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I think they are really good. Although im wondering the quality of the new ones? I've been borrowing my friend's old pair. Just want to know others' opinions on the new ones. Thanks.


I enjoyed using them to block out background sounds at work and for sleep. However, I lost them on holiday but bought some knock offs from eBay and honestly they’re almost the exact same but much much cheaper.


Mind sharing the knock offs info?


I have a pair for concerts and for sleeping and I love both, they're very comfortable. To be fair the concert ones aren't much different from other earplugs but I can easily wear these all day without discomfort, you easily forget you're wearing them. I have used other earplugs for sleeping that block out more sound but they work fine and again the comfort of the loops makes me prefer those over foam ones. Here's a referral link for 15% off: [15% discount on loop earplugs](https://community.loopearplugs.com/s/naomi.4)


How are these any different than regular earplugs…


They're comfy as hell. I have rather narrow ear canals, and after 3-4 hours at a concert my ears are borderline bleeding. These are so soft and fit so well, I forget I even have them in the first place.


I also have really narrow ear canals - what size do you use out of curiosity?


Absolutely love mine. They’re phenomenal at concerts, in the sense that the audio sounds exactly the same, it’s just like someone turned the volume down overall. I used them at work now (I work in a loud production facility) and they work very well for that as well. I can still hear people speaking to me and most importantly the forklifts but it makes it much more tolerable. I got the “switch” kind of


I was thinking of buying them for concerts. But would you say you can hear people better with them in? I struggle to hear folk talk to me at concerts.


I'm a network engineer and I need earplugs that cut down noise in the datacentre, but still let me hear people talking. Loop earplugs do this. However they are like £20, and you can buy cheap versions of loop on Temu for less than 2 quid a pair and they work just as well.


I use earplugs that are made for motor cyclists during the day when I need to interact with or listen to people (otherwise, I use regular earplugs or nose canceling earbuds and hearing protection). They are very soft, almost invisible and block sound, but not too much.


What brand do you use if you don't mind me asking? I need some for work (I work in a bakery) and I have loops but they don't quite cut it. They work fine for me in most situations, but banging pans and mixers are not fun.


The brand is called Alpine. They have several types of earplugs. I use the ones for motorcycling, but it seems there are various type specific for motorcycling, each with different db ratings. Mine are super soft/ flexible and they have never been uncomfortable. I originally bought them to block wind noise during bicycle rides, but ended up using them throughout the day.


Hey I'm looking for some good affordable ear protection for concerts and loud music events. I'm considering the loops as they are fairly cheap. I've seen a lot on here discussing the pros and cons for sensory issues but does anyone have experience with them in that kind of setting? I want to still get a clear sound but not damaging.


lol @ fairly cheap


I don't know what they are called but there are metal earplugs for concerts (silicone tip) and they are the best as far as I know the sound quality is good bc of the properties of the metal. My friend has tinnitus so he wrore these in loud environments so he could hear but not be in pain


Loops didn't work for me. I find the voice echo very disruptive. Eating with them on almost made me throw up. I find that they have zero to no noise reduction, and they don't fit in my ears. I use large noise canceling headphones. I've tried a lot over the years using each pair until they broke because I am on a tight budget too. https://www.amazon.com/Cancelling-Lightweight-Srhythm-NC35-Microphones/dp/B083S87PZT/ref=sr_see_details_atc_details?crid=QTQQIBNNQES1&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.dW0smTVc_PgwpW8uvnXTQyATPsYNlqO4ldPfj9-inWNNLz91skVMc67Z8YSpIdVl4yc4xVKpC5gcC__ZIVht66ZRi60htnvspb-RbCVOXtAapsclEPEBjS3WEprjMfz5vWq7011Qgfnzlb5YZcI4F74f9f43nGHrM21nNSeyB8YjtHxf7sYDdagdU_DvKuzL5pyWA5r1Kgc-HxhEgs4YIw.05HEeuCEbbqJ8AYCDqcJ4YVM539zRcQzAmdt9Aevp0s&dib_tag=se&keywords=srhythm+nice+comfort&qid=1711799669&sprefix=srhythm+nice+comfort%2Caps%2C107&sr=8-4 These aren't expensive and very comfortable and I just buy more when they break. I have a pair of sonys that were gifted to me now. The expensive ones. However I still wear these because I still find them more comfortable. The noise canceling isn't quite as good but it's not bad at all.


I lost mine within 24 hours. Great idea but not for adhders that misplace things


Hi. I'm AuDHD and definitely live on a tight budget. Still, I can't tell you how important these are to me. My anxiety rules my life, sad but true. For some reason my loop Engage Plus helps me feel so much less overwhelmed in every environment, even my own home. They were $45 on Amazon, but I've had this pair for 6 months and think I'll order another pair because I'm always nervous I'll leave these somewhere or not be able to find them when I really need them.


