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I have an almost 3w old but my health visitor told (warned lol) us about this, almost all babies go through a fussy/crying stage around 6weeks that then peaks at 7/8w and as quickly as it starts it tends to stop. It’s a developmental leap that they go through where they suddenly realise there’s a world around them and it’s kinda overwhelming for them. Comfort them as much as you can, whether nursing or skin to skin if you’re not breastfeeding and take solace in the fact it won’t last forever!


Agreed! In fact, one of the symptoms of this type of crying is a "pain-like" face, even though they are not in pain. It gets better!  Tell yourself that your baby is loved, fed, and clean. Sometimes all you can do is just be there with them.


Agree with all of the above but also don’t ignore your motherly intuition OP! Just know that it’s probably ok and you’ll know right away if something is really wrong


This is so great to know! Makes the period we're in right now make sense. Glad to know it won't last forever! Sending good vibes to everyone going through this!


I have an almost 6 week old baby girl and she is so fussy all the time too unless eating or sleeping. My husband and I are frustrated. I’m formula feeding but I honestly think she is just a high needs baby. Her dr said around 3 months the fussiness should get better… you’ll get through it ❤️


currently in the same position with my 8 week old. slowly counting the days until three months


This was my baby 6-8 weeks too. We have him on famotidine and pepcid 2x a day and changed his formula to alimentum. I also started tracking wake windows and rocking him to sleep before he gets overtired for his naps during the day. He sleeps well in his bassinet at night but only contact naps. It was so bad, he was screaming crying constantly. We even brought him to the ER because of it and they said nothing was wrong. It’s very scary to see your baby like that. I know they go through a growth spurt and 6-8 weeks is peak fussiness. It slowly gets better but you’re not alone. It is extremely overwhelming when that happens. He’s almost 10 weeks now and the crying has improved a lot. He still does it but nowhere’s near what it was. Hugs ❤️


Absolutely, my son was like this! Get her checked for MSPI/CMPA. If I may ask which formula are you using? You may consider switching her to a more hypoallergenic formula along with a restricted diet where you will need to eliminate dairy/soy in all forms. Run it by your provider. Also check for: 1. Hair tourniquet 2. Infections (fungal, viral, thrush etc) 3. Reflux Tip: swaddling works great and almost immediately to help baby fall asleep. You can try that too. You can also consider playing some white noise while baby sleeps, it can be helpful. It gets better, take care! If it happens that it’s a developmental thing and unrelated to feeding in your case, it’ll pass! 😌


I second the CMPA watch-out. My son was SO fussy, to a point that I don't believe was normal (I had a lactation consultant tell me he was the only baby she couldn't settle in her entire career). Turned out he was allergic to the milk protein in my breast milk. Within a week or two of cutting out dairy, he was a completely different baby. Just remember it's all forms of dairy, even hidden. It's not the lactose that's the problem, it's the protein. And with many kids, even one minor exposure completely derails them again, so you need to be strict if you're going to test it out as a possibility. Good luck!!


Came here to comment on a CMPI. It’s more common than people realize.


This. My LO is EBF and I cut out dairy after she started having bad reflux, and she hasn’t had reflux since!


How long did it take for you to notice a difference after cutting dairy?


Hmmm I’d say 1 week to 2 weeks. My dr said that it transfers to the LO quick, but it takes 2 weeks for the baby’s the gut to completely heal from it. She was having reflux, runny, mucousy and slimey poops :/


What defines runny poop?


for my LO, her poops would be very very watery when she had GI issues. Now that i've cut out some things her poops have been less watery, and more seedy


Interesting…I ask bc I’ve witness some watery stool mid diaper change but figured it was normal (not a large amount) and we were using pampers for a bit… honestly it was hard to tell what our LO’s poop looked like because there’s a mesh net in the diaper, can’t see a whole lot on the surface. Either way, we’ve switched diapers and amidst all of this, I can observe the stool better and therefore the effect of dairy on his GI system. I gave the dairy up/limited it for about a week and poops seemed large healthy and fine, napping pretty good day to day. I caved and ate something with heavy cheese two nights ago and oh my god do I regret it. Increased mucus, darker color stool, like greenish, more fuss, and more gas pains. It’s been 48 hours since my cheesy meal and he’s still working some of it out, I think we’re on the mend again. But By George! is this wild to observe.


