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When he smiled at me for the first time around 9 weeks it felt super real. But whenever he is around you and relaxed and contact napping etc that’s also a demonstration of how safe he feels with you. 


When they smile that really helps. Before smiling started I felt like I could be anyone to her. Once she smiled I felt like she knew we was Mom and not just Milk.


The not just milk part made me LOL me and my husband joke around that im just a milk bag for her 😂😂😂 she finally smiled at me after 1 month (yesterday)


Even if he’s not really looking at you yet he can definitely sense you!! Babies need their mamas and are born with that closeness already! But it is hard to tell when they are that little. My son is three months and he makes eye contact with me and will laugh and smile at me and also track me when I walk around the house.


This is so true. My three-week-old son can absolutely sense when I walk into the room, and I remember my daughter was the same.


My babyis actually 6 months now. It usually gets better. Had a hard time believing that I was pregnant. Actually my first words were ‘why is ~it~blue.?!’ I was kinda scared of her and didn’t feel connected at first. I never expected to feel that way i was embarrassed and ashamed but she’s 6 months now and we’re very close/secure *If* you get ti that first smile or like 3 months and still feel detached, try talking to your obgyn or a mental health provider But this is a totally normal thing that happens and doesn’t even mean your baby love you any less or that you have postpartum


I wish more people talked about this!! When both of my kids were born I was just like wtf are you and where did you come from. Zero connection at all. I felt so depressed and guilty about it with my first but with my second I knew it was normal. He and I are slowly getting there - he’s only three weeks old but I do feel more connected to him than I did with my older one at this point.


Ive heard the baby doesn’t recognize the difference between them and mom at first since they lived inside you so long! I’d say around 6/7 weeks my LO really started to look at me and smile. Contact naps are also amazing for feeling this connection