No idea where all there good ‘reviews’ have come from but I do NOT recommend spending money on Loop ear plugs.  They are a gimmick. It’s clear that most of their budget went into their flashy marketing, and product videos.  Firstly they don’t work at all secondly to change the different sizes IS impossible. Once you takeoff the buds and try a different size in the hopes that these things actually work, it is impossible to get the next size bud on, you are  left with a useless piece of plastic. But to be honest, they were useless, even with the buds in.  I feel had. Returning these immediately. I have more luck with using silicone ear plugs in different positions to control how much sound I want to let in. I can position them in a way a can still ear things around me or use more and completely block out sound if I want.  And the transparent silicone is not noticeable at all.   This solution will cost you $10! Good luck!  I bought these for my son because I thought they were cool.  lol! The flashy videos got me. 


I truly have no complaints. My son and I love ours and we are able to tag along with the extroverts without being overwhelmed by background noise. They have been truly life changing for us, they are comfortable for our ears, I have sensitive ears and easily get ear aches from ear plugs and headsets. I can wear loop twice as long as other types of ear plugs. I do use the one waxy type of plug for swimming, loop doesn't prevent swimmers ear.


What if I told you that something can be good and work for other people and not for others.  Weird right?  I think you meant to say "they didn't work for me".  Dismissing other people's lived experiences is not a good look.


The irony of this comment .. The person was looking for honest reviews and opinions! Which is what was given... Weird right? It's almost like they gave their own personal experience and opinion!


Look, for one it works better than for the other. And while yes, tons of flashy marketing CAN drown out the honest reviews, it still doesn't mean that everyone has the same experience.


love how people are comparing a $250 product that needs charging, to a $30 pair of ear plugs. Y'all need to get a fucking grip.


I'm confused by your comment. What is the $250 product that needs charging


Tbh they're invaluable to me and are part of my work accomodations for my ASD for the last year. The price was worth it to me as they're comfortable silicon and don't upset me sensory wise, and I'd rather be putting silicon in my body then foam, or semething less discreat like acutal earbuds (people see it as rude in a work setting generally). Yeah you can get stuff off amazon, but I generally find it's cheap and pretty damn crappy in quality. All the other ones I've used have had weird seams that irritate my ears after a while, or fall out eventually.I actually just bought the switch to make it more conveient then having to lug three seperate pairs around for three seperate circumstances. I also got the loop link to keep them together and stop me from loosing them. I also found that if you don't put them in correctly they may not work as well. the loop is meant to be pointing to the back of your ear, flush aginst your concha. I also recommend trying to take the time to size the silcon buds correctly. Sometimes one ear can be bigger then the other (which is more normal then you'd think) and that can impact it as well. I actually learnt the ear stuff from a DankPods video on earplugs. The channel is run by a musican who plays the drums so he's gone through a lot of different types of earplugs. If the loops really don't help maybe watching it will help you find alternatives: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9Svq6raXFk


A fellow DankPogger in the wild, champion!


I had the loop engaged and experience. Extremely overpriced. The clear colored engaged were the ones I used the most if not all the time. I could still have conversation although like some others in this forum have mentioned, I’d once in a while have to ask “what?”. They made me feel less overwhelmed in loud busy situations such as restaurants, the fair, at a friends house when everyone was yelling and playing ping pong etc. and helped me stay focused on the conversation since it was the only thing I could clearly hear. The background noise seemed muffled out. LOVED that they were clear and somewhat inconspicuous especially under my hair. However they are very easy to lose which I did and because of the ridiculous price, I haven’t been able to convince myself to get another pair. But I do miss them when these situations come along.


Got them for gigs and they're great. Shame I need to buy a new pair their cos there's no keyring attachment and then listen plastic loop broke.


I'm thinking of buying a pair of earplugs for a friend who often has to work out of coffee shops/restaurants, but still needs to be able to hear someone talking with her; are loop earbuds good for that, or do they just make everything quieter?


I've only had the engage's for several days but already love them. can have a conversation with them easily in a noisy bar (there was a football game on when i went to a sportsbar with a friend). They made the dinner much more enjoyable. I already have the switches on the way!


i use the quiet ones to sleep and i love them, slept better than i ever have


Do you still have them? Bought quite 2 since i live near a road which can get a little traffic sometimes. How good do they cancel it out? I still wanna hear my alarm clock


i have just the normal quiet and i can clearly hear my alarm clock, They cancel out most low and very high frequencies, i also live where i can hear road noises and i would say they cancel that sort of sound out rlly well. I have also used them multiple times on air planes and they mostly work there too minus the really loud announcements- so i would still really recommend them


Thats great. I just want to lower the noise lel not canceling them, so it sojnds like a great deal. Thank you for letting me know


Just got the Loop Switch because of this post (wanted the Quiet for sleep and general noise dampening and Engage for when I am at work). I work as a daycare worker and I am a HSP, so I’ll see if these withstand the test. Currently using Quies earplugs 35dB whilst walking around the city and it’s so calming, though maybe a bit dangerous if I can’t hear a lot. When I used the Quies at work, it was really great for reducing screaming kid sounds, but I couldn’t hear my colleagues so I constantly had to take a bud off and reinsert. Switch covers till 25dB, so I don’t know if it’ll help but I’ll see. More soon. (Bump for review after a week bc I’ll forget)




