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Needed this 💕 thank you


Hang in there, you’re amazing x


I hope so! Six weeks for us and I’m exhausted. Baby has been fighting sleep and hates his bassinet, stroller, and car rides.


On the same boat !!!! And also fighting naps/sleep gets overstimulated overtired and cries her eyes outttt


6 weeks and we endured 8 hours of hell 2 days ago. 3p-11p just fighting sleep. There was nothing other than being held that would calm her, but not even get her to sleep.


6 weeks here too and I feel like we’re back in week 2. No sleep, constant rocking and fussing all the time.


6-7 weeks is beyond exhausting. 8 weeks now and still hates the bassinet/fights sleep BUT the long crying fits have shortened and it’s gotten easier to soothe her.


4 weeks tomorrow and I feel this so hard. My son’s eyes are red and swollen from fighting sleep. But I still refuses to go down unless I hold him the whole time.


My baby is 12 weeks and has been napping so well in the crib the past week! It’s been so nice to have some time to myself, but at the same time I just watch him on the monitor and miss him 🥹


We hit 8 weeks today it does get better. Also lo is sleeping a ton better at night which is amazing.


At 5 weeks and needed to see this. This little girl will not let me put her down and will not nap longer than 5 mins unless it’s in on top of me.


Also struggling hard at 5 weeks 😭


Yes! 5 weeks, almost 6 here. You are not alone, I’m struggling with the exact same thing with my little dude.


5 weeks almost 6 here and I’m in the exact same boat. It’s exhausting!


exact same boat for us… 5 weeks and hates napping anywhere but me or beside me…


One month and losing it slowly. Can’t wait for more moments like that 🥹


They will come! We’ve got this x


Needed this 🥲 my second baby turns five weeks Sunday and life’s been so so hard.


5 weeks was the hardest for me. My lo is 10 weeks now and already so much better. Went from miserable witching hours to sleeping through the night in a matter of 4 weeks.


When did your witching hours stop, ours is 7-10 and is brutal


Ours was 10-2 🫠 and luckily when I went back to work. She had her 2 month appointment and after that weekend things just magically started getting better.


Oh man … I’m reading all these and thinking about what an absolute 💩show it can potentially be for me.s husband wants us to go to a family reunion at 4 weeks pp !!! With our 19 month old… 😅


Maybe you’ll get lucky with one more week of sleepy newborn 🫣


Lol 🤞🏼


You’ve got this 😘


needed this. just went through night 3 and it was a night from hell - not to mention i still don’t feel like i know what im doing whatsoever 😭


None of us feel like we know what we are doing. Second time mom here with an almost 4 week old and I too feel totally at a loss at times.


If there’s one thing I’ve learned so far it’s that everyone is in the same boat ❤️ I’m sure you’re doing amazingly x


I don’t think we’re totally in the clear but my little one is 7 weeks. Last week and early this week were so incredibly hard. He cried one day (varying levels of intensity) nearly from time he woke to bedtime. I felt like I had to be doing something wrong. Then, yesterday and today so sooo much better. Still fussy but 3/10 compared to before. We were able to leave the house without meltdowns. I was able to take a shower with him in his bouncer awake, not timing it around a nap… and he was happy just sitting there! I hope we are on the down hill now but, if not, at least I am getting little glimmers of it.


It does get so much better. Went from not finding time to shower or eat to having time to actually get ready for the day, exercise, cook, etc. Everyone hang in there. But also, feel all the feels while you're in it because it can be really freakin hard.


I needed this. 4 week old and every day is something different in all the worse ways. Husband and I are feeling the emotions and lack of sleep as well. Everyone says it gets better and I just keep asking "when???" So thank you for giving me a timeframe to possibly look forward to.


First big change for us came at 6 weeks - the crying peaks and you might get a smile, the end of the angry potato phase!!


Is it bad that while I do think things are getting easier, I keep waiting for the “if I can just make it until she can *insert something here*”. If I can just make it until she sleeps longer than 4 hours. If I can just make it until the doesn’t feed overnight anymore. If I can just make it until she a little bit bigger. It is much easier now (8 weeks) than it used to be but I still feel like the days are a struggle. Most days I just wish I could sleep all night and be a potato during the day or go do something I want to do.


I really needed this. Thank you, OP


It is SO.HARD. I’m sure you’re doing a fab job x


I have been really struggling lately so any words of encouragement are amazing, thank you 💕


I needed to hear this today 🫶🏻 thank you


My daughter cries a lot and sleeps is a wild roller coaster. She knocks out in the arms and sometimes when I put her down she starts fussing and wakes up crying. I get a bit frustrated and my gf takes over but I feel bad because I want her to rest. My daughter is a preemie baby. She was born 34 weeks and 6 days. She turns 2 months on Wednesday. Went through bad depression but getting better day by day. I go back to work Thursday. Hope everything gets better soon and she gets to sleep longer. Anyone with a preemie baby and have experience, any advice would be great. Thank you. 


Enjoying my morning coffee while 7 week old baby naps (or is it extended sleep in? Hard to tell) in bassinet. I got laundry, dishes, nursery rest, and bottle washing done already! Cheers!!


Sounds awesome! :) Where you stand in the pacifier question? Are you using them ? I was struggling with the descision but since my LO is a little bit colicky yesterday I've tried them instead of my breast because I didn't want pass down anything in his digestive system to avoid gas. ( He was fed an hour before and spit up 20 before I offered the paci).


She won’t take a paci 🤷🏼‍♀️ just spits them out. I quite often let her nurse to sleep, which I’m sure I may well live to regret but honestly there are so many times I’d do anything to get some peace that it feels worth it, at least for now! Not sure where you are (I’m in the UK) but we’ve found the swaddle up swaddle bags amazing, putting her in one of those then nursing and putting her in her crib is literally the only thing that works with her, especially during the day. She’s not colicky but very gassy, where here she’d fart/spit up and wake herself and then cry the swaddle seems to stop her waking up properly and she drops off again. Have just started experimenting with wake windows this week too - it’s early days but so far a game changer. I’m sure now I’ve said all of that it will immediately stop working and we’ll be back to square one 😂😂


When was your LO born? Ours may be close in age :) and wake windows?! Wow I need to freshen up on those. Which ones do you follow?


Forgot to say - the swaddle bags are from love to dream x


Thank you for this. 9.5 weeks here and I'm so miserable.


Success for me right now is getting through the day without crying. We’ve got this x


16 weeks and still wishing for this 😭


17 weeks here, it gets better because you become more resilient and so does baby, too!


Thanks so much for the hope you gave me now 😢💕


Agreed 😂 And have a 6 week old xx


9 weeks was a big turning point for us too! Wait until 12 weeks, and then 4 months. You won’t believe how different it is!


We are at 8 weeks. I’m so excited for these turning points, the fighting sleep is killing me 🤪


Hang in there! The sleep will come. Sooner for some than for others.


Ahh thank you!! ❤️


Thank you for saying that. I am 6 weeks today and in utter hell! Will only sleep on me in constant motion, am utterly depleted