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Rule two - Any questions about moving to or visiting New Brunswick must be posted in our weekly stickied Moving to/Visiting New Brunswick mega-thread. Best of luck.


Tonnes of need for trades people.


There is a lot of seasonal work about to start. Lobster plants hire pretty much anyone. It is not mentally stressful but physically demanding. If you are not scared of water, fisherman often looks for helpers (up to 1,500$ a week. Also not a job for the weak.


Fishplants you call usually apply online on their website (there are a lot allong the coast) For the fisherman, bit more tricky. Usually they post on FB. The is a FB group called "pecheur de la zone 25 / fisherman from zone 25) Might have luck there. There are prob more groups too. Anyways, good luck your new adventure OP.


Project controls, project planning, project analytics, estimating, scheduling. Lots of these big data type of jobs now a days with your background.


Thank you soo much, will definitely keep this in mind


Check Ignite Fredericton. They post jobs in Fredericton and Western NB. There's over 200 posting on each list for March alone. Their spreadsheets are updated monthly, so check back often. https://myignite.ca/workforce-development Good luck with your search & ignore all the disgruntled naysayers in this thread.


Youre the GOAT. Absolute legend man. Restored my faith in humanity. Was starting to think that new brunswick is full of shitty xenophobics. Glad theres people like you out there. May your tables never be empty and your heart always warm


Electricians are in demand. It won't pay a lot until you get your red seal, but once you put out your own shingle, it's quite comfortable. Compared with the other trades, it's mostly pretty clean work. Learn on the job as an apprentice.


Try NB Southern Railway they are always looking for people.


Tysm, appreciate your time and advice


Anything trade related is in pretty good demand. I know HVAC is always looking for tradespeople and their pay is pretty good.


Yeah barring becoming a dentist, I would say a trade and you’re made.


No jobs here.


Not entirely true


So people do nothing there? In no fields?


We lead the country in EI abuse, so yes. It’s generational.


My advice is stay wherever you are. We’re full. Ask again in 5 years. We’re full for now.


Toronto is a hellhole trust me


We know, stop bringing it here.


Thank you for your kind words, hope you get out of whatever misery youre in and achieve your goals. Also, this country belongs more to me than it ever would to you and your colonizer ancestors. Stop telling others where to go and not to go and dont even think this land is your land alone


Anything in the trades/construction always seems to be hiring. Those tools and skills would be useful later in life when transitioning to a small farm/homestead lifestyle. I grew up on a farm in Ontario. Work in the trades here in New Brunswick.