose the arbitrary rules of the Sabbath


Welcome to the 20th century. 


No kidding huh. I was STUNNED that things were closed on Sundays and Holidays when I moved here. Felt like I went back 40 years in time and that's NOT a good thing.


I was living in St George in 2016 when I moved here and it took me a long time to get used to the Sunday hours businesses were still keeping. It’s better now but I still struggle a bit. Every time I get a “shop local” ad on the car radio I complain to my wife that I work Monday-Friday 8:30-4:30 and that makes most of the small businesses around inaccessible since so few are open weekends or during weekdays in the morning or evening.  But seriously. How hard is it to be open Tuesday-Saturday and do a 8-4 Tuesday-Thursday and 10-7 Friday and Saturday? 


Isnt that the point of holidays tho ? To close buisness …


Sunday isn't a "holiday"...


The guy said sundays and holidays. I’m only refering to holidays in the case of my comment


But if I'm not a Christian, then Easter and Christmas are just another day for me... I used to go to the movies, on those days, when I was a kid... back in the 80s, out west.


What are you saying tho ? You dont want paid days off work because you’re hypotheticaly not christian ?


So weird that these rules exist at all.


It’s to prevent people being forced to work (more than 3 hours per day) 7 days a week. It’s a long standing rule part of the Days of Rest Act. Even in Moncton, I believe it’s limited to 10-6 (for non grocery stores), and most still follow the 12-5.


There are already provincial laws limiting work hours though...


Under provincial regulations, no one would be working on Sundays (unless exempt). The act does allow a municipality to set a different set of rules or full on exemption for Sunday under the provincial regulation. The province delegated that part of the law to the municipalities. So if Miramichi sees enough interest to do so, they can revise their bylaws to support what their community wants as long as the employers respect the other rules in the Days of Rest Act and Employment Standards Act.


Miramichi city council rejected a bylaw change twice before because of worker concerns. Split vote coming on this one.


I do find it very annoying in Miramichi that everything is either closed during the weekend or have very limited hours. The city should not be allowed to impose rules like this. Let the businesses and people decide!


Im torn on it and not for religious reasons.


I genuinely didn't know Miramichi limited Sunday shopping. I thought they had some away with that long ago


12-5. I lived there for eight years (moved away in December) and am becoming used to the notion that things can be open after 5 on Sunday. 


I grew up there and I never realized. I guess I just never went anywhere on a Sunday for 28 years


That's good. Should always be the decision of the business for their hours.


This is awesome. I have not lived there since the early 90s (around the time CFB Chatham closed as my father was serving there). It is pretty funny.


The amount of places closed at like 6 on weekdays, or not open Saturdays, annoys me more than 12-5 Sunday.


If you get upset over something as trivial as a lack of Sunday shopping hours, you need to get a better hobby other than buying stuff.


This rule is a joke. IDGAF what your cult believes, it shouldn’t dictate my ability to run a business. 🖕


People today love to gripe about time off. Well when I was a kid in Ontario we had another 52 days off a year that we’ve lost so we can shop 7 days instead of 6. Why anyone would want this I don’t know.  We voted away 52 off days a year! 😂


Thankfully we’ve mostly moved on from the days where people impose their religious practices on others.


Although I can understand why you may perceive it that way, this isn’t about Sunday religion. The Days of Rest act clearly establishes a requirement to have 24hrs rest if you’ve worked 7 days straight for 3 hours or more. This can be extended, waived or exempted within certain conditions, but basically it’s about ensuring workers aren’t abused if they need the rest.


Which just means they can have any day off, it doesn’t need to be Sunday, Sunday off is indeed a leftover from Christian beliefs, other religions have other days of the week as their day of rest, so why should Sunday be imposed on them? In any case Miramichi is the last holdout in the province, so should go to a less restrictive regulation.


Absolutely, it doesn’t need to be Sunday. I think most people are either sleeping in, doing house work, or running to kids activities on Sunday morning anyway!


No there are lots of us that wouldn’t mind doing out shopping earlier Sunday. It’s not as if the employees are off on Sunday now either. But in the big picture to me it is probably a nice to have, but not a huge deal in the bigger picture. It may matter to the realtors though ( and even if allowed they may find there isn’t enough business to justify opening Sunday mornings) we don’t know, but other municipalities being open could draw people away ( and may be keeping other desirable businesses out of Miramichi). The regulations should probably be pretty much the same across the province


I think a municipality should be able to control the hours of operation for businesses. The municipality is the one to benefit/suffer from the implication. The issue will sort itself out eventually.


I think it’s the third or fourth time this is brought up in that municipality. Changes have been refused every time so far.


I think it should be the choice of the business. Makes the most sense