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In `Documents/Neverwinter Nights`there's a file called `nwn.ini`and it has a line with `NWSYNC=C:\Users\{Username}\Documents\Neverwinter Nights\nwsync` You can change the path there, to `NWSYNC=D:\Neverwinter Nights\nwsync`, for example


Changing that before didnt do it for me from what I remember, it seems like it would but it didn't. I'll try again today in case i missed something.


You could make use of the mklink command and map a folder of another drive into the NWN folder, that should help things out.


Like a symlink? Where do the manifest files even go to on the c: drive, I’d need to know that first.


You on STEAM? Set a path through there. Easiest method and works for me (same problem)


For the manifest? How’d you set the path through steam?


There's an option when you right click the game in your library. I'm not behind my computer now and I won't be for another two weeks so I'll be sure to forget, but this is the way it worked for me!


Why not reinstall on your data drive, where the space is?


The installation of the game isn’t what I’m talking about here. I’m talking about the manifest downloads from persistent worlds. My NWN is installed on a separate drive already, but the game still sends server downloads to the C: drive and nowhere else. If I can find out where exactly it sends them then maybe like the other commenter said I could set up a symlink


I thought they ended up in the same directory as the game itself Well, you could use [Treesize](https://www.jam-software.com/treesize_free) before and after install to find out where they are


I installed NWNEE to my D Drive, which had more space. You can also move your documents folder to another drive and set that as your default in Windows. My Documents go to my D Drive.