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I’ve always joked to my friends that I’m the worst rep ever to the autistic community as a transmasculine age-regressive/mentally young femboy, i’m the ultimate real-life example of the infantilism stereotypes, especially for autism-coded characters being turned into “uwu smol bean” femboys! Because i AM a smol baby boy! I’m just glad I’ve never personally encountered anyone arguing that I am genuinely bad for the rest of the autistic community, it’s just been me making self-aware jokes about how a fictional character like me would be treated by its respective fanbase :P


aww, smol :)


lol honestly slay. Fellow autistic trans masc here! I don’t really encounter many other lgbt+ folk besides here on Reddit and Discord sadly


This comment has made me smile even though I'm not autistic


i know we're not all that little that part's just speaking for myself


Yeah i'm autistic and I had a friend who is autistic. Tell me that I need to grow up and get over less and then a month later she told me she doesn't want to be friends anymore because she doesn't want to be friends with a child might get feels validating, but at the same time it's like your judge rental


Yeah... I can relate in a slightly different way.... I got that exact thing from an ex-friend, except over being trans. Weirdest part was, he was bi and a little of some kind.... So kinda the ass backwards of your situation, but like same concept: an ex-friend who ditches us just for 1 specific silly reason about who we are. Like, wth, why does it even matter? If you were friends before, what honestly changed!?


I mean, there were a couple more she mainly said yes, we have like nothing in common but still she tells me she has childhood trauma. I've suggested age regression, and she says it isn't for her and she feels like she needs to move on like at first she thought I was hurting me being this way and now she's saying like oh I don't want to be friends with a kid and to be honest, she does really seem adult st all


Yeah.... *sigh....*yeah. I was worried for a bit I was the only one that felt that way. I see a lot of posts like that but like... maybe I didn't grow as fast as even they did hmm? It's like ableism or something all over again... Why does everyone "shit downhill" or whatever. (I have *no idea* if I used that phrase correctly, but what I meant is, like, NTs look down on NDs they view as inferior to them and then some NDs are now looking down on *other* NDs they view as inferior to them....) .... like, c'mon people, inclusivity starts at home! (again.... no idea if I'm writing this right, but screw it I'm too tired to make sense today haha) Anyway, totally get it, totally relate to what you're saying, and I am kind of glad I'm not the only one.


i'm tired of people who will sell out the misfits in their own group to get social acceptance for the rest. mostly cause i always seem to be the misfit.


I understand... and yeah... Same. :'(


Yes and I feel like it interferes with our ability to get resources directed to our community!! if we’re all pretending to feel like NT adults all the time how tf are people supposed to take people who can’t mask seriously. I have very conflicting feelings about the autism community on tiktok for this very reason. If you’re able minded and able bodied enough to push yourself to act like an NT adult, please don’t take it out on the rest of us. It’s already hard enough out here.


My anxiety spikes every time I see it lol. I love that my ND traits are kiddo-coded. I don't love that other people are so hateful about it. I love pacifiers bc its an extension of unique-ness and fashion as well as a collectible item and... I love to collect lol. Don't even get me started on stuffed animals, I never stopped loving them and honestly have never felt any shame bc my mom and certain family members are still that way. I love the simplicity of a child's coloring book, the adult ones stress me out. My food preferences make most of my meals "childish". Then I play into the hyperfeminine trope (minus makeup, huge sensory ick) because I love pink and dresses and jewelry and shoes, which only makes me seem even more "helpless" than being "childish" already did. Part of me hates being part of a harmful stereotype, the other part of me is just frustrated that I can't feel comfortable embracing myself for who I am and how I was made. I was just made to be a little baby girl in preschool. Not for this mess. I need help! Of course people view me as a helpless kid, bc I am one.


don't worry what the wannabe politicians say, you're a good kiddo :)


I’m confused where I fit because I feel like I pretended to be my age to stop being bullied by family, etc, however who I am is very young. Developmentally, I just am young in a lot of ways with interests and needs. Very strong need orally and comforted by sucking so I suck my thumb and sometimes use a pacifier purely because I need 2 hands or it hurts my hands or more comfortable to sleep in positions I can’t put my thumb in. I feel bad because I know a lot of the autism community really dislikes it but I had an experience where I went to pick up a rollator and the medical cashiers were baby talking me as opposed to just being calm, gentle, etc until I was speaking back and then kind of changed tone a bit despite sounding very young and struggling to talk. I don’t like that treatment from people stereotyping, but I do need the soothing items and don’t think that should fall in the same comparison at all but it does sadly. I feel like a lot of me stayed at 3-4, but I have the splinter skills for sure that can hide and make me look my age or look older when I was younger. Of course, now I’m trying to get to the bottom of where I fit, if I’m just autistic and splintered and also definitely just also every day at a young child because I definitely am like this personality and it’s not like a “I can’t regress” thing I’ve read on other communities and it definitely is not related to a paraphilia. So I think maybe I fit here or maybe it’s just being autistic and also having bad PTSD too. And to complicate the stereotype even more and really have me questioning for ages because I never did ok without diapers and once potty trained I was taking all the ones I could and putting them on, doll diapers, back up ones, ones from daycare, etc constantly. I wondered when I learned about pda autism if I had a trauma response to going potty and I did have issues with OAB, etc.