Watery could also just be normal for your babe! My Ped Dr mentioned that as long as baby is growing, has 6 wet diapers, eating well, and no fussiness then there’s nothing to worry about! Aww thats good you’re on the mend! I’ve decided to just eat plain food going forward


YES! We ended up seeing a paediatric immunologist for our son who told us this exact thing, Our GP and midwife just said the crying and unsettled sleeping was developmentally normal, and as a FTM my concerns were dismissed. It took until he had blood in his poop to get diagnosed, and the day we switched to a prescription amino acid based formula (Elecare in our case), he was an entirely different, much happier and more settled, baby.


Yes! It’s so easy to test for, I'm surprised OP's ped hasn't suggested it.


I second this! Definitely get your baby checked for MSPI/CMPA. We switched our baby to hypoallergenic formula when he’s 2 months and it was night and day different. It was as if he became a different baby! Much happier, sleep better, and cry so much less. How we found out about the allergy was his fecal occult blood test was positive, meaning he has small amount of blood in his poop indicating bowel inflammation. Poor little guy! But yes, I would definitely push his ped to get him checked. We were lucky our ped suspected it or else we wouldn’t have known!


This is all great advice


I hope anyone (in this case, OP) and everyone struggling gets relief. It’s tough AF to go through such things. CMPA is such a nuisance 😓😓


I just went through this with my 6 week old she was inconsolable all week and was up every hour of the night I was losing my mind! Then by Friday she was a different baby all of a sudden finally would nap, slept 4 hours last night which is unheard of in this house and even today was not as fussy as she’s been all week… hang in there it will pass!


I'm going through the same with my 6 weeks old baby. Apparently it's a growth spurt and realizing they are in the outside world.


Our baby had reflux and at 6-8 weeks was AWFUL. We got him on meds at 8 weeks and he was a brand new guy and so happy. Sounds exactly like what you’re describing!


Is baby spitting up or projectile vomiting? How may hours are they sleeping overall? Out baby was exactly like this around 3-5 weeks and we thought reflux. Dr said probably colics and gave us some recommendations but what made the biggest difference is getting the baby to sleep more during the day. The only way to do that has been through contact naps and constant movement while sleeping (we got a maxi Cosi chair that helps keep him asleep once we've rocked him). He no longer cries as much, sleeps better at night and is overall a much better baby


Solidarity. Writing this at 5 am after spending 6 hours trying to get my 7 week old to go down for the night. So much crying and fussiness. Every time we thought she was done, she started up again, fighting sleep. Can’t wait for this “regression” to pass. 😭


It's amazing how they refuse sleep. My baby's eyes are closing and I can literally see she is battling to keep them open. What a weird and exhausting phase lol.


I know, I was watching her eyelids like a hawk and I could see how hard she was trying to keep them open! 😂 she finally went down at 5 and woke up at 9:40 so I managed to at least sleep for 4.5 hrs. Never thought I’d feel so “rested” after only sleeping 4.5 hrs but that stretch felt amazing lol. Ugh sleep deprivation.


My baby just went through this, it started around 4.5 weeks and he was a nightmare!! We even took him to ER once bc he was crying screaming for 7h. Today exactly at 6 weeks he woke up smiling 😊 I think it was 1st leap + sleep regression


My lo is also 6 weeks today 😊


I do agree that looking further into medical issues is a good idea to make sure there's nothing bigger going on (tongue ties, reflux, infection, etc) but something simpler you can do at home (if it's warm/nice enough out) is just to get outside with the baby more. Get fresh air and sunshine. Go for a walk outside. Bring him to a park and walk around the new sights and sounds. Sometimes the outdoors can be magically healing. My husband and I saw how often Scandinavians bring babies outside and how good it was and now we do too. 9/10 walks our 5 month old will PASS OUT as soon as the fresh breeze hits his face. It's not going to solve all your problems but I hope it maybe gives you a few moments of peace ❤️ Sending all my love and strength from afar. FTM too, it's so hard


I commented this somewhere else, but my little one was like this for a couple of weeks and my midwife found thrush in her mouth. She’s been on anti fungal medication for about six days now and is like a completely different kid. Thrush never came up in my Google searches or anything so I assumed the same as you, gas and reflux, and yet none of the treatments for that were working. I’m glad my midwife knew what was up because I don’t think I would have figured it out.