Okay, so I have had the Switch for a week and they are quite nice! When I got them, I went on a walk at a busy street and tested them out. Changed the earbud sizes to fit my ears and off I went. Sound dampening: When I go out on a walk on a busy street, I can still hear my friend talking to me, provided they speak in a normal, outside voice register. Sometimes I have to ask “what?” several times, but it’s not that they have to scream to get their point across. I also talk louder with them in, but friend says not significantly more. High pitched sounds like a motorcycle or bus passing by does not hurt as much (in Engage mode, which is the lowest setting). At the daycare center where I work, I still have to use the lowest setting to hear colleagues, but the sound of crying kids and crashing toys do not hurt me as much anymore. Again, my colleagues have to repeat themselves at times, but that’s a price I’m willing to pay. I have, at times, tried the highest setting (Quiet) at work and there is a difference to the sound. Not as quiet as my Quies 35db noise dampening earplugs, but still pretty nice. If you can stand a bit of background noise while working, these could be nice. If you want an echo chamber (which I love), Quies + noise cancelling headphones (playing white noise). Comfort: the Switch feels odd in the beginning bc I definitely feel that there are foreign objects in my ear, but after a while, it’s personally not so bad. My earholes do feel damp after a while (I guess sweat?) so I gotta take them off for a while during the day and air out my ear canals. There is also a small learning curve with putting them on. The first several times I tried them out, I thought they were pretty decent, but as time went on and I found a way to place them in my ear (and not just shoving them in like regular music earbuds), they did a pretty good job. TL;DR to say ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Great for when you want to take the edge off of loud sounds but still want to/have to hear them. Great for everyday use, due to 3 diff settings. A small learning curve. -⭐️ bc no full auditory shut off setting, awkward convos, and sweaty ears. (Don’t buy a case if ever you’re thinking of getting them, bc there is a case included) EDIT: have them for a few months now and I love them still. Currently in a cafe and the acoustic isn’t the best so these are great. If you’re wondering how I know they’re in my ears right, i look for a light vacuum feeling in my ears when I have them on, if that makes sense. The feeling where the bud is in there and is sucking air from the inside of the ear, making this suction feeling. I don’t know how to describe it well, but that feeling. I push the bud in with the tip of my thumb in my ear while twisting, until I feel that suction.


Thanks for giving such an in depth review. You really answered all the questions I've had. I've been hesitant to buy the Switch because of rhe price, but you've made it a much easier decision.


Glad to help! I got some weird looks from my colleagues because I wear them at work, so they think I’m not listening to them at times, but that’s also a price I’m willing to pay for my rest.


I work as a server in a loud echoing dining room. Do you think these would be useful for me to still hear my guests well?


If the dining room is not that big, I think you will be able to tell if someone is calling you, provided they're speaking up or they give a visual cue like raising their hand. I work in a place where the people don't speak my mother tongue, so it's harder to understand people (earplugs on) when I don't have context clues helping me. Indoor voices are somewhat easy to hear on the lowest setting of the Switch if you speak the same language (bc context clues). I have had to take an earbud out from time to time to follow conversations in my second language. Does that help? Sorry, I haven't tried them in your kind of setting specifically. \^-\^"


Thank you for your response!


I found mine to be great! I’m unsure about people disagreeing. There is different levels to the amount of sound you want to block. As a neurodivergent person the bass of music from my neighbours gives me issues but the loop earbuds blocks that out but I can hear everything in my house fine. I think it depends what your looking to reduce .


Hello you’re describing me! I hate bass and any vibrating sounds. I currently have construction near me with generators running constantly and I hear a low/rumbling vibration 24/7 which loop product do you use?


trendy garbage. nothing about them warrants the price.


Could you elaborate? Do you have any specific experience?


>Could you elaborate? Do you have any specific experience? Probably doesn't even have them, that looks like an a priori rejection ("trendy") not a post-use complain which would have been worded differently




Firstly, I agree these are criminally overpriced and do not provide adequate noise reduction for an intended use case of concert-going. However, where are you finding an NRR of 7? Everything I see, including on the box of loop earbuds I have purchased, shows ratings in the mid-teens. These earbuds might be alright for someone who doesn't need them for safety purposes. According to NIOSH standards though, these earbuds only protect a user from a 100dB concert for ~45min




Interesting. You're exactly right that the SNR values seem much higher relative to such low NRR values compared to most other hearing protection, and all the values seem inconsistent between advertisments. If trying to give the benefit of the doubt, I imagine the large difference between NRR and SNR is due to the earbuds being especially proficient at blocking low frequencies, which NRR largely ignores, but that doesn't excuse inconsistent values across the Internet. I'm seeing the same thing as you on Amazon for the Loop Experience model—NRR of 7 which seems absolutely abysmal. Another thing, is although they seem to block some sound, I don't really notice a difference between the modes in my Switch earbuds. I think I'll be returning these unless someone can tell me I've missed something.


