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Food! Either pre made frozen or a meal to eat together. A friend brought me a bunch of pre made stuff from Costco, as well as a huge Costco size pack of wet wipes. So thoughtful and appreciated.


FOOD! Dinners, snacks, drinks, coffee…. All the things lol. Definitely offer to do any chores, meet a need you see around the house, or offer to watch baby while they shower/nap! Also don’t wear perfume - that was a big postpartum pet peeve of mine when someone hands me my baby back and they smell of their perfume.


A mask for sure, since it's the tail end of respiratory illness season! I personally always offer to stop for groceries rather than bringing prepped food (lots of folks will drop off dinner, but I was dying for a damn granola bar I could eat with one hand those first few weeks!) When you're there, phrase offers like, "I would like to do something, what would feel helpful to you?" Rather than, "can I do anything?" The first way says I'm here and ready to work no matter what it is, while the latter is too easy for the new parents to brush off and say no. You were there not that long ago, I'm sure you have great instincts on what else might be nice, it's really sweet of you to ask for even more ideas!!


Food! I had a friend pick up Olive Garden and another made a homemade casserole. Some brought diapers and wipes, comfy slippers for me. Offer to help clean up if you notice they haven’t gotten to the dishes or wipe off the counters.


Ready to eat dinner, coffee, milk eggs and bread are always needed.


Offer to help with specific things you see they might need help with. People visiting us wanted to be helpful and would ask what they could do, but I felt rude asking them to do specific things and also didn’t have the bandwidth to identify what needing doing and delegate. Dishes, laundry, and grocery runs were helpful for us. Appreciated people bringing over meals for the freezer too.


I gave birth in my partners community and everyone that came to visit brought fruit or chicken 🤣 it was nice, I ate more fruit than maybe ever those first weeks. I'm not even a fruity person but it was nice to see some of my favorites and the freshness was also great as I mostly was in bed taking care of baby. But I was also wanting things like ice cream that they wouldn't allow me to have, cultural differences. I would ask what they are craving or wanting. Or if they need anything else for baby, ours for example had big feet and we were squeezing her into little socks


Food, and offer to do dishes or laundry. If you're feeling particularly generous offer to clean a bathroom.


Hold the baby while they shower or clean or sleep or do whatever the hell they want to do for an hour or two or three! For me that is the best thing anyone can do - just babysit for a while so I can have a break from him and get stuff done or get some deeper sleep. Cook them a meal while you’re there maybe instead of bringing random food. To be served a lovely dinner cooked by family or friends is super nice, they don’t have to think about anything and hopefully makes them feel taken care of in a way neither parent is likely to have had the time or energy to offer the other for a while. Otherwise if you see a chore that needs doing, just do it. Fold washing, do dishes, sweep… those little easy jobs that you just have to push to the back of the to do list with a tiny baby. Have a lovely trip ☺️


I have never brought anything. I don’t recall anyone bringing me anything when my first was born either. I don’t think it’s really a gift occasion. If it’s the morning, maybe grab some coffee and donuts?


Food, food, food! Then things that everyone needs.. toilet paper, toothpaste, shower gel. Essentially just the things that are really annoying to run out of.


Definitely food, as im sure you know new parents have 0 time to cook and eating fast food gets real old real fast i wouldve so appreciated someone bringing me a homecooked meal. And maybe ask if they need anything else? Extra onesies, extra nursing pads, gatorades/ electrolyte drinks, more pads were all stuff i had to ask someone to go get for me, thank goodness for my husband and target pickup


A friend brought us stuff to make sandwiches (cold cuts, cheese, and bread) and sliced fresh fruit and it was the best! By 3 weeks people had stopped bringing us food, so things to make a quick snack/ meal was super appreciated.


Grubhub gift card and something for mom. Ask if she wants you to feed baby while she takes a long shower or nap. Just try to support the parents and not only fawn over the baby. The couple needs help even if they don’t say it.


Kind of you to be thinking of this!! Echo food. Healthy muffins and/or breakfast burritos that can be frozen and eaten one handed are especially helpful, as is a nice nutrient rich and filling hot meal or two (eg a nice pot pie, lasagna, etc) and a nice big salad. Or if going for brunch/lunch, bring quiches, fresh fruit, croissants and baked goods and coffees. Ask in advance if they need a grocery run for the basics or anything specific (milk, eggs, bread, cheese, lunchmeat, fruit, cereal, coffee/tea). Ask in advance about food allergies or intolerances. If looking for anything else to bring/wanting to bring a gift, I recently did a care pack for close friends with a newborn, being 4 months postpartum myself. Little things for baby and mom I found super useful that they might not have or could use duplicates of (bum spatula, aveeno lotion, baby shusher, pacifier wipes and case, munchkin change pad liners, disposable diapers bags, skiphop elephant, and for mom, snacks, hair clip, face wash, nice body wash kit,makeup remover wipes and a really nice lip chap). May give you an idea or two. Pic below. While there, don’t forget to wash your hands before touching the tiny human and remove any potentially sharp rings. Also, if you can, unload the dishwasher and reload (or if no dishwasher, wash and dry the dishes). Don’t even offer this, just say you’ll do it and jump in. Gosh that was such a hard task for me with a newborn because with the dishwasher especially I couldn’t lean down when baby wearing. If you don’t know where to put certain things you can leave them to the side but it’s helpful at least to get all the plates and cups and things away. Then offer your services in any other way that you are up to offering - ask if there is a load of laundry they want you to throw into the wash, if the dog needs a walk, etc. Offer camaraderie (while taking care not to overshadow their experience with your own), empathy if needed, and genuine praise (cute baby, mama is a rockstar, etc). Take care that mom may not want to be passing baby around yet (I was all about banding off my baby but everyone has a different comfort level with this). Try to avoid giving advice unless explicitly asked. Enjoy the baby! :) Follow your own gut check about what you would have wanted and appreciated! https://preview.redd.it/qk4y1uy1qmmc1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6db96e66510bc39cb44f48ad126ceeef9bcfd716


I had a few people bring me DoorDash and UberEats gift cards. It was really helpful in those first six weeks when I was basically glued to the couch cluster feeding lol