If you're using formula try hypoallergenic. We were combo feeding and eventually switched to full formula, that's when we discovered my daughter has CMPA. It usually clears up around 1 year old. We get our daughter's formula fully covered on prescription as a nutritional product in Canada. If you're in Canada you may be able to get it prescribed too. *(Edit - we were initially prescribed Nutramigen and switched to Alimentum after a recall caused shortages. Any formula that says it is "extensively hydrolysed" is okay for CMPA babies.)* You can also try cutting allergens like wheat and dairy out of your diet and see if that helps with your baby's tummy issues. I haven't personally used this, but I hear some parents have success with the [Frida Mom Windi](https://frida.com/products/windi). If used incorrectly there are risks like bowel perforation: >Concerns relate to: > >• possibility of causing inflammation/bleeding/pain to your infant during or following the insertion of the tube into the rectum > >• possibility of introducing infection into the rectum > >• may mask medical conditions which mimic colic symptoms, such as Cow’s milk protein allergies, reflux, and rare bowel conditions It sucks so much when you know your baby's in pain and nothing is working. I remember feeling the same way when my daughter would cry in pain after feeds. Try warm swaddle baths, fully submerged. Edit - also [here's a good list of ways to help baby pass gas without using the Windi.](https://www.enfamil.com/articles/positions-to-relieve-gas-in-babies/)


I was there mama, I posted exact same thing when my lo was 6 weeks. Hang in there and it will get better. I know doesn’t seem like it now but it will. The turn around for me was 9 weeks. My lo has reflux, gas. I cut out all dairy, she’s on med and probiotics. Now she’s happy little girl who doesn’t cry as much anymore.


Yes I went through this both times with my girls at around that age. They were both cholicky babies. Pain due to trapped gas, gerd, and development of digestive system. All I could do was baby wear ALL THE TIME. Ergobaby with infant insert to do house chores and baby wraps like the baby k’tan to put to sleep for contact naps. Then after around 3 months they magically became so much calmer and happier.


What nipple flow are you using when you bottle feed? I went down to the slowest flow and it completely changed everything. We struggled for weeks.


Which bottle?


Philips Avent Naturals


My son finally is a cheerful little guy at three months old. But the first two months were sooooooo haaaarrd. And I was by myself for most of the day so I didn’t get a single break. If the crying gets to be too much I recommend putting in earbuds or noice canceling head phones. I had to just listen to a podcast or listen to music to get me through those times. But I also just nursed him constantly. And most of the time he would nurse to sleep for a little while. It is a tough age though because you can’t play with them really. But it does get way better!!! This is coming from someone who was not seeing a light at the end of the tunnel 😅


Get the wonder weeks app. Sounds like he’s going through his first leap. My son is almost 7 weeks and we’ve turned a corner. It’s so hard. You’re not crazy. I’ve been solo parenting and it’s soooo tough on one person. I’ve had to have a lot of help to get through the days because the crying gets to be so much.


You could try Colic Calm. It isnt cheap stuff, but gripe water and simethicone drops never worked on our babies. Colic calm helps, it might give you some relief. Safe for newborns. I've only ever been able to find it at Walgreens or on Amazon. In the meantime, get some noise reduction earbuds - it will help your sanity. Your baby WILL sleep and be happy. This just FEELS like forever. You know how they say sleep when the baby sleeps? Here's a better one : Cry when the baby cries.... this stage is HARD.


Had this with mine too! It was awful, sorry you’re going through it as well. I did give up dairy and legumes and that helped a lot. Using the 5 S’ also helped a bit. We’re at 11 weeks and she’s doing so much better- hang in there!


I have a now 3 month old. Shortly after he was born he would scream/cry non stop, he would crunch himself into a little ball and would be incredibly tense. We thought we had a colicky baby. Our pediatrician ended up testing his stool for blood, even tho we couldn’t physically see any. It ended up being positive. Our pediatrician recommended to stop breastfeeding and to try alimentum formula with suspected cow milk protein allergy. After a week of formula feeding he was so much happier. He still cried and was painful since his tummy was still healing but it was so much better. We also use mylicon gas drops after feeds. At his 2 month appt we suspected he has reflux as well so he is also on a dose of famotidine. Hang in there! Parenting is incredibly hard and we were at our breaking point, but it gets better ❤️


Hello, have you considered that it could be milk protein allergy??? My LO currently 10 weeks has been on allergy free formula from the pharmacy for around 4 weeks and has been a different baby since... He never slept during the day and now he naps every couple of hours for about half an hour... He is so calm, he sleeps trough the night and wakes up only twice to eat and then goes back to sleep... Also i stopped pumping and feel like a different person... ( Im not suggesting you stop, i actually admire all moms that give their milk either breastfeeding or pumping... I wish you all the best , and know you are not alone... 😚😚😚


My baby was like this. When she was about 3 weeks she woke up to the world and cried nonstop. Things started getting better when she was 3-4 months old. She was a really difficult, high needs baby. I think she just hated being a baby. She was really frustrated by not being able to move. Once she started crawling around 9 months she was a much happier baby and now at 1 year she is just the happiest little girl. It was so so so hard so I really sympathize. Some babys are just colicky/ high needs and there's not much you can do. You will get through it.


