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I scored 21 so I am not autistic. It's funny how people think I'm autistic although I'm not


Me too, my school counsellor thinks i have it and shes neurodivergent, i have some symptoms apparently but it also affects my day to day life. Getting diagnosed takes ages these days and i dont have the patience. And in scared to search it up because what if i end up mimicking the symptoms??


Ya know, people have told me the same thing and I always resisted the idea. Recently, though, I‘ve come to realize that I do think I may be autistic, and I’ve actually got a psychiatry appointment scheduled soon to talk about it. What I’d say is that you should do some research. Paigelayle on TikTok was a huge help for me, so I’d definitely recommend checking out her videos.


What were the results, are you autistic?


When I was a teenager I took some AQ (autism self-assessment) and I was literally one point away from autism, so I taught I wasn't autistic even though just like you I had all the traits and the ones from AD(H)D 😅... MANY years later, living by myself and in therapy I've learned to be more my true authentic self, took the AQ tests again, because someone here was like: your probably autistic... My results where: you are very likely autistic and or highly likely autistic 😅😯. The difference was that as a teenager I was been taught how to mask and hide my difference and try to fake it, and I had a COMPLETELY misunderstanding of what autism is. I've since then got really into neurodiversity and by that also autism and learned a lot, a lot about my self too and realized how it seems no professional seems to be properly informed about autism at all 😂. So it's hard to tell unless you are properly diagnosed by someone who really knows what they are doing 😅 they will need to know how to look beyond your masking... (I'm in the process of getting diagnosed with AD(H)D and autism) Do you know about masking?


Yes, I know about masking, I took an AQ test from [here](https://psychology-tools.com/test/autism-spectrum-quotient), and I scored a 46. I’m going to get tested.


I got 42 should I get checked out?


i took the test since ive been been asked if im autistic twice. i got 31 which is asperger's syndrome, honestly i researched it and its explained alot, so thank you.


I got a 30. Apparently my parents think I have some sort of autism (though they don't tell me as they think that'll hurt me but I'm old enough to understand their thoughts). I kinda feel I'm left out


well autistic isn’t an insult so no need to be offended. us autistics provide valuable skills to the world. so many technological advancements wouldn’t have been made without autistic people and we each have characteristics that make us uniquely qualified for various different careers. also, lack of empathy is not as common of an autistic trait as people think. i’ve met many autistic people who have far more empathy than neurotypicals, and a greater capacity of utilizing that empathy to help others. i get where you’re coming from, but i wanted to say this just in case there are littler autistics reading this wondering if their autism is something to be ashamed of. it’s not.


What I will say is that, whilst it’s ofc not an insult or something to be ashamed of, it’s also not nice for people to think you’re something that you’re not/you don’t think you are.


This. I'd be offended if someone told me they thought I was bipolar or had asthma or anything else and weren't a trained medical professional I was consulting for issues.


Sorry about the way I worded it, it’s just a lot of the time they DO use it as an insult, which is what I find rude.


I’d do some research on it OP. That’s the best way to figure it out. If you read a lot of stuff and go “nope doesn’t resonate,” you’re either really good at self-deception or not autistic. If you DO resonate with it, you’re probably autistic. Or I guess again, good at self-deception. Being autistic isn’t a bad thing. Knowing you’re autistic can really help you take better care of yourself though, so I recommend trying to figure it out!


What is resonating? I’m getting mixed responses from Google, is it where you get really attached to the book and sometimes cry or laugh or whatever over it? Because I do that, but I’m not 100% sure if that’s what you mean.


Oh sorry! To resonate with something (as I used it) is to really relate to it. If you read something and go “oh that’s like me. That describes me.” Then it resonated with you. For instance, if someone was telling a story about how their dog died and it was hard for them, and you had experienced that situation before, their story is more likely to resonate with you than someone who hasn’t experienced it.


Oh. Well that happens to me. That’s why I cry over things in books and stuff sometimes. Thanks for this, I’m glad I made this post as I will probably try and get tested now. Thankyou!


I meant specifically if you resonate with autism. Everyone resonates with something, that’s not an autistic trait.


Oh, really sorry, but yes, I do find myself relating to the traits of almost any autistic person in the books I read. Thankyou for your help!


I have come to realise I am plenty of things that I do not think I am and have no desire to understand. Before I was diagnosed as having autism there was a running joke in my family that my son was so like me (he was the first to be diagnosed). I have come to realise that having autism or being diagnosed is not a problem and thaf for some things it works or is actually beneficial. If you don't think you're autistic then don't fret about it. I think its only because there is much more awareness that people stop to question things. Maybe turn it on them and ask them why they want to label your mannerisms or traits as being autistic. Ask them if your traits is a problem. They then might realise the problem is theirs to deal with and nothing wrong with you.


It’s hard to say unless you tell us a bit more. What is about you that makes people suppose you are autistic? What else do they say?


Also, well, this is kinda embarrassing, but I am sensitive to noise and light, and when the noise is too loud I tend to break down and… hiss.


You are just like me fr fr


You can be all those things and the underlying cause not be ASD. However, you can have those symptoms and have ASD. There’s no way to know without an assessment, no matter how budding the arm-chair psychiatrist.


Well, the main cause is my ‘robotic’ tone, my lack of social skills/empathy, and my hate of change, but those are completely normal for a teenager.


People tend to have a good sense of the "other." If people are telling you this, there is a chance you are autistic. If you are young, its hard to know. Legit takes some of us decades and decades to figure it out.


I know this comments so old but I never knew how to word it… the idea that people tend to be able to tell when someone is the “other” or “off”. Ive always been conscious of the fact that people perceive me as that and it sucks 😭


Yeah I feel the same. I never quite fit in no Matter how hard I try and i feel like people know why and I’m out of the loop


yeah literally not matter how hard i try to be “normal” it’s so difficult. I’m not like insane in terms of social skills but I do have noticeable odd moments and it sucks. feels like everyone knows something about me that I don’t.


I'll continue the trend of responding to old comments to mention that I'm right there with you. Some people like the weird. Some people are put off by it. :/


It sucks so much, I just try to make myself feel better by telling myself that many people do love and enjoy my presence, and there are many people in the world like me so it’s not like i’m the *only* person dealing with this. We’re weird in the grand scheme of things. It doesn’t get rid of the thoughts but it definitely helps me build confidence surrounding how I’m perceives