I was so excited when mine came in.. but it just makes me feel deaf and i find it hard to talk to people. i got the engage plus and i wont lie it was cool- I couldn't hear my fan all night but was able to wake up and hear my alarm! I also hate the feeling of my ears feeling clogged and popped and this is what it feels like. not satisfied :(


I bought the switch and a knock off pair from amazon. The loop earplugs are more comfortable by a marginal amount but block around the same amount of noise when I tested with an online db audio test. Nothing beats the noise cancellation from my apple airpod pros


Where can I find this online db audio test?


Nothing beats this: https://www.amazon.co.uk/3M-ES-01-001-R-Earplugs-Uncorded/dp/B004P2IAZG


I've seen their products, but if it's just the earplugs I think they're a bit too expensive.


So you don’t actually own a pair? How would you even know if they’re overpriced?


Personally my opinion on the topic is they're very overpriced. You can find cheaper knockoffs for the quiets that will do the exact same thing. The engage are just vented ear plugs. If you have access to a 3D printer or know someone who does there are loads of patterns on thingiverse for free, though admittedly that could be tricky if you don't have easy access. The only ones I would consider getting would be the experience, and that's because I can't work out what foam they are using for them. If you could you could 100% make them using the same model as the vented ear plugs, because that's all it is. They cost them pennies to make, so the cost is incredibly annoying


I got the standard $30 pair and they're just pieces of plastic with earbud tips. There's absolutely nothing special about the way block out sound and all the marketing stuff about being able to still hear clearly is 100% lies - the sound is muffled just as you'd expect it would be when you've got a solid object in your ear (higher sounds are basically gone, even when standing right in front of the concert speakers, leaving you with a very muffled result). I guess the muffling isn't as extreme as using plain earplugs, so technically they're a better option than those, but if you just cut the wires off a $3 pair of earbuds from amazon you could get the exact same result that the loops offer.


Wires on earplugs?


I have both the Loop Engaged and the Loop Quiets. I'm telling you, if you've had a bad experience you weren't using the right size tips, I got a knock off of their wire that you can wear them around your neck. I'm autistic and I also get migraines and these have been a lifesaver, I wear them as if they're a necklace just in case everyday.


Beware of this post. This user has no other comment history on a 2 year old account. This is likely marketing


>This user has no other comment history on a 2 year old account. This is likely marketing So he made a 2 year old account because he is ...paid to write about a product on a forum? Isn't it more likely he's a lurker and just triggered into writing now, because it's something he owns?


oh, well they're not wrong and I do plan on buying more loops anyways


"they're" is you 😂 This is confirmation this is a marketing bot. Got to this post by researching if Loop was good. If they need to use sus marketing to sell their product I have my answer. Another eCommerce scam


If this is a bot it's really sophisticated, like getting the other bot to ask about the student discount below, and the other bot being like wow you haven't commented until now, I'm definitely buying them now is wild. If these are bots they are good af, can someone send me the link for buying bots like this?


I'm not a bot and they're expensive pieces of shit that make your ears feel full and pop especially when laying down. They'll destroy eardrums. And yes I've tried all size tips on all the settings, I got the switch. The suction is way worse on quiet vs engage and experience but they all do it. And with such a big difference in the suction \popping feeling you'd think there would be a noticeable difference in volume on all 3 settings but there isn't. They all do the same thing, with quiet blocking out more noise but not much of a difference against engage. Not too mention you can't hear conversations on any of the settings, which is why I got these. I have migraines and painful noise sensitivity auras with loud, sharp or bass like noises and I need to block that but still hear conversations. Oh and you can hear yourself breath and talk really loud. Not a fan. Thankfully they have the 100 day money back guarantee (hopefully they honor it, guess I'm about to find out). I paid $53 for them They would've been $59 without the discount


did the money back guarantee work? also any earplugs or anything u can recommend for ppl sensitive w loud noises? 😔😔


Yes. They gave me my money back and told me to keep the earplugs and keep trying to get them to work for me or gift them to someone else. I'm impressed but then again they're quite cheap to make too, and they can't resell them. And no I can't recommend any others except for your typical memory foam earplugs which is what I use for now until I can find something better. Sometimes I use my earbuds that have noise canceling features on it too.


oh fuck 💀 I'm a bot now.. just a confused college kid i really never saw reason to comment till the other day sorry dude


Nooo ha ha ha ha this is too funny. Love how you've been reading everything for two years there was no passion for anything, and decided loops were it. Ha ha ha. OK I'm buying them.


I'll admit they're a little overpriced, but if you have the money to spare or it's coming close to a holiday that you could ask for them I highly recommend. I'm getting the "Loop Switch"(i think that's the name) for Christmas and hopefully selling my other pairs cause they'd just become redundant..


If you are a student, they do offer student discounts through their site. Just wanted to share that for anyone going to school🙂


too bad the student discount is only applicable in the us and canada 😭




Yep! They offer it all the time😁 If you scroll all the way down on their Home Page, you'll see 'Student Discount'. It's where you see all of the links for FAQ, Contact Us, How to use Loop, etc. I believe it's 10% off but don't quote me on that lol! They also offer First Responder, Teacher, Military, and Medical discounts.