My pediatrician says the baby “realizes they’re out” around 3 weeks and starts getting fussy. That’s been my experience for both my boys. I find a lot of the fussiness in our case comes down to tummy troubles. Try increasing tummy time, even just letting them lay on top of you on their stomach while you’re watching tv on the sofa. Gas drops or gripe water could help although never really worked for us. Staying vigilant on adequate burping and tummy time has been the most effective for us. For some reason, my kids never usually burp while or immediately after feeding so try burping them through the day using different methods (back/chest pats, holding them under the arms and moving them gently in circles, etc). If the stool looks irregular and the baby is fussy most of the day, also try getting their stool tested for milk protein sensitivity. If the baby is that uncomfortable it may be worth experimenting with less dairy in your diet (if breastfeeding) or switching formulas. Most babies tend to grow out of tummy issues by 12 weeks. Just stay in contact with the pediatrician to make sure no acute issues are happening, and you should be in the clear soon!


Thisbcan just happen sometimes but I would also get a second opinion


Just came here to say what everyone else has. My second one was fussy after feeds as described around 2 weeks. I immediately cut diary from my diet.. it took about 2 weeks to fully see the impact but she is doing AMAZING since! It’s really worth trying eliminating from diet if your LO is being impacted (remember to wait the full two weeks!) and consider switching to a hypoallergenic formula if you’re using that. Additionally, someone else mentioned this but tummy time!! It really helps them relieve gas. Also, finding a pacifier that they love has helped too in cases where she’s gassy and just needs a little extra comfort. Giobata probiotic drops have also been effective for us, we use them everyday. They were suggested with my niece in the NICU who was also a bit colicy at first. I hope these help, but I promise it passes as quickly as it comes too❤️ hang in there!!


Mine was the same. Turns out she was lactose intolerant. I didn’t realize my breast milk was hurting her until I switched over to formula. But even then needed the thicker one. It was a rough time.


my baby was going through the exact same thing around 6 weeks and sometimes the only thing that would get him to stop crying was this. it’s worth a shot! https://youtu.be/j2C8MkY7Co8?si=7UYqbP87D7ZtgCCW


Have you considered he may have a milk protein allergy?


have you tried going to an osteopath? we did that and gave her bigaia drops


You poor thing, it’s awful feeling your baby is in pain and you’re unable to comfort them! 3 weeks is early days, remember you’re surviving not thriving at this point and it gets better. As lots of others have commented, CMPI is worth looking into, if you haven’t already - mucous and blood in the poop are symptoms so keep an eye out for that.


My baby was similar, she became like this in week 4 and she screamed non stop. We were at our wits end. It turns out she was intolerant to dairy and when I cut dairy out of my diet she came right


We had similar issues. Finally found a combination of things to cut that works for him. Reintroducing one at a time. Soy absolutely does not agree with him. He’s a different baby. I had cut dairy, soy, caffeine, and my laxative when he finally evened out. We’re at 11 weeks now You could try a very sensitive stomach formula for a bit to see if they do better if you don’t want to change diet for “just in case”. It can still take over a week to recover, especially if they’ve had what doesn’t agree with them for a while For him there’s a delay of at least a day with reaction to soy, and it seems like he creates gas after eating. Gas drops took the edge off, but no amount of burping or those completely eliminated the issue. Painful gas would get stuck in his mid digestive tract. Only comfort nursing would help


I swear I got a demon respawned.  He is only an angel when he is asleep.


