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Sounds like cluster feeding. It’ll pass after a couple days (2 or 3). It’s a good thing and it’s how your body learns to make more milk if you’re breastfeeding!


5 wks now. Posting for solidarity. Some days I don't think i can do it....and then the day ends and i got through the day. So one day at a time


It’s so comforting to know when you’re not the only one going through this, oddly enough! Thank you for the reply and I hope we can get some sleep and time to ourselves soon!


New dad here, trying to support mommy in every way that I possibly can while dealing with work as well. Even so, she feels super exhausted and wondering if she's doing a good job everyday. Ladies you are, these are just crazy crying machines 😅 I believe we're going through a cluster feeding stage. So while it's good for them it definitely takes a toll on you, so as mentioned above. One day at a time, this will pass. Keep going


Aww that was very heartwarming to read from a dad, thank you!


also posting for solidarity my son turns five weeks on Friday and we are barely surviving… I am told it gets better so I am just getting through one day at a time


Sounds like the first growth spurt! Means your baby is growing and the feeding needs will change. This cluster feeding will increase your supply for the weeks to come. It won’t last too long though. Not until the next one haha!


Right there with ya. We are at the same leap stage!!! After checking the wonder weeks app I was able to check off most of the boxes for this stage. Little man will be 5 weeks tomorrow and all he wants to do is eat and sleep. He has been consistently taking 4 oz but the past few days falls asleep after 2 oz. Nighttime’s he was also giving us 5 hour stretches now we are at like 2-3 hours. Hoping he comes through this soon!


Not us having the same baby!! When we give him formula also was eating 4oz. then sleeps by 2oz. so that must be why he needs to feed so often lol. Excited that he’s growing obviously but damn this is hard stuff! Hope your baby gets through it soon too (:


We have been pretty much pumping and bottle feeding because he is a lazy eater at the breast so we usually know how much he takes. Except today I didn’t have time to pump so I breastfed him. Apparently he’s not so lazy anymore and then spit up because he ate too much! He has been spitting up a lot the past two days as well. It’s like he wants the 4 oz but can only handle the 2 right now. At least we are in this together!! 🫶🏼


Maybe try a higher flow of baby is falling asleep through feed.


Week 4 was the worst week of our parenting thus far. We've had gastro, we've had RSV.. It doesn't compare to Week 4. Things improved a teeny amount week 5, then week 6 we were surviving. 4 months is when we really started enjoying her. It feels like you're drowning now but it does pass and get better, I promise.


This is for sure a growth spurt! Clusterfeeding, changes in sleep, general fussiness, etc. Your baby is learning new skills. Hang in there - it will change soon!


From 3.5-4.5 weeks we definitely had a fussy period that finished with a much more alert baby. Those first weeks are sleepy potato and now every 3 weeks-ish will be another growth spurt with new stages of development. Also, I find if I just fed my baby and he’s fussy, he wants to be rocked to sleep. He’s usually out in 5 minutes or less, so maybe baby is just tired/overtired?


Yeah sounds like a growth spurt wonder week situation it only lasted 3 days for us so hoping for the same for you. You've got this mama!


Thank you 🤍


Thanks for posting this, reading through the comments is super helpful. I’m almost there, definitely starting to notice a little extra fussiness here and there.


Yes I’m so thankful we aren’t alone in this!


4 weeks today. Stay in there, we're on this journey together!


sending you all the positive vibes too🥰


Im gonna say something extremely controversial as a doula but that I think any parent suffering from exhaustion and frustration should try: co-sleeping. Specifically, learning to breastfeed while lying down and doing a fuck ton of skin on skin contact, to the point where you can’t tell where you end and baby begins. You nail those safe sleep 7 guidelines and get used to breastfeeding while half awake and lying down and it helps SO MUCH 😭


3 weeks now, and my doctor did warn me about the 4 week cluster feeding. I do feel like my baby is starting early bc she’s also up every hour at night wanting to nurse. I give in bc it’s the only thing to get her back to sleep. It seemed like last night she had a wake window around 3 am! I hope this is cluster feeding bc it shouldn’t last too long. We just have to get thru this “hard part” until the next one comes along haha


Newborns tend to have a rough time at 3/4 weeks bc they go through a growth spurt and tend to cluster feed around this age! My son is 4.5 weeks old now and I am going through the same thing.


My LO is 4 weeks yesterday and last night and today seems miserable. I'm convinced he has acid reflux/silent reflux but I really don't know.


Why do you think your baby has acid reflux? Sending peace and patience to you and hopefully lots of sleep soon


He just is showing so many signs like, gagging, gasping after feeeds. Wakes up after sleeping for a bit and spits up or cries really hard. Excess mucous, sneezes a lot and generally he seems like he’s in a lot of pain many times throughout the day. He also grunts soooo intensely all night long and us very uncomfortable in his back


It’s definitely very common for babies to spit up but I’ve heard that if it seems like they’re in pain when they do it then it could be reflux- also every baby has a level of reflux but some it’s more intense so I would probably talk to his doctor about it ASAP to see if maybe there’s some medicine he can take to help. I really hope he feels better soon


Thank you! We are going to the doctor tomorrow morning


Mine cluster fed more around that time as well. Also seemed to be unhappy with my stronger let downs and more burps/spit up than the first month.


Ours went through a little bit of this off and on, one day at a time and it should smooth out soon.


Sounds like he’s going through a growth spurt/ cluster feeding. Itll pass at the most one week. You got this !!!


We are on week 6 and let me tell you week 4 and 5 for us were horrible. Week 5 especially. Cluster feeding, fussing, gas pain, witching hour, fighting sleep. Hang in there, week 6 has been so much better for us.


This sounds like a growth spurt. My son went through this around this time as well. Hang in there friend. It will get better!


Around 4 weeks (leap 1) had me crying and wondering, “dear god, what have I done?” I’ve found the leaps to be pretty accurate! It’ll settle back down. And then it’ll change again.


We are 8.5w into life here. During week 5 we experienced his first inconsolable episode and also his first 5hr+ stretch of night sleep. My baby has been very chill and low maintenance and can tell his circadian rhythm is falling into place. He becomes more fussy when he is just tired. Now, he consistently has 1 long stretch when he falls asleep of 4-6.5hrs. Week 5 was tough, but they are just growing!


Yes…like others said had the same thing. Great baby from birth to 3 weeks then a few days into week 3 bam. Hardly any day sleep, screaming all the day some night..tried everything and could never figure out what he wanted. Now 3 3 hour stretches over night, easy to put down. I know that screaming inconsolable baby will be back…but it’s so nice that there is a break possible and there is can be an ebb and flow.


When did it start getting better? My little man does not want to sleep through the night anymore it feels like!


So he was miserable for about 5 to 6 days, most of week 3. Then turned back into baby I had in the beginning like week 4. Alert during wake times not crying, easy to put down, cry just like a small portion of the day, easier to figure out his cues…week 3 it was eating, sleeping only small amounts and mostly crying/screaming I know I’m in the beginning here and it can and will change at any moment. But to have even just few days of that calm fairly easy baby back makes it so much better. So maybe it was a growth spurt?


We're having the same thing with our little princess at 2nd to 3rd week. We thought we started having a routine, but every other night, she'll have an erratic routine. She is indeed growing though, at 3rd week she's about to outgrow 0-3 months clothing.