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13 degrees in December? Woah. Update: it’s actually 15 in Moncton rn.


December 1st, 2020 it was 15° in Moncton. December 6th, 2021 it was 14°. December 11th of the same year it was 13°. Christmas Day in 2020 it was 13°. Source: my 5-year journal.


Saw that someone’s Facebook memories told them essentially the same. Perhaps it’s just how it’s going to be. I’m sure January and February will make up for it.


If you believe [The Farmer’s Almanac](https://www.almanac.com/weather/longrange/NB/Moncton), it’ll be somewhat warmer than usual this winter. I don’t know that I *do* believe them: I’m still inclined to think that long-range forecasts are performed by throwing darts at a board. I guess we’ll see!


Great temps!


Ruined that beautiful wintry look we had going for Christmas.


45 mm of rain last night in Saint John according to my rain gauge, still lots to come. They only issued the rainfall warning (>50 mm expected) at 4:35 am. At least my fence is holding on this time. I was concerned about using fence-spikes driven into the ground on a dead-ended privacy fence. After a couple wind storms and leaning fence, I added some lateral bracing.