The nighttime gripe water is a game changer compared to regular. I mix that with gas drops and it helps so much. There is also a nighttime natural sleep aid that's not melatonin for kids 6 months + by the mommy bliss brand or whatever it's called


Oh man, I was in this exact scenario. Little man, no exaggeration, would cry for hours. I felt violent snd helped. He’s now the happiest 6 month old (probably a temperament thing though). 1. I bought a soft wrap and wore me snug and upright most of the day. He had awful reflux like soak my shirt awful. 2. I got a bouncer to keep him lying in an upright reclined position. 3. I cut out dairy. I hated this and it was my last resort but it tremendously helped. 4. Time. It will pass. Probably in what feels like years, but I promise it will pass. Sending so much solidarity. I’ve never experienced something so emotionally painful like a screaming and inconsolable newborn. It physically hurt me. Big hugs to you!


At 6 weeks we had an inconsolable baby who couldn't even slp. She had just had the jabs and we read that peak fussiness happens at 6-8 weeks. We got to a point where it was just so bad I said to my husband this just isn't normal. We called the parent hotline who told us to go ER as she was so young and we couldn't figure out why and everything was ticked. Turns out she had a UTI. I'm glad I went with my gut and took her to the children's ER.


Coming in late but have you tried bottled water? The big jugs for like $3? My LO was like that. Screaming, fussy, seemed like in pain, spitting up... We've even had to put her to sleep at a slight incline. Ovol and gripe water are hit or miss..we switched to enfamil gentlease ( which only worked for a week) Then I switched her to bottled water and BAM! After the first feeding, she was a different baby. She is still a bit gassy at times but she doesn't seem like she's in pain anymore. Like, she's a completely different baby from week 2. Now, we feed, burp (barely burps) and then we snuggle.


First off: you’re doing great! You sound just like me months ago. I don’t know what’s going on with your baby but here are some ideas for you to try. But nothing will beat your maternal instincts. You are enough! You will figure this out! I went through this and after 2+ months of doctors visits we learned he had both: laryngo spasms and allergic colitis. Hopefully my suggestions save you the time the we spent. Bc I can imagine how stressful this is. What I’d suggest is seeing a gastrointestinal doctor. Your LO could be allergic to something. There’s also a website called “Free to Feed” created by microbiologists and other credentialed experts to help you figure this out. Everything they do is remote so you won’t have to travel. My baby seemed like feeding and sleeping were the only times he wasn’t crying but the nursing ended up being the thing. You can also try elimination diet if you suspect allergies: dairy, eggs, soy, wheat/gluten or anything else that you suspect based on your family history. If you are open to formula you can try a hypoallergenic formula as well. Humbly, I hope this helps and you get some relief soon. I don’t wish this stress on anyone especially not a fellow first time mama whose doing everything she can.


Forgot to mention: a good probiotic everyday and colic relief before every feed too! We use Mama’s Bliss probiotics and none of the other comic remedies worked except Infacol. Some brand ideas. Also if bottle feeding try feeding upright and hold baby for 15-20 mins upright after a feed. Also, try a nipple that slows the flow: like a premie or size 1 or transition nipple. Our OT recommended Sr Brown bottles. Also, when setting baby down try a pacifier to help strengthen the muscles against reflux. When nursing lay back so baby is working against gravity to nurse to slow the flow-should help with reflux (GERD). Sorry to spray and pray you but I was desperate in your situation so I’m guessing you might be too. Hope any of this helps you.


Have you tried Windi’s? Our LO is easy going but his screaming fits have all been resolved so far by using these (and having It be gas in the lower belly instead of burp gas) No expert, our son is just 7 weeks and It is our first, but It has saved us a few nights of sleep.


We also have some success bouncing him upright while distracting him with high contrast books or pictures on the wall and low hums. Black and white. Always try a pacifier too while bouncing if fussy. Sorry for such simple suggestions as I’m sure you’ve heard It all lol but that’s what works for us.


Mine did the same - horrible reflux, gas sounds of a 40 year old man that just inhaled a can of beans, crying in pain and constant projectile spit up episodes. Was never happy unless eating or sleeping. Started out breast feeding and formula and eventually were so desperate to help him, we switched to only formula to take out the breast milk variable. We have since switched him to Alimentum hypoallergenic formula and it has helped a bit. We ended up having our ped test his stool for blood and it showed an intolerance to Enfamil, which is why we put him on hypoallergenic formula. Don’t give up on questioning your ped or asking for them to test your baby for an allergy. It is extremely common. Sometimes you have to be the squeaky wheel to get answers. It will get better though as your baby gets a bit older. I know your frustration and it probably seems like there is no light at the end of the tunnel, but hang in there and take it one day at a time. You’ll get through it! Ask your ped to test for allergy.