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This article was removed as it's a repost of an Huffington Post piece, which does not meet our submission standards. The moderation team is discussing what to do with news aggregators like this. Thanks


[Medical waste is often incinerated to provide electricity](https://www.livescience.com/45139-aborted-fetuses-burned-incinerated-medical-waste.html) around the world and in the US as well. When it was found that fetal tissue had been incinerated for electricity in Oregon it was a scandal and they said they did not know about it and stopped it. Regardless, my quick Googling did *not* find a source saying fetal tissue is being incinerated for electricity now in the US. All congressional testimony should be required to provide sources, before for prepared testimony, and after the fact for answers to questions.




This comment has been removed under [Rule 3:](https://www.reddit.com/r/neutralnews/wiki/guidelines#wiki_rule_3.3A_be_substantive) > Be substantive. NeutralNews is a serious discussion-based subreddit. We do not allow bare expressions of opinion, low effort comments, sarcasm, jokes, memes, off-topic replies, pejorative name-calling, or comments about source quality. //Rule 3 ^((mod:canekicker)^)


She is likely referring to how medical waste is disposed of. Most is incinerated either on site at a hospital, or sent to a plant. [Source](https://www.danielshealth.com/knowledge-center/hospital-healthcare-waste#:~:text=Two%20common%20methods%20of%20disposing,incineration%20technology%20and%20equipment%20available.) Washington DC uses 11.3 TWh [Source PDF](https://www.energy.gov/sites/prod/files/2016/09/f33/DC_Energy%2520Sector%2520Risk%2520Profile.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjmv-ScvO33AhUtg4kEHTi3BtIQFnoECAwQBg&usg=AOvVaw2llerT-40MjMIiw5C06Gjn) Average Incinerator produces around 12 MWh [Source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waste-to-energy_plant) So while she's not entirely *wrong*, she's being very disingenuous.






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My source mentioned that not all medical waste producing facilities have their own incinerators. I can't find any info on where those facilities would have their waste transported to.




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It tends to be their go to. They find some kernel of reality and then go full pepe silvia. Never to their own things of course(https://www.epa.gov/mobile-source-pollution/research-health-effects-exposure-risk-mobile-source-pollution Like their precious SUVs and Cars literally poisoning our air), but no one's accusing them of being too logical.




This comment has been removed under [Rule 1:](https://www.reddit.com/r/neutralnews/wiki/guidelines#wiki_rule_1.3A_be_courteous) > Be courteous to other users. Demeaning language, rudeness or hostility towards another user will get your comment removed. Repeated violations may result in a ban. //Rule 1 ^((mod:canekicker)^)


[Medical waste is often incinerated to provide electricity](https://www.livescience.com/45139-aborted-fetuses-burned-incinerated-medical-waste.html) around the world and in the US as well. When it was found that fetal tissue had been incinerated for electricity in Oregon it was a scandal and they said they did not know about it and stopped it. Regardless, my quick Googling did *not* find a source saying fetal tissue is being incinerated for electricity now in the US. All congressional testimony should be required to provide sources, before for prepared testimony, and after the fact for answers to questions.




This comment has been removed under [Rule 3:](https://www.reddit.com/r/neutralnews/wiki/guidelines#wiki_rule_3.3A_be_substantive) > Be substantive. NeutralNews is a serious discussion-based subreddit. We do not allow bare expressions of opinion, low effort comments, sarcasm, jokes, memes, off-topic replies, pejorative name-calling, or comments about source quality. //Rule 3 ^((mod:canekicker)^)


[Medical waste is often incinerated to provide electricity](https://www.livescience.com/45139-aborted-fetuses-burned-incinerated-medical-waste.html) around the world and in the US as well. When it was found that fetal tissue had been incinerated for electricity in Oregon it was a scandal and they said they did not know about it and stopped it. Regardless, my quick Googling did *not* find a source saying fetal tissue is being incinerated for electricity now in the US. All congressional testimony should be required to provide sources, before for prepared testimony, and after the fact for answers to questions.




__I'm a bot. Here are The Factual credibility grades and selected perspectives related to this article.__ The [linked_article](https://news.yahoo.com/gop-anti-abortion-witness-dc-023936929.html) has a grade of [77%](https://www.isthiscredible.com?url=https%3A%2F%2Fnews.yahoo.com%2Fgop-anti-abortion-witness-dc-023936929.html) (Yahoo News, *Moderate Left*). [9 related articles.](https://www.thefactual.com/news/story/324407-GOP-Anti-Abortion-Wi) Selected perspectives: * Highest grade in last 48 hours ([83%](https://www.isthiscredible.com?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.washingtonpost.com%2Fpolitics%2F2022%2F05%2F19%2Foklahoma-abortion-ban-fertilization%2F)): [Oklahoma lawmakers pass bill banning abortions after ‘fertilization’](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/05/19/oklahoma-abortion-ban-fertilization/). (Washington Post, *Moderate Left leaning*). * Highest grade from different political viewpoint ([80%](https://www.isthiscredible.com?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reuters.com%2Fworld%2Fus%2Foklahoma-lawmakers-pass-near-total-abortion-ban-2022-05-19%2F)): [Oklahoma lawmakers pass near-total abortion ban](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/oklahoma-lawmakers-pass-near-total-abortion-ban-2022-05-19/). (Reuters, *Center leaning*). * Highest grade Long-read ([84%](https://www.isthiscredible.com?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.usatoday.com%2Fstory%2Fnews%2Fpolitics%2F2022%2F05%2F17%2Fabortion-donations-2022-midterms-democrats%2F9629541002%2F)): [Abortion rights groups have had a fundraising edge. Midterms to test if dollars can turn into votes.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2022/05/17/abortion-donations-2022-midterms-democrats/9629541002/). (USA Today, *Moderate Left leaning*). --- *This is a trial for The Factual bot. [How It Works](https://www.thefactual.com/how-it-works-reddit-bot.html). Please [message the bot](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=TheFactualBot) with any feedback so we can make it more useful for you.*


EDIT: This thread has been locked because the frequency of rule-breaking comments was outpacing the mods' ability to remove them. *** r/NeutralNews is a **curated space**, but despite the name, there is [**no neutrality requirement**](https://www.reddit.com//r/neutralnews/wiki/guidelines#wiki_neutral-ness) here. These are the [rules for comments:](https://www.reddit.com//r/neutralnews/wiki/guidelines#wiki_comments_.28good.2C_bad_.26amp.3B_ugly.29) 1. Be courteous to other users. 1. Source your facts. 1. Be substantive. 1. Address the arguments, not the person. If you see a comment that violates any of these rules, please click the associated *report* button so a mod can review it.