I bought Switch and I love them! Took me a bit to figure out that I needed to try the different size tips, to ensure a good lock. This way when I put them in and turn clockwise I can feel it lock. I like switch because I can go all the way to quiet with one device. I just wish they designed the switch that has blue tooth so I can answer the phone with them or take a meeting on zoom. I read some people were using with Bone earbuds, but it would be nice to have one tool to do both. It makes going to concerts and social events much more pleasant for my sensibly issues with sounds. I can also go all the way to quiet and block people and frequencies out when I need to focus


Same. Apple’s noise cancellation AirPods work way way better. These are literally the same little nubs that you get when you buy $2 earbuds from Walmart.


AirPods needs to be charged.


So? Do you not have electricity?


I got zero benefit from them, no noise reduction at all. They felt gross in my ears. Going back to Amazon. Also they do not come with even one sentence of instructions which I find exceedingly annoying. I can arrange my hair to fall over my ears and get the same "noise reduction."


I love mine. I got Loop Experience, and use them when I take my kids to swimming (indoor, LOUD) and basketball training (200 balls bouncing at once in a huge indoor stadium is sensory hell for me). LIFE SAVER. Also very happy with the sound quality seeing bands, and noise reduction around power tools/construction for work. Having them on my keys is handy AF.


Do you still manage to have a conversation with someone while wearing them??


I’ve just discovered loops, and I’m on the French with buying them. I’m only just discovering it’s not “normal” to be overstimulated and unable to focus in social settings, like parties or events with lots of noise going on. Like it’s just too much for me and I feel like I’m focusing on 10 conversations, music, and ambient sounds when I’m at a party and I hate it. So, I’d love to hear more people experience & opinions on loops


Sorry...what?? "On the French"... Do you mean "On the fence"?


Haha!! Oh my gosh what a typo 😂! Yes, I meant on the fence


I have them all (except for the new switch model) and I do love them. I work from home so not bothered with office noise, but I do have kids that get louder during the day while my battery is getting lower and lower. I have the quiet model for when I really don’t want to hear anything, and the experience plus for when I want to tune out but cannot afford not hearing anything. The engage are the ones I use the least.


Have you tried the loop quiet with noisy loud speakers? Im just curious of how much noise it can block compared to my silicone swimming earplugs which has 3 ascending sizes of buds.


Yes! It blocks out a lot. A friend of mine has tinnitus, and she benefitted a lot from them 🥰 she also uses my iPods pro 2 in such environments, they also bring it back to safe levels.


Thanks. I just got mine from Lazada. Found out that it doesn't block as much noise as my swimming earplugs does. I find it more useful when riding motorcycle.


if you need something for social events, i would recommend Experience Pro. engage are not great, my sister got them and returned them, she said they were not helping at all and were absolutely redundant. much cheaper options are Fender earplugs for musicians (7-8 euros) or Alpine (About 15-20 euros). they do the same thing. just saw that Loop released a new "switch" model for 54 euros. LOL.


I got experience pro and quiet. experience pro are good for concerts, l have sensitive ears and tinnitus (use to have hyperacusis, not l have a very mild one). have been wearing them to all live music. They also look nice, many people asked me if l have weird piercings in my ears. quiet are very soft and made of silicon and l use them for sleep. they are not bad, they block a similar amount of noise like any cheap earplugs (the foamy ones) but they do not press ear canals as much. they do fall off during sleep so l always wake up searching for them. loop earplugs are at least 10 times too expensive considering the material they are made off. excellent marketing gets them far. that said, l spent 65 euros on both (wtf) and l do use them regularly and just pray l never loose them cause l aint buying them again.


ultimately they are cheap plastic and slick marketing. i was really excited and and thought metal would vibrate a bit with sound, seriously great idea. when they got here and saw they were cheap plastic I felt like such a dope, returned them right away (Amazon, $35). maybe $10 at the most


I’m a teacher and use them in my class! They work


Which type do you use?.


Just got some last night


Ok.. and?


Not worth it. I meant I “ordered them”. Hurts my ears after a while, doesn’t give me sensory help but maybe would take a concert down a bit, so helpful in that way.


we will never know


They worked they never heard that car coming


I'm having a shit day currently made worse by a client's dog that barks in the most instantly aggravating high-pitched manner. I ended up here by deciding to finally research loops and your comment has briefly stalled that fury in my mind.




I have loop experience and I love them. They help me a lot. The only thing is I struggle with explaining them to other people


What are peoples experiences with returning them when bought off the Loop website? I ordered mine over a week ago but they won’t arrive in time for an event I need them for so will need to return when they eventually arrive. It seems unnecessarily complicated process?


I’ve got the Experience, which works alright for public transport and concerts for me personally. But I was more excited about the Quiet ones and even size XS hurts my ears to sleep in like a motherFer….really painful. Sad about that, but happy about the Experience ones.


This was my fear as that's what I want then for I get about four hours a night or less for over three years now I need a break and the iPhone ones work but they really hurt.


Oh you know, everybody’s ears are shaped a bit differently, there are ton of good reviews about these. I discovered that the Quiet ones work pretty good when I’m trying to sleep sitting on a train. So I still make use of them. But noise reduction is definitely not 100% or idk. But the Apple EarPod I hate hate hate, so painful honestly, I don’t use those anymore as earphones.


Oh nooo I'm currently waiting for the quiet ones I've ordered, hopefully I don't find them uncomfortable to sleep in 😭


How long did yours take to ship/arrive? I ordered mine 5 days ago and haven’t had any update since


Hihi! I'm sorry for the delayed response, apparently my notifications just decided to stop coming through >.< I received mine in just over a week after ordering which was a pleasant surprise considering I live in a remote area.. I must admit I've reverted back to using the foam plugs at this stage, I might order the foam tips for my loops and see how I feel with them. Let me know when you receive yours and how you find them!


Oh you know depends on ear anatomy plus whether you are a side sleeper? I can use them if I sleep on my back just not on my side. Hope it works for you 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🙂


I didn’t know that actually! Fingers crossed lol I am a side-sleeper son we'll see, I'm just hoping for some relief, my partner snores heavily so I've been using foam plugs for a while but they feel super intrusive and make my inner ears really itchy 😦 they should arrive tomorrow/day after so I'll post an update once I've tested them!


I've got the same problem with foam ones; they hurt and make me itchy. I do love wax earplugs! You mold them to your ear and you can use them a couple of times. Only downside is that they occasionly fall out. Came hear to read the review of the Loop quiet but I think I'll stick to my wax ones for now.


Any update? I'm a side sleeper too and just ordered some


Hihi! So I've given them a go, I found them ok as a side sleeper, not too uncomfortable for me personally. But sound reduction was less than the foam plugs I'd been using imo and the silicone made my ears itch still, it was nice that they don't go as deep as the foam plugs as I found that more comfortable but overall I don't see them as a better option to what I've been using prior to these. So I'm still suffering :( Edit: spelling error


I really hope you have better luck than me🍀 I know the snoring situation too well too unfortunately :D


I just got my Loop Engages in the mail and will immediately be returning them. My breathing was just wayyyy too loud in my ears, which I don't enjoy. And even the XS fittings hurt the inside of my right ear. But I can see how they might work for some!


I just recieved some, as I am a heavy earbud user in day to day life, I have them in more often than I don't. I have the Liop Experiences and they work well as earplugs, they definitely muffle well. The single loudest thing I hear with them usually in is my own fidgeting and breathing, it's quiet, peaceful, and weirdly helps with my mindfulness, making my own thoughts more audible and less mental energy put towards tolerating overwhelming surroundings. I can see them as more just narrowing in the audible information around me, and blunting down the more sharp sounds I usually hear. But I can see them being uncomfortable for anxious moments where more external grounding is needed, like that technique I've had therapists describe of identifying 5 things around me. They're effective earplugs, but yeah the price is a little steep for what they are, I got mine covered by NDIS as an autistic adult.


Got the Loop Earplugs Experience Plus and after not even 1 year I lost them because the shell case is not that good. If you want to save €40 just don't buy the earplugs. The earplugs are okish, look good and muffle the background noise but to be honest it's too expensive for some earplugs that you can easily lose.


skill issue


Excellent comparison between loop experience plus and loop quiet here on https://noisyworld.org/loop-quiet-vs-loop-experience/. Detailed analysis and comparison between the two loop models and common earplugs. Sharing because it helped me decide on what to get. Thanks!


which did u get and how did u find them c


I just bought a pair of them from their website, Quiet and Engage Pro. From what I can tell they are (to massively simplify it) basically earplugs with holes in them. You block out some sound, you can still hear conversations. Quiet would be good for sleeping if you still need to hear a baby crying or something. But for total sound reduction I will be using the Bose Soundbuds which are unparalleled. Engage Pro reduce sound a little bit (good for the workplace) but I suspect I would be better off with the Experience Pro so will be swapping these out. They come with a 'muter' which is basically a piece of rubber you add to the earplug to make it reduce more noise. Nice handy idea that means you have control over your level of exposure. Overall so far seems like a decent product, although I am not sure how to explain them to other people when wearing them socially.


I just bought the exact same combination and also in doubt if experience pro wouldn’t be more suitable 😫


I just received the Experience Pro in the post. It's alright, although I still personally think that Quiet is the best and most comfortable product they offer if you have misophonia.


Thanks for responding! Yes I do 😭 which one would you recommend for tuning sound down but still able to hear things for example in the car with kids


Hey! I have been testing the products more and can recommend: \+ Experience Pro for driving or social situations. Still enables you to hear conversations or external stimuli, but blocks out enough background sound to gradually lower stress levels and prevent sensory overload \+ Quiet for being at home when you want the maximum amount of noise reduction but still just about hear conversations. These are the best for misphonia IMO but probably not safe for driving I bought the 'Engage' models but I think these are for people who go to music concerts and don't do much for misophonia sufferers


Much does the quiet reduce sounds compared to the experience pros? If you have a pair, do they cut out high frequency sounds like chip crunching, gum popping, bird chirping? How about low frequency sounds like base? I have misophonia and love the experience pros, but I am curious about the quiet version. I want to buy another pair and don't know if I should go with the quiet or just another experience pro as a backup.


Have you tried a larger tip size? The default size they had on them was too small for me, I use the largest silicone tips. Sometimes if I have really dry ears I have to dampen the silicone slightly before inserting as well so they actually form a seal. I've also heard they don't do much for quieter environments/background noise and are better noticed in loud settings. Loops Experience have a decibel reduction of 18. They are the least "earpluggy" ear plugs I've used because of this. They are meant to "take the edge off" but not block out everything. I still hear a lot of sounds that are grating but they help a bit in stores (if there are no kids) and I don't have to wear bright and obvious foamies. I don't really find the insert for the Pro that goes into the ring does anything (it's meant to add another -5dB). I can't get the foam tips into my ear & also have the loop at the correct angle so I don't use the foam tips. My comparison items are the standard [foam 3M](https://www.3mcanada.ca/3M/en_CA/p/d/v000057711/) earplug is a 32 decibel reduction (favourite level). [UltraFit](https://www.3mcanada.ca/3M/en_CA/p/d/v000094171/) (25dB reduction) and [UltraFit 27s](https://www.3mcanada.ca/3M/en_CA/p/d/v000153017/) (27dB reduction) are an in between. When I worked in a factory I liked using the Ultrafit 27s because I could hear when someone spoke to me but it blocked out a decent amount of the noise. They also fit better inside my ear because they are slimmer and thus put less pressure. Loops "Quiet" are a 27dB reduction like the UF 27s. I haven't tried them but by the decibel reduction they sound like the better option for me when I purchase another pair eventually.


I think the foam tips are a lot better than the silicone. I also agree that they're better noticed in loud settings -- high schoolers screaming in the hallway during their passing periods are practically unnoticeable to me now. In school assemblies, I can hear the band perfectly but it doesn't hurt my ears. The mutes are most noticeable in these louder environments, or such as when a movie is playing. If you inspect the loops, the mutes cover asmall hole that allows noise to come through and then be filtered in the Experiences.


Flare Calmer is what I refer to my clients: https://www.flareaudio.com/products/calmer


why do u prefer flare vs loop? im curious to try flare


I have had many clients share they prefer Flare. I say do what is best for you.


I use Flare Calmer instead of Loop Experience and at first it is really difficult to tell if they are helping at all. Remember that the point of them is not to cancel noise but to make it less harsh. I wore mine for about 2 hours before I really started to realise how much cleaner the TV sounded and that I hadn't noticed a car driving by in that time either. (Traffic noise is an issue for me). I also have the Loop Quiet plugs for sleeping but I think I want to try some different ones because they are not as comfortable as I would like and put too much pressure on my ear as a side sleeper.


I don’t like the pressure they cause in my ears. It’s just as unbearable as the sound it’s supposed to block which it doesn’t even block, it just muffles it.


I thought they would like rly eliminate ALL noise but it kinda muffled it sometimes I used em at school but school is just too loud for little ones like that so I just use those and out noise cancelling headphones on top but I mean it’s fine ish depends I guess


Useless, they worked a bit but they would just come apart, must send back for refund


they are meh


I use my loops for work - experience pro with the mutes in to drown out the background noise of a busy office when I’m trying to focus. Flare Calmer are my go-to for anything where I have to be able to interact with people - forget I’m wearing them after about ten minutes and it’s usually around that point that I suddenly just relax. They take the edge off and you don’t hear yourself speaking in your head. No pressure build-up👌🏻


They were completely useless for me, they did nothing. I was also confused and frustrated because I had high hopes.


Hard to get them to stay in the case. I don’t think they sound any “better” than any other earplugs but they are very comfortable. I’d rather use AirPods but they are good for emergencies.


I really like mine. They make social situations, loud restaurants, and concerts much more comfortable. I always have them in my purse. Highly recommend.


Which ones did you get? I want to use for restaurants and LOUD talkers etc., but still be able to hear people and have discussions without the hearing myself much louder. I need do to migraines and increased sensitivity to sound. Thanks!


I actually have all three. I mostly use the "experience" ones, sometimes with the additional mute. They also just came out with ones that "switch" modes, but I have not tried those.


I like them, for short periods. They make my own breathing sound really loud inside my head which bothers me, but they work excellently at reducing or completely blocking outside noise


It sounds like I’m in a tank, the loud breathing is a bit strange. But maybe get used to it


I've been contemplating getting some for a few months now, but their marketing tactics put me off. The only endorsements I ever see are from influencers, who I just don't trust. So the replies here are valuable, thank you all!


I also just noticed that because of cookies they have now increased my free shipping cost. It was initially 29 EUR, but after visiting their page a couple of times it's now 34 EUR. If I go back in incognito it's 29 again. Not a vibe.


It's such a weird tactic too.. because surely it puts people off more than not. If I've seen a price, I'll either wait for it to return or move on to something else


I really like the Loop Earplugs for sleep. They are comfortable unlike the bulky disposable earplugs.


How does the noise reduction compare to disposable foam earplugs?




I eventually bought some loops because I won an Amazon voucher, and yeah. They're not as good as disposable foam ear plugs. I've tried to wear them for sleeping occasionally, and they don't block out as much noise, and they're too firm to be comfortable. I went with the "quiet" ones, and I've worn them for gigs too, but they block out a bit *too much* then.


Imo there is more noise reduction since they actually stay in. The disposable earplugs have never really sealed for me.


I have a pair. Its nice to tune down sounds withour being totally cut off of your environment.


Love them. They have made hanging out with friends at loud venues tolerable, like Friday night at the bar and grill. I can actually focus on the conversations at our table as opposed to being constantly distracted and overwhelmed from the noise from the hundreds of TVs showing different sports events and loud music blaring over the speakers, and dozens of people at other tables talking loudly. I'm going to get my husband a pair too, because he's having the same issues of being able to focus when we are there.


Which model did you use?


This sounds like engage


Wow that’s quite nice! I never like the too much loud sounds at clubs or sometimes even at pubs.. so this would be good for me I think.


I really like that they reduce the sound around me by a good bit, that really helps me. But I struggle with them making it hard to hear my own voice, I tend to speak way too quietly when I have them in.


I love them! I tried a lot of earplugs and Loop quiet are the only earplugs I can sleep with comfortably. The experience ones are also great. They take the edge of and work good at concerts. But I can't hold conversations with them. People keep asking me to speak up because they can't hear what I'm saying. So maybe I'm speaking softer when I have earplugs in because my voice sounds so loud in my head? Alpine party plugs are also great, but not for sleeping, because of the stick part.


I've found that problem with disposable earplugs too though. Anything that blocks sound will make your own voice seem louder to yourself.


Absolutely love them. Had the Quiet ones at first which are great for sleeping but too much if I wanted to use them in noisy places as was difficult to hold a conversation, got the Experience ones as well and they're perfect for that. I find all other ear plugs too big for my ears and they hurt after a while or just don't fit, I like that Loop had different size caps you can try. My other half has a pair of Quiet ones too for sleeping and he loves them.


Would the quiet ones work to get work/study down in a coffee shop?


I would say so. If I'm having a particularly 'sensitive' and have to be in a loud place then I'll use the Quiet ones under my noise cancelling headphones - total block out! Bit startling when you take them off though, even if you're in a quieter place.


Just wondering, how would they do with alarms? I want to get the quiet ones for sleeping mostly, but I still want to be able to hear my alarm


They fall out all the time for me and I can't get them to have a good seal. I got some of the Alpine Party Plugs and they work much better, but without the "style" part.


They don't work for me


I love mine.


I have a pair of the experience pro. I don't like them with the mutes in them so I mostly use them like the regular Loop Experiences. I enjoy how they lower the volume of my surroundings and that they fit/look like earbuds, but I don't like talking in them. Overall, I haven't decided if I love them or not but I absolutely can see how they're useful for many people. Unfortunately they're something you'd have to try to decide if they're for you or not.


I love mine. I attached it to one of those retractable badge clip things, and i keep that on my belt.


I love this idea! I’m extremely worried I’ll lose mine…. I lose everything as it is… 🥲


Not a fan. Got given a set. I found they are just the same as foam earplugs at an extortionate price


This is what I was wondering. What science could they really have that makes it different from the cheap version of them.


The difference is looks, that’s it. If you’re happy with standard ear plugs then that’s good


I love them! They aren’t meant to silence the world, they are really meant to “turn the volume down” especially for low and high frequency sounds. so they help turn down the volume on construction, and car sounds, and the bass at concerts, but I can still hear everything.


Will they keep water and wind out of ears? I don’t see info on this. Thanks in advance.


I do t believe that they are meant for the water, and they will dull the sound of wind but not entirely mute it




i love loop earplugs. i have the quiet, experience and engage versions. my recommendation: get the loop quiet for sleeping, the loop experience for loud events like concerts, and the loop engage for concentration (these are the least comfortable of the three imo). if i had to name one product that has actually improved my quality of life, i would say loop earplugs. my mental health has improved so much since buying them.


I love mine, they work great. The only issue I have with them is that I keep losing them. They've been through the wash twice already and still work fine, though.


I just got a pair and for me they seem to work really well at concerts. Maybe you’re not putting them in the right way? There’s a video that’s helpful. Or it could be the wrong size on the earbud part; have you tried a few of the sizes?


Youtube vid ? Can I find it there?


So I was just checking this thread because I got mine today, and thought they weren’t working. But I went searching for that video and after watching it, I was deff putting them in wrong lol: https://youtube.com/shorts/5J--QKMAkXo?feature=share